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You were once a humble Vortixx secretary under a powerful being. Now your boss is dead and the world has changed, leaving you in the lurch.
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Wake Up And Smell The Ashes


Contrary Quester, Spreadsheet Queen, Pink Flamingo
Challenger Deep
When you wake, it is slow and sluggish. Normally you'd have been up hours ago, prim and proper and ready to carry out your work with utmost precision and professionalism. But that had been when your boss was still alive, and when you weren't a prisoner in your own home. There's not exactly a need to rush now, is there?

Plus, last night you'd been kept up for several hours as well, as persistent earthquakes and aftershocks had rocked the world. Something was happening outside, something big, but mostly you'd been concerned with avoiding being crushed by your own furniture, and hoping the ceiling wouldn't get crushed by the rest of the tower your quarters were located in. In the end, there was one final quake, longer and more intense than any that had come before, then deathly silence. Still you stayed awake, bracing for another one, until the adrenaline wore off and darkness took you.

Now you laboriously stretch, surveying the wrecked contents of your quarters, and sigh in despair. This will take ages to clean up, and as things stand, you're not entirely sure it's even worth the effort anymore. Maybe you'd rather just leave it all like this, and crawl back onto your pad to slowly waste away, until your organic components have rotted and your mechanical parts rusted and fallen to pieces...

Shaking away those morbid thoughts, you instead make your way over to the mirror, now sporting several cracks. Indirect illumination from several lightstones embedded deep within the wall around it bathes you in a soft yellow glow, but the broken reflection of your haggard features just furthers your discontent. Your thoughts feel foggy, your memory banks clicking awkwardly as they sort back and forth in search of something. You realize you may have bumped your head during last night's quakes, and for a moment you're paranoid you may have forgotten your own name.

What Is Your Name?
>[Name] Write-In

Sighing in relief, you turn to the toppled furniture again, pondering how to spend your time.

What Is Your Plan? (Pick 2)
>[Action] Examine Yourself
You may have taken other damage without realizing, so double-checking you weren't hurt may not go awry. Might as well freshen up while you're at it; you look frankly terrible right now.
>[Action] Clean Up Even with your current predicament, you're still a secretary through and through, and your neat-freak tendencies are screaming in the back of your head to fix the one mess still under your control.
>[Action] Try The Door It's a long shot, but maybe, just maybe the quakes could have shaken something loose. You don't have much in the way of brute strength, but perhaps you can pull it open a crack, just enough to cry for help...
>[Action] Check On The "Gift" Before his departure, your boss had left some items in your care, to guard with your life. With his subsequent demise it doesn't seem so pressing, but it may still be worth making sure they're safe...
>[Action] Write-In


(Along with your votes, I need everyone to roll a ten-sided die. If you get a 9 or a 10 just leave it at that, but if you get 1-8, roll a six-sided die as well.)
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[X][Name] ColdGoldLazarus


This being a joke suggestion does not make it not serious.

[X] [Action] Examine Yourself
[X] [Action] Check on The "Gift"
Terrabrand threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: As ordered Total: 9
9 9
[X][Name] Borknika
[X] [Action] Examine Yourself
[X] [Action] Check on The "Gift"

Bionicles??? In my SV?
It's more likely than you think.

OOPS forgot a roll...
Edit: is that good? Bad?
Plausbius threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 6
6 6
Plausbius threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
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[X][Name] Lacuna

[X][Action] Examine Yourself
You may have taken other damage without realizing, so double-checking you weren't hurt may not go awry. Might as well freshen up while you're at it; you look frankly terrible right now.
[X][Action] Check On The "Gift" Before his departure, your boss had left some items in your care, to guard with your life. With his subsequent demise it doesn't seem so pressing, but it may still be worth making sure they're safe...

[X][Name] Borknika
[X] [Action] Examine Yourself
[X] [Action] Check on The "Gift"

Bionicles??? In my SV?
It's more likely than you think.

QM said we need to throw dice. In case it's helpful: looks like the new iteration of SV has it down by the Save/Preview buttons when you edit the post.

