I'm rather curious will you be including the Enchanted Garden update and the Alchemical Machine along with base potion crafting?

I ask because I'm curious about whether or not Taylor will acquire and ample supply of reagents and some other bases for the potions besides water, such as oil and wine and whatever void silt is used for.
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Chapter 9: Experimentation Continues
It did not take Taylor long to figure out a proper Tier III Strength recipe. It was a simple thing, just four fully ground Terraria and the addition of a tiny bit of Base. Furthermore, she had found another setup that only used three Terraria by taking advantage of the Whirlpool. However, in the end, she decided the second recipe was more trouble than it was worth.

Even though it could save her a full Terraria, it was a bit inconsistent. If she accidentally stirred or heated too much or too little, it would not get her a Tier III, and she might even run into a bone-zone and lose all her ingredients for nothing. Better to use the slightly more expensive but consistent recipe, in her opinion.

Since her recipe used Base to pull her potion form behind the effect of strength into its center she could use it to make Tier I and II as well, something she promptly did for testing reasons.

'Time to start…'

Taylor began by lightly jogging around her backyard. Just going in a circle around her property until she began to feel the first hints of tiredness. She did not push herself beyond that, since she would have to repeat the run and making herself tired would influence the later attempts. The moment she felt even a twinge of pain in her lungs, she slowed and stopped. She had an old step-counter she had borrowed from her dad. It was quite possible the thing was not perfectly accurate, but since it was a consistent yardstick consistent between all her tests, it should let her understand the ratio of improvement.

Jogging might seem a counterintuitive way of testing a Potion of Strength, but the Alchemical Effect also seemed to have the effect of improving endurance, and endurance was a lot easier to test without a budget since she still did not have a way of buying a bunch of weights. She also decided to drink the Potions, rather than any of the other application options like injection it or pouring it upon herself.

Taylor soon discovered that when not using any potion, she could run for about a quarter of a mile before her lungs began to hurt. When she took the Tier I Potion of Strength, she seemed to increase that to about 50-60% of a mile, which implied to her it was probably a simple times two boost. When she took the Tier II Potion, she ended up running for nearly the full mile, implying it was around a times four boost. When she took the Tier III, however, the trend was broken. She easily pranced around for nearly 2.4 miles, basically ten times her original distance.

She also found that all three potions, when drunk, lasted roughly an hour. The effect was not really an on-off switch. After drinking the effect began to rapidly rise, before peaking, and then very slowly dropping off until the end of the hour.

That did mostly match what happened with her grandfather's testing with the diluted Frost Potion on rats. Assuming the same trends held, she could pour the Potion on herself for a larger, but less lasting boost, and inject it for the largest but shortest increase. However, Taylor could not be sure until she tested said application methods-an experiment for later.

The next thing she wanted to test, as night began to crawl over the sky, was the effect of imbuing a potion into an item. She already knew it was weaker than drinking the potion, but lasted longer. But how much weaker?

It was a Monday, and tomorrow she would have to go back to school, so she could not stay up too late.

'I'll go grab some rings from the basement...'

The basement under the workstation was a veritable smorgasbord of random items her grandfather had acquired- either because he had some purported link to the occult, or because he was using them to experiment. There was a jewelry cabinet stuffed with various rings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets and other wearable items, all obviously purchased for the sake of testing Imbuing Alchemical Effects into items. Most were clearly cheap-made of plain steel, carved wood, or other inexpensive materials. That said, there were a few that looked a lot more expensive.

It was as Taylor was grabbing some plain steel rings, she paused.

'I mean- I could probably sell some of these, right?'

She pondered the idea for a moment. She did need money at the moment. But the idea of selling off items she had inherited from a dead family member for quick cash made her feel somewhat guilty. Like she was disappointing her grandpa and he would look down from the clouds and shake his head in disappointment at his unfilial grandchild. However, it wasn't like she was selling them to gamble or do cocaine or something. She needed money to buy proper testing equipment for various potions, a costume to become a hero and other actually important items. Still, after biting her lip for a moment, the teen shook her head.

'Probably better to just figure out a safe way to start selling Potions...'

Taylor marked each ring with strips of thin black electrical tape. One had one tripe, one had two stripes, and one had three. Then, she carefully grabbed three bowls, and set each ring into one. The girl measured out and poured roughly one twenty-fourth of each Tier of Strength Potion into one of the bottle-corresponding to the number of strips on the rings, so she would not forget which.

According to his experiments on Frost Potions, imbuing an item with a single potion bottle lasted around twenty-four hours. Diluting it with water would also weaken but extend the effect apparently. Taylor was curious about one thing not mentioned in the 'Frost Potion Effects Record'. If she used less than a full bottle, would the effect be the same strength but last an hour, or would it last the full day but be weaker?

