The Presence and the Pawn. A Pre-Wow Warcraft Quest

The Presence and the Pawn. A Pre-Wow Warcraft Quest
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The Presence and the Pawn. A Pre-Wow Warcraft Quest where you take control of a unnatural presence and try and lead a unlikely hero to success via gentle nudges, whispers and pushes. The quest starts a few years before the first war and you must prepare your hero and yourself to stop the scourge and ensure the Burning Legion never enters this world.
Chapter 0: The Presence made Present


Death is one of the cosmic forces, it is an unavoidable threat that breeds despair in mortal hearts and pushes everything towards a state of entropic decay and eventual oblivion and it is coming for Azeroth in full force. Yet, something in this timeline has changed. Resources left over and servants remaining aware, overworked bronze dragons missing a detail and you find yourself here. You and your close allies are too weak to oppose the on-coming tides yourselves but maybe with the help of a hero that they help they'll both be able turn the tide on the forces of Death and change the future for the better.

Basic Rules:

So SV Who are you? The Presence here trying to change the world? You are not the hero that we spoke about above. You are a presence, weak, fading but with an interest in changing the future. You cannot control the exact actions of the hero, but you can change how they grow up, influence the people around them, change what they believe in and help the in their journey. Hopefully you'll be able to shepherd them into saving the world, or at least making it a better place.

You are aware of the future however, you are weak and will find it difficult to sway most people which is where your hero who you can easily influence comes in. If your hero fails, you can always leave but it will be a massive set back

Every "turn" you will have a certain amount of power which depending on what you are you can use to change the world a little. On average you will have 10 points of power per turn. If a mid-turn event by happenchance occurs perhaps the hero gets jumped by bandits or a spell goes wrong, you will not get a refresh of power. Therefore, if something dangerous is going to happen soon saving some power is never a bad idea even if it may be a waste or you could just let the hero deal with it.

A weakened, badly lost Naaru:

The Light seeks one path and shuns all others as lies. You are a Naaru, the purest expression of the Holy Light that exists in the Great Dark Beyond. You find yourself lost and trapped on the world of Azeroth. Weakened greatly and unable to safely act without others jumping on this chance to corrupt you. Nonetheless, one can feel the shifting tides of time and a great evil is coming to claim these lands.

When you landed here you were shocked to find so much void corruption and yet that must wait, for our sworn foe is planning to launch an invasion of these Eastern Kingdoms and doom it so they can claim this world soul. The Light cannot let the foul magics of Death and Fel destroy another world. The future cannot come to be, and you cannot let the Scourge summon the burning legion into this realm! Too weak to act on your own you've found what you believe is a promising ally that with a little influence and help may be able to change the world.

As a Naaru you will be able to influence the hero towards their goals with mostly positive emotions, you will be able to sway them easily to do the "right" thing and your connection to the light will allow you to convince Paladins and Priests and other light users around the hero to act in a certain way to benefit them. You also can just approach light users if you're feeling confident and if you don't fail in understanding their unique approach to the light you should be trusted somewhat, but this might alert your foes as well and a corrupted Naaru of Void, Fel or Death would be a great asset to your rivals.

The Light is dogmatic and so are you. There is one way or the highway and the thought of aligning with non-light entities is challenging. Being trapped with only positive emotions to sway someone can also be a challenge as well, by making the hero filled with pride and joy to defend and protect it may be more difficult to funnel them into stopping key entities of the Cult of the Damned plot as they rush to protect the innocent instead.

A Servant of the Wild Gods

Death is a part of the cycle of Life; one cannot exist without the other and when one tries to exist without the other it throws everything into chaos. You are Nature Spirits, content with the world and overseeing the small but just as wonderful forests of the eastern kingdoms. One eventful day however a painful gnaw is felt within all of you, a wave of death is coming, and it must be stopped, or the beauty of life will wither and die

Whilst the Eastern Kingdoms are too far for the Druids of the Emerald Dream to provide their aid to us, there are other life entities such as a certain few wild god or the forests themselves which we can draw aid from to help stop the on-coming tide and use it to empower our champion.

