The Prince of Profit (Star Wars x 40k/Rogue Trader)

Chapter 44; The Black Surrender
Chapter 44;
The Black Surrender

Nal Hutta was surrounded by the storms of radiation that now wracked its surface. Evacuating ships from Nar Shadaa did not flee towards the planet, and none lifted from the side of the moon that had received the wrath of two Nova Cannon. For almost two weeks ships descended onto, and then lifted from Nar Shadaa with refugees, and most of them were free to flee, but occasionally the people of Nar Shadaa would wail in terror as the terrible vessels that remained above them opened fire on one ship or another. No vessel bearing a Hutt was allowed to depart the moon alive.

In the depths, where poverty dictated the daily life those enslaved by debt or the simple poor fortunes of birth tried to climb towards the top of the city where samaritan vessels would pluck them from the world. And those that made it carried stories of kill teams deep in the city hunting out the dens of criminals, the hideaways and coverts of the Hutt Criminal Empire and putting them to the sword. And all who gave those teams information that successfully lead to one of their targets was safely taken from the planet. Nal Hutta, while its capital, was however but one world in Hutt Space. And that made the surviving Hutts braver for a time.

But only a time. The two ships with the monstrous cannons under their noses began to travel as a pair, guarding their Flagship, seeking out each world in Hutt Space. And at each world, the agricultural centres were targeted for bombardment from orbit. At each world, time was given to depart said centres.

On one of these worlds Luminara Unduli had travelled with the 41st Elite Corps when the trio of vessels slammed out of hyperspace into orbit. Klatooine hovered there as the vessels simply adjusted their courses into an equatorial orbit and the typical demand was issued. "Activate communications." Luminara said, "We will see if we can negotiate with..."

"Their flagship is jamming all frequ... wait one." One of the Clones said. "A channel just cleared for us."

"This is Jedi Master Luminara Unduli of the Grand Army of the Republic to the Rapturous Glory of Profit for the Throne of Man." She had to read from the screen that Barriss held up for her. "I wish to negotiate on behalf of the world below. It is my belief that you have well made your point."

There was time to think before an answer came and she was worried that they would view her interference badly. Finally however the vessel did return her transmission.

"This is the Rogue Trader Arthurius Hydraxius. You are permitted to approach within ten thousand kilometres. Once you are there. Please lower shields and prepare for my arrival." With that, the channel was shut down and the jamming resumed.

"Can we tell anything about their weapon status?" She asked.

"No Master Jedi, the primary batteries of their flagship appears to be a kinetic weapon that uses gravity accelerators for its projectiles. Based on the past three events, I would assume that they are once more loaded with thermonuclear warheads." Came the response. And that did nothing much to comfort her.

"All fleet elements, approach to within ten thousand kilometres, I want an emergency hyperspace jump plotted for our course. When we get in range. Lower the shields on this ship only." She said, very very worried.


Haloed by the red light and bolt of energy those present on the bridge of the Venator covered their eyes and looked away as the unlight of the teleportarium flare faded away leaving only a reasonably small group present. Though nobody present failed to notice that the majority of their visitors were clad in powered armour, the generators on their backs making teeth vibrate irritatingly. Luminara also did not fail to notice that the Rogue Trader himself was armed. "Permission to come aboard Captain?" He asked turning to the only non-clone on the bridge who didn't wear Jedi robes.

"Granted Captain Hydraxius." Came the grudging answer. "Do I have permission to raise the shields, or is that going to provoke a negative response?" He asked plainly.

"You have no need to have your shields raised, we are not going to engage in hostilities with the Republic, if I may ask Jedi Master Unduli, what is it that brings you to offer to intercede on behalf of this world?" The words were plainspoke as the Rogue Trader moved over to study the holotable showing space immediately around the planet. "I cannot imagine it is any great love of the Hutts."

She smiled forcefully, an act that made the Captain cock his head slightly as he studied her, "I was tasked with investigating and attempting to negotiate a compromise with the Hutts and yourself. In your response, according to the intelligence I have, almost six billion were killed on Nal Hutta, over fifty billion died in the strike on Nar Shadaa, and another four and a half billion at the prior two worlds you have acted against."

