The Plan behind the Bat - A Wayne Enterprises Planquest

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You are Lucius Fox, newly appointed by Bruce Wayne to help rebuild his crumbling corporation. Unbeknownst to you, though, he's also the vigilante Batman, and wants you to be his armorer.

Balance running a company, building the batsuit, and creating new projects to help the world - while trying not to get caught.
First Day - Intro and Character Generation (Part 1)


Where beer flows and men chunder

Decades ago the name Wayne meant something. When a Gothamite thought the name Wayne, they thought of cutting edge technologies, industry and plentiful jobs, of urban renewal and charity. Then Thomas and Martha Wayne were murdered, their young son Bruce went missing (presumed dead) not long after turning 18, and the Wayne legacy withered. Devoid of leadership with vision, Wayne Enterprises began to die, piece by piece being sold off by ruthless corporate raiders as its charitable and urban renewal initiatives were starved of funds and quietly axed. As Gotham declined and became a crime-ridden wreck, vultures circled over the decaying company that had once defined it.

Then Bruce Wayne returned. But this isn't his story - it's yours.

You are Lucius Fox. Veteran, family man, loving husband and a genius level intellect with an ambition to rebuild Gotham and change the world forever. Bruce Wayne just personally hired you to be the head of one of Wayne Enterprise's divisions and bring it back into the black. You intend to do much more than that.


As the elevator rises up the floors of Wayne Tower, the massive architectural wonder that once signified Wayne Enterprises' dominance over the city, you gaze out at the city of your birth - decaying, but still standing. Memories start to take hold of you, and you find your gaze drifting towards:

Choose Three:

[] The Narrows:
The slum neighborhood you grew up in is one of the poorest and most crime-ridden in the city, but you're not ashamed of that fact, nor afraid of your old home. You never forgot your roots, and the people there still think of you as one of their own. Gain Trait - Man of the People (Bonus to charity and urban renewal rolls, increase to Public Relations with Gothamites)

[] The Recruiting Office: Your time in the military was certainly a mixed bag, but you can't deny it was invaluable to your escape from poverty. Military service gave you an opportunity to get a college degree you never could have afforded yourself, and you rose from a grunt, to an officer and a vital part of military research and development. Even if you're no longer in, the military has left its mark on you. Gain Trait - Soldier Boy (Bonus to weapons/armor development, easier time getting military contracts)

[] Gotham University: You think upon your days at your old alma mater with fondness. You had a blast there back in the day, learning and building friendships with your fellow students. Plenty of your buddies from back then are now accomplished academics, researchers and inventors, and you keep in touch as much as your busy schedule allows. Gain Trait - Alma Mater (Bonus to recruitment rolls, Bonus to research rolls)

[] Gotham Financial District: You prefer inventing to shuffling money around, but you can't deny that without financial skills, it's hard to get even the best invention off the ground. After getting out of the military you bounced around various jobs working the Gotham Stock Exchange. You gained useful contacts, and learned how to move money, even if you felt a little dirty coming home at the end of the day. Gain Trait - Money Ball (Bonus to financial rolls, easier time finding investors)

[] LexCorp Gotham Branch Tower: Your job at LexCorp was one of the most challenging roles you've ever taken, but also one of the most rewarding. At LexCorp there was no time for office politics, just hard science. Lex Luthor was a demanding boss and worked you all hard, but you couldn't argue with the results, nor he with yours. Gain Trait - LexCorp Veteran (Bonus to invention rolls, good starting relationship with Lex Luthor)

[] Gotham City Hall: Your various jobs have seen you butting heads with City Hall again and again over the years. Grant funding, city planning, tax rebates, etc. You know how to play the game of local politics. Gain Trait - Political Animal (Bonus to contruction rolls, bonus to rolls involving local politics)


A loud ding forces you to focus on the present once more. You turn around as the elevator doors open, and step out into a large, spacious office situated at the top floor of Wayne Tower. A feminine giggle draws your attention to the center of the room, where a heavily muscled young man in an elegant suit flirts with a secretary. He sees her off with a playful swat, and you can't hide your displeasure at the lack of professionalism. I know the kid's a playboy, but can he at least keep it out of the office? The man spots your disapproval, giving you a charming smile. "Oh, don't worry - she works here, but she doesn't work here, if you know what I mean." He grins conspiratorially, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. So this is Bruce Wayne... You think to yourself.

"Mr Wayne, it's an honor to meet you." You lie, and he shakes your hand. "Likewise, Mr Fox. What's that you've got there?" He's looking down to your hand, where you clasp a folder.

Here goes nothing. "I've been developing several projects I think might be a real benefit to Wayne Enterprises. This one, I think, is the best. Now, obviously the company's more immediate needs come first, but if we were to contribute small amounts of resources over time, we could have something revolutionary on our hands." You open the folder, laying down diagrams and drawings. Wayne looks over the papers with a blank expression. "What is it?" He asks, and you answer. "Well, Mr Wayne, this is the plan for..."

Choose Lucius' first pet project:

(Pet projects are ideas of Lucius' own design. Generally they're quite revolutionary, major ideas that take good rolls, good planning and many turns to turn into something concrete - due to Lucius' responsibilities, he'll generally have to prioritise short term projects over this one. Writing in with your own ideas is highly encouraged. Don't be afraid to get creative.)

[] A Railgun

[] A prototype for power armor

[] A vastly improved Maglev train system

[] A Cure for several genetic diseases

[] Low-Cost Social Housing

[] A biorestorative fertilizer capable of increasing crop yields without impacting soil quality

[] Write in:


Wayne stares at your plans for a moment, surprisingly seeming to understand a lot of the technical stuff. Then he hands the files back to you. "I really appreciate all the work you've put into this, Mr Fox, but I'm afraid I don't think we can justify a project like this." Your heart drops.

"I see." You try not to betray your disappointment too clearly.

"There's something more important than this I'd rather have you work on." Wayne says a little cautiously. "A...special project, if you will."

"Special project?" You raise an eyebrow at that, noticing that something about Wayne has changed. The playboy persona is gone, and his expression has gone from vapid to deadly serious. He seems to notice that you've noticed, and gives you an empty headed grin.

"But we can talk about that later. I'm late for polo." He moves from the desk to grab his jacket. "Why don't you invite your charming wife to dinner tonight at the manor? I'll have my butler put on something special. Ask my secretary and she'll sort out the details. My actual secretary, I mean." He seems carefree as ever, but you know what you saw. Wayne's mask slipped for a moment. You're not sure what was underneath, but the mask slipped.

