[X] Do that thing. The one where you summon a magical circle of musical notes, and jump towards her!: o3o, Cornix Argentus

Writing now, and...

Black Tornado defeated
You have Lorelai go into a nosedive, and jump, summoning a magic circle of musical notes. You launch yourself at Kyouko, and as the wind tears at your body, you get closer... closer... and you reach, grabbing her hand. The tornado then begins to feel fortified, as if some force is making it stronger, and it feels sharper and sharper, until your hand is sliced off by the wind. You heal your hand, but it's too late- Kyouko has vanished into the twister.

Kyouko's bird and Lorelai are both thrown backwards, and you go flying as your vision goes spotty. You hear the same voice that signaled the arrival of the tornado. Saying the same thing. And with that, you black out.

You are now dreaming.
"Sayaka..." you hear. You can hear a spiritual voice, and as you fall through darkness, you can see a flying spirit dressed in purple and blue.

"W-Who are you?" you say, your mouth feeling dry.

"Sayaka, I am waiting for you," the spirit says, ignoring your question; like if she had been programmed to only say those words. She approaches you even closer, and you can see that she resembles a human, but with blue skin. "You shall play a large role in the destiny of the land that the people of Skyloft call the surface. The time has come for you to awaken. You are vital to a mission of great importance. You may not understand yet, but all will be revealed when the Goddess deems so. Sayaka..." You try to say something, but you then see the black abyss turn the blue of Oktavia's labyrinth.

"I know, Sayaka... It sucks to be alone. Believe me, I know." You now hear Kyouko. "But it's OK now. Cause I'm here with you... Sayaka." It's Kyouko right before her kamikaze attack. Not the one with amnesia.

And then you see her kissing her hairpin, pointing a giant spear at Oktavia. The hairpin shatters, and the spear explodes, catching both Kyouko and Oktavia in the explosion. The explosion engulfs your dream self, and...
You wake up.
You are now in a bedroom, where a man with white hair looks over at you. "Oh, you're awake!" he says. "I was worried when Kyouko's Loftwing brought you back with a weak pulse," he tells you. "I'll return later, when you're ready to leave bed." The man walks towards the door. "Rest, Sayaka," he adds. "And don't worry. Kyouko will be here when you wake up." He then leaves the room. Right when he leaves, you check your Soul Gem.
Over a quarter of your Soul Gem is dark. If you use any more magic after this, you'll need a grief seed soon. And then you hear a voice. "Dominam," the voice says. It sounds just like the voice in your dream. "Dominam, your time has come..." You get out of bed and open the door, where the figure from your dream floats elegantly in the hallway.

"Follow me, Dominam," she says quietly. "It is time."

[] Follow the spirit
[] Write-in

OOC: Yeah, there's still game dialogue. And Dominam is Latin for "mistress".

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Oh, Kyouko's taking Link's place. Sorta a case of role reversal. Would either of these seem like the kind to be held hostage and stay as a hostage?

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Ah, so we're both link. Hm... Wonder who Zelda will be.
As for voting... Isn't there only one option anyway?
To be fair, Skyward Sword Zelda actually does a decent amount of stuff on her own, like most incarnations of Zelda.

I think the last time Zelda was a plain damsel in distress was maybe in Minish Cap (although I've seen an argument made for Twilight Princess, but those are some...unique circumstances), and before that Link to the Past. In just about every other Zelda game I can think of off the top of my head where she appears, she's at least doing something.

I do think, however, that Kyoko will be hilariously unfitting for the role Zelda is asked to play in Skyward Sword, and that she's going to chafe with Impa. A lot.

[x] Follow her.

What choice do we have?
Canon Omake: Kyouko arrives on the surface
Kyouko stirred, feeling cold stone beneath her. She got on her feet and looked around, seeing that she was inside an old stone temple. "You've awoken," she heard. Kyouko turned around to see an elderly woman.
Her skin was a dark tan, and she wore a red cloak. Kyouko could see tribal jewelry and markings covering their body and skin. A harp laid on the ground beside her. "I saved you from the savage monsters that tried attacking you while you were unconscious," she explained. "I am Impaz. I am the priestess that has stayed in this temple for many years."


"Kyouko Sakura," Impaz cut in. "I know you aren't native to the land above the clouds." She then pulled a harp out of her robes.

"H-How do you know all this?" Kyouko asked.

"Because I am a messenger of the gods," Impaz said. "As the Spirited One, you must go to Skyview Temple, past Faron Woods. It lies in the depths of the Lost Woods, the domain of the Skull Children."

"Do I need to? 'cause I'm just wanting to get back to Skyloft," Kyouko told Impaz.

"Do you want to know who you really are?"

"I know who I am! I'm Kyouko Sakura, a knight of Skyloft and a magical girl!"

A small smile appeared on Impaz's face. "You're already beginning to remember," she simply said. "If you want to get the rest of your memory back, go to Skyview Temple."

"Hmph," Kyouko snarled at Impaz, glaring at her. "Well then, if I go there, I can find out where the fuck my Soul Gem went!" And then Kyouko began her trip to Skyview Temple.

OOC: Kyouko was soon dubbed by the Kikwis as "Scary Girl."
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Will tally votes at 9 PM EST.

Also, there's a bonus boss that can be unlocked. One that in my opinion, is even more brutal than the Aokigahara superwitch Moid talked about in SayakaQuest.
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[X] Follow the Spirit

Not like we've much else we can do. Maybe she can tell us some of what's going on.Ahahaha.... Yeah, like Sayaka's that lucky.
Follow Fi
You move towards the figure, and she glides away. You run after her down the hallway, and she goes through the door leading outside. As she goes through, you open the double doors and are exposed to the night air of the island with the town on it. You scan your surroundings, and see bats, strange teal blobs, and OH GOD IS THAT A DEMON CAT

The spirit is out here, and she backs away when you approach her. "Dominam," she repeats. "You must follow me." She continues floating away from you and up some wooden stairs, to where the statue of that woman was that you saw in the distance. Your walk soon turns into a jog, and you transform, just in case.

