The Rules of Engagement (YGO/RWBY, CookieQuest)

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The Rules of Engagement

0.1 Genesis


They call it the Rules of...
0.1 Genesis


Totally not a cat in disguise.
The Rules of Engagement

0.1 Genesis


They call it the Rules of Engagement. The force which cuts into mankind's free will, taking away their ability to give, to take, or to claim dominion over another. Anyone and everyone enjoys absolute sanctity of self, knowing they can never be murdered, never be violated, so long as they win a little game…

And you will never lose a game again, for-


[] - You are THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING, and your greatest desire is to TURN BACK TIME. You led Britain to greatness for many years, but were eventually stabbed by your own son on the fields of Camlann. You made a pact with the world itself and were eventually summoned to fight in the Holy Grail Wars. You made an uneasy truce with that bastard Kiritsugu who used one of his Command Seals to force you to destroy the ultimate wish-granting device. Your Noble Phantasm Excalibur tore a hole in the Throne of Heroes, unleashed All the Evil in the World, and then rewrote all of human history. You have since been reborn as a small child, along with all of the Heroic Spirits, and you will fix your mistakes or your name is not ALTRIA PENDRAGON. (Fate/Zero Cross, Low Difficulty)

+ "The Dragon-Blooded" Trait (MAX): Your will is unshakeable and your heart, unbreakable. Your blood beats in tune with the Heart of the Cards.
+ "The Will of Mankind" Trait (MAX): Alaya itself sees your desire and wishes for you to succeed. You're not quite sure what this means.
+ "The Knights of the Round" Deck Acquired: You woke up with the one-of-a-kind Noble Knight cards under your pillow. The differences from what you remember fill you with rage.
+ "Noblesse Oblige" Circumstance Acquired: You are the eldest daughter to a wealthy and respected family and enjoy all the benefits and responsibilities that implies. If you prove your superiority in a children's card game, you will be granted more freedom to bring glory to the house.
= "The World's Fate" World Chosen: Magecraft, True Magic, Dead Apostles, the Holy Church, various Heroic Spirits, and remnants of the Age of the Gods may be encountered throughout your new lifetime. Duel Monsters and the Spirit Realms are born from All the World's Evil.
- "Chivalrous" Trait (Very High): You are and have always been epitome of kinghood. This… rarely works out in your favor.

[X] - You are LITTLE RED SNIPING HOOD, and your greatest desire is to RETURN TO YOUR BELOVED DEATHWORLD. Your life had been safe and warm on the island of Patch, until your idiot sister dragged you into the monster-infested woods in a desperate attempt to find her mommy. You were quickly set upon by a horde of evil red-eyed wolves, but you managed to awaken your Semblance and teleport away in the nick of time. Unfortunately, you woke up in a forest on an island called Duelist Kingdom, and found that you aren't in Kansas anymore. You were then found by a silver-haired man called Maximillion Pegasus who wants to adopt you. You don't know what to do next, but you do know something - you are going to figure out this Soul Magic stuff. Then, you can find a way to go back home, so you can cry all over your sister and make everything right again, or your name is not RUBY ROSE. (RWBY Cross, Medium Difficulty)

+ "The Road Less Traveled By" Trait (Very Low): You have a strange affinity for travel and distance. You think, maybe, just maybe, you can eventually learn to travel from point A to point B - with no time spent traversing in between.
+ "On A Winged Horse I Ride" Circumstance Acquired: You'll never call him Daddy, but being the daughter of a man like Maximillion Pegasus grants certain boons… Cards, mostly. Lots and lots of cards.
+ "Saturday Morning Hero" Deck Acquired: You woke up to find a box of rare cards on your nightstand. The thought of beating adults up in duels with cartoon monsters fills you with unholy glee.
= "The Soul of Mankind" World Chosen: Auracraft and the Creatures of Grimm may be encountered throughout your new lifetime. Duel Monsters and the Spirit Realms are born from the collective souls of mankind… and something else.
- "Chibi Changeling" Trait (High): You are *raises five fingers* this many! Your ability to influence the world has been reduced.

