The Seven Seals above Texas.

Viewer Creation: Coalition Report: Los Diablos Cartel
Here is an idea for a background faction that may or may not exist
Faction name: Los Diablos Cartel
Leader: Cuauhtémoc (César Sanz)
Aspiration: Bandit fiefdom seeking legitimacy, confirmed arcane influence.
Threat level: High

History: Following the collapse of government control in southern Mexico the cartels flooded the area in drugs and violence, following a brief and bloody conflict territories were established, and the conflict simmered down. Due to other concerns and preparations for the Brazil operation the region was widely sidelined. This proved to be a mistake when an internal conflict within a cartel exploded and plunged the region once more into chaos. The Los Diablos Cartel first entered the watchlist following a series of museum raids in northern Mexico and the southern US with a suspected motive of gathering relics. Empowered by the artifacts they eventually emerged triumphant over the regions. Their reign was bloody with hundreds being murdered by Cartel, some were wanton cruelty, others were to suppress rebellion, but satellite image shows people being dragged up the Aztec pyramids for ritual purposes.

This came to a head when a force of Los Diablos encountered a Coalition force guarding the Panama Canal zone. They first tried to bribe the commander to abandon their position and following short negotiations launched a series of assaults which were repelled but not without significant coalition casualties.

Military Forces:
A unknown but large amount of poorly equipped militia
A moderate amount of scouts equipped with poison.
A small and well-equipped force of Para-military enforcers
A extremely small, mechanized force equipped with technicals and armored cars.
A moderate force of relic equipped melee troops.
Two stone Jagar statues that have some motive force and strength sufficient to crack stone walls.
A hand full of gun armed bush planes

Recovered corpses indicate heavy precombat drug usage as well as minor physiological changes to relic forces.

Suspected goals: Following the reinforcement of the Panama garrison we believe the cartel is entering a period of force build up. Satellite image points towards the construction of several tunnel systems which are assumed to be defensive structures. Further sacrifices have been acquired through raids on neighboring cartels and human trafficking although it is currently unknown whether they are related to the build-up.

Economically their narcotic trade is believed to continue to be their main source of income although efforts have been made to branch out into other sectors. Efforts have been made in restoring infrastructure in the region.

Remarks: This is a fanatic who believes himself to be the reborn emperor of the Aztecs. He has been able to utilize the broken veil event to establish tenuous control over a large area of central Mexico and is believed to have contact with at least one arcane entity. He desires international recognition and safety from foreign intervention long enough to establish full control over his territory. He is currently seeking control over the Panama Canal as leverage over the coalition and international community.
I'm thinking about the reaction these arcane entities would have to the modern world

Odin learns about his Marvel version
"Okay, this is a weird form of worship, but, cool I guess.... why the fuck is Loki my son in this? I'd never raise a horse fucker"

Jesus learns about the holy cross thing

Yokai discovers Yokai Watch (Look it up)
*Too busy playing the game to give a shit about the inaccuracies*
Here is an idea for a background faction that may or may not exist
Faction name: Los Diablos Cartel
Leader: Cuauhtémoc (César Sanz)
Aspiration: Bandit fiefdom seeking legitimacy, confirmed arcane influence.
Threat level: High

History: Following the collapse of government control in southern Mexico the cartels flooded the area in drugs and violence, following a brief and bloody conflict territories were established, and the conflict simmered down. Due to other concerns and preparations for the Brazil operation the region was widely sidelined. This proved to be a mistake when an internal conflict within a cartel exploded and plunged the region once more into chaos. The Los Diablos Cartel first entered the watchlist following a series of museum raids in northern Mexico and the southern US with a suspected motive of gathering relics. Empowered by the artifacts they eventually emerged triumphant over the regions. Their reign was bloody with hundreds being murdered by Cartel, some were wanton cruelty, others were to suppress rebellion, but satellite image shows people being dragged up the Aztec pyramids for ritual purposes.

This came to a head when a force of Los Diablos encountered a Coalition force guarding the Panama Canal zone. They first tried to bribe the commander to abandon their position and following short negotiations launched a series of assaults which were repelled but not without significant coalition casualties.

