*Insert witty title here*
- Location
- Imperial Manila, Asian Mexico
That would be fine with us. How much would this cost?
We regret to inform the world that the Great Marshal, Kim Jong Un, has passed on. Selection for his successor will begin next week.
Man, we are so lucky this shit went down. I mean did you see that? It was effing insane! Ain't nobody gonna be looking too hard at us when that crazy is going on! What? No, of course, I turned the microphone off. What kind of idiot do you think I am?
We regret to inform the world that the Great Marshal, Kim Jong Un, has passed on. Selection for his successor will begin next week.
Man, we are so lucky this shit went down. I mean did you see that? It was effing insane! Ain't nobody gonna be looking too hard at us when that crazy is going on! What? No, of course, I turned the microphone off. What kind of idiot do you think I am?
To: JapanTo: Japan
From: China
Interpol would be workable, although the special mission herems powers ought to be expanded beyond a pure advisory role--an international body must have the power to hunt down whatever conspiracy has supplied these insurgents effectively and without delay
From: Japan
To:North Korea
The Prime Minister wishes to extend his condolences to the North Korean people for the death of Kim Jong Un, regardless of the possible circumstances surrounding his death.
To: NK
From: PRC
The Chinese government expresses its most sincere condolences
From: Britain
To: China
Her Majesty's Government is happy to help form some sort of a group, or use interpol as suggested for some sort of a 'task force' to scout for clearly advanced groups.
We would also like to discuss the possibility of obtaining or creating our own version of the red string programme. Such a tool would do wonders for crime prevention in general.
We will ignore the insinuation that we or the US are somehow "fragile" in interests of continuing dialogueTo: Japan
From: China
Given that the only two nations affected by the recent events were the two most fragile great powers, it might be reasonable to assume that the present structure Interpol operates under is entirely sufficient for the majority of functioning governments.
The PRC welcomes the UK's dedication to continuing global stability.
Secret: Red String Analytica would be happy to contract with the British government to develop a domain awareness anti-crime system of cameras across Britain, the information in which will be analyzed by Red String's proprietary software in their servers, and the information delivered to the British government. In addition to this, Red String can offer Britain--secretly--the implementation of a predictive anti-terrorist software that scans metadata working off of MI6 information and feeds to prevent future attacks like what occured in DC before they happen
Given that the American deep state is currently embroiled in what appears to be a civil war, and China previously allowed an assassin to successfully take out a member of government and escape (for which a Japanese national has been falsely accused,) it's entirely reasonable to consider them relatively fragile states.We will ignore the insinuation that we or the US are somehow "fragile" in interests of continuing dialogue
However, regardless of Japan's own non-involvement in recent affairs, one must admit that this recent event is clearly out of the ordinary and deserves special attention. Nihlistic radicals with futuristic weaponry assaulted the US capital and spread nukes around the world. They somehow also completely cut camera footage in Washington DC in a manner remniscent of events in Shanghai, implying that they may have global reach. Someting extraordinary must be done to combat this.
From: UK
To: China
It is only natural, quite frankly this attack and the events surrounding us are deeply worrying. What we had witnessed clearly represents at least two groups fighting it out, in the capital of the United States of America, with weapons ahead of conventional forces. While we are introducing rudimentary powered exoskeletons this year to the army, these groups clearly posess far superior arms and equipment.
We must confess, we would prefer to create our own program, given the need to secure the data. However, a potential trial of such a resource could be implemented, and safeguards against usage against the British government or interests could be arranged. Should a trial prove viable, we would be open to discussing a fair deal.
Given that the American deep state is currently embroiled in what appears to be a civil war, and China previously allowed an assassin to successfully take out a member of government and escape (for which a Japanese national has been falsely accused,) it's entirely reasonable to consider them relatively fragile states.
Additionally, from the authenticated footage we were able to attain (from 2channel of all places) it is entirely doubtful that the technology displayed by the attacking forces was entirely terrestrial in origin, negating the theory that a secret organization would be involved. After all, there would have been prior indications somewhere of viable energy weapons being developed by any major power.