The Seven Seals above Texas.

Adhoc vote count started by Spore on Mar 6, 2024 at 4:23 AM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
    - [X] Magic 2: Hone skill with the strange Child Eating Spider magic that popped into your head
    [X] It is doubtful we got all the bugs, but that can be useful too. Continue the sweep, but mark any bugs found and leave them in place so Texas wont see need to invest in new ones. At the same time, ensure certain conference rooms do not have any bugs through 'renovations' down to the fittings so that meetings can still take place covering sensitive topics.
    [X] Repair the Lab: We have lost a lot of research but with most of the lab back under our control, we can rebegin operations and prepare to break the second seal long before we get into the basement.
    [X] Plan: Create the Divinity Department, its first part specializing into Odin (including an altar for worship), add Odin to the pantheon of the company, and make initial sacrifices.
    -[X] The Divinity departments tasks are threefold:
    --[X] Find out what we can do for the respective gods (known examples: prayer, sacrifice)
    --[X] Find out what the respective god can do for us and under what circumstances/conditions they are willing to do so.
    --[X] Help other parts of the company work with the respective divine (advice on where/how the divine is likely to help, organize correct prayer + sacrifice, rites, etc.).
    --[X] Also supports forays into magic/divine energy that aren't god oriented, like cults or direct use of divine energy
    -[X] With one of the animal sacrifices, test out if feeding the meat of the sacrifice to the murder of crows is valid. (More divine energy? Less? Completely invalidated?)
    -[X] Make sure the Altar has perching places for ravens/crows.
    [X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
    -[X] Magic 1 / Magic 1 : Try and learn more about the divine and how to manipulate divine energy, work closely with the Divinity Department for that.
    -[X] Movement 1 : Travel trough the current region to try and find places of interest.
    [X] Right to the top: Plan a few visits to important members of the Texan State Government to encourage them to stop messing with the company.

The vote results are looking good, but I need to do some behind the scenes work to ensure the direction the players are going can be properly supported. Didn't expect the calls to Odin but it fits the system so that's all good! Norse god might be askin for a hand soon enough to get more of that sweet power, empower one of the frosty gods of the north in the heat of Texas? perhaps someone should upgrade the power grid and set up a few more heaters just in case.

Good Stuff.
[X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
-[X] Movement I
--[X] Move to our rival's HQ if possible
-[X] Stealth I
--[X] Infiltrate our rivals, find out their goals and plans if possible.
Turn 5: The Facility is Ours

Turn 5: The Facility is Ours

Global News​

United Kingdoms: There was 7 weeks of silence from the British Isles as the Kingdom of King Charles the Third, Lord of London and southern England went quiet. The Parliament forces of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were hopeful that the recent strikes into the heart of darkness finally managed to crippled the monarchy. The Coalition's new anti-magic missiles may have worked their magic. Towards the end of the 7 weeks, strange noble creatures were seen in the forests near the frontline as entire flocks of Unicorns were spotted gazing in the fields of southern england. A baffling confusion crosses the world as footage of this quickly became viral on social media before King Charles the Third was spotted leading a Unicorn into battle at the end of a cavalry charge of unicorns. The magical knights were near unstoppable and crushed southern parliament forces and threatened a redeployment of all assets to a single point in the front to stop a complete overrun.

King Charles the Third has somehow made a pact with the fae courts of the British Isle and the magical arms war on the isles becomes even more intense with royalist forces for some strange reason trying to push towards a certain lake found deep within Parliamentary lines. The Coalition has deployed military assets in full to halt this madness and finally bring an end to this magic king forcing them to draw assets away from the Vatican city.

Vatican City: The Cities of god countries to baffle explorers, it has become a city of mazes and mirrors and unnatural loops and confusion. Some lucky military forces with the aid of the coalition trinkets have managed to get close to the heart of the city. Some footage from the Sistine Chapel was leaked and revealed as hundreds of priests praying to a statue of Jesus but strangely enough not on his cross. The Italian cameraman was quickly pinned down by some swissguard that looked almost possessed by something due to their unnatural and rapid movements. We do not know what exactly is happening within the city but it is concerning the Italian government and Catholics around the world. One can just feel the magic in the air.