Military Forces:
A unknown but large amount of poorly equipped militia
A moderate amount of scouts equipped with poison.
A small and well-equipped force of Para-military enforcers
A extremely small, mechanized force equipped with technicals and armored cars.
A moderate force of relic equipped melee troops.
Two stone Jagar statues that have some motive force and strength sufficient to crack stone walls.
A hand full of gun armed bush planes

Recovered corpses indicate heavy precombat drug usage as well as minor physiological changes to relic forces.

Suspected goals: Following the reinforcement of the Panama garrison we believe the cartel is entering a period of force build up. Satellite image points towards the construction of several tunnel systems which are assumed to be defensive structures. Further sacrifices have been acquired through raids on neighboring cartels and human trafficking although it is currently unknown whether they are related to the build-up.

Economically their narcotic trade is believed to continue to be their main source of income although efforts have been made to branch out into other sectors. Efforts have been made in restoring infrastructure in the region.

Remarks: This is a fanatic who believes himself to be the reborn emperor of the Aztecs. He has been able to utilize the broken veil event to establish tenuous control over a large area of central Mexico and is believed to have contact with at least one arcane entity. He desires international recognition and safety from foreign intervention long enough to establish full control over his territory. He is currently seeking control over the Panama Canal as leverage over the coalition and international community.

I quite like this, perhaps they'll appear after the second seal breaks :p

Thank you.
Alright, time to get the state off our backs

[X] Deal with the Bugs: We really need to get the company back under our control, spycraft surely is slower than our brutes but harder to prove in court!
[x] Take the field myself

Hello everyone! Toboe invited me to this request, and it looks fascinating!

There are 7 stats in this game, outside of funds/money stats are used as the main resource to unlock things, to complete tasks and to progress the game.

Combat, Perception, Stealth, Movement, Knowledge, Development, Charisma, Magic.
That's 8 stats. Hmm… typo, or clue?
[x] Take the field myself

Hello everyone! Toboe invited me to this request, and it looks fascinating!

That's 8 stats. Hmm… typo, or clue?
Welcome aboard, right now we are in a cold war with the entirety of the world, the other half of the company and kinda the Texas government. Don't worry we hired a few guys we found outside a gas station, have a cult/research group, half a dozen accountants that work the real magic of somehow making this company profitable, and the backing of Odin.

Also we have the ability to throw the entire world into chaos again, six times.
Adhoc vote count started by Spore on Mar 23, 2024 at 9:55 PM, finished with 30 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
    - [X] Create Or Release 1: Construct spinning top filled with magic child eating spiders
    - [X] Magic 1: Try to find out how to reduce corruption from magic
    - [X] Charisma 1: Help advertise for the company in local area (Mostly the mascot)
    [X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
    -[X] Perception 1: Look inwards. Find your flaws and destroy them.
    -[X] Nightmares: Dream of Texas. The secrets and lies, the hells within, but also the greatness.
    -[X] Perception 1: Peer beyond. Learn what my fellow agents, my fellow shareholders, can do and how we could grow.
    [x] Research the Seals
    [X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
    -[X] Magic 1 / Ritual Studies : Teach some of the people working at the divine department what you know of magic and rituals.
    -[X] Charisma 1 : Our line of plushies are selling well but they could be better, try and expand the plushie business.
    [X] Fulfill Odin's Request and begin sneaking those runes into the places of worship around the state.
    [X] Crow Politics: Lets learn more about the splits in Odin's faction using our best attempt at finding out how to communicate with the crows before asking them many questions.
    [X] Deal with the Bugs: We really need to get the company back under our control, spycraft surely is slower than our brutes but harder to prove in court!
    [x] Take the field myself

Sorry for skippinga week, it has been a bit hellish on my end

Turn 6 is being processed over the next few hours, I will try and get it done within 12hrs

Thanking you!
Turn 6: Cold Sundays

Turn 6: Cold Sundays

Global News​

England: The Diplomatic talks in England have completely failed, Parliament hasn't been able to reach a single agreement with the King of England Charles the Third and after the failed agreement, a massive push from the royalist forces ensured that dozens of Parliament strongholds in southern and central england and all of wales was taken in months.

