The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

I really like this write in, I like the made lore about tattooin and all that stuff, it makes the thematic sense with how we've been narrating as Anakin so far. It feels right.

[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker
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Adding that to my vote

[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker

[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
[X] Turn on your flashlight, and look for crystal. It's why you're here, is it not?
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[X] Mediate on the question. What does it Truly mean to be a Jedi?
[X] Meditate on who you are, and who you wish to be.
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
My instinct would be to embrace the multitude of possibilities, since all of that, everything that can be, is Anakin. He earned having all those possibilities before him. I would look for ways to spread that.

But choosing a set path to walk is probably wiser quest wise. My suggestion is vague and puts more weight on the quest master XD

That was basically my suggestion, but I don't think anyone has been particularly interested.

The future contains innumerable multiudes and can not be meaningfully predicted.

But you are not writing a future from the innumerable multiudes.
You are writing what you choose to write.

And speaking for myself, I'd like to not worry if 'Anakin does [dark side]' in turn 11 as opposed to turn holding off and doing it in turn 12 means that we get two Aladerrans instead of one.

...Playing this feels like trying to optimise his entire life as a whole via picking the 'correct' option each turn; trying to balance each choice against unknowable future challenges, rather than taking one step at a time.

I think part of the problem might be looking at this like a foundation question, where you're trying to optimize numbers and there might be clearly right and wrong paths. Picking the right time to let off steam isn't about there being one or two Aldarans at some point in the distant future, it's about whether or not blowing up at a senator is a good idea or, at least, one you can get away with. The narrative chain between now and then isn't that straight forward, nor is determining what is good and what is bad. Sometimes a "bad choice" might lead us to a better future, if only for the journey it forces us to take.
[X] Look down and pluck a prismatic crystal from the path. You've found what you came for.
-[x] Take the Fools Step into the darkness and return home.
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker.
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it's about whether or not blowing up at a senator is a good idea or, at least, one you can get away with. The narrative chain between now and then isn't that straight forward, nor is determining what is good and what is bad. Sometimes a "bad choice" might lead us to a better future, if only for the journey it forces us to take.
And trying to find that path to a 'better future' feels shit, becuse I know if I pick good now, I'll have to 'sacrifice' a good immidate outcome by picking bad later, lest worse happen even later on than that.

If you are correct, then maybe this quest's format ain't for me.
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker
And trying to find that path to a 'better future' feels shit, becuse I know if I pick good now, I'll have to 'sacrifice' a good immidate outcome by picking bad later, lest worse happen even later on than that.

If you are correct, then maybe this quest's format ain't for me.

I don't think outbursts and letting off stress are necessarily "bad". They can be, depending on the setting and context, but they can also be the right thing at the right time or just not a big deal.
And trying to find that path to a 'better future' feels shit, becuse I know if I pick good now, I'll have to 'sacrifice' a good immidate outcome by picking bad later, lest worse happen even later on than that.

If you are correct, then maybe this quest's format ain't for me.
It's only a problem if your only enjoyment of the quest is trying to make optimal choices long term to "win". That can be a fun activity in quests with a lot of mechanics, but this is not one of those. This is a quest about following a damaged and brilliant young man through a formative part of his life and making choices moment to moment and dealing with the consequences of those choices. I like to see thread protagonists succeed and be happy as much as the next person but it's been quite clearly stated, repeatedly, that this is not the kind of story where you can win every external and internal conflict by making optimal choices and knowing all possible consequences. It's a story where you can go with the flow and adjust as you see where our choices take us. If that lack of control stresses you out then I guess it isn't a thread for you, but personally, I find it a lot less worrisome than a quest where I feel responsible for making optimal choices and drama is only ever injected by outcomes not matching intent.
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker

This is a baller write in, I think it would make a very interesting Anakin Skywalker.
Lisan Al Gaib Anakin should lead his people to paradise.


Though to be serious, he would make for a great Muad'dib-like figure. Hopefully to better ends than what Paul ended up on. A galactic war would not be a pretty thing in either case, but maybe Anakin will not to darkness.

Speaking of Dune, Tatooine is just Arrakis but without Spice and giant Sandworms. They've got Krayt Dragons instead, I suppose. Maybe Anakin will ride one to battle one day.
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[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.
-[X]Tatooine was free once, before the first Depur came. You don't know who it was, you cannot know, but from the first Depur came the first slave, and from the first slave came Ekkreth. This is a story older than bone, older than blood, older than stone. Look, listen, hear the wind for it remembers where you can't. You are free now, freer than you've ever been, but that comes with a price. To be free is to be Ekkreth, to be her eyes, her hands, her mouth, her kindness, her teeth. You cannot kill the Depurs, not all of them. They are cruelty and malice, indulgence and apathy. So long as there are chains there are Depurs, but so long as there are Depurs there is Ekkreth.
-[X] Look, see the broken chains around you. The chain of Tatooine, who's last link you hold as a reminder. The chain of the Depur, broken with pain and steel, in the old way, in the only way. The chain of your fury, nebulous and unforged, but waiting for the fires to smelt it. You are free, freer than you've ever been, but Tatooine was free once. The chains are still there, as are the Depurs, and they hunger for you, for you are Ekkreth.
-[X] Listen, listen, for the Depurs want you deaf. Look deeply and without bias, for the Depurs want you blind. Be gentle and kind, for the Depurs want you cruel. Learn, for the Depurs want you stupid. Talk, for the Depur wants you silent. Love truely for the Depurs would twist even that into a chain.
-[X] No matter where you go, you will be of Ekkreth, for she was cunning and full of tricks. Not matter how you rise you will be of Ekkreth for she was there when you had nothing. No matter how you stumble you will be of Ekkreth for she loves you still.
-[X] Find your blade Sky-Walker.