Brazil: Becoming a true center of the Coalition, Brazil's anti-magic properties seem to grow in the day as other nations in South America begin to benefit by the suppression of magic coming from the nation. The Coalition refuses to tell the world how they are doing it and why they picked Brazil of all nations with many stating that they believe the Coalition doesn't even know the facts themselves. Nonetheless it is a safehold from the confusion of magic and a place that many flee to if the new world is too unbearable for them.

Global Tensions: Enough time has passed that minor magical events are now being dealt with by small and large private companies selling trinkets or anti-magic services, governments around the world are struggling to keep up with this new market of mostly Coalition goods and create new laws and regulations but many are thankful for the normalness that it is bringing.

Texan News​

The might of the Texan government in full could be seen by having our HQ so close to their government facilities. The sway that they have over the state is expanding by the day and rumours have it they are massively increasing the size of the Texan guard even equipping their own military forces with mild anti-magic trinkets.

They clearly want to control our organisation, from the bribes our employees get to all the bugs and agents they're trying to insert. They must see our organisation as the path into the future which is charming to know we are valued but it would be nice if they could value us from afar

-5 Company Control
The Texan Government is ready to deploy an PMC against a target if needed.
The Iron Hand of the State Government Grows

Paranormal Business Experts has seemingly made a massive breakthrough regarding magi-tech, we spotted one of their agents somehow being in 2 places at once, like literally being in 2 places at once. It seems to be limited to the same region so some sort of anti-assassnation measure perhaps? A concerning development nonetheless.

Butterfield Thugs: The Butterfield Thugs are on standby due to the threat in the facility.

Donald Darf's Deployment

Charisma 1​
Magic 1​
Create or Release 1​

You have enhanced your powers and learned new skills, truly you're a blooming master of magic and pain with this new path you've chosen at the cost of some mild sanity damage.

Spider Magic is based around creation and deployment, it is a very action and teamwork intense school of magic however can provide massive results due to the fact that if one of your spider items are released in an area, other agents don't get a warning until *after* the damage is done. However not only do you need to create the object, you need someone to drop it off for you followed up by releasing the object.

SolAnon1's Deployment

HandDevotionCharisma 1Magic 1Ritual Studies

It is difficult to gather much magic as a mere human and even entire cults can barely match the might of even an imp, however humans are great at storing things for later use.

Ritual Studies: You may play this card, it will store magic for you and you can decide to release it whenever you want. Beware the Ritual is a physical location and someone disrupting it can cause grave damage

SomeDude134's Deployment

HandNightmaresPerception 1Perception 1

You see your fellow shareholders improving themselves. Perhaps you could do the same but do you risk diving deep into your nightmares to look over your flaws and have them become twisted into boons?

Matters of Interest​

With the sway we now have over the Permian Basin, we managed to collect 50$ worth of resources out of the local region organizations and people. This wealth has been added to our plans for this turn.

The Coalition is getting extremely active, we fear that they may be planning to interfere with more nations in the future. It is only a matter of time before they investigate the source of all this trouble… us.

Shareholder Actions​

Shareholder Donald Darf's whilst studying the magical arts had a vision of ways magic could be used and they focused on this task for months and now have proven results. Small toys, boxes or other objects can be filled with hidden magical spiders that are almost impossible to notice. Once released via a command from afar they begin eating **everything** in the area causing chaos on mass. It is a twisted school of magic and every time the spell successfully does damage the shareholder can't help but feel a strange thrill.

They now play 4 cards per turn, die on 2 corruption cards, have a deck of around 8 cards and have 2 new copies of Create of Release 1 in their deck.

Shareholder SolAnon1 with the help of the Divinity Department has made a massive breakthrough in magic tech, learning how to channel magical abilities between the months and store massive amounts of magic into single objects or locations waiting to be released into something. It is currently an all or nothing solution with all the fuel needed to be used at once as the shareholder doesn't have enough control over the ritual circles to seep power out but it is a great start

They now play 4 cards per turn, die on 2 corruption cards, have a deck of around 8 cards and have 2 new copies of Ritual Studies in their deck.

