The Shadows of a Worm (Worm X Shadowrun 3ed)

There isn't enough nuyen in the world to get me to piss off the Azzies. I have no desire to meet Great Cthulhu, or whatever they're calling him these days.

I wouldn't run for them chummer against them though depends how much prep time I'd been given and what the pay was like.

Make sure. I covered all bases I could see and ones that I couldn't see. Also have a fall guy handy if I need one.
Ah Azzies, I made quite a few Nuyen pissing in those guys' cheerios, was usually pretty fun to do so as well, but, yeah, never on less than 72 hours notice. But then again, my crew started pink mohawk and finished with mirror shades and long coats.
Ah Azzies, I made quite a few Nuyen pissing in those guys' cheerios, was usually pretty fun to do so as well, but, yeah, never on less than 72 hours notice. But then again, my crew started pink mohawk and finished with mirror shades and long coats.

same with prep for any run against the big 10 or a rare big nation you don't start the run unless you've done a lot of leg work and a stupid amount of prep and stacked everything in your favour.
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sorry all, those posts of @kelgar04 were supposed to be threadmarked as informational not normals. i have fixed this to properly represent that.

as for how important the SR information and universe is, the answer is very, there will be flashbacks and occasionally entire posts that are set in the time frame she was in SR, (2057-2064) and in addition to this, those posts and these that @kelgar04 are posting will give you not just a view of the world that she spent a very formative time of her life in, but why it is the way that it is.

This is why i like using game systems to write, i don't have to build the world, just have the characters interact with it
Lore Check pt.3
rajvik_wolfboy here is another one for you to look over

Oh, Frag I grew Tusks, It's Wired World, it all just Crashed! and the Divided States of America!


TenTowers here back to give you New Kiddies and Reality Impaired another history dump on how we got into the messed-up world. Thanks go to a good Chummer @GreatClub for doing the legwork on this one while I was down for a while. FYI quick tip for Runners never mouth off to and pull a gun Johnson if they screw you in a Fixer Bar. Those surviving derk heads (until I or the Johnsons group catch them) are now blacklisted and I had to fix the Fragging bar I seriously think some new runners are fragging deficient in the brains department. Seriously you have intelligence use it! Don't think with your fragging Ares Predator!

Now let's roll on with the suck, for this instalment, we will be covering 2019 to 2029 and a bit beyond.

The Great Tech surge

While the suits were trying to figure out the derk from the nuyen out of the Treaty of Denver (and how much they could get away with.) A Dr Hosato Hikita was being a busy little bee in Chicago working for ESP Systems Inc. You little chummer ask what he was working on? Well, he was working on making the first generation of Artificial Sensory Induction System Technolgy also know as ASIST but to us regular people as simsense. Something new for people to get addicted to in addition to all those many many addictive substances out there. (Don't do nova coke kids! Do Simsense instead!/sarcasm)

This derk got everyone into the consensual electronic realm that we all call the matrix and addicted such classic simflicks as Neil the Ork Barbarian. It also led to some of the worse Derk out there BTLs or Better Than Life (rather than Bacon Letus and Tomato) unregulated simsense that fry your brain and really mess you up in the long run. But we are a ways off from that no the first-gen Simsense units could only give rudimentary sensory impressions.

It was also around this time that China had taken too many-body blows and collapsed like a tower of cards into a civil war that if I was to go through that we would be here for a while.

It's also around this time in 2019 we see a company from my homeland of jolly old Blighty Transys Neuronet successfully develop and attach the first full chrome replacement limb to Leonora Bartoli a virtuosa violinist who lost her hand to a freak bullet train accident. What made the Transys limb different from others you ask chummers well I'll tell you it could link into the nervous system of the user directly allowing for grater fine motor control.

That's right chummers the Cybernetic Revolution had begun which gave you the street sammies like me that you all know and love as well as hate if you run against heavily cybered security.

Goblinization or Holy frag what wrong with my bunkmate!

For a little while, it looked like whatever was kicking off this derkfest well imagine to our surprise it was the calm before the derkstorm. On 30th April 2021 imagine you are laying down for a kip in the middle of some exercise when two of the platoon start screaming as if they are being flayed alive. You and your medic rush over to find blood pouring out of everywhere as they shift and grow as well as sprout horns and tusk. That's right kids I saw Goblinisation first-hand poor fraggers looked painful too.

Anyway enough from the TenTowers archive at this time 1 in 10 adults suddenly shifted into some fairly messed up humanoid forms. I was ground zero for a Troll and an Ork Goblinzation so I can say the transformation looked messed up as well as really raging painful. Soon after all that you had kids being born as orcs and trolls or shifting some time after puberty.

So everyone in a blind panic at all the people changing hell rumours says the King dies Goblinizing or was killed by his guard. Then media play their usual buzzword bingo throwing around words like Orc and Troll coining terms like Goblinization. You chummers can imagine if UGE was scary Goblinization was like a nightmare.