"I'll see you later, Fox. Oh, and before I forget, welcome to..."

Choose which division of Wayne Enterprises Lucius is in charge of:

[] WayneTech:
The largest division of Wayne Enterprises. Wayne Tech is responsible for the research and development of numerous technologies, from household appliances to weapons. Wayne Aerospace and Wayne Electronics, though once independent divisions, have been folded into the WayneTech envelope due to budget cuts.

[] Wayne Biotech: A broad tent division focused primarily on healthcare and food production. Wayne Biotech is responsible for developing new medicines and treatments, as well as administering and distributing crops. Wayne Pharmaceuticals, Wayne Medical, Wayne Chemicals and Wayne Food were all once independent, but now all are under the Wayne Biotech umbrella due to budget cuts.

[] Wayne Industrial: Where WayneTech is responsible for inventing and upgrading technologies, Wayne Industrial is in charge of manufacturing and distributing it. Wayne Industrial now bears the responsibilities of both Wayne Steel and Wayne Shipping due to budget cuts.

[] The Wayne Foundation: The Wayne Foundation was once a major charitable organisation responsible for most of Gotham's orphanages, hospitals, scholarly and artistic grants, etc. It hasn't existed for years, but rebuilding it was one of the first actions undertaken by Bruce Wayne upon his return. The Foundation's goals are broad, but simply put, it exists to provide housing, food and education to Gotham's citizens.


QM Note: I'm new here, so feel free to hit me up with all manner of suggestions, concerns or complaints. Please vote by plan
(All credit to quests like Attempting to Fulfill the Plan - MNKh Edition and Right Man in the Wrong Place for inspiring the core mechanics)



Success and failure of actions is based on dice rolls, with a base dice of d100 being added to positive or negative modifiers given by Lucius' traits or by specific contextual conditions. A roll of 95+ is considered a critical roll, which will either explode (result in a second roll with the results stacking on top of the first) or lead immediately to a benefit above and beyond a regular success, depending on context. Inversely, a roll of 5 or below is a critical failure, which will lead to potentially dire consequences.


The quest will be divided into four turns per year, other than when a special event is taking place. During turns, Lucius will have a number of actions available to choose. Some will be free actions that can be chosen without cost, but most will deplete Lucius' action points (AP). When AP reaches zero, Lucius will be unable to do anything else. AP regenerates each turn, and the amount you receive can be increased throughout the quest through acquiring certain traits.

Design Turns:

Design Turns take place when Lucius is planning to embark on a project - whether a legitimate project, or designing a piece of Batman's gear. The overall description of the project, as well as the primary and secondary design goals will be decided on. Afterwards, the actual construction of the project will take place during the turns. The complexity of the project will determine how much progress must be made to see it through to completion.


Many of the projects and investments Lucius will undertake will not be feasible to accomplish in a single turn. Actions have a minimum threshold of progress needed to be acquired in order to be successfully completed. The amount of progress made in a turn is dependent on dice rolls - a natural 100 will often complete a project in a single turn, while getting several low rolls could drag the action's completion out over multiple turns. For example:

Expand the Gotham Steelworks - (500/1000)

The (500/1000) reveals that the action has half the progress required to be completed - it's half way done.


Sway represents Lucius' reputation and influence over Wayne Enterprises. Increasing Lucius' sway will result in higher monthly resources, grants the opportunity for Lucius to gain leadership over other Wayne Enterprises divisions, impact the running of the overall company, and potentially convince Bruce Wayne to hand over the CEO position to Lucius. Sway is gained through having positive relations with Bruce, successful power plays within the company, and above all - financial success.


Each turn, Wayne Industrial will receive funds and resources needed for it to carry out its regular operations and expansions. Depending on Lucius' sway and the overall financial health of Wayne Enterprises, this sum will increase.

Illicit Resources:

Bruce Wayne is an obscenely rich man, but to get that money into the hands of Batman without anyone asking questions will require some financial trickery. Resources for Batman related ventures is tracked separately - to increase it, Lucius will need to funnel his legitimate resources, or find other sources of funds.

Bruce Wayne Relationship:

Circumstances have forced Lucius and Bruce to work together, but the two men don't trust each other or have much of a working relationship yet. Over time, the relationship between Bruce and Lucius will wane or grow stronger, bringing problems or benefits. Though Bruce begins the quest as a moody, paranoid person, Lucius' interactions with Wayne and Wayne's other allies can cause Bruce's personality to shift, inspiring him to act differently, and giving him various traits.
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Character Sheet - Lucius Fox
Lucius Fox:

Current Position: President of Wayne Industrial
Current Sway: 10/100

Genius Inventor (Able to design and build gadgets and megaprojects)
Man of the People (Bonus to charity and urban renewal rolls, increase to Public Relations with Gothamites)
Money Ball (Bonus to financial rolls, easier time finding investors)
Political Animal (Bonus to contruction rolls, bonus to rolls involving local politics)
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Wayne Enterprises Status
Wayne Enterprises Status:

Wayne Enterprises (Overall):

Employees: 9,500
Credit Rating BBB-
Stock Price: Declining
Company Morale: Low
CEO: Bruce Wayne (Owner)

In the years since the Wayne murders, their eponymous company has languished, with corporate raiders selling off assets and shrinking the multinational's power base. The return of Bruce Wayne, long thought to be either dead or in permanent exile, has proven to be the sole bright spot for the company's future - but his playboy antics inspires little hopes in his leadership abilities.


(A detailed overview of the divisions and their assets is only available for those that Lucius is in charge of, for simplicity's sake.)

Employees: 1000
President: Jack Drake
Productivity: Low

Wayne Tech, the premier R&D arm of the corporation, has been languishing for years for than most. The company's leadership has been more interested for years in selling off assets rather than creating something new, meaning that much of the technical talent that once worked for Wayne Enterprises has moved on to other companies more willing to use their talents. With a lack of facilities and staff, it's going to be a while before WayneTech is designing new technologies for the rest of the company to produce. Division President Jack Drake is an effective leader, but there's only so much he's capable with such limited resources.

Wayne Biotech:
Employees: 3000
President: Alexandra DeWitte
Productivity: Mid

Wayne Enterprises' secondary bread winner, Wayne Biotech operates mainly as an agricorp, and a pharmaceutical company. WB's products sell well, but face heavy competition from Ace Chemicals and LexCorp.