It is a full retreat on all fronts as Parliament relocates itself to Northern Ireland and the Scottish Highlands as a final last stand against the so-called righteous and mad hordes of Royalists. Coalition forces have been crushed by the sudden surge north, not given enough time by their Parliamentary allies to set up forward operating bases before being overrun. However it is not all a loss for the Coalition, Anti-Magic Missiles seem to be able to sap all the magic out of the area which makes even the godly warriors of the King's Guard able to catch Tank Shells once again mere humans that can be ripped apart by small arms fire.

Royalists in response to this new tactic has been forced to keep elite forces back and send in minor blessed knights and conscripts and yet these minor blessed warriors aren't able to deal with the heavy weapons of the Coalition, a stalemate may be met if the Coalition can stabilize the front but they don't have the forces or resources to fight this entire war and they have called out to the International Community for Aid.

Vatican City: After many months the Pope has revealed himself to the world, order and beauty being restored to the city as the mazes of madness have disappeared to reveal a very new looking Vatican. The city state is now seen as one of the most peaceful and wonderful places on earth, trees holding up temples and the light of the sun feeling warmer as it shines through the stained glass found around the city.

The Coalition is still denouncing the Papal Government but many around the world seems to breath relief in finding out that the Vatican City was not being cursed and was in fact just in the process of being transformed into one of the most blessed places on earth where even the most unwell and lost can find true purpose and hope and faith.

Shocking displays of faith are causing the priests and cardinals of the city to be able to cure the gravest of injuries and illnesses and many flock to the city to be enthralled by its golden gleam.

Has the Garden of Eden returned to our planet and were the Catholics right all this time? Despite this turn out however many are pointing out the fact that those who visit this city seem starstruck and not themselves but this is quickly dismissed by the Papal PR stating that most people who find a life changing realisation aren't going to be "themselves".

Brazil: Apart from a mass expansion of operations and an almost complete lack of magic spreading along all of South America, the Coalition hasn't done anything new or eye-catching, more focused on dealing with the divine threats overseas.

Texan News​

Terror in Texas! A massive blaze occurred in Deep East Texas with hundreds of buildings being claimed by the flames, local fire-departments were unable to stop this blaze and state assets had to be brought in. Strange creatures were spotted flying between the burning buildings and unlit buildings setting them alight. These creatures seem to be some sort of plastic bag barely put together flame entity that tries to spread flames as much as possible? Dozens were shot by local authorities and a sudden deployment of the Paranormal Business Expert from our rival company ensured a quick defeat to these murderous entities.

The Texan Government's Interest seems to be in the east, responding to the magic-flame crisis and interacting with our business rivals, the lack of attention is nice and allows us to catch up on dozens of counter-spy operations

For some strange reason, Texas has felt itself getting colder every sunday on the spot. As the masses enjoy their final weekend day before work they've sadly been interrupted with poor weather and slightly cooler temperatures for the last few weeks, nothing truly bothersome to have it drop from 73 expected via weather forecasts to a strange 66 when the day does come around. It's not anything lethal but it's strange and off-putting, weather companies are confused and unable to offer a solid answer.

Paranormal Business Experts have taken over the entire eastern border of texas after the crisis that occured in their region, their super-agent seems capable of charming thousands with a smile and a chat whilst impressing many with their abilities to halt all magical issues in the area. A true display of brillant

Permian Basin and Rio Grande proudly (or fearfully) supports our company and we gain a surge of funds from each region that wears our purple-pink colour. +100 Funds this turn.

Butterfield Thugs: The Butterfield Thugs are on standby due to the threat in the facility. In the mean-time they've helped us secure the last bits of Rio Grande and brutally get rid of politicians that dare support the state over us. The State government is unimpressed but this power grab was to be expected and they still control the region, we just take some funds from the top and have total control over local policy development.

Donald Darf's Deployment

Even after learning and studying the theory and practicality of the magic child eating spiders school of magic, a concerning name that a future PR expert will expect to be changed before we teach it to more people. It was a difficult challenge yet one that you managed to succeed at. You now have **1** tier **1** MCES Object that you can drop off at a location to cause a lot of damage and bypass most forms of security. Now you just need to find a method to get it to someone.