[] - You are THE CHERRY BLOSSOM WARRIOR, and your greatest desire is to TEAR DOWN THE MOON. Your life has been utterly boring, just like you like it, but recently you have been hearing whispered screams from the voice in your head. She tells you that everything you know is a lie and that you are secretly a ninja. Apparently, an asshole called Uchiha Madara caught the entire world in an unbreakable illusion. You try to tell her that your mundane life can't possibly be your perfect dream, because you are shy and often bullied. Whenever you do, however, she yells at you and gives you nightmares. You have since come to realize that you hate all the things, and can't bear to look at your family since they aren't real. You are going to collect all the God Cards, so that you can tear Madara a new asshole and make life matter again, or your name is not HARUNO SAKURA. (Naruto Cross, High Difficulty)

+ "Real World Experience" Trait (Very High) (Shrouded): You may not remember it, but you fought in the Fourth War and lived to tell about it. You know things - lots of things - and you know them well… if only you can remember them.
= "The Crimson Moon" World Chosen: Chakra, bloodline limits, ninjutsuka, various Summoning Clans, and remnants of the Age of Shinobi may be encountered throughout your new lifetime. Duel Monsters and the Spirit Realms are born from Tailed Beast chakra.
- "My Only Friend" Trait (MAX): You share headspace with an angry and spiteful ninja who hates everything you are. This has certain benefits… but they are rare and far between.
- "Wilting Flower" Trait (Very High): The only thing vibrant about you is your hair color.
- "Runaway" Circumstance Acquired: You have nothing to your name but the clothes on your back and the cards in your pocket. Hint: They suck.
- "Trash Cyclone" Deck Acquired: You wake up every morning and try not to throw your cards in the garbage where they belong. The sight of your cards fills you with despair.

[] - You are WRITE-IN? (OC or CC, may be vetoed, must be female.)
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OOC: Happy random Saturday, all, and welcome to The Rules of Engagement, a quest where your mastery over a children's card game will shake the world.

The Rules of Engagement: This primal, omnipresent force exacts truth from all who invoke it. When two or more people mutually decide to clash, cheating is forcefully disallowed, all wagers must be upheld, and reality itself will intervene to prevent the battle from being interrupted. You can bet anything you own - your cards, your life, even your very soul. Be wary, for a deal once struck cannot be overruled...

Death: The only way you can die is in a duel where you of your own free will decide to wager your soul (or choose to jump in a volcano or something. Don't do that). Try not to die.

Dueling: This will be mostly automatic, so the QM doesn't bog down the quest with single-round updates. You'll decide on a plan and the character will uphold that plan. The Heart of the Cards is real and depends on your willpower, desire, and belief, as well as the stakes. Your Deck will be up for revision, but keep in mind - how dueling works in this world is far different from how it works in yours.

Cards: There will be Custom Cards, both to round out some of the smaller archetypes, like Toon World or Battery, and occasionally to create archetypes wholesale, either to draw on the crossover aspect or because there is no existing archetype that can be used. The QM is not going to bother with date-checking card development times, so you may find cards like Madolche Puddingcess years before its 'creation.' This will be solely under the QM's purview - don't worry about it - and won't be abused to 'buff' any enemies - not beyond where their level of skill should indicate, anyway. Also, cards are much rarer in this world; nothing above commons can be found in packs, excepting 'special' packs like the ones that earned an armed escort in early GX. Fusions, Rituals, Synchros, and Xyz Summons may be encountered at any time; Pendulums, however, are currently non-existent. Cards can be bought in card shops, won through ante duels, discovered in the Human World, found in journeys to the Spirit World, created through unique situations, gifted by Spirits and Duelists you have found favor with, and occasionally earned through tournaments.

Rarity and the Heart of the Cards said:
When I said dueling in this world is different than dueling in yours, I wasn't referring to the Duelist Kingdom "my-card-does-whatever-i-say-it-does" narrativium. Umi doesn't hide your monsters from sight, Call of the Haunted doesn't resurrect your entire graveyard as immortal zombies, and Polymerization with that Light Arrow card doesn't let you give your enemy's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon bone cancer. Standard YGO rules, folks.

One of those things is card rarity. See, in a world where Duel Monsters already has worldwide acclaim and is used to conquer small countries, the world leaders behind card production don't need to sell a million copies of Blue Eyes just to meet their monthly quota. Furthermore, some cards flat-out cannot be created - the Rules of Engagement will not recognize cards that do not reflect Spirits, and so, for example, Pegasus cannot create an auto-win card or a Kuriboh with 10,000 ATK, because there is no auto-win Spirit (save Exodia) and Kuriboh is not a strong enough Spirit to allow such a thing; for more information, read below. You can't have three copies of your spirit partner because three copies of it flat-out don't exist. Even the original Red Eyes only has maybe half a dozen copies, which is why national runner-up Rex Raptor went on a long monologue about how great his new best card was.