As a Servant of the Wild Gods, we can will the forests and nature itself to aid our hero. Whilst they will never be as powerful as the heroes of Azeroth redeemed to save the world in the future, if we act quickly, we won't need those heroes. We can bless nature itself around our hero, enrichen the seas or boon their harvests to make their family richer or give them an insight to life magic that allows them to advance quickly in a magical collage. By twisting nature itself around them we should hopefully be able to aid our hero as we encourage them to stop the doomed future that has been foretold.

Sadly, our more… wild view on the world makes it difficult for us to aid our friend and hero in most civil matters, the gifts of nature don't aid well to politics or economics and even if we can boon them with nature's gift, we don't exactly know how the market will react. On the plus side we have legs, we have wings! We can travel away from the hero when we truly need too.

Traitors of the Burning Legion

The Lich King is a plot of the Burning Legion to weaken the world of Azeroth and let us consume the world and its power for our own ends, mostly in our goal to strike at the Void Lords but that is a plan far in the future to worry about. You are Burning Legion entities with a grudge against the Nathrezim and don't trust their Lich King Plan. You believe they are up to even more no good than usual and want the Legion to take a different direction. Sadly, openly disobeying your lords will result in a very painful end but you can always foil this "Lich King" idea before it begins, empower a mortal with some fel magic and have them tear it up and watch the Nathrezim suffer from their failures.

You have access to Fel magic and more subtle tricks as well that don't twist the very life out of this world. Whilst Fel magic is powerful it is obvious; it is heavily frowned upon on Azeroth as a whole and if our little "hero" gets caught there's no pleading innocent. Of course, we are also masters of suggestion and composure, we might not need to enhance our little hero with fel magic and instead can let them sweet talk their way into ending this Lich King plot before it even starts.

Being trapped in the realm of the Twisting Nether means we can never quite show ourselves to our little hero or aid them more… directly unless we sneak in with the orcish invasions but due to our unwieldly presence and the lack of Nathrezim within our ranks, we cannot exactly hide.

A curious thought of the Old Gods

One evening the sleeping gods begun to think about our hero, about the future, about the timelines, just a curious back of the head thought, mere whispers of their power and yet enough to sway the hero. The Old Gods wish to corrupt and transform the planets they infest into places of despair and death and yet even the death that Old Gods would bring is nothing compared to the total death of everything.

The timelines have spoken, the Burning Legion an old foe of the Old Gods plan to release total death upon the planet, not just death of life but the death of all possibilities and all futures. This is why the scourge must be stopped and why the Lich King and all its pawns and master's must be purged. The Void Lords has plans for Azeroth that would be better met without the Legion here.

You are a thought, influencing this hero to further the cause of the Old Gods without your host even being aware of what you are doing. You can corrupt them, empower them, give them talents and magic that most of their peers would be envious of and most importantly you can drive them insane with visions of the undead. Make them despair the future and work towards it with all their might.

Such influence will make it hard for the hero to interact more passively with society but all you need is this threat toppled, whatever happens to the hero afterwards is not your concern. After all you're a thought, you won't exist once this line of thinking is over.

Unlike the other options you physically do not exist at all and mostly will interact directly with the hero and not the environment surrounding them.

Something else that could become something more

You are just a presence that has decided to change the future and stop the plans of the Lich King, Jailor and Burning Legion. You are clearly no fan of them and yet no fan of anyone else. You won't be able to call upon the magic as easily as others could, but you can focus your attention on helping the hero improve themselves, make them charm someone they usually wouldn't, pass a test they otherwise would fail, improve themselves quicker. Your lack of alignment lets you focus more on aiding this hero however you can to usher them like a shepherd towards stopping the undead.

And well, after all what is stopping us from empowering ourselves with the help of this little hero, a blank slate is both extremely weak but extremely flexible.