He smiled and turned his head, "Does this concur with our own numbers Samuel?" He asked the man next to him.

"Including Xenos, yes sir. Perhaps a little low." He answered and Luminara shuddered at the word xenos, the man simply phrased it like any other, but the force seemed to quaver at the meaning these people put behind the word.

Lord Hydraxius nodded and turned back to her. "I take it you understand the circumstances that lead to our declaration and actions?" She nodded, allowing him to continue, "Good, then I am willing to negotiate, and I will initiate communications with the last surviving member of the Hutt Council. If you wish to serve as an intermediary."

Suspicion flared brightly in her mind, well supported by reason and logic.

"I will consent to filling that role, as it is what was asked of me."


One button press by the man and broadcast that was blanketing all the communications channels stopped abruptly. So abruptly that the silence seemed deafening, even though she had done little more than hear its faint echoes from the command pits. They departed the bridge and headed for a more appropriate chamber, and she studied them with her instincts as well as her own eyes, the Barriss Offee's own feelings radiated out from her. "Be mindful of your feelings my Padawan."

"But they have killed billions! For some tainted farmland." She said, a little too loudly. And the Rogue Trader turned and beheld her.

"Come here girl." He said in a kindly voice that surprised them both. And with Luminara's nod, she approached closer. The Rogue Trader held up a device and two planets appeared as holograms above it. "This world," He indicated the first, "was called Bombastus Primus, the other is Tanakred, between them they have a total population of three hundred and sixteen point four billion people. These worlds are reliant on food and water imports from the worlds of Naesong and Bloodstone, not partially, completely, neither world has a viable biosphere to grow anything and so feeding the population belongs to the Agri-worlds, and the macro-recycling plants. Bloodstone, the world the Hutts attacked has lost over ten percent of its production capacity, and it produced two thirds of our requirements. It feed fractionaly over two hundred billion on its own. With the Hutts attack, that is twenty billion people that cannot be fed. Twenty billion starving, rioting, people. People die in riots, and the Hutts attack was almost certainly not intended to stop where it had."

He put away the device and continued to walk. "We all like to assess the immediate impacts of a war, and the inexperience of the people in this galaxy has perhaps left them less well prepared for the eventualities of starvation, disease, or even terrorism as apologists are turned into foreign assests. I do not have time to treat the Hutts to a gentle expression of influence, I have twenty billion people to feed."

"And how did it feel to kill so many over your anger at their attack." Barriss asked before Luminara could stop her normally cool apprentices' tongue.

Arthurius turned and sighed sadly. "I didn't feel anything young lady..." A cloud of something dark crossed his face for a moment and Luminara suddenly felt very sad, "I never do anymore." He said the last, almost as an afterthought, as if he hadn't meant to speak the words.


Thirty-nine hours... the negotiations had been stop and start for thirty nine hours and Barriss and Luminala were both feeling the exhaustion setting in. And surprisingly, the biggest point of contention seemed to be that Jabba had no desire or intention in taking over the entirety of Hutt Space to declare himself King of the Hutts and ... be responsible for the surrender.

And the unwillingness to fill those shoes seemed to be driving home a point of irritation for the Rogue Trader. "I think it would be best if we took a more pronounced break to consider the points of view and..."

"Jabba. We have engaged in some trade and diplomacy before. And you turned against your Council and defied their wishes to attack me. And so I will phrase this clearly. There is only one acceptable choice for taking control of the Hutt Council and Hutt Space. You. Or else, I will simply continue my current course until there is no more Hutt Space, or Hutts." That made Jabba turned from his feigned disinterest. "If you will not listen to reason and diplomacy, then I must treat in terms that you might understand more clearly. I desire trade and profit."

The droid translated for the Hutt. "And what do you demand of our Surrender."

"Four worlds with high agricultural value, subject to approval, and fifty million tonnes of ore annually." He answered.

"For how long?" Came the answer.

"Until the last star in the last galaxy goes cold, or no Hutt lives to fulfil this obligation."
I'm… suprised his ships would be better to starwars ships but I kind of expected the hutts to have a fleet to at least slow them down or give a good fight.
I'm… suprised his ships would be better to starwars ships but I kind of expected the hutts to have a fleet to at least slow them down or give a good fight.