EDIT: Oops, think I forgot to change that second die to six--sided. Normally with a mistake like that I'd actually roll a six-sided die, even if its result still falls within the correct range, but I figure I should ask-- @ColdGoldLazarus, do I keep the second die or roll an actual d6?
DeepWaters threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 9
8 8 1 1
DeepWaters threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 6
6 6
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This being a joke suggestion does not make it not serious.
If it wins I may shorten it to just "Lazarus" then :p

Bionicles??? In my SV?
It's more likely than you think.
I've been wanting to do something Bionicle related here for ages, and earlier just the right combination of sleep loss and having an actual specific concept led to this. ^_^

Oops, think I forgot to change that second die to six--sided. Normally with a mistake like that I'd actually roll a six-sided die, even if its result still falls within the correct range, but I figure I should ask-- @ColdGoldLazarus, do I keep the second die or roll an actual d6?
I think in this case it's fine to leave it as-is, though if you think re-rolling would get a more legitimate answer, feel free to do so. I would definitely ask for a re-rolling if it hadn't been in the correct range, but in this case it's down to what you'd prefer.
So what are the odds of the MC becoming a Toa? Mean, I'm assuming they're currently a Matoran, since having elemental abilities and mask power should prevent one from entertaining the thought of just wasting away.
[X] [Action] Examine Yourself
[X] [Action] Check on The "Gift"

Edit: Sorry, please discard second&third 10 faced dice result, seem my phone decide to throw another by itself lol.
GGreader threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 14
6 6 8 8
GGreader threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 5
5 5
GGreader threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 6
6 6
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[X][Name] Lacuna
[X] [Action] Examine Yourself
[X] [Action] Clean Up Even with your current predicament, you're still a secretary through and through, and your neat-freak tendencies are screaming in the back of your head to fix the one mess still under your control.
NemoMarx threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 10
10 10
Also, since it's now either in edit or in the original post, I do wonder about people just not saving bad rolls, or something? Might be useful feedback for Xon later.
That's actually an interesting question. Lemme try something real fast.

Edit: nope, not cheatable that way; went to edit, threw dice, canceled, die roll still appeared.
Terrabrand threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Testing Total: 2
2 2
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[X] Zerdra

[X] [Action] Examine Yourself
[X] [Action] Check on The "Gift"

I don't actually know much about bionicles besides that one game on xbox that had the Piraka and the handcuffed spider guy with a laser spear. So is there any of the lore besides the basics of masks, matorans, and toa I'll need to know?

EDIT: No idea if that's any good
Changeofheart threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Qm says so Total: 7
7 7
Changeofheart threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Rolled below 9 Total: 1
1 1
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I don't actually know much about bionicles besides that one game on xbox that had the Piraka and the handcuffed spider guy with a laser spear. So is there any of the lore besides the basics of masks, matorans, and toa I'll need to know?
I mean, hopefully you should be fine? Since this is taking place immediately post-canon, there is a lot of stuff that will come up, but I'm aiming to introduce it all relatively slowly and naturally, so you don't need to know much of anything beforehand in order to be able to follow this. Like, having that familiarity will give some context to the initial scenario, sure, but the relevant stuff will eventually be explained anyway, so having that background isn't a requirement. Basically, just treat it as any original story that starts in-media-res, and if you are confused about or unclear on anything, feel free to say so so I can make sure to address it.
I mean, hopefully you should be fine? Since this is taking place immediately post-canon, there is a lot of stuff that will come up, but I'm aiming to introduce it all relatively slowly and naturally, so you don't need to know much of anything beforehand in order to be able to follow this. Like, having that familiarity will give some context to the initial scenario, sure, but the relevant stuff will eventually be explained anyway, so having that background isn't a requirement. Basically, just treat it as any original story that starts in-media-res, and if you are confused about or unclear on anything, feel free to say so so I can make sure to address it.
This is good to know thank you.

I just have two quick question who was handcuffed spider guy and did we work for him?
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