The Silmarillion Quest
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There was little peril in the lands and hills; and there new things, devised long ages before in the thought of Yavanna and sown as seed in the dark, came at last to their budding and their bloom. West, North, and South the children of Men spread and wandered, and their joy was the joy of the morning before the dew is dry, when every leaf is green. But the dawn is brief and the day full often belies its promise; and now time drew on to the great wars of the powers of the North, when Noldor and Sindar and Men strove against the hosts of Morgoth Bauglir, and went down in ruin.

Here is told the deeds of those days -- of the Noldor, and the Silmarils, and the mortals that became entangled in their fate.

Here is told the Silmarillion.
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The War of the Jewels


A corvid.

Three alone he made and kindled slow
in the land of the Valar long ago,
three only,
and in every one
the light that was before the sun

Long ago, before the Hobbit and his quest, before the One Ring was forged, before Gandalf ever walked the shores of Middle-Earth, there was another story, an older story. It is not a story with a happy ending. It is a tale of loss and war and death. It is a tale of fire and hubris and thunder, of wonder and woe in lands long forgotten.It is the a tale of an Age unremembered, of a continent lost to time and memory, of a war so great it shattered the world underfoot. This is a story of the Elder Days, and of their Fall. This is the tale of the War of the Jewels.

This is the Silmarillion.

This is an age of song and story, when gods walked the world in living flesh and the kings of yore did battle in starlit fields ere ever the sun rose above the earth. You will play as a great lord of either the Elder or the Younger races, and lead your people through the dim darkness of the First Age and the War of the Jewels.

The deeds you and your followers commit will be wrought into legend. You will forge artifacts of power untold, wage battles that will be immortalized in song, and embark on mighty quests of which your children's children shall speak. You will shape the very fate of Middle-Earth, and of the world.

The Year 0, of the First Age of the Sun.

Murder has come to the Undying Lands.

Finwe, High King of the Noldorin Elves, has been killed. The Two Trees of Valinor are slain, their heavenly light extinguished from the world. Melkor, the proudest and most powerful of the gods, has absconded with the Silmarils, the Jewels of living light, and even now works dark and wicked deeds in the north of the world. Feanor, Finwe's son, has sworn a terrible and binding Oath to exact vengeance for this theft, and leads a great army of his people to the strange continents to the east whence Melkor has fled -- that starlit land called Middle-Earth.

And in the eastern parts of that land, the Younger Races stir from sleep, awakening to a world tainted by Shadow and split by war, ere ever the Sun rose.

So begins the First Age.
Pick A Faction.

[X] The House of Bëor:

"...The Men of that house [of Bëor] were dark or brown of hair, with grey eyes; and of all Men they were most like to the Noldor and most loved by them; for they were eager of mind, cunning-handed, swift in understanding, long in memory, and they were moved sooner to pity than to laughter."

"...but they to their northern homeland rode,
dauntless and few, and there abode
unconquered still, defying fate,
pursued by Morgoth's sleepless hate.
Such deeds of daring there they wrought
that soon the hunters that them sought
at rumor of their coming fled."

You are Beor the Old, the eldest and the wisest among the race of men. To you and your kindred have been given wisdom and fortitude and strength of spirit unmatched among the Men of Elder days. You have led your people over the mountains of the East, fleeing the power of Morgoth the Enemy. Your race is young and inexperienced, ill-suited to the great wars which are soon to be waged. You must make friends with one of the great houses of the Elder Races and learn from them the arts of war and the forge -- and quickly, before the Shadow falls upon your people. But if you can find yourself a home and a land and arm yourself well, then Men might truly emerge as one of the greatest races of the Elder Days, for to you is given strength and passion and a will to power that even the elves know not, and to the House of Beor above all is given spirit and drive and strength of mind unmatched.

Leader Cap: 5

Starting Traits:

(Dynastic Trait) The House of Beor:
You are the wisest and most thoughtful of mortal men, and your heirs follow in your footsteps. Yours is a race of thinkers, of brave hearts and bolder minds, of Men with a will to power to rival the very elves themselves. Yours is a bloodline of heroes, touched by destiny and blessed by fate. From your noble line shall spring the Hope of All. (Leaders of your House start with minimum 5 Grace. At least one child of your House per generation will be a Seer or Ranger leader. Get a +2 to all Woodsmanship rolls, and a +5 to all Lore and Wisdom rolls. If reduced to a single living leader, you automatically begin the Lay of Leithian questline, which has a 3% chance to start per turn. Gives access to the unique Halfelven questline after a certain undisclosed amount of turns have passed.)

(Racial Trait) The Latecomers: Yours is the Race of Men, youngest and least skilled of all the Children of Illuvatar. You are but newly come to the world, and are easy prey to the corruptions of the Enemy. (Begin the game later than all other Races, and cannot spawn Smith leaders until you begin the Elf-Friend or Dwarf-Friend questlines. Reduced species-wide Grace.)

(Racial Trait) The Gift of Men: Yours is the blessing of death itself: frail mortality, the Doom and the Gift of Men. To men are given shorter life than all the other races, but to them also is given greater will, greater ambition and drive, and the power to change the world as the Elves and Dwarves never might. Your lives are short, yet burn all the brighter for it. (Leaders can only be active for roughly ten to twenty turns, and die easier than leaders of other races. Leaders of the Race of Men gain experience at a triple rate compared to other races, and get a +2 to all rolls. All leader generation rolls are rerolled, with the best roll being taken. All non-warfare and non-smithing rolls are rerolled.)

[] The Fëanorians:
"In that time was born in Eldamar, in the house of the King in Tirion upon the crown of Túna, the eldest of the sons of Finwë, and the most beloved. Curufinwë was his name, but by his mother he was called Fëanor, Spirit of Fire."

"Tears unnumbered ye shall shed; and the Valar will fence Valinor against you, and shut you out, so that not even the echo of your lamentation shall pass over the mountains. On the House of Fëanor the wrath of the Valar lieth from the West unto the uttermost East, and upon all that will follow them it shall be laid also. Their Oath shall drive them, and yet betray them, and ever snatch away the very treasures that they have sworn to pursue. To evil end shall all things turn that they begin well; and by treason of kin unto kin, and the fear of treason, shall this come to pass. The Dispossessed shall they be for ever..."

You are Fëanor, the Spirit of Fire, the most skilled and the fairest and the finest of all the Elves to ever draw breath upon the waking world. You are a smith unparalleled among mortals, a warrior without equal, an inventor and a crafter and a mage of might unmatched in this age or any other. Long ago, in fair Valinor, the land of the Valar, of the gods themselves, you forged three jewels of living light, creations of such beauty that even the gods envied them -- the Silmarils. Your Silmarils. They were stolen from you, by murder and treachery, and so you swore an Oath to get them back, no matter the cost or the repercussion. In fulfillment of this Oath, you have led your people, the Noldor Elves, here, to the shores of this strange land to the east, to this...Middle-Earth.

You will reclaim what is yours from He who has stolen it. You will wreak vengeance unspeakable on all who have wronged you. No Doom or Fate shall stand in your way. So sayeth Fëanor.

Starting Leader Cap: 8

Starting Traits:

(Personal Trait) The Spirit of Fire:
You are the finest of the elves of Elder Days, and to you is given skill and power above all others. But fire is volatile and violent, and above all unpredictable. (Begin with one Rank 8 Faction Leader, Fëanor, who has 18 Grace. He gains rerolls on all Crafting, Warfare, and Magic actions, and gain major bonuses to all creative actions. Get 2 extra free actions per turn. Fëanor will take one random action per turn out of player control.)

(Faction Trait) The Sons of Fëanor: Your sons have followed you into exile, and are loyal, skilled, and powerful elf-lords in their own right. But, like you, they are all hot-tempered and quick to action. (Start with six Rank 5 Warrior leaders and one Rank 7 Champion leader, all with 15 Grace, capable of creating and ruling Strongholds or Cities independently. Unlike other leaders, they make their own rolls independent of you, and may often take action without consulting you. While the Sons of Fëanor are all alive, you cannot recruit or spawn new leaders.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: Your people are the High Elves, who dwelt in the Undying Lands and learned the crafting arts under the Valar themselves, who have gazed upon the light of the Two Trees and beheld the towers of Tirion. (+5 bonus to all Morale rolls, +5 to all Crafting and Warfare rolls, +5 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all leaders are generated at Rank 2. -5 to all wisdom rolls.)

(Curse) The Oath of Feanor: You swore to reclaim the Silmarils at all odds and at any cost, from any foe. You swore on the gods themselves, on the One above and the earth below. It cannot be broken. It cannot be avoided. Even now, it drives you forward, burning at your soul. You have murdered your own kin to see it fulfilled. You will murder more if you must. If you fall, your sons will follow the Oath to the ends of the earth. (-10 to all diplomatic relations with other Elven factions, -2 Grace to all leaders, cannot claim the Kingship of the Noldor, and automatically declare war on any faction holding one of the Silmarils. If Fëanor dies, one of his sons will become Faction Leader. If Fëanor and all his sons are slain, the game ends. If any Elves gain a Silmaril and you learn of it, automatically begin the Second Kinslaying questline next turn.)

[] The House of Fingolfin:
"In that vast shadow once of yore
Fingolfin stood: his shield he bore
with field of heaven's blue and star
of crystal shining pale afar."

You are Fingolfin, the High King of the Noldor, the bravest and the boldest and the strongest of the sons of Finwe, quicker to counsel and fairer in judgement than your fiery brother. You have led the remainder of your people into exile alongside him, in a treacherous pilgrimage across the Helcaraxe, the Grinding Ice in the north of the world. You are a calmer head still, but make no mistake -- your heart burns with a vengeance imperishable. The Enemy murdered your father and brought death to Valinor. He stole the Silmarils and butchered the trees. You are the King of the Noldor, and your retribution will be terrible indeed.

You will see justice done. You will lead your people to triumph over the Enemy. You will unite all the Noldor under your banner, and see Doom defied. This you swear, in your own royal name, for you are Fingolfin, the High King of the Noldor in Middle-Earth.

Starting Leader Cap: 7

Starting Traits:

(Personal Trait) The High King:
You are the King of the Noldor and the mightiest of Finwe's sons in strength of arms. When your ire is raised, the Shadow in Angband trembles to behold it. You are the greatest and noblest of the Kings of the Eldar in Middle-Earth, and the Elf-Lords heed your word. (Begin with one Rank 8 Faction Leader, Fingolfin, who has 20 Grace. He gains rerolls on all Warfare and Combat actions, and gains major personal combat bonuses when his anger is aroused. Get 1 extra free action per turn. If the faction loses enough leaders and population, he may break from player control, temporarily gain 2 Ranks, and attempt to duel his most powerful current enemy. If Fingolfin dies, this trait will pass to his next living son.)

(Faction Trait) The Younger Houses: You lead not only your own House, but also the House of your brother, Finarfin, who has remained in Valinor with a portion of his people. Golden-haired and fair, the children of Finarfin are beautiful and bold warriors who are mighty in the Elder Magic. (Start with a Rank 7 Champion, Finrod Felagund, and a Rank 6 Seer, Galadriel.)

(Faction Trait) The Blessing of Ulmo: Ulmo the Vala, Lord of the Waters and the Seas, has a special liking for the House of Fingolfin and it's heirs. He guides your sons and shepherds your people to greater destinies still. (+5 to all Morale rolls in sight of water, and gain guidance from Ulmo towards certain choices which would best benefit your people. After twenty turns, begin the Hidden City questline.)

(Faction Trait) The Star of Fingolfin: Not only are you the High King, but your distance from your brother Feanor's hideous deeds means that the other elves offer you a degree of repentance, and those of your House are more well-liked among the people of Arda than the warlike and single-minded Feanorians. (+6 to all Diplomacy rolls, can assemble Alliances against Morgoth if you have positive relations with more than three factions)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: Your people are the High Elves, who dwelt in the Undying Lands and learned the crafting arts under the Valar themselves, who have gazed upon the light of the Two Trees and beheld the towers of Tirion. (Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +5 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +5 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all leaders are generated at Rank 2. -5 to all Wisdom rolls.)

[] The Sindar:
"Thus Thingol in his dolven hall
amid the Thousand Cavers tall
of Menegroth as king abode:
to him there led no mortal road.
Beside him sat his deathless queen,
fair Melian, and wove unseen
nets of enchantment round his throne,
and spells were laid on tree and stone:
sharp was his sword and high his helm,
the king of beech and oak and elm."

"...all these he had and counted small,
for dearer than all wealth in hall,
and fairer than are born to Men,
a daughter had he, Lúthien."

You are Elu Thingol, the Greycloak, High King of the Sindarin Elves in Middle-Earth. For centuries, you have ruled from the peaceful woodland realm of Doriath alongside your wife, Melian, fairest and mightiest of the Maiar in Middle-Earth. Protected by her power, Doriath has grown great in splendor and in might. But now the power of Morgoth has arrived to batter at the doors of your idyllic realm, and the Noldor have followed him across the sea, burning with wrath and bringing war in their wake. It will be all you can do to protect your land, your daughter, and your people against these new and powerful threats.

You will see your borders defended. You will see this scourge wiped from your land. You will see Doriath triumphant and your people safe. So swears Thingol Greymantle, the Elvenking of Beleriand, and his wife, the Lady Melian of Doriath.

Leader Cap: 6

Starting Traits:

(Personal Trait) The Elvenking and His Queen:
Long ago in the woods of Doriath when the world was young, an elven-king tarried long and lost his way. He found there wandering a beautiful maiden from beyond the Western Seas, a spirit of light and strength, and their love was great and mighty, one of the fairest of Elder Days. So long as he lives, she is his Lady and his Realm is hers. (Begin with one Rank 8 Faction Leader, Thingol, and one Rank 9 Faction Leader, Melian. As long as Thingol lives, Melian will remain in Doriath. )

(Faction Capital) The Woodland Realm of Doriath: The woods of Doriath the Fair are girded all about by the power and the strength of Melian it's Queen. While she lives, her immortal power protects the borders of Doriath, warding away all evil and holding back all but the most fell servants of Morgoth. (Gain Rank 6 Capital, Doriath, which is impregnable to attacks and cannot be penetrated by any whose strength is not equal to or greater than that of Melian. Should Thingol die, the Girdle will fall.)

(Racial Trait) The Sindar: Your people are the Grey Elves, who stayed behind, who never saw the light of the Trees or walked in the deathless lands. They are skilled in the ways of wood and hill, and are more in tune with nature. Under your tutelage and leadership, they have become a mighty race in their own right. (Leaders of your race have minimum 7 Grace. +5 bonus to all Woodsmanship and Tracking rolls, and +5 to all defensive Warfare rolls. Higher chance of producing Ranger or Champion leaders, and these leaders gain XP at an increased rate.)

(Faction Trait) The Marchwardens of Doriath: The golden eaves of the Fenced Realm are protected and guarded ever and always by the tireless and ageless Marchwardens, the finest and bravest soldiers among all the Sindar. They and their captains are elves of whom the songs will be sung in later days, and simply to be counted among their number is to enter into the annals of myth. (Begin the game with a Rank 6 Warrior leader, Mablung of the Heavy Hand, and a Rank 7 Ranger leader, Beleg the Bow. Gain an elite army unit called the Marchwardens, who have a chance of producing Rank 3+ Ranger and Champion leaders whenever you have a free leader slot.)

(Faction Trait) The Maiden of Doriath: In mighty Doriath there dwells a treasure greater than mortal tongue can tell, fairer than gold or ivory or pearls all, greater in form and shape and might than any of the Firstborn save Feanor. She is Lúthien, the princess of the Sindar and the fairest creature ever born upon Arda. In her is embodied both the might of the Eldar and the power of the Maiar, and Lúthien alone of the Firstborn might stand before Morgoth Bauglir and emerge if not victorious, alive. (Gain Rank 9 Seer leader, Luthien. She cannot leave Doriath until certain conditions have been triggered, but she is the most powerful Elven leader in the game. As long as Luthien is alive, gain a +3 to all Diplomatic actions. Once per turn after the arrival of the House of Beor, have a 3% chance of triggering the Lay of Leithian epic questline)

[] The House of Hador:
"...The Men of the Three Houses throve and multiplied, but greatest among them was the house of Hador Goldenhead, peer of Elven-lords. His people were of great strength and stature, ready in mind, bold and steadfast, quick to anger and to laughter, mighty among the Children of Ilúvatar in the youth of Mankind."

"...Last of all Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed; and it is sung that the axe smoked in the black blood of the troll-guard of Gothmog until it withered, and each time that he slew Húrin cried: 'Aurë entuluva! Day shall come again!' "

You are Hador Goldenhead, the finest and the strongest of the race of Men to dwell upon the face of Arda. You have led your newly awakened people out of the dim shadowed East, and delivered them from the clutches of Morgoth the Enemy. Your race is young and inexperienced, ill-suited to the great wars which are soon to be waged. You must make friends with one of the great houses of the Elder Races and learn from them the arts of war and the forge -- and quickly, before the Shadow falls upon your people. But if you can find yourself a home and a land and arm yourself well, then Men might truly emerge as one of the greatest races of the Elder Days, for to you is given strength and passion and a will to power that even the elves know not, and to the House of Hador above all is given a strength and stoutness of arm unmatched among mortal men.

Leader Cap: 5

Starting Traits:

(Dynastic Trait) The House of Hador:
You and your heirs are tall, strong, and mighty of arm, as close in appearance and manner to the elves as any among mortal men. Yours is a bloodline of warriors, of men given to battle and feats of daring. (All Leaders of your House start with minimum 7 Grace. At least one child of your House per generation will be a Champion or Warrior leader. Your bloodline gets a +10 to all Warfare, Combat, and Morale rolls, and a further +5 to Morale when outnumbered. If any Champion or Warrior in your faction reaches Rank 7, you automatically begin the Narn í Chín Húrin questline)

(Racial Trait) The Latecomers: Yours is the Race of Men, youngest and least skilled of all the Children of Illuvatar. You are but newly come to the world, and are easy prey to the corruptions of the Enemy. (Begin the game later than all other Races, and cannot spawn Smith leaders until you begin the Elf-Friend or Dwarf-Friend questlines. Reduced species-wide Grace.)

(Racial Trait) The Gift of Men: Yours is the blessing of death itself: frail mortality, the Doom and the Gift of Men. To men are given shorter life than all the other races, but to them also is given greater will, greater ambition and drive, and the power to change the world as the Elves and Dwarves never might. Your lives are short, yet burn all the brighter for it. (Leaders can only be active for roughly ten to twenty turns, and die easier than leaders of other races. Leaders of the Race of Men gain experience at a triple rate compared to other races, and get a +2 to all rolls. All leader generation rolls are rerolled, with the best roll being taken. All non-warfare and non-smithing rolls are rerolled.)

[] Durin's Folk:
"The world was young, the mountains green,
No stain yet on the Moon was seen,
No words were laid on stream or stone
When Durin woke and walked alone.

[...] Unwearied then were Durin's folk;
Beneath the mountains music woke:
The harpers harped, the minstrels sang,
And at the gates the trumpets rang."

You are Durin, the first of the Dwarves to wake beneath the Earth. Your people alone of all the races are not Children of Illuvatar, and thus have less grace than any other race. However, your stoutness, your strength, and your iron will more than makes up for it. You are the most skilled crafters in Middle-Earth, and to you has been given the strength of stone. Your people have woken at long last from their sleep beneath the world, and even now spread across the earth, delving the Mountains and building new homes for themselves. You must lead your people to a new safe haven -- either in the West, in the warring lands of the elves, or beneath the Earth, in caverns deep where even Morgoth cannot reach.

Leader Cap: 7

Starting Traits:

(Personal Trait) Durin the Deathless:
You are Durin, the Father of the Dwarves, the finest and the stoutest of the creations of Aule the Smith. In you burns a strength and a will beyond all of your people, and you are perhaps the mightiest of the dwarves who will ever live, then or now. (Begin the game with a Rank 7 Faction Leader, Durin, with 16 Grace. He gets rerolls on all Crafting, Exploration, Lore, and Diplomacy rolls, and a major bonus to all Crafting rolls.)

(Racial Trait) The Children of the Stone: You are the Dwarves, born deaf and dumb to the Music of the Ainur. You were not part of the Plan, and are not governed by Destiny or Doom. Your people are slow to learn and stubborn, but their skill is great and their strength indomitable. (Slower XP gain for all Dwarven leaders, greatly reduced Grace for all dwarven leaders, greater chance to spawn Smiths. All Smiths spawn at Rank 5 and get two extra crafting actions. +10 to defensive morale rolls, and +10 to all crafting rolls.)

[] The Shadow:
"And he descended upon Arda in power and majesty greater than any other of the Valar, as a mountain that wades in the sea and has its head above the clouds and is clad in ice and crowned with smoke and fire; and the light of the eyes of Melkor was like a flame that withers with heat and pierces with a deadly cold."

"Yet the lies that Melkor, the mighty and accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest days."

You are Melkor, called now Morgoth Bauglir, the Black Enemy of the World. You were born long ago in the Timeless Halls before the world, and you are the mightiest and the strongest of the creations of Eru Illuvatar, the One. To you was given a power above your brothers and sisters -- and is it not only right, then, that to you should fall dominion over this world, this Arda? That is how you began your fall, with such simple thoughts as these.


You hate. You hate so very much. You hate the trees and the stars and the sea and the sky and the earth and the air. You hate it because it is not yours, because it can never be yours. You hate their light. You hate their world. You will lie and smash and steal and destroy all that you must in order to see it undone. The mortals will come against you with strength of arms, but what care you for they?

You are Melkor the Great, called Morgoth by your enemies. You are the first Dark Lord and the Enemy of the World. You will see this wretched creation undone. You will spit in Illuvatar's face and become as unto a god yourself.

And if you cannot, then you will tear this vile world to its roots out of loathing and spite alone.

You swear it.

Leader Cap: 11

Starting Traits:

(Personal Trait) The Dark Lord:
You are Melkor. The Lord of Hate and Lies. The Vala of Fire and Death. The utter source of all hatred and suffering in Arda, then or now. You are Melkor, the Elder King, and Melkor is not evil. No. Melkor. (Start with Rank 10 Faction Leader, Melkor. If he is slain, the game ends. Gain rerolls on all Warfare, Subterfuge, or Intimidation actions. Cannot leave Angband, but can fill conquered lands with his essence, making it inhospitable to enemies and increasing the strength of faction leaders in Corrupted Lands, at the cost of personal strength. +10 to all interactions with all Evil characters, and +10 to Intimidation or Domination rolls against all mortals except elves and dwarves.)

(Faction Trait) The Servants of the Shadow: Your servants are unerring, and loyal in all their deeds. They do not scheme or plot to usurp you. Though many and mighty are the fell races assembled in service to Angband, they are united in fear and loyalty to the power of Morgoth. (All your armies gain a permanent buff to morale and strength while under the command of you or one of your lieutenants. Your leader cap is always higher than any other faction, allowing you to take more actions per turn than any other faction.)

(Faction Trait) The Lord of the Rings: Your mightiest servant and chief lieutenant is Sauron, who in before times was a Maiar named Mairon. He is a fell spirit of wicked strength and might that is equaled by few and surpassed only by yourself among the Shadow. Great are the works of his forge. (Start with Sauron, a Rank 9 Smith leader. He has three extra crafting actions per turn. Assigning Sauron to the Pits of Angband has a chance of spawning a Great Champion every five turns. Any Relic created by Sauron will be of Elite (Level 6) quality or greater.)

(Faction Capital) The Hells of Iron: Angband, the Iron Hells. A massive, titanic fortress dug deep beneath the Earth, a place of evil and power and hatred, a stain upon creation and a breeding pit of foul things. Mordor that will be in later Ages is but a pale reflection of the evil and the horror that dwells and will dwell in Angband, in the seat of Morgoth the Enemy. (Gain Rank 10 Faction Capital, Angband. Angband can contain essentially limitless forces, and produces a set amount of Orcs per turn. With work and effort, it can produce more races. Crafting actions are available in Angband which can create new monsters and spawn new leaders. Angband has a 5% chance to spawn a new leader every turn.)

The mechanics post will be forthcoming soon, but a primer for voting and decisions:

Leaders are powerful figures in your faction, people whose actions will echo in legend. The amount of leaders you have determines the amount of actions you can take per turn. Leaders themselves can take between one to six actions per turn depending on their Rank, and more depending on traits. Different leaders have different classes, each with their own bonuses and skills, and leader selection will be a valuable part of the game. Faction leader (s) only count towards the leader cap once, no matter how many of them there are.