Wayne Foundation:
Employees: 500
President: Quincy Sharpe
Effectiveness: Very Low

A charitable institution founded by the Waynes to give back to the city that made their fortune, the Wayne Foundation was once a heavy investor in Gotham's school system, police force, utilities and other aspects of the city. In recent years, though, Wayne Foundation schools have been shutting down and Gotham utilities have been falling apart. The police are still well equipped, though this doesn't seem to be the doing of the foundation anymore. Quincy Sharpe has come under fire during his tenure for these failures, but any attempt to launch an investigation against him has been met with failure, due to missing evidence and occasionally missing witnesses.

Wayne Industrial:

Employees: 5000 (5000 Core, 1500 Specialist)
Optimum Employee Numbers (For this number of businesses): 5000 Core, 2000 Specialist
President: Lucius Fox
Productivity: Mid
Security Rating: Low

Corporate Upkeep: $350 per turn

Wayne Steel Mill - Gotham
The Wayne Steel Mill has employed Gothamites since the Great War, and produces plentiful steel used both in Wayne Industries' other plants, and sold on the open market.

While operational:
Profit: + $105 per turn
+10 to Manufacturing

Wayne Automotives Plant - Gotham
Slightly technologically outdated, but still highly productive, the Wayne Automotives Plant produces plentiful consumer automobiles, as well as light military vehicles.

While operational:
Profit: + $120 per turn

Wayne Aerospace Production Plant - Gotham
Wayne Aerospace is largely responsible for the creation of passenger jets and is a major profit driver.

While operational:
Profit: + $330 per turn

Wayne Aerospace Design/Test Facility - Nevada
One of the few R&D facets of Wayne Industries. Deep in the Nevada desert, the Wayne Facility is home to a number of aircraft designers and test pilots whose role it is to design new, in-house aircraft for Wayne Aerospace to produce.

While operational:
Ability to design new aircraft

Wayne Shipping 2 fleets of cargo ships - Multinational

While operational:
Profit: + $150 per turn

Wayne Shipping Private docks - Multinational

While operational:
Profit: + $50 per turn
Discount to price of setting up business in other countries

Gold Mine - Zambesi

While operational:
Profit: + $50 per turn

Platinum Mine - Zambesi

While operational:
Profit: + $80 per turn


Top Competitors:

1: LexCorp - The largest and most profitable company on Earth. Currently a market leader in several industries, notably aerospace, pharmaceuticals and telecommunications.

2: Queen Industries - The largest weapons manufacturer on Earth, beating out even LexCorp in this field, though no others. Queen Industries has contracts with the US military, but also sells weapons to clients across the globe.

3: Ace Chemicals - As the name implies, a company that produces chemicals, both for industrial, cosmetic and pharmaceutical uses. Ace Chemical products are generally known for being low quality, but cheap.

4: GothCorp - A Gotham based technology company, GothCorp is the brainchild of billionaire Ferris Boyle. GothCorp has a hand in several industries, but is most famously an industry leader in cryogenic research - with Boyle confident that cryogenics will prove an immensely profitable venture in the future.

5: Star Labs - A nation wide tech company, Star Labs operates laboratories across the United States and internationally, each location focused on research in a different field. Star Labs employs many of the most brilliant scientific minds on the planet, but its focus on scientific progress above profit means that it's not a match in market size for companies like LexCorp.
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Batman/Bruce Status:
Batman Status and Tech:

Lucius/Bruce Relationship: 20/100

Bruce Wayne Current personality traits:

- Moody

Bruce is superficially charming, but to those he's not trying to deceive can be incredibly cold an callous in his demeanor

- Paranoid

Bruce has major trust issues and is quick to assume those around him, excluding Alfred, have betrayed him

- Obsessed

Bruce is focused almost entirely on his crusade against crime. He largely neglects his company and the social crises Gotham faces, believing them to be less important than his physical struggle against criminals.


Batman Stats:

Awareness (Public knowledge that Batman exists): 10/100

Perception (Public support/disdain for Batman): 5/100

Batman Enemies:

- Black Mask Gang
- Falcone Damily

Notable Fights/Displays:
After a successful attack on a Falcone Family brothel, gang members working for noted criminal Black Mask began executing Falcone employees. Bruce Wayne, disguised as a disabled veteran, intervened and incapacitated the Black Mask men, before being shot by the GCPD upon their arrival on the scene and fleeing back to Wayne Manor. There's been some debate on the identity of the 'good samaritan', with some believing him to be a vigilante, while others think he's a Falcone enforcer. With no leads, however, the story has largely been forgotten by all but the Black Mask Gang, who have posted a bounty for information on the identity of the samaritan.

At the Gotham Opera House, with Carmine Falcone in attendance, Batman announced his presence, personally assaulting the don of the Falcones, before brawling with his men on stage. The fight that followed left several Falcone men hospitalised, including his seven foot bodyguard Bruno. Batman is thought to have escaped with minor injuries. The Falcones are currently using their influence to suppress news about the attack, and various versions of the incident have sprung up. Many believe it was the rival Black Mask gang, not the Batman, who attacked Falcone.

Batsuit V 1.0:


Stealth Color Pattern - A specially designed pattern of grey and black blends into shadows, with a yellow symbol on the chest made of non-reflective materials that won't be visible in darkness, but will attract attention in the light - making it a more prominent target than less well armored areas of the suit.
Mobility - Made of lightweight materials, the suit presents effectively no hinderance to Wayne's ability to move, letting him dodge quickly and perform feats of acrobatics.
Armor - The suit is made of a mix of kinetic-resistant materials designed to make it stab and bullet resistant, at least to some extent.

Batclaw and Batarangs V1.0:

Strong Cable - Capable of holding the weight of an above-average sized male, designed to Bruce Wayne's specifications
Slow Pull - Has an automated mechanism to pull the user upwards. Faster than physically climbing a rope, but still quite slow.

Well balanced - The Batarangs have a razor sharp edge capable of cutting things like rope, but also have a heavy flat edge. With Bruce Wayne's training, he can use the sharp edge as a tool, or hit enemies with the flat to stun them without killing.

"Batsuit" V.0

A set of black clothing with a mask - protects the wearer's identity, but little else. The dark colors help the wearer blend into darkness, but not more than your average dark clothing.