Who is your Hero (MC)

Our wonderful hero, it is time to select which lucky or unlucky soul is to be gifted the total attention of creatures beyond their understanding. We will find what we believe is a promising soul and follow them throughout their early years born just a few years before the first war and guide them into the vessel we need them to be.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron

Lordaeron, one of the greatest human kingdoms of this age, whilst no candle to what came before it will soon be the home of the powerful Knights of the Silver Hand and is one of the main players in this world. If we seek for a hero here to gift with our foresight and guidance, we can be assured that they will have access to many powerful institutions inside a well-developed kingdom far from most harm. Yet Lordaeron still remains a kingdom controlled by nobility and there is no assurance that our hero will have the blue blood that is treasured amongst the elite of this land, a risk worth taking or a nation too set in it's ways to bother with?

The Kingdom of Alterac

Alterac even before it's fall assured is a small meek kingdom but perhaps metric can be found here, nonetheless. The Capital City of this kingdom is located on an important trade route through the mountains, most of the trade that travels between Lordaeron and Dalaran runs through Alterac held regions. The mountains are filled with treasures and an important site belonging to the Cult of the Damned finds itself not too far north of the Alterac Kingdom. Whilst the powers of Lordaeron or the Knowledge of Dalaran is lost on the kingdom of Alterac. It's weaker state of existence may mean if we help our hero enough, they might be able to influence the politics of a country, something that is unlikely to happen in our other options. Alteraci explorers were also among those (along with Gilneans) to map out the lands of Khaz Modan and initiate diplomatic relations between Arathor and Ironforge.

The Kingdom of Gilneas

Gilneas is a Kingdom filled with stubborn people, a stubborn King and yet leads in matters of industry and other advancements with it not being unlikely to see Gilnean Soldiers past the third war commonly using rifles and cannons much like the dwarfs unlike their human kingdom siblings. It has a rich trade culture and access to unique magics that even Dalaran misses out on due to the Harvest Witches that whilst suppressed at first can be found with enough time. It may also be home to one of the few wild gods on the entire landmass.

Yet in the grand scheme of things the King of Gilneas wishes to seal the border shut with the largest wall ever seen in the Eastern Kingdoms, if we do hope to stop the burning legion from entering this world we will either need to charm the king, remove him or gain whatever we can from Gilneas and leave to stop the Cult of the Damned and their demon allies before we are sealed inside.

Our hero here will likely have access to industry and magic and quality steel and goods not found in the other kingdoms but one will have to wonder if quality steel is enough to win a war against the undead, can't stab the plague away but maybe the witches can cure it?

The Magocracy of Dalaran

Dalaran is a small magocratic nation founded originally as a city-state by Arathi magi near the coast of Lordamere Lake. It is ruled by the Kirin Tor. The City of Dalaran located within the Magocracy is a haven for magi and a centre of arcane study. It is a place where the extensive use and study of magic is common and the holding pen of hundreds of unbelievably powerful magical items including one that the Burning Legion plots to use to break into this world. Dalaran over the years have become a decadent, extravagant paradise and is built atop a massive ley line however its political system is likely one of the most difficult to sway along with Quel'Thalas. The Council of Six controls Dalaran and aren't too keen of doom speakers nor too caring to listen to the words of a nobody, surely there will be no better place to learn magic and become powerful with it but our chance of swaying anyone major to help us here is little.

That is if our hero is lucky and is born in the city proper, we could be born in one of the outer settlements of Dalaran and might need to usher our hero towards the city proper, many of the city's non-magic users are superstitious and those who live in the towns outside of Dalaran, and they viewed spellcasters with thinly-veiled unease. We might by happenchance find a magical luddite if we are unlucky.


What Prescence are you?

[] A weakened, badly lost Naaru

[] Traitors of the Burning Legion

[] A Servant of the Wild Gods

[] A curious thought of the Old Gods

[] Something else that could become something more

Where was our hero born or created?