Whilst learning this new magical ability Shareholder Solanon decided to travel around the region to see if there was anything of note, it was a good idea and the survey of information showed that there seems to be no hostile agents from the state, the coalition or other companies in the area.

Shareholder Somedude have decided to move to the east, not making it to the rival's HQ but close enough to set up small spying stations and facilities in North Central Texas. Using their skills in stealth to nab dozens of helpers that the rivals have even this far from home and finding out a lot about Paranormal Business Experts.

The single agent they have seems to be an extremely skilled member of the magic department that used to work for our company. Enhanced with all sorts of trinkets and state of the arc tech, they are extremely dangerous but also the lynch pin of their entire operation in texas. The Company itself seems to wish to become the only magic company in Texas and would like to see our failure. They are aware of our activities at our facility somehow and plan to seize it from us when the time is right.

This is both good and concerning news, one super agent truly limits the amount of places they can be in at once however it does mean that once that agent and its support brings hell down upon our facility, we may not have the assets in the field to stop them.

Finally, we've done it! The Lab has been repaired in full and we've regained the lost research and by god we have forgotten a lot! The facility is now completely in our control and we can begin seal research again in full, not only that but we have enough research to turn on the heavenly drill and break another seal!

There is just 1 issue, whatever creature killed everyone is still alive and is inside the final room. The Butterfield thugs are ready to go in and are just waiting for the order. Will they have enough firepower to bring down what killed our CEO or are we about to doom ourselves? The deep dents and heavy slams that can be heard ever since we repowered the facility shows that whatever is in there, is aware of an outside now that we've returned.

The Divinity Department was given an extreme amount of funding. Due to the number of shareholders away in the field and the few that remain in the company, the department had no resistance in getting 350$ to invest into itself.

It built a grand shrine to Odin researching the old stories to ensure they paid the most respect to the old wise god. After trying to discuss with the crows and test out prayers and sacrifices, it seems like Odin in particular prefers sacrifices and actions over prayers with doing things in the name of Odin and giving up resources ranging from meat to valuables causing more pulses of magical energy than common prayers and worship. Seems like the Norse god is more of an active god than the subtle ones we are used to in the modern day.

The Great perching places for the ravens and crows attracted the massive crowds of birds and helps them stop being such an unorganized pest, it even attracted the one that seems to be wearing glasses but that one seems quite anti-social to it's mythical raven siblings and tries to draw our attention away from the shrine everytime we do research at it, it has seemly made a few raven friends that also try and do the same, factions at conflict within the court of the god reflected by crows?

The Divinity department will certainly help in the future, hell the fact that the shrine of odin is already generating magical energy on it's own is great progress however over the months one of the birds commonly seen roasting on the Odin side of the perching places dropped off a letter written in old norse.

The Odin has seemingly sent us a message and after a few weeks we managed to decode the message. Odin desires us to approach places of worship within the state and draw a collection of runes into the ceiling or floor board of the place of worship. Supposedly the more runes we draw and the larger we draw them the greater but Odin doesn't want the other places of worship worshipers to find them at this point. We don't know what these runes will do but this is perhaps a lead to something greater.

The Anti-Social Ravens including our dorky raven were extremely hostile over the next few weeks after this letter, a strange development. We really need to learn how to communicate with these birds.

One fact we must consider is that the Divine Department will now consume funds every turn to do passive research for us, whilst we can command them to do certain things. They'll try to increase our understanding of the divine every turn at any cost.

  • New Matters of Interest should appear every turn from the divine department

Deciding to take a more direct approach with the Texan State Government, one of our shareholders spent a massive amount of funds on going right to the top. Visiting important members, charming them and lobbying them and swaying them to stop messing with the company.

Whilst most couldn't make any promises, we felt the impact on both how the Texan government started to treat us and how active their anti-company actions were. They still want to take over our company but perhaps if we can get enough friends in high places, we can completely flip this on them and take over the Government ourselves.

+30 Relations with the Texan Government
+5 Company Control.
New Methods of burning Relations with the Texan Government to rapidly increase our company control.

Company Status​

We've managed to wrangle some control back over our facility. 55/100

The Facility is Ours!

We are ready to break the Second Seal!

We aren't even known to the global community anymore

The UN is indifferent to us

The Texan State Government thinks we are an amazing asset and a wonderful ally. Now we just need to get them to stop treating us like a state asset.

