Actually, the wiped memory was meant to reveal that Ukyo was harboring romantic feelings underneath, saying "He's kind of cute" and such. With their past together erased, she was a bit more like the canon Ukyo.

I like for readers to put their own spin on it, though. :D A lot of the clues to Ukyo's true feelings, such as her reaction to Hanachiyo, (the neighbor's cat) came during that arc. Shampoo might have awakened both the romantic attraction AND Ukyo's Neko-Ken. Shampoo was the first one we saw her use it on, although it was a "failed" attempt since Ukyo didn't seem to be focused and in control like she was with Ryoga.
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I haven't written anything from the next scene of the chapter, however, over the 4th of July weekend I did manage to wrap up the previous scene, and add a few details I had forgotten when I first wrote that part. I almost forgot to include the scene with Nodoka sitting Ryoga down and talking to him about his curse, so I'm glad I was able to work it in where I did.

Rather than make a whole new post, I thought I would just edit my last one. If you already read that post, you may want to pick up from when Ryoga enters the conversation.
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Ryoga hadn't had a mother to take care of his clothing since he was a baby.


Ryoga always tries very hard to make me not feel sorry for him. Usually it doesn't work; he may be shameless when it comes to exploiting his P-chan side, but he doesn't manage to hide how much it sucks that he HAS a P-chan side. This time...goes way past that.

Nicely done.


Ryoga always tries very hard to make me not feel sorry for him. Usually it doesn't work; he may be shameless when it comes to exploiting his P-chan side, but he doesn't manage to hide how much it sucks that he HAS a P-chan side. This time...goes way past that.

Nicely done.

I may have speculated a bit about when Ryoga's direction curse kicked in. A baby wouldn't be likely to survive in the wilderness, so I've always assumed that somehow Ryoga's mother was able to keep him with her, even when she was getting lost all the time. I figure his own loss of direction kicked in around puberty, and they went their separate ways at that time. But his strongest memories of his mother would be his earliest ones, and she could have been making an effort to make him self-sufficient as he grew up, knowing what would happen.

I felt it was a nice touch, and set the stage for Nodoka turning her full maternal wrath on him. :D You're right, though, he has made amends for his mistakes and I think he deserves a second chance.

I might have plans for Checkers to show up in the filler between this arc and the next. :D
I like that clear internal conflict in him. I like that he knows what he's done is wrong, and he's trying his hardest to make up for it, and he just...can't bring himself to apologize, no matter how hard he tries.

I like that everyone else can see that, too. They know how hard he tries to apologize.
Well, Ryoga has apologized, but more I think he finds it hard to let it go. He KNOWS he shouldn't blame Ukyo for his curse, but it's still a living nightmare to him.

That's a common problem in the Ranma 1/2 universe, though. The whole cast has big problems with the words "I'm sorry". :D
Yeah. "I'm sorry" is a hard thing to say, and I'm very impressed at how good Ukyo is at it. Then throw in the fact that you may realize that your problems are due to bad circumstances - but you've spent your whole life punching things and punching things makes you feel better and you can't punch bad circumstances.

There's a reason Ryoga, even knowing the person directly responsible for his curse is Ukyo, still wants to punch Ranma. It's because he feels guilty about punching girls. At this point, the only reason he has to feel guilty about punching Ranma is that he knows he's using Ranma as a surrogate...

...AAAAND it just occured to me that since Ukyo turns into Ranma's female form you just justified all those Ryoga/Yoiko pics in the hypothetical future!
...AAAAND it just occured to me that since Ukyo turns into Ranma's female form you just justified all those Ryoga/Yoiko pics in the hypothetical future!

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My evil plan is compete! :D

I'm also amused that the Ranma/Ranko pics can be reality in this universe. In fact there will be a reference to that coming up in the next scene, so I should stop putting it off...
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And here's the latest section of chapter 91. Things don't go so well for Ranma.


"Stop! Underwear thief!"

Happosai bounded along ahead of the mob of enraged women, all pursuing him with mops, brooms and other implements of destruction at the ready. He chuckled as he stayed just ahead of them, his bag of ill-gotten gains slung over his shoulder. He led them along a merry chase for a while, but soon grew bored, and took to the rooftops. The women cried out in indignation as he left them behind. It was all too easy...

It's far too easy, the old pervert said to himself. It's just no fun any more. After so long imprisoned in that cave, I've finally gotten everything I ever wanted, but I still feel empty inside. Why do I feel this way?

He came across a neighborhood playground, and heard a little girl's voice from below. "Hey! Give that back!" He looked down to see a small boy and girl in a sandbox on the playground. The boy held a shovel triumphantly in his hand, and the little girl reached for it.

"Nyah, nyah, Sis! You'll never catch me!" With that, he turned and ran from the sandbox, as his sister jumped to her feet.

"You jerk! Give me my shovel back!" She charged after her brother, while he laughed and dodged as she chased him around the playground.

"Ranma... Ukyo..." Happosai muttered. He could almost picture the two of them, superimposed over the young siblings playing down below him. "It was so much more fun when they were around. So much more of a challenge." His mental picture clarified, and then shifted, as Happosai substituted the busty redhead he loved so much for Ukyo. He struggled for a moment with indecision, and then finally settled on picturing all three of them, drawn into a familial embrace.

"Ranma! Ukyo! Why did you have to run away!"

The flat side of a giant spatula smashed him over the head. "Who ran away?" Ukyo snarled. "We were trainin', you old coot!"

Happosai grinned as he turned to face his ponytailed opponent, but then instinctively dodged at another attack coming at him from the side. Ryoga sailed past him, while the old master studied him, eagerly. "Little Ukyo! And the boy who turns into a pig, too! I remember you from when we visited the bathhouse!"

"Shut up, you old fool, and hold still," Ryoga yelled at him, throwing another punch. "There's no water around here, so you're not turning me into a pig!"

"Cologne!" Ukyo called out, as she backed off slightly from the fight. "Go get Ranchan."

"Right, Shield Sister," the old Amazon answered. She was standing on a rooftop nearby. "I will fetch both Son-In-Law and Miss Tendo. Try to hold him here as long as you can. But be careful."

"I know, he's a wily old goat," Ukyo said. "But I think Ryoga and I can keep him busy until you get back."

Cologne bounded off over the rooftops on her staff, while Ukyo turned back to the fight. Ryoga hadn't laid a hand on the old master yet, but they had dropped down into the playground, and Happosai was getting the lost boy tangled up in the swingset. Shaking her head, Ukyo jumped down to join them.

The children had gathered around to watch, and Ukyo warned them to get back as she raised her spatula. "Go back to your mamas, kids, out of range so you'll be safe." There were a few adult women at the park, and they gathered up the few children who didn't back off on her own. Ukyo leaped at Happosai, and using Ryoga as a distraction, managed the nail him with a blow. He was thrown backwards, but landed on his feet.

He then fell forwards onto his hands. "You youngsters are too much for me at my age," he said sadly, his eyes big and mournful. "Ganging up on an old man... it just isn't fair."

"You old pervert," Ryoga said, disgusted. "You're not even as tough as you were last time. Did you have to make Ranma weak because you couldn't keep up any more? I expected more of a fight."

"Ryoga, don't drop your guard!" Ukyo warned him. "He's gonna..." Her warning came too late, as Happosai suddenly vanished, and appeared behind Ryoga's head. He raised his pipe, and Ryoga hit the ground, with a number of large lumps on his head.

"Jackass," Ukyo muttered, as she readied her spatula. Happosai came at her, and she swung to drive him back, but he ducked around the arc of her spatula and got inside its reach. He then caught her under her chin with his pipe. Ukyo went flying straight up into the air.

"Ukyo!" Ryoga had regained consciousness, and glared at Happosai from his position on the ground. "You'll pay for that," he growled, struggling to stand. Before he could even push into his hands and knees, though, Ukyo came down on top of him, and their heads collided painfully. They both collapsed, unconscious.

Happosai chuckled. "All right, Ranma. Let's see if you'll be more cooperative if both your sister and your friend have been affected by the Moxibustion of Weakness. You'll HAVE to beg me for the cure then." He raised his pipe and stepped forward, menacingly.

A flying figure in a yellow gi shot past him, kicking the pipe out of his hand. She then took a stance in front of Ukyo and Ryoga. "Don't you dare, Grandfather! Ranma's here, and he challenges you for the scroll!"

"That's right, you old freak!" Ranma called from the rooftop. "Thanks Akane."

Akane smiled back at him, then slung Ukyo over her shoulder, dragging Ryoga by the arm as she got them out of the way. Ranma picked up the bag of panties and bras, which Happosai had left behind on the rooftop, and then jumped down to join them.

"Hey, those are mine!" Happosai called out, pointing at the bag. "Give them to me."

"No way, goat face!" Ranma shot back. He then dumped the bag in the sandbox. As expected, Happosai became enraged at the mistreatment of his "pretties", and charged at Ranma. His after image grew in size, as he began to emit a smoky, vaporous aura.

Cologne helped Akane get Ryoga and Ukyo to the edge of the playground, where the other bystanders were watching. "You should probably stand further back," Cologne advised them. "This fight is about to get very dangerous."

"Is Ranma going to be able to use the Hiryu Shoten Ha?" Akane asked her.

"Easily, child. The old master's battle aura is as strong as ever, and getting stronger. Son-In-Law is already leading him into the spiral." She watched as the old man chased Ranma in circles around the playground. "It won't be long now until he reaches the center."

"I hope it doesn't destroy this playground," Akane noted. "It would be a shame if the kids didn't have somewhere to play." The women watching the fight stared at her for a moment, and then muttered amongst themselves, worriedly. Several of them moved their children ever further back.

"Yes, but the equipment caught up in the blast will make it quite hard on Happosai," Cologne said with a scheming grin. Her grin faded as she grew thoughtful. "I still can't remember where I have seen him before..."

"Ranma's reached the center!" Akane called out excitedly. Ranma came to a stop as Happosai leaped at him, raised his fist in an uppercut, twisting his wrist slightly in a corkscrew fashion and... nothing happened.

Happosai just stood there, watching him. Ranma stared back at him, his arm still raised. Akane and Cologne looked at each other, then at Happosai again.

"He... he pulled back his fighting spirit?" Akane asked, and Cologne nodded. There was no sign of Happosai's battle aura. "Just like that? How?"

The old man's eyes got big and teary. "Oh, Ranma, my student. Would you really make this feeble old man suffer the Heaven's Blast of the Dragon? How cruel of you."

"What!" Ranma shot back. "How could you know about it?"

"Yes, how could Grandfather Happosai know about it?" Akane asked. "There's no way he could have known about the Hiryu Shoten Ha unless... unless he had been to your village, Cologne."

She turned to look at the Amazon Elder, who was staring at Happosai, wide eyed. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed, and she gritted her teeth. "Happi... HAPPI!" She pointed her staff at him. "IT'S YOU!"

Happosai looked at her, smirking. "So you remember me now, Little Cologne?"

"Yes, I remember you now!" She spat. "Happi, you thieving bastard!"

"You know each other?" Ranma asked, stunned. Akane was considering the coincidence of her comparing herself and Ranma to Cologne and Happosai, when she was talking about them growing old together. She had just meant it as a joke, but could Cologne and Happosai really have known each other so long ago in the Joketsuzoku?

"It was many, many years ago," Happosai said, apparently confirming Akane's suspicions. "Oh, I was such a young and handsome man, then. Tall and strong, with long, flowing blonde hair. And Little Cologne was so beautiful as a young girl. As beautiful as her great-granddaughter Shampoo, but her long hair was just a shade lighter than Shampoo's, I think."

"Funny, I seem to remember you as the same height you are now," Cologne said with a scowl. "And you did not have blonde hair."

"I remember like it was only yesterday," Happosai continued, ignoring Cologne. He struck a pose, imagining himself as a heroic warrior, standing on a mountain top. "Little Cologne was the love of my life... but I was too shy to approach her." He now shifted his stance, acting shy and embarrassed and giving his audience a big-eyed sympathetic look. Ranma just rolled his eyes. "I argued with myself for weeks and months, trying to get up the nerve to approach the object of my affection. And when I finally did, she stood me up!"

He stomped his foot, angrily. "I was furious! I ran to Cologne, and in my state, my battle aura was at full power! But Cologne just turned to me, raised her fist, and shouted, 'Heaven's Blast of the Dragon!' I was caught up in the twister, and flung far, far away." He hung his head, drawing his tale to a close with a tear in his eye. "That was the last time I saw my beautiful Little Cologne."

"Funny, that's not the way I remember it at all," Cologne snarled. She crossed her arms, regarding the old man for a moment. "Here's what really happened. You stole all of our Amazon treasures. The treasures that I SHOWED YOU. And then, with all of the warriors of the Amazon village in hot pursuit of you, you came running at me. 'These treasures are nothing but gaudy trinkets!' I think you said. It's not my fault that you couldn't figure out how to use them. They were never meant for men to use anyway."

"Anyway, you came charging at me, and as you said, I used the Hiryu Shoten Ha, and sent you sailing away. Much to the consternation of my fellow Amazon warriors, because I attacked on instinct, and the Amazon treasures you stole went sailing away with you. We never saw you OR our treasures again."

"Is this true, you old goat?" Ranma asked. Akane was still considering the coincidence of Happosai and Cologne meeting so many years ago, and despite their stories, she suspected they had been involved in a secret relationship. One that Happosai betrayed by stealing the Amazon's treasures. Could that happen with her and Ranma? Would they split up over some argument or misunderstanding, and end up hating each other?

She shook her head. No, I refuse to let it happen! she told herself. I'll fight for Ranma and I'll never let him be taken away from me. And if he gives in to the temptation of greed like his father, I'll take him back, even if I have to punish him first. I won't let him become like that. I trust him, and I'll show him that he can trust me.

Meanwhile, Happosai seemed unfazed. "Is that what happened? Memories tend to fade at our age, eh Little Cologne? The main thing is, you'll never catch me off guard with the Hiryu Shoten Ha, Ranma." The old man grinned wickedly. "I can be as calm as a saint if I have to be."

"Calm as a saint, huh? Can you be calm after I do this?" Ranma walked over to the sandbox, and ground the pile of panties and bras into the sand.
Happosai clenched his fists for a moment, but then relaxed and gave a wide smile. "It's okay, they're a bit dirty, but they can be washed. My pretties will be just fine."

"What about now?" Ranma pulled a match out of his pocket and lit it, and then set the pile on fire. There was a bit of murmuring from the women in the crowd, but they said nothing as the underwear burned.

"Aw. It's too bad, but I'll get new pretties. It just makes me a little sad, is all."

"And what if I do this?" Ranma picked up a pail out of the sandbox and punched the bottom out of it. The little boy came running out of the crowd and kicked Ranma in the knee. Ranma fell over, clutching his leg in pain.

"Leave my Sis's pail alone you meanie!" the boy cried. His sister chimed in with "Yeah!"

"I'll buy you a new one kid, leave me alone," Ranma said through clenched teeth.

Happosai laughed. "Face it, Ranma, I've beaten you! There's nothing you can do. Now, are you going to declare me your master, or will you be weak for the rest of your life?"

Akane stepped forward. "Leave him alone! There's another way to get Ranma's strength back! He's not going to give in, ever!"

She was cut short as Happosai laughed again. "I'll be waiting for you to grovel at my feet. Let me know when you're ready to give up, Ranma!" With that, he bounded away.

Ranma staggered to his feet. Akane approached the sandbox, slowly. She held out a hand. "It'll be okay, Ranma. You can still find a cure, I know you can." He looked up and met her eyes, sadly. Then Ranma, too, bounded off across the rooftops.
Chapter 16
This last part seemed to take forever. But I think I am finally finished. Here is Chapter 16 (which I've been calling Chapter 91, which is the chapter number from I didn't mean to get confused, and I'll try to stick with the chapter number here from now on.

There really wasn't a lot to this last part, but it leads into the big scene next chapter where the Moxibustion Chart almost gets ripped up in the Hiryu Shoten Ha and someone or someones will have to risk their lives to save it. I almost ran out past 9,000 words, which I try to set as my limit, but I decided to end it on a cliffhanger. One thing I am a little unsure of is whether Nodoka will be present in the final draft. She doesn't HAVE to be here, and as you'll see at the end, this gives away that she knows about Ranma's curse, so I lose that potential for further comedy, but the idea of Nodoka being there works for reasons what will be revealed next chapter.

