The Moon Way, while useful seems a better fit to the House of Haleth. Lets double down on our speciality instead.

Would combo very well will building our homes.
One could argue that "mastery of the surviving in the wild" means that a Wood Way fits them more. But honestly, both Ways fit both houses, I just want Moon more right now, and I think if our ability to learn those ways decays with each turn, we can better learn Forest from Doriath than Ithil from someone else.

Maybe if we were living in the forest. Except we're not, we are on a plain very lacking in forests.
While a nice thought, turns are not that long. Also, if we take an action to write down every single event like this, we will be taking it every turn.
Gee, I sure hope we'll get a relic every turn, even if it comes with a request for remembrance. And while turns are not that long, an year is an year. It's not very short, either.
I still think that Baran may be better suited to finding the Ents, with greater diplomacy, wisdom, and tracking and woodsmanship as far as mechanical bonuses.
I agree with Baran being better suited for finding the Ents.
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@Telamon Is it intentional that some members of Fingolfin's House are unmentioned? Namely Aredhel and Arakano (I forgot his Sindarin name, Argon or something), did they die already? And Turgon's family, since I'm pretty sure his daughter is alive.

On an unrelated note, it's somewhat amusing that Curufin is literally the only Feanorion with the Subterfudge skill, since Feanor himself doesn't strike me as the sort to be good at intrigue, drama queen that he is. Also, is Tyelperinquar not born yet?

These characters still exist, they just aren't Leaders. Baran and Belen have countless cousins and uncles and aunts and whatnot who, while fine enough on their own, just aren't counted as Leaders.
[X] Plan Baran Treefriend
-[x] Invite the dark-haired men to join you in Estolad, and swear themselves to the elves. (Increased relation with Finrod, some of the new men may share Estolad with you)
-[x] The Land Above The Rivers: The wide land called Thargelion is open and lush, and may well be home to some few of the ents. If any have settled in these open plains, it would likely be the Entwives, who value open land to plant and tend their great gardens. The Entwives, the Elves say, know the secrets of the growing things.
--[x] Baran
-[x] The Wood Way: In days gone by on the shores of the Sea of Rhun, the Quendi taught the oldest of your ancestors the art of speaking to the trees, and the Ents deepened their knowledge. They say that your fathers' fathers could induce the elm to grow, could persuade the yew to part with itself, and could make their homes amid the trees as the elves did. The elves know this way, and attribute it to the Valar Yavanna, who is mother of all growing things.
-[x] There are some among the Wise whose voices are deep and whose words cut the soul with their beauty. Their music is an echo of the First. (Chance of recruiting a bard leader)
--[x] Belen
-[x] The hunters have found a mighty boar that rampages through the forests, and has already slain two men. You declare a Great Hunt to find and kill the boar, promising that the man who slays it will be rewarded with extra food and a celebration in his honor. (Requires two months of food)
--[x] Halbeth
-[x] The skilled hunters among your tribe are few. You send the most skilled to train the rest in tracking and stalking their prey. (Chance of increased hunter effectiveness)
--[x] Baran
-[x] You begin the construction of small, temporary homes to shelter your people. Little more than hovels of mud and wood, they are still more than you have ever known.
--[x] Request Elven Aid (may owe the elves)
You give extra rations to the women and children, increasing the growth of the clan. (Requires an extra month of food)
More elves have followed Finrod, seeking to interact with these new men and trade with you. You order the women of the House to make a concerted effort to sew and weave more embroideries and trinkets that they might wish to trade for.

This is my low effort plan (basically copied from @agumentic and @Enerael). Only switching Baran and Halbeth for the Ent action. Instead I send Halbeth on the Hunt for the Boar where her +10 to Tracking should apply.
While it might also make sense to send Baran after the boar to boost his Hunter Legend. I worry that having Curwen train the other, much older, hunters, could lead to some negative modifiers.

[X] Plan Too Late To Gain Supporters
[X] Deep Roots are not touched by the frost
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I still think that Baran may be better suited to finding the Ents, with greater diplomacy, wisdom, and tracking and woodsmanship as far as mechanical bonuses.
Halbeth actually has higher tracking than Baran, and +30 to the tracking roll over him. And Tracking sounds like the most important stat for finding someone. Woodmanship wouldn't apply as much out of the woods on open plains where we are looking for the Entwives, Diplomacy doesn't have much to do with tracking, and Halbeth only 10 less to that roll anyway. So her only con is lower Wisdom, application of which to that action is also uncertain. Thought it does actually bring a question to mind - @Telamon, since Halbeth is described as "wise beyond her years", shouldn't she have Wisdom higher than 2?

