The Reaper Among The Dead (Resident Evil/HotD Crossover Quest)

Sure, though I'll have to dive into the wiki and do some research.

Shido, Shizuka, Kohta, Rei, Takashi, Saeko, and Saya are available, I know that. I apologize for not putting others there, but I'll add them once I get some time to do some wiki-research.

Thanks. My familiarity with HotD is somewhat limited as I eventually gave up on it, so being able to look at all our options would be very helpful.
[X] Go looking for supplies...
-[X] With: Koichi Shido
[X] Call Tunnel Rat
-[X] Local intelligence?
[X] Grab the...
-[X] Actually, you're fine keeping the MP5

[X] Make sure the rest of the group is properly situated defensively and prepared to protect themselves if need be from both humans and the infected before you depart.
-[X] Be prepared for Shido to possibly prevaricate and try to get out of being alone with you. Cut down any of his potential arguments. You 'need' another grown man with knowledge of the area to help you bring back supplies-- or at least that's what you'll tell them.
--[X] Inform Kohta Hirano that you are trusting him to watch over Saya Takagi and keep her safe in your absence.
[X] Go looking for supplies...
-[X] With: Koichi Shido
[X] Call Tunnel Rat
-[X] Local intelligence?
[X] Grab the...
-[X] Actually, you're fine keeping the MP5

[X] Make sure the rest of the group is properly situated defensively and prepared to protect themselves if need be from both humans and the infected before you depart.
-[X] Be prepared for Shido to possibly prevaricate and try to get out of being alone with you. Cut down any of his potential arguments. You 'need' another grown man with knowledge of the area to help you bring back supplies-- or at least that's what you'll tell them.
--[X] Inform Kohta Hirano that you are trusting him to watch over Saya Takagi and keep her safe in your absence.
[X] Go looking for supplies...
-[X] With: Koichi Shido
[X] Call Tunnel Rat
-[X] Local intelligence?
[X] Grab the...
-[X] Actually, you're fine keeping the MP5

[X] Make sure the rest of the group is properly situated defensively and prepared to protect themselves if need be from both humans and the infected before you depart.
-[X] Be prepared for Shido to possibly prevaricate and try to get out of being alone with you. Cut down any of his potential arguments. You 'need' another grown man with knowledge of the area to help you bring back supplies-- or at least that's what you'll tell them.
--[X] Inform Kohta Hirano that you are trusting him to watch over Saya Takagi and keep her safe in your absence.

Time to kill shido, him dying would make it a lot less troublesome in the long run. And hopefully we get to see Hunk infamous neck snap soon.
@Lone Courier So. Just to check.

We've got 147 rounds remaining for the MP5, or basically the better part of 5 clips.

And 48 rounds, or 6 clips for the M1911

How much ammo does each of the other guns have? Or do we not know yet?
[X] Go looking for supplies...
-[X] With: Koichi Shido
[X] Call Tunnel Rat
-[X] Local intelligence?
[X] Grab the...
-[X] Actually, you're fine keeping the MP5

[X] Make sure the rest of the group is properly situated defensively and prepared to protect themselves if need be from both humans and the infected before you depart.
-[X] Be prepared for Shido to possibly prevaricate and try to get out of being alone with you. Cut down any of his potential arguments. You 'need' another grown man with knowledge of the area to help you bring back supplies-- or at least that's what you'll tell them.
--[X] Inform Kohta Hirano that you are trusting him to watch over Saya Takagi and keep her safe in your absence.

I hope this plan will not only allow us to quietly dispose of Shido, but also enable our PC and the main cast of HOTD to get the chance successfully rescue Alice, her father (who gets killed by looters), and Zeke (the puppy).
Hi @Lone Courier just wondering if this is more of a narrative quest or if there are dice rolls involved. Loving the quest by the way.

