The Second Rome: A Quest of Ancient Byzantium

Am I the only one getting a bit of an Ed stark vibe from our guy? And sharply remembering exactly what happened to him?
[X] The Protostrator
Might as well try to salvage Italia. Much glory and honor if we succeed also stabalizes imperial power in the west.meanwhile the emperor was successful without our help in the east otl.
[X] The Protostrator
Might as well try to salvage Italia. Much glory and honor if we succeed also stabalizes imperial power in the west.meanwhile the emperor was successful without our help in the east otl.

He wasn't, he lost to the Turks in the east and effectively from then on byzantines were at the defensive against the Turks never again launching attack to try and reclaim interior of Anatolia. Plus that battle broke mith of Comenian invincibility.

As for Italy, well we won't recounquer it for long time so there won't be much of stability there.
Also Italy keeps us out of court politics initially keeps us out of court intrigue at least until we establish a reputation to protect us. But whatever we do stay the f away from the empress option that's asking to be made like dear old dead ned.
Also Italy keeps us out of court politics initially keeps us out of court intrigue at least until we establish a reputation to protect us. But whatever we do stay the f away from the empress option that's asking to be made like dear old dead ned.
Anatolia can keep us from court politics as well, us being stationed in Anatolia and Italy doesn't mean much in terms of court politics.
If the general that is in charge of Italy is involved in court politics so are we.
Remember this option is to who we owe a favour, basically we are in court politics no matter which option we chose through our patron.
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the empress is a bad idea, but very few voted for her. Besides, it's no Ned Stark point, it's just being protected by someone powerful.
A/N: This is an important choice, which has the potential determine much of the early game, and shape your political and social alliances for much of the game. You can change sides or flip alliances, but favors in Byzantium, once owed, will never be forgotten.

Well to put it simply expect deciding our political alliance this will put us in position to owe a favour to one of our patrons.

Basically that is why i think that Protostrator is bad idea.
On top of us giving a power base to emperors historical rival, we will be associated with him as well. We can shift alliance, but we will owe him a favour that we will probably have to pay once we have our own power base.

Edit: Add to that that hysterically Alexios managed to secure honourable retreat of Romans from Italy wich in return meant that Manuel could focus towards east .

Us staying in Italy means that if we turn campaign around byzantines will have to continue to send resurces to Italy wich will make them weaker in the east and on the other fronts.
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The Basileus [X] The Emperor, Manuel Komnenos. Bold, brash, handsome, brilliant, and charming. He is the hero of heroes, the star of Empire, the finest of princes and the first among equals. They sing songs of him as they sing songs of Charlemagne or Alexander. They say he slew forty Turks in a single night, that he rides a horse descended from the stables of Alexander, that he himself is Alexander reborn. He is ho Megas, the Greatest of the Great, the Emperor of the Romans and the finest of the Caesars. But his star is dimming -- his invasion of Italy has been repulsed, and seems doomed to fail. The upstart Crusader Prince, Reynauld of Antioch, has attacked the island of Cyprus and humiliated the Emperor by imprisoning one of his nephews. And even as he prepares an army to put the Crusaders in their place, he is haunted by his lack of male heir, and by an ancient prophecy which says that his successor's name shall begin with the letter A. Enemies circle the Emperor on all sides, and those he can trust now will almost certainly be greatly rewarded.

Please don't let the quest die again :( I truly love Byzantium.
In the early game, the smartest move probably is tying Michael to the Emperor of Rhomania. Plus I'm not super interested in trying to establish a new dynasty at the moment so having the character Michael be a loyal general of Rhomania is fine for me.

[X] The Basileus
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Am I the only one getting a bit of an Ed stark vibe from our guy? And sharply remembering exactly what happened to him?
Man, I'd love a Ned Stark quest starting shortly before he becomes Hand.

Oh wow, how did I miss this? Quickly get in before it ends.

[X] The Basileus

If we we go with the Varangian guard I imagine we'll have an even worse standing with the Emperor. Under Michael we might become the Guard's rival, however I expect a slow climb in favour so we won't come into conflict with him quickly.