A set of throwing stars that wouldn't look out of place on the set of a '70s ninja flick. Sharp and somewhat aerodynamic, but short range and cause limited damage.

Grappling Hook Mk 1:

As it looks like - a sturdy iron hook that can be thrown to catch on a ledge and allow the user to climb up a rope. Totally rudimentary, and requires the user to slowly clamber up the rope by their own power.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Tjf on Jan 12, 2024 at 5:13 AM, finished with 46 posts and 40 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!
    -[X] The Narrows: Gain Trait - Man of the People (Bonus to charity and urban renewal rolls, increase to Public Relations with Gothamites)
    -[X] Gotham Financial District: Gain Trait - Money Ball (Bonus to financial rolls, easier time finding investors)
    -[X] Gotham City Hall: Gain Trait - Political Animal (Bonus to contruction rolls, bonus to rolls involving local politics)
    -[X] A vastly improved Maglev train system
    -[X] Wayne Industrial: Where WayneTech is responsible for inventing and upgrading technologies, Wayne Industrial is in charge of manufacturing and distributing it. Wayne Industrial now bears the responsibilities of both Wayne Steel and Wayne Shipping due to budget cuts.
    [X] Plan: Prevent Mr freeze
    -[X] The Narrows
    -[X] Gotham University
    -[X] Gotham City Hall
    -[X] A Cure for several genetic diseases
    -[X] The Wayne Foundation
    [X] Plan: the prototype superman buster armor
    [X] The Narrows:
    [X] Gotham University
    [X] The Recruiting Office:
    [X] WayneTech
    [X] Plan: Bringing the future to the world
    -[X] The Narrows
    -[X] Gotham University
    -[X] LexCorp Gotham Branch Tower
    -[X] A Cure for several genetic diseases
    -[X] Wayne Biotech
    [X]Plan Titan of Industry
    --[X] The Narrows
    --[X] LexCorp Gotham Branch Tower
    --[X] Gotham City Hall
    -[X]Pet Project
    --[X] Write-In: A device to extract usable energy from the zero-point field. Infinite free power in a harmless* package, humanity will be liberated from the chains of fossil energy as we usher in a new golden age of universal prosperity. What could go wrong?
    --[X] Wayne Industrial
    [X] A prototype for power armor
    [X] Plan: scientific progress to rebuild a better Gotham
    [X] Low-Cost Social Housing
    -[X] The Recruiting Office: Your time in the military was certainly a mixed bag, but you can't deny it was invaluable to your escape from poverty. Military service gave you an opportunity to get a college degree you never could have afforded yourself, and you rose from a grunt, to an officer and a vital part of military research and development. Even if you're no longer in, the military has left its mark on you. Gain Trait - Soldier Boy (Bonus to weapons/armor development, easier time getting military contracts)
    -[X] Gotham University: You think upon your days at your old alma mater with fondness. You had a blast there back in the day, learning and building friendships with your fellow students. Plenty of your buddies from back then are now accomplished academics, researchers and inventors, and you keep in touch as much as your busy schedule allows. Gain Trait - Alma Mater (Bonus to recruitment rolls, Bonus to research rolls)
    -[X] LexCorp Gotham Branch Tower: Your job at LexCorp was one of the most challenging roles you've ever taken, but also one of the most rewarding. At LexCorp there was no time for office politics, just hard science. Lex Luthor was a demanding boss and worked you all hard, but you couldn't argue with the results, nor he with yours. Gain Trait - LexCorp Veteran (Bonus to invention rolls, good starting relationship with Lex Luthor)
    -[X] A biorestorative fertilizer capable of increasing crop yields without impacting soil quality
    -[X] Wayne Biotech: A broad tent division focused primarily on healthcare and food production. Wayne Biotech is responsible for developing new medicines and treatments, as well as administering and distributing crops. Wayne Pharmaceuticals, Wayne Medical, Wayne Chemicals and Wayne Food were all once independent, but now all are under the Wayne Biotech umbrella due to budget cuts.
First Night - Intro and Character Generation (Part 2)

Wayne Manor - 10:49 PM

"Sorry, honey. I'm going to have to head home. Work tomorrow, you know how it is." Your wife stifles a yawn, trying to stifle her rage at the fact that your host tonight declined to show up. "Thank you, Alfred. The roast was lovely." The love of your life favors the old butler with a smile, and stands from the dinner table, collecting her purse. "Of course, madame. Please allow me to apologise again on Master Wayne's behalf. I believe some matters him to forget the lateness of the hour. I know the young master would never be so devoid of manners as to purposefully miss dinner with his new division head." Alfred apologises, hiding his irritation well, and you ponder again how the man doesn't remind you of any butler you've ever met - not that you met a huge number of butlers in your youth in The Narrows. Still, he has a way of carrying himself that reminds you more of one of the tough-as-nails spec ops guys from your time in the Army than your stereotypical butler.

"I'm going to wait around a little and see if Mr Wayne makes it back tonight. There's a few ideas I'd like to run by him. If that's okay with you?" You answer your wife, feeling a little tingle as she plants a kiss on your lips. "That's fine, babe, just..." She leans in. "Give him a piece of your mind on my behalf, okay? He might be the prince of Gotham, but you're not some peasant he can push around." Her voice has steel in it, and you look at Alfred - luckily he seems a little too distracted by something to pay attention to the words. "Get 'em, tiger." She smiles, and you somewhat regretfully let her leave, before turning to see what's distracting the old man in the neighboring room.

On an old TV, you see the image of one of Gotham's many red light districts, and a grainy close up of a man - a wicked scar along the side of his face, with his eyes hidden underneath dark glasses.

"This is Vicki Vale, reporting from the scene of a gruesome gangland execution in the Bowery. According to eyewitnesses, members of the Black Mask Gang attacked and overpowered the occupants of a brothel allegedly under the control of gangland figure Carmine Falcone. After several deaths, a bystander reportedly intervened in the situation, severely beating several Black Mask men - though no further fatalities have been reported at this time. The vigilante refused to surrender after an encounter with police, and was reportedly wounded. Still, Lieutenant Branden of the GCPD advises members of the public not to approach this individual, and that he is armed and dange-"

"When I was growing up, no one would have even thought about touching a Falcone business. At least you knew who the mob was - These new gangsters keep getting weirder and weirder." You say, startling the butler. "Oh, pardon me, Mr Fox." Alfred turns off the television and faces you. You detect a hint of worry behind that perfectly proper English facade, and you wonder again where Bruce Wayne is at this hour? Wayne couldn't have been at that brothel, could he? a treacherous voice in the back of your mind suggests. He is a playboy, after all... "I'm afraid something urgent has come up. We'll have to reschedule your meeting with Mr Wayne for another day." The butler's in a state of near panic, propriety forgotten. You don't manage to get a word in before he's downstairs with a speed that you wouldn't expect from someone his age. Before you can grasp what's even going on, he's outside and in a Bentley, speeding off into the night.