Smith leaders can create Artifacts, weapons or items of power which give certain bonuses to the leaders who have them equipped. Artifacts have their own ranks and levels, and equipping leaders with Artifacts can make them more versatile and powerful.

Grace is a special stat I will take time to explain. Grace is the measure of the power of a being's spirit, and cannot be improved save by a few rare means. Creatures with the mightiest Grace are Valar, followed by Maiar, Elves, Men, and finally dwarves. High Grace correlates directly to XP gain, morale bonuses, to certain in-story choices, susceptibility to corruption or redemption, and to the health and strength modifiers of the leader in question. Grace is not everything -- a Man with low Grace can still become great through Artifacts, training, and hard work, but it will never come as easily as to an Elf who was born with high Grace.

Here ends the Silmarillion; and if it has passed from the high and the beautiful to darkness and ruin, that was of old the fate of Arda Marred.
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The Powers of Beleriand
The Powers of Beleriand
-The dominions and realms of the Children of Illuvatar in the First Age, and of the Dark Lord who is their Enemy --​

The House of Beor
Wisest and deepest in spirit of all the races of Men, quick to sorrow and slow to rage, fair in judgement and old of mind. The mightiest hunters of the Secondborn, and the first of the Latecomers to emerge in Beleriand.

At the first rising of the Sun the Younger Children of Ilúvatar awoke in the land of Hildórien in the eastward regions of Middle-earth; but the first Sun arose in the West, and the opening eyes of Men were turned towards it, and their feet as they wandered over the Earth for the most part strayed that way. The Atani they were named by the Eldar, the Second People; but they called them also Hildor, the Followers, and many other names: Apanónar, the After-born, Engwar, the Sickly, and Fírimar, the Mortals; and they named them the Usurpers, the Strangers, and the Inscrutable, the Self-cursed, the Heavy-handed, the Night-fearers, the Children of the Sun.
Faction Leader: Baran son of Beor son of Beregost
Population: 2,157
Dominion: The northern part of the lands called Estolad
Army: Some 600 hunters.

Baran, son of Bëor.
Health: 140/140
Class: Ranger
Rank: 5 (3 actions per turn)
Hale, young, and a woodsman of great skill, Baran is your heir and the mightiest of the hunters of your house.

6 -- There is a spark in you, but it is dim. (+5 to all Morale rolls, +10 Health)
5 -- You have led your people in some few struggles, but nothing of note. (No Modifier).
Combat: 14 -- You are one of the finest warriors among the race of Men. (+40 modifier)
11 -- You are strong indeed among the children of Mankind. (+40 modifier)
9 -- You are well-spoken and fair of voice. (+30 modifier)
4 -- You do not heed oft the words of the Wise, choosing instead to hunt in the fields. (-20 modifier)
8 -- There is a certain intuition in your soul. (+20 Modifier)
: N/A -- Your people are vagabonds and wanderers, and cannot make works of beauty.
Magic: 2 -- There is an old magic among your people, the stuff of woodlands and fens, but you are not learned in it. (-40 modifier)
18 -- Your people are masters of the wood and the hill, and of the wild places of earth. (+90 modifer)
14 -- You are one of the mightiest huntsman among your people. (+40 modifier)

The House of Beor:
You are the wisest and most thoughtful of mortal men, and your heirs follow in your footsteps. Yours is a race of thinkers, of brave hearts and bolder minds, of Men with a will to power to rival the very elves themselves. Yours is a bloodline of heroes, touched by destiny and blessed by fate. From your noble line shall spring the Hope of All. (Leaders of your House start with minimum 5 Grace. At least one child of your House per generation will be a Seer or Ranger leader. Get a +2 to all Woodsmanship rolls, and a +5 to all Lore and Wisdom rolls. If reduced to a single living leader, you automatically begin the Lay of Leithian questline, which has a 3% chance to start per turn. Gives access to the unique Halfelven questline after a certain undisclosed amount of turns have passed.)

(Hunter Legend) Baran of the Deep Wood: Your skill as a woodsman is exemplary among the children of Men. It may well be the stuff of stories. (6/10 to Rank I)
Belen, son of Bëor.
Health: 100/100
Rank: 3 (1 action per turn)
Though young, inexperienced, and barely a man, your son Belen has emerged as one of the foremost of the Wise of your clan, the peer of men decades his elder.

9 -- A flame imperishable is kindled in thy heart. (+10 to all Morale rolls, +40 health, gain slightly increased XP)
1 -- You have never led men into war, and know nothing of battle. (-100 Modifier).
Combat: -- You are capable of fighting, but have no skill for it. (No modifier)
6 -- You are not particularly strong of arm. (No modifier)
8 -- You are well-spoken and fair of voice. (+20 modifier)
15 -- You are the mightiest of the loremasters of your folk. (+60 modifier)
12 -- You are wise in thought, for one so young. (+40 Modifier)
: N/A -- Your people are vagabonds and wanderers, and cannot make works of beauty.
Magic: 8 -- There is an old magic among your people, the stuff of woodlands and fens. You know of it. (+20 modifier)
10 -- You are at home among the hills. (+40 modifer)
8 -- You know something of the hunter's art. (+20 modifer)

The House of Beor:
You are the wisest and most thoughtful of mortal men, and your heirs follow in your footsteps. Yours is a race of thinkers, of brave hearts and bolder minds, of Men with a will to power to rival the very elves themselves. Yours is a bloodline of heroes, touched by destiny and blessed by fate. From your noble line shall spring the Hope of All. (Leaders of your House start with minimum 5 Grace. At least one child of your House per generation will be a Seer or Ranger leader. Get a +2 to all Woodsmanship rolls, and a +5 to all Lore and Wisdom rolls. If reduced to a single living leader, you automatically begin the Lay of Leithian questline, which has a 3% chance to start per turn. Gives access to the unique Halfelven questline after a certain undisclosed amount of turns have passed.)

The Sight: This character, through some strange quirk of their lineage, dreams of things yet to come, and of what might be, or what will be, in years yet come. The Shadow weighs heavy on the hearts of such dreamers, and they are not long for Man's world. (This character gets re-rolls on one failed roll a turn, and gets +10 boosts to all Combat, Woodsmanship, and Magic rolls. Reduced health and increased susceptibility to illness.)
Halbeth, daughter of Barahir the Tall, called Bow-Maiden by the Elves.
Health: 100/100
Rank: 3 (1 action per turn)
Young, strong, and skilled beyond her years, with an elvish grace that fills her days. The Bow-Maiden is loved by your people.

12 --There is a glorious fire within you that is not easily quenched. (+40 to all Morale rolls, Gain XP at a x1.5 rate, +100 Health)
1 -- You have never led men into war, and know nothing of battle. (-90 Modifier).
Combat: 7 -- You are no great battler. (No modifier)
8 -- You are counted mighty among the Race of Beor. (+20 modifer)
8 -- You are well-spoken and fair of voice. (+20 modifier)
5 -- You are not especially given to the lore of the folk. (+0 modifier)
2 -- You are brash and quick to action. (-80 modifier)
: N/A -- Your people are vagabonds and wanderers, and cannot make works of beauty.
Magic: 8 -- There is an old magic among your people, the stuff of woodlands and fens. You know of it. (+20 modifier)
16 -- You walk wild among the trees, and your feet are as the wind. (+60 modifer)
15 -- Mighty of arm and great of bow, hailed for your skill by the Firstborn. (+60 modifer)

The People of Beor:
You are one of the original people of Beor, who followed Beor the Old across the Ered Luin in the dawn of mankind. Yours is the wood and the hill, the song and the word. You are a sad people, a people old and deep of spirit. (+2 to all Lore and Wisdom rolls, +1 to all Woodsmanship and Tracking rolls)

Named By The Sindar: You are named by the Sindarin elves for a particular aspect of your person or a certain deed of yours. Your name is spoken in the Woodland Realm, and the Grey Elves consider you to be a person of note among the Secondborn. (+20 to all relations with Sindarin Elves, +5 to relations with non-Sindarin elves.)

(Hunter Legend) Halbeth, the Bow-Maiden: It was said in later times that Halbeth of the people of Beor was a hunter of fame in the youth of Mankind, and the elves called her Cúrwen. (Rank I, +10 to tracking rolls) ((0/10) to Rank II)

The Moon Way (Cultural Lore): Ithil, the Elves call the moon, but the men of centuries past knew it as Isil, the night-sun. It guided your people in the darkest nights and brought hope when there seemed none. It will do so again. (2 to all sneaking actions, bonus to all actions at night, the House of Beor gains a special affinity for the Moon.)

The Healing Way (Battle Lore): In the deep days before your people wandered in the East, you learned under the Avari, the Elves of the Darkness. These Elves had long stood against the Enemy and the Shadow, and had prevailed against all hope in deeper and darker days. There was a power that healed their hearts and their bodies, that gave them the strength to stand against the Nameless alone, to bear the suffering of the Shadow. (Warriors and hunters recover faster, and special healing options are available in combat. Your people are more resistant to sickness.)

Faction Traits:
You and your people are counted among the Edain, the Elf-Friends. You have sworn to give life and limb and heart and soul to the struggle against the Great Enemy, Morgoth, and shall in return receive the wisdom and the teaching of the Elves. You shall forevermore be held in the eyes of the Elves above those who stayed behind in the East. (+30 to all relations with elves, diminished Latecomer bias with Elves. Perform better in combat with elves, but are required to contribute a portion of your troops to the Siege of Angband and raise your forces when called upon to do battle with Morgoth.)

The Gift of the Entwives: The Daughters of Yavanna have given you leave to gather from their gardens, for a time. (Population increases by an 1% every turn, gain +2 food a turn)

(Dynastic Trait) The House of Beor: You are the wisest and most thoughtful of mortal men, and your heirs follow in your footsteps. Yours is a race of thinkers, of brave hearts and bolder minds, of Men with a will to power to rival the very elves themselves. Yours is a bloodline of heroes, touched by destiny and blessed by fate. From your noble line shall spring the Hope of All. (Leaders of your House start with minimum 5 Grace. At least one child of your House per generation will be a Seer or Ranger leader. Get a +2 to all Woodsmanship rolls, and a +5 to all Lore and Wisdom rolls. If reduced to a single living leader, you automatically begin the Lay of Leithian questline, which has a 3% chance to start per turn. Gives access to the unique Halfelven questline after a certain undisclosed amount of turns have passed.)

Trait Gained: The Great Fear: For the first time since your long flight has ended, fear has arisen in the hearts of your people. The Enemy was here before you. He lies to the west and the east and the north, and it seems there is no place in all the world free from his reach. There is no hope under the sun, for the Shadow is Lord of all the World. (-50 to all Morale and Combat rolls. -100 to all morale rolls against the servants of the Darkness, and all Warrior leaders suffer -3 to Combat and Warfare)

(Racial Trait) The Latecomers: Yours is the Race of Men, youngest and least skilled of all the Children of Illuvatar. You are but newly come to the world, and are easy prey to the corruptions of the Enemy. (Begin the game later than all other Races, and cannot spawn Smith leaders until you begin the Elf-Friend or Dwarf-Friend questlines. Reduced species-wide Grace.)

(Racial Trait) The Gift of Men: Yours is the blessing of death itself: frail mortality, the Doom and the Gift of Men. To men are given shorter life than all the other races, but to them also is given greater will, greater ambition and drive, and the power to change the world as the Elves and Dwarves never might. Your lives are short, yet burn all the brighter for it. (Leaders can only be active for roughly ten to twenty turns, and die easier than leaders of other races. Leaders of the Race of Men gain experience at a triple rate compared to other races, and get a +2 to all rolls. All leader generation rolls are rerolled, with the best roll being taken. All non-warfare and non-smithing rolls are rerolled.)

Faction Capital: The Encampment (Rank 1): A cluster of wooden homes and log shelters built upon the plains of Estolad, from which it takes it's name. The sons of Feanor call it Apanolar, the home of the Afterborn.
The Kingdom of Doriath
The Woodland Realm of Doriath is the mightiest and fairest of all the realms of the Elves in Middle-Earth. No Shadow may avail the magics of it's Lady, and while Doriath stands free, elven-maidens shall dance beneath the trees in the moonlight of the Sindar.

Faction Leaders: Elu Thingol, High King of the Sindar and Lord of Beleriand, and his wife, Melian of Doriath
Population: 200,000
Dominion: The forest of Doriath, it's outskirts, and lays claim to the lands of Estolad and Ossiriand, which Thingol rules as lord.
Army: The Host of the Sindar at full muster numbers some 50,000 strong.

A king there was in days of old:
ere Men yet walked upon the mould
his power was reared in caverns' shade,

his hand was over glen and glade.

Elu Thingol, called also Elwe Singollo, the Greymantle
Health: 1500/1500
Class: Seer
Rank: 8 (5 actions per turn)
You are the Greymantle, revered and feared among the lords of the world, great in wisdom and terrible in wrath, tallest of Elves and Men and mighty among mortals.

17 -- You have gazed upon the light of the Trees. You are one of the High Elves, and your fea burns with fire. (+140 to all Morale rolls, +1000 Health)
6 -- You are not a warrior or a conqueror. Your strength lies elsewhere. (No Modifier).
Combat: 10 -- You have not held a blade since before the Sun rose. (+40 modifier)
16 -- Yours is the strength of the Firstborn. (+60 modifier)
18 -- Your words are powerful and ancient, and younger mortals heed them well. (+90 modifier)
20 -- You are older than the sun and moon, and have great knowledge of the secrets of the world. (+120 modifier)
18 -- You woke when the stars were new, and yours is an ancient wisdom. (+90 Modifier)
: 15 -- Mighty indeed are the works of your hand. (+60 Modifier)
17 -- Your song is the first song that was sung. (+80 modifier)
20 -- You walked dim grey woods alone in the youth of the world. You are the lord of beech and elm. (+140 modifer)
15 -- You hunted beasts in the dim starlight when the world was young. (+60 modifier)

The Firstborn:
You are counted among the Firstborn, those elves who awoke on the far shores of Cuivinien when the world was new. You have breathed a fresher air and walked in a younger day, and all who have come after you are less. (+500 Health, +50 to all rolls, +40 to all intimidation rolls with Younger Races and younger elves, and +20 to all diplomacy rolls with such.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelled in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls)

(Unique Legend) The Grey King: You are the Elvenking of whom the songs will be sung in later days, the lord of beech and oak and elm. (Rank V, +40 to all Woodsmanship and Wisdom rolls.)
And Melian he loved, divine,
whose voice was potent as the wine
the Valar drink in golden halls
where flower blooms and fountain falls;
but when she sang it was a spell,

and no flower stirred nor fountain fell.

Melian, the Deathless
Health: 3000/3000
Great Bard
Rank: 9 (1 actions per turn)
The Grey Lady, the Deathless Queen of Doriath, whose might holds back even the power of Morgoth the Enemy. You are fair and fey and wise, and while you live, the Sindar prosper.

20 -- You were born before the World, in the Timeless Halls, and heard the first strands of the Music. (+500 to all Morale rolls, +1000 health)
N/A -- War is not the way of the servants of Vana.
Combat: 20 -- Roused to anger, your rage alone would shatter the spirits of Men and cow Elves. (+120)
N/A -- Strength of arms is not your way.
Diplomacy: 20 -- None live mortal who could hear your voice and not be swayed. (+120 modifier)
20 -- You sung the world into being. You know its' secrets intimately. (+120 modifier)
20 -- You are wise in word and counsel to your bold husband. (+120 Modifier)
: N/A -- Your way is not the Forge.
Magic: 20 -- A greater Music upon Middle-Earth does not exist. (+120 modifier)
20 -- You are the Lady of Doriath, Queen of glade and glen. You sing to the trees in the tongue of their mother, who taught you. (+120 modifer)
N/A -- You do not hunt the beasts of Earth.

Servant of Iluvatar:
You are one of the lesser Ainur, the deathless and undying servants of Iluvatar. You are counted among the shepherds of the world, and shall not age or diminish or die unless you will it so. You are bound to this world until it's ending, and are greater in form and might than mortals may dare to dream. (+2000 Health, cannot permanently die, may shapeshift. +100 to all rolls)

The Girdle of Melian: You have given all your strength and power to the protection of your woodland home, and of Doriath your place of dwelling. While you maintain your mighty spells to keep Doriath safe, none whom you do not permit can enter into the Woodland Realm. (-6 actions a Turn, cannot leave Doriath, protects Doriath from intrusion)
For greater than all wealth in hall,
and fairer than are born to Men,
a daughter had he, Lúthien.
Such lissom limbs no more shall run
on the green earth beneath the sun;
so fair a maid no more shall be

from dawn to dusk, from sun to sea.

Luthien Tinuviel
Health: 2500/2500
Great Bard
Rank: 9 (6 actions per turn)
Fairer and greater than are born to men, a daughter had great Thingol -- Luthien, called Tinuviel, the Nightingale. You are the mightiest of the Eldar in the Ages of the Sun.

20 --There are none fairer among the Children of Illuvatar. (+500 to all Morale rolls, +1000 Health)
N/A -- The Grey Daughter has no need of host or sword.
Combat: N/A -- Thingol's child knows naught of strife.
Strength: N/A -- Melian's daughter does not want for strength, for hers is the strength of wood and hill.
Diplomacy: 20 -- You are Luthien Tinuviel, whose voice could stop armies, whose face could halt the hearts of Men. (+120 modifier)
17 -- Your mother was born before the world, and your father is one of the Firstborn. (+80 modifier)
18 -- You are elven-wise, with the foresight of the immortal. (+90 modifier)
: 18 -- You know the songs of making and of mending and of twisting and of bending. (+90 modifier)
20 -- Your voice is mighty indeed among all the dwellers of the World, and the might of your song might match the Enemy in his Hall. (+120 modifier)
20 -- You dance wild and free amid the trees. You are the daughter of beech and oak and elm. (+120 modifer)
15 -- You have no need to hunt, but your eyes are skilled and can follow tracks long leagues. (+50 modifer)

The Sindar:
Your people are the Grey Elves, who stayed behind, who never saw the light of the Trees or walked in the deathless lands. They are skilled in the ways of wood and hill, and are more in tune with nature. Under your tutelage and leadership, they have become a mighty race in their own right. (Leaders of your race have minimum 7 Grace. +5 bonus to all Woodsmanship and Tracking rolls, and +5 to all defensive Warfare rolls. Higher chance of producing Ranger or Champion leaders, and these leaders gain XP at an increased rate.)

Half-Elven (Maia): You are part Elven, and part something greater. Your blood was born before the world was sung, and yours is a strength timeless and eternal, a power of moon and star and song to shake the earth to it's roots. (+100 to all Magic rolls.+500 Health)

(Unique Legend) Tinuviel: You are the fairest of the Elves, and the mightiest upon the world. You are beloved by the Eldar, who will mourn your doom in later days. (Rank V, +50 to diplomacy with Elves, +20 to all non-Elven diplomacy rolls, +20 to all singing, crafting, or shapeshifting rolls)

Faction Traits:

(Personal Trait) The Elvenking and His Queen:
Long ago in the woods of Doriath when the world was young, an elven-king tarried long and lost his way. He found there wandering a beautiful maiden from beyond the Western Seas, a spirit of light and strength, and their love was great and mighty, one of the fairest of Elder Days. So long as he lives, she is his Lady and his Realm is hers. (Begin with one Rank 8 Faction Leader, Thingol, and one Rank 9 Faction Leader, Melian. As long as Thingol lives, Melian will remain in Doriath. )

(Faction Capital) The Woodland Realm of Doriath: The woods of Doriath the Fair are girded all about by the power and the strength of Melian it's Queen. While she lives, her immortal power protects the borders of Doriath, warding away all evil and holding back all but the most fell servants of Morgoth. (Gain Rank 6 Capital, Doriath, which is impregnable to attacks and cannot be penetrated by any whose strength is not equal to or greater than that of Melian. Should Thingol die, the Girdle will fall.)

(Racial Trait) The Sindar: Your people are the Grey Elves, who stayed behind, who never saw the light of the Trees or walked in the deathless lands. They are skilled in the ways of wood and hill, and are more in tune with nature. Under your tutelage and leadership, they have become a mighty race in their own right. (Leaders of your race have minimum 7 Grace. +5 bonus to all Woodsmanship and Tracking rolls, and +5 to all defensive Warfare rolls. Higher chance of producing Ranger or Champion leaders, and these leaders gain XP at an increased rate.)

(Faction Trait) The Marchwardens of Doriath: The golden eaves of the Fenced Realm are protected and guarded ever and always by the tireless and ageless Marchwardens, the finest and bravest soldiers among all the Sindar. They and their captains are elves of whom the songs will be sung in later days, and simply to be counted among their number is to enter into the annals of myth. (Begin the game with a Rank 6 Warrior leader, Mablung of the Heavy Hand, and a Rank 7 Ranger leader, Beleg the Bow. Gain an elite army unit called the Marchwardens, who have a chance of producing Rank 3+ Ranger and Champion leaders whenever you have a free leader slot.)

(Faction Trait) The Maiden of Doriath: In mighty Doriath there dwells a treasure greater than mortal tongue can tell, fairer than gold or ivory or pearls all, greater in form and shape and might than any of the Firstborn save Feanor. She is Lúthien, the princess of the Sindar and the fairest creature ever born upon Arda. In her is embodied both the might of the Eldar and the power of the Maiar, and Lúthien alone of the Firstborn might stand before Morgoth Bauglir and emerge if not victorious, alive. (Gain Rank 9 Seer leader, Luthien. She cannot leave Doriath until certain conditions have been triggered, but she is the most powerful Elven leader in the game. As long as Luthien is alive, gain a +3 to all Diplomatic actions. Once per turn after the arrival of the House of Beor, have a 3% chance of triggering the Lay of Leithian epic questline)
The House of Fingolfin

The greater part of the Noldor, led by their High King Fingolfin, who is fair and strong of arm, great among the children of Illuvatar. The Noldor are a race of smiths and warriors, given to destruction and creation in greater measure than the other elven kindreds. Dark of hair and proud of spirit, the Noldor have followed Morgoth to Middle-Earth to avenge their fallen king. Fairest of their realms is the Hidden City, Gondolin.

Faction Leader: Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor
Population: 90,000, with a further 30,000 in Gondolin
Dominion: All the Northwest of Beleriand, from the land of Hithlum to the mountains of Dor-Lomin
Army: The Host of the Noldor numbers some 30,000 at full muster, with a further 15,000 in Gondolin

Then Fingolfin beheld the utter ruin of the Noldor, and the defeat beyond redress of all their houses; and filled with wrath and despair he mounted upon Rochallor his great horse and rode forth alone, and none might restrain him. He passed over Dor-nu-Fauglith like a wind amid the dust, and all that beheld his onset fled in amaze, thinking that Oromë himself was come: for a great madness of rage was upon him, so that his eyes shone like the eyes of the Valar.
Thus he came alone to Angband's gates, and he sounded his horn, and smote once more upon the brazen doors, and challenged Morgoth to come forth to single combat.
And Morgoth came.

Fingolfin, High King of the Noldor in Middle-Earth, called Nolofinwe
Health: 2300/2300
Class: Great Champion
Rank: 8 (5 actions per turn)
Mightiest of all the warriors of the elven race, the High King is the greatest of the House of Finwe still living, a spirit of strength and nobility.

20 -- You have gazed upon the light of the Trees. Mighty are you among the heirs of Noldoran. (+500 to all Morale rolls, +1000 Health)
19 -- You have led great battles in darker days against the power of the Enemy. (+100 Modifier).
Combat: 20 -- Greatest of the Noldor in strength of arms, none living can match you with a blade. (+120 modifier)
20 -- Yours is the strength of Finwe Noldoran, who awoke when the world was young (+120 modifier)
18 -- Your words are powerful and ancient, and younger mortals heed them well. (+90 modifier)
17 -- You are well-studied in the lore of the world. (+80 modifier)
13 -- You are one of the Noldorin, and wise beyond the reckoning of men. (+20 Modifier)
: 15 -- Mighty indeed are the works of the Noldor. (+60 Modifier)
12 -- Your arm is your strength, not your voice. (+20 modifier)
12 -- You walk the wild with the grace of the Eldar, but it is not your strength. (+20 modifer)
15 -- You hunted beasts in the fields of Valinor with the Great Huntsman himself. (+60 modifier)

(Personal Trait) The High King:
You are the King of the Noldor and the mightiest of Finwe's sons in strength of arms. When your ire is raised, the Shadow in Angband trembles to behold it. You are the greatest and noblest of the Kings of the Eldar in Middle-Earth, and the Elf-Lords heed your word. (Begin with one Rank 8 Faction Leader, Fingolfin, who has 20 Grace. He gains rerolls on all Warfare and Combat actions, and gains major personal combat bonuses when his anger is aroused. Get 1 extra free action per turn. If the faction loses enough leaders and population, he may break from player control, temporarily gain 2 Ranks, and attempt to duel his most powerful current enemy. If Fingolfin dies, this trait will pass to his next living son.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelled in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Great Champion Legend) Aracano, the High-King: The rage and power of the High King of the Noldor is enough to shift the tide of any battle. Even the Enemy trembles. (Rank V: +100 to all Morale Rolls, even when vastly outnumbered. +100 to all Warfare rolls.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)
Of all the children of Finwe he is justly most renowned: for his valour was as a fire and yet as steadfast as the hills of stone; wise he was and skilled in voice and hand; truth and justice he loved and bore good will to all, both Elves and Men, hating Morgoth only.

