A troublesome rescue, but with the father as a distraction it'd be simple to find her. Taking a moment to contact Tunnel Rat, you made sure to notify the group who you're contacting. After all, keeping them in the dark about the situation would be hazardous. That's what happened back in Raccoon City, lack of information lead to 87.9% Casualty Rating among Umbrella Staff.
Raccoon was a mess, only through sheer luck did Umbrella avoid their assets being seized by the U.S. But enough thinking about that, you're going to do some search and rescue.
"Tunnel Rat, any useful information on getting through the streets, without alerting the undead?" Moments passed, and the information gatherer began humming as he searched for a solution. After a few minutes of observing the undead, you heard the Operative speak on the other end. "Care to repeat that, Tunnel Rat?"
"The girl's behind the walled area, you just need to cross the street then hop the alleyways." Tunnel Rat mentioned, marking the route on your map and giving you something to work with. Thanking him, you prepared for the mission and notified the others to set the house up as a safe haven. Meanwhile, you were going to go out there to save the girl.
They didn't really argue, considering the fact you were the most qualified for the job. Now then, let's get this job finished.
Objective: Rescue the Little Girl
AP: 100
Run & Gun Mode Engaged: Half AP for all actions.
Moving through the street, the undead were more distracted by the morsel being feasted upon just feet away. It was almost like they couldn't see you, despite the fact you were right in front of them. Some form of primitive echolocation most likely allowed them to move, though just as you were about to question why they didn't eat each other, you saw the Twitcher attacking the other undead.
Apparently some sort of primitive food chain has set itself up, and you're going to avoid it. Ascending the stone brick walls, just as you were about to finish your ascension you heard the screams of...Something. Looking back, you saw the haggard looking Twitcher running at full speed.
The undead had tackled you before you could raise your sidearm, sending both of you over the wall. Hitting the ground with a thud, you struggled with the thin and weedy looking creature before unsheathing your knife and shoving it through the left eye of the Twitcher. The undead went slack, and you shoved the creature off of you with a grunt.
(-2 HP, -2 AP)
Moving on from the Twitcher, you ascended the wall bordering the nearby alleyway. Jumping from one wall to the other, you found the little girl trying to hide from you. She was shaking a bit, and you offered your hand. You were probably the least qualified for dealing with children, but at least you were making an effort.
Now that you have the girl in tow, what should you do now?
Current HP: 98
Current AP: 98
[] Signal the Group you're safe
[] Carry the girl on your back, time to do some running.
[] Write In...