Which leads into my second point - it doesn't matter that you'll have only one copy of Toon Whatever Dragon, because when the chips are down and the stakes high, you'll draw it anyways. The Heart of the Cards is a living thing, and your likelihood of achieving that perfect draw is dependant on a number of things, such as how much you like your cards, how much your cards like you, and how much shit you've been through together. Hint: This is because of your Aura, and everyone else can do it, too.

This is also why protagonists can have such shitty decks and still steamroll over hordes of mooks. Chaz Princeton can take on all of Blue Dorm despite rolling an impossible deck of Ojama, XYZ Dragon Cannon, and Armed Dragon, because he begins every duel with the perfect hand. Zane Truesdale can start every duel with all three Cyber Dragons and Power Bond, because he's heir of the Cyber Legacy and have been using those cards all his life. Jaden Yuki can have a single copy of every Elemental Hero in existence and still have exactly what he needs to Fusion Summon the one Monster that can save his ass, because of his absolute faith in his cards. And, so, to, will you - ...eventually.

As for your decks - you can control them, to a point. Pegasus will give you a starter Toon deck which will have maybe three or four great cards, a horde of mooks, and a lot of staples. From then on, it's less a question of min-maxing and more a question of "Ooh, shiny! Where can I get one of those?"

Us? We have to minimize our decks to maximize our chances of drawing the card we need. Our world is lame, so we need to rely on probabilities and luck, like Bastion does. In this world, though? It's more important to have a card for every situation, and the force of will to draw that card, like every YGO protagonist ever. It's why Bastion can ace the theoretical and still get his ass kicked by Slifer Reds.

Also, you can totally create a second deck. There are plenty of reasons why you should - to go undercover from the Pegasus name, to avoid accusations of nepotism, to prove to yourself that you can - and plenty of reasons why you shouldn't - because you'll split your focus, and because the Toons might feel shafted and abandon you in your hour of need.

Duel Spirits and Spirit Partners said:
So. Duel Spirits.

When Industrial Illusions prints a card, that's all it is. A card. Paper, plastic, colorful ink. Nothing more. If it couldn't be slotted into a Duel Arena, then no one could tell it apart from the fakes.

Now, when that card is sold to or won by a duelist, everything changes. That duelist puts that card in their deck, and then proceeds to fight alongside it, to summon it when they're in trouble, to wage their entire lives on the success of this card. With every duel, with every summon or attack or sacrifice, with all the hope and passion and want they feel deep in their hearts, they leak Aura from their Souls and into the card. And so, slowly, oh-so-slowly, that Aura crystalizes, forming a Spirit that takes on the shape and essence of the monster depicted in the card. That card becomes a Spirit, and then a Partner, wholly devoted to the duelist who gave them form for so long as that duelist remains devoted to them.

The Toon you're voting for right now is one of Pegasus', but, now, he will be one of yours.

Only those who have had their Aura Awakened can see these Spirits. As such, most duelists don't realize that they have their own Spirit Partner(s), because the process of Awakening Aura isn't well-known on Earth. Those who do, have had their Aura Awakened by the Spirits themselves, something that is only possible once that Spirit becomes very, very old and very, very strong. There are exceptions, of course - Chaz Princeton (as far as I can tell, anyway) forcefully Awakened his when he was dying of thirst in the middle of the ocean after he abandoned Duel Academy before the North/School Duel, and carriers of the Millennium Items have had theirs Awakened by the long-deceased Souls they carry around. Ruby, naturally, doesn't have to worry about this - she Awakened hers in the Forest of Patch.

Of course, not all Spirits are born like this. The Noble Knights coalesced from the Aura-laden beliefs of all of Britain when that nation was at the height of its power. The Egyptian God cards are fueled by civilization itself, and as such have enough strength to obliterate small countries. And, of course, the Spirits belonging to post-series Yugi and Seto are in part fueled by the awe and belief of everyone in the world who have watched them duel; that's right, dueling in front of an audience and winning literally empower your Duel Monsters. By the time Yu-Gi-Oh! GX comes around, Yugi and Seto can draw whatever card they wish from their deck whenever they wish, with a nearly flawless success rate.