10:59 PM:

"Where is it, damn it..." On hands and knees, you fumble around Wayne Manor looking for a cufflink you dropped, trying not to think about how creepy the old mansion is at night. A loud screech outside makes you poke your head up, and you get to the window in time to see an old beater fly through the open estate gates, hurtling through the courtyard before crashing violently into one of Wayne's cars. From the wreck of mangled metal, you see a dark figure stumble his way into the courtyard, heading out of sight as he crawls through one of the windows downstairs.

"Father..." You hear a voice croak as you quietly move downstairs, both hands wrapped tightly around a fire poker. A blood trail leads through a hallway downstairs and into a room Alfred hadn't allowed you inside before, the door ajar where it had been securely locked before. "Father... You gave me everything... Everything but patience..." The voice says, closer now, and you creep through the dark hall. "I tried to wait... But I've waited so many years..." You step into the open doorway. Beyond you see a dusty old office, rather small for the grand mansion. Above the desk at the end of the room you see a portrait, its subjects covered by shadows, and a man on the floor stares up at it. "I'd rather die... Die... Rather than wait one more day..." Moonlight from the windows illuminates the man, and you see that he's lying in a pool of his own blood, with a huge scar on his cheek, and dark sunglasses over his eyes. Raving. No surprise, given how much blood he's lost. You lower the poker, and approach the man to render aid, before falling back with a cry of fear as the window shatters inward. You see dark wings fluttering around the room, and swing the poker to try to keep the creature away from you.

The creature - a bat, you realise - retreats into the night, and you move over to the fallen man, tearing at your shirt to make a bandage as you see the gunshot wound in his side. "Frightened me... Frightened me as a boy..." He mumbles, and as you lift the man's glasses to examine his pupils and touch the man's neck to take his pulse, you feel some sort of material peel off the side of his face. To your shock, you find yourself staring into the eyes of Bruce Wayne. "Yes, father... I shall become a bat..."


11:35 PM:

"You shouldn't be moving." You glare, but Wayne doesn't heed your warning, pulling off your makeshift bandage and the rest of his tattered shirt. Along the impeccably muscled skin, you see a patchwork of scars - your time in the army helping you identify the results of blade wounds, burn wounds, gunshot wounds and even the splotchy circular marks where a broken bone pierced the skin at one point. "This is insane. Not to mention illegal." You say, as Wayne begins wrapping a new bandage. "When you hired me, you told me that we'd be making life better for Gotham. Not indulging some rich boy's vigilante fantasy! I refuse to be part of this." You shy away as some bats fly overhead, feeling the chill of the cave.

Wayne's eyes stare at you coldly as he turns around. "We are making life better for Gotham. Crime is out of control in the city. People live in terror, and Falcone, Black Mask, Cobblepot and the rest of them live like kings!" He grunts, failing to hide his anger. "You've seen it, Lucius, you grew up here. This is a city of terror, of predators hunting the defenceless. The scared. It's time for someone to make the predators afraid." He advances on you. "I hired you to help me do that. That's your job. That's why you're here. Not to make some stock price go up. Not to make the next generation of toaster. You're here for this." He stretches out his arms, indicating the cave through which his growl of a voice echoes, and the suit and weapons against one of the rocky walls. "If that doesn't work for you, sign an NDA, offer your resignation and get the hell out of my sight."

You don't balk under his withering gaze, and Wayne's clearly surprised by it - you guess he doesn't tend to get a lot of resistance when he uses this tone of voice. "If that's what you hired me for, then you left a few digits off my salary. If you're expecting me to aid and abet you in a criminal enterprise, I'd better be getting paid for it. And you're going to approve the Maglev project. Non-negotiable."

Wayne stares you down for a moment, before nodding. "Fine. But we start with my needs first." He demands, and you relent. "Well, firstly then, I say we see about stopping you from getting shot again. The disguise was a clever idea, but it didn't really help once bullets started flying." You begin. "A suit, then?" Wayne asks. "A suit." You agree. "Show me what you have, and we can start from there." Wayne turns, directing you to an improvised clothes/weapons rack.


A set of black clothing with a mask - protects the wearer's identity, but little else. The dark colors help the wearer blend into darkness, but not more than your average dark clothing.


A set of throwing stars that wouldn't look out of place on the set of a '70s ninja flick. Sharp and somewhat aerodynamic, but short range and cause limited damage.

Grappling Hook Mk 1:

As it looks like - a sturdy iron hook that can be thrown to catch on a ledge and allow the user to climb up a rope. Totally rudimentary, and requires the user to slowly clamber up the rope by their own power.

Before any project or piece of gear can be created, Lucius needs to develop a clear vision for what he's trying to build, and what goals he's trying to accomplish. This is done through a few steps:

Project overview: A brief description of what exactly the finished product is intended to be

Primary design feature: The most important feature you want the design to incorporate (for the Batsuit this could be ballistic armor, low-visibility, aerodynamics, etc)

Secondary Design Features: Other design goals you want the project to have, alongside the primary feature. (You can plan as many secondary features as you wish in one design, but making the design more complex increases the time and difficulty of the project.)

Optional Image: Self-explanatory - an image representing your vision for what the finished product will look like

Wayne's Demands: Aspects that Bruce Wayne insists upon including in the design. You can either cave, try to get him to modify the design, or try to outright refuse to include his ideas. This will effect your working relationship.