You've dived into deeper magical studies and connected to the beating life-heart of the streams of magic that swell stronger around you as your skills expand furthermore and you do have trouble finding any answers. Spending the time looking into your magic lets you see that certain "steams" of magic are twisted in colour and feel but separating "good magic" from "bad magic" is a skill you do not have.

You've also learnt how to check what sort of magic a spell will create, realising that corrupt entities or those who are unaware can change the colour and feel of magic via running it through a spell.

  • The Company will now be informed if it is a bad time to be casting magic or using spells.
  • The Company as a whole is now able to trace and name magic sources, from the warm divide of the local churches to the cold chill of the crows, this should let us trace magic back to it's source or work out who casted a spell.

Your Charisma methods were successful in helping the local area throw it's weight behind the company with the help of your other shareholders and the butterfield thugs.

DonaldHandMagic 1Movement 1Create or Release 1Devotion

SolAnon1's Deployment

The Divine Department soaks in this information like a sponge and joyfully begins the development of Ritual Circles and massive magic batteries. The easiest source of magic that they have access to is the magic of Odin and the 2 hordes of crows that both seem to supply a slightly different type of magic.

Whilst it may be dangerous to have a magical battery in the middle of the company facility, it will be a useful tool at casting spells to a level that no individual could ever do alone. This research has also helped us work out more about how our drill works which is explained later in this company report.

With 2 regions under our control, the line of plushies do begin to sell well to our fans and followers, finally all the effort is paying off.

+25$ per region under our control.

SolHandMovement 1Magic 1Ritual StudiesMagic 1

SomeDude134's Deployment

You found dozens of flaws, maybe even hundreds of weaknesses. Divine Perception is a strange thing as it lets you see so deeply into yourself you notice flaws that would take entire teams of professionals years to even work out and most would dismiss it as too much work to fix such minor issues. From wasting energy due to how you walk and move, from missing opportunities due to a lack of awareness and personality traits that in the past you had no clue how to fix now improved within months. You've looked deeply and found your flaws and worked out dozens of ways to squeeze them away. A lean mean machine of effectiveness is what you've become.

They now play 4 cards per turn, die on 2 corruption cards, have a deck of around 8 cards and may pick 2 trait cards to add to their deck or spend these "points" on powerful perception cards.

Texas is a state of dreamers and ambition, the glory that this land can hold is being restricted by those who are corrupt who lack the desire to take the steps to a great future. The nightmares show how this home of yours has been choked out by the corruption and evils of sinners who want nothing more but short term gains due to their lack of awareness, their lack of perception!

But you? You have the eyes of the divide and the hells and greatness of Texas is revealed to you in full. You know of the rot and know of the glory that could be.

  • All Spy Actions in the state of Texas are now twice as effective when done with SomeDude's help.
  • All Spy Actions against the State Government of Texas are now four times as effective when done with SomeDude's Help

There are dozens of ways to improve a mortal to the status of demi-god or further. Your eyes show you how those in the past used to do it and how those in the future will manage to do it. By stepping carefully and remaining aware of what we do, we can all grow far beyond where we are now.

Shareholders and agents require cards to upgrade themselves. Everyone usually starts at level 1 which grants a hand of 3, usually 3-5 cards in your deck and a die on 2 corruption cards. It takes 1 point to go from level 1 to 2, 2 to go from level 2 to 3, 4 to go from level 3 to 4 and etc. Each level usually grants 1 extra card in your hand and you will only die when 50% of your hand is made up of corruption cards.

There are also certain items around this world that can empower an agent extremely, they are found in extremely holy places or are created by experts such as the New Garden of Eden, or by the Coalition. We can try our hand at making empowering items ourselves but we don't have any craftsmen in our department nor a god of crafting.

SomeDudeHandStealth 1NightmaresMovement 1Perception 1

Matters of Interest​

A quiet turn all things considered.

With the help of one of our Shareholders, the Divine Department is now able and has been storing massive amounts of magical power, magic actions completed by the company will be more powerful, however if anyone breaks into our facility, they can trigger our own seals and cause the entire place to go up in magical flames.