40K weapons have ridiculous stats. Capital weapons start in the gigaton range, they basically shoot continent cracking weapons at each other in space battles. So while Star Wars weapons are an order of magnitude better than Star Trek phaser weapons they are orders of magnitude less powerful than 40K weapons.
I'm… suprised his ships would be better to starwars ships but I kind of expected the hutts to have a fleet to at least slow them down or give a good fight.
both verses are weird when it comes to war machines and tech. for example look at blsters in starwars. sometimes they are barely capable of burning someone to full on vaporisation or explosives.
then look at the 40k las weapons. in a normal setting they are basically an overpowered multipurpose weapon capable of hideous effects like blowing off body oparts and one shot kills. in 40k they are the weakest small arms.

as for ships it doesnt really matter how good a weapon is, as long as you have enough to use thats what matters. a\nd 40k ships have alot fo weapons on them.
still nice going with the peace talks with the jedi backing and no official word on the orbital bombardment one could say the jedi approve and only stepped in to prevent the extinction of the huts as a race.
"Four worlds with high agricultural value, subject to approval, and fifty million tonnes of ore annually." He answered.

"For how long?" Came the answer.

"Until the last star in the last galaxy goes cold, or no Hutt lives to fulfil this obligation."
I would say that this is extremelly excessive...if I didn't feel that this is all just another negotiation and he is using intimidation to get away with those terms. Sucks to suck but if Jabba folds then that's on him xD He's been too shocked by what the Trader is capable and could do.

I'm sure that if he had more of a spine (funny seeing he's a worm lol) he could have changed those terms. Maybe something like two worlds instead of four and two millenia instead of forever?

Having said that it would be cool if we actually saw some high level trading and politicking for once instead of all this "you do whatever I want or I blast you" approach. You know, the typical I trade you X for Y, then I trade him Y for B so that I can go there and get S for A and so on. Long term trading that we can see develop through 10-20 chapters and feel like the MC is actually competent and not just way too powerful.
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Star Trek phaser weapons
star trek phasers are actually really good. sure their range is knife fighting but instead of just blowing a hole in their target they disintegrate the target location and keep drilling into the ship until the beam stops.

the maximum damage and range is based on the ship's reactor power. it's why star trek starbases are so deadly. any ship smaller than a cruiser is instantly destroyed and larger ships have to focus more power into shields forcing them to get closer instead of attacking at longer distance. unlike other settings attacking a star base there is an all in gamble that can cost you a fleet.
The Crusade has reaped a bloody harvest.
And as the foul Hutts kowtow in fear...
They must pay a tithe to the Righteous Victors.
Worlds to feed the Faithful...
Ore to run the Blessed Forges to arm them...
Yes, this is good.
The Emperor Protects.
The Hutts defence plan was always thrown money at the problem and hire mercy, pirates, use some of their own forces, subterfuge, skulduggery, and force parties to come to the table to negotiate perhaps by manipulation of the Republic to bring them there.

Once this tactic didn't work they rather folded like a house of cards, no merc would go into battle against the massive warships of the Imperials, no pirates would attempt raids or try to extort them, skulduggery only works on less paranoid polities, and the only thing the imperials will accept on the negotiation table is complete surrender and heavy sanctions.

Hutts been fucking around for a long time,now they find out.
"But they have killed billions! For some tainted farmland."

The sad moment when innocence is stripped away. As 'just some stuff' is not what this was. It was attempted genocide by the hutts.

As take away food, take away water, take away electricity, take away communication. Do that and it won't matter if you can't even scratch the paint on a set of flak armour. It won't really matter if every naval battle is a disasterous defeat.

They will all die.

Worse as panic and fear spread with society shattering under it's own weight you'll see them start to turn on each other with factions fighting to claim what few resources remain. As a fun bonus depending what was used (radioactive or toxic materials for example) even those factions will start to splinter with supplies steadily dwindling and critical infrastructure and organisations needed to provide them breaking down.

What's really terrifying here is that for once it's the Imperials that are being restrained as they are intentionally scaling down the destruction and allowing avenues of escape.