[X] Go looking for supplies...
-[X] With: Koichi Shido
[X] Call Tunnel Rat
-[X] Local intelligence?
[X] Grab the...
-[X] Actually, you're fine keeping the MP5

[X] Make sure the rest of the group is properly situated defensively and prepared to protect themselves if need be from both humans and the infected before you depart.
-[X] Be prepared for Shido to possibly prevaricate and try to get out of being alone with you. Cut down any of his potential arguments. You 'need' another grown man with knowledge of the area to help you bring back supplies-- or at least that's what you'll tell them.
--[X] Inform Kohta Hirano that you are trusting him to watch over Saya Takagi and keep her safe in your absence.
Hi @Lone Courier just wondering if this is more of a narrative quest or if there are dice rolls involved. Loving the quest by the way.
Thanks, and it's a healthy mix of both narrative and rolling.
Adhoc vote count started by Lone Courier on Feb 14, 2019 at 8:31 AM, finished with 14 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Go looking for supplies...
    -[X] With: Koichi Shido
    [X] Call Tunnel Rat
    -[X] Local intelligence?
    [X] Grab the...
    -[X] Actually, you're fine keeping the MP5
    [X] Make sure the rest of the group is properly situated defensively and prepared to protect themselves if need be from both humans and the infected before you depart.
    -[X] Be prepared for Shido to possibly prevaricate and try to get out of being alone with you. Cut down any of his potential arguments. You 'need' another grown man with knowledge of the area to help you bring back supplies-- or at least that's what you'll tell them.
    --[X] Inform Kohta Hirano that you are trusting him to watch over Saya Takagi and keep her safe in your absence.
Supply Run
Keeping your MP5 close, you figured it'd be a good time to call Tunnel Rat, see what he's found. Finding a good place to call him was simple, considering the balcony was open. "Tunnel Rat, anything worth interest in the local area?" You heard him humming on the other end of the line, hearing the clicking of computer keys as he typed.

"I'm in the local surveillance, and...Well, there are a few places, mostly empty looking houses." He noted, doing some more searching through the local security systems. Meanwhile, you were analyzing the neighboring houses, the one a few doors to the right of the house was barricaded in some places, while the others were empty. "Not much else, residential district's a ghost town save for a few houses. Not sure they're gonna welcome the Grim Reaper." Thanking him for his time, you figured it'd be a perfect time to grab supplies.

Making your way downstairs, you noticed that almost everyone was gathered in the kitchen, helping take inventory or just talking to each other. You knew Kohta was upstairs with Takashi, taking inventory of ammunition. Announcing your presence, you let the two upstairs finish their business before calling them down.

"Kohta, care to explain our ammunition situation?" The gun nut seemed to be excited, listing off ammunition. You had an Ithaca 37 with around sixty 12 gauge shells, an AR-10T with two hundred 7.62x51mm rounds, each in a twenty round magazine, and a Springfield M1A that shared the same ammunition with the rifle. With that done, you were ready to do some scavenging. "Good job Kohta, now I'm going to grab one of you to go scavenging, supplies here won't last all of us, even if we ration." Looking around the room, you noticed Shido was making eyes at some of the girls. "Koichi Shido, you're coming with me on a scavenging run."

He began to pale, looking like a man sentenced to hang. "But Hunk, why would you need me? After all, taking someone who could serve as leader on such a dangerous mission." Shido was trying to weasel his way out, and you shut it down quickly.

"I have not designated a leader nor have I nominated myself as one, everyone pulls their weight around here." He tried to get out of it again, and you kept shutting down his arguments until he couldn't even muster the energy to bother with it. With that dealt with, you began to assign roles to the students and making sure they were prepared. "Kohta, Takashi, you're going to guard the house, if anyone tries to break in, shoot to kill." Kohta gave a nod, while Takashi looked a bit nervous.

Everyone else was delegated minor tasks, save for Saeko and Rei, who were given undead duty. They'd deal with any undead that might wander onto the property, making sure that they didn't breach the perimeter. You were quick to make some weapons for the other students, mostly small stuff like hammers, the occasional kitchen knife, and a meat cleaver.

Wasn't perfect, but better than nothing.