He sought not his own, neither power nor glory, and death was his reward.

Fingon of Fingolfin's House, called Findekano by the Noldor
Health: 700/700
Class: Warrior
Rank: 6 (4 actions per turn)
Named the most valiant of the Noldor and the bravest in battle, Fingon is the equal of his father, not in skill but in spirit.

15 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld the mountain Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +400 Health)
18 -- You are Fingolfin's son and a commander of great skill. (+90 Modifier).
Combat: 16 -- Your skill is the equal of that of your close friend Maedhros. (+60 modifier)
17 -- In your heart is the strength of the heirs of Finwe. (+80 modifier)
18 -- Your words are powerful and ancient, and younger mortals heed them well. (+90 modifier)
17 -- You are well-studied in the lore of the world. (+80 modifier)
13 -- You are one of the Noldorin, and wise beyond the reckoning of men. (+20 Modifier)
: 12 -- Mighty indeed are the works of the Noldor. (+60 Modifier)
15 -- Your arm is your strength, not your voice. (+60 modifier)
11 -- You walk the wild with the grace of the Eldar, but it is not your strength. (+20 modifer)
15 -- You hunted beasts in the fields of Valinor with the Great Huntsman himself. (+60 modifier)

The High Elves:
You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelled in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

(Warrior Legend) Findekano, Radiant Star: Among all the battlers of the Noldor, bravest and boldest and most loved is Fingon Fingolfin's son. (Rank III, +30 to Combat rolls)
Then when Fingon heard afar the great trumpet of Turgon his brother, the shadow passed and his heart was uplifted, and he shouted aloud: 'Utulie'n aure! Aiya Eldalie ar Atanatari, utulie'n aure! The day has come! Behold, people of the Eldar and Fathers of Men, the day has come!' And all those who heard his great voice echo in the hills answered crying: 'Auta i lome! The night is passing!'

Turgon, King of Gondolin
Health: 1000/1000
Rank: 6 (4 actions per turn)
Wisest and fairest of Fingolfin's line is Turgon, King of the Hidden Realm, most loved of the Kings of the Noldor save for his father in later days.

16 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld the mountain Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +600 Health)
18 -- You are Fingolfin's son and a commander of great skill. (+90 Modifier).
Combat: 13 -- You are no great battler or warrior. (+20 modifier)
17 -- In your heart is the strength of the heirs of Finwe. (+80 modifier)
18 -- Your words are powerful and ancient, and younger mortals heed them well. (+90 modifier)
17 -- You are learned in the themes of the Music. (+80 modifier)
20 -- You are wisest among the Noldor and possessed of mighty foresight. (+120 Modifier)
: 16 -- Great indeed is the skill of Gondolin's King. (+60 Modifier)
18 -- Yours is the song of river and sea and dell, of the water rushing and the long years flowing. (+90 modifier)
11 -- You walk the wild with the grace of the Eldar, but it is not your strength. (+20 modifer)
15 -- You hunted beasts in the fields of Valinor with the Great Huntsman himself. (+60 modifier)

The High Elves:
You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelled in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

(Unique Legend) Turukano, Valiant Lord: You are lord of the Hidden City, which will fall to Morgoth last of all. (Rank V, +20 to combat rolls and warfare rolls while Gondolin stands, +600 to all Morale rolls when leading the armies of Gondolin)

Faction Traits:

(Faction Trait) The Blessing of Ulmo:
Ulmo the Vala, Lord of the Waters and the Seas, has a special liking for the House of Fingolfin and it's heirs. He guides your sons and shepherds your people to greater destinies still. (+5 to all Morale rolls in sight of water, and gain guidance from Ulmo towards certain choices which would best benefit your people.)

(Faction Trait) The Star of Fingolfin: Not only are you the High King, but your distance from your brother Feanor's hideous deeds means that the other elves offer you a degree of repentance, and those of your House are more well-liked among the people of Arda than the warlike and single-minded Feanorians. (+20 to all Diplomacy rolls with elves, can assemble Alliances against Morgoth if you have positive relations with more than three factions)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)
The House of Feanor
The dispossessed, the exiles, the Kinslayers -- these are the Feanorians, the Noldor who followed Feanor in his pride and in his sin. Mightiest of the warriors of the elves, they have struggled in war against Morgoth for longer than any now living. The Feanorians are proud and strong, devoted friends and fast foes. Their army is the largest single force of Noldor in Middle-Earth, for none draw breath among the Feanorians who will not die for the Silmarils. There are no children among their number, for the Noldor do not birth at war -- and they have been at war for centuries.

Faction Leader: Maedhros, Son of Feanor
Population: 45,000 total
Dominion: The Northeast of Beleriand, from Thargelion to Himlad, and the mountain-passes ringing Angband.
Army: The Host of the Feanorians numbers some 45,000, and does not disband or waver. The sons of Feanor do not sow.

Be he friend or foe, or demon wild
of Morgoth, Elf, or mortal child,
or any that here on earth may dwell,
no law, nor love, nor league of hell,
no Vala's might, no binding spell,
shall him defend from hatred fell of Fëanor's sons,
whoso take or steal or finding keep a Silmaril.
These we alone do claim by right,

our thrice enchanted jewels bright.

Maedhros the Tall
Health: 700/700
Class: Champion
Rank: 7 (5 actions per turn)
First-born and chief among the Feanorians was flame-haired Maedhros, a lord and a battler and a spirit of fire.

15 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld the mountain Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +400 Health)
18 -- You are the warmaster of the Noldor, a lord of battles and a prince of war. (+90 Modifier).
Combat: 16 -- Your skill was less before you lost your hand. The servants of Morgoth fear your blade. (+60 modifier)
19 -- Yours is the strength of Flame. (+100 modifier)
17 -- You are the fairest of your brothers of tongue and word. (+80 modifier)
15 -- You know some of the old secrets. (+60 modifier)
16 -- You are the wisest of the Feanorians. (+60 Modifier)
: 18 -- You are one of the sons of Feanor, and learned at his feet. (+90 Modifier)
7 -- The magics of the world do not avail the sons of Feanor, for Doom is laid upon them. (No modifier)
15 -- You hunted once in the woods of the Undying Lands. (+60 modifier)
12 -- You are no great Hunter. (+20 modifier)

(Leader Trait) The Spirits of Fire:
You are the children of Feanor, who was the finest of the elves of Elder Days, and to you is given skill and power above all others. But fire is volatile and violent, and above all unpredictable. (Rerolls on all crafting, magic, combat, and warfare choices. -30 to Diplomacy and Wisdom rolls. +1 Warfare.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Champion Legend) Russandol, the Flame-Haired: Wherever the shining blade of Maedhros is seen, the servants of the Shadow quiver in fear and the hearts of elves grow light. The Noldor shall never fall while he leads them. (Rank IV: +50 to all Morale Rolls, even when vastly outnumbered. +40 to all Warfare rolls.)
Be he friend or foe, or demon wild
of Morgoth, Elf, or mortal child,
or any that here on earth may dwell,
no law, nor love, nor league of hell,
no Vala's might, no binding spell,
shall him defend from hatred fell of Fëanor's sons,
whoso take or steal or finding keep a Silmaril.
These we alone do claim by right,

our thrice enchanted jewels bright.

Maglor the Ministrel
Health: 700/700
Class: Bard
Rank: 5 (3 actions per turn)
Second-born and sweetest of voice of Feanor's children was Maglor, a singer and a soldier and a spirit of fire.

15 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +400 Health)
17 -- You have waged war for lifetimes. (+80 Modifier).
Combat: 14 -- You are skilled with a blade. (+20 modifier)
19 -- Yours is the strength of Flame. (+100 modifier)
12 -- You speak well enough, but sing better. (+20 modifier)
15 -- You know some of the old secrets. (+60 modifier)
5 -- The Feanorians are brash and bold to action. (-60 modifier)
: 18 -- You are one of the sons of Feanor, and learned at his feet. (+90 Modifier)
17 -- You are Maglor, whose songs were greatest among the Elves in Elder Days. (+80)
15 -- You hunted once in the woods of the Undying Lands. (+60 modifier)
12 -- You are no great Hunter. (+20 modifier)

(Leader Trait) The Spirits of Fire:
You are the children of Feanor, who was the finest of the elves of Elder Days, and to you is given skill and power above all others. But fire is volatile and violent, and above all unpredictable. (Rerolls on all crafting, magic, combat, and warfare choices. -30 to Diplomacy and Wisdom rolls. +1 Warfare.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Bard Legend) Makalaure, the Golden-Voiced: You are the greatest of the singers of the Elven race, and your song might make the world itself to weep at sorrow for what is lost. (Rank V, +50 to all Magic and Diplomacy Rolls)
Be he friend or foe, or demon wild
of Morgoth, Elf, or mortal child,
or any that here on earth may dwell,
no law, nor love, nor league of hell,
no Vala's might, no binding spell,
shall him defend from hatred fell of Fëanor's sons,
whoso take or steal or finding keep a Silmaril.
These we alone do claim by right,

our thrice enchanted jewels bright.

Celegorm the Fair
Health: 700/700
Class: Hunter
Rank: 5 (3 actions per turn)
Fairest in form and cruelest of heart of the sons of Feanor was Celegorm, a hunter and a tracker and a spirit of fire.

15 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +400 Health)
17 -- You have waged war for lifetimes. (+80 Modifier).
Combat: 16 -- You are deadly with a blade, and among the best of the Feanorians. (+60 modifier)
19 -- Yours is the strength of Flame. (+100 modifier)
16 -- Your words are arresting and powerful. (+60 modifier)
15 -- You know some of the old secrets. (+60 modifier)
5 -- The Feanorians are brash and bold to action. (-60 modifier)
: 18 -- You are one of the sons of Feanor, and learned at his feet. (+90 Modifier)
7 -- The magics of the world do not avail the sons of Feanor, for Doom is laid upon them. (No modifier)
20 -- You learned of wood and hill and beast from Orome, the Hunstman of the Valar. (+120 modifer)
20 -- You are among the greatest hunters of the Elves. (+120 modifier)

(Leader Trait) The Spirits of Fire:
You are the children of Feanor, who was the finest of the elves of Elder Days, and to you is given skill and power above all others. But fire is volatile and violent, and above all unpredictable. (Rerolls on all crafting, magic, combat, and warfare choices. -30 to Diplomacy and Wisdom rolls. +1 Warfare.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Hunter Legend) Tyelkormo, Swift To Anger: You are among the finest hunters living in all Arda. No prey may flee your pursuit, nor outrun your arrow. (Rank V, +50 to all Woodsmanship and Tracking Rolls)

The Hound of Valinor: You are accompanied in all your wanderings by Huan, the Hound of Valinor, the greatest hound in all the world and a servant of Orome in older times. One of the Maia, a lesser power of the world, he is incredibly powerful and a force to be reckoned with. It is said in legend and lore that he may be slain only by the greatest wolf to ever walk the earth. (Rerolls on all tracking rolls, +100 to all tracking rolls, +100 to all combat rolls, may leave or turn against Celegorm of his own volition.)
Be he friend or foe, or demon wild
of Morgoth, Elf, or mortal child,
or any that here on earth may dwell,
no law, nor love, nor league of hell,
no Vala's might, no binding spell,
shall him defend from hatred fell of Fëanor's sons,
whoso take or steal or finding keep a Silmaril.
These we alone do claim by right,
our thrice enchanted jewels bright.

Caranthir the Dark
Health: 700/700
Class: Warrior
Rank: 5 (3 actions per turn)
Quickest to rage and slowest to council was the fourth-born of Feanor's sons, Caranthir, a warrior and a fighter and a spirit of fire.

15 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +400 Health)
17 -- You have waged war for lifetimes. (+80 Modifier).
Combat: 18 -- You are the best of the Feanorians in strength of arms. None can best you in your rage. (+90 modifier)
19 -- Yours is the strength of Flame. (+100 modifier)
5 -- You are quick to anger and ill-spoken, most ill-loved of Feanor's sons. (-60 modifier)
15 -- You know some of the old secrets. (+60 modifier)
2 -- The Feanorians are brash and bold to action, and you most of all. (-90 Modifier)
: 18 -- You are one of the sons of Feanor, and learned at his feet. (+90 Modifier)
7 -- The magics of the world do not avail the sons of Feanor, for Doom is laid upon them. (No modifier)
15 -- You hunted once in the woods of the Undying Lands. (+60 modifier)
12 -- You are no great Hunter. (+20 modifier)

(Leader Trait) The Spirits of Fire:
You are the children of Feanor, who was the finest of the elves of Elder Days, and to you is given skill and power above all others. But fire is volatile and violent, and above all unpredictable. (Rerolls on all crafting, magic, combat, and warfare choices. -30 to Diplomacy and Wisdom rolls. +1 Warfare.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Warrior Legend) Morifinwe, Dark In Rage: Of all the Noldor, you are among the boldest and the rashest and the most given to rage. (Rank IV, +40 to all Combat rolls, -20 to all Diplomacy rolls)
Be he friend or foe, or demon wild
of Morgoth, Elf, or mortal child,
or any that here on earth may dwell,
no law, nor love, nor league of hell,
no Vala's might, no binding spell,
shall him defend from hatred fell of Fëanor's sons,
whoso take or steal or finding keep a Silmaril.
These we alone do claim by right,

our thrice enchanted jewels bright.

Curifin the Skilled
Health: 700/700
Class: Smith
Rank: 5 (3 actions per turn)
Fifth-born and favorite of Feanor's sons, most like him in skill and spirit was Curufin, a crafter and a forger and a spirit of fire.

15 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +400 Health)
17 -- You have waged war for lifetimes. (+80 Modifier).
Combat: 14 -- You are a warrior, but your skill is not in blades. (+20 modifier)
19 -- Yours is the strength of Flame. (+100 modifier)
10 -- You are capable of fair speech when the urge overtakes you. (+20 modifier)
18 -- You are learned in the ways of the Wise. (+90 modifier)
16 -- You are the craftiest and cleverest of the Feanorians, and well given to manipulation. (+60 modifier)
13 -- You are wise among your brood. (+20 Modifier)
: 20 -- You are an echo of Feanor, the Spirit of Fire who was the greatest smith of all. (+120 Modifier)
7 -- The magics of the world do not avail the sons of Feanor, for Doom is laid upon them. (No modifier)
15 -- You hunted once in the woods of the Undying Lands. (+60 modifier)
12 -- You are no great Hunter. (+20 modifier)

(Leader Trait) The Spirits of Fire:
You are the children of Feanor, who was the finest of the elves of Elder Days, and to you is given skill and power above all others. But fire is volatile and violent, and above all unpredictable. (Rerolls on all crafting, magic, combat, and warfare choices. -30 to Diplomacy and Wisdom rolls. +1 Warfare.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Smith Legend) Curufinwe, Second Feanor: You are your father's child in all things, and second only to him of all elves living or dead in the art of the forge. (Rank V, +50 to all Crafting rolls, +10 to all Magic rolls)
Be he friend or foe, or demon wild
of Morgoth, Elf, or mortal child,
or any that here on earth may dwell,
no law, nor love, nor league of hell,
no Vala's might, no binding spell,
shall him defend from hatred fell of Fëanor's sons,
whoso take or steal or finding keep a Silmaril.
These we alone do claim by right,

our thrice enchanted jewels bright.

Amrod, the Fated
Health: 700/700
Class: Hunter
Rank: 5 (3 actions per turn)
Sixth of Feanor's sons and most loved by their mother, copper-haired and youngest save his brother, Amrod was a hunter and a twin and a spirit of fire.

15 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +400 Health)
16 -- You have waged war for lifetimes. (+60 Modifier).
Combat: 14 -- You are a warrior, but your skill is not in blades. (+20 modifier)
19 -- Yours is the strength of Flame. (+100 modifier)
10 -- You are capable of fair speech when the urge overtakes you. (+20 modifier)
13 -- You are young, and least learned of the Feanorians. (+20 modifier)
7 -- You are a youth still, in the eyes of the Elves. (No Modifier)
: 16 -- You are a child of Feanor, but knew him less than his other sons. (+60 Modifier)
7 -- The magics of the world do not avail the sons of Feanor, for Doom is laid upon them. (No modifier)
15 -- You and your brother have become great hunters in Middle-Earth. (+60 modifier)
16 -- You are a hunter of mighty skill among the Eldar. (+60 modifier)

(Leader Trait) The Spirits of Fire:
You are the children of Feanor, who was the finest of the elves of Elder Days, and to you is given skill and power above all others. But fire is volatile and violent, and above all unpredictable. (Rerolls on all crafting, magic, combat, and warfare choices. -30 to Diplomacy and Wisdom rolls. +1 Warfare.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Hunter Legend) Ambarussa, the Copper-Haired Ones: The copper-haired twin sons of Feanor are masters of the wild places. (Rank III, +30 to all Tracking and Woodsmanship rolls)
Be he friend or foe, or demon wild
of Morgoth, Elf, or mortal child,
or any that here on earth may dwell,
no law, nor love, nor league of hell,
no Vala's might, no binding spell,
shall him defend from hatred fell of Fëanor's sons,
whoso take or steal or finding keep a Silmaril.
These we alone do claim by right,

our thrice enchanted jewels bright.
Amras, the Youngest
Health: 700/700
Class: Hunter
Rank: 5 (3 actions per turn)
Last and youngest of Feanor's sons, like his brother in spirit and skill, Amras was a hunter and a twin and a spirit of fire.

15 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +400 Health)
16 -- You have waged war for lifetimes. (+60 Modifier).
Combat: 14 -- You are a warrior, but your skill is not in blades. (+20 modifier)
19 -- Yours is the strength of Flame. (+100 modifier)
10 -- You are capable of fair speech when the urge overtakes you. (+20 modifier)
13 -- You are young, and least learned of the Feanorians. (+20 modifier)
7 -- You are a youth still, in the eyes of the Elves. (No Modifier)
: 16 -- You are a child of Feanor, but knew him less than his other sons. (+60 Modifier)
7 -- The magics of the world do not avail the sons of Feanor, for Doom is laid upon them. (No modifier)
15 -- You and your brother have become great hunters in Middle-Earth. (+60 modifier)
16 -- You are a hunter of mighty skill among the Eldar. (+60 modifier)

(Leader Trait) The Spirits of Fire:
You are the children of Feanor, who was the finest of the elves of Elder Days, and to you is given skill and power above all others. But fire is volatile and violent, and above all unpredictable. (Rerolls on all crafting, magic, combat, and warfare choices. -30 to Diplomacy and Wisdom rolls. +1 Warfare.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Hunter Legend) Ambarussa, the Copper-Haired Ones: The copper-haired twin sons of Feanor are masters of the wild places. (Rank III, +30 to all Tracking and Woodsmanship rolls)

Faction Traits:
(Leader Trait) The Spirits of Fire:
You are the children of Feanor, who was the finest of the elves of Elder Days, and to you is given skill and power above all others. But fire is volatile and violent, and above all unpredictable. (Rerolls on all crafting, magic, and warfare choices. -30 to Diplomacy and Wisdom rolls. +1 Warfare.)

(Faction Trait) The Sons of Fëanor: Mighty in word and deed and strength, these are the sons of Feanor, who swore his oath and joined his Doom. (Start with six Rank 5 leaders and one Rank 7 Champion leader, all with 15 Grace, capable of creating and ruling Strongholds or Cities independently. Unlike other leaders, they make their own rolls independent of you, and may often take action without consulting you. While the Sons of Fëanor are all alive, you cannot recruit or spawn new leaders.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

(Curse) The Oath of Feanor: You swore to reclaim the Silmarils at all odds and at any cost, from any foe. You swore on the gods themselves, on the One above and the earth below. It cannot be broken. It cannot be avoided. Even now, it drives you forward, burning at your soul. You have murdered your own kin to see it fulfilled. You will murder more if you must. Your father is dead, but you follow the Oath to the ends of the Earth. (-20 to all diplomatic relations with other Elven factions, -2 Grace to all leaders, cannot claim the Kingship of the Noldor, and automatically declare war on any faction holding one of the Silmarils. If Fëanor dies, one of his sons will become Faction Leader. If Fëanor and all his sons are slain, the game ends. If any Elves gain a Silmaril and you learn of it, automatically begin the Second Kinslaying questline next turn and gain +100 to all combat rolls against other Elves)
The House of Finarfin
Of all the Houses of the Kings of the Noldor, the fairest and the kindest and the wisest was the House of Finarfin, who alone of his brothers did not sail to Middle-Earth. Those of his children who did are like him: golden-haired, fair and wise. The Arafinweans are the most noble and generous and true of heart of the Noldor, quickest to kindness and slow to rage, for-ever the most faithful and loyal of their kindred -- though they are great still in arrogance and pride. Their King is Finrod Felagund, most just of the Kings of the Noldor in Middle-Earth.

Faction Leader: Finrod Felagund, King in Nargothrond
Population: 15,000
Dominion: Felagund is lord of all Western Beleriand from the southern slopes of Dor-Lomin to the mouth of Sirion, while his brothers rule the highlands of Dorthonion.
Army: 10,000 will follow the children of Finarfin to war.


The jewels green by these Noldor set,
Eyes of serpents twined that met
beneath a golden crown of flowers,
that one upholds and one devours:
the badge that Finarfin made of yore

and Felagund his son now bore.

Finrod Felagund
Health: 1000/1000
Great Bard
Rank: 7 (5 actions per turn)
Greatest of Finarfin's children was Felagund, the Golden Lord, the Friend of Men, and the Master of Caves, beloved among all the Children of Iluvatar.

17 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld the mountain Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+80 to all Morale rolls, +700 Health)
12 -- The way of the golden is not war. (+20 Modifier).
Combat: 13 -- You are no great battler or warrior. (+20 modifier)
17 -- In your heart is the strength of the heirs of Finwe. (+80 modifier)
19 -- Great in wisdom and voice are the children of Finarfin. (+100 modifier)
20 -- You are learned and great among the Noldor. (+80 modifier)
20 -- You are wisest among the Noldor, matched only by Turgon Gondolin's king. (+120 Modifier)
: 16 -- Great indeed is the skill of Finarfin's son. (+60 Modifier)
19 -- The golden children of Finarfin are mighty in song, and their magic will awe the world in later days. (+100 modifier)
11 -- You walk the wild with the grace of the Eldar, but it is not your strength. (+20 modifer)
15 -- You hunted beasts in the fields of Valinor with the Great Huntsman himself. (+60 modifier)


The Children of Finarfin:
You are one of the children of Finarfin, who in their pride and glory abandoned their father in Valinor. Though rash, you are still among the wisest and fairest of the Noldor, great in spirit and song. Golden-haired and beautiful, you and yours are beloved among the Dwarves, the Elves, and mortal men alike. Your house will be hated by the Gorthaur in later times. (+1 Grace, +100 to relations with all mortal factions, +10 to all Magic and Wisdom rolls, and reroll all Magic rolls. Your songs deal extra damage to the Shadow, +20 extra damage to Sauron or servants of Sauron.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Unique Legend) Findaráto, the Golden-Haired: You are Finrod Felagund, the friend of men and dwarves, beloved of the Sindar and the Noldor, great in word and deed among the Children of Illuvatar in Beleriand. Alone among the lords of the Eldar, you have no foes -- only friends. (Rank V. +50 to all Diplomacy rolls, reroll all diplomacy rolls)

Angrod son of Finarfin was the first of the Exiles to come to Menegroth, as messenger of his brother Finrod, and he spoke long with the King, telling him of the deeds of the Noldor in the north, and of their numbers, and of the ordering of their force; but being true, and wisehearted, and thinking all griefs now forgiven, he spoke no word concerning the kinslaying, nor of the manner of the exile of the Noldor and the oath of Fëanor.