Just look at Terminator, the nukes didn't kill that many people all things considered and the killbots probably took out at most tens of millions* (out of a pre-war population of billions). What turned it into the hellhole we see glimpses of was the logistics system that keep everyone fed; watered and clothed being smashed by thermo-nuclear greetings cards as well as massive and sudden environmental shifts.

*Fridge logic says that even after judgement day more people were killed by the desperate, the starving and the deluded than (directly) by machines.
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Having said that it would be cool if we actually saw some high level trading and politicking for once instead of all this "you do whatever I want or I blast you" approach. You know, the typical I trade you X for Y, then I trade him Y for B so that I can go there and get S for A and so on. Long term trading that we can see develop through 10-20 chapters and feel like the MC is actually competent and not just way too powerful.

Ironically part of why I was wrapping up the Hutt arc for now. Get back to him playing trader games and realpolitik with the CIS and Republic :D
Chapter 45; The Trail of Profit
Chapter 45;
The Trail of Profit

Arthurius felt the stress of the events recently begin to drain away as he returned to his capital. It was a problem that he had little doubt would flare up once more. But the events had had curious impacts on their relations with the other powers. While there were many who complained about the slaughter and barbarity of it all, the general sentiment seemed to be 'good, someone took out the trash'.

His own feelings however were tempered by something else. "Margaretta, I need a full accounting of our costs in this endeavour." He said, studying the Seneschal Primus over the table as he forked something called 'Porg' into his mouth, a small annoying avian of some forgotten world.

There was a sigh, that was never a good sign. "Exhorbitant my lord. We expended almost seventy percent of our atomics stockpiles and each of those will cost thrones or favours with the Mechanicus to replace. If that little demonstration had gone on any longer we might have had to change to using the Nova Cannons instead."

He frowned, eyes narrowing at her. "You have an... opinion on whether we should have executed this action?"

She flushed with embarassment momentarily. "If I may speak plainly," Arthurius nodded, "The expenditure of atomics was wasteful and while a response was necessary it may have been more economically viable for the Biologis Facility on Bloodstone to produce virus bombs and utilise those."

"No." Arthurius said plainly, "The Bloodstone facility is not rated to produce the Life-Eater virus, meaning we would be dependent on whatever viral weapons they could produce, and while the warheads may have been a cheaper alternative to atomics,..." He picked up a datapad, with his free hand and passed it over to her, "I considered the option and investigated its viability."

"You did not ask for my assistance?" She said disbelieving.

"In this case no, I didn't want our own information. I wanted to know how the galaxy at large would perceive such. The fact our response was in answer to biological weapons is a surprising source of sympathy for us... look at this." He picked up another datapad and passed it over.

"ForceStarter? Wh... people are trying to donate money to afford mass food shipments?" She said in disbelief.

"Indeed 'for the unfortunate victims who will starve due to the Hutts actions'.. they are insane." Arthurius responded and Margaretta did not comment, as forward thinking and liberal as Arthurius was, he was still a Rogue Trader, and the concept of charity was almost considered heresy to most of them. "No, I have asked the Bloodstone Facility to shift gears."

Another datapad. "Rejuvenat." She said and began studying the report. "Very well. Do you need me to run the numbers?" He nodded and she began sorting through her own files as the servitor with her personal cogitator waited while she continued to strike keys and study the reports as they came in. They'd moved past a crises and were immediately back in consideration for how to recover from it. And of course to make money.


Juphukk So arrived in orbit of the world that they called Memoria Terrae. It had another name not that long ago, but that didn't matter. His Star Cruiser was largely configured as a luxury liner but that didn't matter, he was here for the purposes of trade with the strangers. He opened up his communications. "This is Mon Cala vessel Fine Trade Currents to Imperial World Memoria Terrae, requesting permission to initiate trade discussions."

Other Mon Cal around the bridge watched nervously, they knew full well that they were in weapons range of the strangers. And the orbital elevator coming from their capital had a large orbital station at its zenith. Turrets the size of CR90s, or bigger, were cranked around to face them before the communications channel came alive. "This is Memoria Terrae Traffic Control to Fine Trade Currents. Please proceed along the following vectors and transmit cargo manifest for evaluation."

"Coming to course. Transmitting manifest." He stabbed several buttons and waited, waited for quite some time before another voice came across the network.