[] Lordaeron

[] Alterac

[] Gilneas

[] Dalaran

and so let's begin....


I posted this close to midnight, it could have used a read over but I kinda wanted to get it out there. Also I am using this map but I do need to find a pre-undead v of it

Alright cya all later.
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Spirit and Hero Stats
Your Statistics and the Hero's Statistics

The Spirit

The Body less spirit is trying to decide still where their focus is

Current Phsyical HP = 2/2
Current Mental HP = 1/1
Current Location = Somewhere in the Eastern Kingdoms.
Your Friends: The Meek, The Reptilian.

Skill NameDescriptionValueNotes
LOGICWield raw intellectual power. Deduce the world.6Your intellectual ability is undoubtable but still can still fail.
ENCYCLOPEDIAUseful facts and Information about the world5You know the facts.
RHETORICThe art of persuasion5You can defend your arguments and dismantle some others.
DRAMAActing, Lie and detect lies.5It is a challenge to notice your lies and lie to you
CONCEPTUALIZATIONCreativity6Putting ideas together was never a struggle
VISUAL CALCULUSReconstruct events and discover secrets5You've seen enough patterns to put them together without help.
VOLITIONHold yourself together1You are mentally unstable
INLAND EMPIREHunches and gut feelings1You have no ability to speak to the 6th​ sense.
EMPATHYUnderstand others1You barely can understand yourself
AUTHORITYAssert yourself.1You have trouble keeping yourself on track
SUGGESTIONPlay the puppet-master1Rude and awful to speak too.
ESPRIT DE CORPSConnection to the other spirits1They aren't family
ENDURANCEDon't let the world kill you.2Weak but not Fragile
PAIN THRESHOLDShrug off the pain2Bothered by the world.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENTFlex powerful muscles. Enjoy healthy organs.2With struggle doors will open.
ELECTROCHEMISTRYUnderstand indulgences and make use of it2You've never really tried to indulge in the world.
SHIVERSRaise the hair on your neck. Tune in to the world.3Sometimes you share stories with the world. But you're still strangers
HALF LIGHTLet the body take control2Your mind is in control, not your body.
HAND/EYE COORDINATIONReady? Aim and fire.4Coordination is no challenge but no skill.
PERCEPTIONLet no detail go unnoticed.5You've watched long enough to notice the basics and more.
REACTION SPEEDThe quickest to react5You move fast, sometimes too fast.
SAVOIR FAIREStun with immense panache4Your flare is impressive
INTERFACINGMove your hands, interact with the world4You can hold a leaf without breaking it.
COMPOSUREKeep your poker face and make yourself understandable.4You know how to speak to spirits and humans.

The Hero
We don't quite know yet. We do know we improved them with greater intelligent
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Reserving this for later use for a map or some other stats of the MC

Also if anyone has a good Warcraft artwork I could use as the thread picture that would be amazing I can't really find anything too fitting
Plan: Power of Magic

-[X] Something else that could become something more

-[X] Dalaran

In WoW you either do magic or it's not realistic to kill gods with swords.
Raising the hero to be a wild wizard or a successful sorcerer could be quite the idea. Controlling the whims of magic to stop the cult of the damned at their beginning. With the setting starting before the first war there likely isn't enough time for our hero to grow up and become an Archmage but a few powerful spells could be all you need to root out the cult and the Burning Legion plot to summon themselves into this world. Nonetheless we will have a lot of prep time.

But just don't forget the values of soft power as well, those magical heroes that stopped the big-bads were supported by a *lot* of dudes with a *lot* of swords
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So far its definitely gonna be the city of wizards. But we're perfectly split between being a puppet of the maddening old gods or a neutral modifiable presence.
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Adhoc vote count started by shallow on Aug 13, 2024 at 4:14 PM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

  • -[X] Something else that could become something more
    -[X] Dalaran
    [X] Something else that could become something more
    -[X] Mad Mage
    -[X] A curious thought of the Old Gods
    -[X] Dalaran
    [X] Gilneas

So looks like we are going for Something else that could be something more (so the blank spirit that will let you shift it into whatever you want at a cost of not being specialised from game start) and the City of Wizards! I'll start writing up some families that you get to pick from to see who you will make your hero!