A lot of Govt's overreacted thinking it was some kind of contagious illness and in some mindless terror or in some case acts of vicious hate. Saw them rounded up and placed into camps or 'secure medical facilities' like in Europe and North America. Or in the case of the fragging Japanese Imperial State made unpeople and shipped off to the godforsaken Island of Yomi and the Philippines a closer approximation to derking hell than one could find. Hell according to my sister the astral space on that island is all kind of messed up.

Smart Trolls and Orcs went into hiding where they could underground, the wilds or in communities of their own. The rest died in droves as you saw race riots kick up all over the globe like was never seen forcing the various Govts to declare martial law not that it did fragging much. It only really died down when the next wave of VITAS struck in 2020 and then the government and public finally got it through their collective thick skulls that Goblinzation was not the new fragging plague but was like UGE.

Still, though the new VITAS wave still killed 10 percent of the world's population before it was over and no one was safe. Quick side note but the US supreme court in 2023 granted equal protection under the law not that it made much difference for the Humanis Policlubs scum of the earth asshole who are going strong today.


Rember that mess I talked about in Texas with fragging United Oil and it's tied to founding Lone Star? Well, chummers the corrupt shell that is Lone Star sprang up like a weed in Corpus Christi as a private law enforcement agency. The city then gave their first full-time fragging city-wide contract to take over the police service was also the first city to go private with it's policing and it was also the same year the Seattle Metroplex was founded by Governor then-Mayor Charles C. Lindstrom (*cough*Powergrab*cough*).

It was also in the teens more specifically 2025 that the Seattle Police Department made the poor judgement call to go on strike. Lindstrom stuck his middle finger up and them and declared the strike illegal, gave them the boot and Hired Lone Star to take over policing since then they've been spreading across North America like weeds.

More Tech Revolutions

Around this time the remote vote system in the USA was put in place for the 2024 presidential election, the then President Harman won his election (can you kiddies say fraud? Good.) No one cared though because after all the electroshocks to the system everyone in North America wanted some peace and fragging quite.

Then we got our biggest leap forward the one that no decker will shut up about if they are a big enough tech geek. Between 2026 and 2029 the gruesome threesome of Sony Cybersysteams Fuchi Industrial Electronics and RCA-Unisys all developed the prototype cyberterminals that meant you could interface with the net via the central nervous system.

That's right chummers first-gen hook up to the matrix the early stuff was massive you deckers take your handheld decks for granted now the decks currently are barely the size of an old computer keyboard. The first gen's were massive needing isolation tanks, multiple contact jacks for the user all made for the military, corp and intel super hackers of the future. Though the first users went insane overwhelmed by it. But throw millions of dollars at a thing, mix in some training and a stupid amount of refinement it was safe enough that the alphabet soup agencies of the CIA, NSA and the bastion of evil the IRS pooled their resources to create a team of cyber-commandos.

That right kiddies I'm talking about the decking legends Echo-Mirage though we can see what they would be used for but they never got a chance because the crash happened.

The Crash of '29

My contribution here to history was limited I'd gone for training with the Regiment by this point but I was called on to help 'deal' with some issues. But enough of my crazed ramblings.

On 8th February 2029 computer systems all over the world were hit with random attacks with a virus, unlike anything we had ever seen before. It wiped systems and data clean and burned our so many systems we saw governments collapse and the economy go into a near meltdown as the virus gutted the grid that held the world together. We thought it was again the end of days again as we saw the whole damn data network go up in fragging smoke and burned circuit boards.

The US president sent in Echo Mirage however it was a blood bath most of the team was unsuited to cyber combat being linear thinking agents and as we know it many lost their sanity or their life. So they needed new blood and recruited the most brilliant mavericks they could beg, borrow of steal from industry and uni's.

So under Major David Gavilan (*cough*possibly Damien Knight*Cough*) they were put through a brutal training program that only Thirty-Two men and women graduated with their sanity intact.

Then in august Echo Mirage hit the virus with new and improved cybertech hit back in a coordinated attack at the crash virus. Eighteen minutes later four of them were dead from lethal biofeedback induced by the virus. Though they jumped over most of what else could have gotten in their way the virus was proving difficult to fragging eradicate and was fragging many of the team.

In meat space, they had techs going over the log analyzing the virus and improving the hardware and software used in the fight. During the process, they found no cybersecurity could slow it down and that no current cybersecurity could slow down a decker. So when it got out the corps derked a brick they developed new software duplicating the lethal feedback of the virus, that's right chummers thank the corps panic and the Echo Mirage data logs fo Black ICE and Tar Babies. So much knowledge was gleaned from the crash and the virus which goes into matrix tech today it was fragging insane.

But back to the history chummers the remains of Echo-Mirage equiped with beefed-up hardware and software began purging the grid of the virus. That ended in 2031 when they wiped out the last of the know virus code concentration after this the surviving meat space members went private taking all the knew with them. Very few of them have resurfaced in the past and one turned up in the matrix.