"Greetings Fine Trade Currents, I am High Factotum to Governor Edmund Haig, the local governing official for the Von Hydraxius Dynasty. Please proceed to dock twenty, the course will be transmitted immediately. Please ensure you maintain course accurately. Be aware that the Lord of the House is in residence and may also choose to make contact. We see that you've brought forty thousand tonnes of Seafood?" The question came.

There was a hesitation as Juphukk decided how to answer. "Yes Factotum, we secured forty thousand tonnes of seafood that are suitable for human consumption, if you wish, we can arrange for a tasting?"

"I will present that idea to my Lord. If I may help facilitate trade, what are you requesting in exchange for your cargo?" The reply was polite, but curiously insistent.

"Ten thousand tons require no payment but were secured by several charitable funds that wished to alleviate the risks of starvation, it isn't much. For the rest, we are perfectly willing to negotiate, and find something we can both agree upon."


The bay that the vessel occupied was under strict quarantines and Edmund studied the vessel with a critical eye. "It looks like a turd." He said out loud as an airlock was extended. "If I went to the ablutions, fished out what I dropped in their, painted it blue-grey it would look like a model of that ship."

Darius McLaughlin found he couldn't actually argue with the assessment, the civilian ship had very few weapons, but it had every appearance of a loaf that had been pinched off in a hurry. And when the airgate found somewhere it could actually mate with, they descended the decks and stood with their bodyguards. Edmund stabbed his elucidator..

"They're horrifying...." He said in High Gothic. And Darius merely nodded. Hitting on in the eye with a laspistol wouldn't be all that challenging. But even so they advanced with all the confidence of men of business and Edmund activated his elucidator again. "Welcome to Emperor Resplendent Orbital Station. I am Governor Edmund Haig and this is my High Factotum Darius McLaughlin. Please, come with us." He turned and walked towards the station as two of the Mon Cal bore a heavy looking barrel on a repulsor sled. Proceeding deeper into the station the Mon Cala looked around them with wall-eyed expressions taking in the luxurious designs, garish ornamentation, and frequency of turrets mounted in the corridor ceilings. And yet, they reached a resplendent room whose floor appeared to be a single unbroken slab of black marble two hundred metres square.

The xenos hesitated as they saw the table at the centre of it. "Don't worry friends, this table was manufactured from a small ventral plate of a Tyranid Hive Ship." The bleached bone appearance gleamed from the oils it was treated with. "Please feel free to set up your tasting display." The Mon Cala looked at one another and shrugged and proceeded to do just that. Once it was set up an array of people filed in, including three that were cybernetically enhanced. Moving on track units they went straight for the displays and a dizzying array of probes emerged and were run over everything, including taking samples directly from the produce.

"Many of these are considered delicacies across the galaxy," The xenos in charge of the group said as he lifted up a small squid-like creature, "others are more common and are not normally traded far from our homeworld."

The Governor looked at the results on the screen and turned to two of the other humans who picked up some of the first display, carefully putting it in their mouths. "Of course, am I to understand the cargo is frozen or otherwise stored in salt water?"

"Yes, to preserve freshness we transport live, or frozen." He answered.

"You don't employ stasis units for preservation?" The words made the fish alien blink idiotically, though Edmund struggled to remind himself that he had no idea about the body language of such a radically different, if revolting, species. Even the Ork did not look so vile to human sensitibilities.

"As an independent captain I do not have the funding for such an extravagance." The xenos answered and the Governor nodded.

"Very well, I can understand that, does it not limit the reach of your ability to trade however?" The xenos' mouth moved in what was clearly a smile, or at least a deliberate effort to produce one a human would recognise.

"It does, but by less than you might expect, our Hyperdrive is quite fast." He answered and Edmund nodded.

The Governor studied the xenos for a while, "Well, our testing does show that the produce is safe, I'm sure you can excuse the concern. However I am lead to believe Dac is a predominantly aquatic world, in that we have procured this list from the Seneschal Tertius of product we are willing to exchange for the remaining thirty thousand tonnes of seafood." The datapad was passed over and the Mon Calamari's eyes narrow.