As always, I welcome suggestions, since I do have some concerns about how this will work out. I also may edit the dialog a bit to more closely match the canon. I was working from memory.

Chapter 16

Happosai vs the Hiryu Shoten Ha


Ukyo slowly made her way back to consciousness, and moaned in pain as she almost immediately regretted it. Her entire body ached, and for a moment, she considered letting herself sink back into the darkness. Was it possible to survive being put through a meat grinder? Because that's what it felt like had happened to her. Her arms and legs complained as she tried to stir, and she hissed in pain. There was a blanket lying over her, and it felt remarkably abrasive to her sensitive skin.

She relaxed for a moment, and to her relief, the throbbing began to subside. She searched her memory, and for a moment all she could recall was the red haze of the Neko-Ken. Then, in a rush, her challenge to Ranma came back to her, and how she had admitted her deepest, most intimate feelings to him. She flushed in embarrassment, both at her confession to Ranma, and how she had lost control of her emotions, threatening Akane and even trying to kill her brother.

Ukyo groaned again as she put a hand to her forehead. Someone had stopped her attack. Was that Ryoga? Yes, apparently the big goof had stepped into the fight and she had shifted her anger to him. They had both made complete fools of themselves. She opened her eyes and looked around, finding that she was in Akane's tent. She must have been brought back after Ranchan set off the Hiryu Shoten Ha.

That thought made Ukyo's eyes widen. Ranchan did it! He learned the Hiryu Shoten Ha! She remembered leaping at Ranma, with Ryoga at her side, while Ranma lay prone on the rocks. And then there was a flash of light, and a wave of such power that it felt like a wall of ice hitting her in the face. She shivered at the memory. Everything after that was a blur. She remembered being pulled up into the air, and tossed about in the winds, but it was like being in a waking nightmare. She barely remembered someone grabbing her, strong arms that held her. She didn't think it was Ranma, it didn't feel familiar. Was it Ryoga that saved her? She couldn't be sure.

Ukyo sat up, holding the blanket up to cover her chest. Her top was completely shredded, although she could feel bandages across her chest, so someone had tended to her wounds. As she looked around, she spotted Ranma sitting a few feet away. He was watching her; he had obviously noticed her waking up, but he seemed wary somehow. He gave her a tentative smile.

"You okay, Sis? You back to normal now?" He laughed, uneasily. "Yer not still out ta kill me?"

Ukyo blushed and looked away. "No, Ranchan. I'm back to normal."

There was a long, awkward silence. Finally, Ukyo got up the nerve to speak. "I'm sorry, Ranchan. I guess you're pretty shocked, about the things I said. And I did mean them, in a way. I mean, I do love you, Bro." She met his eyes for a moment, with a sheepish grin. "But all that other stuff... I know how gross that sounds. I've been arguin' with myself about that since all of this started."

Ranma looked uncomfortable as well. "Geez, Sis, you know I... I love you too. But as my sister, not like that."

"I know, Ranchan, I know." She could feel her cheeks burning.

Ranma was silent for a moment, while Ukyo adjusted the blanket so it would cover her better. "So Sis..." Ranma began. "Has this really been goin' on for all this time? Why didn't ya tell me?"

"I didn't really know until a few months ago, myself. I guess if you wanna know when it started, Ranchan, I'd have to go back to when we were kids. I guess you don't remember it that way, but do you remember when we used to play house?"

Ranma never got a chance to answer, because Akane poked her head in through the tent flap. "Ranma? Is Ukyo awake? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, Akane," Ukyo said, smiling at her friend. "I'm fine. I got a bit banged up, but..."

Before Ukyo could finish, Akane crossed the tent and slapped her across the face. "Don't you ever do that again!" she shouted.

"What the-" Ukyo put a hand to her cheek, shocked.

"Don't you know how jealous I am of what you and Ranma have!" Akane yelled at her, not letting her get a word in edgewise. "How dare you use that against me! How dare you use that against Ranma, just to teach him a stupid technique!"

"Hey," Ranma commented, but Akane ignored him.

"I understand how you feel, Ukyo, probably more than you think! I know how it feels to believe that you're not good enough, that you can't compete, that someone's going to take someone you love away from you! I know that loneliness, that anger, that hatred! Sometimes I hate you so much, Ucchan, for getting so close to him, and then I hate myself for feeling that way! If I wanted to, if I wanted to hate you for making me feel like that... it would be so easy to hate you!"

Akane paused a moment, as her voice broke. Despite her tone, Ukyo could tell Akane wasn't angry, she was desperate. "You - intentionally - made yourself feel that. That... anguish, that loneliness. I can't stand it! There's never a reason to put yourself through such pain! We'll find another way to protect Ranma, and keep him safe. I'd rather die that have you give in to that despair, and I'm sure Ranma feels the same way."

She wrapped her arms around Ukyo and hugged her, tightly. "I love you, Ucchan," Akane said, sobbing. "I can't stand the thought that I'm the one causing you so much pain. Don't do that to yourself."

Ukyo put her hand on Akane's head. She glanced over at Ranma, who was watching the two of them with a mixture of amusement and dumbfounded confusion. "I won't, Akane, I promise. I didn't like that dark place either. I don't know that I'll ever get over being jealous, but I won't use it to drive myself into the Neko-Ken again. I promise, on my honor as a martial artist."

"Well, that's good, Sis, because it turns out you didn't have to do that in the first place." Ranma regarded her seriously, while Akane sat up and wiped at her eyes. "Your battle aura was more than hot enough. It was the Soul of Ice, which I couldn't figure out until I was in a life-and-death situation, and had no choice to come up with the secret. Which was pretty brilliant, I'd say, even if the Old Ghoul did give me the clue."

"'The icy chill of death'?" Akane quoted, recalling Ranma's last words before he ran into the battle. "What does that mean?"

"Like the Old Ghoul said, it's not enough to just be emotionless. You have to suppress your fears, your feelings. And the most primal fear, the fear that all mortals have, is the fear of death. I realized that by accepting that fear, surrendering to it, my battle aura would become frigidly cold, like Cologne's did."

"Of course." Ukyo nodded her head in agreement. "That's why I couldn't master it."

"What do you mean, Sis?"

"Ranchan, I haven't feared my death since I fought the Old Man to get you out of the pit." Ukyo sighed. "I surrendered to that fear long ago. I no longer feel it."

"What, are you kidding?" Ranma asked. "Surely you don't have some kinda death wish!"

Akane bit her lip. "Her Neko-Ken is a berserker technique," she said. "She couldn't fight to the death if she wasn't willing to give her life for someone she loves."

Cologne poked her head through the tent flap, and bopped Ranma on the head with her staff. "Miss Tendo is correct. I was worried that this would be the case, Shield Sister. Still, I would advise against giving up hope. As I said before, now that you know the secret behind the Soul of Ice, you may have formed preconceptions about it."

"Do you think I can learn the technique?" Ukyo asked her.

"You may still find you have reason to live, Shield Sister," the ancient Amazon cackled. "I'd say you have two people who want you to live."

Ukyo glanced at Ranma, then looked down at Akane, who began to tear up again. She nodded.

"Hey, can you give it a rest in here?" Ryoga's voice came from outside, but then he, too, ducked inside the tent. "There are badly injured people trying to get some sleep out here."

"Ryoga!" Ukyo said, suddenly feeling self-conscious for some reason. She held the blanket a bit tighter against her chest. "Were you the one who protected me from that Hiryu Shoten Ha?" His clothing was ripped and torn as badly as hers, and for a moment she remembered seeing his face, and that orange bandanna, as they were falling from the sky.

Ryoga immediately turned red, and looked away from her. "Well... I couldn't very well let you die or anything. Why did you make me think you were trying to kill Akane anyway? We're lucky we didn't both get killed."

Ukyo looked away as well. "Sorry. I was just trying to find a way to fight Ranchan seriously, without holding back. It sounds stupid now, but I was just using the Neko-Ken to make it a fight to the death."

"As if I care about Ranma," Ryoga said petulantly. Then he looked down at his pig-tailed rival. "But you can't die until I defeat you. I won't let you cheat me of my inevitable victory." He grinned.

"You mean 'implausible' victory," Ranma replied, also grinning.

Nodoka appeared at the tent flap. "Is Ukyo-chan awake and ready to go?" she asked. "My husband has finished packing up our supplies and is taking down the tents. If Ukyo and Hibiki are both ready to go, we should get started before it gets too late in the morning."

"That's right Sis!" Ranma added. "I gotta get back and defeat that old pervert. Get yer clothes on and let's go!"

"Don't rush her, Ranma," Akane chastised him. "She's injured, remember?"

"I think I'm okay, Akane," Ukyo said. "Could you help me get dressed?"

"Sure." Akane grabbed Ranma and Ryoga and pushed them out of the tent. "You two give us some privacy."

As Ryoga was stepping out of the tent, Nodoka pulled him aside. "You are Ryoga Hibiki, are you not? I'd like to thank you for being such a challenge to my manly son and helping him improve his skills. If my son is to be the best martial artist of his generation, he must have rivals such as you to test himself against. Akane has told me how strong and powerful you are."

Ryoga looked embarrassed, looking away from the matronly woman. "Thanks, Mrs. Saotome, but I didn't really think of myself as Ranma's rival when we first met. I, um... kinda wanted to kill him. I may have taken things a bit too far..."

"That is all right," Nodoka said with a kindly smile. "My son can protect himself, and he needs to face deadly challenges in order to become the best. I am glad that you are close friends now, though."

"Yeah... friends..." Ryoga looked even more embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Akane tells me you that have a curse, like my son and Ukyo-chan. If you don't mind, I would like to see the little pig that you turn into. I wouldn't want you to be left behind because you accidently got splashed with water."

"Oh, ah, sure." Ryoga nervously followed as Nodoka led him over to the campsite. She had set up a kettle which was placed over the fire, and another which sat on the rocky ground nearby. A set of Ryoga's clothes lay on a rock next to them, neatly folded. Nodoka had apparently been thoughtful enough to set them aside for him.

Ryoga walked over to the kettle on the ground, which he assumed was filled with cold water. Sure enough, when he poured it over his head, he felt himself shrink down, until he was sitting in a pile of his shredded and torn clothing. Nodoka's smile grew wide, and she exclaimed in delight.

"Oh! Akane was right, you turn into the cutest little pig." Ryoga looked away, unable to do anything but grunt in embarrassment. "Do you need help to change back?"

Ryoga shook his head. The other kettle was balanced on a stand, and he was well used to knocking sources of hot water over onto himself, even in pig form. And if the Saotome matriarch changed him back, she might see him in the nude, which would be mortifying.

Nodoka seemed to guess his thoughts. "Well, I will turn around then, and let you put on fresh clothes." She turned her back, and Ryoga hurried over and kicked the kettle onto himself. Once he returned to human form, he quickly dressed, still blushing slightly.

"Okay, I'm ready," he said, as he finished putting on his clothes. They were warm and pressed, which was an unusual feeling, since Ryoga hadn't had a mother to take care of his clothing since he was a baby. Ryoga felt both grateful and somewhat ashamed, although he felt that Nodoka had probably done the same for Ranma, Akane and Ukyo.

Nodoka turned around. Her expression was suddenly harsh, and Ryoga gulped. "Akane also tells me that you misled her about your curse and pretended to be her pet. She tells me that you slept in her bed, and fondled her body under the pretense of being held. I also understand that although Ukyo knew about your identity, you used that against her, forcing her to take you into her own bed in order to keep you out of Akane's."

Ryoga looked away, unable to meet her eyes. Part of him wanted to protest that it wasn't his fault, it was all Ranma's fault, but he couldn't. It had been too long since he had seen his own mother, and he just couldn't bring himself to make excuses to this woman. Besides, he no longer blamed Ranma for anything anyway. He wrapped his arms around himself, uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. I have no excuse. I behaved dishonorably, and I realize that now." He snuck a glance at her. "I didn't realize it at the time, I was too caught up in anger over my curse, and I convinced myself that since Ukyo was allowing it, that meant it was okay." He looked down again. "But it wasn't."

"You realize that if anyone had ever learned of this, if word had gotten out that Akane or Ukyo were sleeping with a man, their reputations would be ruined. The gossip would never stop."

Ryoga looked up, his eyes widening. He hadn't thought of that. "But I was a pig at the time! I wasn't a..." his voice trailed off. After a moment, he muttered, more quietly, "I wasn't sleeping with them as a man."

"Even if people believed that, which they're not likely to unless they see the curse for themselves, does that really matter?"

Ryoga swallowed, his mouth dry. "I guess not..."

"Akane and Ukyo have forgiven you for your actions, Mister Hibiki, and for their sake I will accept that. But I am not so forgiving, particularly when it comes to my daughters."


"Yes. Akane soon enough will be my daughter-in-law, and Ukyo has come to be like a daughter to me as well. To dishonor them is to dishonor the Saotome family." She unslung the Saotome blade from her back, unrolling the protective cloth before setting it on a rock in front of her. "Do I make myself clear?"

Ryoga stared at the blade, his eyes wide. He glanced up at Nodoka and shivered at the look in her eyes.

"I know that you are a man of honor and would do what honor demands if necessary. However, you are young and foolish, and my daughters speak well of you. I will give you a second chance. However, I would very much like to speak to your parents about this."

Ryoga swallowed even harder, if that were possible. He looked away again. "I... I don't get to see my family very often. They are afflicted with the same horrible sense of direction as me. We communicate by messages left at our house, but it's been years since I've seen any of them."

Nodoka's eyes softened. "I am very sorry to hear that, Mister Hibiki. I would still like to talk to them, but we will have to arrange a meeting somehow. For now, I will allow you to continue to be friends with my son and daughters. But be warned, I will be watching you."

"Yes, Ma'am."


"Stop! Underwear thief!"

Happosai bounded along ahead of the mob of enraged women, all pursuing him with mops, brooms and other implements of destruction at the ready. He chuckled as he stayed just ahead of them, his bag of ill-gotten gains slung over his shoulder. He led them along a merry chase for a while, but soon grew bored, and took to the rooftops. The women cried out in indignation as he left them behind. It was all too easy...

It's far too easy, the old pervert said to himself. It's just no fun any more. After so long imprisoned in that cave, I've finally gotten everything I ever wanted, but I still feel empty inside. Why do I feel this way?

He came across a neighborhood playground, and heard a little girl's voice from below. "Hey! Give that back!" He looked down to see a small boy and girl in a sandbox on the playground. The boy held a shovel triumphantly in his hand, and the little girl reached for it.

"Nyah, nyah, Sis! You'll never catch me!" With that, he turned and ran from the sandbox, as his sister jumped to her feet.

"You jerk! Give me my shovel back!" She charged after her brother, while he laughed and dodged as she chased him around the playground.

"Ranma... Ukyo..." Happosai muttered. He could almost picture the two of them, superimposed over the young siblings playing down below him. "It was so much more fun when they were around. So much more of a challenge." His mental picture clarified, and then shifted, as Happosai substituted the busty redhead he loved so much for Ukyo. He struggled for a moment with indecision, and then finally settled on picturing all three of them, drawn into a familial embrace.

"Ranma! Ukyo! Why did you have to run away!"

The flat side of a giant spatula smashed him over the head. "Who ran away?" Ukyo snarled. "We were trainin', you old coot!"

Happosai grinned as he turned to face his ponytailed opponent, but then instinctively dodged at another attack coming at him from the side. Ryoga sailed past him, while the old master studied him, eagerly. "Little Ukyo! And the boy who turns into a pig, too! I remember you from when we visited the bathhouse!"

"Shut up, you old fool, and hold still," Ryoga yelled at him, throwing another punch. "There's no water around here, so you're not turning me into a pig!"

"Cologne!" Ukyo called out, as she backed off slightly from the fight. "Go get Ranchan."

"Right, Shield Sister," the old Amazon answered. She was standing on a rooftop nearby. "I will fetch both Son-In-Law and Miss Tendo. Try to hold him here as long as you can. But be careful."