Health: 700/700
Rank: 5 (3 actions per turn)
Second-born of Finarfin's sons and mighty in war was Angrod, whom they called the iron-handed.

15 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld the mountain Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +500 Health)
14 -- The way of the golden is not war, yet you are skilled enough. (+40 Modifier).
Combat: 16 -- Mighty are you in arms among the Arafinweans. (+60 modifier)
17 -- In your heart is the strength of the heirs of Finwe. (+80 modifier)
18 -- Great in wisdom and voice are the children of Finarfin. (+90 modifier)
13 -- You are not particularly learned in the deep ways. (+40 modifier)
12 -- You are kind and fair, though not especially wise. (+20 Modifier)
: 16 -- Great indeed is the skill of Finarfin's sons. (+60 Modifier)
18 -- The golden children of Finarfin are mighty in song, and their magic will awe the world in later days. (+90 modifier)
11 -- You walk the wild with the grace of the Eldar, but it is not your strength. (+20 modifer)
15 -- You hunted beasts in the fields of Valinor with the Great Huntsman himself. (+60 modifier)


The Children of Finarfin:
You are one of the children of Finarfin, who in their pride and glory abandoned their father in Valinor. Though rash, you are still among the wisest and fairest of the Noldor, great in spirit and song. Golden-haired and beautiful, you and yours are beloved among the Dwarves, the Elves, and mortal men alike. Your house will be hated by the Gorthaur in later times.(+1 Grace, +100 to relations with all mortal factions, +10 to all Magic and Wisdom rolls, and reroll all Magic rolls. Your songs deal extra damage to the Shadow, +20 extra damage to Sauron or servants of Sauron.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +50 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Warrior Legend) Angamaitë, the Iron-Handed: You are Angrod, quickest to wrath and boldest of the Arafinweans. (Rank III. +30 to all combat rolls, -10 diplomacy)
"I tell thee, Aikanár the Sharp-flame loved thee. For thy sake now he will never take the hand of any bride of his own kindred, but live alone to the end, remembering the morning in the hills of Dorthonion. But too soon in the North wind his flame will go out!

Health: 500/500
Rank: 6 (4 actions per turn)
Third-born of Finarfin's sons and mighty in battle was Aegnor, whom they called the Sharp-flame, the Fell-Fire, and the Champion of Doom.

15 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld the mountain Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+60 to all Morale rolls, +500 Health)
18 -- Alone among the golden are you terrible in war. (+90 Modifier).
Combat: 18 -- Mighty are you in arms among the Arafinweans. (+90 modifier)
17 -- In your heart is the strength of the heirs of Finwe. (+80 modifier)
19 -- Great in wisdom and voice are the children of Finarfin. (+100 modifier)
13 -- You are not particularly learned in the deep ways. (+40 modifier)
12 -- You are kind and fair, though not especially wise. (+20 Modifier)
: 16 -- Great indeed is the skill of Finarfin's sons. (+60 Modifier)
18 -- The golden children of Finarfin are mighty in song, and their magic will awe the world in later days. (+90 modifier)
11 -- You walk the wild with the grace of the Eldar, but it is not your strength. (+20 modifer)
15 -- You hunted beasts in the fields of Valinor with the Great Huntsman himself. (+60 modifier)


The Children of Finarfin:
You are one of the children of Finarfin, who in their pride and glory abandoned their father in Valinor. Though rash, you are still among the wisest and fairest of the Noldor, great in spirit and song. Golden-haired and beautiful, you and yours are beloved among the Dwarves, the Elves, and mortal men alike. Your house will be hated by the Gorthaur in later times.(+1 Grace, +100 to relations with all mortal factions, +10 to all Magic and Wisdom rolls, and reroll all Magic rolls. Your songs deal extra damage to the Shadow, +20 extra damage to Sauron or servants of Sauron.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Champion Legend) Aikanáro, the Fell Fire: You are Aegnor, the Champion of Doom. Your eyes seem to burn with living fire in battle, and your golden hair is at the forefront of every charge. You will die in battle, or so it was told at your birth. (Rank IV. +40 to all combat and warfare rolls. -200 Health.)
A sister they had, Galadriel, most beautiful of all the house of Finwë; her hair was lit with gold as though it had caught in a mesh the radiance of Laurelin.

Health: 1000/1000
Great Bard
Rank: 7 (5 actions per turn)
You are the Lady Galadriel, fairest among the Noldor, great in strength and spirit and mighty among the children of Finarfin.

17 -- You have seen the towers of Tirion on Tuna and beheld the mountain Ilmarin on high. Your soul blazes with immortal flame. (+80 to all Morale rolls, +700 Health)
15 -- You learned something of war under the Feanorians. (+60 Modifier).
Combat: 16 -- You are no great battler or warrior. (+20 modifier)
17 -- In your heart is the strength of the heirs of Finwe. (+80 modifier)
19 -- Great in wisdom and voice are the children of Finarfin. (+100 modifier)
20 -- You learned at the feet of the Queen of Doriath. (+80 modifier)
16 -- You are wise and learned indeed. (+60 Modifier)
: 12 -- Craft was the way of the Feanorians, not the Arafinweans. (+20 Modifier)
19 -- The golden children of Finarfin are mighty in song, and their magic will awe the world in later days. (+100 modifier)
11 -- You walk the wild with the grace of the Eldar, but it is not your strength. (+20 modifer)
15 -- You hunted beasts in the fields of Valinor with the Great Huntsman himself. (+60 modifier)


The Children of Finarfin:
You are one of the children of Finarfin, who in their pride and glory abandoned their father in Valinor. Though rash, you are still among the wisest and fairest of the Noldor, great in spirit and song. Golden-haired and beautiful, you and yours are beloved among the Dwarves, the Elves, and mortal men alike. Your house will be hated by the Gorthaur in later times. (+1 Grace, +100 to relations with all mortal factions, +10 to all Magic and Wisdom rolls, and reroll all Magic rolls. Your songs deal extra damage to the Shadow, +20 extra damage to Sauron or servants of Sauron.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)

(Unique Legend) Alatariel, Like The Dawn: You followed Feanor not out of vengeance or rage, but out of a desire to rule a realm of your own, to hold power in Middle-Earth. In you lies a strength and a might and a will to rule that is peerless among the heirs of Finwe, or indeed, among the Eldar. Such is not inherently evil, and from such power can spring a resistance to evil that will be famed in later days -- but should such sheer will ever be turned to darkness, you would stand nigh unmatched among the Children of Illuvatar, a queen as great and terrible as the dawn. (Rank V: +50 to all Magic, Warfare, and Strength Rolls. If you ever fall to the Shadow, this bonus will be doubled.)

Faction Traits:

(Personal Trait) The Children of Finarfin:
You are one of the children of Finarfin, who in their pride and glory abandoned their father in Valinor. Though rash, you are still among the wisest and fairest of the Noldor, great in spirit and song. Golden-haired and beautiful, you and yours are beloved among the Dwarves, the Elves, and mortal men alike. Your house will be hated by the Gorthaur in later times. (+1 Grace, +100 to relations with all mortal factions, +10 to all Magic and Wisdom rolls, and reroll all Magic rolls. Your songs deal extra damage to the Shadow, +20 extra damage to Sauron or servants of Sauron.)

(Racial Trait) The Noldor: The Noldo, one and all, are in some way like in spirit and temperment to Feanor who was their King before the stars. They are the High Elves of yore, who are great in wrath and mighty in war, and ten of their number may equal a hundred orcs. None living among mortals are their match on the field of war. ((Factionwide +5 bonus to Grace, +30 to all Crafting, Lore, and Warfare rolls, +40 to all rolls against servants of Morgoth, higher chance of producing Smith leaders, all Warrior, Champion, and Smith leaders are generated at minimum Rank 4. +20 to all combat rolls.)

(Faction Trait) The High Elves: You are one of the High Elves, that saw the light of the Two Trees and dwelt in the Deathless Lands where rules undying the Elder King. The light burns within you still, and will follow you until the end of days. (+2 Grace, +10 to all rolls, +300 Health)
The Enemy
The Iron Crown. The Great Darkness. The Shadow of the North. The Enemy. The power that dwells in the iron hells of Angband has many names, but one purpose -- to hold all that live in thrall. Many are his servants and mighty are his hosts, and terrible indeed is his power.

Faction Leader: Morgoth Bauglir, the Black Enemy of all the world.
Population: 1,000,000 assorted orcs, trolls, Balrogs, and fell beasts dwell within Angband, but countless more reside beyond, doing His will in the black places of the world.
Dominion: The Foe dwells now in the utter North of Beleriand, and is fenced in by the Siege of Angband, yet lays claim and dominion over all of Arda.
Army: The power of the Enemy is numberless and nameless, indescribable save for that it is terrible beyond measure of Man or Elf or living thing.

A king there sat, most dark and fell
of all that under heaven dwell.
Than earth or sea, than moon or star
more ancient was he, mightier far.
Alone he walked in darkness, fierce and dire

burned, as he wielded it, by fire

Morgoth, the Enemy
Health: 4000/4000
Great Champion
Rank: 10 (10 actions per turn)
You are the Great Enemy, more awful and terrible than any power upon the world. All that live fear you, in their deepest hearts.

25 -- You are the mightiest of the powers of the World. (+500 to all Morale rolls, +2000 health)
25 -- You are the father of war, the architect of strife, the inventor of misery. (+200 Modifier).
Combat: 25 -- The arm of Melkor is as a flame wreathed in Shadow, bringing death. (+200 modifier)
25 -- Heaven quails before your might, which uprooted the mountains and boiled the seas. (+200 modifier)
20 -- You are the King of Lies. Your words rot the hearts of Men. (+200 modifier)
20 -- You were there when the deep songs were sung, when the secrets were set under stone. (+140 modifier)
20 -- You know all. (+140 Modifier)
Subterfuge: 25 --
The mortals know little of deception or lies. You are their master, and have spies across the width of the world. (+200 modifier)
: N/A -- Melkor does not make.
Magic: 20 -- Yours is a power older than the world. (+140 modifier)
N/A -- You are the enemy of the woods and the hills and the growing things. They shall not avail you. (-200 modifer)
N/A -- The Bauglir is abhorred by the things of earth. The wild itself turns against you. (-200 modifier)

(Personal Trait) The Dark Lord:
You are Melkor. The Lord of Hate and Lies. The Vala of Fire and Death. The utter source of all hatred and suffering in Arda, then or now. You are Melkor, the Elder King, and Melkor is not evil. No. Melkor. (Start with Rank 10 Faction Leader, Melkor. If he is slain, the game ends for all factions. Gain rerolls on all Warfare, Subterfuge, or Intimidation actions. Cannot leave Angband. +10 to all interactions with all Evil characters, and +10 to Intimidation or Domination rolls against all mortals except elves and dwarves.)

The Powers of the World: This character is, or was once, one of the Valar, the Powers of the World, the Ainur sent to rule and guide the Children of Illuvatar. Their fate is bound to the world forevermore, and they are the mightiest beings in creation. (+200 to all rolls. +2000 health. Can shapeshift. An extra +50 to all Magic, Lore, and Combat rolls. Cannot die by mortal means.)

(Unique Legend) Bauglir: You are the Enemy. The most reviled and abhorred being in all of creation. Arda itself itself detests you, and the strength and hate you have poured into the world to rule it has made you weaker even as your power grows. (-250 to all rolls. -60 to all actions near water or in forest, as Ulmo and Yavanna will hinder you, and -20 to all rolls made in daylight, moonlight, or starlight. Blessed items and weapons deal immensely increased damage to you in combat. -1000 to all relations with Noldor, and -800 to all relations with Sindar. +100 to all Intimidation rolls with Men. Gain no modifier to diplo/intimidation rolls with Dwarves. +5 Power, Warfare, Combat, Strength, and Subterfuge)
Among those of his servants that have names the greatest was that spirit whom the Eldar called Sauron, or Gorthaur the Cruel. In his beginning he was of the Maiar of Aulë, and he remained mighty in the lore of that people. In all the deeds of Melkor the Morgoth upon Arda, in his vast works and in the deceits of his cunning, Sauron had a part, and was only less evil than his master in that for long he served another and not himself. But in after years he rose like a shadow of Morgoth and a ghost of his malice, and walked behind him on the same ruinous path down into the Void.

Sauron, the Abhorred
Health: 2000/2000
Class: Great Smith
Rank: 9 (6 actions per turn)
The Deciever. The Abhorred. The Lord of Werewolves and the mightiest of the lords of the Enemy. You are second in power and terror only to Him you serve.

18 -- Yours is a power kindled in fire at the dawn of days. (+150 to all Morale rolls, +1000 Health)
20 -- Your way is war, and death, and cold and fire. (+120 Modifier).
Combat: 13 -- Personal strength of arms is not the way of Sauron, then or now. (+40 modifier)
17 -- The might in your body was made before the sun. (+90 modifier)
20 -- Your tongue is gold and lies and death, that will bring woe in later days. (+120 modifier)
20 -- You have learned the secrets of the deep and the mysteries of the dark. (+120 modifier)
18 -- You are great in age and mighty in years, and your old eyes see far. (+90 Modifier)
25 -- You have learned of deception at the feet of him who made it. No mortal can resist your snares. (+200 modifier)
: 25 -- Yours is the art of crafting, of making and shaping and ordering. The works of your forge none can resist. (+200 modifier)
20 -- You are a sorcerer and a necromancer and a master of things dead and foul and black. (+120 modifier)
N/A -- You are a servant of the Enemy, and the wood and the hill bend against you. (No modifer)
20 -- You are the Lord of Wolves. No foe can outrun you. (+120 modifier)

The Fallen:
You are counted among the Fallen, those Maiar who gave of themselves body and spirit to the power of Melkor and are now forever lost. Not as great in spirit as once you were, you walk the world in fire and shadow, a spirit of hate unto the end of days. (-2 Grace, +1000 Health, cannot permanently die, may shapeshift. +50 to all rolls, +50 to all combat, warfare, and magic rolls)

The Lord of the Rings: You are Sauron the Great, who in before times was a Maiar named Mairon. You are a fell spirit of wicked strength and might that is equaled by few and surpassed only by Morgoth among the Shadow. Great are the works of your forge. (Start with Sauron, a Rank 9 Smith leader. He has three extra crafting actions per turn. Assigning Sauron to the Pits of Angband has a chance of spawning a Great Champion every five turns. Any Relic created by Sauron will be of Elite (Level 6) quality or greater.)

The Father of Werewolves: Chief of the servants of Sauron is Draugluin, the Black Wolf of Angband. A lesser maia of Orome once, he is the father of wargs and wereolves, and a creature of fell and terrible power. (Sauron has a servant, Draugluin, who is equivalent to a Rank 4 Leader. Gain +30 to all tracking rolls)
For of the Maiar many were drawn to his [The Enemy's] splendour in the days of his greatness, and remained in that allegiance down into his darkness; and others he corrupted afterwards to his service with lies and treacherous gifts. Dreadful among these spirits were the Valaraukar, the scourges of fire that in Middle-earth were called the Balrogs, demons of terror.

Gothmog, Lord of Balrogs
Health: 1800/1800
Class: Great Warrior
Rank: 8 (5 actions per turn)
Of all the servants of Morgoth, most feared were the Balrogs, the demons of fire, who walked the world in shadow and flame. Mightiest among them was Gothmog, their lord and a thing of darkness.

17 -- Yours is a power kindled in fire at the dawn of days. (+130 to all Morale rolls, +800 Health)
18 -- You are a thing of shadow and flame. (+90 Modifier).
Combat: 20 -- Yours is the rage of the red fire burning. (+120 modifier)
20 -- Yours is the might of the darkness growing. (+120 modifier)
N/A -- The demons of fire cannot speak with fair tongue. (-200 modifier)
14 -- You followed Melko in his treachery, and know little of the deep ways. (+40 modifier)
N/A -- The demons of fire know only rage and wrath. (-200 Modifier)
N/A -- The spirit of flame does not know silence, or subtlety. (-200 modifier)
: N/A -- Like your dread master, you do not make. (-200 modifier)
N/A -- Your power is in fire and death and the snapping of bone and the wailing of your foes. (-200 modifier)
N/A -- You are a servant of the Enemy, and the wood and the hill bend against you. (-200 modifer)
20 -- The Balrogs hunt their prey a thousand thousand miles. (+120 modifier)

The Fallen:
You are counted among the Fallen, those Maiar who gave of themselves body and spirit to the power of Melkor and are now forever lost. Not as great in spirit as once you were, you walk the world in fire and shadow, a spirit of hate unto the end of days. (-2 Grace, +1000 Health, cannot permanently die, may shapeshift. +50 to all rolls, +50 to all combat, warfare, and magic rolls)

Valaraukar: You are one of the Balrogs, the dreaded spirits of fire and shadow. The light of sun and moon and star burns you, but your hate burns even brighter. It was the Balrogs who drove off the demon Ungoliant that threatened to slay Morgoth, and the Balrogs who cut down proud Feanor, King of the Noldor, in the great battle under the stars. There is no thing upon the world which might face the Balrogs at war. When the Valaraukar ride as one, mortals tremble to behold. (Takes extra damage in sun, moon, or starlight, and take triple damage from water. +50 to all combat rolls, and reroll all combat rolls. This bonus is doubled for every Balrog at your side, to a maximum of +500 when all ten Balrogs are gathered as one)

Faction Traits:

(Faction Trait) The Servants of the Shadow:
Your servants are unerring, and loyal in all their deeds. They do not scheme or plot to usurp you. Though many and mighty are the fell races assembled in service to Angband, they are united in fear and loyalty to the power of Morgoth. (All your armies gain a permanent buff to morale and strength while under the command of you or one of your lieutenants. Your leader cap is always higher than any other faction, allowing you to take more actions per turn than any other faction.)

(Faction Trait) The Lord of the Rings: Your mightiest servant and chief lieutenant is Sauron, who in before times was a Maiar named Mairon. He is a fell spirit of wicked strength and might that is equaled by few and surpassed only by yourself among the Shadow. Great are the works of his forge. (Start with Sauron, a Rank 9 Smith leader. He has three extra crafting actions per turn. Assigning Sauron to the Pits of Angband has a chance of spawning a Great Champion every five turns. Any Relic created by Sauron will be of Elite (Level 6) quality or greater.)

(Faction Capital) The Hells of Iron: Angband, the Iron Hells. A massive, titanic fortress dug deep beneath the Earth, a place of evil and power and hatred, a stain upon creation and a breeding pit of foul things. Mordor that will be in later Ages is but a pale reflection of the evil and the horror that dwells and will dwell in Angband, in the seat of Morgoth the Enemy. (Gain Rank 10 Faction Capital, Angband. Angband can contain essentially limitless forces, and produces a set amount of Orcs per turn. With work and effort, it can produce more races. Crafting actions are available in Angband which can create new monsters and spawn new leaders. Angband has a 5% chance to spawn a new leader every turn.)
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Lore: A Primer On Arda Marred
It has come to my attention that many players have not read the full Silmarillion, or if they have, it has been quite a while since they did so. It's a big book, full of lots of descriptive language, and it may be easy to forget information which may be crucial to the plot. I'm obviously not going to give a full retelling of the Silmarillion, but I'll be putting here a summary of the history of the world before the First Age, and how the current factions came to be.

This is the history of Arda Marred.

In the beginning, there was only Iluvatar, called by the elves Eru, or the One. He was the One before all, the First and the Only. He dwelt in the Timeless Halls for an eternity before creation came to be. In the beginning he created the Ainur, the Great Spirits, with the Flame Imperishable, from which springs life. The Ainur were many without count, and were the first and fairest of the creatures of Creation. All were born of the thought of Iluvatar, and all were created to his utmost will.

Mightiest among these spirits was Melkor, Iluvatar's finest creation in strength and spirit. It is said that Melkor sought most of all to be like his creator, and so wandered in the Void beyond the Timeless Halls, searching for the Flame Imperishable, that he too might Create. Yet he failed, for the Flame was within Eru, and could not be found or taken. And as he wandered alone, the mind of Melkor strayed down strange and terrible paths, and he began to think thoughts yet unthought in all creation.

And so it came to pass that Eru called his Ainur to him, and he taught them to Sing. And in the Timeless Halls before Creation, he led them in a Song, the First Song and the Greatest Song. It was the Music of the Ainur, the Music of Creation. The Themes of the Music were at first perfect and without flaw, and the song was pleasing to Iluvatar. They sang of hills and trees and seas and skies, of a world fair and blessed, of a Creation undimmed by shade of night.

But then Melkor began to weave his own ideas into his song, into his theme, for he wished to increase the part of it that gloried Melkor -- for in all things he sought to be like the creator. And Melkor was mighty among the Ainu, and so many followed him in his song. These strange, discordant notes twisted the Music, changing it forevermore. For Melkor sang of pain and fear and war and woe, of suffering and lamentation, of the fire that burns and the ice that cuts. This was the Discord, the Marring of the Music, and from it sprang all evil that has ever been and shall ever be.

And there was war between the themes of the Ainur -- the turbulence and sorrow of Melkor's song against the beauty and the majesty of the rest of the Ainur. And these themes shook the Timeless Halls to their very roots, and the Firmament shook, and it seemed as if the contest between them might tear the Music apart.

And then Eru stood, and the Music ended all at once, for none, even Melkor, dared sing without his leave.

Then he took his Ainur and showed them what they had sung into Creation: a mighty vision of a world of splendor, of trees and hills and mountains high, of something fair and grand and beautiful. This was the Vision of Iluvatar in the beginning -- this was Arda, and he had created the Ainur, his servants, to help him build it. He explained to them the destiny and the design of the world they had sung into being, and showed unto them all that might come to pass.

But though it had been designed, it had not yet been built. Many of the Ainur volunteered to enter into the World and create it, binding themselves to it until it's ending. The fourteen of these greatest, among whom were Melkor and his brother Manwe, entered into the world and became the Valar, the Powers of Arda. The lesser spirits who followed them became the Maiar, their servants and allies in all things.

So began Arda Marred.
And so the Valar came down in Flesh into Arda and began the building of the World, that was Arda. Chief among them was Manwë, who shaped the skies and the birds. Great also among their number were mighty Ulmo, who fashioned the seas and the deep waters, and Aulë, the Smith, who made the mountains and the stone and the deeps of earth, and lit the endless fires that burn in the heart of the world. The Valar in the beginning of the world fashioned two great lamps on either end of the earth to light creation, and these were the Great Lamps, from which these days take their name.

But Melkor stood still proud and terrible, and so undid all their works even as they created them. He filled in the valleys and leveled the mountains, boiled up the seas and trampled the hills. Then the Valar came in arms against their brother, and labored against him, and despite his malice, succeeded in shaping whole Arda, though it was not as great as it might have been. And many of the Maiar who had come to Arda began to abandon their duty and follow him. Chief among these was Aule's own greatest servant, a smith called Marion, who learned well Melkor's ways. In after times he was known by mortals as Sauron, the Deceiver, and was the most terrible of the servants of the Shadow.

Then began the Second Marring, for in the Spring of the World, when Arda was clean and whole and fair, Melkor came into Middle-Earth and built a hideous fortress called Utumno in the North. He fouled the fair waters and blackened the green lands, twisting and corrupting all that the Valar had made. Last of all, Melkor the Enemy brought down toppling the titanic Lamps of Light. They fell, and in their fall split the symmetrical surface of the world, splitting it into jagged and twisted shapes. So was Arda, which had been Marred in it's spirit before it began, now Marred physically by the works of Melkor.

The Valar, in their horror, fled with the Maiar over their shattered creation to the Westernmost continent, Aman, which had been least Marred. There they built a shining realm, Valinor, which would be their dwelling ever after.

So ended the First Age of Arda Marred.
So it was that Yavanna Kementari, the Earth Mother and one of the greatest of the Valar, created the Two Trees, Laurelin and Telperion. A part of her went into their making, and they were the finest and greatest of the trees of creation. Their light was brilliant and mighty, and lit all of Valinor. So began the Years of the Trees, and the Count of Time.

For long time there was something like a Peace in Arda. Melkor worked his dark deeds in Utumno, spreading slowly but surely the Shadow. It was in this time that Aule fashioned the Dwarves, and made them like unto him -- firm and strong, stout of spirit and with strength of stone, for he foresaw that they might have to dwell in a World tainted by Melkor. And unknown to him, Eru filled them with the Flame Imperishable, giving to them life. But they were not of the Children of Iluvatar, and not part of the Plan, so Eru decreed that the Dwarves, though first-created, would sleep beneath the Earth until all other races had awoken.