After a long minute of staring, each ring had fully drunk up the rich brown elixir of Strength.

She put on the Tier I Ring and repeated the jogging test. Then the Tier II, and the Tier III. After all the tests were finished, the data seemed quite clear. The imbued objects seemed to have provided roughly one-fifth of the boost of drinking the potion. So the low-grade ring was a twenty percent boost, the mid-grade a sixty percent, and the high-grade a one hundred and eighty percent boost.

It seemed her first hypothesis was correct, as each ring only lasted an hour before losing any effect. Letting them absorb the full potion resulted in the same feeling when she put them on-Taylor was starting to get a feel for the process of 'Strength' potion entering her. She could just tell that the strength boost was at the same level.

It was not exactly scientific, but she had to head to bed anyway so sue her.

As she did so, she looked down at the Ring of Strength III upon her left ring finger. An innocuous band of grey metal. It was so unassuming. Yet just wearing it made her almost three times as physically strong. Sure, a well-muscled man could still probably beat her with ease but... it was literally a life-changing increase in power for her.

And, she could just refresh it each morning. She could wear it all day. She could have superstrength all day. Every day. For the rest of her life. The thought almost made her giddy. Absurd images appeared in her mind. Sophia tried to shove her, only for Taylor to catch her hand and shove her back. Yeah, Sophia was tough. But was she thrice the physical strength of Taylor?

The teen knew the fantasy was inane and childish, but it still brought a smile to her face as she flopped down onto the unfamiliar bed of her room in Westport Place. It was just too late to safely go back to her Dad's house...(When did she start thinking of it like that?).

Then...the advice of the random druggie she had met suddenly returned to her. She imagined herself following Emma home in a mask. Brutally beating her. Only to end up in prison the next morning. The teen's smile turned to a frown and she shook her head.

No. Despite how tempting it sounded, there was no reason to try and assault anyone, let alone her wealthy and well-connected bullies. Just a few more years. Taylor could keep her head down and one day, all the drama of high school would be behind her. Just a few more years.

She'd emerge from the shit and filth of Winslow like a butterfly from a cocoon. The rose that grew from concrete. She'd go to university, maybe become a professor like her mom, or a writer or-or she'd be a hero.

She'd be a hero. Someone who mattered. Emma and Madison and Sophia would get boring day jobs in cubicles or something, and Taylor would be a superhero known throughout all of Brockton Bay. She'd save lives and have her own TV show and underwear with her face on it-well maybe not that one…

Just a few more years.

The girl drifted off to hazy dreams.

...Seven feathers in an orb. Three crescents in the mouth of a serpent. Three spheres within sol...

...The Red Lion. The Green Lion. The Mouth of Choleric beware...

...You must make Water of the Earth, and Earth of the Air, and Air of the Fire, and Fire of the Earth...

...Here is the last of the Red, and the beginning to put away the dead. The Elixir Vitae...

...Siccitas. Frigiditas. Humiditas. Caliditas...


The next morning, Taylor yawned as she walked through the hall of Westport Place. After some thought, she had decided she was going to make an Imbued item of Strength. It was just too awesome not to pass. Never having to worry about common objects being too heavy. No straining her back lifting a bag og new coals from the basement. No feeling tired and drained and weak after a long walk. That euphoric feeling of endless energy and strength.

(Was that how fit people felt all the time? Just so…energetic and good? Like they weren't constantly tired and flaccid? Maybe Taylor should take up exercising…)

The best option in her mind was probably an anklet or maybe a toe ring. They would be covered by her socks, shoes and sweatpants. It would be basically unstealable and unnoticeable. But Taylor was not actually sure if she could even get a ring on and off her toe without it getting stuck. So an anklet it was!

She grabbed one of the Tier III strengths she had brewed or 'synthesized' yesterday and poured it into a glass bowl. Then, she gently dipped a bronzed anklet into it. It took a few minutes before it was completely soaked up. Then she put it on and sighed in contentment as the feeling of indomitability returned to her.

A long walk to the bus stop later, and soon Taylor arrived at the vaunted halls of Brockton Bay's worst public school. She trudged through the dusty, mudprint stained halls, toward her first class of the day.

Soon after she had taken her seat, she felt an ominous presence approaching her. The hair on the back of her neck raised up. But it was not Emma Barnes, Madison Clements or Sophia Hess. It wasn't even one of the other popular kids who occasionally screwed with Taylor like Julia or Charlotte. It was a short, slightly chubby boy, with blond hair in a bowl cut and blue eyes. It was Greg Veder.