Bat Project Started - Design Phase:

Batsuit 1.0:

Project Overview:

[] Write in

Primary Design Feature:
[] Write In

Secondary Design Feature:
[] Write In

Optional Image:
[] Write In

Wayne's Demands: The suit must be black. The suit must incorporate a 'bat' aesthetic into the design - some kind of prominently visible bat symbol is desired but not mandatory.
[] Accept Wayne's demands
[] Refuse Wayne's demands
[] Write in: Try to negotiate a compromise


QM Note: Alright everyone, sorry for the delay - I was trying to fine tune how I wanted the design phase to work. So, Lucius's (your) first task is to design the very first Batsuit. After that, turn one will begin

QM Note: Please vote by plan
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Tjf on Jan 26, 2024 at 12:10 AM, finished with 66 posts and 32 votes.
Year 1 - Q1

Wayne Tower, 57th Floor - Wayne Industrial

"So, how are you finding things, Mr Fox?" Arman, your new assistant, smiles as he shows you through to your new office.

"It's a very impressive building." You reply noncommittally as you walk through the halls of the building, high above Gotham, and take in the sleek post-modern architecture. I see the old bosses found money to renovate this place. Funny, considering that lack of funds was supposedly why they sold off half the company... You sigh, internally cursing your predecessors. Finding a spacious office waiting for you, you take a seat. "Alright, let's see what we're dealing with." You twist your neck, cracking the stiff muscles, as you begin to go through paperwork.

Wayne Steel Mill - Gotham
The Wayne Steel Mill has employed Gothamites since the Great War, and produces plentiful steel used both in Wayne Industries' other plants, and sold on the open market.

While operational:
Profit: + $105 per turn
+10 to Manufacturing

Wayne Automotives Plant - Gotham
Slightly technologically outdated, but still highly productive, the Wayne Automotives Plant produces plentiful consumer automobiles, as well as light military vehicles.

While operational:
Profit: + $120 per turn

Wayne Aerospace Production Plant - Gotham
Wayne Aerospace is largely responsible for the creation of passenger jets and is a major profit driver.

While operational:
Profit: + $330 per turn

Wayne Aerospace Design/Test Facility - Nevada
One of the few R&D facets of Wayne Industries. Deep in the Nevada desert, the Wayne Facility is home to a number of aircraft designers and test pilots whose role it is to design new, in-house aircraft for Wayne Aerospace to produce.

While operational:
Ability to design new aircraft

Wayne Shipping 2 fleets of cargo ships - Multinational

While operational:
Profit: + $150 per turn

Wayne Shipping Private docks - Multinational

While operational:
Profit: + $50 per turn
Discount to price of setting up business in other countries

Gold Mine - Zambesi

While operational:
Profit: + $50 per turn

Platinum Mine - Zambesi

While operational:
Profit: + $80 per turn

Combined Asset Profits - $835
Corporate Upkeep - $300
Low Credit Rating Penalty - $100
Low Bruce Relationship Penalty - $10

Resources: $425
Action Points: 10

QM Note: Multiple action points can be spent on the same action - adding d100 dice to the same roll.

Looking through reports of the assets under your purview, you wonder if you shouldn't start your reign off with a bang - publicly stating that Wayne Industries is back on the map, with big, visible construction work?

[] Expand Gotham Steel Lvl 2: A flagship enterprise of the Wayne empire, expanding the Gotham Steelworks would be a big symbol of the company's intentions to claw back its dominant position once more - and provide employment for Gotham. (0/250)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 200 Unskilled, 50 Skilled
Cost: $50 Per Action Point

[] Expand Gotham Automotives Plant Lvl 2: Expanding the Wayne Automotives Plant will allow you to increase the number of production lines, creating additional automobiles, or allowing you to produce different types of vehicle in parallel. (0/250)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 200 Unskilled, 50 Skilled
Cost: $50 Per Action Point

[] Expand Gotham Aerospace Plant to Lvl 2: As with the automobile factory, an expansion will allow you to either build more passenger jets, or multiple types of aircraft simultaneously. (0/300)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 100 Unskilled, 50 Skilled
Cost: $60 per Action Point

[] Construct a New Shipping Fleet: Wayne Shipping already has a sufficient number of cargo ships to transport Wayne goods globally and keep the Empire moving. Additional fleets of cargo vessels, however, can be hired out to governments and companies to help satisfy their own transport needs - paying Wayne Industries a premium for the privilege. (0/150)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 300 Unskilled, 50 Skilled
Cost: $50 per Action Point

[] Construct a new factory: Building a factory from the ground up requires a substantial investment in both manpower and money, but increases production more than a mere factory expansion would, and allows you to focus on the production of a new good without having to repurpose an existing factory. (0/500)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 1000 Unskilled, 300 Skilled
Cost: $150 per Action Point
[] Write in: What good the factory will produce (ie: Household Appliances, automobiles, small arms, clothing etc)

[] Repurpose an existing Factory: Instead of building something new, you can save on cost by converting an existing production line to produce a different kind of product. (0/200)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 50 Unskilled, 10 Skilled
Cost: $30 per Action Point
[] Write in: Which factory to convert, and what their new production good will be

[] Construct a retailer: Wayne Industries' civilian goods are generally sold to middlemen retailers these days, but that wasn't always the case - the Waynes once owned malls, department stores, shopping centers and auto dealerships across the country. Physical retail might not be the most in demand these days, but having a location to sell goods direct to the public puts the Wayne brand back in the public eye. (0/500)
Increase to Optimum Employee Numbers: 500 Unskilled, 100 Skilled
Cost: $100 per Action Point

Then again, looking at the reports you can't help but notice that they're a little sparse on detail. Some research might be in order.

[] On-Site Inspections: There's no substitute for physically visiting a place of business, meeting its employees and inspecting the day to day operations. With the immensity of Wayne Industries and its facilities, any inspection more thorough than a mere whistle-stop tour will take a great deal of time and effort, but having firsthand experience of your business will help you understand its needs. Being seen by your workers will also help reassure them that you're not another suit preparing to lay them all off, but someone who actually cares about seeing the business succeed - and keeping them employed. (0/500)
Cost: $15 per Action Point

[] Research the Market (Civilian Goods): If you want Wayne to be a household name again, you need to put products in the hands of regular people. To do that, you need to have a good handle of the public's wants and needs. (0/100)
Cost: $50 per Action Point

[] Research the Market (Military Goods): Bruce Wayne might not like it, but the military is one of the key sources of the corporation's funding. You should put out some feelers to figure out what fancy doohickeys are big in the world of armaments. (0/100)
Cost: $50 per Action Point

[] Research Gotham: You love your city, but it's undeniable that Gotham has begun to decay. It might not be your job, but you feel you should spend some time looking into Gotham's social ills. (0/100)
Cost: $10 per Action Point

[] Research a Rival: There are numerous companies doing far better than Wayne Enterprises - they must be doing something right. Put some effort into learning what makes the competition tick. (0/100)
Cost: $30 per Action Point
[] Write in: Which Rival corporation to research

[] Research lesser companies: Look into some small, less highly valued companies that might be targets for acquisition. Who knows? Maybe you'll snatch up the next big thing. (0/100)
Cost: $30 per Action Point

[] Research the other divisions: It might be worth looking into the other Wayne Enterprises divisions to see how they're doing. (0/100)
Cost: $10 per Action Point

Governments and corporations have plentiful money, making them good clients. It might be worth seeing who's willing to pay you to produce stuff for them - successful contracts could lead to more business down the line.