And after many thousands of thousands of years, Orome, the hunter of the Valar, discovered on one of his hunting trips that the Elves, the Firstborn of Iluvatar, had at long last awoken around the shores of Cuivinen in the East of the World. But Melkor had already found them, and set upon them in malice and evil, and ensnared some into the pits of the earth, where he tortured and twisted them from the fair into the terrible. These poor twisted elves were the first of the Orcs, and their vile breed would torment Arda for millennia. And it came to pass that the Valar made war on Melkor for sake of the elves, and tore down Utumno and beat Melkor to his knees, and bound him with the unbreakable chain Aginor, and so brought him in defeat to Valinor.

The Valar summoned the Elves to Valinor, there to dwell eternal with them, and from this offer there sprang the races of the Elves. Some, afraid and seduced by the lies of Melkor and Sauron, refused, and remained in the East. These forever after were called the Avari, or the Refusers, and were the least of the elves -- the Moriquendi, the elves of darkness. The rest accepted, and of these there were three great tribes: The Noldor, the Vanyar, and the Teleri. These were the High Elves, the Eldar, and are called the Calaquendi, the Elves of the Light, for they beheld the Two Trees and walked in Valinor.
In the beginning, the Eldar did not trust Orome or the Valar, so they sent three Elves to Valinor as amassadors to report what they had seen. These ambassadors were the first elves to behold the beauty of the Undying Lands, and so became great above all others, becoming afterwards Kings of their people. Their names were Elwe, Finwe, and Ingwe, and they convinced their people to make the long trek to Valinor, there to dwell forever in the light of the Two Trees.

Most of the Eldar --the Vanyar, the Teleri, and the Noldor-- made the long journey to Valinor safely, but it is said that the Teleri, the greatest group, split in two. For it's leader, Elwe, became lost in the woods of Beleriand, the westernmost continent, and half of his people remained in Middle-Earth to search for him. Elwe's folk became in later days the Sindar, the elves of Middle-Earth, and Elwe their king found in those tangled woods the Maiar Melian, who wed him and became their Queen. And in after days he was called Elwe Singollo, the Greymantle, Elu Thingol in the tongue of the Sindar, and he was the longest-lived and wisest of the Elvenkings.

The rest of the Teleri settled on the very shores of Valinor and ever after looked eastward, awaiting their long-lost king. They became the finest seafarers among the Eldar, and were forever after beloved of Ulmo, Lord of the Waters.

Mightiest of the tribes were the Vanyar, the Golden Elves, the first to awake, who were gold of hair and tall of height, fairest among all the races of the elves. Their king was Ingwe, who dwells still in Valinor, and is called the High King of all the Elves. They did not take part in the treason of the Noldor, and remain still undying in Valinor, fair and hale for-ever until the ending of the World.

But the greatest in song and yore, and most revered and hated in Middle-Earth, are that clan called the Noldor, who of old were the mightiest warriors and smiths among the Eldar, given most to warfare, to creation, and to destruction. They were black of hair and proud of spirit, and their King was Finwe, called Noldoran by his people. Finwe dwelt in Valinor in the city of Tiron on the hill of Tuna, and had to him a wife fair among the elves, called Miriel. And of Finwe and his line, and of the woe they brought, much is told in after days.
And to Miriel and Finwe there was born a son, the first of that House born in Valinor, and so great was the strength of his spirit that it broke his mother's own to give him life. He burned like a flame, and so, Miriel, even as she despaired of the world, named him in their tongue Fëanáro -- Spirit of Fire. Then she gave up life willingly, becoming the first elf to die.

Her son, Feanor, grew up to be fine of body and great of arm, wise of mind and proud of soul. He was of old the finest and the fairest and the strongest of the Noldor, and perhaps the greatest of the Elves to ever draw breath in Arda. The works of his forge were equaled only by the works of Aule himself, and he was loved by the Valar themselves as the best of the Eldar in Aman. He created Tengwar, the script of the Elves, and developed Quenya, the tongue of the Noldor, and made also many other great inventions and deeds of art, physical and not. But he was fierce and proud in his glory, and of old the only living creature that could change his mind when set upon a course was his father, Finwe.

Finwe remarried, to Feanor's great displeasure, and had two more sons: Fingolfin and Finarfin, who stood only a hair below their elder brother in grace, might, and strength. But Feanor hated them for their birth, and he imagined they desired his throne above all else. And he spurned his father-name, Curufinwe, and called himself forever after by his mother-name, Feanor, and called himself also 'Son of the Þerindë', after his mother's nickname Þerindë, or Needle-woman. And there was strife among the Noldorin.

And it came to pass that in those days Feanor worked his greatest and mightiest work of all, for he laboured long in the forges of Valinor. He poured his soul and spirit and heart into his work, and twisted and wove the living light of the Two Trees into his finest creation -- the Silmarils, the Jewels of Living Light, that are like suns to look upon. He gave of himself to make them, as his mother had given of herself to make him. They shone with an inner beauty and a radiance all their own, and even the Valar were awed to look upon their beauty, and hallowed them, that no evil hand might touch them or defile their light.

And Melkor looked upon them, and desired them.
Of old it was that the Valar were pure and kind and good of heart, and did not understand deceit or deception, for these were the works of the Discord, and creations of Melkor. And so it was that Melkor, long imprisoned in Valinor in the Halls of Mandos, did convince his brother Manwe of his reformation and redemption, and feigned sorrow for his past misdeeds. And his chains were undone, and he was given free run of the Blessed Land. And so began the Doom of All.

Melkor came to Feanor and inflamed his pride and his arrogance. He convinced him that his brothers conspired against him, that the Valar envied him, that all the powers of Valinor desired his Silmarils and his crown. And he sought at last to win from him the Silmarils and his allegiance. But at the last, Feanor perceived his deception, and shut the very doors of his House in Melkor's face, and belittled him as one might a child. For of old the Spirit of Fire, no matter his flaws, would be slave or thrall to no one and no thing, not even a Vala.

And Melkor in his rage made alliance with an unholy creature out of the Outer Dark, a fell monster not of Eru's making: Ungoliant, the First Spider, the Devourer of Light. With her, he assaulted Valinor from within and destroyed the Two Trees, for the second time plunging Arda into shadow. In the darkness that fell over Aman then, he came to the House of Finwe, slew Finwe the King of the Noldor, and stole from his house the Silmarils. His vile evil done, he fled across the sea to Middle-Earth, and established his base of power in black Angband. And he was called by the elves forever after Morgoth Bauglir, the Black Enemy of the World.

At first, there was chaos, but when it was revealed the Trees were dead, the Valar came to Feanor and asked him to lend them the Silmarils, that the living light might be used to restore the Trees. In his pride, he refused, but it is said that he wavered, and might yet have been convinced. But then news arrived of his father's death, and he beheld at last the terrible design of Melkor.

In a rage, he drew his blade high, and with his seven sons swore the most hideous and terrible Oath ever sworn upon the World -- to reclaim the Silmarils at any cost and at any price, to bring death upon any who stood between them and their goal, and to wage war without end against any who, finding or having a Silmaril, witheld it from Feanor and his sons. This Oath they swore on Manwe and Varda, King and Queen of the Valar, on immortal Eru the Allfather, on the Void beyond the World, and on Valinor itself. It was irrevocable, unbreakable, and binding, and tears unnumbered would be wept over it in later days.
And so it came to pass that Feanor and his brothers led their people in a wrath to the shores of Aman, there to sail for Middle-Earth and the Silmarils. On the way, Finarfin, kindest of Finwe's sons, turned back with some of his followers and begged instead forgiveness, and are thus not counted among the Exiled. But Feanor marched to the lands of the Teleri and demanded from them their ships, that he might sail to the East. Percieving something of what had occurred, they denied him, and in a wrath, Feanor committed the first of his terrible acts: the Kinslaying. Elvish sword shed elvish blood on the shores of the Undying Lands, and the defenseless Teleri were butchered.

But Feanor, in his pride, still distrusted his brother. He and his followers took the ships they needed and sailed Eastward, torching the rest that Fingolfin might not follow him. Fingolfin and his followers, among them Finrod and Galadriel, Finarfin's children, were forced to make their own way to Middle-Earth -- by foot, through the frozen wastes to the North of the world, the Helcaraxe, or the Grinding Ice. Fingolfin led the largest part of the Noldor, and many of their number died in that terrible journey. The survivors of that terrible journey would never follow Feanor or one of his sons, and so declared Fingolfin their High King.

And as the Noldor left, Mandos, the grimmest of the Valar and the master of Fates, passed a Doom upon them, terrible and bitter:

"Tears unnumbered ye shall shed; and the Valar will fence Valinor against you, and shut you out, so that not even the echo of your lamentation shall pass over the mountains. On the House of Fëanor the wrath of the Valar lieth from the West unto the uttermost East, and upon all that will follow them it shall be laid also. Their Oath shall drive them, and yet betray them, and ever snatch away the very treasures that they have sworn to pursue. To evil end shall all things turn that they begin well; and by treason of kin unto kin, and the fear of treason, shall this come to pass. The Dispossessed shall they be for ever.

"Ye have spilled the blood of your kindred unrighteously and have stained the land of Aman. For blood ye shall render blood, and beyond Aman ye shall dwell in Death's shadow. For though Eru appointed to you to die not in Eä, and no sickness may assail you, yet slain ye may be, and slain ye shall be: by weapon and by torment and by grief; and your houseless spirits shall come then to Mandos. There long shall ye abide and yearn for your bodies, and find little pity though all whom ye have slain should entreat for you. And those that endure in Middle-earth and come not to Mandos shall grow weary of the world as with a great burden, and shall wane, and become as shadows of regret before the younger race that cometh after. The Valar have spoken."

It is with this Doom hanging about them, and the grim shadow of Morgoth before them, that the Noldor arrive but newly in Middle-Earth, to reclaim their stolen Silmarils and avenge their murdered King. And in far Valinor, the Valar, out of pity, fashion the last Fruit and Flower of the Two Trees into two mighty vessels steered by Maiar, and set these -- the blazing sun and the shining moon -- to rise and set in the heavens above forevermore, to light the wars and woes of Middle-Earth.

So begins the First Age of the Sun, and the Third Age of Arda Marred.

Here also is a list of the Valar, their names, their powers, and their dominions:

  • Aulë, the Smith. Husband of Yavanna. The shaper of Earth's physical form. He created the Dwarves, and taught both them and the Elves the secrets of smithcraft. Both Sauron and Saruman were his servants of old. He is the lord of Mountain, Stone, and Fire.
  • Estë, the Gentle. Irmo's wife. The healer of hurts and weariness, during days she sleeps in the Gardens, and at night tends to the wounds of hearts and flesh. She is the Lady of Healing.
  • Irmo, the Master of Visions and Dreams. Brother of Námo and Nienna, husband of Estë. The people of Valinor go to the Gardens of Lórien to rest and find relief from the woes of the world. Gandalf is of his household. Called "Lórien" after his place of dwelling, he was called the lord of Dreams and Stories.
  • Manwë, the Elder King. Brother of Melkor and husband of Varda, the King of the Valar and High King of Arda, second only to Eru in authority above mortals. The great Eagles are his emissaries. He is the mightiest being on Arda save for his brother, Melkor. He is the Master of the Heavens, Lord of the Eagles and King of the Winds. He is long in sight, and from his throne in Valinor, sees all that occurs upon Arda.
  • Melkor, He Who Arises in Might, the Black Foe, the Betrayer and the Dark Lord. The brother of Manwë, he is longer counted among the Valar for his crimes. He is the source of all evil, the author of the Discord and the Marrer of Arda. The elves hate him above all others, and call him Morgoth, the Enemy of the World. He is the lord of all that is evil or marred in the world, the King of Woe and the Lord of Lies.
  • Námo, the Doomsman of the Valar. Brother of Irmo and Nienna, husband of Vairë. He keeps the souls of fallen Elves in the Halls of Mandos, where he passes judgement upon their souls and decides when to reincarnate them into Valinor. The bleakest and most pitiless of the Valar, he spoke the Doom of Mandos upon Fëanor and his sons, that they might never fulfill their oath and recover what was lost before the Sun. Commonly known as "Mandos" after his place of dwelling, he is the speaker of Doom and Fate, and the Lord of the Dead.
  • Nessa, the Dancer. Tulkas' spouse. Able to outrun arrows, she is followed forever by a flock of deer who dance with her. Once, she ran the world and danced in the light of the Trees before the fall of Melkor and the dawn of the Sun. She is the most innocent of the Valar. She is least among the Valar.
  • Nienna, Lady of Mercy. The sister of Mandos and Lórien. She weeps endlessly for what has been lost and will never be regained, and mourns each and every lost soul upon Arda. She teaches mercy and compassion, and some say she weeps even for Melkor, and what he might have been. Her sphere is not just grief, but the strength and power to endure it, and emerge greater still. She walks the halls of Mandos and counsels the grieving dead.
  • Oromë, the Huntsman of the Valar. Vana's husband, and the most terrible of the Valar when driven to wrath. Of old he rode Arda to hunt the beasts of Morgoth, and during one of those hunts found the newly awakened Elves. He is the messenger of the Valar and the most feared by the servants of the Shadow.
  • Tulkas, the ever-Valiant. Nessa's husband. The Valar's champion who fights with bare fists and laughs even in battle, who bested Morgoth singlehandedly before the rising of the Sun. He is the Valar of War and strife, and the only one among them who might best Melkor at his height in contest of strength.
  • Ulmo, the Lord of All Waters. He lives not in Valinor, but dwells alone in the deepest seas. He is stern, proud, and fearsome, but his heart is filled with compassion for the people of Middle-Earth, even when the other Valar are angered by them and their misdeeds. He is the Lord of all the Seas and Oceans, Master of the Waters of the World.
  • Vairë, the Weaver. Námo's wife. She sits in her husband's hall and weaves all of history into her tapestries, spinning out Fate from wool and thread. The Halls of Mandos are filled with the story of the world she weaves, and widen forever to encompass it.
  • Varda, the Queen of the Stars, and their maker, who set the Sickle of the Valar in the Years of the Trees when the world was dark, to light the lands of Middle-Earth for the newborn Elves. Manwë's wife. The Elves hold her in special esteem, and call her Elbereth Gilthoniel and Fanulios, Snow-White. She rules at Manwe's side, and hears all that happens in Arda. Together, they rule the world.
  • Vána, the Ever-young. The younger sister of Yavanna and wife of Oromë. Wherever she goes birds sing and flowers bloom. She is the fairest of the Valar, and has the beauty of heaven upon her face.
  • Yavanna, the Giver of Fruits. Aulë's wife and Vána's sister. The creator of all plants and animals, including the Two Trees, which lit Valinor and now light the heavens. She is mother of the Ents, and is next to Varda in esteem among the Elves, who call her Kementari, Queen of the Earth.
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Lore: The Despair of Men
Just how bad was it in the east that men and dwarf gave thought (and action in some cases) to going closer to the Enemy's main capital doom-fortress?

There were no elves there who had seen the light. There was no one strong or brave or free enough to oppose the Enemy. Men and Dwarves woke to a world under the power of Melkor and Sauron, were born into the Shadow, lived and died knowing only the power of Morgoth, knowing only his lies. Those who could and would fled, only to find that there existed nowhere in the world free of the Darkness.

I am reminded of a conversation Tolkien wrote between Andreth, of the House of Beor, and Finrod Felagund, a King of the Noldor.

Athrabeth Finrod Ah Andreth said:
'More than a hundred years it is now,' said Andreth, 'since we came over the Mountains; and Bëor and Baran and Boron each lived beyond his ninetieth year. Our passing was swifter before we found this land.'

'Then are you content here?' said Finrod.

'Content?' said Andreth. 'No heart of Man is content. All passing and dying is a grief to it; but if the withering is less soon then that is some amendment, a little lifting of the Shadow.'

'What mean you by that?' said Finrod.

'Surely you know well!' said Andreth. 'The darkness that is now confined to the North, but once'; and here she paused and her eyes darkened, as if her mind were gone back into black years best forgot. 'But once lay upon all Middle-earth, while ye dwelt in your bliss.'

They fled blindly, hoping for an escape, only to find that there was none:

"...But for myself I deem that we cannot escape within this world, nay, not even if we could come to the Light beyond the Sea, or that Aman of which ye tell. In that hope we set out and have journeyed through many lives of Men; but the hope was vain. So said the Wise, but that did not stay the march, for as I have said, they are little heeded. And lo! we have fled from the Shadow to the last shores of Middle-earth, to find only that it is here before us!"


'And being thus pursued, have Men no hope?' said Finrod.

'They have no certainty and no knowledge, only fears, or dreams in the dark,' answered Andreth. 'But hope? Hope, that is another matter, of which even the Wise seldom speak.' Then her voice grew more gentle. 'Yet, Lord Finrod of the House of Finarfin, of the high and puissant Elves, perhaps we may speak of it anon, you and I.'

So hopeless were Men, and unknowing of the truth of the World, that they thought Melkor was the god of the world, and knew not of Eru:

'Behold!' said Andreth. "Did I not say that ye do not know death? Lo! when you are made to face it in thought only, as we know it in deed and in thought all our lives, at once you fall into a despair. We know, if ye do not, that the Nameless is Lord of this World, and your valor, and ours too, is a folly; or at least it is fruitless."

'Beware!' said Finrod. 'Beware lest you speak the unspeakable, wittingly or in ignorance, confounding Eru with the Enemy who would fain have you do so. The Lord of this World is not he, but the One who made him, and his Vicegerent is Manwë, the Elder King of Arda, who is blessed.
Andreth looked up and her eyes darkened. 'The Valar?' she said. 'How should I know, or any Man? Your Valar do not trouble us—either with care or with instruction. They sent no summons to us.'
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Turn 1: The Coming Of Men
Turn One:
The Coming Of Men
F.A 310

For as long as you have known, your people have been running -- no, fleeing. The oldest stories from your grandfather's fathers' fathers' time, passed down in memory among the Wise, tell of the lands from whence you once came, to the utmost East which none living now remember. And the old stories tell also of the Nameless, of the Great Voice which has hunted your people since the Dawn of Days, the Shadow which has ever and always hung over your race. It is from the Nameless and the Shadow that your people fled in ancient times, it is said, and it is from Him you flee still. You fled to the lands of the Great Lake, where dwelt sharp-eared men with older eyes, who called themselves the Quendi, but they too knew of the Nameless, and he had tormented them for even longer. They taught you of the wood-craft and the sword-way, but even they who were fair could not say for certain if there existed any land beyond the Shadow.

The Wise say then that your people fled further, and came to the lands of the stout men of stone, but they also knew the Shadow, and hid from him in their mountain-halls. They would not speak to you, save to say that there was nowhere above the Earth where the reach of the Nameless did not fall. And so you pressed on in your search, in your Great Flight, driven ever Westward by some nameless impulse, by some hope for a life and land better than these.

Your people in their Great Flight have passed over hill and valley and mountain, over river and lake and league without end. For generations, you have wandered, knowing not where you went, knowing only that behind you lay the Shadow and West lay the unknown. You have been hounded in all your wanderings by the fell creatures the Quendi called the Oroch, who come to butcher children in the night and ride giant wolves. Men are born and live and die never knowing anything but the walk and the fear and the flight from death.

You are Bëor, son of Beregost, son of Borohir, seventh of your line since the beginning of the Great Flight to lead your people. You are reckoned as the wisest and most noble among your people, and both of your sons have grown into Men of skill, masters of the woodland and great among your people. For the last weeks, you have led them over a great range of mighty mountains, shepherding your kindred through ice-glazed peaks and snow-capped vales to emerge, at last, in a land that is unlike any you have ever before seen. It is a great plain of rolling fields and grasses greener than green, split by seven rivers, each mightier than the last. Here, the sky is clear, the water is clean, and the air is fair.

Here, perhaps, you may be free at long last.

Faction Leader Gained: Bëor, son of Beregost (Rank 5)
Beor, Son of Beregost
Class: Seer
Health: 300/300
Rank: 5 (2 actions per turn)
Wise, strong, and firm of mind and body, you are the greatest among your people, and the finest of their leaders since the Great Flight began.

13 -- There is a glorious fire within you that is not easily quenched. (+40 to all Morale rolls, Gain XP at a x1.5 rate, +100 Health)
2 -- You know very little of great battles. It is not the way of your people to war. (-50 Modifier).
Combat: 8 -- You can handle yourself fairly in battle (+20 modifier)
10 -- You are strong indeed among the children of Mankind. (+40 modifier)
11 -- You are fair of tongue and great of word. (+40 modifier)
13 -- You have much skill in the history of your people, and are counted among the Wise. (+40 modifier)
16 -- Among the Wise, you are among the Wisest. (+60 Modifier)
: N/A -- Your people are vagabonds and wanderers, and cannot make works of beauty.
Magic: 2 -- There is an old magic among your people, the stuff of woodlands and fens, but you are not learned in it. (-40 modifier)
15 -- You are skilled in the arts of the wood and wild. (+60 modifer)
8 -- You know something of the hunter's art. (+20 modifer)

The House of Beor:
You are the wisest and most thoughtful of mortal men, and your heirs follow in your footsteps. Yours is a race of thinkers, of brave hearts and bolder minds, of Men with a will to power to rival the very elves themselves. Yours is a bloodline of heroes, touched by destiny and blessed by fate. From your noble line shall spring the Hope of All. (Leaders of your House start with minimum 5 Grace. At least one child of your House per generation will be a Seer or Ranger leader. Get a +2 to all Woodsmanship rolls, and a +5 to all Lore and Wisdom rolls. If reduced to a single living leader, you automatically begin the Lay of Leithian questline, which has a 3% chance to start per turn. Gives access to the unique Halfelven questline after a certain undisclosed amount of turns have passed.)

The Wisest of Men: Your people look up to you as a beacon of wisdom and guidance in dark times, perhaps the greatest such since the Awakening of Mankind. (Wisdom and Lore rolls are re-rolled, or re-re rolled if you already have a bonus, with the highest roll being taken)
Leader Gained: Baran, son of Bëor (Rank 4)
Baran, son of Bëor.
Health: 140/140
Class: Ranger
Rank: 4 (2 actions per turn)
Hale, young, and a woodsman of great skill, Baran is your heir and the mightiest of the hunters of your house.

6 -- There is a spark in you, but it is dim. (+5 to all Morale rolls, +10 Health)
5 -- You have led your people in some few struggles, but nothing of note. (No Modifier).
Combat: 10 -- You are one of the finest warriors among the race of Men. (+40 modifier)
11 -- You are strong indeed among the children of Mankind. (+40 modifier)
8 -- You are well-spoken and fair of voice. (+20 modifier)
4 -- You do not heed oft the words of the Wise, choosing instead to hunt in the fields. (-20 modifier)
8 -- There is a certain intuition in your soul. (+20 Modifier)
: N/A -- Your people are vagabonds and wanderers, and cannot make works of beauty.
Magic: 2 -- There is an old magic among your people, the stuff of woodlands and fens, but you are not learned in it. (-40 modifier)
18 -- Your people are masters of the wood and the hill, and of the wild places of earth. (+90 modifer)
13 -- You are the mightiest huntsman among your people. (+40 modifier)

The House of Beor:
You are the wisest and most thoughtful of mortal men, and your heirs follow in your footsteps. Yours is a race of thinkers, of brave hearts and bolder minds, of Men with a will to power to rival the very elves themselves. Yours is a bloodline of heroes, touched by destiny and blessed by fate. From your noble line shall spring the Hope of All. (Leaders of your House start with minimum 5 Grace. At least one child of your House per generation will be a Seer or Ranger leader. Get a +2 to all Woodsmanship rolls, and a +5 to all Lore and Wisdom rolls. If reduced to a single living leader, you automatically begin the Lay of Leithian questline, which has a 3% chance to start per turn. Gives access to the unique Halfelven questline after a certain undisclosed amount of turns have passed.)
Leader Gained: Belen, son of Bëor (Rank 3)
Belen, son of Bëor.
Health: 100/100
Rank: 3 (1 action per turn)
Though young, inexperienced, and barely a man, your son Belen has emerged as one of the foremost of the Wise of your clan, the peer of men decades his elder.