"I know, he's a wily old goat," Ukyo said. "But I think Ryoga and I can keep him busy until you get back."

Cologne bounded off over the rooftops on her staff, while Ukyo turned back to the fight. Ryoga hadn't laid a hand on the old master yet, but they had dropped down into the playground, and Happosai was getting the lost boy tangled up in the swingset. Shaking her head, Ukyo jumped down to join them.

The children had gathered around to watch, and Ukyo warned them to get back as she raised her spatula. "Go back to your mamas, kids, out of range so you'll be safe." There were a few adult women at the park, and they gathered up the few children who didn't back off on their own. Ukyo leaped at Happosai, and using Ryoga as a distraction, managed to nail him with a blow from her spatula. He was thrown backwards, but landed on his feet.

He then fell forwards onto his hands. "You youngsters are too much for me at my age," he said sadly, his eyes big and mournful. "Ganging up on an old man... it just isn't fair."

"You old pervert," Ryoga said, disgusted. "You're not even as tough as you were last time. Did you have to make Ranma weak because you couldn't keep up any more? I expected more of a fight."

"Ryoga, don't drop your guard!" Ukyo warned him. "He's gonna..." Her warning came too late, as Happosai suddenly vanished, and appeared behind Ryoga's head. He raised his pipe, and Ryoga hit the ground, with a number of large lumps on his head.

"Jackass," Ukyo muttered, as she readied her spatula. Happosai came at her, and she swung to drive him back, but he ducked around the arc of her spatula and got inside its reach. He then caught her under her chin with his pipe. Ukyo went flying straight up into the air.

"Ukyo!" Ryoga had regained consciousness, and glared at Happosai from his position on the ground. "You'll pay for that," he growled, struggling to stand. Before he could even push into his hands and knees, though, Ukyo came down on top of him, and their heads collided painfully. They both collapsed, unconscious.

Happosai chuckled. "All right, Ranma. Let's see if you'll be more cooperative if both your sister and your friend have been affected by the Moxibustion of Weakness. You'll have to beg me for the cure then." He raised his pipe and stepped forward, menacingly.

A flying figure in a yellow gi shot past him, kicking the pipe out of his hand. She then took a stance in front of Ukyo and Ryoga. "Don't you dare, Grandfather! Ranma's here, and he challenges you for the scroll!"

"That's right, you old freak!" Ranma called from the rooftop. "Thanks Akane."

Akane smiled back at him, then slung Ukyo over her shoulder, dragging Ryoga by the arm as she got them out of the way. Ranma picked up the bag of panties and bras, which Happosai had left behind on the rooftop, and then jumped down to join the diminutive old master.

"Hey, those are mine!" Happosai called out, pointing at the bag. "Give them to me."

"No way, goat face!" Ranma shot back. He then dumped the bag in the sandbox. As expected, Happosai became enraged at the mistreatment of his "pretties", and charged at Ranma. His after image grew in size, as he began to emit a smoky, vaporous aura.

Cologne helped Akane get Ryoga and Ukyo to the edge of the playground, where the other bystanders were watching. "You should probably stand further back," Cologne advised them. "This fight is about to get very dangerous."

"Is Ranma going to be able to use the Hiryu Shoten Ha?" Akane asked her.

"Easily, child. The old master's battle aura is as strong as ever, and getting stronger. Son-In-Law is already leading him into the spiral." She watched as the old man chased Ranma in circles around the playground. "It won't be long now until he reaches the center."

"I hope it doesn't destroy this playground," Akane noted. "It would be a shame if the kids didn't have somewhere to play." The women watching the fight stared at her for a moment, and then muttered amongst themselves, worriedly. Several of them moved their children ever further back.

"Yes, but the equipment caught up in the blast will make it quite hard on Happosai," Cologne said with a scheming grin. Her grin faded as she grew thoughtful. "I still can't remember where I have seen him before..."

"Ranma's reached the center!" Akane called out excitedly. Ranma came to a stop as Happosai leaped at him, raised his fist in an uppercut, twisting his wrist slightly in a corkscrew fashion and... nothing happened.

Happosai just stood there, watching him. Ranma stared back at him, his arm still raised. Akane and Cologne looked at each other, then at Happosai again.

"He... he pulled back his fighting spirit?" Akane asked, and Cologne nodded. There was no sign of Happosai's battle aura. "Just like that? How?"

The old man's eyes got big and teary. "Oh, Ranma, my student. Would you really make this feeble old man suffer the Heaven's Blast of the Dragon? How cruel of you."

"What!" Ranma shot back. "How could you know about it?"

"Yes, how could Grandfather Happosai know about it?" Akane asked. "There's no way he could have known about the Hiryu Shoten Ha unless... unless he had been to your village, Cologne."

She turned to look at the Amazon Elder, who was staring at Happosai, wide eyed. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed, and she gritted her teeth. "Happi... Happi!" She pointed her staff at him. "It's you!"

Happosai looked at her, smirking. "So you remember me now, Little Cologne?"

"Yes, I remember you now!" She spat. "Happi, you thieving bastard!"

"You know each other?" Ranma asked, stunned. Akane was considering the coincidence of her comparing herself and Ranma to Cologne and Happosai, when she was talking about them growing old together. She had just meant it as a joke, but could Cologne and Happosai really have known each other so long ago in the Joketsuzoku?

"It was many, many years ago," Happosai said, apparently confirming Akane's suspicions. "Oh, I was such a young and handsome man, then. Tall and strong, with long, flowing blonde hair. And Little Cologne was so beautiful as a young girl. As beautiful as her great-granddaughter Shampoo, but her long hair was just a shade lighter than Shampoo's, I think."

"Funny, I seem to remember you as the same height you are now," Cologne said with a scowl. "And you did not have blonde hair."

"I remember like it was only yesterday," Happosai continued, ignoring Cologne. He struck a pose, imagining himself as a heroic warrior, standing on a mountain top. "Little Cologne was the love of my life... but I was too shy to approach her." He now shifted his stance, acting shy and embarrassed and giving his audience a big-eyed sympathetic look. Ranma just rolled his eyes. "I argued with myself for weeks and months, trying to get up the nerve to approach the object of my affection. And when I finally did, she stood me up!"

He stomped his foot, angrily. "I was furious! I ran to Cologne, and in my state, my battle aura was at full power! But Cologne just turned to me, raised her fist, and shouted, 'Heaven's Blast of the Dragon!' I was caught up in the twister, and flung far, far away." He hung his head, drawing his tale to a close with a tear in his eye. "That was the last time I saw my beautiful Little Cologne."

"Funny, that's not the way I remember it at all," Cologne snarled. She crossed her arms, regarding the old man for a moment. "Here's what really happened. You stole all of our Amazon treasures. The treasures that I showed you. And then, with all of the warriors of the Amazon village in hot pursuit of you, you came running at me. 'These treasures are nothing but gaudy trinkets!' I think you said. It's not my fault that you couldn't figure out how to use them. They were never meant for men to use anyway.

"Anyway, you came charging at me, and as you said, I used the Hiryu Shoten Ha, and sent you sailing away. Much to the consternation of my fellow Amazon warriors, because I attacked on instinct, and the Amazon treasures you stole went sailing away with you. We never saw you or our treasures again."

"Is this true, you old goat?" Ranma asked. Akane was still considering the coincidence of Happosai and Cologne meeting so many years ago, and despite their stories, she suspected they had been involved in a secret relationship. One that Happosai betrayed by stealing the Amazon's treasures. Could that happen with her and Ranma? Would they split up over some argument or misunderstanding, and be separated until they both grow old and grey?

She shook her head. No, I refuse to let it happen! she told herself. I'll fight for Ranma and I'll never let him be taken away from me. And if he gives in to the temptation of greed like his father, I'll take him back, even if I have to punish him first. I won't let him become like that. I trust him, and I'll show him that he can trust me.

Meanwhile, Happosai seemed unfazed. "Is that what happened? Memories tend to fade at our age, eh Little Cologne? The main thing is, you'll never catch me off guard with the Hiryu Shoten Ha, Ranma." The old man grinned wickedly. "I can be as calm as a saint if I have to be."

"Calm as a saint, huh? Can you be calm after I do this?" Ranma walked over to the sandbox, and ground the pile of panties and bras into the sand.

Happosai clenched his fists for a moment, but then relaxed and gave a wide smile. "It's okay, they're a bit dirty, but they can be washed. My pretties will be just fine."

"What about now?" Ranma pulled a match out of his pocket and lit it, and then set the pile on fire. There was a bit of murmuring from the women in the crowd, but they said nothing as the underwear burned.

"Aw. It's too bad, but I'll get new pretties. It just makes me a little sad, is all."

"And what if I do this?" Ranma picked up a pail out of the sandbox and punched the bottom out of it. The little boy came running out of the crowd and kicked Ranma in the knee. Ranma fell over, clutching his leg in pain.

"Leave my Sis's pail alone you meanie!" the boy cried. His sister chimed in with "Yeah!"

"I'll buy you a new one kid, leave me alone," Ranma said through clenched teeth.

Happosai laughed. "Face it, Ranma, I've beaten you! There's nothing you can do. Now, are you going to declare me your master, or will you be weak for the rest of your life?"

Akane stepped forward. "Leave him alone! There's another way to get Ranma's strength back! He's not going to give in, ever!"

She was cut short as Happosai laughed again. "I'll be waiting for you to grovel at my feet. Let me know when you're ready to give up, Ranma!" With that, he bounded away.

Ranma staggered to his feet. Akane approached the sandbox, slowly. She held out a hand. "It'll be okay, Ranma. You can still find a cure, I know you can." He looked up and met her eyes, sadly. Then Ranma, too, bounded off across the rooftops.


Ranma was gone for most of the day, and showed up at the Tendo home around suppertime. After eating, he shut himself up in his room and wouldn't speak to anyone. Ukyo left him alone for a while, sitting and watching TV in the family room with Nabiki and Kasumi. Soun, Genma and Nodoka were also sitting at the table, but they were more concerned with discussing Ranma's plight than watching the show. Ryoga was sitting in Ukyo's lap as P-chan, as it was easier to keep up with him that way.

"All of that training, for nothing!" Soun wailed, tears streaming down his face as usual. "Now the schools will never be joined!"

"We must get the boy to apologize to the Master, and agree to whatever he asks for," Genma said solemnly. "It is our only hope."

"Now, husband," Nodoka said darkly, fingering the hilt of her katana. "Surely you are not suggesting that our manly son debase himself like a coward, rather than pursue a manly and honorable cure for his condition."

Genma began to sweat. "Of course not, wife. I was merely thinking of the worst case scenario. Perhaps we should give the boy a second chance, eh Tendo?"

"The schools will never be joined!" Soun wailed again.

Shaking her head, Ukyo decided that she had let Ranma sulk long enough. She got up from the table, handing off P-chan to Kasumi, so he could continue watching the show. Then she headed upstairs to fetch her spatula. Ranchan isn't going to want to spar when he's in this kind of mood, she thought to herself. But I'll pick a fight with him, and that'll cheer him up.

As she reached the top of the stairs, she saw Akane coming out of their room, with a shinai over her shoulder. Akane spotted Ukyo, and grinned sheepishly. "You had the same idea, huh?" Akane asked, as she joined Ukyo in front of the guest room.

"I guess so." Ukyo laughed lightly. "Are we that transparent? Ranchan is going to see through us for sure."

"Well, we can't let him give up!" Akane answered, and Ukyo nodded, her expression turning serious. "Maybe Daddy and Uncle Saotome think Happosai can't be beaten, but I know Ranma will think of something! I'd fight Grandfather myself if I thought it would do any good!"

"I know, I know," Ukyo said, and bit her lip thoughtfully. "Maybe I should just give the old goat what he wants. I don't mind conceding defeat in the Prank War. Sensei put up a heck of a fight, and it was just to get him off your backs anyway. It was an honor to match wits with him."

"That's not going to be enough for Grandfather and you know it," Akane countered. "He doesn't just want you to declare him the winner of the Prank War, he wants you and Ranma to agree to be his students. You aren't going to want to give up your restaurant, just to get the chart back, and Ranma would never agree to that either!"

Ukyo cut her eyes up at Akane, pensively. Her cheeks turned a bit pink. "What if I sweetened the deal? I could get Nabiki to take some pictures of me, and offer them to him as a way to get him to give up on making Ranchan apologize."

Akane looked undeniably shocked at that suggestion, her eyes widening. For a moment her expression was a mixture of concern and disgust, but then she blinked, and relaxed somewhat. "It's a good thing I know you're comfortable with your body and things like that don't bother you. If Ranma had suggested that, I'd have called him a pervert."

"Nabiki is a good photographer, and I know she wouldn't take anything too revealing," Ukyo said. "Or at least, those pictures she took of you and me were pretty tasteful. She could make them look racy, but not too embarrassing, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do," Akane said, putting a hand to her face. "It's bad enough thinking of Kuno buying pictures of me like that from my sister. The very idea of Grandfather having pictures like that..."

"It's for a good cause. And I guess I don't really mind if the old pervert keeps his addiction at bay by ogling me, as long as he respects me as a martial artist."

Akane looked up at her. "But if you give in to him, isn't he going to want more? You said it yourself, it's an addiction. If he knows you're willing to do that for him, he'll begin demanding even more and more! If you give him a picture, or wear his bra, or let him grope you this time, he's going to want you to do it again. He'll never be satisfied!

"It isn't enough for Grandfather Happosai to defeat you and Ranma. He's got to totally humiliate you! He's angry with you for giving up his school, and Ranma for not acknowledging that he IS the Master of his school. He's used to bullying Father and Uncle Saotome; it's all he knows how to do."

Ukyo's face fell as she realized Akane was right. There was an uncomfortable silence between the two of them for a moment. Thus, they heard clearly the shout from inside the guest room.

"Humiliation! That's it!" Ranma threw open the door. He grabbed Akane. "You're a genius, Tomboy!" Then he kissed her.

Releasing Akane, he turned back to Ukyo. Akane stepped back, with a dazed look on her face, and supported herself by putting a hand against the wall. "Sis, do you think you can get Nabiki to take those pictures like you said? Except, she'll be takin' pictures of me and not you."

"Sure, I can ask, but I don't know if Nabiki will go along with it," Ukyo said, somewhat confused. "You know she's going to charge you."

"I know, and that's why I want you to ask," Ranma said, putting his hands on her shoulders. "I want to make sure she knows you're okay with this. You're okay with this, right?"

"Yeah, Ranchan, I'm okay with it, but how will the pictures help? Akane's right, if you try to bribe him, he'll just ask for more."

"They're not a bribe." He glanced over at Akane, whose eyes were still glazed over. "It was the tomboy's idea. 'There's more than one way to make a hot battle aura.' Right, Akane?"

Akane's eyes cleared as she realized Ranma was addressing her. She blinked a couple of times, rapidly, and then stood up straight. "A lust aura! You think you can lure Grandfather into the Hiryu Shoten Ha with those pictures?"

"Not quite," Ranma said. "They're the bait. I'll use something else as the hook."

He turned back to Ukyo. "Can you and Nabiki set up a fight on the school grounds for tomorrow? I know there's nobody in school right now, but I need Kuno to be there, as well as Ryoga, Hiroshi and Daisuke, and all of your and Akane's friends. Probably Cologne and Shampoo will want to be there too..."

"You mean Sayuri and Yuka?" Akane asked.

"I mean all of your friends!" Ranma told her. "The girls who stayed with you through that whole locker room thing. That way you know you can trust 'em."

"They're not going to be too happy with you, Ranchan, if you're going around flashing pictures of me," Ukyo said. "They're not going to be as understanding as Akane and I are."

"I'm counting on it." Ranma paused a moment, giving Ukyo a serious look. "You've gotta make sure they don't interfere, though. I don't want 'em gettin' caught in the Hiryu Shoten Ha 'cause they're after me or the old pervert."

Ukyo frowned and nodded. Akane looked pensive as well. "Don't worry, Ranma," the blue-black haired tomboy said. "We'll keep them safe. I just wish I knew what you were thinking, you baka."
"I'm gonna give that old freak exactly what he wants - and then some. Let's see him be Saint Happosai then." He swept Akane into his arms and kissed her again. "I gotta get ready! Tell Nabiki ta meet me in my room in an hour." With that, he ducked back inside the guest room, sliding the divider closed behind him. Akane nearly swooned again, while Ukyo just blinked in confusion.