That's because, no matter how much Solomon thought otherwise, it is not in fact the belief in the Heart of the Cards itself that ensures the top-decking phenomenon comes to pass. It is the Aura enchanting the cards, granting them awareness and higher thought and free will, that gives them that power... although, it is that faith and respect which makes the cards, thus empowered, choose to be drawn when their duelist needs them most.

Unlike in Remnant, where the metaphysical plane of nature's wrath and Aura is one-and-the-same as the physical realm where humans live and breathe and die, Earth has a clear separation of powers. This higher plane is called the Spirit Realm, and the Spirits that those with Awakened Souls can see belong to this plane first and foremost. It follows its own rules and at its own pace, and, the higher you go, the older and more surreal the Spirits get. Near the top, you can find the Egyptian Gods, the Madolche monsters, the Noble Knights, the Mermail, and so on. But, if you choose to go lower, instead, you'll find yourself in the Shadow Realm, where the Rules of Engagement lie... and which you may never escape.

Now, to (finally) get to your questions; a Spirit Partner is essentially one of these Duel Spirits, but are wholly devoted to their Partner. You will always draw their card when you need to (so long as you do not lose your faith or their trust). Perhaps more importantly, they are a flight-capable, invisible, intangible ghost that only you (and select others) can see. ...As you can probably imagine, that's a pretty useful friend to have. Chaz uses his Ojama Trio to watch over the Keys during the Shadow Riders Arc, and is thus able to determine who stole them when the rest of the Seven are clueless. The only limitation is that they are bound to their cards, and can't get too far away from them.

You can have multiple Spirit Partners. A Duel Monster becomes one when the Aura invested in their card exceeds a certain limit, and there is no arbitrary restriction to prevent multiple from forming. You can acquire more from the simple act of dueling, the more desperately and passionately the better, or by acquiring the trust and card of someone else's (not impossible, but harder than it sounds). Materializing them costs Aura (theirs, not yours), and they can become corporeal if they have stupid amounts of Aura to spend doing so (see Dark Magician Girl, in a GX filler). Alas, you cannot speed this up by channeling Aura into their card.

Magic: For RWBY, as per canon, albeit expanded to a more involved Soul Magic. As per Yu-Gi-Oh!?

Egyptian Soul Magic (Thanks to GhostKing 666) said:
So here's some background lore on Ancient Egyptian Soul Magic for those who only familiar with Modern Remnant Soul Magic. 3000 years ago(or 5000 in the English dub) Egypt got its hands on a legendary book of spells known as the Millennium Spellbook. A mystical tome containing magical knowledge said to be known only to the Egyptian gods themselves and written in a language no one knew how to read. Egypt's neighbors, fearing what Egypt could do if they managed to translate the book launched a preemptive attack that Egypt could not have hoped to withstood. At first the pharaoh of the time King Akhnamkanon(Atem's father) tried to negotiate a peace but the enemy armies remained undeterred. In desperation the pharaoh turned to his brother High Priest Aknadin for a solution. Aknadin himself had been studying the Millenum Spellbook and had managed to translate one of the spells written in it, specifically a ritual to create seven mystical items that would have the power to protect Eygpt. Akhnamkanon granted Aknadin permission to preform the ritual but what Aknadin didn't tell his brother was the cost of doing so, mainly the human sacrifice bit.

So Aknadin took the soldiers that Akhnamkanon granted to him so he could complete the ritual and went off to the village of Kul Elna, a tiny destitute village of thieves and tomb robbers. In short people who would not be missed. Of the villages population of 100, 99 were melted down alive along side the gold to forge the Millennium Items inside the Millennium Stone and the survivor was the future Thief King Ba Ku Ra. Then things took a turn for the apocalyptic, for when the Millennium Items were finished, a portal to the Shadow Realm was opened and Zorc Necrophades almost managed to enter the world then and there if not for some quick thinking by Aknadin who managed to pull out his own eye and replace it with the Millennium Eye, using its power to force back Zorc and grabbing the Millennium Ring from the Millennium Stone, closing the portal. Afterwards, using the Millennium Items the Pharaoh and his six high priests were able to crush the invading armies by summoning Duel Monsters.

During the time of peace in between the Millennium Items creation and Zorc's rampage, the holders of the Millennium Items became more adapt at summoning monsters, with the Items they were able to seal the Ka* or Spirit Monster of a person inside Stone Tablets, allowing them to call up said Ka monster in battle. Ka, also known as an Egyptian Spirit Monster, are monsters that were used in ancient Egypt. The Ka are spirits that reflect the nature of the person that they come from. They are fueled by the energy of the soul, the Ba. The strength of the Ba determines the strength of the Ka. A person with a good soul will have a spirit or good Ka, but a person with an evil soul will have a monster or demon Ka.