The people love our cute seal, but don't really show much affection to the company or its vague goal.

The Global Community is indifferent to us

We believe otherworldly forces may have their attention on us…

??? thinks ???
??? thinks ???


Damage Actions:

[] A few pipe bombs to the nearby company made up of those stakeholders that backstabbed us?

[] Two can play this game: Take out the Texan State Agents that are threatening our workers and our work.

[] Seize Control: We have managed to get enough influence and support in the west to take over the region around our facility. We can threaten and bribe the rest of the region to fall under our demands and provide excess income to us. At the cost of building some tensions with the people and the government.

[] Attack! Destroy the divine entity in our seal breaking room and finally take back our facility in full force. The butterfield thugs will be slaughtered without help so we will buy as much assistance as we can.

Perception Actions:

[] Agent Shakedown: Let's see what our agents and shareholders are good at. (Unlocks information about deck size and how to improve agents)

[] What's going on in the UK?

[] What's going on in Rome?

[] What's going on in Brazil?

[] The Coalition's strange anti-magic artifacts?

[] The Coalition's HQ in Brazil?

Stealth Actions:
[] This company didn't ask for money for the buy in. You all had to do dirty deeds to even be a minor shareholder. God knows what sins the major shareholders did to get where they are. Let's cover this up!

[] Cover up our actions. By ensuring that we continue to cover up our actions as we take them, hostile forces won't be able to begin building a portfolio on us.

[] Hide Our Agents: now that we have our own agents on the field en masse, they may find themselves the target of our foes, let's help hide them so they can't be found

[] Deal with the Bugs: We really need to get the company back under our control, spycraft surely is slower than our brutes but harder to prove in court!

[] Learn more about this "Super Agent" that our rivals have.

Development Actions:
[] Improve Company Revenue: Making number go up is a must if we want to do more ourselves

[] Improve Company Abilities: If you want a job done correctly, do it yourself. Let's improve our own abilities. (Pick one of the 6 stats to study and see how the company can discover more about the world)

[] Time to improve with knowledge! We can spend our knowledge on improving the company, upgrading agents or to upgrade the company as a whole. This can be used to increase discipline of agents as well

[] We have gotten such a surge of development knowledge, that we could go further than just recruiting agents… we could begin the establishment of a PMC.

Charisma Actions:
[] The International Scene is angry and even with our help at dealing with dozens of issues around the world, tens of thousands still died… let's try and butter them up more.

[] We should encourage international disharmony, the longer they don't attend that global meeting the more time they spend on not investigating this surge of power. We need to stay ahead and we can't stay ahead of the entire world so we must split them apart.

[] Try and get international governments to dislike the coalition and its plan to "lock away" the magic again, what nonsense!

[] Sweeten up the X: (Pick if you wanna charm the Texan government, a nearby faction or even a local region.

[] Crow Politics: Lets learn more about the splits in Odin's faction using our best attempt at finding out how to communicate with the crows before asking them many questions.

[] Build some Distance: We love the Texan Government, we do! But not quite that much, let's make sure they don't sink their roots too deeply into our organization.

Movement Actions:

[] Agent movement: Spend 50 funds per movement to allow our agents to move around Texas without relying on their own means

[] Begin moving recovered assets to our HQ if we believe it would be safer in the heart of Texas than the middle of nowhere.

Magic Actions:

[] Grand Divine Sacrifice: Let's spend resources on building up divine energy and storing it within objects by engaging in excessive sacrifice.

[] Fulfill Odin's Request and begin sneaking those runes into the places of worship around the state.

[] Empower Odin's Shrine Further

[] Using our new knowledge, let's see if we can empower the shrine of our American gods and founding fathers. I wonder what will work.

Agent Actions:
Can only be done by agents:

[] Return to Shareholder Duties

[] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.