[] Seek a military light vehicle contract: Bruce Wayne isn't crazy about selling weaponry, but luckily he's not really paying much attention to his company at the moment. Offer to build a line of light vehicles for military use. (0/250)

[] Seek a military aircraft contract: Bruce Wayne isn't crazy about selling weaponry, but luckily he's not really paying much attention to his company at the moment. Offer to build a line of military aircraft. (0/250)

[] Spend time with your family: You've become an incredibly busy man, but you should find time to spend with your wife and children.

[] Speak to Alfred: The old butler seems like a good person, and clearly he cares about his ward. Perhaps it might be worth seeing if you can find some common cause to help keep Wayne from doing anything foolish. (0/100)

[] Spend time with Bruce Wayne: As much as he might try to hide it through charm and callousness, and as much as he's definitely a weirdo, you think that Wayne might not be such a bad guy. He honestly seems kind of lonely. Perhaps he could use a friend? (0/500)

[] Co-ordinate with WayneTech: Traditionally, there stood a fairly strong relationship between WayneTech and Wayne Industries - one division designed stuff, the other division produced it. With the near liquidation of WayneTech, however, that link has been disrupted. Perhaps by building bridges and helping restore WayneTech to its former glory, you might create a solid pipeline of new tech to produce. (0/500)
Cost: $150
Sway: 5

[] Co-ordinate with Wayne Biotech: Wayne Biotech is involved in pretty fundamentally different markets than your division, but there are still elements of business where you could benefit from cooperation. Perhaps the two strongest divisions in the company should work together more closely? (0/500)
Cost: $100
Sway: 5

[] Co-ordinate with the Wayne Foundation: Quincy Sharpe seems...less than reliable, but perhaps you can score some good PR from working with the Wayne Foundation? Lets just hope the money goes where it's supposed to. (0/250)
Cost: $50
Sway: 5

[] Politic: It's a little distasteful, but every workplace has its share of office politics. Spend some time currying favors and gathering rumors to enhance your status in the company. (0/150)
Cost: $10
Sway: 10

[] Restore/Create a new division of Wayne Enterprises: In the old days, Wayne Enterprises was made up of many independent divisions, all with their own budgets and staff. For cost reasons, most of them were shuttered or forced under the authority of a different division. Restoring or creating a new division will add new profit to the company, and more cynically doubling the size of your domain will vastly enhance your prestige in the company. (0/1000)
Cost: $1000
Sway: 35

[] Take over another division: Making a corporate power play is risky and more than a little ethically questionable, but by seizing control of another division, you'll have far more resources - as well as vastly increasing your own power. (0/1000)
Cost: $500
Sway: 50

[] Petition to become CEO: When you feel you're ready, approach Bruce Wayne and make your case, asking him to step down as CEO in favor of you. He'd remain owner of the company, but all operational authority would rest in your hands. You'd best have some good results to show as evidence that you deserve the position, though - Bruce is a paranoid man, and despite not caring much for the company, is unlikely to trust you enough to give you so much power without good reason.

[] Seek Investment: You could always use an influx of money. Wine and dine some fat cats and use your financial expertise to assure them that Wayne Industrial is a safe financial bet. (0/250)
Cost: $30

[] Sell off an asset: It's regrettable, but it might be wise to downsize to keep things afloat. Hopefully your apology to the workers won't go viral. (0/100)
[] Write in: Asset to sell

[] Determine Salary Levels: Your workers are still being paid at the same levels your predecessors decided. Use your knowledge of finance to determine wages that are both financially feasible and fair to the people who work their asses off for the company every day. (0/250)
Cost: $10
QM Note: This is just determining what an equitable wage would be. Once this is completed, you will still be able to pay higher or lower than this amount.

[] Financial Magic: Wayne Enterprises, like most corporations, comes with offshore accounts and shell corporations. By using these, as well as your financial expertise, you can funnel funds toward Bruce Wayne's 'night job'.
[] Write in: How much money do you funnel to the Batman operation?

[] Fund a scholarship: Coming from a poor background, you had no choice but to join the military to get into college. Most people aren't so lucky - education simply isn't an option for a disturbing number of Gothamites. Offer partially and fully funded scholarships to Gotham U for people from the Bowery and the Narrows. (0/250)
Cost: $80 per Action Point
Gain small influx of skilled workers every turn

[] Give elementary schools a donation: The state of education in Gotham is sickening. Overworked teachers, decrepit schools and a pervasive lack of equipment is rampant. Donating some money won't fix the problem by a long shot, but it should at the very least help. (0/400)
Cost: $30 per Action Point

[] Repair damaged city infrastructure: Gotham is doing as bad on a physical level as it is on a social level. Broken down sewers and water systems mean that whole neighborhoods often go without water or plumbing, and several of the roads are simply unsafe to drive on. Fixing it would be a monumental undertaking, but you'd be doing a genuine good deed for the people of your city. (0/400)
Cost: $150 per Action Point

[] Institute a former-convict employment scheme: You're not sure if your boss is out for justice or vengeance, but you understand enough to realise that the latter isn't working. Gotham's felons are being sent to prison, then being released into a city where they're rejected from legitimate work, before ending up in prison again. A post-prison employment scheme would give Wayne Enterprises an influx of workers, and give criminals a chance to turn their lives around. Of course, there are safety concerns, though - not every prisoner will be willing to reform. (0/400)
Cost: $50 per Action Point
Gain influx of unskilled workers every turn
Wayne Industries security decreases

[] Go on a recruitment drive (Unskilled): Wayne Industries is understaffed - especially if you have plans of expanding. Post job ads and send the message publicly that you're looking for new blood. (0/100)
Cost: $15 per Action Point
Generates a pool of available workers to hire - the higher your roll, the higher the workers. You can decide how many people from the pool you want to hire - you don't have to hire everyone