"I was lead to believe that you have billions of people on the verge of starving, I had thought you could offer something more substantial, raw materials are not so difficult to acquire, we don't even consider them to be a significant import. As such we won't be accepting that as trade, what else do you have?" The Mon Cala smiled one of its false smiles once more.
A gun to the head xeno, play fuck fuck games win stupid prizes :rofl:
Yes, but no. Every trade represents the whole House to the rest of the galaxy. If they just acted that way they would be treated like pirates and their trade offers would shrink significantly.

For better or worse they must act like actual traders. Personally I feel like it makes everything more interesting xD
Chapter 46; The Scale of Profit
Chapter 46;
The Scale of Profit

Juphukk felt a sense of confidence as the High Factotum and the Governor talked, even though he didn't understand their language, the translators that had been used disabled while they conversed. He was not the best versed in human body language, but what put a spike in his confidence was the apparent fact they were completely calm. They didn't have the expression of someone who was put into a position of having to give away the farm to save their people. When a skull flew into the room through a port in the wall he almost jumped out of his skin as it moved up to the Governor and his aide. It chittered and and the Governor nodded.

A tapped button and the High Factotum began to speak, "If you will excuse the Governor, he has pressing matters on the surface." The man turned and left the chamber, relaxed and fluid in his movements. "In his stead, I have been bidden to make several inquiries before any further negotiation."

That startled Juphukk. "What... kind... of inquiries?" The High Factotum picked up a datapad as the Mon Calamari asked the question.

"A number in fact, the first of which is, is this a one-time trade, or are you considering contracting for longer term supply/demand contracts." The man said turning his expression on them and waiting.

The question was a good one, "At this time, we have only planned for this engagement. However, should it prove to be profitable we might be willing to engage in longer term contracting."

The High Factotum nodded. "As interested as we are, at this stage your volume is, as you might expect, too low to do more than whet the appetites of our people. At this stage, for volume we are looking at approximately sixty point six billion tonnes of various grains, three point six billion tonnes of proteins, twenty billion tonnes of vegetables, thirteen million tonnes of salts, spices that is food spices, not the narcotic, and about one point seven megalitres of water, annually. The water is less of a concern, our recycling facilities can already serve most of that need."

Juphukk's eyes went wide. That sort of volume was far far beyond him. "That is quite significantly beyond my means, I am unsure that my homeworld could provide anywhere near the volumes you need in the time span." Even if all they supplied was proteins, that would be nearly ten million tons, daily."

The High Factotum wrote that down. "Thank you. Would you be open to franchising?"

"Franchising... for..."

The Hi... Darius... continued to read his document. "For expansion of business opportunities, you have a single ship, with approximately forty thousand tonnes of capacity. But what if we were to invest in your businesses instead, we have several Lucrehulk class vessels that we can refit to replace the Hyperdrives we previously extracted from them, each of which has a capacity for twenty five megatonne cargo capacity." Juphukk almost spluttered audibly in surprise. "We have two that we are prepared to sell, or invest. If you wish to buy them, you would be contracted to provide foodstuffs until the value of the vessel was paid off. Should you wish to take it as an investment, the Von Hydraxius Dynasty would be prepared to accept a 45% ownership of your company, and you could pay off 55% of their value in cargo, with all independent trade after that point being a profit share according to ownership, in which Von Hydraxius would own 45%."

A datapad was passed over translated into common. "From there, we could invest in further business together, such as potentially inviting the people of Dac to assist in developing the aquaculture on our Agriworlds to maximise the food production capacities of their oceans."

There was a wall-eyed blink from all the Mon Calamari. "You are proposing an extended business venture that would tie me to Von Hydraxius concerns?" Juphukk said plainly. "And I am afraid that Dac still might not have the production volumes you need."

Darius nodded and Japhukk blinked again, "Perhaps it does not now, when accounting for all other obligations, but with aquaculture growth on our own worlds, your production capacity might be greatly expanded in the long term. Ten, perhaps fifteen years of seed-stocking oceans with hardy, nutritional seafood livestock from Dac, breeding or even cloning to meet demand, and the available stock to Dac might double." He looked at his datapad once more, "We might even see our way clear to a business loan of a hundred million credits so that you could make bids on the farms and fishing concerns that you could use."