No one knows what the rest of the 7 survivors are doing now.

The fall of the Star-Spangled Banner

The crash was the death knell for the USA it had taken to many blows with the war with the Native Americans then the splitting, the Awakening, Goblinization amongst over things saw the USA collapse. Out of the ashes came the Balklanized patchwork states that eventually formed along with the NAN already there.

UCAS - 15th October 2030 the remnants of the USA and Canada voted to be joined at the hip and formed the United Canadian and American States. Both had been beaten over the head enough that it made sense.

California - The crazy old state of Cali was none too pleased with the UCAS agreement and went a bit off the deep end and held referendum many referendums to leave the UCAS so they could get their way. UCAS got sick of their derk and called their bluff and gave them the boot so they didn't have to deal with these crazies.

CAS - With Cali leaving secession fever came south again particularly with the old fraggers who could let the old US civil war go. While UCAS was still forming the Southern States walked out and met to discuss succession from the UCAS which ended in deadlock. Eventually due to the northern states and sprawls getting what seemed to be preferential treatment the states Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia left formed the Confederation of American State. Though Florida dragged of to join the Caribbean League.

Caribbean League - The islands not to be left out of the mergers came to whether to form the League which is made up of Cuba, Jamaica, Grenada, Bermuda and the Virgin Island along with Florida who eventually joined. A good place for fragging pirates to hand out also a decent place to lay low if you know the right people and do your legwork right. Just don't derk off the wrong pirate group otherwise they feed to the paracritters.

That's it, for now, chummers catch you next time.

Next Time Chummers War in Europe, Awakened Nations, and the last wave of divorces
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Chapter 4
Chapter 1.4
After Armsmaster left I told Miss Militia about that morning and the incident at the Gas-N-Go while she jotted down notes on a pad of paper. "Alright then," she said as she stood up. "Now we can go down to medical and see if you have powers."

"Oh I have powers," I said with a smile before casting a light spell to hover over one of my hands. "It is just that they have a different source than the ones here do."

My father, Miss Militia and Mrs. Dallon blinked at my statement and casual display of power, all of them sitting back down slowly. "Miss Hebert," Miss Militia said very calmly. "We know what causes powers, a growth in the brain of the person with them. An MRI will show the growth and prove this."

"Five says I don't have one," I replied smiling even more and looking around, "any takers?"

"Nope," Dad said immediately while shaking his head. Mrs. Dallon looked at him questioningly, so he explained. "Her and her mother would both get that look whenever they were about to clean you out in a card game, even one so innocent as Uno." Both women blinked at that statement and looked at me again.

"If you don't have standard parahuman powers," Miss Militia asked calmly, "then where do your powers come from?"

"Magic," I answered. "And no, it is not an affection nor a psychosis, but a scientifically demonstratable phenomena from where I've been."

Miss Militia eyed me askance for a moment, "Very well then," she said finally. "Let's just go down to medical and see what the MRI has to say. Brandish, is there any way you would consent to Panacea coming over and checking her so that we have a second opinion?"

"I think that can be arranged," Mrs. Dallon replied before pulling out a cell phone and sending a message.

"Where the hell is your corona gemma or pollentia?" the scanning tech asked as I lay on the scanning bed in the exam room.

"Something removed it," I answered smugly. "I took a blow to the head that required an MRI in 2060, they saw the scarring, the tissue damage, but nothing else. They asked me if I had previously had a brain tumor removed."

"So that's how she knew," Miss Militia said just loud enough for the microphone to pick up.

"Yes," I replied, "I'm a cheating cheater who cheats, just like when dad is playing cards and thinks he has a winning hand, he tries to act like he has a losing one. What is it they say about asking questions in court Mrs. Dallon? Don't ask something you don't already know the answer to?"

"That's right," the lawyer said loud enough for the microphone to pick up.

Suddenly another voice came out clearly and asked "Do you remember anything from between the time you passed out and when you woke in that Janitor's closet?"

"A sense of falling," I answered, "a bottomless chasm that I saw myself not long before I returned. Someone was building a bridge across the chasm, though you couldn't see the builders, and on the far side I could sense evil, hate and darkness, while on the near side there was love, compassion and hope."

"Tell us about the chasm and the area around it," the voice that I did not recognize requested.

"It was a desolate plateau," I answered, somewhat lost in the memory of that place on the meta-planes. "I could see that when I was there before returning, my team and I had fought long and hard against things I really don't want to remember to get there, and our mission was simple, destroy as much of the bridge as we could." The warmth and compassion had come in waves, not dissimilar to a heartbeat even as we placed charge after charge around the bridgeworks. Going into some of the building materials for something to tamp some of the explosives though, I found why the bridge gave off a menacing aura. The bridge itself was cobbled with human skulls. "We did our job and as part of our payment the person who had hired us asked what we wanted most in the world. My answer was that I just wanted to go home."

"And you stepped out into the hallway of Winslow High School, just outside your locker, correct?" the new voice asked just as the tech said, "You can get up now."