Taylor relaxed slightly. Veder was not a bully who tried to make her life hell. He was just... he was just annoying. Perhaps it was a little ironic of her to think of him like that. Here she was, Taylor Hebert, friendless loser extraordinaire-annoyed with one of the only people in her whole school willing to talk to her. Even if everything he said was an incoherent ramble about some incredibly niche video game or comic book that she tried her best to tune out(and despite said efforts, yes she did, in fact, know what an Arthas was...)

Did she even deserve to have such 'high standards'? Where did she get off judging Greg?

'That's probably how other people think of me,' she snorted. 'An annoying loser. Maybe I should be a little less judgemental.'

"...Morning," she eventually said.

Greg nodded at her, the blubber of his barely visible double chin jiggling. The portly fellow stopped to catch his breath as if the short walk to her table had left him out of breath.

"Um? Hey Taylor! I uh, I heard about what happened. I'm really sorry. My grandpa died so I kinda know how it feels so I'm sure you must be down. Oh, I know something that will cheer you up. There's this new Legends of Earth Samekh chapter out. It's really fun-I just got it yesterday and I'm already at Reputation level 30. That's like top ten percent globally, by the way. All the shopkeepers give me a huge discount. It's super sweet. I mean, I guess I could get you a discount code- if you want one."

"...I'm fine," Taylor shrugged.

She could see Greg's perpetually wide eyes staring down at her, lips twisted nervously.

"Did you do it?" he suddenly blurted out.

Taylor blinked in his direction.

"I mean, I wouldn't tell anyone if you did," Greg waved his hands as if to pacify her. "Like, maybe it was self-defence. Or like maybe he was super evil and you wanted revenge, like in Kill Bill I mean, I think I could-"

"Greg," Taylor interrupted, eyes narrowed. "Are you asking me if I killed my own fucking grandfather?"

"Hey! I was just curious-like I said, I was defending you too! I told Sparky maybe it was for a good reason-"

Okay. She took back everything she had thought just a minute ago. Greg absolutely deserved how people thought of him.

"Greg, shut the fuck up!" Taylor snapped. "The answer is no, and kindly fuck off!"

Maybe it was the confidence of finally feeling like she was actually doing something with her life. Maybe it was the feeling of power flowing through her body from the bronze anklet on her left foot. Maybe Greg was just particularly annoying right now. But Taylor just did not feel like dealing with his…gregness.

The boy flinched as if struck, eyes widening slightly. If he had not just said what he had just said, Taylor might even have felt a little sorry at seeing his round puppy dog eyes. But her tolerance for typical Veder nonsense was at an all-time low.

"But-" he whimpered. "I was just asking?"

'As if that made it okay or something?'

"I said. Fuck. Off."

The boy's brow furrowed, and he sighed loudly, before looking at his feet. and shuffling off a few seats. He rolled her eyes as she saw him actually kick the ground in annoyance-like a cartoon character in an old rubber hose animation did to show exaggerated anger. Taylor had not even known it was a real thing actual humans did.

Then again, maybe calling Greg an actual human was a bit inaccurate, the teen girl scoffed with a scowl. More like an overeager puppy mixed with a particularly unintelligent chimpanzee.

Greg turned to look at her, a hurt expression on his face.

"If you-"

Taylor's glare cut him off. The boy scowled for a moment, before taking out his phone and looking down at it.

Mr.Gladly shuffled into the room. He was a short, youthful looking brunette. Honestly, if he were to say he was himself a high schooler, Taylor might believe him. The Brockton Bulldogs football jersey he wore did not help.

"Alright guys, today we're going to be learning about the effects the Triumvirate have had on political culture in the..."

Taylor went to go pee and returned to find a snot-covered tissue on her chair, but beyond that the class ended without any further fanfare. As the bell rang, the girl stood up, gathering her papers and materials and storing them in a binder she then placed in her backpack.

Taylor stood and began to walk out of class, when a voice interrupted her. It was Mr.Gladly.

"Hey, Taylor-Could you stay and chat with me for a minute?"


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Now the question is: was that all the Greg Effect, or might the potion-imbued items have something of a minor side effect? There's often a tradeoff between Strength and Anger in many media.
rage is its own effect in the fire-air direction. strength is an earth (and a bit of water) potion. this is just greg being a massive fucking asshole, he even in his defense of her accused her of killing her grandfather. "i'm sure she had a good reason" is not what someone who didn't kill their grandfather wants to hear
damn lol, this might be the first term someone has ever been banned from a story of mine? I think. Maybe i'm forgetting someone.
As this Taylor is not a Parahuman I hope that she avoids the conflict drive. She would do well to imitate Harry Dresden and Geralt of Rivia. Develop a full set of magical and mundane tools. Maintain a set of potions to cover contingences and research what she is getting involved with before taking any action. Be a smart wizard Taylor, not a rash superhero.