As World was Sundered to worlds, now God shall be Shattered to gods. History may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes.
Rayse watched through the eyes of his voidspren agent, Ulim, as the singers took the Shin man's Oathstone. He watched as they gave the man his orders. The Connection he shared with his Splinter was not enough—yet—to let them communicate directly. For now, he could only spectate.
Ulim did not stay to watch the assassin carry out his orders. He returned to the singer Venli's gemheart, continuing his slow manipulation. It was almost impressive, watching even this tiniest Splinter of Odium's power spreading the tendrils of its influence throughout her psyche.
Rayse kept his attention on the voidspren's experiences long enough to see Venli and her sister escape Kholinar, then withdrew.
Back to Braize. Back to the cold. Back to the aching, throbbing pain in his skull.