The Salient Spider-Man (AU Marvel Comics Universe Spiderman Quest)

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Nothing like your father wins
Scheduled vote count started by Tsendo on Oct 25, 2023 at 5:06 AM, finished with 23 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Nothing like your father
    - [X] Harry Osborn
    -[X] Spirit
    -[X] Instinct
    -[X] Social
    -[X] Diligence
    -[X] Temperance
    -[X] Pride
    -[X] Wrath
    [X] Nothing like your father
    [X] Must I Become A Paragon? Alright. But, I'm Not Going to Like It
    -[X] Build a male OC charecter (Write In Name)
    --[X] Vince Fuleki
    -[X] Physical
    -[X] Spirit
    -[X] Instinct
    -[X] Diligence
    -[X] Fortitude
    -[X] Pride
    -[X] Sloth
    -[X] villain to the heroes
    - [X] Harry Osborn
    -[X] Physical
    -[X] Social
    -[X] Intellect
    -[X] Fortitude
    -[X] Patience
    -[X] Greed
    -[X] Envy
    -[X] villain to the heroes
    [X] Plan SM
    -[X] Samuel Miller
    -[X] Intellect
    -[X] Spirit
    -[X] Instinct
    -[X] Diligence
    -[X] Fortitude
    -[X] Wrath
    -[X] Envy
    [X] villain to the heroes
    [X] Plan: Guy In The Chair NO LONGER!
    -[X] Ned Leeds
    -[X] Intellect
    -[X] Instinct
    -[X] Social
    -[X] Diligence
    -[X] Temperance
    -[X] Sloth
    -[X] Gluttony