Not the end of the vote but yeah I will be plotting our next chapter now.
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Chapter 1: Our Past and Our Future.
Around you was a vast space filled with all the wonders and beauties you have ever known. You have seen all the sights possible, felt all the sensations and experienced all events. Existence was good to you and living was a joy. You spent countless moments like this until there was light.

Or was it darkness? You couldn't quite tell as beforehand it was all the same and now warmth, cold, shadows and light. What once existed was nothing compared to what existed now and you yourself interacting with existence and it interacting with you in ways never thought possible before. Floating aimlessly amongst this new reality that you still needed explained to you. Your attention was caught by an object afar, a place with wonders for all the senses and questions and answers to tens of thousands of stories. So, you went towards it experiencing much of the universe whist you did.

As you travelled you came across other planets and worlds filled with life and yet many seemly burnt and ruined, a taint that you now associated with green flame consuming thousands of worlds in this universe. At first it was confusing, and no answers were provided at why so many worlds' beauty and wonder was destroyed and in time you found them and watched them from afar. A race of demons and their enslaved minions with the endless goal of bringing this green flame to the entire universe. They attack and consume as if they fear something, subverting entire worlds and ruining whole races in their greed for more power. They were hostile to you as well, their minions seemly able to notice your bodyless form and less than friendly you fled away from their grasp. This made the desire to rush to that world you felt stronger, you wanted to get there before they did.

It took countless years not that it is easy to measure time as a bodyless spirit travelling in the void of space, but the world came into your sight soon enough. Azeroth in all it's glory could be felt and seen far beyond the range of normal or enhanced sight. The world gave off an aura that made travelling to it and knowing where it was easy.

Azeroth was filled with charm but also horror. You spent entire ages there exploring the world and every corner of the super continent known as Kalimdor. The shadows were your friend, and you never quite dared approach anyone or anything, more than happy to be the immoral watcher you have been for tens of thousands of years. The memories of the Burning Legion almost fading out of your mind as you found what you thought was somewhere you could live forever. That was before the skies turned green and the world went to hell.

You weren't brave, you didn't rally to the flag, and you didn't protect the world only yourself. 10'000 years ago, the war of the ancients ended and the world you knew and loved was destroyed. The Great Sundering was a cataclysmic event that shattered the continent of Kalimdor and you found yourself in the newly formed Eastern Kingdoms but it was all over. The Burning Legion was defeated and sure all the wonder and beauty you once adored was gone, you can recover and return to what you did before.

Roughly 10 years before the First Great War…..

"They're coming back" A worried squeak in the back of your mind would be heard, one of the many voices you've made company with over the years. It brings your attention to the foul taint of fel magic you could feel building up in the air, mostly focused on the south of the landmass now known as the Eastern Kingdoms. You've been ignoring it but this part of you doesn't want to ignore it.

"We don't got to do nothin, They'll deal with it" A Reptilian voice with a deep rumble taking it's time to pronounce each work and cutting words apart to speak them faster would answer back to the meek voice.

"We get to enjoy what we love… watchin and life" The Reptilian would reinforce it's point and try to lull you into a early slumber, enjoying this day is not impossible due to the doubts the meek as brought up so time to sleep the worry away and enjoy the morning.

"But they're all gone, the greats are all gone. Who will deal with it?" The meek voice makes a point, the heroes of age past are either dead, injured or in jail and they barely won last time at full strength. If this Fel presence is a hint that the Burning Legion is returning or trying to… who will stop them?

This debate won't end unless you settle it, do you listen to the Reptilian or the Meek?

[] The Reptilian, go to sleep and don't worry about it (The vote ends here, don't choose other options)

[] The Meek, open your eyes and think about what you can do to help.

