The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

[X] Reflect on the path you've taken, and the one that is to come.
[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.
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I think I kinda get that?

As I understand it, it's about what we're willing to give into temptation for. Like, is what we get out of giving into temptation worth doing it? Or is keeping our stress bottled up and risking deeper temptation later an acceptable price instead?

I personally just didn't think this was worth it in comparison to, say, the council.

I think the other component that's probably important is how you give into temptation. There's a pretty big difference between yelling at what is supposed to be a wise council because they're being hypocrites and need to remove their heads from their collective cloaca and trying to start a fight with a warlord when you went there to try and stop a masacre.

One situation required shocking a group of geezers out of their complacency, since they already want to do the right thing, and the other requires de-scalation. Giving listening to, and following, your emotions helps with the former and not with the latter. If we can figure out the difference between those two types of situations, we'll be doing a lot better than the Sith, who seem to always give in, and the Jedi, who have trouble realizing when they should.

They love and support slavery, they will destroy slavery with non violence and zen (they won't)

No. I'm pretty sure the issue is bombing civilian centers is unlike to help with your slavery situation. This conversation actually reminds me of a youtube video that looked at the use of Orbital Lasers in media and how they're often presented as the kind of overwhelming firepower that's meant to end all wars and then promptly deconstructed, because that concept is nonsense and you don't achieve piece by building better weapons. Funnily enough, Star Wars is one of the prime examples of this. The Death Star was meant to secure the Empire's enteral dominance and I think we all know how well that went for old Sheev.
[X] Reflect on the path you've taken, and the one that is to come.
[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.
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[X] Reflect on the path you've taken, and the one that is to come.
[X] Remember the stories of your mother and look back, back, and further still.

Edit: added votes
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[:V ] There's gotta be a crystal in here somewhere, right?
I really am tempted to say this, but unironically... I think though that this will be unnecessarily casting aside the power and possibility the Force can grant. So:

[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.

But, as an alternate vote (I think we can do approval voting):
[X] Turn on your flashlight, and look for crystal. It's why you're here, is it not?
…..well that went better than expected, though I suspect the Republic will do its level best to let us and Grievous down.


[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.

[X] Look upon the infinite possibility of Anakin Skywalker and know the finite truth of your present self.
[X] Turn on your flashlight, and look for crystal. It's why you're here, is it not?

I don't know why, but I like this one a lot. It's just very... clean?

[X] You mediate on droids, their sapience, and their connection to the Force

This one is just interesting.
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Considering what the voices said.

[X] Mediate on the question. What does it Truly mean to be a Jedi?
But... do we care? We're not here to be Jedi, not really - we're here because Jedi are supposed to be "the good guys". If we meditate and realize that Jedi are not the good guys, or otherwise that Jedi have something different than what we want to be doing... does that help us overmuch?

To be clear, I'm not saying to ignore Jedi teachings on morality and duty and such. I'm just saying that I don't believe "be a good Jedi" has or will ever be our core motivation. It's just a side effect.
[X] Look down and pluck a prismatic crystal from the path. You've found what you came for.
-[x] Take the Fools Step into the darkness and return home.

Hmm. I feel like that needs some refinement. Here's what I'm going for: If the path is the light of your present being split into the myriad paths that lead to potential futures, rather than trying to pick one now, before you've walked at all, you're taking the prism that's splitting them in the first place.

To expand on that, the idea is to build our lightsaber from possibility and the ability to choose our path, rather than a single destination, that may or may not be what we truly want.

"That path is meant for—never mind." The way he cuts himself off, it sounds as if he thought better of telling you whatever he was about to share. "Good job opening the way. Let's move forward."

Again, for someone who's not in the know, who is that path actually meant for?
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But... do we care? We're not here to be Jedi, not really - we're here because Jedi are supposed to be "the good guys". If we meditate and realize that Jedi are not the good guys, or otherwise that Jedi have something different than what we want to be doing... does that help us overmuch?

To be clear, I'm not saying to ignore Jedi teachings on morality and duty and such. I'm just saying that I don't believe "be a good Jedi" has or will ever be our core motivation. It's just a side effect.
It isn't as much about others as it is about Anakin. It's him finding out what kind of "Jedi" HE wants to be. Not just what others tell him he should be. Because if he just lives his life according to what others want, then how is that different than being a slave?
[X] You imagine a kinder, fairer world. Among the threads and voices in the darkness, see if you can find a path to it.

Also, for fun.

[X] You mediate on droids, their sapience, and their connection to the Force
[X] Let go, let the Force wash away everything.
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