The Coalitions cry for help was to *anyone*. Perhaps we can make a deal with one of the most powerful anti-magic organizations in the world

The State government seems to be losing authority as the federal government is locked in time due to a massive collapse of both the Republican and Democratic Party after the shattering, it seems like faith in the American Government collapsing can be replaced by the Faith in our company. More bold moves by the company won't be disputed by the more traditional methods of politics, but remember the monopoly on violence that the state still controls.

Shareholder Actions​

6 points of success each, = 60 points roughly

Now that we are back into the facility one of our hard working shareholders has gotten right back to work, back to our real work and true purpose. The Seal research was always a strange thing, frankly enough going over our old files it must have either been sheer luck or someone on the team knew about magic even before the shattering.

Breaking the "seals" takes a strange mix of anti-magic pulses and extremely powerful magical pulses. See pouring magic into the seals won't do anything as the spell casted so many thousands of years ago is fuelled by magic and therefore will merely consume an attack into itself. So the drill firstly shifts into divine reality and begins to apply pressure to the great wall, attempting to sap the magic away from the wall and weakening the local region, the spell then suddenly tries to change itself on the spot to resist the saping but this is when the drill suddenly pushes all the magic it was sapping right back into the wall, sending a shockwave of force that shatters the seal without giving the seal enough time to react.

Sadly, this doesn't seem to work the same way each time, we've done the research and the seal seems to adapt and change and a difficult sort of spell is protecting each seal but the same basic idea should work, we just need to research each seal, find the "rhythm" of magic and work out a weak spot to throw it out of motion to break each one.

  • You now know there is 7 seals
  • You now know the Drill can Drain Magic and Deploy Magic, whilst it was created to break into the divine world, with a little bit of work we could use it to impact the magical strength of entire regions on earth, however draining magic from brazil would be useless and deploying magic only works as long as the batteries here are full and draining magic from the divine world seems to attract… attention.
  • The second Seal is prepared to be broken when we break back into our basement
  • 60/300 research done for the third seal

This feel wrong, to defile holy places in the name of a god that just desires more power, but there is no ethical consumption under capitalism and so we march onwards, hiding runes that odin gave us under floorboards, drawing them carefully into the bottom of pews and in some cases even stuffing little trinkets inside the statues and crosses of the churches in the area.

The impact seemed to be non-existence for a while before we realized that every sunday was getting cold, every sunday the moment the prayers would begin in churches around the state a chill would grip the landscape. How much power have we given him? A few degrees doesn't seem like much but this has been a massive increase since his previous actions.

The Shrine to Odin is a winter wonderland at all times of the year now, and the crows seem bigger and stronger and wiser, making communications with them even easier but making their thousands of eyes ever more concerning.

We feel corruption within our company, some of our workers look at us with cold eyes and the warmth seems to be leaving the company, is this worth the magic we can now funnel from the shrine? Our humanity for god-like powers?

Now that we can understand the crows, it made learning about the splits in Odin Faction quite easy. Crows already are extremely smart birds with many methods of communication and now with a divine spark well, some seem even smarter than our own workers.

Taking powers to slap together a crude but ever developing language with the birds, we learnt about the splits in Odin's faction from the crows.

There seems to be 2 factions, Pro-Odin and Anti-Odin, it seems crudely simple and strange for some of the crows to be against their own god but here's the rundown.

The Pro-Odin crows obviously support their god, the all-father will bring glory and power to all who work with him and help him return to the world, when other gods of the norse faith are brought up a sad cry is heard in space as the crows tell us very few norse entities survived the righteous blades of the angels of the south. Only the most sneaky, most powerful and most wise were able to cast their souls away from the slaughter and remain in the world, the rest consumed by all judging flames. Most of the crows here seem to trace their own lives back hundreds of years and many state they are vikings helping their gods after so many years of pain.

The Anti-Odin Crows seem to be split into 2 factions, the Transformed and the Tricksters. It seems like the crows are all mostly humans that for one reason or another were selected by Odin to work as his eyes and ears, sadly or gladly over the years due to Odin losing so much power the crows begun to disagree and even argue back against their god. Lacking allies already and never being too cruel in the first place, this was allowed.