The next day at school, even though classes were not in session due to the spring break, a small crowd of boys and girls had gathered, all waiting enthusiastically for the fight to begin. Nabiki and her friends had come along, as well as all of Ranma and Akane's friends, just as Ranma had asked. Even Gosunkuji found out about the challenge, and sat watching with his dark, sunken eyes, and Kodachi showed up along with the little ninja Sasuke.

Nabiki was selling bets on the fight, of course, along with information on the Moxibustion of Weakness so everyone would understand the stakes. Ukyo had the Cat Cafe's portable grill set up nearby, making a modest profit selling ramen and okonomiyaki for the excited bystanders, with Shampoo's help. The only one missing from the little crowd was Akane, who had been sent with Genma to ensure Ranma's mother make it to see her son get his strength back. None of them had trusted Genma to fetch her on his own, knowing he would chicken out and disappear, or just show up without her.

Ranma stood watching Happosai, who was idly ironing his panty collection, apparently unconcerned about the upcoming battle. "He's not releasing a drop of his battle aura," Cologne commented. "He isn't going to make it easy for Son-In-Law."

"Ranchan's got a plan," Ukyo said, "He'll be just fine." Privately, though, she was worried. She knew her brother was better at coming up with plans on the fly than planning ahead. She hoped this mysterious "plan" of his wasn't too elaborate.

"Hey, what's taking so long?" Ryoga called out from a position above the girls. "Are you two gonna fight it out or not?" He, Kuno and Mousse were sitting back next to the fence, on a slight hill that gave then a vantage point over the fight. Kuno looked bored, holding his bokken in his lap, but Ryoga and Mousse were anticipating the battle with a strange mixture of hope that their rival could overcome this challenge and get his strength back, and a guilty pleasure at the thought of seeing him thoroughly beaten by the old master.

"I'm waiting for Mom, all right!" Ranma shouted back. "What's takin' her so long, anyways?"

"We're here, Ranma!" Akane called out, as she led Genma and Nodoka to the spot where Cologne waited. Genma was in panda form, but Akane didn't offer an explanation.

Ranma turned back to the old man, trying to keep up his confident stance, but on the inside, he was a bit nervous. He'd heard what Ukyo said, and while he was pretty sure his plan would work, it relied on a lot of factors. He was sure he was going to have to improvise at some point. He didn't have any choice, though, he was desperate, and this was his last chance.

I must be pretty desperate if I'm willing to use Sis's body like this, Ranma said to himself. At least the rest of it is all on me. If it all goes wrong, Ucchan can truthfully say she didn't know what I was planning.

"All right, you old freak!" Ranma said, pulling some pictures out of his shirt. "Look what I've got for you! Girlie pictures of Ukyo! Taken by Nabiki herself!"

A collective gasp came from the girls, followed by disgusted grumbling that spread across the field. Ukyo put a hand to her forehead. "Well, that explains why Ranchan wanted the girls to be here - he obviously wanted them to beat both him AND Happosai to death."

Akane hurried to her two friends, however, remembering Ranma's words the night before. "Make sure nobody runs into the fight," she said to the two of them. "We'll try and explain why Ranma's doing this after the battle's over. Make sure everyone knows Ranma's about to use a very dangerous technique, and they shouldn't go anywhere near him."

"All right," Sayuri said, as she and Yuka stood up. "But I'm going to have some words with that pervert myself."

"You and me both, Sayuri," Akane said darkly, and returned to sit with Nodoka and the panda.

Happosai, meanwhile, had looked up at the pictures with a hopeful expression on his face. After a moment, though, a thought seemed to occur to him, and he smiled gently. "Why that's nice, Ranma. But why don't you hold onto them. I'll take a look at them later." His innocent look didn't quite work, though, and his eye began to twitch.

"Oh really? They're very nice, if I do say so myself." Out of the corner of his eye, Ranma noticed that Kuno had perked up, and was leaning forward in his seat. I hooked someone, he said to himself, even if it wasn't the old master pervert himself. Out loud, he said, "Hey, Kuno, you wanna see em?" He waved the pictures in Kuno's direction.

The dangerous grumbling among the women increased. Kuno leaped to his feet, and raced towards the battlefield. "Vile cur that you may be, to toy with the radiant beauty of your poor, subjugated sister, I must say yes! Yes I do want those pictures!"

"Oh, no you don't, Kuno," Ranma countered with a grin. He began leading him around the field in a circle. "I said you could see them, not have them. Here's a peek!" He showed a picture to Kuno, who began to pursue him with increased intensity.

"This isn't going to work," Ryoga said. "He's used this trick on me, in the past, but Happosai's onto him. He isn't falling for Ranma's 'girl act'." Sure enough, the old man was watching Kuno chase Ranma around the field, chuckling to himself. "If he thinks he's going to use Kuno to create a Hiryu Shoten Ha, it's going to be a pretty lame one."

"Is Ryoga right, you old freak?" Ranma called out, still keeping the pictures out of Kuno's reach. "Is my sister not good enough to arouse your lust? But maybe that little red headed girl, 'Ranko' would be better. You seem to like her more. She certainly fills out your 'pretties' better. I bet if I had pictures of her, that would get your attention."

Happosai went back to his ironing. "A nice try, my boy, but I see right through you. You're just not good enough to outsmart me. When you're done with that Kuno boy, let me know."

Ukyo scowled, her anger at being compared to her cursed form in such a way adding to the roiling cloud of fury hanging over the rest of the girls. "If this is Ranchan's plan, it's not working," she said.

No, this wasn't my plan, Ranma said to himself, or not all of it anyway, but I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. I don't have any other choice. Sis, I hope you can forgive me. With that, he turned to the watching crowd. "But some of you don't know who Ranko really is, do you? Some of you know, but most of you don't. Ranko is actually my sister Ukyo. She has a curse, that changes her into that redheaded girl."

Everyone gasped, this time, including Ukyo and Akane. Sayuri and Yuka looked around at their friends, whom they had been trying to hold back from rushing at Ranma, but his words had stunned them into inaction. Several of them were staring at Ukyo. "What are you doing, Ranchan?" she muttered.

Her sense of trepidation increased, as Nabiki walked out to the field with a bucket of water. Kuno had stopped chasing Ranma, and was glaring at him. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Nabiki asked. Ranma nodded.

Kuno spoke up before Nabiki could act. "Must you compound your offenses against the fair Ukyo with lies, scoundrel? I know that the redheaded girl you call 'Ranko' is yourself - except when you use your foul sorcery to force her into that form."

"Close, Kuno, but still wrong. I have a curse, too, which turns me into Ukyo."

Nabiki threw the water over him, and he changed form. Genma let out a bellow, and tried to grab Nodoka and put his hands over her eyes. When she evaded him, the panda took off running, leaping over the fence and disappearing into the distance.
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BTW, if it seems like Happosai is a little too resistant to the pictures, remember that as Ranma says, Ukyo is not as well endowed as her redhead form, and Ranma's pictures were a little less provocative, since he respects his sister's body more than his own in the canon. Also, Ranma still isn't exactly comfortable with wearing frilly girls' underwear, but he's become more comfortable with the idea due to the shopping trips. Ranma is trying something else in order to push the boundaries of what he's comfortable with, which is coming up next chapter.
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That's a logical assumption for Happosai to make, but I don't believe he's seen them? A bigger chunk is this is clearly a production, and the pictures are clearly bait in a trap, and Happosai has demonstrated he has the sheer strength of will to avoid something like that.

He just usually chooses not to.
I just wanted to note that while there hasn't been a new post on this story for a while, I am still working on it. It's just, like most of Texas Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey has taken up most of my time. Everything's okay, I haven't lost my home and I'm better off than most, but it will still take me a while to get back to the current chapter.
That's a very good reason. Stay safe and I hope you can get back on your feet without too much trouble.
Okay, it has been over 3 months, but FINALLY, I have gotten the first part of Chapter 17 done. This really doesn't do anything but set up the Hiryu Shoten Ha, but carrying on from the last chapter, I had to reveal what Ranma's plan was. I think I've done so here. The Hiryu Shoten Ha will be coming up in the next section, but as anyone familiar with the canon knows, that's when the chart is drawn into the twister, and someone has to risk their life to save it. So you'll have to wait to find out who that is. :D

The chapter title isn't relevant to this part, but I thought I would go ahead and post it anyway. As usual I will post the completed chapter as a single threadmarked post when I am done. Please leave me reviews, I'm not sure about the spelling or plot holes.

Chapter 17

All That Is Precious


Everyone stared in shock, as Ranma stood revealed as Ukyo's double. The water still dripped off of her from the bucket Nabiki had thrown over her. For a moment, no one dared make a sound.

Kuno raised his bokken. He made sure to glance at Ukyo, to make sure Ranma had not magically traded places with her, but scowled when he saw her pale-faced stare. "Return to your true form, fiend!" He shouted. "I will not stand for you taking on the fair Ukyo's appearance!"

"You don't get it, Kuno! It's always been me, not the redhead! And these pictures of Sis that you wanted so much? They're of me!" Ranma laughed, clearly relishing the idea of forcing Kuno to confront the idea of his attraction to her.

To everyone's surprise, Kuno erupted into a massive battle aura. It wasn't much compared to Ranma's or Ryoga's, or even Akane's, but the kendoist had never produced a visible aura before. "You sharlatan! How dare you tempt me with your sorcerous mockery of the female form! I strike!" With that, he resumed his attack, and Ranma leaped away.

The murmuring was increasing among the girls, and both Ukyo and Akane were turning pale. One of the girls finally asked, "Are you really Ranko, Ukyo?" Ukyo nodded and the girl continued. "So then all those times you were acting like a guy, and talking like one, too... that was really Ranma?"

"Well, I was raised as a boy, so sometimes I do talk like one," Ukyo said, grimacing a little. "But yeah, when it's over the top, that's usually Ranchan."

"Does this mean that was Ranma in the girls' showers?" another of the girls asked.

Sayuri bit her lip, and then nodded. "It was either that, or let him shower with the boys... like that."

She pointed at Ukyo's currently identical twin, who was dancing around the field, seemingly flirting with the enraged Kuno even as she evaded his strike. That seemed to mollify the girls' anger, but it didn't to anything to reduce the aura of revulsion and disgust that roiled and crackled in the air. Strangely, Happosai seemed captivated by Ranma's girlish taunting of Kuno, and although he seemed to be trying to resist, he couldn't look away.

"What the hell is he thinking?" Ukyo wondered aloud, her voice high and uncertain.

As if in response, Ranma spoke up again. "Hey, Happi, you old pervert, you sure you don't want to see these pictures? You were always wanting to see me in a bra, well, I'm wearing one. In fact, I'm wearing it right now."

Happosai perked up, despite himself, but before he could say anything, one of the girls made a face. "Ewwwww! That means he was wearing it as a guy!" The rest of the girls reacted similarly, and even Happosai shuddered and managed to regain his control.

Ranma dodged a strike and then nodded her agreement. "Well, I knew I was gunna change during the fight, an' my Mom says a girl should be properly supported. She even bought it for me!"

Everyone turned to look at Nodoka, who blinked at their looks of incredulity. "Well, I did say that it was manly for my son to properly respect his sister's modesty, but I'm not sure that this is all that manly..."

Ukyo sighed, putting a hand to her face. "No, Auntie. Ranchan's just doing what he always does. This is just a martial arts technique to him. He doesn't mean to be disrespectful, he's just trying to goad the old Master." Out on the field, Happosai obviously agreed with her, because his expression turned smug. "Ranma doesn't really understand how a girl feels about things like that, he's just a guy. He may turn into a girl, but he isn't one."

Nodoka nodded her agreement, but Akane, who was sitting next to her, shook her head. No, that can't be, she said to herself. I know Ranma understands. I saw how he reacted when Sanzenin kissed him, how violated he felt. He must know how humiliating this is for Ukyo... She looked out across the field, noticing the waves of hot battle aura spiraling lazily in to the center. Humiliation... The battle auras of the girls, though weak individually, had gathered into a massive cloud, and was being drawn into the spiral formed by Kuno and Ranma.

Ranma's attempts to tease and entice Kuno became more blatant and desperate. She began unbuttoning the top of her silk shirt. "Hey, Kuno, here's a peek," she said, flashing the white of her bra. Kuno's eyes widened at the sight, but it only made him angrier. He roared out an incoherent challenge, while charging at his former love interest. Akane watched as the aura over the girls writhed and seethed, and flowed out to add to the heat building over the field.

Cologne sees it as well, Akane thought, as she glanced over at the Amazon Elder. The wizened old crone was watching Happosai carefully, observing how he would repeatedly lose himself to the fight, pulled unrelentingly towards the cloud of anger and righteous indignation, only to pull himself back and regain control. Ranma's plan was working, but it wasn't enough.

Kodachi spoke up before Akane could give voice to her suspicions. "Forgive me for saying this, but has Lord Ranma lost his mind?"

"He hasn't lost his mind," Ukyo said, moving her hand to rest her chin in her palm. "He's just made a stupid plan, as usual. Happosai isn't going to fall for this, so he's given away the curse and embarrassed me for no reason. The jackass."

Ryoga stood up. "Ranma Saotome! How dare you use your own sister as a pawn in your schemes! I'll make you pay for this! Prepare to die!" Grabbing his weighted umbrella, he rushed into the spiraling dance of Kuno's pursuit of Ranma.

Ranma's cocky grin widened considerably as Ryoga rushed at them. She even seemed prepared for Ryoga to team up with Kuno, and adjusted her spiral accordingly to avoid his strikes as well as Kuno's bokken. The intensity of the battle aura around them increased dramatically, so dramatically that Akane gasped in surprise. While Ranma had been previously circling Kuno, buying time, now she began to draw the spiral in. The spiral was still slow, stalling for time, but the change in strategy was obvious, if you were looking for it.

"That's it!" Akane shouted. "That's why he wanted Ryoga and Kuno to be here! And our friends as well! They are all adding to the battle aura!"

"What?" Ukyo turned to look at her, and the others as well. Akane grinned at their surprise, and Cologne's raised eyebrow.

"Humiliation! That's the key! Ranma knows exactly what he is doing. Happosai doesn't just feed off of female spirit energy. He has to make them mad, to make them embarrassed and ashamed so they'll get mad at him! That's why he has to grope women and steal panties, instead of just touching them.

"By making all our friends think he's a pervert, by humiliating himself and his sister by showing himself off to Kuno and Ryoga, he's making himself irresistible to Happosai." Akane glanced down at the old master, but as she suspected, he was so distracted by the massive increase in the battle aura that he was no longer paying attention. "Like Ukyo said, he's an addict, he won't be able to hold back even if he wanted to! And the stronger Ranma makes the battle aura, the more Happosai will be lured in!"

"And not only that," Cologne added, "Ranma's Soul of Ice is already much more powerful because he is suppressing such shame and remorse. I feel he is going to create a Hiryu Shoten Ha more powerful than any I have ever seen."

The Elder's wry grin shifted to a more respectful nod of acknowledgement. "Not bad, Miss Tendo." Akane blushed at the praise.

There was a pause, and then Shampoo spoke up. "Stupid Mousse! Shampoo is very angry with Airen! Airen too too much insult Shield Sister, make with showing off her body in front of friends! Shampoo think Airen should be punished for insulting strong warrior woman like Shield Sister!"

Mousse leaped to his feet. "For you I would do anything, Shampoo my love! Ranma Saotome! You shall pay for your insults!" He threw a barrage of chains from the sleeve of his robe, even as he leaped down into the battle. Surprisingly - or perhaps not all that surprising - Ranma dodged the missiles and simply allowed Mousse space into the path of the spiral.

Everyone turned to look at Shampoo. The Amazon shrugged. "Shampoo think more battle aura not hurt."

There was a pause, and then Kodachi looked at Sasuke. "Sasuke, my servant..."

Sasuke sighed loudly, interrupting her. "Yes, Mistress." As if marching off to his doom, he stood up and prepared to leap into the fray.