There was heavy labored breathing from the Mon Cala. They were proposing jumping an independent captain, who was successful enough with his Cruise ship to even make this attempt, straight up into megacorporate standings. Japhukk meanwhile thought back, "If I may, where would you acquire a hundred and fifty million credits?"

"We have recently been making inroads on a life extension product to humans from both the Confederacy and Republic, as well as nominally neutral systems. It is unsurprising how much the wealthy will pay for another eight decades." Darius shrugged.

"And what would be the terms on this... loan?"


Arthurius watched the pict-monitor with a smile as he studied the xenos. "Governor, I recommend you give your High Factotum a raise before I decide I need a fourth Seneschal to manage my businesses." The man preened under the praise and made half hearted affirmations that he definitely would. Armand and Vanessa were studying the files that were being typed out directly to the High Factotum by Margaretta.

"Father, I am unsure I understand the terms of the loan being offered?" Armand asked, frowning, "The interest payments do not seem overly... strenuous."

"Because they are not." Arthurius said plainly, "Fifteen percent annual compounding interest, the major element that they might miss is that failure to make payment will entitle us to a percentage of the business, as well as until the loan is paid off we are entitled to inspect the business and levy recommendations that they will need to take. But you are correct Armand, I am not trying to squeeze them for everything they have. Tell me, what did Saint Homobonus say where the three primary currencies of a successful business?"

Vanessa spoke before Armand could, though twins there were times when their competetive streaks came to the fore. "Coin, Cargo and Character. Without coin a man has no business, without cargo a man has no ability to make coin, without character none will be willing to make business with them."

"Very good Vanessa, and correct. Here we are building character, right now we have demonstrated that we are not to be crossed, that we can and will defend ourselves against those considered unassailable, the Republic and CIS have engaged in trade with us, and we have treated with them honestly, if overly generously, this negotiation here may set the ground for our greater reputation to come. How will we do business when we don't want to employ threat, or the lever of our technology to weaken purse strings?" Arthurius patted his son on the shoulder.

"So instead of robbing these Xenos blind, we deal fairly with them... and they tell others we dealt fairly with them in turn?... not only dealt fairly... but were willing to invest in helping..." Armand nodded rigorously, "willing to invest in building up businesses to help our own concerns. We're not just merchants trying to rob them in exchange for glass beads, we're trying to build partners."

Arthurius nodded. "Exactly." He smiled down at his son. "Which is why I have another task for you." He gripped his sons shoulders, "I want you to take the Free Trade Gambit, with Pirates Bane squadron, to Thyferra."

His eyes lit up like miniature suns. "Yes father!" He said puffed our chest, preening. "And??"

"I want you to negotiate with the Thyferrans about the transfer of Bacta, the Magos biologis want a significant sample to work with, you're authorised to trade some secrets of how we manage our continent-wide agriforming to aid in improving the yields of Bacta, suggest that we are willing to enter into a business partnership to expand production from Thyferra to site less well known and very well protected in exchange for some secrets on how it is produced." Arthurius released his son's shoulders, "Seneschal Secundus Montcroix will accompany you to represent my interests and serve you as an advisor."

"I won't disappoint you father!" He snapped to his feet and saluted, and surged out of the room.

"I know you won't Armand." Arthurius whispered as his boy left. He turned to the other figure in the room who had affected a bored countenance. "Captain Celdona, I would consider it a blessing if you followed, should my son prove unsuccessful on the second half of his mission, I would appreciate it if your people could find those secrets for us. We must get this Bacta."
"I know you won't Armand." Arthurius whispered as his boy left. He turned to the other figure in the room who had affected a bored countenance. "Captain Celdona, I would consider it a blessing if you followed, should my son prove unsuccessful on the second half of his mission, I would appreciate it if your people could find those secrets for us. We must get this Bacta."

Yarr har fiddle dee dee
Being a pirate is alright to be
Do what you want cause a pirate is free
You're a Pirate🏴‍☠️
I imagine there will be many attempts to steal the secrets of rejuvenation technology I also imagine they will all fail and the tech priests will need sanctify some hallways.
If the trader is smart, he'll release a lower quality rejuvnat to the masses. Combined with Bacta and very little strife, the Imperial population will balloon in the 3 decades before the Vong arrive.