The Transformed Crows seems to make up humans or other entities that became crows but don't quite like Odin for one reason or another, they seem to be concerned about what his future plans are and don't believe he will bring the best for humanity and instead is trapped by the desire for revenge and to reclaim old glory for the norse gods. They also seem to have connections to a second norse entity that would like to see Odin fall.

The Tricksters are the crows that laugh the most, they seem to be maddened people who stuck around with Odin's court for some reason. They say they like to stay because Odin is about to play one of the world's greatest tricks that would impress even them. But when you dig further most of them seem to be off-put and insulted at the idea that Odin could pull off this trick as it would cause shame to their own trickster lord.

The GildenSergeant one day may become an international spy expert after the display they pulled off this month. Not only did they manage after a few months of intense work to get rid of almost every bug and spy in the company, they've managed to make a realistic AI that generated footage to the Texas database that looks extremely real and yet shares no real information.

Not only did the GildenSergeant manage to take control of the entire company for us again, but they even managed to keep the state happy with us. This is wild but it is what happens when a department is given 300$.

Robinton is ready to become an agent themselves, all they need to do is pick a region to start in and a mastery of one of the many skills and a few colours to reflect themselves on the map. They will start off weaker than fellow agents but hopefully with a helping hand they can fill the gaps the company has.

Company Status​

The Facility is Ours!

We are ready to break the Second Seal!
Third seal is at 60/300

We aren't even known to the global community anymore

The UN is indifferent to us

The Texan State Government thinks we are an amazing asset and a wonderful ally. They didn't even mind us getting rid of all the bugs mostly because they don't realise.

The people love our cute seal and it seems to love them back! Like physically the seal seems to give off a feeling of warmth that is greatly desired by our staff and the community as the world around them becomes cold.

The Global Community is indifferent to us

We believe otherworldly forces may have their attention on us…

We feel corruption within our company, some of our workers look at us with cold lost eyes.

??? thinks ???
??? thinks ???


Choices will be added later, I am eepy
Last edited:
Well, I'd say that is enough doing things for Odin until we have ways to resist corruption and make him align with our intentions and values.

  • All Spy Actions in the state of Texas are now twice as effective when done with SomeDude's help.
  • All Spy Actions against the State Government of Texas are now four times as effective when done with SomeDude's Help
Ho-ly fuck.
Wanna cooperate on a spying action?
We could do the action about dealing with the kompromat generated to become a shareholder of the company, modified slightly to get rid of evidence against us and gaining evidence (and "evidence") against our competitors.

Or I could write in something about spying against the Texan state government. With the goal of finding evidence (and "evidence") against the parts not doing what we want and using that evidence to bribe the parts (and prospective new members expected to) doing what we want by giving them what they need to oust their (unfriendly to us) competitors.

Writing this, I'm tending towards the latter (if my part of it is 300$ again, your 4x would bring that to 1200$).

[] This company didn't ask for money for the buy in. You all had to do dirty deeds to even be a minor shareholder. God knows what sins the major shareholders did to get where they are. Let's cover this up!

It was a difficult challenge yet one that you managed to succeed at. You now have **1** tier **1** MCES Object that you can drop off at a location to cause a lot of damage and bypass most forms of security. Now you just need to find a method to get it to someone.
Delivered via raven that could do some damage.
Pretty good turn but some mixed results.

England is now a massive market for anti-magic weapons. If we could modify the Drill so that it only drains magic from an area it could be very profitable.

Vatican City is surprisingly chill. They still might be a bomb but for not it doesn't seem like they will be an issue.

and the Coalition is building a very strong base in South America.


We have confirmed sightings of magical creatures, we need to hurry up and create either a anti magic weapon that can hurt them or a magical weapon.

Our rivals now control another area of Texas and more concerningly have the Texas government interested in them

We need a closer handle on the Butterfield thugs given how they just kinda overthrew a country government.


Continued magic research is good.

Our Divine department is a magically powerhouse. Now if only we had a way to use said magic.

The state government is looking weak and with our spying bonus now might be a good time for a hostile takeover.