Before you left though, you gave Kohta explicit instructions to protect Saya while you were gone. He gave you a perfect salute, and you were thinking the kid could have a future working for Umbrella. Good character, decent grades, might have to work out a bit if he was going to do anything physical.

Handing Shido a crowbar, you'd at least arm him with something that you can easily disarm. After all, removing him from the picture could save potential lives, and eliminate a threat to your mission. You saw those eyes, some of Umbrella's former scientists has those kind of eyes. They were dealt with swiftly, by your hands.


It was simple getting to one of the abandoned houses, breaking the doors window, you reached in and unlocked the door, searching for any sign of supplies and civilians. If civilians were here, then they're most likely armed or hiding. Moving in slowly, you kept the barrel of your MP5 raised and a bullet in the chamber to deal with them.

You gave a signal for Shido to follow, leading him into the kitchen where you began to raid for supplies. Most of the food you were looking for were things that'd last long, non perishables and canned food being priority. Luckily for you, there was a large duffel bag at the house you were currently using as a base, and this bag was going to be the one used for supplies.


He had his back turned, and Shido realized something; he was alone with Hunk. No one around to witness, and he could always say the man died to a looter or something else. Trying to move as close as he could to get a good shot, Shido raised the crowbar upwards, prepared to kill the man that had made a fool out of him.

As Shido brought down the crowbar, he felt a single hand stop it, before it was wrenched from his hands with enough force to break the fingers on his right hand. Shido fell forth, before being grabbed and given a left hook to the jaw. Falling backwards, Hunk began to advance on Shido, watching as the man tried to crawl away from the trained soldier.

Hunk grabbed Shido by the neck, twisting the man's neck to the point it would be obvious the former teacher was dead.


Snapping Shido's neck was simple, the man was weedy, thin, yet folded easily under your assault. You had the benefit of explaining that he attempted to attack you first, and you merely left his corpse for the undead. Finishing up your little looting spree inside the house, you had fresh clothes, food, and a few weapons that could prove useful.

Well, weapons were stretching it. They were mostly tools that could be re-purposed as weapons, stuff you looted from the garage, and whatever could be used as material to make weapons.

Never underestimate human ingenuity, that's something you learned a long time ago.


[] Return to the house
[] Keep moving, there's possibly more supplies elsewhere.

[] Write In...
[X] Keep moving, there's possibly more supplies elsewhere.

Might be a tad bit suspicious if we return so quickly without Shido. At least if we take a bit longer and gather more supplies him having a legitimate 'accident' seems more plausible. That is, if we don't intend on just bluntly letting people know what happened.
He had his back turned, and Shido realized something; he was alone with Hunk. No one around to witness, and he could always say the man died to a looter or something else. Trying to move as close as he could to get a good shot, Shido raised the crowbar upwards, prepared to kill the man that had made a fool out of him.

As Shido brought down the crowbar, he felt a single hand stop it, before it was wrenched from his hands with enough force to break the fingers on his right hand. Shido fell forth, before being grabbed and given a left hook to the jaw. Falling backwards, Hunk began to advance on Shido, watching as the man tried to crawl away from the trained soldier.

Hunk grabbed Shido by the neck, twisting the man's neck to the point it would be obvious the former teacher was dead.

.....Well that was quick, but satisfying.....Does that make me a bad person?
[X] Keep moving, there's possibly more supplies elsewhere.

If I remember correctly, the VECTOR guy from operation racoon city is japanese and trained under lots of japanese martial arts master as well as HUNK himself, so HUNK might heard of saeko father, whom I assume is a master, from the VECTOR in this timeline.
If I remember correctly, the VECTOR guy from operation racoon city is japanese and trained under lots of japanese martial arts master as well as HUNK himself, so HUNK might heard of saeko father, whom I assume is a master, from the VECTOR in this timeline.
I recall that too, and guess who's going to show up later?
[X] Keep moving, there's possibly more supplies elsewhere.
I chose to vote for this option as I hope that in the course of scavenging for stuff that HUNK will be able to successfully encounter and rescue Alice, her father (who got killed by looters in the OTL), and Zeke (the puppy) .​