[] Go on a recruitment drive (Skilled): Wayne Industries is understaffed - especially if you have plans of expanding. Post job ads and send the message publicly that you're looking for new blood. (0/100)
Cost: $15 per Action Point
Generates a pool of available workers to hire - the higher your roll, the higher the workers. You can decide how many people from the pool you want to hire - you don't have to hire everyone

[] Hire Security Staff: Wayne Industries could use more people on hand to protect it from threats like corporate espionage or organised crime. (0/100)
Cost: $15 per Action Point
Increases Wayne Industries security level

[] Design a new aircraft
Opens Design turn

[] Design new aircraft parts: A new engine or battery type could be designed in isolation, without having to design an entire aircraft, and sold to other manufacturers for a profit (0/300)
Cost: $20 per Action Point


By the time you've finished work for the day, you're exhausted. Looking outside, you see the lights of the city, the sun long since haven fallen below the horizon. "You're still here? Sorry, Arman. You don't have to stay this long when I'm working late." You yawn, apologising as you step outside your office. "Wait..." You pause as you collect your coat. "Who left this?" From your pocket, you withdraw a small piece of note paper you're sure wasn't there before. "Hmm? I don't know - no one's been in here since the secretary a few hours ago. Here, she was- Wait, where'd the security footage go?" As Arman stares at his computer in confusion, you look at the note.

Sorry to swipe you a note like a lovesick schoolgirl, but I like to show off a little. I had an arrangement with the guy who used to sit in your chair, and he was very satisfied with my services. I think the two of us could be of service to each other, too. While the cops are away, the cats will play, so meet me at the Opera house next week if you're interested - the opening night of Carmen, and we'll talk business.

"Is she... Is that an offer know?" Arman peeks over your shoulder at the note, and you chuckle.

"I can see why you'd think that, but given her method of introducing herself, I think our friend is a thief." You slip the note back into your coat pocket. "I need to think and consider my next move. Can I count on your discretion about the note?" You look to your assistant.

"What note, sir?" Arman grins, and you nod appreciatively. "Good man."

Free Action (No AP cost):

Choose one:

[] Go to the Opera
: You're not decided on whether to bring the police or not, but you'll bite - go to the opera and hear what this mysterious thief has to offer you.
[] Ignore the note: Nothing good can come from getting mixed up with criminals. Well, aside from your boss. Burn the note and forget any of this ever happened.

Illicit Resources: $100
Illicit AP: 2

[] Build the Batsuit 1.0: The time has come - you've put together a design you're quite proud of, despite its prototype status. A set of mottled black and grey armor with a mask and cowl, made to resist knives and small caliber bullets, while blending into darkness and allowing a range of free movement. It's time to build the first batsuit. (0/100)
Cost: $50

[] Build some upgraded gadgets: Bruce's gear is incredibly rudimentary - like it's from a ninja film or something. There's only so much you can do with limited resources, but you're pretty sure you can fashion a grapple gun with a rudimentary motor, capable of supporting the man's weight. It will be slow, but he'll be able to ascend to the top of a building without having to physically throw the rope, or climb up it. (0/100)
Cost: $50

[] Renovate the cave - Step 1: Bruce's choice of headquarters - the cave beneath Wayne Manor - is simply a hollowed out cave, dark, damp and rocky. Converting it into a proper base is going to take time and effort. The first step is adding in some light, as well as metal platforms to walk on so that you have the stability to add things like a computer, a weapons and armor rack, and a workbench. (0/300)
Cost: $100

[] The Bat-Computer - Step 1: Already, you've been picturing some kind of advanced in-house computer system that Batman can interface with to aid him in his crime fighting endeavors. Something that complex will take time, but you're pretty sure in the meantime you could link the GCPD criminal database to a secure device, that Batman could use to help him identify suspects. It's a far cry from the supercomputer you're imagining, but it's a start. (0/300)
Cost: $30

[] Design the Bat...Vehicle: A vigilante needs a way to go around the city quickly, preferably one more suitable than Wayne's Bentley. Go to the drawing board and design a vehicle from him to use.
Begins a design turn
Last edited:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Tjf on Feb 20, 2024 at 6:46 AM, finished with 42 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Plan starting points
    -[X] Research Actions
    --[X] On-Site Inspections (0/500) 3 AP $45
    --[X] Research the Market (Civilian Goods) (0/100) 1 AP $50
    -[X] Interpersonal Actions
    --[X] Spend time with your family 1 AP
    --[X] Speak to Alfred (0/100) 1 AP
    -[X] Recruitment Actions
    --[X] Go on a recruitment drive (Unskilled) (0/100) 2 AP $30
    --[X] Hire Security Staff (0/100) 2 AP $30
    -[X] Free Action (No AP cost):
    --[X] Go to the Opera
    -[X] Illicit Actions
    --[X] Build the Batsuit 1.0 (0/100) 1 IAP $50
    --[X] Build some upgraded gadgets (0/100) 1 IAP $50
    -[X] budget: 155/425 illicit budget: 100/100
    [X] Plan Steering the Ship
    -[X] Construct a New Shipping Fleet: (0/300) 3 AP $150
    -[X] Research the Market (Civilian Goods): (0/200) 3 AP $150
    -[X] On-Site Inspections: (0/1000) 2 AP $30
    -[X] Hire Security Staff: (0/100) 2 AP $30
    -[X] Ignore the note: Nothing good can come from getting mixed up with criminals. Well, aside from your boss. Burn the note and forget any of this ever happened.
    -[X] Build the Batsuit 1.0: (0/100): 2 AP $100
    [x] Go to the Opera: You're not decided on whether to bring the police or not, but you'll bite - go to the opera and hear what this mysterious thief has to offer you.
    [X] Plan: Market research
    -[X] On-Site Inspections: (0/1000) 2D $30
    -[X] Research the Market (Civilian Goods): (0/200) 3D $150
    -[X] Research Gotham: (0/300) 2D $20
    -[X] Hire Security Staff: (0/100) 3D $45
    -[X] Build the Batsuit 1.0: (0/100) 2D $100
    [x] Go to the Opera
    [X] Ignore the note: Nothing good can come from getting mixed up with criminals. Well, aside from your boss. Burn the note and forget any of this ever happened.