9 -- A flame imperishable is kindled in thy heart. (+10 to all Morale rolls, +40 health, gain slightly increased XP)
1 -- You have never led men into war, and know nothing of battle. (-90 Modifier).
Combat: 6 -- You are capable of fighting, but have no skill for it. (No modifier)
6 -- You are not particularly strong of arm. (No modifier)
Diplomacy: 8
-- You are well-spoken and fair of voice. (+20 modifier)
15 -- You are the mightiest of the loremasters of your folk. (+60 modifier)
12 -- You are wise in thought, for one so young. (+40 Modifier)
: N/A -- Your people are vagabonds and wanderers, and cannot make works of beauty.
Magic: 8 -- There is an old magic among your people, the stuff of woodlands and fens. You know of it. (+20 modifier)
10 -- You are at home among the hills. (+40 modifer)
8 -- You know something of the hunter's art. (+20 modifer)

The House of Beor:
You are the wisest and most thoughtful of mortal men, and your heirs follow in your footsteps. Yours is a race of thinkers, of brave hearts and bolder minds, of Men with a will to power to rival the very elves themselves. Yours is a bloodline of heroes, touched by destiny and blessed by fate. From your noble line shall spring the Hope of All. (Leaders of your House start with minimum 5 Grace. At least one child of your House per generation will be a Seer or Ranger leader. Get a +2 to all Woodsmanship rolls, and a +5 to all Lore and Wisdom rolls. If reduced to a single living leader, you automatically begin the Lay of Leithian questline, which has a 3% chance to start per turn. Gives access to the unique Halfelven questline after a certain undisclosed amount of turns have passed.)

The Sight: This character, through some strange quirk of their lineage, dreams of things yet to come, and of what might be, or what will be, in years yet come. The Shadow weighs heavy on the hearts of such dreamers, and they are not long for Man's world. (This character gets re-rolls on one failed roll a turn, and gets +10 boosts to all Combat, Woodsmanship, and Magic rolls. Reduced health and increased susceptibility to illness.)

Modifier Gained: The Great Flight

Your people have fled from the Enemy for generations without count, and are driven ever onwards by the fear of what lies behind. As long as the terror of the Shadow lies upon their hearts, they will be slower to battle and quicker to action. Their spirits are weary and tired -- not broken, not yet, but close. (Gain an extra action per turn for whichever leader you wish until the House of Beor has settled in a permanent home. -40 to all offensive Warfare rolls, and -60 to all Morale rolls)

Turn One
You and your folk are newly emerged into this fair land of rolling hills and verdant plains, bounded on all sides by great rivers. Behind you lie the Blue Mountains, and beyond them is darkness and shadow and a fear so great it has driven you for millennia. You do not know if there is hope to be found here -- if there is hope to be found anywhere in Arda -- but there is, for a moment, a reprieve. As your people spill out into this land, weary and tired from this latest leg of their long journey, it falls to you to tend to their wounds and their spirits, explore the lands around, and procure enough food for the coming year.

The folk of the House of Bëor currently number at some two thousand and eighty, with the majority of these being women and children. There are some six hundred-odd men and women capable of fighting and hunting among your people, and of these, most all are hunters and trappers, not true warriors of any sort. The overall mood of your people is disheartened.

Your people have 8 months worth of food, and need at least 4 more to get through the coming year. Food is plentiful, and your hunters will gather roughly 12 months worth of food from various sources if all goes well.

Your son Belen has been having fitful dreams since the mountain crossing, and his skin is grown deathly pale with weight of prophecy. There are men of stone to the north, says he, and spirits of fire to the west. And should we remain where we are, the fairest of songs will come to us.

Beor has two actions this turn. Baran has two, and Belen has one. You have one free action which can be assigned to any leader, for a total of six.

Voting works a bit differently here from my other quests. Each leader has a certain number of actions available based on their rank and yearly modifiers. Leaders can be assigned to as many actions as they are capable of, and depending on the action, leaders can even double up on the same action to increase the chances of success. The actions will be listed below, and players must construct a Plan that not only decides which actions will be taken, but which leaders will be assigned to which actions. Watching stats and modifiers thus becomes very important, as a mismatch between a leader and an action could lead to disaster.

Not all votes have to be taken, and most can be ignored unless they're labeled Vital. You cannot do everything, nor should you try. Some actions must be foregone for others, some disadvantages must be taken. Questlines, in particular, are leader-specific story chains which force the leader in question to spend a vote on them per turn, and may even require them to spend more than one vote. However, the in-universe and story effects of questlines may have game-changing effects, and the rewards at the end may be great. The leader who starts a Questline by taking the action that begins it must see it out to it's end.

If you feel constrained and trapped, or as if there is no clear way forward -- well, that was the lot of the race of Men in the Elder Days.

The Great Flight:
You are come newly into these lands, and they seem at first fair -- but many lands have seemed first to your people fair, only for it to be found that the Darkness there too dwelt. Some among your people are already urging you to send scouts out into the various directions to search this newfound land. Of course, every man searching is a hunter not preparing food for the people. A rare few even argue that you should keep moving, putting distance between you and the mountains. (If you take no action and remain where you are, you will begin Questline: The Coming Of Men in one turn. You can have multiple questlines active at the same time.)

You send cursory scouting forces in all directions. They can provide no detailed reports, but will at least make sure this land is safe. (Hunters will gather one less month of food this turn)(Random chance of beginning any of the questlines below)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] You send a party to closely investigate the northernmost river of this land, which your outriders say rushes like a roaring river. A strange road of stone runs along it's side, rising up into the mountains. (Hunters will gather one less month of food this turn)(Chance to begin Questline: The Sons of the Stone)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] You send a party westwards, towards a mighty river which flows both north and south. (Hunters will gather one less month of food this turn) (Chance to begin Questline: The Spirits of Fire)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] You organize a great force of roughly twenty men to ride about the boundaries of this new land and closely search it for any sign of the Shadow. A skilled tracker is necessary to do so. (Hunters will gather two less months of food this turn)(Great chance to begin Questline: The Forest Dwellers)(Small chance to begin Questline: The Shadow Follows)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] You order your people to keep moving, marching further Westward still. This will make all else you do this year that much more difficult -- but it may yet be worth the trouble. Breaking the news to your tired folk will require tact. (Hunters will gather three less months of food this turn, -20 to all rolls)(Immediately begin Questline: The Spirits of Fire)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] You order your people to keep moving, marching up to the North, in hopes of finding new lands. This will make all else you do this year that much more difficult -- but it may yet be worth the trouble. Breaking the news to your tired folk will require tact. The north is less populated by animals than the rest of this region, and will feed your people far less. (Hunters will gather five less months of food this turn, -20 to all rolls)(Immediately begin Questline: The Sons of the Stone)
--[] Leader (write-in)

Those Who Were Lost:
The journey across the Blue Mountains was particularly harsh, and many did not make it. During a mighty gale some days back, however, some half a hundred of your people were lost in the blinding snow. You could not afford then to turn back, but now that you have found fresh food and clean water, many among your people urge you to send scouts back to find them -- or what became of them. (Not taking any of these votes will result in a significant morale loss among your people)

You organize a scouting party to search for the lost Men in the foothills of the Blue Mountains. (Hunters will gather one less month of food this turn)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] You organize a sizable force to search for the lost Men in the near reaches of the Blue Mountains. (Hunters will gather two months less of food this turn, chance of losing Men)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] You order a thorough search of the Mountains, with trackers and hunters retracing your people's steps to find their lost brethren. (Hunters will gather three months less of food this turn, great chance of losing Men)
--[] Leader (write-in)

The Spears and the Seers (Vital):
For as long as your people have existed, the spears -- the hunters, the warriors, and the strong men of the tribe -- have struggled with the Wise for resources, for influence, and for the love of the people's hearts. The Wise say they keep the records of the people, that they know the old magics of tree and stone, that with them and in them is all that we have and are. The Spears claim in return that they have kept us fed, that they clothe and shelter and protect -- can words or stories do this? Now that you are newly emerged from scarcity, the age-old conflict has broken out again, with proud rangers and sagely old men bickering like children in the camps.

[] Support the Spears, at least for a time. Food is well needed, and by giving the hunters public support in the near future, you can better gather resources this year. (Increased food gain for two turns, Bonus to all Hunter votes, Rangers get one extra action next turn)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] Support the Seers. Our legends and histories are more important now than ever, and must be protected. (+30 to all Wisdom rolls for two turns, bonus to all Wise votes, Seers get one extra action next turn)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] Support neither. This petty bickering only harms us. (Reduced morale for two turns, both the Wise and the hunters are displeased, -10 to all votes, does not cost an action point)
Try to make them get along, for the good of the folk (DC 100, ??? if you fail, gain both the positive modifiers above if you succeed)
--[] Leader (write-in)

The Way of the Wise:
Since time immemorial, the Wise have ever been the shepherds of the flock, the keepers of history and lore, memorizing every agonizing step of the long journey. Their words are a balm in dark times, and their ancient knowledge is ever of a use to the people.

[] The Wise have stories to tell of times much like this, and troubles much like these. (Chance to gain a +20 to all rolls for a turn)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] Some among the Wise know something of the old magic of tree and wood and fen, the arts which bend earth and shape stone. You wish to know more of these things. (Begin Questline: The Old Ways. The Wise begin to investigate magic. -1 action to the Wise for ??? turns. The leader selected may have his magic increased by ???)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Wise know much of the woods and the wild, of the earth that is wide and holds many secrets. You ask them to led their wisdom. (Increased chance of finding food this turn, chance of finding ??? in the wild)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] There are some among the Wise strong of mind and respected among the people. They may yet hold positions of leadership. (Chance of recruiting a seer leader)
--[] Leader (write-in)

The Hunters:
The masters of wood and hill and beast and bow, the hunters feed, clothe, and protect your tribe.

[] The hunters say that in their rangings high in the mountains, they bespied Oroch from afar. Though they were many leagues away, some among them think it might be wise for a party of them to go up into the mountains and erase your tracks, that the foul beasts might not find you.
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The hunters say this land is plentiful and full of game. They propose a great hunting party be formed to track these plentiful herds and feed the people for many months to come. (Chance of getting ??? Months of food if successful)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The skilled hunters among your tribe are few. You send the most skilled to train the rest in tracking and stalking their prey. (Chance of increased hunter effectiveness)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] There are hunters of great skill and fame among their number, and a select few of these may grow greater still. (Chance of recruiting a Ranger or Warrior leader)
--[] Leader (write-in)

General Leadership:

As the leader of your people and a bastion of their strength even unto the darkest of days, you must see to their needs and wants, and tend to their spirits. Here are all decisions relating directly to your clan as a whole. (You can take any of these you like without spending action points, and though they do not require a leader, one may help the roll go smoother. Taking more than three of these votes will take an action point from your faction leader, however -- three further votes for every AP spent.)

You see to it that the Wise walk among them, telling them stories of strength and fortitude in darker days than these. (Chance of gaining a positive modifier next turn)
You personally speak to them, attempting to allay their fears and calm them. (Requires Beor) (Chance of gaining a positive modifier next turn)
You send the Wise among them to heal their wounds and mend the physical scars of their terrible journey through the passes.
[] You give extra rations to the women and children, that they might quicker recover from the harshness of the mountains (Requires an extra month of food)
You give extra rations to the elderly and the Wise, that the memory of where we have been does not fade before it can be passed on. (Requires an extra month of food)(Increase the influence of the Wise)
You give extra rations to the hunters and the scouts, that the people may be better defended and protected in the days to come. (Requires an extra month of food)(Hunters are more effective)(Increase the influence of the Hunters)
You have the youngest and most able men of the tribe gathered and armed. These will not hunt, but rather protect the people of your tribe when the men are away. (Hunters may be displeased)
You increase the number of hunters out on the plains, that you might gather more food this year. (Hunters gather more food)(Increased Hunter influence)(The tribe is less defended)
You order the Wise and the women to pick berries and gather plants to eat. (The Wise may be displeased. More food gathered this turn)
You throw a celebration to feast emerging from the mountain passes alive and mostly whole. (Will take up two months worth of food)(Morale greatly improved)

There is now a ONE DAY MORATORIUM on all votes.

Use this time to discuss the choices available and create different Plans. As previously discussed, any votes not in plan form, or submitted before the moratorium is up, will not be counted.

As always, discussion is rewarded with Echoes. (As are Omakes and Reaction posts.)
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Mechanic: Echoes of the Music
I'd say Baran is the guy, looking at his stats, we want to be sending out and about.

@Telamon what are Echoes?

Oof, meant to put something about this in the post.

Echoes of the Music, called simply Echoes, are the lingering remnants of the First and Oldest Song — strands of living destiny, tunes of fate, the very melody of creation.

OOC, they are a rare in-game currency which allow you to increase Grace, Rank up leaders without XP, get hints and information about questlines and votes, increase the strength of Artifacts, and lots of other cool stuff. You earn them for completing Questlines, defeating powerful foes, or for Legendary Acts (which will be explained in the upcoming mechanics post). And, of course, you earn a small amount from reaction posts and omakes.

Though you will need a lot: increasing Grace by one level (the cheapest option) is worth 500 Echoes.
Turn 2: The Song Of The Firstborn
Turn Two:
The Song of the Firstborn

[X] Plan We Are Here to Stay
[X] Try to make them get along, for the good of the folk (DC 100, ??? if you fail, gain both the positive modifiers above if you succeed)
-[X] Leader Beor
-[X] Leader Belen
[X] The Wise have stories to tell of times much like this, and troubles much like these. (Chance to gain a +20 to all rolls for a turn)
-[X] Leader Belen
[X] The hunters say that in their rangings high in the mountains, they bespied Oroch from afar. Though they were many leagues away, some among them think it might be wise for a party of them to go up into the mountains and erase your tracks, that the foul beasts might not find you.
-[X] Leader Baran
[X] You organize a scouting party to search for the lost Men in the foothills of the Blue Mountains. (Hunters will gather one less month of food this turn)
-[X] Leader Baran

-[X] You personally speak to them, attempting to allay their fears and calm them. (Requires Beor) (Chance of gaining a positive modifier next turn)
--[X] Leader Beor
[X] You send the Wise among them to heal their wounds and mend the physical scars of their terrible journey through the passes.
[X] You throw a celebration to feast emerging from the mountain passes alive and mostly whole. (Will take up two months worth of food)(Morale greatly improved)
[X] You give extra rations to the women and children, that they might quicker recover from the harshness of the mountains (Requires an extra month of food)

[X] The Wise have stories to tell of times much like this, and troubles much like these: DC 90
Belen: (1d100 +60 (Lore) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) -10 (The Dwindling of Memory) = 63 (Failure)
Belen (Gift Of Men reroll) : (1d100 +60 (Lore) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) -10 (The Dwindling of Memory) = 117 (Moderate Success)
Result: Moderate Success

[X] Try to make them get along, for the good of the folk: DC 100

Beor: (1d100 +40 (Diplomacy) -20 (Ancient Feuds) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise)= 114 (Success)
Belen: (1d100+20 (Diplomacy) -20 (Ancient Feuds) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise)= 84 (Failure)
Belen (Sight reroll): (1d100+20 (Diplomacy) -20 (Ancient Feuds) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise)= 96 (Failure)
Belen (Gift of Men reroll): (1d100+20 (Diplomacy) -20 (Ancient Feuds) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise)= 59 (Failure)
Result: Success

[X] The hunters say that in their rangings high in the mountains, they bespied Oroch from afar. Though they were many leagues away, some among them think it might be wise for a party of them to go up into the mountains and erase your tracks, that the foul beasts might not find you. (DC 80)

Baran: (1d100 +90 (Woodsmanship) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise) -20 (The Wolves of Angband) - 40 (The Cruel Ered Luin) = 83 (Close Success)
Baran (Gift of Men reroll): (1d100 +90 (Woodsmanship) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise) -20 (The Wolves of Angband) - 40 (The Cruel Ered Luin) = 143 (Critical Success)
Result: Critical Success

Critical Success Result
Oroch Outrunners Found

Track The Oroch Outrunners: DC 60
Baran: (1d100 +40 (Tracking) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise)- 40 (The Cruel Ered Luin)) = 82 (Major Success)
Major Success

The Battle In The High Pass:

Baran son of Beor: (1d100 +0 (Warfare) +40 (Combat) +60 (Ambush) -40 (The Great Flight) +0 (Equal numbers) -10 (Disheartened Forces) - 40 (The Cruel Ered Luin)) = 108 (Best roll of 2)
Uldfang the Outrunner: (1d100 +20 (Warfare) +20 (Combat) -60 (Ambushed) +20 (The Wolves of Angband) +0 (Equal numbers) +10 (The Will of Melkor) - 40 (The Cruel Ered Luin))= 77 (Best roll of 1)
Result: Crushing Victory

[X] You organize a scouting party to search for the lost Men in the foothills of the Blue Mountains. (Hunters will gather one less month of food this turn) DC 65
Baran: (1d100 +40 (Tracking) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise) - 40 (The Cruel Ered Luin)) = 50
Baran (Gift Of Men Reroll): (1d100 +40 (Tracking) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise) - 40 (The Cruel Ered Luin)) = 118
Result: Critical Success

Critical Success Result:
Gain one extra month of food.

[X] You personally speak to them, attempting to allay their fears and calm them. (Requires Beor) (Chance of gaining a positive modifier next turn) DC 80
Beor: (1d100 +40 (Diplomacy) -60 (The Great Flight) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise))= 52 (Failure)
Beor: (1d100 +40 (Diplomacy) -60 (The Great Flight) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +20 (Words of the Wise))= 82 (Close Success)
Result: Close Success

You send the Wise among them to heal their wounds and mend the physical scars of their terrible journey through the passes. DC 60
The Wise: (1d100 +20 (Seers Supported)) = 101 (Major Success)
Major Success

F.A 311

The year begins well enough.

Your people lay under a dark cloud in the weeks after their emergence from the mountains, and so your son, Belen, lead the Wise among their tents, speaking to them of ancient struggles and crises that your people have endured in days darker yet than these. He tells of the crossing of the Great River in your great-great grandfather's time, of how your forefather Belech lost three sons and a father to the rushing waters, yet persevered to lead your people to new lands. He tells of the first time the Oroch came in the night, and of how Boromir son of Harel drove them off with only a flaming stick pulled from the flame.

He speaks the legends of the heroes who have shepherded your House during their generational flight from the Shadow, and they fill your people's hearts with a hope you thought left beyond the mountains. That hope springs with you into the new year, and fills their every word and deed.

It is under the graces of this auspicious feeling that you and Belen attempt to mend the centuries-old rift between the Seers and the Spears. The hunters and the Wise have ever and always quibbled over resources, respect, and power. It is that oldest and most enduring of conflicts -- the word against the sword, the old against the young, the brave against the wise. You and Belen attempt to mend this latest iteration of the age-old conflict in order to allow your people to better succeed in this land. In this, Belen has little success -- his connection to the Wise makes him too sympathetic to their cause, and the hunters simply laugh off his wordy arguments.

You, however, fare far better. You are the chief of all your kindred, and your words carry a heavy weight. The feuding factions heed your words, and you are able to bring them to an uneasy peace. Both throw their full efforts into exploring these lands and settling your people. Though you are wise enough to know that their conflict will only flare back up with time, for now the Spears and the Seers work hand-in-hand.

Perhaps the most successful of your kindred, however, is your son and heir, Baran. As spring rolls across the land, bringing green grass in it's wake and melting the winter snows, he leads a band of some twenty-odd men into the mountains to search for your lost people and cover the tracks you left behind. The greatest woodsman in your tribe, he is easily able to find where your people crossed, and begin the tiresome task of erasing all the tracks of your passing.

In the high snows of the Blue Mountains, Baran not only finds and erases your own tracks, but comes across the tracks of the very Oroch searching after you -- a pack of Oroch outriders, brutish trackers riding fell fire-eyed wolves. In an act of daring, he lures the Oroch away from your people, laying a false trail that leads them up into the frigid passes of the mountains. There, he and his hunters launch a bold ambush, wiping out the monsters' entire company in a single night. They say the leader of the pack was a great beast twice the size of a man, with wicked eyes and sharp teeth. Baran brought you the creature's severed head, his arrow still buried deep into it's skull.

After the battle, Baran and his trackers follow what is left of your tracks back down the mountains, and against all hope, manage to find the lost group that had split off from the caravans. They had become waylaid in the storm along with many of the supplies, and sought shelter in a warren of caves in the mountains. There, by some miracle, they had survived the past weeks, losing only a few of their oldest to the bitter snows. Baran returns at the close of Spring with people and food at his back, a conquering hero who dared and bested all the mountains could throw at him.

Legend Begun: Hunter Legend (3/10) (Baran, son of Beor)

In the First Age, characters who commit deeds of renown and skill may forge for themselves legends associated with this particular skill. A leader may forge only two Legends in his lifetime (barring special exceptions), but Legends may be improved and leveled up as time passes, providing greater and greater modifiers. To begin a Legend, a character must simply be successful at the same thing multiple times, with critical successes counting more. For example, a warrior who wins a mighty battle may begin a Sword Legend, like so:

Legend Begun: Sword Legend (3/10) (Bob)

If he wins several more battles, he will gain the Sword Legend, like so:

Legend Gained: Sword Legend: Bob the Fell-Handed: You are a warrior of some great renown among mankind. (Rank I, +10 to all Combat rolls) (Bob)

And if he wins very many battles, he may level up the Legend, like so:

Legend Gained: Sword Legend: Bob the Fell-Handed: You are mighty among the warriors of men, famed across Beleriand for your skill with the blade. Few living, if any, are your equal. (Rank V, +50 to all Combat rolls) (Bob the Fell-Handed)

Characters may also instantly gain unique Legends from completing certain questlines or finishing certain actions. For example, the Man who completes the Lay of Leithan storyline, irrespective of any other legends he may have, will automatically gain this Unique Legend:

Unique Legend: Erchamion, the One-Handed (Rank V, +5 Grace, +20 to all combat rolls against servants of Morgoth, +20 to all diplomatic rolls with Elves, live an extra ten turns)

For those curious, in the actual Silmarillion, the character with the most Legends was none other than Turin Turambar, who possessed one Sword Legend, one War Legend and three Unique Legends.

To celebrate your son's success in the mountains and the survival of your missing people, you throw a great feast using the bountiful supplies you have gathered from this new land. Your people dance and frolic among the trees and grasses, and for the briefest of moments, the shadow lifts from the shoulders of the House of Beor. The women dance with bare feet while the Wise sing the revels of their ancestors, and the children roll and play in the spring flowers. Gladness wakes beneath the stars, and the sound of music rolls out of the forest and across the plains.

And the music is answered.

It is faint, at first, a song ringing through the eaves of the forest, dismissed perhaps as an echo of an echo. But as it grows louder and louder, the revels stop. The songs fall quiet and the dancers stand enthralled. The children cease their play and look up with eyes wide. This music is like no music your people have ever heard, like no song Men have ever sung. It is old and sad, but it is not the sadness of those who die young. It is a sadness older than flesh and bone and time and stone, and your hearts shake to hear it.

You are the first to shake from the trance and gaze into the woods, and so you are the first among Men to lay eyes on him. He is tall and fair, with skin like marble carved. His eyes are old -- older than yours, and you are old among Men. His hair falls shimmering about his shoulders, like waves of amber grain woven finer than gold. He moves as if the Earth were not beneath him, flowing like water with every step. His long and lithe fingers pluck softly at the strange instrument in his hands, filling the woods with an ethereal music. And from his lips comes the song, that beautiful song, that beats in time with your soul and echoes the tunes of the World.

You gaze for the first time upon one of the Firstborn, and know, in your heart of hearts, that the Flight is at an end.

Questline Begun: The Coming Of Men

The tall singer with golden hair and sharp ears cannot speak your tongue at first, nor you his, but his musical words are similar to those the Quendi taught you long ago. But if this singer is indeed of the Quendi, the elves, then he is nothing like the wandering hunters your people met all those lifetimes ago. His clothing is finer than anything you or yours have ever set eyes upon, and his very voice is filled with a wisdom and strength of spirit that you could only hope to match in a dozen lifetimes. He is to those wandering elves of your ancestor's times as the sun must be to a flickering torch.

And he is kind. In the days and weeks to come, he returns and walks among your tents, greeting the people. He sings to the children and the sick and the old, and to any who will listen. He teaches the Wise new tunes, and braids crowns of lily-flowers for the women. He joins in your revels, and they are all the greater for it. In time, he can piece together enough of your tongue to speak to you, and seems to delight in your stories and songs all the more.