"Yes," I said sitting up and turning toward the control room. Inside I could see my father and Mrs. Dallon along with the tech, Miss Militia and a woman who I assumed was the new voice. She was dour looking with a severe bob type haircut that framed a face that was seriously overweight.

"Miss Hebert," the new woman said into the microphone. "Once you are dressed, would you be willing to undergo powers testing?"

"I can do that," I answered. "But since I'm not planning on joining either the Wards or the Protectorate, I don't see what me sandbagging your tests is going to accomplish."

The comments and questions came rapid fire and from all corners after that. What did she mean she wasn't planning on joining them, if that was the case, why was she even there? Why would she sandbag their tests even if she wasn't joining? What did she plan to do with her powers? "What are you going to do about your daughter?" the director finally levelled her gaze on my and asked that question.

"Not a damn thing but support her decisions," I replied smiling. "She has had a reasonable answer for each of your questions while being extremely tolerant of your badgering her to join the Protectorate or the Wards."

"But Mister Hebert," the director said, her hands open and low, as if she were trying to calm and placate an angry animal. "Your daughter has powers, if she goes out there and the gangs find out, they are going to try and pressure her to join them, and they won't listen like we will. They may even drag you into the fight as a hostage to force her to capitulate to their demands. There are unwritten rules that keep that from happening, but mostly only if you are either individually powerful enough to make them back down, or else have the backing of another group."

"Such as the Protectorate and the PRT?" I asked rhetorically and earned a glare from the woman. "I've been looking at your documentation since I've been here, and during your pitch you stated that alone, most capes don't make it. But the numbers you talk about, you lay the losses as deaths by or being forced into a gang. Your literature points out that it is just as much if not more so as deaths in initial Endbringer engagements as well as joining the Protectorate or Wards. Now, do you consider your own formations gangs?" I asked.

"No I do not," the director answered grouchily. She was about to say something else when her cell phone rang with what I figured must have been a priority tone. "Yes Armsmaster?" she answered putting the thing on speaker.

"Miss Hebert was right," the man stated plainly. "Her locker is filled with the waste of several bio-hazard bins as well as having a signature disruption similar to Professor Haywire's tech. There was definitely a rift opened into the locker from elsewhere, and another into the hallway. Also, miss Clements was kind enough to turn herself in to me, begging, when she saw me in the office, to retrieve miss Hebert from the locker. The Crime Scene Techs are dealing with the locker and it's contents now."

"Very good Armsmaster," the director replied. "We will discuss this further once you return."

"Yes ma'am," he replied and then the line went dead.

**Madison Clements**
After Emma had gone home, I had turned around and gone back. It didn't matter what she thought, everyone had some importance, even Taylor. Getting back to the school however, I found a pair of PRT vans there along with a very large, custom built motorcycle sitting there in the front parking lot. Seeing those things caused me to break into a run for the principal's office where I found Armsmaster arguing with the principal's secretary. "The Principal is stuck in Albany due to a snowstorm," Ms. Halstrom said as I walked in without knocking. "And I am not authorized to allow anyone, law enforcement or not, to enter a student's locker without her express permission."

"That is a falsehood and you know it madam," he returned bluntly. "And I don't need your assistance to open it, I only need you to tell me which locker is the correct one so that I only open the right one."

"I have my instructions Mister Armsmaster," the secretary said crossing her arms even as I blurted out, "Please, you're a hero, you have to help me get her out!"

Both of them turned to look at me but it was Armsmaster that spoke first, "Get who out of where?" he asked.

"Taylor Hebert," I answered. "Sophia and Emma shoved her in her locker yesterday and were supposed to let her out, but Sophia said she sent the principal an anonymous e-mail instead and the lock was still on her locker today at lunch."

"Show me," Armsmaster said pointing out of the office so I led them to Taylors locker down the hall and around the corner.

"There," I said, pointing at the slab of grey metal with it's new, bright, golden lock on it. "I don't know where the key to the lock is, but maybe the shop has…" I stopped as Armsmaster gently slid his halberd blade just into the seam of the locker. First on the hinge side, and then on the lock side. Each time I could hear a slight whine and his before finally the door itself fell off and all the waste that we had shoved into the locker just before Christmas break came spilling out, without Taylor. "But I saw them shove her in there?" I said, questioning my own memory.

"You are sure this was Taylor Hebert's locker?" Armsmaster asked.

"Yes," I said as I found myself sitting in the hallway opposite Taylor's locker, the stench of the contents making me want to puke. "I helped fill it with this stuff, and from what the others said that was supposed to have been it, but then Sophia and Emma decided to shove her inside and leave her."

"That would be Sophia Hess and Emma Barnes," Armsmaster said. "Making you Madison Clements?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Then Miss Clements," he said, turning to face me. "It would be wise for you to call your parents and have them contact a lawyer as there will be charges regarding this."

