The Return of Roosevelt

To be fair, that batch of steel was fine and the rounds didn't pen, but seeing the Matilda II behind it (and M103 and Conqueror tanks later in the day) made it look positively anemic
Which is ironic, considering the FT was one of, if not the best, tank of the war.
Which is ironic, considering the FT was one of, if not the best, tank of the war.
I mean it's sort of a "Hi Grandpa" thing. The vehicle WAS revolutionary with the turret, driver, and engine positions being similar to today's, with Jean Baptiste Eugène Estienne justifiably called the "Father of the Tank" so... I've just got this image of a scene President Roosevelt showing up with a footlocker of hunting rifles and big-game guns to test on the American Prototype... and Accidentally invents the anti-tank/anti-materiel Rifle...
I mean it's sort of a "Hi Grandpa" thing. The vehicle WAS revolutionary with the turret, driver, and engine positions being similar to today's, with Jean Baptiste Eugène Estienne justifiably called the "Father of the Tank" so... I've just got this image of a scene President Roosevelt showing up with a footlocker of hunting rifles and big-game guns to test on the American Prototype... and Accidentally invents the anti-tank/anti-materiel Rifle...
I can just imagine TR accidently blowing one of these up by hitting the fuel tank and totally acting like that's exactly what he meant to do. Then later writing in his memoirs that he knew that was a weak spot and he wanted to make sure it was fixed so "our boys" would be protected
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I can just imagine TR accidently blowing one of these up by hitting the fuel tank and totally acting like that's exactly what he meant to do. Then later writing in his memoirs that he knew that was weak spot and he wanted to make sure it was fixed so "our boys" would be protected
It's hard to go wrong writing "Teddy Roosevelt and the Things That Go Boom"

The only thing that could be possibly more awesome would be "Teddy Roosevelt and The Explosive Bromance/Visit From Winston, As Well As German Spies, and More Things That Go Boom."

Just gotta channel your early 20th century Torgue

It's hard to go wrong writing "Teddy Roosevelt and the Things That Go Boom"

The only thing that could be possibly more awesome would be "Teddy Roosevelt and The Explosive Bromance/Visit From Winston, As Well As German Spies, and More Things That Go Boom."

Just gotta channel your early 20th century Torgue

Lol! Hmmmmmmm, an ASB ISOTs TR into the White House in 1941. Now that would be interesting
I meat technically it's a reuse of a much older practice. The phase bulletproof comes from the practice of shooting suits of armor to show that they could resist a bullet.
Oh I know. But only the US would decide it's a great idea to actually shoot a brand new, expensive piece of equipment to make sure the armor was thick enough. Like, didn't someone think about this before they built it? Why not test just the armor before it's bolted to the tank? This way, if the rounds do penetrate, it doesn't destroy the whole damn thing. Lol
No not use that tank, use this British-American beast called the Tank Mark VIII, Think Roosevelt would love to have some of these.

I could see them using both. The FT (or similar) being used by the Cavalry for the dashing and daring sweep through the hole in the enemy's lines. And this beast to blow the hole.