His name, he tells you one day, is Finrod Felagund. He is an Elf indeed, a distant cousin of those your forefathers knew. This land to which you are newly come is called by his kindred Beleriand, and he and his people are called the Noldor, a mighty tribe among the Elves. Finrod himself is a great lord of a portion of this tribe, and descended from a high lineage among their people. He devours all that you can tell him and more -- stories of the lands beyond the mountains, of your people's wandering and roaming, and of your history. When you speak of the Great Flight, of the Shadow and the Oroch, the old eyes grow impossibly sad, and stormclouds pass over the thin fair face.

When next he returns, he brings others, like him but not. These are clad in simpler clothes, and there is...something missing in their eyes that burns in his. These, he tells you, are the Green Elves, another clan of his kindred, and the lands you and your people now roam upon are theirs. They have seen your people from afar, but avoided them out of fear. They have no quarrel with your people, but they are a solitary and lonely sort, and your hunters stray ever closer to their woodland havens.

In short, Finrod explains in halting tones, they would like you to leave.

Turn Two
You and your folk are not alone in these lands -- far from it. The elves were here before you, and have spilled across the breadth of this continent, forming great realms with mighty kings. These elves are fairer and greater by far than those your grandfathers' grandfathers once knew, and the wisdom they could teach your people is almost unfathomable. The Great Flight, you dare to hope, may yet be at an end. But the Elves rule these lands, and so must be heeded -- your people may not have found a home just yet. Yet the meeting of your people and Finrod has given to your House something Mankind lost centuries ago -- hope.

The folk of the House of Bëor currently number at some two thousand one hundred and twenty, with the majority of these being women and children. There are some six hundred-odd men and women capable of fighting and hunting among your people, and of these, most all are hunters and trappers, not true warriors of any sort. The overall mood of your people is hopeful.

Your people have 13 months worth of food -- just enough to get through the next year, barring any unfortunate accidents. Food is plentiful, and your hunters will gather roughly 15 months worth of food from various sources if all goes well.

Belen, your son, dreams of two realms -- a land of wood and lore and song to the north, and a kingdom of swords and pride in the east. Both great and mighty, yet as different from the other as the dawn from the dusk.

Beor has three actions this turn. Baran has three, and Belen has two. You have one free action which can be assigned to any leader, for a total of nine.

Voting works a bit differently here from my other quests. Each leader has a certain number of actions available based on their rank and yearly modifiers. Leaders can be assigned to as many actions as they are capable of, and depending on the action, leaders can even double up on the same action to increase the chances of success. The actions will be listed below, and players must construct a Plan that not only decides which actions will be taken, but which leaders will be assigned to which actions. Watching stats and modifiers thus becomes very important, as a mismatch between a leader and an action could lead to disaster.

Not all votes have to be taken, and most can be ignored unless they're labeled Vital. You cannot do everything, nor should you try. Some actions must be foregone for others, some disadvantages must be taken. Questlines, in particular, are leader-specific story chains which force the leader in question to spend a vote on them per turn, and may even require them to spend more than one vote. However, the in-universe and story effects of questlines may have game-changing effects, and the rewards at the end may be great. The leader who starts a Questline by taking the action that begins it must see it out to it's end.

If you feel constrained and trapped, or as if there is no clear way forward -- well, that was the lot of the race of Men in the Elder Days.

(Vital) Questline: The Coming of Men:
Finrod Felagund has returned from the west with an offer. The overking of this land, Elu Thingol of Doriath, has seen fit to grant you and your people reprieve. You, and all Men who follow after, may settle in Beleriand, as long as they swear to aid the Elves in their wars. The Elves fight a great war against a mighty and dreadful Enemy to the north, an Enemy they say is the selfsame Shadow who has haunted you these millennia. Many and mighty are their clans and tribes, and to swear yourself into their service is to, in Finrod's words, avenge your ancestors against the ancient Shadow on the hearts of Man. There is a land far to the northwest where your people may dwell in peace and plenty -- Estolad, the Elves call it, the Encampment. (Will cost Beor an action)

You accept the offer of Finrod, and begin preparing your people for the final leg of their Great Journey, which is at long last at an end. (Gain Trait: Elf-Friends, remove Great Flight modifier)
You accept the offer of Finrod, and take a final, greater step. You swear yourself into the service of Finrod Felagund, as his vassal and leal servant, for all the days of your mortal life. You will dwell with him in his realm of Nargothrond, and your son Baran will lead your people ever after. So will begin a friendship between the House of Finwe and the House of Beor that will last all the days of the World. (Gain Trait: Elf-Friends, remove Great Flight modifier, lose Beor as a leader, Faction Leader becomes Baran, Gain Modifier: Beor the Old for as long as Beor lives, granting +5 to all Wisdom and Lore rolls, Gain Permanent Ally: The Kingdom of Nargothrond, can begin the Ring of Finrod questline later on)
You reject the offer of Finrod. These lands are yours. You have led your people to safety at long last, and you will not follow strangers into unknown lands when there is food and plenty here. If these Green Elves so want you gone, they can come and make you leave. The Elves may be the Firstborn, but this gives them no power or right to rule you. Men will make their own path. (Gain Trait: Pride of the Secondborn, remove Great Flight modifier, become Lord of Ossiriand. Gain Modifier: Defiance of Beor for as long as Beor lives, granting +10 to all Independence-related rolls until Beor's death.)
You reject the offer of Finrod. Men have survived free from any yoke these long millennia, and will be servants to none. Seeking no strife with the elves, you and your people will migrate from these lands further west, in search of a new home. (Hunters will gather three less months of food this turn. Significant morale loss. Gain Trait: The Pride of the Secondborn, Gain Modifier: Defiance of Beor for as long as Beor lives, granting +10 to all Independence-related rolls until Beor's death.)

The Teachings of the Eldar:
The Elf-Lord Finrod Felagund has spent many weeks and months among your people, learning their tongue, their ways, and their history. He has his own land, his own people, and his own responsibilities, but he has taken the time to share with your people a small portion of his ancient knowledge. The memories of men are finite and fading, and the wisdom of the Eldar cannot stay with them forever, but his words will remain with your people for a generation at least. (The leader(s) you choose for this event will gain permanent life-long modifiers and bonuses to the selected area(s)) (Pick up to two)

[] The Eyes of the Eldar:
Finrod teaches your hunters to see the world with new eyes, to read the sky and the water and the trees, to speak the language of the birds and see the patterns of the wind. From him, they learn to hear the Music that beats in the wild places of the earth. (Hunters gather increased food for ten turns, increased chance to generate Hunter leaders for ten turns)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The History of the Children: The Elf-Lord teaches your people of the ancient lore of the Eldar. He speaks of Elder Days before Men awoke, when the stars where young and the seas were new. He tells of ancient wars and triumphs, of all that was lost and all that was gained. The Wise treasure his words as if they are gold. (+10 to all Lore rolls for ten turns, increased chance to generate Seer leaders for ten turns)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Strength of the Noldor: Finrod Felagund is and was one of the Noldor, the finest warriors among the Elven race. Though he himself is no great swordsman, his skill with the blade is enough to make your best men look like babes at play. He moves like water, flowing from one stance to the next, and his blade of silver steel is as an extension of his lithe body. Those who watch him dance the sword will never forget -- and their foes will fall all the easier. (+10 to all combat rolls for ten turns, Warrior leaders are generated with minimum 10 combat, increased chance to generate Warrior leaders for ten turns)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Grace of the Undying: The Elves are fair and graceful beyond measure. Their words carry the weight of centuries, and they move with the self-assured grace of the undying. Learning from Finrod has passed some small part of this on to your people. (+10 to all Diplomacy rolls for ten turns, leaders are generated with minimum 7 Grace)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Wrath of the Elven: When Finrod speaks of the Oroch, there is a flame of hate that burns in his eyes, a hate older and greater than Mankind itself. He tells your people what he has learned of the Shadow over the long millennia -- how to know it, how to fight it, and how to kill it. There is an Enemy in the North, and the Elves have spat in his face for lifetimes. (+10 to all Warfare rolls, and a further +10 to all Warfare, Tracking, and Combat rolls against servants of the Shadow for ten turns. Increased chance to generate Champion leaders for ten turns)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Song of the Firstborn: Finrod's song still echoes in your hearts, and the tunes that he taught the Wise are but pale echoes of the beautiful sounds that fell from his lips. His song, he says, is itself a pale echo of another song and an older Music, a greater tune that woke before the World. There is a power to the Music, he says, a strength to the song. Those who can master it's tunes may master the world -- for the world is the song, and the song is the world. (+10 to all Magic rolls, increased chance to generate Bard leaders, Bard leaders generate with minimum 8 Magic.)
--[] Leader (write-in)

The Way of the Wise:
Since time immemorial, the Wise have ever been the shepherds of the flock, the keepers of history and lore, memorizing every agonizing step of the long journey. Their words are a balm in dark times, and their ancient knowledge is ever of a use to the people.

[] The Wise have stories to tell of times much like this, and troubles much like these. (Chance to gain a +20 to all rolls for a turn)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Wise seek to practice the songs and arts of Finrod, in an attempt to reproduce his haunting music.
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] Some among the Wise know something of the old magic of tree and wood and fen, the arts which bend earth and shape stone. You wish to know more of these things. (Begin Questline: The Old Ways. The Wise begin to investigate magic. -1 action to the Wise for ??? turns. The leader selected may have his magic increased by ???)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Wise know much of the woods and the wild, of the earth that is wide and holds many secrets. You ask them to led their wisdom. (Increased chance of finding food this turn, chance of finding ??? in the wild)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] Some among the Wise wish to visit the lands of Finrod Felagund in far-away Nargothrond, and look upon the Elven-lands. This journey will take additional resources, of course. (Requires four months worth of food)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] There are some among the Wise strong of mind and respected among the people. They may yet hold positions of leadership. (Chance of recruiting a seer leader)
--[] Leader (write-in)

The Hunters:
The masters of wood and hill and beast and bow, the hunters feed, clothe, and protect your tribe.

[] The hunters say that in their rangings they have stumbled upon a great glade, in which lies a lake filled with shimmering stones. You could send some hunters to investigate.
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The hunters have found a mighty boar that rampages through the forests, and has already slain two men. You declare a Great Hunt to find and kill the boar, promising that the man who slays it will be rewarded with extra food and a celebration in his honor. (Requires two months of food)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The hunters say they have roamed far in their rangings and hunts, and request permission to venture into the lands of the Green Elves, that they might find more food for the coming months. (Chance of getting ??? Months of food if successful)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The skilled hunters among your tribe are few. You send the most skilled to train the rest in tracking and stalking their prey. (Chance of increased hunter effectiveness)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] There are hunters of great skill and fame among their number, and a select few of these may grow greater still. (Chance of recruiting a Ranger or Warrior leader)
--[] Leader (write-in)

General Leadership:
As the leader of your people and a bastion of their strength even unto the darkest of days, you must see to their needs and wants, and tend to their spirits. Here are all decisions relating directly to your clan as a whole. (You can take any of these you like without spending action points, and though they do not require a leader, one may help the roll go smoother. Taking more than three of these votes will take an action point from your faction leader, however -- three further votes for every AP spent.)

You implore your people to find the strength to carry on. (Requires Beor)(Increases morale)
You send the Wise among them to collect their stories and tales of the past year, adding them to the collected stories of the House.
[] You give extra rations to the women and children, increasing the growth of the clan. (Requires an extra month of food)
You give extra rations to the elderly and the Wise, that the memory of where we have been does not fade before it can be passed on. (Requires an extra month of food)(Increase the influence of the Wise)
You give extra rations to the hunters and the scouts, that the people may be better defended and protected in the days to come. (Requires an extra month of food)(Hunters are more effective)(Increase the influence of the Hunters)
You have the youngest and most able men of the tribe gathered and armed. These will not hunt, but rather protect the people of your tribe when the men are away. (Hunters may be displeased)
You increase the number of hunters out on the plains, that you might gather more food this year. (Hunters gather more food)(Increased Hunter influence)(The tribe is less defended)
You order the Wise and the women to pick berries and gather plants to eat. (The Wise may be displeased. More food gathered this turn)
Some among your people do not trust the elves. You speak to them, calming their fears and reassuring them.
[] A new generation of children has begun to come up, the first in many lifetimes who have known green grasses and lived more than a few months without the Great Flight. You order the Wise to pay special attention to their tutelage. (???)
[] Finrod has not been alone. Elves have followed him from their Western kingdoms, and some among your people have begun to barter with the strange travelers, trading their hand-made arts and embroideries for elvish fineries and even small silver trinkets. You encourage this burgeoning trade.
[] You order the fastest among your people to scout into the surrounding lands and return with news.
[] You send scouts to search the low passes of the mountains for signs of the other clans of Men you know attempted the crossing.

There is now a ONE DAY MORATORIUM on all votes.

Use this time to discuss the choices available and create different Plans. As previously discussed, any votes not in plan form, or submitted before the moratorium is up, will not be counted.

As always, discussion is rewarded with Echoes. (As are Omakes and Reaction posts.)
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Turn 3: The Grace Of The Earth
Turn Three:
The Grace of the Earth

[X] Plan Their Grace
You accept the offer of Finrod, and take a final, greater step. You swear yourself into the service of Finrod Felagund, as his vassal and leal servant, for all the days of your mortal life. You will dwell with him in his realm of Nargothrond, and your son Baran will lead your people ever after. So will begin a friendship between the House of Finwe and the House of Beor that will last all the days of the World. (Gain Trait: Elf-Friends, remove Great Flight modifier, lose Beor as a leader, Faction Leader becomes Baran, Gain Modifier: Beor the Old for as long as Beor lives, granting +5 to all Wisdom and Lore rolls, Gain Permanent Ally: The Kingdom of Nargothrond, can begin the Ring of Finrod questline later on)
-[X] The Grace of the Undying:
The Elves are fair and graceful beyond measure. Their words carry the weight of centuries, and they move with the self-assured grace of the undying. Learning from Finrod has passed some small part of this on to your people. (+10 to all Diplomacy rolls for ten turns, leaders are generated with minimum 7 Grace)
--[X] Baran
-[X] The Song of the Firstborn: Finrod's song still echoes in your hearts, and the tunes that he taught the Wise are but pale echoes of the beautiful sounds that fell from his lips. His song, he says, is itself a pale echo of another song and an older Music, a greater tune that woke before the World. There is a power to the Music, he says, a strength to the song. Those who can master it's tunes may master the world -- for the world is the song, and the song is the world. (+10 to all Magic rolls, increased chance to generate Bard leaders, Bard leaders generate with minimum 8 Magic.)
--[x] Belen
-[X] The Wise seek to practice the songs and arts of Finrod, in an attempt to reproduce his haunting music.
--[X] Belen
-[X] Some among the Wise know something of the old magic of tree and wood and fen, the arts which bend earth and shape stone. You wish to know more of these things. (Begin Questline: The Old Ways. The Wise begin to investigate magic. -1 action to the Wise for ??? turns. The leader selected may have his magic increased by ???)
--[X] Belen
-[X] The Wise know much of the woods and the wild, of the earth that is wide and holds many secrets. You ask them to led their wisdom. (Increased chance of finding food this turn, chance of finding ??? in the wild)
--[X] Beor
-[X] The hunters say that in their rangings they have stumbled upon a great glade, in which lies a lake filled with shimmering stones. You could send some hunters to investigate.
--[X] Baran
-[X] There are hunters of great skill and fame among their number, and a select few of these may grow greater still. (Chance of recruiting a Ranger or Warrior leader)
--[X] Baran
-[X] Some among your people do not trust the elves. You speak to them, calming their fears and reassuring them.
-[X] A new generation of children has begun to come up, the first in many lifetimes who have known green grasses and lived more than a few months without the Great Flight. You order the Wise to pay special attention to their tutelage. (???)
-[X] Finrod has not been alone. Elves have followed him from their Western kingdoms, and some among your people have begun to barter with the strange travelers, trading their hand-made arts and embroideries for elvish fineries and even small silver trinkets. You encourage this burgeoning trade.
-[X] You send the Wise among them to collect their stories and tales of the past year, adding them to the collected stories of the House.
-[X] You order the fastest among your people to scout into the surrounding lands and return with news.
-[X] You send scouts to search the low passes of the mountains for signs of the other clans of Men you know attempted the crossing.

[X] The Wise seek to practice the songs and arts of Finrod, in an attempt to reproduce his haunting music: DC 120
Belen: (1d100 +60 (Lore) +5 (The House of Beor) +10 (The Song of the Firstborn) +2 (The Gift of Men) -10 (The Dwindling of Memory) = 108 (Failure)
Belen (Gift Of Men reroll) : (1d100 +60 (Lore) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) -10 (The Dwindling of Memory) = 156 (Great Success)
Result: Great Success

[X] The Wise know much of the woods and the wild, of the earth that is wide and holds many secrets. You ask them to led their wisdom. (Increased chance of finding food this turn, chance of finding ??? in the wild): DC 90

Beor: (1d100 +40 (Lore) -10(The Dwindling of Memory) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men))= 121 (Critical Success)
Result: Critical Success

-[X] The hunters say that in their rangings they have stumbled upon a great glade, in which lies a lake filled with shimmering stones. You could send some hunters to investigate. DC 55

Baran: (1d100 +90 (Woodsmanship) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men)) = 164 (Critical Success)
Result: Critical Success

Critical Success Result
The Gems of Denethor

Negotiate with the Laiquendi: DC 130
Baran: (1d100 +20 (Diplomacy) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +10 (Grace of the Undying) +20 (Elf-Friends)) = 82 (Catastrophic Failure)
Baran (Gift of Men reroll): (1d100 +20 (Diplomacy) +5 (The House of Beor) +2 (The Gift of Men) +10 (Grace of the Undying) +20 (Elf-Friends)) = 137 (Close Success)
Close Success

Event Result: A Memory of the Green-Elves

[X] There are hunters of great skill and fame among their number, and a select few of these may grow greater still.
(Chance of recruiting a Ranger or Warrior leader): DC 140
Baran son of Beor: (1d100 +50 (Tracking) +100 (Woodsmanship) +2 (The Gift of Men)) = 174
New Leader Generation Roll: 1d20: 19 (best of two)
Warrior or Ranger: 1d20 (Above ten is a warrior): 1d20: 8
Grace Roll: 1d20+7 (Grace of the Firstborn) -12 (The Latecomers) = 12
Generate With Legend (DC 17): 1d20+2 = 19 (best of two)
Leader Generated: Cúrwen, the Bow-Maiden

F.A 312

The third year from your arrival in Beleriand is a year of change and of growing, of grace and of new things flowering.

Your people prepare themselves for the great exodus from Ossiriand to the promised new-land of Finrod, and you yourself prepare to hand over the reins to your son Baran. You will depart your people forevermore and go to dwell in the court of Finrod Felagund, King of the Elves of Nargothrond. The actions you take among your people this year will be the last.

The new knowledge brought by Finrod and his tall folk has rippled among your people, filling them with a new hope and an optimism that the race of Men has perhaps never known. The songs that fair Finrod sings to your people stick with them for long after, and the fairest-voiced of the Wise even attempt to reproduce them, led by Belen. At first, what you produce is a pale facsimile, a mockery of the grace of the Elves, but then Belen alights on a new idea. The beauty of the elven songs comes from their long life, from their weariness and age-old sorrow, from a grief that was raw when the stars were new. Men cannot sing of such sorrow, for theirs is a different lot. The Wise pour a new grief into their songs, the grief of mortality, the grief of those who have wandered far and wide and found only shadow, the grief of a people born to death.

It is the sorrow of Men, and it is as raw and real and true as the songs of the elves.

The next time Finrod comes to call, your fairest-voiced singers perform one of these new songs for him, and his old eyes grow wet with tears.

Leader Class Unlocked: Bards

The Wise, fat on their success, are thus receptive when you come to call, asking for their oldest secrets and most ancient lores. They have guarded them well these long centuries, even from their own people, but you would bring the knowledge of the race of Men with you to the halls of Finrod Felagund. After much pressure and cajoling, they at last give, and admit their oldest and deepest secret: where the Spears and the rest of your people learned from the Elves of the east in ancient times, the wisdom of the Wise is older. It is the truth of wood and hill and grass and stone, taught to them in the deepest forest by the guardians of the wild, by the shepherds of the trees: the Ents.

Once, they ruled the fen and tree and bog and hill. Once, before the coming of Men and Elves and even the Shadow, they were the masters of Middle-Earth. Their time was before the sun and stars, and even now their age is dwindling. But when they were great and Men were young, the Ents and the Entwives helped the first ancestors of your folk and gave them shelter from the long arm of the Enemy beneath the eaves of the forest. It is from the Ents that your people learned the secrets of the trees and the stories of the wind, and from the Entwives that you learned which plants were safe to eat and which fibers could be used to make clothes, which beasts of the forest could safely be hunted and which could not. They guarded us and sheltered us all those long years ago, and the Wise have kept their secret these millennia.

The Ents are slow and long-lived like the trees, and do not often make their presence known, but those who know the old ways (and there are so few left) can see the signs of their passing in the forest, can follow the trails they taught us to see in the first days. There are few of them indeed in Beleriand, but the first friends of mankind may well be found in the forests of this land where not even the elves dwell.

Questline Unlocked: The First Friends

This is not the only secret they reveal, and your son Belen sits with the eldest of the Wise discussing their stories and lores long into the night.

Halfway through the year, your hunters return with strange news: they have found a hidden glade to the north, and in the glade is a clear still pond. At the bottom of the pond lie hundreds of sparkling, shimmering stones, the like and beauty of which they have never seen. You send Baran and your best woodsmen to find the glade and report back. Baran indeed finds the pool and the shimmering stones, and, overcome by desire, strips off his clothing and leaps in to claim them. When he surfaces, hands shining with jewels --for jewels they are, though none of your people have ever seen them-- the empty glade is full of Green-Elves, melting from the trees with bows in hand. The gems, they explain coldly, are the gems of Denethor, ancient king of their people, who found this pool and it's riches long ago when the elves first came to Ossiriand. They have let Men run rampant across their land and drink of their waters, but they will not permit any to leave the glade with one of their treasures alive.

Baran, ever quickwitted, explains in halting Sindarin that he meant no ill will. He and your people have never seen such beauty and such grace, and all the treasures of your people pale before but a single one of these gems. He did not take the gems out of greed or lust, but out of an admiration for their beauty, and for the beauty of this land that he and his people must depart all too soon. There is nothing of such beauty in the East, under the Shadow.

The hearts of the Green-Elves softened, at that, and they talked among themselves at length. They drew one glittering stone, the size of a babe's fist, from the pool and gave it to Baran. This, they said, would be a memory of Ossiriand for the race of Men, to mark the beauty that must be preserved from the shadow at all costs. In return, they asked, you and your people must remember them. Long after the Laiquendi are gone, hold them in your songs and stories, that they might live in Middle-Earth forevermore.

Relic Gained: The Laiquendimir (Quality 5)
The Laiquendimir (Natural) (Quality: Radiant):
A glittering jewel of great size and beauty from Ossirand of the Seven Rivers. A mighty treasure of the Green Elves of old, who faded from the world after the death of their king. Given by them to the first Men to cross the Ered Luin into Beleriand, that they might understand the beauty which must be preserved from the Shadow. (Valued By Men)(Valued Well By The Sindar)(Valued Highly by the House of Beor)

In the First Age, Relics are items of great worth and power either created or obtained by the peoples of Middle-Earth. Relics have power all their own, and can shape the destiny of Arda. Relics are ranked from Quality 1 (Fine) to Quality 10 (Feanorian). Relics can be combined and forged together to make artifacts of even greater power: a Rank 4 (Precious) gemstone might be set within a Rank 2 (Fair) sword to make a Rank 6 (Magnificent) Sword -- a blade as fair as some of the best works of the elves.

Relics may have natural powers of their own, or may develop new properties over time as their legend grows, and even have certain affects apply to them -- Blessed, for example, protects and deals extra damage against the Shadow, while Cursed items inflict more misfortune on their bearers, and items with the Flame of Anor burn with the light of the sun.

Certain races and factions may value Artifacts differently -- the dwarves may not care for an elvish sword at all, while the elves may Value it Highly and Men value it well. All races and beings Value the Silmarils (Rank 10 Blessed Relics all) beyond words, and may turn to great lengths to gain or preserve them.

Many of your people are anxious about the move, but this gift, combined with your own soothing words on behalf of the elves, softens their hearts. Your people are not easily given to trust or friendship, but the Elves have shown only an open hand thus far.