Click to expand...​
Ba, or Spirit Energy, is a person's life force. When someone Summons or commands Ka, they lose Ba. If someone loses all their Ba, they die (get sent to the Shadow Realm in the dub). The strength of one's Ka depends on the strength of their Ba.
In the anime, the amount of Ba is shown on the Eye of Wdjat of the user's DiaDhank. Life Points are the modern day equivalent of Ba. In this crossover Ba would be what the Ancient Egyptians called Aura. In addition with summoning monsters, ancient Egyptian sorcerers could also cast various spells to either empower their monsters or cause carious effects in what could be likened as the Egyptian equivalent to Weiss and Glynda Goodwitch's style of Aura use. If one were to compare an ancient Egyptian sorcerer with a Remnant Hunter/Huntress, the former would be squishy wizards summoning monsters to do battle for them and protect them while they caste their spells while the latter would be magical knights who use their soul magic to directly empower themselves to do battle(if we use Duel Monsters terminology, a Hunters semblance would be their special effect).

Victory between someone using Egyptian style vs Remnant style would naturally depend on several factors, from the level of training both have, to the tactics used, to the equipment both have, mechashift weapons for the Hunter, a Millennium Item for the Sorceror, which in addition to them having own unique powers(Rod could Mind Control, Eye could Mind Read, Necklace could see the past and the future, and the Puzzle can fuck with Destiney to give you the power of Plot Shields, ect.) they also have a few shared powers such as letting their wielders warp reality by turning the match into a Shadow Game and even boost your Ba/Aura to an extreme degree. In the Memory World arc, Simon needed the Key in order to become strong enough to summon Exodia and without the Puzzle Atem lacked the power to summon an Egyptian God and with it he could summon all three at once. And as was pointed out in the Duelist Kingdom Arc, imprisoning souls in the Shadow Realm can have its own power boosting aspect to ones magic.

If it weren't for the whole human sacrifice part, knowledge on how to create Millennium Items would be almost as valuable to Remnant as access to modern Duel Monsters Cards do to their potential to make a morally dubious Hunter inhumanly powerful even by Aura standards. As for why Duel Monsters cards would be a game changer to Remnant SolarFall already explained that. The ability for any Hunter to carry with them their own personal army of monsters and book of spells that anyone with Aura could use no matter what their semblance, monsters and magic that are literally only limited in what they can do by human imagination and the power of ones own Aura. It would be as big a change as what would happen to the Yugioh world if Remnant Aura unlocking and training techniques were to propagate among the whole world. You really have to give Pegasus credit where credit is due, he turned an already powerful style of magic into something into something that can only be described as broken, and then made himself fabulously rich by marketing it as a card game! Really finding a way to form a permanent connection between Remnant and Earth isn't just a good thing for Ruby, its a good thing for both worlds period as the exchange of magic and technology would elevate human civilization to whole new levels and in Remnant allow for humanity to render the Grim extinct.

Canon: Expect the unexpected? Mm.

Voting: QM counts votes off of intent. If there are twenty subtly-different "Attack the Monster" votes and ten copy-and-paste "Flee the Monster" votes, you'll be attacking the monster, with a plan devised from a mix of all the former votes. Nuke Incident, what Nuke Incident?

Human Error: QM is not an omniscient otaku. She does not know everything there is to know about Yu-Gi-Oh! That being said, all settings are AU; if you see a mistake, it may not be a mistake at all but a deliberate change. Feel free to point out any errors, however, as it may not be a deliberate change but a mistake, and it's better to find those sooner rather than later.

Veto Rule: If the QM finds a given vote to be OOC, she will say so. If she says nothing, then it is not OOC. She's very flexible on this. Please, please, please, no OOC debates? Pretty please? <3
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Name: Ruby Rose
Race: Awakened Human
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Location: Earth: Duelist Kingdom: High Castle

On A Winged Horse I Ride (Pending):
You'll never call him Daddy, but being the daughter of a man like Maximillion Pegasus grants certain boons… Cards, mostly. Lots and lots of cards.

Duel Monsters:
Saturday Morning Hero (Deck):
You found a box of rare cards in your pocket. The thought of beating adults up in duels with cartoon monsters fills you with unholy glee.