Odin is untrustworthy but I think it would be worthwhile to keep working with him. He wants power, we want knowledge and now that we can talk to the ravens, we can make our terms clear. No action from us to aid him unless he gives us knowledge on magic and it's workings.
We have confirmed sightings of magical creatures, we need to hurry up and create either a anti magic weapon that can hurt them or a magical weapon.
I got plans for a magic PMC to rent out. Would help with both being able to deal with magical threats and capitalizing on situations like in UK.
But if SomeDude134 agrees to a cooperation this turn I'm gonna put that on hold for another turn to try to gain influence over Texas gov via spying. (Seriously. 4x multiplier. When our shareholder actions are already bloated with cash due to how few non-agent shareholders we currently have)

Which should solve the risk of our competitors getting influence on the Texas gov.
Our rivals now control another area of Texas and more concerningly have the Texas government interested in them
I got plans for a magic PMC to rent out. Would help with both being able to deal with magical threats and capitalizing on situations like in UK.
But if SomeDude134 agrees to a cooperation this turn I'm gonna put that on hold for another turn to try to gain influence over Texas gov via spying. (Seriously. 4x multiplier. When our shareholder actions are already bloated with cash due to how few non-agent shareholders we currently have)

Which should solve the risk of our competitors getting influence on the Texas gov.
If you do an action to infiltrate the Texas government then I'll throw in. Those are some good odds for just taking over the whole thing.
To: Shareholders group
From: Strix
Subject: Potential Research

Further developments have proven the necessity of military force. The fire spirits and further incapability of the American government has proven that Texas may be on its own in the world of evolving threats. The question I give to my fellow shareholders is twofold, how can we best prepare to deal with the threats to defend our prosperity and employees and how can we leverage our current advantages to expand our prosperity.

While future involvement in Arcane reduction and containment can and should be funded, ignoring the potential of Arcane armaments would be a mistake. As the royalists' forces proved arcane weapons are a powerful force multiplier and capable of matching some of the most powerful modern armaments. As such I would like to propose several lines of research that while largely unexplored seem promising.

Proposal one: Support Items and Mana batteries. There is significant possibility in regard to the use of magic to supplement or replace current technologies. The prime example is the use of mana batteries to replace current power generation, but I would also propose that a water filtration unit could be significantly more effective than current options. Regardless, the need for powerful and portable Mana Batteries will likely become apparent in the near future.

Proposal two: "Pilum" The concept is simple, A recoilless rifle that fires a Mana battery projectile. The idea is an ability to meaningfully affect targets that more tangible projectiles will fail to affect. such as the spirits of Japan, fae of England and more local variants. Research will need to be done to ensure the projectile's effectiveness on targets.

Proposal three: "Vargr" Given our benefactors tendency for lower temperatures the Vargr seeks to take advantage of that to deal with another issue. Overheating has been an issue that has plagued machine guns, forcing them to limit their rate of fire and reduce suppression capability. With an Arcane cooling system we could increase rate of fire, increase the lifespan of the barrel and possibly reduce weight.

Last Proposal: The "Pavise" system. Drawing from Anti-arcane technologies the Pavise is a mobile drill focused around draining magic from an area. Main focus will be reducing the size and increasing mobility such that the system can be mounted on a truck and deployed fairly rapidly. Would pair well with Mana batteries for further weight reductions.
To: Shareholders group
From: Strix
Subject: Potential Research

Further developments have proven the necessity of military force. The fire spirits and further incapability of the American government has proven that Texas may be on its own in the world of evolving threats. The question I give to my fellow shareholders is twofold, how can we best prepare to deal with the threats to defend our prosperity and employees and how can we leverage our current advantages to expand our prosperity.

While future involvement in Arcane reduction and containment can and should be funded, ignoring the potential of Arcane armaments would be a mistake. As the royalists' forces proved arcane weapons are a powerful force multiplier and capable of matching some of the most powerful modern armaments. As such I would like to propose several lines of research that while largely unexplored seem promising.

Proposal one: Support Items and Mana batteries. There is significant possibility in regard to the use of magic to supplement or replace current technologies. The prime example is the use of mana batteries to replace current power generation, but I would also propose that a water filtration unit could be significantly more effective than current options. Regardless, the need for powerful and portable Mana Batteries will likely become apparent in the near future.