It's been days of thinking, the Meek's worries wormed into your brain and the Reptilian lull and lure is being overwhelmed easily but another voice would whisper and wonder, a curious thought that must be answered before we go ahead. Why do we want to protect this world and risk ourselves? What is our reason for action now?

[] The World's Beauty?

This World beats anything else you've ever seen, it's one of a kind and you don't see the purpose of an existence afterwards without the opportunity to enjoy all it's wonders. It's a semi-selfish reason but at the same time it makes you more attune to the world around you and its wonders. It's easier to take notice and interact with what you pay a lot of attention too.






[] The World's People?

You have never quite found another world with so many unique creatures, heroes, legends and stories. It would be a shame to let so many stories end suddenly when you can easily tell you're just at the start of many more great adventures. You are attuned to the people of this world, their motives methods, and alliances. You help them because you love the social aspect of all these races.






[] Your own pride

This is your world, you live here, and you enjoy living here, the people here are yours. You've been a watcher for ten thousand years and you're not going to let some upstarts ruin your fun. You will boldly stop them in any meaningful way. Crush the demons whenever you can and won't take no for an answer. Your authority over this world will be respected. You just need to work out how to project that authority… considering you're still bodyless.






[] Your hate for the legion's goals

They ruin everything, they tear apart worlds and entire cultures. The Burning Legion is nothing more than the most evil and foul presence you have ever felt. It is easy for you to notice their corruption and you are always aware of their unwanted plans and tactics of undermining a world by influencing its leadership, corrupting its people and only coming in for clean-up.






[] Why not

You don't need a reason; you can just stop them because you wanna. Debate, Logic, Rhetoric? You don't need to prove yourself at all. You will stop them because you want too and that is final.




So you have a reason to protect the world now and you feel yourself changing, becoming slower in some aspects and much faster in others. It seems like by finally applying yourself to this world you can shift your bodyless form into a more solid state whilst remaining a spirit. Perhaps in due time you will be able to interact with the world more directly, maybe even enforce your will onto it.

One major drawback of becoming more solid and apart of existence is you have seemly lost your ability to cross the world quickly and it has become slightly easier to notice you. Ah the first flaws of trying to meddle. You're still not strong enough to change the world yourself but an idea is given by the helpful and lazy as ever Reptilian.

"Why do we have to do anything" The lazy voice of the Reptilian would answer sounding like he just woke up from a long nap.

"We need to stop the-" The meek would try to butt in before being cut off right away by the Reptilian.

"Shush, I don't mean doin nothing… I mean why do we have to oppose them directly. We're meek" Both a statement of truth, a joke and a jab at the other companion.

"But it just makes sense to just find something or someone to do our job, give em a little help and job done. Grab one of those human kids and tell em about the issue, they'll deal with it I bet" A sort of smug satisfaction radiates from his voice as they've found out a way to help without really helping but neither the Meek nor You can really disagree, it's not a bad idea.

[] A Rich Noble Couple of Southshore

I spy with my oh we don't have eyes yet. A rich Noble Couple from Southshore. They've been so busy with building up their wealth and influence that they've barely had the time to have children or perhaps it could be the fact that the two could barely stand to be in the same room together that made this take longer than expected.

Our hero's is the child of a decently well of pair of nobles and whilst they share a loveless marriage being the only child means our hero will have the funds and expectations that come of being minor nobility. The Reptilian seems to like the idea of a workless life for our hero as well, perhaps they can just pen push their way to victory?

[] Some Urbanites of Dalaran

Blue blood not our taste? Well, we can focus on a pair closer to the city of magic itself. A pair of hard-working middle-class members of the Dalaran Society. The father seems to be a Dalaran Guard with magical abilities such as mana shield and some basic protection and perception spells that our hero could maybe learn from. The mother is impressive as well, a semi-popular enchanter she makes trinkets and goods for any who can afford her services. The family is busy ever so, makes ends meet but barely and lacks the connections of nobility or an extended family but our hero would be in Dalaran itself, this is where we wanted to be after all.