And since we're searching for Entwives for magic, Halbeth having Magic 8 might be important.
Halbeth actually has higher tracking than Baran, and +30 to the tracking roll over him. And Tracking sounds like the most important stat for finding someone.
I admit I missed the thing with her burgeoning Legend giving her that bonus, but her bonus from tacking is equal to Baran's at 40+. Thus, she only has +10 over him in tracking, unless I'm missing something.

And we still have to convince them to help us.
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How interesting that Melian, Luthien, and Fingolfin have greater health than Morgoth.
That sounds like a mistake, considering that Melkor has two +2000 HP things in his sheet.
I admit I missed the thing with her burgeoning Legend giving her that bonus, but her bonus from tacking is equal to Baran's at 40+. Thus, she only has +10 over him in tracking, unless I'm missing something.
Baran, son of Bëor.
Tracking: 14 -- You are one of the mightiest huntsman among your people. (+40 modifier)
Halbeth, daughter of Barahir the Tall, called Bow-Maiden by the Elves.
Tracking: 15 -- Mighty of arm and great of bow, hailed for your skill by the Firstborn. (+60 modifer)
From Powers of Beleriand.
[X] Plan Of Ents and Men
-[x] Attempt to convince the dark-haired men to join your folk in Estolad and become members of the House of Beor. (Decreased Morale among the people, some of the new men may join you)
-[x] The Land Above The Rivers: The wide land called Thargelion is open and lush, and may well be home to some few of the ents. If any have settled in these open plains, it would likely be the Entwives, who value open land to plant and tend their great gardens. The Entwives, the Elves say, know the secrets of the growing things.
--[x] Baran
-[x] The Wood Way: In days gone by on the shores of the Sea of Rhun, the Quendi taught the oldest of your ancestors the art of speaking to the trees, and the Ents deepened their knowledge. They say that your fathers' fathers could induce the elm to grow, could persuade the yew to part with itself, and could make their homes amid the trees as the elves did. The elves know this way, and attribute it to the Valar Yavanna, who is mother of all growing things.
-[x] The Sun Way: It is a truth in your bones, that your ancestors have always known: the Enemy is weaker in the light of the sun. The ancient foe fears the sun and her children, the licking flame and the roaring fire. In days gone by, the greatest warriors of your people fought the orcs brandishing a burning blaze and shouting aloud that day, for all the Shadow might avail you, would come again. The elves know this way, and call it the Flame of Anor.
-[x] The hunters have found a mighty boar that rampages through the forests, and has already slain two men. You declare a Great Hunt to find and kill the boar, promising that the man who slays it will be rewarded with extra food and a celebration in his honor. (Requires two months of food)
--[x] Halbeth
-[x] The hunters are new-come to this new land, and request your permission to travel to it's bounds and edges to map out your new home.
--[x] Baran
-[x] You begin the construction of small, temporary homes to shelter your people. Little more than hovels of mud and wood, they are still more than you have ever known.
--[x] Request Elven Aid (may owe the elves)
You give extra rations to the elderly and the Wise, that the memory of where we have been does not fade before it can be passed on. (Requires an extra month of food)(Increase the influence of the Wise)
You increase the number of hunters out on the plains, that you might gather more food this year. (Hunters gather more food)(Increased Hunter influence)(The tribe is less defended)

Here's a plan that shares similar broad-strokes to the rest but differs in a few key areas. First off, I think that as the first and the smallest of the tribes of the Latecomers into Beleriand we should look to grow our own numbers so that we may be more secure in these dark times. The second tribe is nothing more than a number of small, scattered bands strewn about Ossiriand in secret camps without any leadership, so let Baran go out amongst the wilds and gather them so that they might join his house in this new, bountiful land. Ideally, once the House of Marach comes into Beleriand, we can convince them to settle with us due to our larger numbers.

Baran's legend started with him finding and saving a scattered group of our tribe thought lost to the perils of the wild, it should only grow if he repeats that feat with the second tribe, and then again further if he finds and entreats with the Entwives. Combining this with sending out the hunters to scout the lands around us should mean that he has a greater chance of success on both quests for finding the scattered second tribe and the Entwives.

If we manage to bring newcomers into the House of Beor, there is less immediate need to grow our numbers as fast as possible. This is why I've chosen to give extra food to the elders and the Wise, so that we can continue to benefit from the greatest strength of the House of Beor for longer yet. Along with that, sending more hunters afield to counterbalance the influence growth of the Wise and to help ensure our food stocks don't run too low is a reasonable course of action, as we should have some grace period to settle and the Sons of Feanor guard our northern border in strength.

Halebeth is the best tracker, and a fearsome bow-maiden besides, so her hunting down this monstrous boar is a suitable task for her that will also help grow her legend. She should have better chances because of the scouting that will take place throughout the land. Other than that, everything else is pretty straight forward, with Belen doing what he does best and honestly, who doesn't want a bard leader?
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