I flinched at that. I had never been in real trouble before, and I had only done this to stay in Emma and Sophia's good graces. Still though, it was go all in, and possibly get burned, or not and be screwed over by the two of them when they set their sights on me as the weakest link. "I…I'll call them from the office as I think you are going to need this," I said, handing him my phone.

"As you wish," he said, placing the phone in a plastic baggie that he pulled from a compartment on his armor and labelled. As he did so I started for the office, and even though I was in serious trouble, my steps felt lighter than they had when I had re-entered the building this afternoon.

**Amy Dallon**
"You can set me down now Vicky," I said, not really wanting her to but knowing there were other things to be done this afternoon. Vicky had landed us on the landing pad that sat atop the PRT Headquarters' roof and I had to go down to medical to scan someone.

"Alright Amy," she said, letting my feet drop to the ground while holding my torso up. "I'm going to go pester Dean while you see what mom needs done, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," I said waving as she walked toward the edge of the roof. "I'll let mom know where you are and we'll probably both see you afterwards."

"Thanks sis," she called back with a smile and a wave before stepping over the edge and dropping out of sight.

Shaking my head I walked over to the PRT Trooper on guard and showed him my PRT issued ID card, "Panacea here at the directors request for medical," I said and watched him nod before he opened the door to the interior.

Vista was waiting for me inside of course, scowling like someone had just told her that she wasn't allowed to patrol for the next six-weeks. "Hey Panacea," she said. "I see they pulled you into this."

"Yeah," I answered as we walked over to the elevators. "Something about confirming a lack of a Gemma?" I half asked.

"I can't say anything about that," she answered, frowning as she called the elevator. "What I do know is that as Shadow Stalker came into the Wards area this afternoon, she was met with a taser by the duty officer before being cuffed with an electric bracelet and thrown into a containment cell. And not one of the M/S cells we use for friendlies if you know what I mean."

I did, the Master/Stranger containment cells for friendly personnel that were being considered possible Master victims were small and spartan, but comfortable. The containment cells were for prisoners and decidedly NOT comfortable as they were four by eight cell with a molded concrete bench that doubled as the bed. "Any clue as to why she's down there?" I asked as the elevator doors opened.

"No," the Ward answered and stepped inside before pushing the button to take us to the appropriate floor. "But if I had to guess it probably has something to do with the person in medical driving the Director crazy with her story and unwillingness to join." I could only nod to that, as the director was well known for having a severe distrust of parahumans. "Of course," she continued, "the rumor is that it's the person who took apart a group of Merchants at the Gas-N-Go this morning bare handed, so at least its not likely they are going to be a villain."

I blinked at that. Vicky had shown me the footage at lunch of a young woman beating the hell out of five people in a gas station that they had tried to rob. Someone had leaked the video onto PHO and it had the local cape community, (and their groupies) wondering if she was a new parahuman in town. The fact that the woman had done it in less than a minute had most saying Cape. Others however, had pointed out that good training would have allowed a normal human to do the same. Personally, I thought she did look a bit too young for that aspect to pan out, but I could be wrong. "So, a possible parahuman with an abnormal Gemma?" I asked.

Vista just shrugged and the elevator dinged before opening the doors in front of us. "Don't know," she answered. "But she has your mother in there as personal counsel, so…" at that point the Ward shrugged again and opened the door into medical while staying in the hall.

"Thanks," I said walking into the subsector. Vista just nodded and I turned to face the small crowd that was here. "Mom, Director, you asked for me?"

"Yes Panacea," Director Piggot said, "There is a young woman here who we need you to confirm her physical age, and whether or not she has a Corona Gemma."

I nodded and turned to the strange young woman sitting in a chair to one side of the room, next to her was an older man, probably her father. "May I use my power on you to see if you are as old as you seem and if you have a Corona Gemma?" I asked.

"You may," she replied, giving me her hand.

I took her hand and blinked, "No Gemma, and she is, physically, two hundred and seventy months old." I told them. "Call it twenty-two and a half years old."

The young woman nodded and looked at the director before asking, "Do you think it would help if I used one of my powers. If I have a Gemma maybe she'll only see it when I'm using my powers."

I looked at the director and shrugged before nodding, It was possible, I thought. and is she baiting Piggot?

"Alright," the director grumped, "a small and simple demonstration." The young woman nodded at that and held out her other hand before a ball of light appeared above it.

Focusing on her again, I still had to admit, "No Gemma."

"See," the young woman said, dropping the ball of light and nodding to me before standing. "Not a parahuman." Was that what this was all about? I thought as I dropped into the seat next to the one she had just vacated opposite the older man. "And she has verified what age I physically am, so can we dispense with the bull and get to the ID cards and necessary paperwork?"

"Is there nothing we can do to convince you to join the Protectorate?" Director Piggot asked with a sigh.