Broken Reactor (Medium High):
Your soul burns, but nothing happens. Empty. All empty, and no soul left.
Translocation (Semblance) (Un-Rank): You possess the ability to travel from point A to point B with no time spent traversing in-between. …You think.

Chibi Changeling (High):
You are *raises five fingers* this many! Your ability to influence the world has been reduced.
Last Rose of Summer (Low): You are and always will be a denizen of Remnant, and a follower of its strange ideals.
Lupophobia (Irrationality): You were nearly mauled by a Beowulf as a young child. Close encounters of the lupine kind may cause you to act Irrationally.
The Road Less Traveled By (Very Low): You have a strange affinity for travel and distance. You think, maybe, just maybe, you can eventually learn to travel from point A to point B - with no time spent traversing in between.

Return to Remnant (Priority):
Family is the most important thing - Daddy said so, and Daddy never lies. You desperately want to return to Remnant.
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[X] - You are THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING, and your greatest desire is to TURN BACK TIME. You LED BRITAIN TO GREATNESS for many years, but were eventually STABBED BY YOUR OWN SON on the FIELDS OF CAMLANN. You made a pact with THE WORLD ITSELF and were eventually summoned to fight in THE HOLY GRAIL WARS. You made an uneasy truce with THAT BASTARD KIRITSUGU who used one of his COMMAND SEALS to force you to destroy THE ULTIMATE WISH-GRANTING DEVICE. Your NOBLE PHANTASM EXCALIBUR tore a hole in THE THRONE OF HEROES, unleashed ALL THE EVIL IN THE WORLD, and then REWROTE ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY. You have since been REBORN AS A SMALL CHILD along with ALL OF THE HEROIC SPIRITS, and you will FIX YOUR MISTAKES or your name is not ALTRIA PENDRAGON. (Fate/Zero Cross, Low Difficulty)
[X] - You are THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING, and your greatest desire is to TURN BACK TIME. You LED BRITAIN TO GREATNESS for many years, but were eventually STABBED BY YOUR OWN SON on the FIELDS OF CAMLANN. You made a pact with THE WORLD ITSELF and were eventually summoned to fight in THE HOLY GRAIL WARS. You made an uneasy truce with THAT BASTARD KIRITSUGU who used one of his COMMAND SEALS to force you to destroy THE ULTIMATE WISH-GRANTING DEVICE. Your NOBLE PHANTASM EXCALIBUR tore a hole in THE THRONE OF HEROES, unleashed ALL THE EVIL IN THE WORLD, and then REWROTE ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY. You have since been REBORN AS A SMALL CHILD along with ALL OF THE HEROIC SPIRITS, and you will FIX YOUR MISTAKES or your name is not ALTRIA PENDRAGON.(Fate/Zero Cross, Low Difficulty)
[X] - You are LITTLE RED SNIPING HOOD, and your greatest desire is to RETURN TO YOUR BELOVED DEATHWORLD. Your life had been SAFE AND WARM on the ISLAND OF PATCH, until your IDIOT SISTER dragged you into the MONSTER-INFESTED WOODS in a desperate attempt to FIND HER MOMMY. You were quickly set upon by a horde of EVIL RED-EYED WOLVES, but you managed to AWAKEN YOUR SEMBLANCE and TELEPORT AWAY in the nick of time. Unfortunately, you woke up in a forest on an island called DUELIST KINGDOM, and found that YOU AREN'T IN KANSAS ANYMORE. You were then found by a silver-haired man called MAXIMILLION PEGASUS who WANTS TO ADOPT YOU. You don't know what to do next, but you do know something - you are going to FIGURE OUT THIS SOUL MAGIC STUFF. Then, you can find a way to GO BACK HOME, so you can CRY ALL OVER YOUR SISTER and MAKE EVERYTHING RIGHT AGAIN, or your name is not RUBY ROSE. (RWBY Cross, Medium Difficulty)
Hmm. I'm a tad worried that there's been more thought given to mechanics and cramming in over-elaborate traits than to the actual story and player-friendliness.