Sometimes there is so much going on that even I forget about some possible choices. Write ins are fully acceptable and easy for me to handle in this system.
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Please elaborate, just so I don't accidentally kill my character

Damage - Wounds

Perception - Nightmares

Stealth - Fade

Charisma - Glory

Magic - Devotion

Certain actions or actions against you will fill your deck with corruption cards. Wounds from being attacked or messing up. Nightmares from dealing with things you shouldn't. Fade is the world itself making you disappear. Glory is your character becoming obsessed and going mad. Devotion is falling to the Divine

If you get too many "Corruption cards" of the same type in your hand at once you will die or be corrupted. Somewhat low RNG chance, you draw 4 cards and you only have 1 corruption card so it's very hard for you to die. Somedude on the other hand *could* die if he drew both nightmares.
That is a risk I am willing to take, for the good of the company.

I assume I'd have to take myself off duty to relieve those?

Mhmm, or you could just grow faster than the nightmares could kill you I suppose. Or find a few more players and one of them could always use shareholder funds to help your nightmares :p

But yeah the game is lethal, I don't want any of you to die but once the seals start popping expect things to go *wild*
Mhmm, or you could just grow faster than the nightmares could kill you I suppose. Or find a few more players and one of them could always use shareholder funds to help your nightmares :p

But yeah the game is lethal, I don't want any of you to die but once the seals start popping expect things to go *wild*
Hmm. Use the nightmares to outrun the nightmares. A glorious answer :V
Damage - Wounds

Perception - Nightmares

Stealth - Fade

Charisma - Glory

Magic - Devotion

Certain actions or actions against you will fill your deck with corruption cards. Wounds from being attacked or messing up. Nightmares from dealing with things you shouldn't. Fade is the world itself making you disappear. Glory is your character becoming obsessed and going mad. Devotion is falling to the Divine

If you get too many "Corruption cards" of the same type in your hand at once you will die or be corrupted. Somewhat low RNG chance, you draw 4 cards and you only have 1 corruption card so it's very hard for you to die. Somedude on the other hand *could* die if he drew both nightmares.
Thank you, so I just have to avoid adding corruption or at least find some method to regularly reduce it

[X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
- [X] Create Or Release 1: Construct spinning top filled with magic child eating spiders
- [X] Magic 1: Try to find out how to reduce corruption from magic
- [X] Charisma 1: Help advertise for the company in local area (Mostly the mascot)
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If I use actions that corrupt me sparingly, find out how to reduce corruption, upgrade my character to incredible heights, and regularly go back to shareholder duties, I could avoid dying randomly
Welp, I found my strat

Probably not a decent strategy, but better then nothing
[X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
-[X] Perception 1: Look inwards. Find your flaws and destroy them.
-[X] Nightmares: Dream of Texas. The secrets and lies, the hells within, but also the greatness.
-[X] Perception 1: Peer beyond. Learn what my fellow agents, my fellow shareholders, can do and how we could grow.

Until and unless someone has suggestions this is what I'm sitting at
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[X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
-[X] Perception 1: Look inwards. Find your flaws and destroy them.
-[X] Nightmares: Dream of Texas. The secrets and lies, the hells within, but also the greatness.

Until and unless someone has suggestions this is what I'm sitting at
You got a free perception Card, right?
How about
[] Agent Shakedown: Let's see what our agents and shareholders are good at. (Unlocks information about deck size and how to improve agents)
I have an overwhelming urge to write omakes about crazy magical shit happening around the world (Thats a slight lie, only the places I'm confident I won't write about incorrectly) but I'm afraid of getting something wrong about magic and it getting declared apocrypha
I have an overwhelming urge to write omakes about crazy magical shit happening around the world (Thats a slight lie, only the places I'm confident I won't write about incorrectly) but I'm afraid of getting something wrong about magic and it getting declared apocrypha
Nah I'm pretty sure Spore would just tell you to change stuff. It'll be cool.
I've got a list of omake ideas, which line up with established magic stuff the best?

- Crazy man digs up Jotunn bones, makes them into weapons, and proceeds to murder an entire biker bar in attempt to enter Valhalla
- Con man running a hippie cult actually starts getting messiah powers, proceeds to freak the fuck out
- My agent's backstory involving her father that lured children in with toys and murdered them, which she knew about back when she was 5
- Satanist gets hit by a van, van gets possessed by their demonic spirit and begins to try finding and eating people
- Aboriginal man rides around the Dreamtime in a truck
- Classic yokai teach new modern yokai how to mess with humans
- Greek statue brought to life tries to explain the philosophical meaning behind why ancient greeks thought smaller penises were better
[X] Play as many cards as you want and redraw up to max hand size.
-[X] Magic 1 / Ritual Studies : Teach some of the people working at the divine department what you know of magic and rituals.
-[X] Charisma 1 : Our line of plushies are selling well but they could be better, try and expand the plushie business.
Still unsure if I should continue Odin, to get more power for our company, or deal with current going-ons.