"Hold on, Sasuke, you'll get killed in there," Akane said. "And I doubt your fighting spirit will add much to the fight. Isn't that right, Cologne?" She looked at the Elder for confirmation.

Cologne nodded. "Indeed, child. Kuno, Ryoga and Mousse should be sufficient. An ordinary person would never survive. I'm sure Ranma intended for you to contribute to the Hiryu Shoten Ha while sitting right here."

"Good," put in Gosunkugi, "because I'm not going down there."

"Me neither," said Hiroshi. "Right, Dai?" He glanced at Daisuke, but his friend was staring at Ranma, who was once again flaunting her bra, wriggling in a most provocative way at Kuno. Daisuke let out a lustful sigh, his eyes partially glazed over.

Hiroshi cuffed him across the back of the head. "I said, right, Dai? You aren't going to go in there, right?"

Daisuke looked at him. "Go... in there?" He got a goofy grin as he looked back. Hiroshi slapped him again, and his eyes seemed to clear. "Oh, yeah, no. I'm not goin' in there, she'd kill me..."

"Yeah, good enough," Hiroshi said. Akane noted that Daisuke's lust aura was strong enough to send out a tendril which was pulled into the mix. While the pervert hating part of herself didn't want some immature boy, even a friend of Ranma's, lusting after her best friend, that part of herself had been growing quieter lately. And she had to admit that little bit of aura would help Ranma as much as any one of her friends and their hatred of perversion. And a steadily growing part of herself filed Daisuke's interest in her friend away to possibly guide and encourage later.

Even Gosunkugi and Hiroshi were contributing a combination of confused attraction and manly protectiveness to what was now becoming a blaze of hot ki. Ranma was prancing around in the circle, drawing it tighter and tighter. Happosai was sitting on the edge of the field, shutting his eyes firmly, and muttering to himself. His eyes snapped open, however, as Ranma called out a new twist in his plan.

"This bra is just too confining! I think I'll take it off! Who wants it?" With that, she reached down inside her shirt, undid a few fasteners, and pulled the bra free. A collective gasp went up among the girls as Ranma began to prance around waving the bra in the air. Her shirt was still partway open, and showed some of the flesh of her chest.

"Ranma! How dare you!" Ryoga yelled back at him. "You're actually going to flash poor Ukyo's breasts again? I won't let you!"

"Enough of your false temptation, you Prince of Lies!" Kuno screamed as well. "I do not want such a beautiful, lovely bra! Nay, for by your own admission my ponytailed goddess has not even worn it! It has only been fouled and corrupted by the likes of you!"

"Maybe when I was wearing it as a guy it would have absorbed my male ki," Ranma said, glancing back at Happosai. "But now I've been a girl long enough that it's just full of sweet, flirtatious, girly ki..." Happosai blinked rapidly, then closed his eyes and began muttering to himself again.

Mousse didn't say anything, he just flung some chains, which Ranma dodged. Ryoga almost got hit by the attack, but knocked it aside with his umbrella. Neither of them wasted time arguing with each other, though, they just continued to close in on Ranma. Ranma continued to unbutton her shirt, until it was open almost to her waist. "Here's another peek!" she called out seductively, although no one really got a good look at what she was or was not showing.

Akane was slowly turning redder and redder. I sure hope nobody figures out who inspired him to come up with this technique, she thought, although she couldn't bring herself to look away. Ranma will make sure no one sees anything, won't he?

"Ranma, you jackass!" Ukyo shouted, finally losing control of her own temper. "Stop showing off my body!" The rest of the girls began to grumble dangerously as well.

Ranma dodged another attack from Ryoga, and then was wrapped up in Mousse's chains. She just barely threw herself aside in time to avoid a blow from Kuno, and then untangled herself from the chains, but she was running out of room to move. And her shirt was baring large amounts of bare skin.

"Enough!" Ryoga shouted. "Stop this, and I'll take the bra and put it back on you!"

"No, I will not allow you to defile the beauteous Ukyo so!" Kuno put in. "I shall take the bra, only to put it back on the cretin Ranma, of course. Only so that there will no further defilement of the lovely Ukyo. Not that I would lust after common girls' underwear..."

"Hold still!" added Mousse.

"NO!" Happosai's voice boomed over the others, as his battle aura rose over them like a ghostly giant. "THAT BRA IS MINE!"

Ranma grinned triumphantly. "You've taken the bait, old man. Now to set the hook!" With that, she unbuttoned the last button and flung off her shirt.
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I was going to end it at the next to the last line, but then I figured one more line would be an even more evil cliffhanger. :D
Whew! Here is part two of Chapter 17, "All That Is Precious", which finally reveals where that title comes from. I was really hoping to have finished this by Christmas, but now I'm working on New Years. If I can keep my focus, I might be able to finish part 3 tomorrow. This part wraps up the arc, so anything left to fill out the chapter will just be the start of the next arc anyway.


Fortunately for Ukyo's dignity, Ranma kept the bra held over her breasts while she threw away the shirt. And it was difficult to see anything anyway, over the growing glare of the spiral of ki. The wind started to whirl around in a circle, picking up leaves and loose grass from the field to further obscure the view. Even the straps of Ranma's bra, held loosely against her chest, began to dance around as if the wind itself was trying to tear it from Ranma's grasp.

The lack of a clear view of Ranma's chest didn't hinder her pursuers, in fact it only provoked them to scuffle with each other. There was a chaotic clash of chains, Kuno's bokken, Ryoga's umbrella, and Happosai's pipe. Ranma leaped and dodged, leading them into the center of the spiral, while somehow managing to keep her breasts covered. The three teenaged boys were starting to collide with each other in their enthusiasm, and Happosai bounced off of their heads, staying above the scuffle as he closed with their target.

Happosai made a grab for Ranma's bra, and Ukyo's twin lifted it over her head, trying to keep it out of the old man's grasp. For a split second, she was exposed, and Happosai was so distracted by the sight that he missed it as something slipped out of his pocket. Nearly everyone else's attention was on Ranma, but Akane just happened to spot it as it fluttered in the swirling winds. It was a wrinkled piece of paper, yellowed with age, showing a diagram of a man's body.

Akane and Ukyo both leaped to their feet. Akane called out, "The chart!" Cologne glanced at the two girls, and then squinted her eyes, trying to spot the chart herself.

"I got it!" Ukyo called back. She unslung her spatula, and handed it to Akane. "Hold this for me, will ya? I don't wanna get it caught on anything."

Akane took her friend's weapon, but she looked frightened. "You can't go in there, Ucchan! You'll be killed!"

Ukyo was already running across the field. "Don't worry! I'll grab the chart and be gone before Ranma even reaches the center!"

"He's already at the center, Shield Sister!" Cologne yelled at her, but Ukyo had already vanished into the roiling mass of spirit energy.

"Ranma!" Akane called out, her tone now desperate. "Don't do use the Heaven's Blast of the Dragon! Ucchan's in there!" But Ranma didn't seem to hear her over the howling of the winds. She spun in place as she reached the center of the spiral, and raised her fist in an uppercut.

"Hiryu Shoten Ha!" Ranma shouted. In raising her arm, she exposed her chest, but to the relief of all the girls watching, she was wearing a second bra. It was flesh colored, and matched her skin so closely that she had appeared to be nude. The ponytailed girl smirked as a wall of blinding white light burst forth from her, and smashed into Happosai and the rest of her attackers. Ryoga had actually been right on top of her, and the wave of power smashed him in the face, knocking him unconscious as he was carried skyward.

Ranma's face fell, however, as she spotted her twin, being carried into the air above the four men. She was far enough away that she hadn't taken the worst of the initial impact, but she still cried out as the winds whipped her away. Ranma's couldn't hear the sound of her cry, but it was obvious she was caught off guard. Ukyo had wrapped her arms tightly around herself, as if clutching something against her body.

"Sis!" Ranma yelled out to her, but she was more frightened than angry. She tensed, ready to leap into the winds, but Akane's voice cut her off.

"No, Ranma! You're in Ukyo's body! In your condition, you're even weaker than she is!" She was running across the field, looking up at Ukyo's limp body, as she spiraled around above their heads. "You'll be cut to pieces!"

Ranma wanted to snap back at her, to deny it, but she knew it was true. While she felt that she was a little stronger than Ukyo while in her body, the Moxibustion of Weakness made that a moot point. She would be helpless in the Hiryu Shoten Ha, assuming it didn't snap her like a twig. She needed the size and durability of her male body, but there was no time to fetch hot water.

"Whaddya thinkin', Tomboy?" Ranma called in response. "You better not do somethin' stupid!"

Ranma glanced at Ryoga, but the Lost Boy wasn't going to be able to save Ukyo this time. She bit her lip. Ryoga was out, but he had been hit head on by the initial attack. The Bakusai Tentetsu training just might protect Akane from the worst of it. But Akane wasn't leaping into the tornado, instead she seemed to be trying to find something under the ground.

"I'll save her, Ranma!" Akane yelled back, still searching for the right spot. "Don't risk yourself! Trust me!"

She was standing directly under the twister, looking both at the ground and up at Ukyo. Despite the confidence in her voice, Akane could not control the trembling in her body. I can't fail at this, she was saying to herself. Ranma and Ukyo are both counting on me. I can't be careless or rush this, I've got to focus. She cast her senses down, into the bedrock under the school. She could feel the tiny fractures in the rock, the vulnerable points, but she continued to cast deeper and deeper, as deep as she could.

Come on, Akane, this is no time to be a clumsy tomboy. Your aim has to be perfect. Ukyo's life depends on it. She glanced up at her friend, still being buffeted by the winds. Ryoga, Kuno and Mousse were ejected from the twister and crashed to the ground nearby. Akane ignored them. She had to concentrate. She grasped the spatula in both hands, lifting it over her head with the pointed end down. Happosai shot out of the twister and sailed to the ground a few feet away. No more time. Ukyo will be next. I have to act now...

Akane could feel her energy flow into Ukyo's spatula. "My weapon is my partner", she murmured, the memory of her friend and sensei's lessons chasing away her fears and filling her with a warm sense of reassurance. There was a glimmer of light, and suddenly she could see the point she was aiming for. She brought the spatula down, rapping its hilt against the paved surface of the sports field.

"Bakusai Tenketsu revised! Pillar of Stone!" The energy she had built up in the spatula shot down, like a needle of glowing ki, striking the Breaking Point deep in the bedrock. Akane braced herself. Yards under her feet, the rock exploded, a contained explosion that rebounded back towards Akane, shattering the stony ground as it passed.

Akane shot into the air as the asphalt exploded underneath her, thrusting upwards into a finger of rock nearly a dozen times her own height. As the pillar dropped back to the earth behind her, Akane kept going, flying straight up into the tornado and into Ukyo's path. The pillar dropped into the pit formed underneath it by the explosion, becoming wedged about a third of the way into the ground. The rest of it remained standing upright into the air.

"Ucchan! Ucchan, I'm coming, hang on!" Akane readied Ukyo's spatula as she neared her stricken friend, but Ukyo did not respond. The winds were tearing at her even worse than before, ripping her okonomiyaki uniform into jagged strips. Ukyo's eyes were closed, her face slack and expressionless, but she still managed to keep her arms wrapped around her chest, clutching something tightly inside her shredded vendor's jacket. I've only got one shot at this, Akane thought to herself. It's going to be close, but the wind is trying to carry her away from me.

As her momentum carried her past Ukyo, Akane reached out with the spatula, as she was just outside of arm's reach. To her relief, she snagged the hem of Ukyo's uniform, but then the wind whipped her sideways. The fabric began to tear, although the ripping sound was drowned out by the howling of the wind. No, no, no, no! Please, no, I can't miss! Desperate, Akane stabbed with the spatula again, but Ukyo was already slipping past her. The speed of her movement, driven by the Bakusai Tenketsu explosion was just too fast.

"No!" Akane yelled, tears springing to her eyes, but then she felt a hand grasp at her ankle. Ukyo had reached out and grabbed her. Almost panicking in her haste, Akane threw the spatula aside, and reached down to grab Ukyo's hand before she lost her grip. Ukyo's arm was trembling, and she grasped feebly at Akane's body as the shorter girl pulled her up. Unnoticed by Akane, the spatula was ejected from the twister, and embedded itself in the ground a few feet away from Ryoga and Kuno. Happosai moaned, but then passed out again.

"Akane..." Ukyo breathed, her voice faint. She still had her eyes closed against the wind, but started to dig around inside her jacket. She pulled out the chart, and then quickly shoved it inside Akane's blouse, pressing one of Akane's arms against it. "Don't... let... it rip. The wind... out here... will tear it to bits."

Akane tucked the chart a little deeper inside her shirt, but then turned back to Ukyo. "Never mind that! I've got to save you! Hang on to me! I'll shield you from the wind!" She suited her words to action, wrapping her arms tightly around her friend and holding her head against her chest.

"You'll... we'll... never survive. Save... yourself. The chart..."

"No! No! It'll be okay. We can survive this." But even as she said it, Akane looked down and her heart sank. It was hard to see through the winds, but they were at least a hundred feet in the air, and it wasn't hard to miss the schoolyard spread out below them. She could take a fall from the top of her house, and probably from the top of the school, but they were way above that. Even with the Bakusai Tenketsu training, they would surely be killed in the fall.

No, Akane said to herself. I'll be killed. I can at least shield Ukyo from it, like Ryoga would. Like Ranma would. She clutched Ukyo closer, as her momentum slowed and she was caught by the winds of the tornado. It was already beginning to dissipate, and Akane felt herself begin to fall.

"Akane... no... the chart..." Ukyo feebly tried to protest, as if guessing her thoughts. Akane held her tighter.

"Don't worry, sensei. It'll be okay." Akane looked down again, noticing the pillar of stone far below them, pointing up towards them. That was higher than the roof of the school, but it was still way below them. No help there. Ranma ran around to the base of the pillar, still in his sister's form. I'm sorry, Ranma, Akane thought. You're going to be mad that I didn't listen to you.

Ranma was yelling something up at her. Akane blinked, and then strained to hear over the winds. "Hiryu Shoten Ha!" she was yelling. "Use the Hiryu Shoten Ha!"

"I can't!" Akane yelled back. Apparently they weren't going to have to wait for the tornado to eject them, because it was already slowing on its own. She and Ukyo were falling fast, now.

"Sis can! I believe in her! She can do it!"

"She doesn't fear her own death!"

"But she fears mine!"

Akane's eyes widened. Looking Ukyo in the face, she began to slap her. "Wake up. Wake up, Ukyo. You've got to use the Hiryu Shoten Ha."

Ukyo was unresponsive for a moment, but then she stirred. "Think about it, Ucchan," Akane told her. "How is Ranma going to feel if you die? He'll be sad, won't he? He may even want to die. Especially if he loses both of us."

Akane didn't want to think about that, especially so soon after the Romeo and Juliet play, but she knew that it was true. She didn't think she could live without Ranma, not any more, and she couldn't live without Ukyo either. She was sure they felt the same way.

"Ranma won't be able to go on without us." Akane said, as much to herself as to Ukyo. "I know how I'd feel if he died. I'd just go through life empty... with nothing left to live for."

The catch in her voice caused Ukyo to flinch. Noticing the reaction, Akane continued, "That's it, Ukyo! We can do it. We can do it together! It's easy enough for me to provide the hot ki! It's all up to you!" Akane tamped down on her fear, and concentrated on her love and need for Ranma. Even her anger, at Ranma, at Happosai, and especially herself, for not being strong enough to save Ukyo on her own. Her battle aura blazed to life.

The heat awakened Ukyo. She opened her eyes, just barely, staring with an empty, lifeless gaze into Akane's eyes. Then her eyes snapped wide open. "No! I can't let you die!"

"Hiryu Shoten Ha revised! Dragon Descending to Earth!" Ukyo raised her arm skyward, and to Akane's astonishment she felt the heat of her battle aura pulled into Ukyo's Soul of Ice. She could even sense the leftover heat from the twister being drawn in. And then, somehow, Ukyo wrapped it in her own chillingly cold Soul of Ice and dropped it, like a bomb. She extended her arm downwards, as the Dragon Descending Blast plummeted towards the ground. Then Ukyo fell limp in Akane's arms.