When the trees begin to brown, Finrod comes a final time. Your people gather their things and pack their necessities, a process they are well familiar with, and say farewell to Ossiriand a final time. Then, with little fanfare, they follow Finrod from the land of the Seven Rivers. He leads you north, across shining fields rich with grass and wide plains that stretch to the horizon, over river and field and past mountain and forest, to the rolling plains of Estolad, within sight of the woodland realm of Doriath. Your scouts are quick to report on your new situation: to your people's north is the dark forest of Nan Elmoth, and beyond that the mountains where the sons of Feanor keep watch upon the Shadow. To your west is mighty Doriath, where rules eternal the woodland king Thingol -- your people are not to trespass upon his lands. East lie the mountains, and the dominion of the Dwarves.

As you leave with Finrod and his people, having passed the reins of command over to your son Baran, you turn a final time to look with proud eyes upon the people who have followed you here from across the mountains. You go now to the halls of Finrod, but you have succeeded in what your ancestors set out to do, and years from now when your limbs fail and you lie down for your final sleep, you will die knowing you have led your people from the Shadow at long last.

The Great Flight is over.

Trait Lost: The Great Flight
Trait Gained: Elf-Friends

You and your people are counted among the Edain, the Elf-Friends. You have sworn to give life and limb and heart and soul to the struggle against the Great Enemy, Morgoth, and shall in return receive the wisdom and the teaching of the Elves. You shall forevermore be held in the eyes of the Elves above those who stayed behind in the East. (+30 to all relations with elves, diminished Latecomer bias with Elves. Perform better in combat with elves, but are required to contribute a portion of your troops to the Siege of Angband and raise your forces when called upon to do battle with Morgoth.)

Your name is Baran son of Bëor son of Beregost, second of your line to lead your people since the coming of Men to Beleriand. You are reckoned among the greatest woodsmen now living, and stand as one of the greatest warriors and hunters of the Race of Men in it's infancy. You and your people dwell now in this new land, in the Estolad, where the elves have led you, is fertile and wide, and promises to be a fruitful home for your people. Your father has gone to dwell with Finrod in the West, and though he may be consulted for his wisdom, the burden of leading your folk falls now upon you and your brother.

Leader Lost: Beor
Faction Leader Gained: Baran Son of Bëor
Rank Up! Baran, son of Beor to Rank 5.

Baran, son of Bëor.
Health: 140/140
Class: Ranger
Rank: 5 (3 actions per turn)
Hale, young, and a woodsman of great skill, Baran is your heir and the mightiest of the hunters of your house.

6 -- There is a spark in you, but it is dim. (+5 to all Morale rolls, +10 Health)
5 -- You have led your people in some few struggles, but nothing of note. (No Modifier).
Combat: 10 -- You are one of the finest warriors among the race of Men. (+40 modifier)
11 -- You are strong indeed among the children of Mankind. (+40 modifier)
9 -- You are well-spoken and fair of voice. (+30 modifier)
4 -- You do not heed oft the words of the Wise, choosing instead to hunt in the fields. (-20 modifier)
8 -- There is a certain intuition in your soul. (+20 Modifier)
: N/A -- Your people are vagabonds and wanderers, and cannot make works of beauty.
Magic: 2 -- There is an old magic among your people, the stuff of woodlands and fens, but you are not learned in it. (-40 modifier)
18 -- Your people are masters of the wood and the hill, and of the wild places of earth. (+90 modifer)
14 -- You are one of the mightiest huntsman among your people. (+40 modifier)

The House of Beor:
You are the wisest and most thoughtful of mortal men, and your heirs follow in your footsteps. Yours is a race of thinkers, of brave hearts and bolder minds, of Men with a will to power to rival the very elves themselves. Yours is a bloodline of heroes, touched by destiny and blessed by fate. From your noble line shall spring the Hope of All. (Leaders of your House start with minimum 5 Grace. At least one child of your House per generation will be a Seer or Ranger leader. Get a +2 to all Woodsmanship rolls, and a +5 to all Lore and Wisdom rolls. If reduced to a single living leader, you automatically begin the Lay of Leithian questline, which has a 3% chance to start per turn. Gives access to the unique Halfelven questline after a certain undisclosed amount of turns have passed.)

(Hunter Legend) Baran of the Deep Wood: Your skill as a woodsman is exemplary among the children of Men. It may well be the stuff of stories. (6/10 to Rank I)

Elves have already begun to filter in from Doriath and the lands of the Noldor to the north, interested in these newcomers, who are short-lived and bold, who have sad eyes and die young. They are greatly interested in the handmade arts and fineries that your people make, and buy them for small trinkets and baubles. You will be the first to admit that what they get is not often the equal of what they give, but elvish curiosity and generosity both have given your people a small reserve of elvish treasure by the end of your first few months in Estolad.

With Beor gone, your first real act as leader of the people is to realize, quite presciently, that your duties as chief hunter will now be replaced by your responsibilities as clan leader. A new chief hunter must be selected from among the people. Many of the hunters of the people have had a chance to excercise their skills and abilities in the years since they first came to this land, and the wider availability of game has made it all the easier to hone their skills. Some of the youth in particular have grown quite skilled -- and the best of these is a young girl named Halbeth, who, though barely a child, can shoot a straight arrow further than men decades her older, and is as at home in the woods as you are. She is strong of voice and hand, and there is a grace and a power to her motions that is matched by few among your people.

The visiting elves, upon seeing her fire a bow for the first time, praised her skill, and were so impressed by it that they came to call her Cúrwen -- Bow-Maiden, in the tongue of Doriath. Her story and her skill have made her loved amongst your people, and they are glad indeed to see her raised to a position of leadership and influence.

Leader Gained: Halbeth, the Bow-Maiden (Rank 3)
Halbeth, daughter of Barahir the Tall, called Bow-Maiden by the Elves.
Health: 100/100
Rank: 3 (1 action per turn)
Young, strong, and skilled beyond her years, with an elvish grace that fills her days. The Bow-Maiden is loved by your people.

12 --There is a glorious fire within you that is not easily quenched. (+40 to all Morale rolls, Gain XP at a x1.5 rate, +100 Health)
1 -- You have never led men into war, and know nothing of battle. (-90 Modifier).
Combat: 10 -- You are one of the greatest combatants of the race of Men. (No modifier)
8 -- You are counted mighty among the Race of Beor. (+20 modifer)
8 -- You are well-spoken and fair of voice. (+20 modifier)
5 -- You are not especially given to the lore of the folk. (+0 modifier)
2 -- You are brash and quick to action. (-40 modifier)
: N/A -- Your people are vagabonds and wanderers, and cannot make works of beauty.
Magic: 8 -- There is an old magic among your people, the stuff of woodlands and fens. You know of it. (+20 modifier)
16 -- You walk wild among the trees, and your feet are as the wind. (+80 modifer)
15 -- Mighty of arm and great of bow, hailed for your skill by the Firstborn. (+40 modifer)

The People of Beor:
You are one of the original people of Beor, who followed Beor the Old across the Ered Luin in the dawn of mankind. Yours is the wood and the hill, the song and the word. You are a sad people, a people old and deep of spirit. (+2 to all Lore and Wisdom rolls, +1 to all Woodsmanship and Tracking rolls)

Named By The Sindar: You are named by the Sindarin elves for a particular aspect of your person or a certain deed of yours. Your name is spoken in the Woodland Realm, and the Grey Elves consider you to be a person of note among the Secondborn. (+20 to all relations with Sindarin Elves, +5 to relations with non-Sindarin elves.)

(Hunter Legend) Halbeth, the Bow-Maiden: It was said in later times that Halbeth of the people of Beor was a hunter of fame in the youth of Mankind, and the elves called her Cúrwen. (Rank I, +10 to tracking rolls) ((0/10) to Rank II)

Before you migrated north, you sent scouts back into the mountains to search for other men. Your cousins, the House of Marach who were separated from you many long years ago, had been seen crossing the mountains as well, and you had hoped to find them within the year. However, your scouts returned not with news of Marach's folk, but of another: short men with dark hair and dark eyes, who have spilled over the Ered Luin in small groups a few hundred into the land of Thargelion to your east. Quiet and reclusive forest-dwellers, they dwell without leave from the Elves, and keep to themselves. The elves, it seems, are not wholly aware of their presence yet, and you might induce them to join you. Estolad is a wide and fruitful land, and if these short men entered into the House of Beor, it could well prove beneficial to both your kindreds.

Far aside from this, you now have a permanent home, and may begin making permanent structures of the sort you have seen the dwarves and the elves make. Your people's greatest constructs have usually been tents to shelter you from the cold, so you may need to ask the elves for aid. Or, of course, you could figure it out on your own.

Lastly, the Wise say they have begun compiling all the stories your people have made since coming to this land. The great story they have kept for generations, the tale of the Great Flight, is at an end. A new story begins now -- the tale of the Edain, the Elf-Friends.

Relic Gained: The Chronicle of the House of Beor (Cultural) (Quality 2): A record kept by the men of the House of Beor of the deeds and acts of their people in the West. It will grow in quality over time as greater tales are added.

Turn Three
You are come anew to a new land, which is to be your home for generations to come: Estolad, the Encampment in the Elven tongues. A fresh land of verdant hills and wide plains, there is much space here for your people to dwell, and it is up to you to take charge in settling them here. Your people are not used to complacency or a life without wandering, and this will be a new experience for them.

The folk of the House of Bëor currently number at some two thousand one hundred and thirty-four, with the majority of these being women and children. There are some six hundred-odd men and women capable of fighting and hunting among your people, and of these, most all are hunters and trappers, not true warriors of any sort. The overall mood of your people is hopeful.

Your people have 16 months worth of food -- more than enough to get through the next year, barring any unfortunate accidents. Food is well enough here, though not as bountiful as in Ossiriand, and your hunters will gather roughly 11 months worth of food from various sources if all goes well.

Baran has three actions, Belen has two, and Halbeth has one, for a total of six.

Voting works a bit differently here from my other quests. Each leader has a certain number of actions available based on their rank and yearly modifiers. Leaders can be assigned to as many actions as they are capable of, and depending on the action, leaders can even double up on the same action to increase the chances of success. The actions will be listed below, and players must construct a Plan that not only decides which actions will be taken, but which leaders will be assigned to which actions. Watching stats and modifiers thus becomes very important, as a mismatch between a leader and an action could lead to disaster.

Not all votes have to be taken, and most can be ignored unless they're labeled Vital. You cannot do everything, nor should you try. Some actions must be foregone for others, some disadvantages must be taken. Questlines, in particular, are leader-specific story chains which force the leader in question to spend a vote on them per turn, and may even require them to spend more than one vote. However, the in-universe and story effects of questlines may have game-changing effects, and the rewards at the end may be great. The leader who starts a Questline by taking the action that begins it must see it out to it's end.

If you feel constrained and trapped, or as if there is no clear way forward -- well, that was the lot of the race of Men in the Elder Days.

(Temporary) Questline: The Other Men
You are not alone in Beleriand. Others have followed you across the mountains, short and secretive men who are hardy and strong of spirit. They have no common leader, so it may be easier to woo some of them to join your folk. They are not your kin however, and your histories are not their histories. Who knows where they wandered in the Shadow, or what they learned in the Dark? Your folk and theirs may make fast friends, or fast foes. Only time will tell. (Select A Leader) (If not taken this option will disappear next turn)

Invite the dark-haired men to join you in Estolad, and swear themselves to the elves. (Increased relation with Finrod, some of the new men may share Estolad with you)
--[] Select Leader
Attempt to convince the dark-haired men to join your folk in Estolad and become members of the House of Beor. (Decreased Morale among the people, some of the new men may join you)
--[] Select Leader
Drive them away. They are not your folk and not your kin. Finrod, friend of Men that he is, may frown on this. (Your hunters will attempt to drive the new men away. There are more of you, and you are stronger. You will probably succeed, but there will be consequences.)
--[] Select Leader

Questline: The First Friends
The Ents, it is said, guided your people in their infancy, taught them the ways of wood and hill and forest and tree. There are some few of the tree-shepards still living in Beleriand, the Wise say. You could seek them out, if you dared, for they were your friends of old. You send one of your leaders to search hill and fen and forest for the oldest of the old. (Select a leader)

[] The Northern Marches:
Your seers say there are signs of Ents to the north, in the vast and cold land called Himlad. If there are any ents here, this close to the Enemy's power, they have almost certainly been scarred by the Shadow. The Ents were terrible indeed to see at war, and their rage was the rage of oak and beech and yew. They hated the Shadow as much as any among the living, and any dwelling here would be fearsome indeed.
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Land Above The Rivers: The wide land called Thargelion is open and lush, and may well be home to some few of the ents. If any have settled in these open plains, it would likely be the Entwives, who value open land to plant and tend their great gardens. The Entwives, the Elves say, know the secrets of the growing things.
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Forest Between The Rivers: Far to your south lies a dark and mighty forest, Taur-in-Duinath, where few if any Elves have ever gone. The Ents love their forests, and the silent and dark trees may well be home to the ancient tree-herders. Any Ents dwelling here would be a secretive and reclusive sort, as old and as still as the trees around them. It would take a powerful magic to wake them from their slumber.
--[] Leader (write-in)

Questline: The Old Ways
Your brother Belen is currently investigating the deepest lore and secrets of your people, which they brought with them from over the Mountains. Those who remember the deep secrets are the eldest of the eldest, and what they know will die with them. He seeks to preserve this knowledge. (One Belen action must be used on this)
[] The Healing Way:
An old crone named Imarwen remembers her mothers' mothers tales of the grasses and the herbs and the words which could heal, which could quicken womb and help bone mend. The words have all but been forgotten, and the skill is all but dead. Belen learns it from her. The elves know something of this way, and say in their songs that Este, the gentlest of the Valar, weeps for the suffering of mortals, and aids them as she can.
[] The Wood Way: In days gone by on the shores of the Sea of Rhun, the Quendi taught the oldest of your ancestors the art of speaking to the trees, and the Ents deepened their knowledge. They say that your fathers' fathers could induce the elm to grow, could persuade the yew to part with itself, and could make their homes amid the trees as the elves did. The elves know this way, and attribute it to the Valar Yavanna, who is mother of all growing things.
[] The Moon Way: In the darkest days of the Great Flight, when the Shadow stretched across the world and the power of the Enemy prevailed upon all, those who could walk without sound and move without sight were valued above all others. This is the way they kept silent from the Orcs and outran the Wargs, in the light of the moon in older days. The Elves know the power of the Moon, whom they call Ithil, and name it among the great enemies of the Shadow.
[] The Sun Way: It is a truth in your bones, that your ancestors have always known: the Enemy is weaker in the light of the sun. The ancient foe fears the sun and her children, the licking flame and the roaring fire. In days gone by, the greatest warriors of your people fought the orcs brandishing a burning blaze and shouting aloud that day, for all the Shadow might avail you, would come again. The elves know this way, and call it the Flame of Anor.

The Words of the Wise:
Since time immemorial, the Wise have ever been the shepherds of the flock, the keepers of history and lore, memorizing every agonizing step of the long journey. Their words are a balm in dark times, and their ancient knowledge is ever of a use to the people. (The Wise can only take one action this turn)

The Wise have stories to tell of times much like this, and troubles much like these. (Chance to gain a +20 to all rolls for a turn)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Wise
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Wise seek to travel to Doriath, to learn the lore of the elves.
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The Wise know much of the woods and the wild, of the earth that is wide and holds many secrets. You ask them to led their wisdom. (Increased chance of finding food this turn)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] Some among the Wise wish to visit the lands of Finrod Felagund in far-away Nargothrond, and look upon the Elven-lands. This journey will take additional resources, of course. (Requires four months worth of food)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] There are some among the Wise whose voices are deep and whose words cut the soul with their beauty. Their music is an echo of the First. (Chance of recruiting a bard leader)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] There are some among the Wise strong of mind and respected among the people. They may yet hold positions of leadership. (Chance of recruiting a seer leader)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] You encourage the Wise to get closer to the Elven visitors and learn their knowledge.
--[] Leader (write-in)

The Hunters:
The masters of wood and hill and beast and bow, the hunters feed, clothe, and protect your tribe.

[] The hunters say that there seems to be great abundance in the forests to your north. They wish to explore it.
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The hunters have found a mighty boar that rampages through the forests, and has already slain two men. You declare a Great Hunt to find and kill the boar, promising that the man who slays it will be rewarded with extra food and a celebration in his honor. (Requires two months of food)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] The hunters are new-come to this new land, and request your permission to travel to it's bounds and edges to map out your new home.
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] You begin trying to train the best fighters of the hunters as bowmen who may serve as your promised levies to the Elves.
[] You cannot enter the forest of Doriath, but there is better game closer to it's eaves. You allow your hunters to get closer in order to fill your people's bellies.
[] The skilled hunters among your tribe are few. You send the most skilled to train the rest in tracking and stalking their prey. (Chance of increased hunter effectiveness)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] There are hunters of great skill and fame among their number, and a select few of these may grow greater still. (Chance of recruiting a Ranger or Warrior leader)
--[] Leader (write-in)
[] You encourage the Hunters to get closer to the Elven visitors and learn their knowledge.
--[] Leader (write-in)

General Leadership:
As the leader of your people and a bastion of their strength even unto the darkest of days, you must see to their needs and wants, and tend to their spirits. Here are all decisions relating directly to your clan as a whole. (You can take any of these you like without spending action points, and though they do not require a leader, one may help the roll go smoother. Taking more than three of these votes will take an action point from your faction leader, however -- three further votes for every AP spent.)

You implore your people to find the strength to carry on. (Requires Baran)(Increases morale)
You send the Wise among them to collect their stories and tales of the past year, adding them to the collected stories of the House. (chance of improving quality of the Chronicle)
[] You give extra rations to the women and children, increasing the growth of the clan. (Requires an extra month of food)
You give extra rations to the elderly and the Wise, that the memory of where we have been does not fade before it can be passed on. (Requires an extra month of food)(Increase the influence of the Wise)
You give extra rations to the hunters and the scouts, that the people may be better defended and protected in the days to come. (Requires an extra month of food)(Hunters are more effective)(Increase the influence of the Hunters)
You have the youngest and most able men of the tribe gathered and armed. These will not hunt, but rather protect the people of your tribe when the men are away. (Hunters may be displeased)
You increase the number of hunters out on the plains, that you might gather more food this year. (Hunters gather more food)(Increased Hunter influence)(The tribe is less defended)
You order the Wise and the women to pick berries and gather plants to eat. (The Wise may be displeased. More food gathered this turn)
You begin the construction of small, temporary homes to shelter your people. Little more than hovels of mud and wood, they are still more than you have ever known.
--[] Request Elven Aid (may owe the elves)
Do it alone (May take longer)
More elves have followed Finrod, seeking to interact with these new men and trade with you. You order the women of the House to make a concerted effort to sew and weave more embroideries and trinkets that they might wish to trade for.
[] You send your scouts to search for things of note in your new homelands.
[] You send a messenger to Elu Thingol praising the Elvenking and asking him for some of the mighty horses his people ride, that your own people may learn to ride.
[] You send a messenger to Finrod asking him for some of the mighty horses his people ride, that your own people may learn to ride.
[] Send a messenger to the mountains of the east, to meet the dwarves.
[] Send a messenger to the north, to meet the Noldor and the sons of Feanor.
[] Write-In

There is now a ONE DAY MORATORIUM on all votes.

Use this time to discuss the choices available and create different Plans. As previously discussed, any votes not in plan form, or submitted before the moratorium is up, will not be counted.

As always, discussion is rewarded with Echoes. (As are Omakes and Reaction posts.)
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Lore: History of the Secondborn
Lore: On The History of the Secondborn
In the first year of the first age, before the sun had yet to rise, man was stirred from their slumber in the far east of Murmenalda, the Vale of Sleep, by the Moriquendi Nuin. Ermor and Elmir, the first men to awake in the darkness, were frightened and dumb for they had no words with which to speak. Nuin taught them a little of his own tongue, and was thus known as the Father of Speech.

Awakening in the darkness, Morgoth hastened to turn the hearts of Man against Ilúvatar, and it is said that all men fell beneath his sway. However, there came men who repented for what they had done and fled to escape their fellows who still were held in sway of Morgoth. These few that repented fled westwards towards the rising sun, and began their long journey that has now begun to end after three centuries of wandering. These tribes of men are the Atanatári, Fathers of Men, and are the forefathers of the Edain.

Always seeking to reach the utmost west, the Atanatári came upon a forked road. Here they split into two tribes. Those that turned south later came to settle for a time amongst the valleys of the White Mountains and would be joined by the Drúedain, who were outcasts even amongst the tribes of men that had repented for their unseemly appearance. Having accepted these outcasts as part of their tribe, they once more began their journey westward. As they traveled west once more, members of their tribe grew weary of the travels and began to settle down in the lands of Eriador, eventually becoming the ancestors of the Middle-Men in later times. Those that continued their journey would be the second tribe of men to arrive in Beleriand in F.A. 312.

This second tribe that would later become known as the House of Haleth, arrived in the south of Beleriand in secret, scattered groups with no singular leadership amongst them of which to speak. In F.A. 375 Morgoth would set a host of orcs upon them and this scattered tribe would be unified by the hero Halad who held against the enemy for a week, ultimately falling in the defense of his people along with his son Haldar. His daughter Haleth would take up leadership of this now unified tribe and would settle in the Forest of Brethil, joining the realm of Doriath in seclusion from the affairs of Beleriand. This is the House that will be known as Haleth, longest lived of the Houses of the Edain.

The men that took the north road would face a more difficult journey, as in their flight from the Shadow the Men of Darkness pursued them and made war upon them. They would follow the north road around northern Rhûn and it is here that the Race of Man first met the Dwarves. It is at the Sea of Rhûn that a small group would split off, becoming the Lesser Folk, and dwell amongst the hills for a time. The larger group, the Greater Folk, would settle in the woods to the northeast. Although they would build craft to sail the Sea of Rhûn, the two groups began to diverge, and the Lesser Folk took up their westward journey again sooner than the Greater Folk.

Both would leave scattered groups behind in their travel west, some of which would become the ancestors to the Northmen and others that would go on to inhabit Eriador. The Lesser Folk, being fewer in number, arrived in Beleriand before their kinsmen the Greater Folk, even though they had stayed for a time amongst the Dwarves of the Misty Mountains. They were lead by their chieftain from who they would take their name, Bëor, at their crossing in F.A. 310. They would be the first of the Edain to enter the west. They made contact with the elves, becoming fast friends and settled in the land of Estolad. This is the House of Bëor, from who the greatest heroes of the Houses of the Edain shall spring.

The Greater Folk would be the last of the Edain to arrive, in F.A. 313, coming in greater number than all others before them. Lead by their chieftain Marach, the House of Marach came to into Beleriand in three mighty hosts of more than 2,000 adult men each, well learned in the ways of war. Buoyed by flocks of sheep and goats, their men riding horses and possessions hauled by donkeys, their entrance into the west was wholly different than that of the other tribes of the Edain. It is the House of Marach, learned in war, rich in possession, and mighty in number that stands as the greatest foe of the Shadow out of all the tribes of man in this age. This is the House of Marach, which became known as the House of Hador, mightiest of all the Houses of the Edain.
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Lore: Morgoth’s Ring
Morgoth's Ring
In the days of old, when the stars were new and the sun yet young, Melkor the Morgoth poured his malice, his hate, and his will to power into all the Earth. As Sauron with the Ring after him, he made it a vessel for a portion of his soul, and bound himself with it, polluting it everafter. The sun, the sea, the earth, the sky--all things that are and will be hold within them a portion of him they call the Enemy. As long as the world turns, as long as even the tiniest fragment of creation remains in existence, then Melkor lives undying.

This is the worst and greatest of the Marrings of Arda — for as he marred it in it's making so now the Enemy marred it in it's spirit. A remnant of the evil of the Enemy swells in everything that is upon the world, from the food we eat to the grass upon our feet. He is the corruption in the Earth itself, weakening things before their time and inducing all things to rot and ruin. Mortal bodies fail earlier, new-made swords shatter and fail, roofs crack and leak, and horseshoes are undone. Even should he be defeated and his mortal form laid low, the Enemy will never leave the living world. He will live on still in the air in your lungs, in the fibers of your clothes, in the blood in your veins.

And yet his final triumph is also his unmaking, for in pouring so much of his strength into the flesh of the world, Morgoth has diminished his own strength. He can be bested, with great effort, by mortal arms, and his power that once awed the earth will not avail him. By his own doing, the Great Lord of the Dark may yet be laid low — but he will remain in the world in part until it's ending, for it is only when the world is unmade and undone that the power of Melkor shall fail at last and he will know true ending, as Sauron knew his ending when the Ring was destroyed.

All of Earth is Morgoth's Ring.
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