[X] Fulfill Odin's Request and begin sneaking those runes into the places of worship around the state.
Alright, good turn.

We have magical batteries which is an excellent start on producing magic items. I'm still leaning towards using Runes to try and control the effect but any progress here is good. We should buy a slaughterhouse so we can have a steady supply of sacrifices.

The Government is fairly reasonable, Still need to purge some of their agents but we'll probably still have a working relationship afterwards. Might be worthwhile to give them some incriminating documents so they'll go after the other company but that might risk the wider Coalition getting involved.

We should probably go along with Odin's request for now between Christianity potential to be a bomb with what's going on in the Vatican and a need to shake up the current status quo. Although if we're doing this we should ask for something in return like insight (Bonus to magic resources) Knowledge (How to create magic items) or foresight.

Good to know how the other company works although it seems like they landed on their feet. Given how they are already using some magical items and thinking about assaulting our facility they seem to be more advanced than us currently. I think we should do something to shake up the status quo so they'll be forced to deal with that.

Lastly, I would appreciate it if someone threw some funding towards our scientific research team getting anti magic helps us deal with the creatures in the lab and hopefully gives us some leverage with the gods we are dealing with. Plus there is a good chance our other team will become a cult at some point if they aren't already.
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We should probably go along with Odin's request for now between Christianity potential to be a bomb with what's going on in the Vatican and a need to shake up the current status quo.
Doing that.
Would be good if someone took a look at the crow side. (Crow politics Action)

[] Crow Politics: Lets learn more about the splits in Odin's faction using our best attempt at finding out how to communicate with the crows before asking them many questions.

The Anti-Social Ravens including our dorky raven were extremely hostile over the next few weeks after this letter, a strange development. We really need to learn how to communicate with these birds.
Fun fact:
Ravens can talk.

(Owner talking until ~0:45, then raven idly talking, ~3:30 raven singing to herself, 5:00 rooster in background followed by raven going "what the fuck")
I think we should do something to shake up the status quo so they'll be forced to deal with that.
We could try manipulating Texas state gov into seeing the superagent as a threat.
Have them spend their resources to solve it.
The single agent they have seems to be an extremely skilled member of the magic department that used to work for our company. Enhanced with all sorts of trinkets and state of the arc tech, they are extremely dangerous but also the lynch pin of their entire operation in texas. The Company itself seems to wish to become the only magic company in Texas and would like to see our failure. They are aware of our activities at our facility somehow and plan to seize it from us when the time is right.

This is both good and concerning news, one super agent truly limits the amount of places they can be in at once however it does mean that once that agent and its support brings hell down upon our facility, we may not have the assets in the field to stop them.

Lastly, I would appreciate it if someone threw some funding towards our scientific research team getting anti magic helps us deal with the creatures in the lab and hopefully gives us some leverage with the gods we are dealing with. Plus there is a good chance our other team will become a cult at some point if they aren't already.
Was, and still am (next turn unless something urgent comes up), planing on going for pmc to rent out as magic-problem solvers (and for us to use, of course).
Your request sounds like natural upgrades for them.
[ ] Build some Distance: We love the Texan Government, we do! But not quite that much, let's make sure they don't sink their roots too deeply into our organization.

edit: We hopefully won't get couped by the goverment overnight and this action seems rather fun

[X] Crow Politics: Lets learn more about the splits in Odin's faction using our best attempt at finding out how to communicate with the crows before asking them many questions.
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Sounds like we're having almost a little bit of trouble with action economy! Maybe I need to try and do a recruitment drive but how :thonk:

Or allow more actions, splitting 1000$ three ways is pretty intense, getting big results but it's causing gaps in focus. + the action economy issue atm makes it hard to spend theory points.
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