[] The family from the Hillbrad Fields

Is that eight or nine family members that we have? Are we going to be the Tenth? Well considering how cruel fate is to those who don't find themselves amongst the upper ranks of society it isn't likely that we will meet all our siblings. This family from the Hillbrad fields lives on top of a few farms in the local area, whilst all the farms have been promised off to the already born sons and the first few daughters already pledged to be married to nearby families the hero seem to be lucky last (for now), likely going to get nothing but also not really monitored as closely as our peers. It is not the best life but even with an overbearing father and ever so loving mother our hero will have the freedom to get up to a lot even when young.

But even with our hero's birth still being a few months away, we can use a bit of our power to enhance them for now, an advantage at birth can be taken far.

[] Intellect

The Baby seems smarter with more understanding going on even behind those ever-young eyes. They will go far when young and learn a lot extremely quickly during the first few years of their life.

[] Psyche

Aware and knowledge about the feelings of her family members and strangers, our hero always knew what sounds to make went and how to get the most out of every interaction with people. Who could refuse the wishes that this little adorable monster wanted.

[] Physique

8 pounds, 13 ounces. This baby was a complete unit at birth and this trend kept up even as they grew up. Strongly gripping onto things and being a real terror to handle even at a young age our hero will certainly become a powerful and tough child and adult if this keeps up.

[] Motorics

Sneaky, quick and small. A complete terror that made their family members panic no matter where they put them down. Always crawling, climbing, sneaking and watching and damn good at always looking innocent when caught. Their control of their own body excels even kids a few years older than them

[] Nothing

We need the power for ourselves… Surely, they'll be fine

+1 Point for our Body Creation

With our hero's blessing assured and the family selected, it is now time to see how we will approach the world. Learn how to interact with physical reality to help our hero or be a devil or angel on the shoulders of everyone around them. It is time to decide how we will protect this world.

Every Ability starts at 1. You have 8 points to spend over the 4 abilities and an ability cannot go any higher than 6.

1/? Intellect: Raw Brain Power

1/? Psyche: Emotional Intelligent, how mentally stable you are.

1/? Physique: Physical Strength and Toughness

1/? Motorics: Your senses and agility.


Skilled by Disco Elysium:
Obviously a small mod will be made to them due to being a bodiless spirit. Intellect and Psyche will work same-ish but if you want to be interacting with the world more you'll want to invest into Physiques and Motorics, but even a bodiless spirit might still want those traits to tank attacks from other spirits and to slip by magical defences meant to keep spirits like you out
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[X]Plan: Brain power
-[X] The Meek, open your eyes and think about what you can do to help.
-[X] Your hate for the legion's goals
-[X] Some Urbanites of Dalaran
-[X] Intellect
-[X] 5 Intellect
-[X] 1 Psyche
-[X] 2 Physique
-[X] 4 Motorics
In the case that you do go for 1 Psyche, make sure to avoid any emotional or mental damage towards your spirit/character.
[X] Plan Manipulator
-[X] The Meek, open your eyes and think about what you can do to help.
-[X] Your own pride
-[X] A Rich Noble Couple of Southshore
-[X] Psyche
-[X] 4 Intellect
-[X] 4 Psyche
-[X] 2 Physique
-[X] 2 Motorics

Let's be realistic. To change things our pawn needs authority. To gain authority, there are two ways: to climb ranks... or to be born into a rank. The second will let us focus on other matters AND also give us an early source of resources. To better utilize position of authority, we need ability to brew plans and understand people. Thus, the focus on intelligence and psyche.
[X] Plan Goody Two Shoes
-[X] The Meek, open your eyes and think about what you can do to help.
-[X] The World's People?
-[X] The family from the Hillbrad Fields
-[X] Motorics
-[X] 3 Intellect
-[X] 3 Psyche
-[X] 3 Physique
-[X] 3 Motorics
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