I'll definitely put in a vote though, to see how this goes. :)

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[X] - You are LITTLE RED SNIPING HOOD, and your greatest desire is to RETURN TO YOUR BELOVED DEATHWORLD. Your life had been SAFE AND WARM on the ISLAND OF PATCH, until your IDIOT SISTER dragged you into the MONSTER-INFESTED WOODS in a desperate attempt to FIND HER MOMMY. You were quickly set upon by a horde of EVIL RED-EYED WOLVES, but you managed to AWAKEN YOUR SEMBLANCE and TELEPORT AWAY in the nick of time. Unfortunately, you woke up in a forest on an island called DUELIST KINGDOM, and found that YOU AREN'T IN KANSAS ANYMORE. You were then found by a silver-haired man called MAXIMILLION PEGASUS who WANTS TO ADOPT YOU. You don't know what to do next, but you do know something - you are going to FIGURE OUT THIS SOUL MAGIC STUFF. Then, you can find a way to GO BACK HOME, so you can CRY ALL OVER YOUR SISTER and MAKE EVERYTHING RIGHT AGAIN, or your name is not RUBY ROSE.(RWBY Cross, Medium Difficulty)
[X] - You are WRITE-IN? (OC or CC, may be vetoed, must be female.)
-[X] A completely normal girl. Godspeed.
[X] - You are LITTLE RED SNIPING HOOD, and your greatest desire is to RETURN TO YOUR BELOVED DEATHWORLD. Your life had been SAFE AND WARM on the ISLAND OF PATCH, until your IDIOT SISTER dragged you into the MONSTER-INFESTED WOODS in a desperate attempt to FIND HER MOMMY. You were quickly set upon by a horde of EVIL RED-EYED WOLVES, but you managed to AWAKEN YOUR SEMBLANCE and TELEPORT AWAY in the nick of time. Unfortunately, you woke up in a forest on an island calledDUELIST KINGDOM, and found that YOU AREN'T IN KANSAS ANYMORE. You were then found by a silver-haired man called MAXIMILLION PEGASUS who WANTS TO ADOPT YOU. You don't know what to do next, but you do know something - you are going to FIGURE OUT THIS SOUL MAGIC STUFF. Then, you can find a way to GO BACK HOME, so you can CRY ALL OVER YOUR SISTER and MAKE EVERYTHING RIGHT AGAIN, or your name is not RUBY ROSE.(RWBY Cross, Medium Difficulty)
[X] - You are LITTLE RED SNIPING HOOD, and your greatest desire is to RETURN TO YOUR BELOVED DEATHWORLD. Your life had been safe and warm on the island of Patch, until your idiot sister dragged you into the monster-infested woods in a desperate attempt to find her mommy. You were quickly set upon by a horde of evil red-eyed wolves, but you managed to awaken your Semblance and teleport away in the nick of time. Unfortunately, you woke up in a forest on an island called Duelist Kingdom, and found that you aren't in Kansas anymore. You were then found by a silver-haired man called Maximillion Pegasus who wants to adopt you. You don't know what to do next, but you do know something - you are going to figure out this Soul Magic stuff. Then, you can find a way to go back home, so you can cry all over your sister and make everything right again, or your name is not RUBY ROSE. (RWBY Cross, Medium Difficulty)
[X] - You are Reimu Hakurei, the Shrine Maiden of Paradise. (OC or CC, may be vetoed, must be female.)

Spell cards, duel monsters, it's sort of similar.
Human Error: QM is not an omniscient otaku. She does not know everything there is to know about Yu-Gi-Oh! That being said, all settings are AU; if you see a mistake, it may not be a mistake at all but a deliberate change. Feel free to point out any errors, however, as it may not be a deliberate change but a mistake, and it's better to find those sooner rather than later.

Is Mordred being male a mistake?

Anyway while I like Saber more I like the premise for Ruby much more then saber's so.

[X] - You are LITTLE RED SNIPING HOOD, and your greatest desire is to RETURN TO YOUR BELOVED DEATHWORLD. Your life had been safe and warm on the island of Patch, until your idiot sister dragged you into the monster-infested woods in a desperate attempt to find her mommy. You were quickly set upon by a horde of evil red-eyed wolves, but you managed to awaken your Semblance and teleport away in the nick of time. Unfortunately, you woke up in a forest on an island called Duelist Kingdom, and found that you aren't in Kansas anymore. You were then found by a silver-haired man called Maximillion Pegasus who wants to adopt you. You don't know what to do next, but you do know something - you are going to figure out this Soul Magic stuff. Then, you can find a way to go back home, so you can cry all over your sister and make everything right again, or your name is not RUBY ROSE. (RWBY Cross, Medium Difficulty)

Because the way you wrote Ruby is both snarky and adorable.