"Ma'am," she said calmly. "As I've said before, I will participate in your power testing, but I will be holding back. It's not that I don't trust you or Miss Militia as people, but I don't particularly trust any government agency intended to manage and police a particular subset of the population. I have seen too much of how that can go wrong and be abused. That said, in a gesture of trust towards building a working relationship where we can trust one another to not stab the other in the back, I will tell you what my plans are."

"And what are your plans?" Director Piggot asked.

"I'm going to go into business for myself as a security and recovery agent," she said. "Perhaps dabble in the private eye side of things as well."

"NEPEA-5," Miss Militia started only to stop as Carol spoke up. "Does not apply because she is demonstrably not a parahuman. Taylor, do you intend to show up for Endbringer fights?" Carol asked.

"Only as an Emergency healer or post-fight recovery and search and rescue," she answered before the man in the room could sputter out a denial. "I'm not a heavy hitter by any stretch of the imagination and I doubt dad would feel comfortable with anything else."

"You can heal people?" Director Piggot asked and the young woman waggled her hand in a so-so gesture.

"It has to be within about ten to twenty minutes since the injury was taken," she answered. "Anything more than that and the spell won't work. Basically I can set them up for Panacea and ease her load some." Carol and the director both nodded. "Situations other than Endbringers though, I am going to charge for." Carol scowled at that but the director only grimaced and nodded.

"Very well then," the director said after a few minutes thought. "Miss Militia will take you to get a photo taken, and with your father's help I'm sure you will be able to finish the paperwork in a reasonable amount of time. Then we can schedule your power testing and give you your updated Identity papers."

"Thank you, director," Taylor said. Director Piggot only nodded and walked out of the room. "Could I talk to Panacea for just a moment, privately."
Heh, why join the Protectorate when as not being a parahuman, you can join the PRT and have the real power! Order capes around! Make them dance to your silly bureaucratic shenanigans.

So has powers, so everyone is going to expect her to pick fights, but since she isn't a parahuman, she doesn't have the conflict drive and feels no need to do so. The fact that she had an argument with Piggot without getting annoyed already shows that she isn't a normal parahuman.
Deeply enjoying this story, I both like and enjoy the Worm and Shadowrun settings, and don't think there have been enough Shadowrun stories. That you have combined the two just makes me thrilled. I'm with Taylor in that I don't trust the Protectorate/PRT to do what they need to, and Piggot is not the type of person that I would want leading me. Piggot doesn't trust parahumans because she thinks they are mentally unstable and got their powers from that, well she's pretty unstable herself so why should others trust her? Looking forward to the next chapter and wondering just what else Taylor brought back with her, just a copy of the technology that was old and outdated would be enough to make her rich.
"See," the young woman said, dropping the ball of light and nodding to me before standing. "Not a parahuman." Was that what this was all about? I thought as I dropped into the seat next to the one she had just vacated opposite the older man. "And she has verified what age I physically am, so can we dispense with the bull and get to the ID cards and necessary paperwork?"
"NEPEA-5," Miss Militia started only to stop as Carol spoke up. "Does not apply because she is demonstrably not a parahuman. Taylor, do you intend to show up for Endbringer fights?" Carol asked.
While I enjoyed most of this chapter, I'm disappointed that you're going with the absurd idea that "parahuman" has been precisely defined in Worm as "has a corona pollentia and gemma" rather than the significantly more practical "has abilities that a normal human doesn't".
That definition is ripe for abuse, given that we know capes like Teacher (who gave Saint enough of a mental boost to fiddle with Dragon's code) exist. It also fails to account for people with an inhuman biology; this would mean that Dragon is legally free to do whatever given, y'know, her lack of organs.

Really, Taylor is evidence that parahumans don't necessarily have a corona pollentia and gemma.
While I enjoyed most of this chapter, I'm disappointed that you're going with the absurd idea that "parahuman" has been precisely defined in Worm as "has a corona pollentia and gemma" rather than the significantly more practical "has abilities that a normal human doesn't".
That definition is ripe for abuse, given that we know capes like Teacher (who gave Saint enough of a mental boost to fiddle with Dragon's code) exist. It also fails to account for people with an inhuman biology; this would mean that Dragon is legally free to do whatever given, y'know, her lack of organs.

Really, Taylor is evidence that parahumans don't necessarily have a corona pollentia and gemma.