Ranma stood in the path of the missile, her ponytail whipping about wildly. She raised her fist to meet the Dragon Descending Blast. "Hiryu Shoten Ha revised! Dragon Lifts the Pillar of Heaven!"

The tornado exploded from Ranma's position, ripping into the earth. Then it lifted, and careened over to the pillar of stone. Wrapping around it, it lifted the stone out of the pit and held it about ten feet above the ground. Then, the twister dissipated, and dropped the pillar.

The stone pillar fell back into the hole, falling over sideways, and tearing out the side of the pit. It fell, until it was leaning over at a forty-five degree angle, and then smashed into the ground. As the pillar fell into the hole, it cracked, forcing the top part up at a steeper angle. When the pillar came to rest, it was about fifteen to twenty feet shorter, but forming a ramp leading to the ground.

The recoil from the Dragon Descending Blast had sent them shooting slightly back upward into the air, but now gravity was taking over again. The tip of the pillar was just below her, but there was still enough space for her to correct her aim and prepare for the impact before she hit the ramp. There wasn't enough time to focus, she just let go and let her instincts take over. There was a feeling of exhilaration for a moment, as the thought crossed her mind, I'm going to live! Then she hit the stone, and bent her knees to cushion the impact.

It was still blindingly painful. Her legs couldn't absorb all of the shock, especially with Ukyo's additional weight to deal with, and so she came crashing down on her bottom on the stone. She screamed in pain, but gritted her teeth, shoving with all the strength she had against the rock with her legs. She still shot against the rock at mind-numbing speed, the stone cracking and shattering as her feet caught on the indentions and protuberances in the stone.

She slid past the point where the ramp changed from a steeper to a shallower angle, and her speed began to slow. There was a loud snap, and pain shot up her leg. Still, she shoved back against the pain, shifting to put more force on her other leg, and hold it out in front of the other. Her shoes finally gave way, and she was forced to shove her bare feet against the rock. She slid down the last few feet with Ukyo in her lap, and then slammed into the broken pavement at the end of the ramp.

This was in its own way worse, as she plowed a deep furrow into the ground, the earth and roots and asphalt tearing into her clothes and skin. Finally, she slid to a stop. She was buried half under the ground, but Ukyo seemed fine, on top of her. Ranma hurried over and lifted her sister off, then reached out an arm to help Akane up.

"Careful," Akane hissed, as pain shot up her leg again. "I... think I broke my leg." Her bottom and especially the soles of her feet were scraped raw, but that was minor by comparison.

Ranma grinned at her, unable to hide her pride and amazement. Although that quickly disappeared behind a cloud of anger. "I don't doubt it, Tomboy. What the hell were ya thinkin' anyway! Do you wanna get yourself killed!"

Akane blushed as she looked up at Ranma, unable to truly blame her for being worried. "I'm sorry, Ranma, I... I had to do it. I had to save her." She looked over at Ukyo, who was still cradled in her identical twin's arms. "She's the one who is most precious to you."

The grin returned, along with a look of adoration that took Akane's breath away. "She's not the only one who's precious to me, Tomboy", Ranma murmured, as she wrapped her arms around her.
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I'm still working through this part of the chapter, as I'm unsure of how well if flows from Ranma getting Happosai to chase him (her) to Akane using her Pillar of Stone. I think I've described what she's doing well enough, but if anything doesn't make sense let me know. Also, it's not obvious how Ukyo knows where to aim the Hiryu Shoten Ha (or even that she is going to have to revise it to make it fall instead of rise) but when I tried to add Ranma telling her to aim at him, it just distracted from the greater drama of the interaction between Akane and Ukyo.
Chapter 17
Chapter 17

All That is Precious


Everyone stared in shock, as Ranma stood revealed as Ukyo's double. The water still dripped off of her from the bucket Nabiki had thrown over her. For a moment, no one dared make a sound.

Kuno raised his bokken. He made sure to glance at Ukyo, to make sure Ranma had not magically traded places with her, but scowled when he saw her pale-faced stare. "Return to your true form, fiend!" He shouted. "I will not stand for you taking on the fair Ukyo's appearance!"

"You don't get it, Kuno! It's always been me, not the redhead! And these pictures of Sis that you wanted so much? They're of me!" Ranma laughed, clearly relishing the idea of forcing Kuno to confront the idea of his attraction to her.

To everyone's surprise, Kuno erupted into a massive battle aura. It wasn't much compared to Ranma's or Ryoga's, or even Akane's, but the kendoist had never produced a perceptible aura before. "You charlatan! How dare you tempt me with your sorcerous mockery of the female form! I strike!" With that, he resumed his attack, and Ranma leaped away.

The murmuring was increasing among the girls, and both Ukyo and Akane were turning pale. One of the girls finally asked, "Are you really Ranko, Ukyo?" Ukyo nodded and the girl continued. "So then all those times you were acting like a guy, and talking like one, too... that was really Ranma?"

"Well, I was raised as a boy, so sometimes I do talk like one," Ukyo said, grimacing a little. "But yeah, when it's over the top, that's usually Ranchan."

"Does this mean that was Ranma in the girls' showers?" another of the girls asked.

Sayuri bit her lip, and then nodded. "It was either that, or let him shower with the boys... like that."

She pointed at Ukyo's currently identical twin, who was dancing around the field, seemingly flirting with the enraged Kuno even as she evaded his strike. That seemed to mollify the girls' anger, but it didn't to anything to reduce the aura of revulsion and disgust that roiled and crackled in the air. Strangely, Happosai seemed captivated by Ranma's girlish taunting of Kuno, and although he seemed to be trying to resist, he couldn't look away.

"What the hell is he thinking?" Ukyo wondered aloud, her voice high and uncertain.

As if in response, Ranma spoke up again. "Hey, Happi, you old pervert, you sure you don't want to see these pictures? You were always wanting to see me in a bra, well, I'm wearing one. In fact, I'm wearing it right now."

Happosai perked up, despite himself, but before he could say anything, one of the girls made a face. "Ewwwww! That means he was wearing it as a guy!" The rest of the girls reacted similarly, and even Happosai shuddered and managed to regain his control.

Ranma dodged a strike and then nodded her agreement. "Well, I knew I was gunna change during the fight, an' my Mom says a girl should be properly supported. She even bought it for me!"

Everyone turned to look at Nodoka, who blinked at their looks of incredulity. "Well, I did say that it was manly for my son to properly respect his sister's modesty, but I'm not sure that this is all that manly..."

Ukyo sighed, putting a hand to her face. "No, Auntie. Ranchan's just doing what he always does. This is just a martial arts technique to him. He doesn't mean to be disrespectful, he's just trying to goad the old Master." Out on the field, Happosai obviously agreed with her, because his expression turned smug. "Ranma doesn't really understand how a girl feels about things like that, he's just a guy. He may turn into a girl, but he isn't one."

Nodoka nodded her agreement, but Akane, who was sitting next to her, shook her head. No, that can't be, she said to herself. I know Ranma understands. I saw how he reacted when Sanzenin kissed him, how violated he felt. He must know how humiliating this is for Ukyo... She looked out across the field, noticing the waves of hot battle aura spiraling lazily in to the center. Humiliation... The battle auras of the girls, though weak individually, had gathered into a massive cloud, and was being drawn into the spiral formed by Kuno and Ranma.

Ranma's attempts to tease and entice Kuno became more blatant and desperate. She began unbuttoning the top of her silk shirt. "Hey, Kuno, here's a peek," she said, flashing the white of her bra. Kuno's eyes widened at the sight, but it only made him angrier. He roared out an incoherent challenge, while charging at his former love interest. Akane watched as the aura over the girls writhed and seethed, and flowed out to add to the heat building over the field.

Cologne sees it as well, Akane thought, as she glanced over at the Amazon Elder. The wizened old crone was watching Happosai carefully, observing how he would repeatedly lose himself to the fight, pulled unrelentingly towards the cloud of anger and righteous indignation, only to pull himself back and regain control. Ranma's plan was working, but it wasn't enough.

Kodachi spoke up before Akane could give voice to her suspicions. "Forgive me for saying this, but has Lord Ranma lost his mind?"

"He hasn't lost his mind," Ukyo said, moving her hand to rest her chin in her palm. "He's just made a stupid plan, as usual. Happosai isn't going to fall for this, so he's given away the curse and embarrassed me for no reason. The jackass."

Ryoga stood up. "Ranma Saotome! How dare you use your own sister as a pawn in your schemes! I'll make you pay for this! Prepare to die!" Grabbing his weighted umbrella, he rushed into the spiraling dance of Kuno's pursuit of Ranma.

Ranma's cocky grin widened considerably as Ryoga rushed at them. She even seemed prepared for Ryoga to team up with Kuno, and adjusted her spiral accordingly to avoid his strikes as well as Kuno's bokken. The intensity of the battle aura around them increased dramatically, so dramatically that Akane gasped in surprise. While Ranma had been previously circling Kuno, buying time, now she began to draw the spiral in. The spiral was still slow, stalling for time, but the change in strategy was obvious, if you were looking for it.

"That's it!" Akane shouted. "That's why he wanted Ryoga and Kuno to be here! And our friends as well! They are all adding to the battle aura!"

"What?" Ukyo turned to look at her, and the others as well. Akane grinned at their surprise, and Cologne's raised eyebrow.

"Humiliation! That's the key! Ranma knows exactly what he is doing. Happosai doesn't just feed off of female spirit energy. He has to make them mad, to make them embarrassed and ashamed so they'll get mad at him! That's why he has to grope women and steal panties, instead of just touching them.

"By making all our friends think he's a pervert, by humiliating himself and his sister by showing himself off to Kuno and Ryoga, he's making himself irresistible to Happosai." Akane glanced down at the old master, but as she suspected, he was so distracted by the massive increase in the battle aura that he was no longer paying attention. "Like Ukyo said, he's an addict, he won't be able to hold back even if he wanted to! And the stronger Ranma makes the battle aura, the more Happosai will be lured in!"

"And not only that," Cologne added, "Ranma's Soul of Ice is already much more powerful because he is suppressing such shame and remorse. I feel he is going to create a Hiryu Shoten Ha more powerful than any I have ever seen."

The Elder's wry grin shifted to a more respectful nod of acknowledgement. "Not bad, Miss Tendo." Akane blushed at the praise.

There was a pause, and then Shampoo spoke up. "Stupid Mousse! Shampoo is very angry with Airen! Airen too too much insult Shield Sister, make with showing off her body in front of friends! Shampoo think Airen should be punished for insulting strong warrior woman like Shield Sister!"

Mousse leaped to his feet. "For you I would do anything, Shampoo my love! Ranma Saotome! You shall pay for your insults!" He threw a barrage of chains from the sleeve of his robe, even as he leaped down into the battle. Surprisingly - or perhaps not all that surprising - Ranma dodged the missiles and simply allowed Mousse space into the path of the spiral.

Everyone turned to look at Shampoo. The Amazon shrugged. "Shampoo think more battle aura not hurt."

There was a pause, and then Kodachi looked at Sasuke. "Sasuke, my servant..."

Sasuke sighed loudly, interrupting her. "Yes, Mistress." As if marching off to his doom, he stood up and prepared to leap into the fray.

"Hold on, Sasuke, you'll get killed in there," Akane said. "And I doubt your fighting spirit will add much to the fight. Isn't that right, Cologne?" She looked at the Elder for confirmation.

Cologne nodded. "Indeed, child. Kuno, Ryoga and Mousse should be sufficient. An ordinary person would never survive. I'm sure Ranma intended for you to contribute to the Hiryu Shoten Ha while sitting right here."

"Good," put in Gosunkugi, "because I'm not going down there."

"Me neither," said Hiroshi. "Right, Dai?" He glanced at Daisuke, but his friend was staring at Ranma, who was once again flaunting her bra, wriggling in a most provocative way at Kuno. Daisuke let out a lustful sigh, his eyes partially glazed over.

Hiroshi cuffed him across the back of the head. "I said, right, Dai? You aren't going to go in there, right?"

Daisuke looked at him. "Go... in there?" He got a goofy grin as he looked back. Hiroshi slapped him again, and his eyes seemed to clear. "Oh, yeah, no. I'm not goin' in there, she'd kill me..."

"Yeah, good enough," Hiroshi said. Akane noted that Daisuke's lust aura was strong enough to send out a tendril which was pulled into the mix. While the pervert hating part of herself didn't want some immature boy, even a friend of Ranma's, lusting after her best friend, that part of herself had been growing quieter lately. And she had to admit that little bit of aura would help Ranma as much as any one of her friends and their hatred of perversion. And a steadily growing part of herself filed Daisuke's interest in her friend away to possibly guide and encourage later.

Even Gosunkugi and Hiroshi were contributing a combination of confused attraction and manly protectiveness to what was now becoming a blaze of hot ki. Ranma was prancing around in the circle, drawing it tighter and tighter. Happosai was sitting on the edge of the field, shutting his eyes firmly, and muttering to himself. His eyes snapped open, however, as Ranma called out a new twist in his plan.

"This bra is just too confining! I think I'll take it off! Who wants it?" With that, she reached down inside her shirt, undid a few fasteners, and pulled the bra free. A collective gasp went up among the girls as Ranma began to prance around waving the bra in the air. Her shirt was still partway open, and showed some of the flesh of her chest.

"Ranma! How dare you!" Ryoga yelled back at him. "You're actually going to flash poor Ukyo's breasts again? I won't let you!"

"Enough of your false temptation, you Prince of Lies!" Kuno screamed as well. "I do not want such a beautiful, lovely bra! Nay, for by your own admission my ponytailed goddess has not even worn it! It has only been fouled and corrupted by the likes of you!"

"Maybe when I was wearing it as a guy it would have absorbed my male ki," Ranma said, glancing back at Happosai. "But now I've been a girl long enough that it's just full of sweet, flirtatious, girly ki..." Happosai blinked rapidly, then closed his eyes and began muttering to himself again.

Mousse didn't say anything, he just flung some chains, which Ranma dodged. Ryoga almost got hit by the attack, but knocked it aside with his umbrella. Neither of them wasted time arguing with each other, though, they just continued to close in on Ranma. Ranma continued to unbutton her shirt, until it was open almost to her waist. "Here's another peek!" she called out seductively, although no one really got a good look at what she was or was not showing.

Akane was slowly turning redder and redder. I sure hope nobody figures out who inspired him to come up with this technique, she thought, although she couldn't bring herself to look away. Ranma will make sure no one sees anything, won't he?

"Ranma, you jackass!" Ukyo shouted, finally losing control of her own temper. "Stop showing off my body!" The rest of the girls began to grumble dangerously as well.

Ranma dodged another attack from Ryoga, and then was wrapped up in Mousse's chains. She just barely threw herself aside in time to avoid a blow from Kuno, and then untangled herself from the chains, but she was running out of room to move. And her shirt was baring large amounts of bare skin.

"Enough!" Ryoga shouted. "Stop this, and I'll take the bra and put it back on you!"

"No, I will not allow you to defile the beauteous Ukyo so!" Kuno put in. "I shall take the bra, only to put it back on the cretin Ranma, of course. Only so that there will no further defilement of the lovely Ukyo. Not that I would lust after common girls' underwear..."

"Hold still!" added Mousse.

"NO!" Happosai's voice boomed over the others, as his battle aura rose over them like a ghostly giant. "THAT BRA IS MINE!"

Ranma grinned triumphantly. "You've taken the bait, old man. Now to set the hook!" With that, she unbuttoned the last button and flung off her shirt.

Fortunately for Ukyo's dignity, Ranma kept the bra held over her breasts while she threw away the shirt. And it was difficult to see anything anyway, over the growing glare of the spiral of ki. The wind started to whirl around in a circle, picking up leaves and loose grass from the field to further obscure the view. Even the straps of Ranma's bra, held loosely against her chest, began to dance around as if the wind itself was trying to tear it from Ranma's grasp.

The lack of a clear view of Ranma's chest didn't hinder her pursuers, in fact it only provoked them to scuffle with each other. There was a chaotic clash of chains, Kuno's bokken, Ryoga's umbrella, and Happosai's pipe. Ranma leaped and dodged, leading them into the center of the spiral, while somehow managing to keep her breasts covered. The three teenaged boys were starting to collide with each other in their enthusiasm, and Happosai bounced off of their heads, staying above the scuffle as he closed with their target.