When you reach the top of the stairs, the spirit raises her winglike arms at the bars which block the entrance to what seems to be a courtyard. The bars glow purple, and they vanish. "So she can use magic?" you say to yourself as you follow her.

"We must continue, Dominam," the spirit says, gliding across the courtyard to the foot of the statue. You run in after her, and when you reach the base of the statue, it glows a brilliant purple, and an arch shape chunk of stone on the statue crumbles away, revealing a passageway. The spirit then flies in.


[] Enter the statue
--> [] Ask the spirit questions.
---> [] Write-in questions
[] Heal before entering the statue.
[] Write-in

Gah, I know that we first have to go to the plot of the game first, but everything I have planned that's different so far doesn't come into play until the surface. Also, I use Latin for Ancient Hylian.​
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[q] Attempt suicide via cliff jump. Life isn't worth living without Kyoko
-[q] Get saved by lorelei

[x] Enter the statue
Will count votes at noon EST. The brutal superboss I mentioned earlier is Majora. And I've buffed him to make him way worse than in canon.
Enter the statue: Mecha-Tsundere87, Skarmory

The prologue's gonna finish soon. Writing.

Prepare to Fi.
Inside the Statue
"Dominam, your time has come," the spirit girl calls out to you as you enter the inside of the statue. "I have been waiting for this day, the day that I shall guide you." You look around for the spirit's presence, but you can't find her in the room.

The ceiling of the room can't be seen, but you can see that it is held up by six pillars decorated with triangles. You see a crest on the other side of the room, which looks eerily similar to the crest on the Hylian Shield, when you played Ocarina of Time. In front of it, only a few feet away from you, stands an ancient pedestal with a sword planted deep inside. The hilt of it is dyed a deep blue. You begin theorizing... nah, probably just a coincidence.

"What the hell does Dominam mean? And where are you?" you call out.

Silence. Then you hear the spirit's voice. "There is a 98% chance that you have not learnt much of the deep roots in Ancient Hylian speech," the spirit tells you. Oh, god... "The word Dominam comes from the Ancient Hylian term for 'mistress' or can be used as the term for go-" She cuts herself off. "I apologize for the mistake," she corrects herself. "The term is most commonly translated as 'mistress'."

But the spirit's voice drowns itself out by your thoughts. Your suspicions when you saw the crest were right. You're not in the skies above Japan, nor anywhere else near Mitakihara.

You're in Hyrule.


[] Panic
[] Stay calm
[] Write-in
[] Spiral. (May lead to Oktavia)
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[x] "What happens if I run out of hearts?"

We have meta knowledge on the Zelda universe at the very least, let's use it.
Timeline Sayaka and Kyouko are from
The timeline Sayaka and Kyouko came from is not the canon timeline.

First off, Mami survives the fight with Charlotte. Sayaka's story arc is largely the same, with Kyouko getting caught in the explosion that kills her and Oktavia. Mami arrives on the scene, only for Kyubey to witchbomb her, causing her to begin to spiral. When Walpurgisnacht arrives, Homura and Mami are the only ones left, until Mami goes Tetris on Homura, witching out mid-Tetris. Candeloro fights Walpurgis, and is soon absorbed into it. Madoka then contracts, her wish being that even though Sayaka, Kyouko, and Mami are dead, they would find peace. Her wish unintentionally revives them, with Sayaka and Kyouko ending up in Hyrule and Mami ending up in [SPOILERS]. Homura goes back in time not even before Madoka finishes saying her wish, and Madoka oneshots Walpurgis. She witches out soon after, Kyubey makes a huge profit, and Gretchen destroys the world.

So basically...

Madoka dreams about seeing Kyubey talk to her while Homura fights Walpurgisnacht
Homura transfers into Madoka's class
Madoka and Sayaka meet Mami, who saves them from the Anthonies
Madoka and Sayaka learn about megucas
Vs. Gertrud
Charlotte hatches
Mami battles Charlotte and defeats her
Sayaka contracts to heal Kyousuke's arm
Sayaka and Mami defeat H.N. Elly
Sayaka vs. Kyouko
Hitomi gives Sayaka 24 hours to confess
Kyouko tells Sayaka about her backstory
Sayaka defeats Elsa Maria
Madoka talks with Kyubey at the fountain
Homura kills Kyubey for the second time
Homura yells at Madoka
Sayaka witches out
Homura witchbombs Kyouko
Kyubey witchbombs Madoka and tells her about Incubators
Madoka and Kyouko become friends
Kyouko vs. Oktavia von Seckendorff
Kyouko sacrifices herself to destroy Oktavia
Kyubey witchbombs Mami
Mami begins to spiral
Homura and the spiraling Mami get ready for the fight with Walpurgisnacht
Walpurgisnacht arrives
Mami goes Tetris
Mami witches out
Candeloro vs. Walpy
Kyubey fucks things up even more
Homura nopes out of the timeline
Madoka contracts
Madoka oneshots Walpurgisnacht and witches out
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Keep calm and carry on folks. Sayaka isn't one to panic. That's Mami's job.

[X] Stay Calm
[x] "What happens if I run out of hearts?"
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[X] Stay Calm: Mecha-Tsundere87
[x] "What happens if I run out of hearts?": Mecha-Tsundere87, Skarmory

Will write when I get the chance.