Yeah, it's a pretty abusable loophole. But I think it does a good job of justifying Taylor working outside of the confines of the PRT/Protectorate. I reckon there's going to be some friction based off of how things work on Earth-Bet and in Shadowrun. And a more independent Taylor will have more leeway in reacting to those situations.
The law would very much like something physical and concrete, like the gemma, to determine if someone is a parahuman. Given that the PRT was formed by people who know exactly why and how powers happen, they would have no reason to object and possibly even encourage it. Having someone with powers that isn't shard based is going to seriously fuck with Cauldron's world-view.
I'm quite sure that people writing a law that limits the ways people with powers can make money would pin it down to something that they were sure was the only source of power, the corona pollentia and gemma. This would be to keep others from pointing at someone completely normal and saying that they have a secret power that was giving them unfair advantages, those advantages may have only been their intelligence or a talent for seeing the truth on others lies, but completely human talents. And, we know that if the law was not written that that was how parahumans were determined that someone would be claiming their rivals had powers. That this means that Taylor is protected is just her good luck, because Piggot would have used it against her to pressure her to join.
Yeah, it's a pretty abusable loophole. But I think it does a good job of justifying Taylor working outside of the confines of the PRT/Protectorate. I reckon there's going to be some friction based off of how things work on Earth-Bet and in Shadowrun. And a more independent Taylor will have more leeway in reacting to those situations.
Taylor already justified why she doesn't want to work for the PRT. It's literally in this chapter:
"Ma'am," she said calmly. "As I've said before, I will participate in your power testing, but I will be holding back. It's not that I don't trust you or Miss Militia as people, but I don't particularly trust any government agency intended to manage and police a particular subset of the population. I have seen too much of how that can go wrong and be abused. That said, in a gesture of trust towards building a working relationship where we can trust one another to not stab the other in the back, I will tell you what my plans are."
Wow, the shadowrunner doesn't trust government agencies, what a shock.

The law would very much like something physical and concrete, like the gemma, to determine if someone is a parahuman. Given that the PRT was formed by people who know exactly why and how powers happen, they would have no reason to object and possibly even encourage it. Having someone with powers that isn't shard based is going to seriously fuck with Cauldron's world-view.
The law would like that, but there's no indication that Cauldron shared that information with enough people to get it into law and pornography laws have already demonstrated that the U.S. is entirely willing to accept "we'll know it when we see it" as a legal standard.
Focusing on the "how" rather than the "what" also fails to account for both power-granting capes (see: Teacher) and capes whose corona pollentia and gemma aren't visible (see: Dragon), which should both be blindingly obvious loopholes for the power-granting secret conspiracy that sometimes creates horrible, inhuman mutations when granting powers.

It also means that if another mysterious source of powers (much like a mysterious source of powers showed up and caused the creation of Cauldron, so it's not an unthinkable concept) shows up then anyone who gets powers from that source is magically not subject to the regulations for super-powered humans despite clearly being the target demographic for those regulations.

(I'm not going to get into the stupidity of the implication of Miss Militia bringing up a law that, by implication, would prevent Taylor from operating a business solely because she's a parahuman and getting shot down by a parahuman who is in the room working as a lawyer aside from pointing out that it's... dubious.)
this would mean that Dragon is legally free to do whatever given, y'know, her lack of organs.
Yeah, it's a pretty abusable loophole.
That may be on purpose by cauldron. To make sure dragon can do what she needs to do without her own restrictions getting in the way.

(I'm not going to get into the stupidity of the implication of Miss Militia bringing up a law that, by implication, would prevent Taylor from operating a business solely because she's a parahuman and getting shot down by a parahuman who is in the room working as a lawyer aside from pointing out that it's... dubious.)
Presumably, there might be laws about capes entering a industry / job where they can use their power for an advantage. We know this is the case for tinkers, and its even implied to somewhat apply to things that are made using tinkertech tools (like Big Rig making buildings).

It should still be possible in some way, like parian with her clothes and Canary with singing. Though Parian can claim that the industry is mostly design work, which her power doesn't help, and canary could have been able to get help in the legalese from good lawyers. But both of them would show that the laws aren't too stringent / difficult for non-tinkers.

I don't see what me sandbagging your tests is going to accomplish
This isn't a huge nitpick, but when I first read this I read it as "I can do that and I see no reason to sandbag my tests" instead of "Not much point in doing the tests because I'm going to sandbag them". I think it would be better slightly reworded, but its not really a big deal.
The law would like that, but there's no indication that Cauldron shared that information with enough people to get it into law and pornography laws have already demonstrated that the U.S. is entirely willing to accept "we'll know it when we see it" as a legal standard.
I'm pretty sure Cauldron and PRT was the reason that law were established at all. So the law wording could have been influenced by them as well.
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That may be on purpose by cauldron. To make sure dragon can do what she needs to do without her own restrictions getting in the way.
I mean, there's a lot of other ways that don't leave gaping holes in the law.

(Also Parian being a tailor is fanon, canonically she's just a fashion designer.)