Happosai made a grab for Ranma's bra, and Ukyo's twin lifted it over her head, trying to keep it out of the old man's grasp. For a split second, she was exposed, and Happosai was so distracted by the sight that he missed it as something slipped out of his pocket. Nearly everyone else's attention was on Ranma, but Akane just happened to spot it as it fluttered in the swirling winds. It was a wrinkled piece of paper, yellowed with age, showing a diagram of a man's body.

Akane and Ukyo both leaped to their feet. Akane called out, "The chart!" Cologne glanced at the two girls, and then squinted her eyes, trying to spot the chart herself.

"I got it!" Ukyo called back. She unslung her spatula, and handed it to Akane. "Hold this for me, will ya? I don't wanna get it caught on anything."

Akane took her friend's weapon, but she looked frightened. "You can't go in there, Ucchan! You'll be killed!"

Ukyo was already running across the field. "Don't worry! I'll grab the chart and be gone before Ranma even reaches the center!"

"He's already at the center, Shield Sister!" Cologne yelled at her, but Ukyo had already vanished into the roiling mass of spirit energy.

"Ranma!" Akane called out, her tone now desperate. "Don't do use the Heaven's Blast of the Dragon! Ucchan's in there!" But Ranma didn't seem to hear her over the howling of the winds. She spun in place as she reached the center of the spiral, and raised her fist in a twisting uppercut.

"Hiryu Shoten Ha!" Ranma shouted. In raising her arm, she exposed her chest, but to the relief of all the girls watching, she was wearing a second bra. It was flesh colored, and matched her skin so closely that she had appeared to be nude. The ponytailed girl smirked as a wall of blinding white light burst forth from her, and smashed into Happosai and the rest of her attackers. Ryoga had actually been right on top of her, and the wave of power smashed him in the face, knocking him unconscious as he was carried skyward.

Ranma's face fell, however, as she spotted her twin, being carried into the air above the four men. She was far enough away that she hadn't taken the worst of the initial impact, but she still cried out as the winds whipped her away. Ranma's couldn't hear the sound of her cry, but it was obvious she was caught off guard. Ukyo had wrapped her arms tightly around herself, as if clutching something against her body.

"Sis!" Ranma yelled out to her, but she was more frightened than angry. She tensed, ready to leap into the winds, but Akane's voice cut her off.

"No, Ranma! You're in Ukyo's body! In your condition, you're even weaker than she is!" She was running across the field, looking up at Ukyo's limp body, as she spiraled around above their heads. "You'll be cut to pieces!"

Ranma wanted to snap back at her, to deny it, but she knew it was true. While she felt that she was a little stronger than Ukyo while in her body, the Moxibustion of Weakness made that a moot point. She would be helpless in the Hiryu Shoten Ha, assuming it didn't snap her like a twig. She needed the size and durability of her male body, but there was no time to fetch hot water.

"Whaddya thinkin', Tomboy?" Ranma called in response. "You better not do somethin' stupid!"

Ranma glanced at Ryoga, but the Lost Boy wasn't going to be able to save Ukyo this time. She bit her lip. Ryoga was out, but he had been hit head on by the initial attack. The Bakusai Tentetsu training just might protect Akane from the worst of it. But Akane wasn't leaping into the tornado, instead she seemed to be trying to find something under the ground.

"I'll save her, Ranma!" Akane yelled back, still searching for the right spot. "Don't risk yourself! Trust me!"

She was standing directly under the twister, looking both at the ground and up at Ukyo. Despite the confidence in her voice, Akane could not control the trembling in her body. I can't fail at this, she was saying to herself. Ranma and Ukyo are both counting on me. I can't be careless or rush this, I've got to focus. She cast her senses down, into the bedrock under the school. She could feel the tiny fractures in the rock, the vulnerable points, but she continued to cast deeper and deeper, as deep as she could.

Come on, Akane, this is no time to be a clumsy tomboy. Your aim has to be perfect. Ukyo's life depends on it. She glanced up at her friend, still being buffeted by the winds. Ryoga, Kuno and Mousse were ejected from the twister and crashed to the ground nearby. Akane ignored them. She had to concentrate. She grasped the spatula in both hands, lifting it over her head with the pointed end down. Happosai shot out of the twister and sailed to the ground a few feet away. No more time. Ukyo will be next. I have to act now...

Akane could feel her energy flow into Ukyo's spatula. "My weapon is my partner", she murmured, the memory of her friend and sensei's lessons chasing away her fears and filling her with a warm sense of reassurance. There was a glimmer of light, and suddenly she could see the point she was aiming for. She brought the spatula down, rapping its hilt against the paved surface of the sports field.

"Bakusai Tenketsu revised! Pillar of Stone!" The energy she had built up in the spatula shot down, like a needle of glowing ki, striking the Breaking Point deep in the bedrock. Akane braced herself. Yards under her feet, the rock exploded, a contained explosion that rebounded back towards Akane, shattering the stony ground as it passed.

Akane shot into the air as the asphalt exploded underneath her, thrusting upwards into a finger of rock nearly a dozen times her own height. As the pillar dropped back to the earth behind her, Akane kept going, flying straight up into the tornado and into Ukyo's path. The pillar dropped into the pit formed underneath it by the explosion, becoming wedged about a third of the way into the ground. The rest of it remained standing upright into the air.

"Ucchan! Ucchan, I'm coming, hang on!" Akane readied Ukyo's spatula as she neared her stricken friend, but Ukyo did not respond. The winds were tearing at her even worse than before, ripping her okonomiyaki uniform into jagged strips. Ukyo's eyes were closed, her face slack and expressionless, but she still managed to keep her arms wrapped around her chest, clutching something tightly inside her shredded vendor's jacket. I've only got one shot at this, Akane thought to herself. It's going to be close, but the wind is trying to carry her away from me.

As her momentum carried her past Ukyo, Akane reached out with the spatula, as she was just outside of arm's reach. To her relief, she snagged the hem of Ukyo's uniform, but then the wind whipped her sideways. The fabric began to tear, although the ripping sound was drowned out by the howling of the wind. No, no, no, no! Please, no, I can't miss! Desperate, Akane stabbed with the spatula again, but Ukyo was already slipping past her. The speed of her movement, driven by the Bakusai Tenketsu explosion was just too fast.

"No!" Akane yelled, tears springing to her eyes, but then she felt a hand grasp at her ankle. Ukyo had reached out and grabbed her. Almost panicking in her haste, Akane threw the spatula aside, and reached down to grab Ukyo's hand before she lost her grip. Ukyo's arm was trembling, and she grasped feebly at Akane's body as the shorter girl pulled her up. Unnoticed by Akane, the spatula was ejected from the twister, and embedded itself in the ground a few feet away from Ryoga and Kuno. Happosai moaned, but then passed out again.

"Akane..." Ukyo breathed, her voice faint. She still had her eyes closed against the wind, but started to dig around inside her jacket. She pulled out the chart, and then quickly shoved it inside Akane's blouse, pressing one of Akane's arms against it. "Don't... let... it rip. The wind... out here... will tear it to bits."

Akane tucked the chart a little deeper inside her shirt, but then turned back to Ukyo. "Never mind that! I've got to save you! Hang on to me! I'll shield you from the wind!" She suited her words to action, wrapping her arms tightly around her friend and holding her head against her chest.

"You'll... we'll... never survive. Save... yourself. The chart..."

"No! No! It'll be okay. We can survive this." But even as she said it, Akane looked down and her heart sank. It was hard to see through the winds, but they were at least a hundred feet in the air, and it wasn't hard to miss the schoolyard spread out below them. She could take a fall from the top of her house, and probably from the top of the school, but they were way above that. Even with the Bakusai Tenketsu training, they would surely be killed in the fall.

No, Akane said to herself. I'll be killed. I can at least shield Ukyo from it, like Ryoga would. Like Ranma would. She clutched Ukyo closer, as her momentum slowed and she was caught by the winds of the tornado. It was already beginning to dissipate, and Akane felt herself begin to fall.

"Akane... no... the chart..." Ukyo feebly tried to protest, as if guessing her thoughts. Akane held her tighter.

"Don't worry, sensei. It'll be okay." Akane looked down again, noticing the pillar of stone far below them, pointing up towards them. That was higher than the roof of the school, but it was still way below them. No help there. Ranma ran around to the base of the pillar, still in his sister's form. I'm sorry, Ranma, Akane thought. You're going to be mad that I didn't listen to you.

Ranma was yelling something up at her. Akane blinked, and then strained to hear over the winds. "Hiryu Shoten Ha!" she was yelling. "Use the Hiryu Shoten Ha!"

"I can't!" Akane yelled back. Apparently they weren't going to have to wait for the tornado to eject them, because it was already slowing on its own. She and Ukyo were falling fast, now.

"Sis can! I believe in her! She can do it!"

"She doesn't fear her own death!"

"But she fears mine!"

Akane's eyes widened. Looking Ukyo in the face, she began to slap her. "Wake up. Wake up, Ukyo. You've got to use the Hiryu Shoten Ha."

Ukyo was unresponsive for a moment, but then she stirred. "Think about it, Ucchan," Akane told her. "How is Ranma going to feel if you die? He'll be sad, won't he? He may even want to die. Especially if he loses both of us."

Akane didn't want to think about that, especially so soon after the Romeo and Juliet play, but she knew that it was true. She didn't think she could live without Ranma, not any more, and she couldn't live without Ukyo either. She was sure they felt the same way.

"Ranma won't be able to go on without us." Akane said, as much to herself as to Ukyo. "I know how I'd feel if he died. I'd just go through life empty... with nothing left to live for."

The catch in her voice caused Ukyo to flinch. Noticing the reaction, Akane continued, "That's it, Ukyo! We can do it. We can do it together! It's easy enough for me to provide the hot ki! It's all up to you!" Akane tamped down on her fear, and concentrated on her love and need for Ranma. Even her anger, at Ranma, at Happosai, and especially herself, for not being strong enough to save Ukyo on her own. Her battle aura blazed to life.

The heat awakened Ukyo. She opened her eyes, just barely, staring with an empty, lifeless gaze into Akane's eyes. Then her eyes snapped wide open. "No! I can't let you die!"

"Hiryu Shoten Ha revised! Dragon Descending to Earth!" Ukyo raised her arm skyward, and to Akane's astonishment she felt the heat of her battle aura pulled into Ukyo's Soul of Ice. She could even sense the leftover heat from the twister being drawn in. And then, somehow, Ukyo wrapped it in her own chillingly cold Soul of Ice and dropped it, like a bomb. She extended her arm downwards, as the Dragon Descending Blast plummeted towards the ground. Then Ukyo fell limp in Akane's arms.

Ranma stood in the path of the missile, her ponytail whipping about wildly. She raised her fist to meet the Dragon Descending Blast. "Hiryu Shoten Ha revised! Dragon Lifts the Pillar of Heaven!"

The tornado exploded from Ranma's position, ripping into the earth. Then it lifted, and careened over to the pillar of stone. Wrapping around it, it lifted the stone out of the pit and held it about ten feet above the ground. Then, the twister dissipated, and dropped the pillar.

The stone pillar fell back into the hole, falling over sideways, and tearing out the side of the pit. It fell, until it was leaning over at a forty-five degree angle, and then smashed into the ground. As the pillar fell into the hole, it cracked, forcing the top part up at a steeper angle. When the pillar came to rest, it was about fifteen to twenty feet shorter, but forming a ramp leading to the ground.

The recoil from the Dragon Descending Blast had sent them shooting slightly back upward into the air, but now gravity was taking over again. The tip of the pillar was just below her, but there was still enough space for her to correct her aim and prepare for the impact before she hit the ramp. There wasn't enough time to focus, she just let go and let her instincts take over. There was a feeling of exhilaration for a moment, as the thought crossed her mind, I'm going to live! Then she hit the stone, and bent her knees to cushion the impact.

It was still blindingly painful. Her legs couldn't absorb all of the shock, especially with Ukyo's additional weight to deal with, and so she came crashing down on her bottom on the stone. She screamed in pain, but gritted her teeth, shoving with all the strength she had against the rock with her legs. She still shot against the rock at mind-numbing speed, the stone cracking and shattering as her feet caught on the indentions and protuberances in the stone.

She slid past the point where the ramp changed from a steeper to a shallower angle, and her speed began to slow. There was a loud snap, and pain shot up her leg. Still, she shoved back against the pain, shifting to put more force on her other leg, and hold it out in front of the other. Her shoes finally gave way, and she was forced to shove her bare feet against the rock. She slid down the last few feet with Ukyo in her lap, and then slammed into the broken pavement at the end of the ramp.

This was in its own way worse, as she plowed a deep furrow into the ground, the earth and roots and asphalt tearing into her clothes and skin. Finally, she slid to a stop. She was buried half under the ground, but Ukyo seemed fine, on top of her. Ranma hurried over and lifted her sister off, then reached out an arm to help Akane up.

"Careful," Akane hissed, as pain shot up her leg again. "I... think I broke my leg." Her bottom and especially the soles of her feet were scraped raw, but that was minor by comparison.
Ranma grinned at her, unable to hide her pride and amazement. Although that quickly disappeared behind a cloud of anger. "I don't doubt it, Tomboy. What the hell were ya thinkin' anyway! Do you wanna get yourself killed!"

Akane blushed as she looked up at Ranma, unable to truly blame her for being worried. "I'm sorry, Ranma, I... I had to do it. I had to save her." She looked over at Ukyo, who was still cradled in her identical twin's arms. "She's the one who is most precious to you."

The grin returned, along with a look of adoration that took Akane's breath away. "She's not the only one who's precious to me, Tomboy", Ranma murmured, as she wrapped her arms around her.


Akane approached the stairs leading downstairs, but then she hesitated. She was on crutches, and her leg was in a cast. She had spent all morning picking out her dress, and even though she didn't want to admit that she was afraid of falling, she didn't want to get her dress wrinkled or tear it. She was about to proceed more cautiously down the steps, when Ranma came up behind her and swept her up into his arms.

"Hey!" Akane protested, more out of reflex than anything else. "I don't need you to carry me! I've had this cast on for a whole week, and I haven't had any problems getting down the stairs!"

"Yeah, sure," Ranma scoffed, giving her that mocking grin she both loved and hated. "But why take that chance? Now that the Moxibustion is cured, you've got a big, strong, man to carry you up and down the stairs!"

"Baka," Akane countered, slapping him lightly on the chest. "You're such a macho jerk. The moment you got cured, you got so excited you smashed through the wall of the school and starting running up and down the halls! Who do you think you are, Shampoo?"

As he started down the stairs, though, she relaxed into his embrace. Ranma was wearing a very dressy black outfit. Akane wasn't sure where he got it, but suspected Nabiki had sold it to him. Or maybe Ukyo had taken him shopping when she found out about their plans for today. He looked nice, which was all that mattered to Akane.

"I was just happy to have my strength back," Ranma said, as he carried her down the stairs and into the main hallway. "Don't say you didn't miss me."

Akane slapped him again, then began to struggle more obviously as they neared the family room. Ranma brought her into the room and put her down. Ukyo and the rest of the family were waiting downstairs, watching a news show on the television. The mood was a bit somber, but Nabiki and Ukyo seemed to be caught up in the news program.

Nodoka came over as Akane stood on her crutches. "Thank you for coming, Auntie," Akane said as she neared. Like Akane and her sisters, the auburn-haired woman was dressed in dark colors. Akane's own dress was brown, as was Kasumi's, but Nabiki was wearing black, although with a stylish miniskirt. Ukyo, like Ranma and Nodoka, was wearing black, but Genma had apparently borrowed a dark blue kimono, as it matched the one Soun was wearing.

"I wouldn't miss it, dear. My husband and son are honored that you want us to be here at such an important time."

Ryoga approached, timidly. He had on his usual travelling clothes, and it was obvious he was nervous to see everyone so dressed up. "Ukyo told me about today, Akane, and... um... my condolences. Maybe I should leave. I'm all healed up now, as you can see, and you don't need to look after me at a time like this."