Proposal two: "Pilum" The concept is simple, A recoilless rifle that fires a Mana battery projectile. The idea is an ability to meaningfully affect targets that more tangible projectiles will fail to affect. such as the spirits of Japan, fae of England and more local variants. Research will need to be done to ensure the projectile's effectiveness on targets.

Proposal three: "Vargr" Given our benefactors tendency for lower temperatures the Vargr seeks to take advantage of that to deal with another issue. Overheating has been an issue that has plagued machine guns, forcing them to limit their rate of fire and reduce suppression capability. With an Arcane cooling system we could increase rate of fire, increase the lifespan of the barrel and possibly reduce weight.

Last Proposal: The "Pavise" system. Drawing from Anti-arcane technologies the Pavise is a mobile drill focused around draining magic from an area. Main focus will be reducing the size and increasing mobility such that the system can be mounted on a truck and deployed fairly rapidly. Would pair well with Mana batteries for further weight reductions.

To: Shareholders group
From: Gyldir
Subject: Re: Potential Research

Developments keep proving the need for project Ulfhednar, regrettably we will not be ready for the founding this cycle as other developments necessitate our attention to avoid escalation of the East Texas issue.

For a variety of different possible projects we should look into rune-engraving for the production of magically strengthened items.
A prime example for items not yet using this potential would be the armor plates used in bulletproof vests.
The inscribable area, volume of material, attachment to user, while still being quickly exchangeable makes them seem perfectly suited to act as both, manabatteries storing magic energy for use by charms and as protecting charms themselves.
Furthermore it would enable a personification and strengthening of the rifles used by our troops.
For high impact missions, even bullets themselves could be engraved to maximize effectiveness.

For more specialized equipment, we should look into providing a modified Nerf-rifle for code-name "D.Darf" to allow better arachne spreading.
Another potential would be cryo grenades: Runes keeping coldness contained until they break (and then amplifying the spread) and liquid nitrogen as the mundane-coolant.

But we should also take care not to overrely on our first benefactor. See previous reports on divine corruption.
A new additional main priority of the divinity department to counteract corruption is necessary.
We should also consider a diversifying our pantheon to reduce the ability of individual thaumatic entities to influence us.

While "Pavise" is highly interesting, it also risks drill-knowledge being spread in the form of items that can be looted and reverse engineered.
Ho-ly fuck.
Wanna cooperate on a spying action?
We could do the action about dealing with the kompromat generated to become a shareholder of the company, modified slightly to get rid of evidence against us and gaining evidence (and "evidence") against our competitors.

Or I could write in something about spying against the Texan state government. With the goal of finding evidence (and "evidence") against the parts not doing what we want and using that evidence to bribe the parts (and prospective new members expected to) doing what we want by giving them what they need to oust their (unfriendly to us) competitors.

Writing this, I'm tending towards the latter (if my part of it is 300$ again, your 4x would bring that to 1200$).
Lets do it

[X] Spy on the Texan State Government to gain influence and infiltrate them
-[X] gaining information on the Govs intentions and whose goals align with ours (and whose don't)
-[X] dirt helping us blackmail unaligned parts, or sabotage their election/careers to get friendlier individuals and moles into their position.

If you do an action to infiltrate the Texas government then I'll throw in. Those are some good odds for just taking over the whole thing.
SomeDude134 is on board, so the infiltration is a go.
[X] Spy on the Texan State Government to gain influence and infiltrate them
-[X] gaining information on the Govs intentions and whose goals align with ours (and whose don't)
-[X] dirt helping us blackmail unaligned parts, or sabotage their election/careers to get friendlier individuals and moles into their position.

SomeDude134 is on board, so the infiltration is a go.
[X] Spy on the Texan State Government to gain influence and infiltrate them
-[X] gaining information on the Govs intentions and whose goals align with ours (and whose don't)
-[X] dirt helping us blackmail unaligned parts, or sabotage their election/careers to get friendlier individuals and moles into their position.

Alrighty, can't wait to see what the sheer amount of funding we're throwing at this does. With the multiplier we are at around 2,400$.
[X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
-[X] Stealth I, Movement I, Perception I: Spy on and infiltrate the Texan State Government. Find blackmail, discover their goals, so on and so forth.