I'm pretty sure Cauldron and PRT was the reason that law were established at all. So the law wording could have been influenced by them as well.
Being the motivating force for a law does not prevent other people from looking at it and pointing out flaws.
Oh what the fuck. Taylor saw the bridge and hasn't lost her mind? Jesus fuck. There's nothing on Bet that can possibly phase her...
Oh, I love the fact they have proof! Madison coming clean is always nice to see. Seeing the Director denied always puts a smile on my face! Excellent Chapter!
The law would very much like something physical and concrete, like the gemma, to determine if someone is a parahuman.
1)The law would like something that a cop, or more importantly a judge can understand. In canon even experts have difficulty identifying the gamma.
2)The law would want a rule that is actually useful, since the only use the law would have for determining if a person used a power illegally any definition would be some variant of "demonstrated the use of a parahuman power", since if they didn't demonstrate a power the law doesn't care if they are or aren't parahuman.
3)The law would want a test that is easy to apply and isn't invasive. An MRI fails both conditions.
4)The law would want a rule that would cover people like Weld, or changers whose Gamma is not in their brain or who for whatever reason can't be subjected to an MRI.
5)The law would want to cover people who were granted power by parahumans.
6)The law would have an established rule over 20 years before canon started, long before anyone knew about the Gemma, much less had evidence that every parahuman had one.
1)The law would like something that a cop, or more importantly a judge can understand. In canon even experts have difficulty identifying the gamma.
2)The law would want a rule that is actually useful, since the only use the law would have for determining if a person used a power illegally any definition would be some variant of "demonstrated the use of a parahuman power", since if they didn't demonstrate a power the law doesn't care if they are or aren't parahuman.
3)The law would want a test that is easy to apply and isn't invasive. An MRI fails both conditions.
4)The law would want a rule that would cover people like Weld, or changers whose Gamma is not in their brain or who for whatever reason can't be subjected to an MRI.
5)The law would want to cover people who were granted power by parahumans.
6)The law would have an established rule over 20 years before canon started, long before anyone knew about the Gemma, much less had evidence that every parahuman had one.
The problem with your argument is that most parahumans that aren't physically changed can't be proven to be a certain parahuman without physical evidence.

Take Skitter, for example. Her range is blocks wide and anybody in that range could be the master. How do you prove this person is the master, especially if Skitter uses that power to make it appear somebody else is running the show? It's the same with any parahuman with a none obvious power. They wear masks and gloves, use cape names, etc. You cannot just stick random human A in a courtroom and say, "yeah, this is Teacher.". You have to prove it to 12 people. You don't have a picture of him doing his thing, because of cape costume, he was never at 5he scene of a crime because his minions did the work.

Most DAs wouldn't even try that case, the defense would provide so much doubt you'd never get a conviction.

There has to be a way to physically prove the ordinary person in the courtroom is a parahuman. Or, Teacher would have simply claimed he was a duped student of the real Teacher.

The law doesn't give a crap what you think or know, only what you can prove beyond reasonable doubt.
The problem with your argument is that most parahumans that aren't physically changed can't be proven to be a certain parahuman without physical evidence.
That's not a problem because
1)The law doesn't care about that.
2)The law would have needed a solution decades before.
How do you prove this person is the master, especially if Skitter uses that power to make it appear somebody else is running the show?
That's a good question, Dragon demonstrated a possible answer to it in canon, however regardless of if you accept that or not being able to prove Taylor Hebert is parahuman serves no purpose.
You don't need to prove Taylor is a parahuman, you need to prove Taylor committed crimes her being a parahuman doesn't enter into the question.

There has to be a way to physically prove the ordinary person in the courtroom is a parahuman.
No, there doesn't. Someone like coil, or other thinkers could commit their crimes weather or not they had powers, most other parahuman powers can be faked by tinkerech. the court does not care if X is a parahuman and proving they are servs no purpose. the court cares if they committed a crime, and proving they're a parahuman does not help demonstrate that to the court.
the court does not care if X is a parahuman and proving they are servs no purpose. the court cares if they committed a crime, and proving they're a parahuman does not help demonstrate that to the court.
The hell are you talking about?

If you're going to charge Skitter with taking hostages with black widows, you have to prove Skitter did that and that Taylor Hebert is Skitter.

You can't just pull any random human into court and say, "this is Skitter.", because the defense is going to say "prove it."

I have testified in 63 criminal cases as of now, and trust me, proving a person was in fact at the scene or is the person involved is more than the DA saying they are.

If you charge someone with crime x, and crime x involves a parahuman power, you have to prove the defendant is a parahuman.
If you're going to charge Skitter with taking hostages with black widows, you have to prove Skitter did that and that Taylor Hebert is Skitter.
Exactly. You have to prove taylor is Skitter. You don't have to prove Skitter is a parahuman instead of a mundane using tinkertech, nor do you need to prove Taylor is a parahuman. You just need to prove Taylor is Skitter.

If you charge someone with crime x, and crime x involves a parahuman power, you have to prove the defendant is a parahuman.
No, you don't. It doesn't matter if they're parahuman, using tinkertech, or some other means to acomplish X, what matters is that they did X.

Being able to prove that the person has specific powers that they could have used to acomplish the crime might (depending on circumstances) help prove the person was guilty, but being able to prove they have powers, with no information on what they are does not.
Alright, enough, both of you. I will get into this later in the fic, but for purposes of this story, at this point in time, unless caught in costume for a court case to proceed against someone who is charged with a parahuman crime, the DA will seek a court order, (with evidence, effectively a search warrant) for a MRI to prove/disprove if a suspect is a parahuman.