"Nonsense," Akane told him. "We would be happy to have you as our guest. After that, if you still feel you have to leave, you can. But I think..."

"Hey, Ryoga!" Ukyo suddenly called out, interrupting the conversation. "Isn't this your dog?"

"What?" Ryoga hurried over to the TV, and Akane and Ranma followed. There was a strange-looking black and while dog on the program, half black on one side and half white on the other. She was sitting next to a basket of puppies, and barking at the camera while holding up a puppy. The rest of the puppies rolled around in the basket and played with each other, looking adorable. Like their mother, they shared her odd coloring, although their fur was not yet as dark.

"This is Checkers Hibiki, whose family is apparently always away on travel," the announcer was saying. "She has been faithfully watching over their house while they are gone."

Nabiki raised an eyebrow, frowning skeptically at the announcer. "How does he know that? Can he understand the dog?"

"She has just given birth to puppies," the man continued, unhearing, "and hopes that her master will come home to see them. 'People Search' is happy to help Checkers reunite with her family."

"Checkers was always pretty good at making herself understood," Ukyo said, in response to Nabiki's question. "She had to be, living alone all the time."

"Checkers had puppies?" Ryoga asked, leaning in to look at the dog more closely. "I've got to get back home! She may need me!"

"Oh, they're so cute!" Akane exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Ukyo, do you know where Ryoga lives?"

"Of course I do! Ranchan and I used to take him home all the time. And I want to see Checkers' puppies too." Ukyo grinned. "But his house is over in the next ward, where we used to go to Junior High. We'll have to take the bus there."

Akane looked disappointed. "Oh. Well, it's all for the best. I don't want to ruin our plans for today, just for my own sake." She turned to Kasumi, who handed her a bouquet of flowers.

"We'll go tomorrow," Ranma said. "You, me, Sis and Pig Boy, we'll all go find his house. Maybe his folks will see the program and be there too."

"That would be nice, wouldn't it?" Kasumi smiled at the Lost Boy. "And Ryoga, you are welcome to come with us, as Akane said. And you can spend the night in the dojo, so you'll be right here and ready to go in the morning."

"Maybe I should stay here," Ryoga suggested. "That way I won't get lost on the way."

"It's more likely you'll get lost if you stay here," Ukyo said, "but I have a solution." She held up a glass of water.

The Tendo family and their guests set out from the main gate, and set off down the street in front of their home. As they walked, slowly, because of her injury, Akane gazed up at the blue sky above them. "I was really hoping the cherry blossoms would be in bloom," she muttered. "But it's such a nice day."

It was a nice spring day, a bit cool, so the long dresses Akane and Kasumi were wearing were not uncomfortable, but the trees were green and lush. Somewhere along the way, Genma got splashed, but he continued along in his panda form. The little group wound their way through the streets of Nerima, until they came upon a cemetery. The Tendos led them inside, where they walked up to a grave.

"Hello, Mother," Akane said. "We're all very healthy and doing well this year."

Kasumi quickly set about pouring water over the gravestone, to wash the dust off of it, and Nabiki burned some incense at the base of the stone. Soun, naturally, began to sob and spray a fountain of tears, kneeling in front of the grave.

The Saotomes stood far enough back to be respectful, Nodoka with a serene but solemn expression, and the rest just looking uncomfortable. Ukyo held P-chan in her arms, absently stroking his head, but the pig was too intent on the scene to notice. He watched the Tendos with a mournful look in his round eyes.

"Ranma," Akane asked, not looking back at him. "Would you please put these on Mother's grave for me?" She indicated the flowers in her arms, and Ranma ran up to take them from her. She shifted her hands back onto her crutches as Ranma knelt next to Soun.

"They're carnations," Akane continued, as Ranma set the flowers down. She was looking down at the grave, and smiling sadly. "Your favorite, as usual. Just a reminder of how much I love you and miss you."

Ranma stood up to stand next to her, and there was a long moment of silence. Soun continued to sob, but Kasumi and Nabiki bowed their heads and paid their respects. Although Ranma started to fidget, he didn't want to leave, and Akane reached out her hand and touched his, a subtle reassurance.

Finally, Akane broke the silence again. "Can I have a moment alone? Just... me and Ranma."

Soun looked up at her, his tears disappearing suddenly, as a look of hope that swept over his face. "My daughter? Are you going to accept your engagement to Ranma?" He turned back to Genma. "Do you hear that? My daughter wants to announce that she has accepted the engagement!"

The panda quickly hurried to join him, and the two began to dance around, the panda waving a sign that said, "We must begin planning the wedding immediately!" Unnoticed by them, Akane clenched her fist, and a vein began to pulse on her forehead.

Fortunately, Nodoka forestalled that explosion. "Husband," she said threateningly, fingering the silk of her wrapped katana. "I think Akane merely wants to introduce our son to her late mother. Please remember, this is a somber occasion."

"Yes, let's give them a little privacy," Ukyo said, grabbing Soun by the arm in much the same way Nodoka was grabbing the panda. Kasumi and Nabiki joined them, as they moved a discreet distance away.

Akane was quiet for a moment more, while she got herself under control. Then she sighed. "So, Mother, as you may have guessed, a lot has happened in the last year. I got engaged, for one thing. His name is Ranma Saotome, and while he is a great martial artist and a good person, we both agree we're not ready to get married yet. Father and Uncle Saotome want us to join our two the schools of Anything Goes, but no one asked us what we wanted."

She glanced over at Ranma, and then looked behind her, to make sure the others were still standing well back. Then she reached into her blouse and pulled out her necklace. She let the ring fall in front of her blouse and then stood back on her crutches. "What Father doesn't know is that Ranma proposed to me. I love him, and I said yes. He can be an arrogant baka sometimes, and he really knows how to get under my skin, but I love him anyway." She smiled at Ranma again. "And I can get under his skin too."

Ranma snorted at that, but said nothing. Akane turned her attention back to the grave. "The lady back there with the panda bear is Ranma's mother. She's really nice and kind, I think you would like her. She and Ranma had been separated for ten years, so it was nice to see them reunited after so long. She's... it's very nice to have someone like her around, Mother, but it's not like having you around. I miss you.

"I've asked if I can call her Mother Saotome once Ranma and I get married. I hope you don't mind." Akane stared at the ground for a moment, blinking back tears.

She then glanced back over her shoulder again. "Do you see that girl with the long brown hair, next to Ranma's mother? That's Ukyo Kuonji. She was sort of adopted by Ranma on the road, and now she feels like she's Ranma's sister. She's a wonderful person, and she's been teaching me martial arts, and cooking, and all sorts of things. I really feel like she's part of the family now, just like Ranma, and I think you'd like her a lot. She's a bit brash, since she grew up on the road being raised like a boy, but I think you would feel like she was your daughter too.

"I guess you're wondering about the panda." Akane grinned wryly. "Well, you probably won't believe this, but that's Ranma's father. Do you see the little pig that Ukyo is holding? His name is Ryoga Hibiki, and he's one of Ranma's friends. They're both cursed, they fell into these springs in China, and now they turn into animals. Isn't that funny? Hot water will change them back, but we'll have to wait until we get home to do that.

"The reason I'm telling you this is, Ranma and Ukyo have a curse too. They fell into the spring together, so they turn into each other. Ranma turns into Ukyo, while Ukyo turns into a cute little redheaded girl who looks like Ranma." Akane bit her lip. "It's a bit of a problem if we decide to get married, but I think I've decided it doesn't matter. Ranma is who he is even if he looks like someone else. Maybe he'll be able to find a cure or maybe he won't, but I'll still love him anyway."

Akane looked up. "So, I hope we have your blessing, Mother. My life is pretty exciting with Ranma around, but I'll bet you know all about that, don't you? You had to know 'a martial artist's life is fraught with danger' when you married Daddy, didn't you? So I hope you can understand. I love him."

There was a moment of silence, and then Akane looked at Ranma. "Would you like to say something?"

Ranma's eyes widened. He looked down at the grave, considering for a moment, but then he took a deep breath. "Hello, Mother Tendo. It's nice to finally meet you."

Akane stared at him, startled. Then she blushed a little, and looked away. Ranma glanced at her, then down at the cast on her leg.

"Sorry about that cast. I know it's my fault." Akane shot him an annoyed scowl, but Ranma ignored it. "I'm supposed to protect your daughter an' I didn't. I'll try to do better from now on."

He glanced at Akane, who was really growling now. "The thing is, Mother Tendo, your daughter risked her life to save my sister. An' I guess if she didn't, Sis would be dead right now. An' I'd probably be dead too." Akane's expression softened. "So she saved both of us. You can be proud of your daughter. She's very brave, and while I worry about her, I know that sometimes she's going to get hurt protecting the people she cares about.

"I just have to make sure I'm there to back her up, an' keep her from gettin' hurt if I can."

"Oh, Ranma," Akane murmured.

"I wonder... Kasumi says that she an' Nabiki take after their father, but Akane is starting to look more and more like you. It makes me think. I wonder if you were tough like her. Did you whack Old Man Tendo over the head every time he did somethin' stupid? I bet you did. I mean, when I first met that Old Man, I though he was a bit of a crybaby, you know? He an' my Pops, they're quite a pair..."

He glanced at Akane, and she swallowed at the look in his eyes. "But now that I've... now that I've fallen in love with your daughter, I can't image what I'd do if I... lost her." He looked at the ground. "I just might... be cryin' all the time. On the inside."

Akane found she had to wipe away tears again.

"Anyway, I just want you ta know that I'll be lookin' out for yer family. Even Nabiki." Ranma scowled, and Akane giggled. "You don't have to worry about them. Although, if you or whoever or whatever might be up there with you could look out for the tomboy, I'd appreciate it."

"Baka." Akane slapped him on the arm, and then tucked the ring back inside her dress, out of sight. The two of them turned and walked back to their waiting family, together.
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Okay, here are my Author's Notes for this chapter:

This wraps up the Moxibustion of Weakness arc. There's a preview of the next arc, as I've introduced Checkers, Ryoga's black and white dog from the manga. The next arc, which wraps up the whole story, will be very intense, so I think we're going to need a little comedy relief. I can't really use Yoiko the way she was used in the manga, as Ryoga isn't going to be putting the moves on Akane, but I'd still like to have Ranma or Ukyo disguise themselves as Ryoga's sister for some reason.

I'm also intrigued by the version of the Checkers arc from the anime. The idea that Sasuke and Checkers both come from the same village of ninjas is too good an idea to pass up. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do, but that's some of the ideas I have. Ukyo is also going to have to deal with her father, and since that's likely to be dramatic, it might be nice to have Ranma and Akane doing some comedy bits in the other storyline.

The two variations on the Hiryu Shoten Ha here, "Dragon Descending Blast" and "Dragon Lifts the Pillar of Heaven" are both intended to be the same attacks used in the manga. The first is the "Hiryu Korin Dan", or "Dragon Descending Bomb", from the Herb arc, only without the "bomb" part. While Ranma wraps the Hiryu Shoten Ha in a Moko Takabisha and fires it at Herb, Ukyo has not yet learned to throw her ki, so she just wraps it in the Soul of Ice. This makes the ki fall, because it's cold on the outside, and thus heavier than air. The translated name of the attack would be "Hiryu Korin Ha".

The "Dragon Lifts the Pillar of Heaven", appropriately enough, is Ranma's attack at the end of the Saffron arc, "Hiryu Gyoten Ha" or "Dragon Looking to the Sky Blast". While the name is different, what it DOES is exactly the same as in canon; it lifts Akane's Pillar of Stone, as it lifted the Dragon Spout in canon, and drops it back in a different position. So in essence, Ranma uses the two attacks he used from the Herb and Saffron arcs to save Akane and Ukyo.

From the very beginning, I intended for this arc to showcase Akane's development, by giving her the chance to save the day for once. However, I didn't want it to work out perfectly. Akane is too insecure and afraid of failure, and I wanted to show her facing that, and appearing to fail. In my initial draft of the concept, Akane would use the Pillar of Stone, (by touching the ground) and then panic as it landed out of place, because she was too rushed or not focused enough. She would then use one of Ukyo's small spatulas and throw it at a second Breaking Point and cause it to reposition the pillar so she could land on it and save herself and Ukyo.

My second idea was that she would awaken Ukyo, who would use the Hiryu Shoten Ha to reposition the pillar, as in the final battle with Saffron. As I got closer to this story arc, though, I realized that it would be the last story arc before the ending, and the last story arc in which Ranma could play a central role. (This may be a spoiler, but Akane plays the central role in the final arc) So I realized that I needed him to be involved as well. For a short time, I considered having Happosai use the Moxibustion on Ukyo, instead of Ranma, so Ranma could save Akane as in the canon, but I still felt it was important for Ukyo to be the one to risk her life to save the chart.

So, I came up with the current plan, where all three are involved. For a while, I toyed with the idea of Ranma ALSO jumping into the twister, and doing something like flinging himself around the perimeter of the tornado to impart more momentum to Akane and Ukyo. But I settled on Akane, Ukyo and Ranma together performing the Hiryu Shoten Ha that repositions the pillar. While writing the scene where Akane trains with Nodoka in the previous chapter, I also came up with the idea of her using a weapon to deliver the ki to the Breaking Point and create the Pillar of Stone. At first I was going to have her borrow Cologne's staff, but then I remembered my old idea of her using one of Ukyo's spatulas, and realized Ukyo's big spatula was the perfect thing to use, as it represented Ukyo's friendship to Akane.

Akane and Ukyo being the ones to notice the chart was meant to point out something I think a lot of people overlook. In the canon, of all the people there watching the battle, ONLY Akane noticed the chart. Cologne didn't see it, Ukyo didn't, (she was there in the canon, although her perception isn't ANYWHERE as sharp as it is here) Ranma certainly didn't, Akane was the only one to see it and run into the Hiryu Shoten Ha. Which is why she ran into the Hiryu Shoten Ha. If she had not been there, it would most certainly have been destroyed.

Likewise, when Ukyo warns her not to take the chart out of her blouse, she points out the mistake the Akane of canon made, in trying to hand the chart to Ranma instead of continuing to protect it inside her clothing. Of course, I believe Akane was about to pass out, and was afraid that when she lost consciousness, she would lose her grip on the chart. I'm vague about whether Ukyo was really knocked out here, but she apparently had the willpower to keep her arms wrapped around her chest even when unconscious.

Akane breaking her leg is a reference to when Ranma made an extremely high jump with Akane and Shampoo in his arms and broke BOTH his legs. Of course, Akane is only carrying Ukyo here, but she is also weaker than Ranma, even with the Bakusai Tenketsu training. I'll note that while putting together a timeline for this story, I realized the last time she broke her arm, she was likely wearing it over the Christmas holidays. I liked the picture that presented, so I planned that this time she would visit her mother's grave with a broken leg. Ranma naturally feels guilty about it, and has to apologize to her mother for it.

Although the ward where Ryoga lives is not named, I think it's most likely Nakano. In English translation, it is described as a "town", and the ward is in fact the former site of the town of Nakano. More telling, Akane goes there by bus, and Nakano is the only ward in the Nerima area that has dedicated bus lines. (Because the rail lines run through neighboring wards and so there's a lot of cross traffic)

It's also possible that Ryoga lives outside of Tokyo, and in the original Japanese it really does say he is in the next "town". However, the only clue to this is a map which Ryoga draws, which states his house is in sight of Mount Fuji. But EVERYWHERE in Tokyo is in sight of Mount Fuji, so I don't think this is really a valid clue. Certainly during the Checkers arc, the area they are running around in looks like a ward of Tokyo, there are fences and built up areas, whereas if Ryoga's house was in a less densely populated area, I would expect it to look like it.

If Ryoga's house is outside of Tokyo, it is probably in one of the smaller cities between Tokyo and Mount Fuji. There are simply too many possibilities to narrow it down, at least not without someone from Japan to help me out with the translation. :D
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Another minor notice, I edited Chapter 17 to indicate that they are on spring break between the end of one school year in Japan and the beginning of the next, not summer break. It's not extremely important, but since I made reference to spring weather here, and summer probably won't be coming until after the first semester, I want to be consistent.

We probably won't even reach summer, although I'd like to throw in a beach episode. :D There will probably be one in the arc I'm adding to Book 1.