I'm currently using Random.org, I would be interested in seeing how the rolls have worked out on average across the quest so far but based on a particular turn I'm not looking to switch up.
fair enough.
The Electors are the 13 surviving Provinces, Westerland, Nordland, Ostland, Middenland, Hochland, Talabecland, Ostermark, Reikland, Wissenland, Stirland, Averland, Mootland and Sylvania. And the two Cult Electors of the Grand Theogonist and the Ar-Ulric.
hmmmmm so if we go for our own candidacy we have 6 votes going for us, the ottilans have 1 vote (others unknown), and the Wolf emperor has at least 4 votes (middenland, nordland, Ar-Ulric and averland) and we have 3 unknowns left, Ostland and Ostermark and Hochland,
Ostermark looks like he wants to vote for talabecland but can be convinced to vote for the wolf emperor for a bribe or for us, and Ostland unless there's something in the previous turns I missed, Ostland was still in the ottilan factions but just like averland doesn't like or have the time for the internal conflict and can be bribed and the wolf emperor may have bribed him or the ottilans did, and finally hochland, well hochland, there's a lot of signs pointing towards hochland being bought by the wolf emperor.
but either way best case scenario for the wolf emperor is 6 votes, us 6 votes and 2 votes for talabecland, it's funny with all the things the wolf emperor has been doing to get votes we still match him in his best-case scenario. But really the fact that averland was bought by the wolf emperor is the one that hurts the most, with him and bribing ostermark we would have won the election with 8 votes.
Anw looking at the choices we have, trying to make that bloc is looking like a lot of work and a lot of promises we will have to make if we even want one more vote other than ours, like even if we go all in with all choices to go for the wolf emperor, we would only have a guaranteed voting block of 4 votes since we won't know how the sigmarites are going to vote with us or not and the westerland isn't looking likely to vote for him. those 4 votes would be enough for him to win even if both hochland and ostland don't vote for him but we would be taking a lot of commitments both modernising the state troops of stirland and Ostermark and we would be losing the favors we just gained in putting a halfing in the council or going for the position of supreme lord of the law instead of going for chancellor. we would have a lot of promises to fulfill and not a lot of concession to show for it.
So not sure which way would be better here going all in for the voting bloc and taking on those promises or just convincing one other elector and hoping hochland and ostland also vote for the wolf emperor. And the problem with taking on more promises is that we already have some, mainly the fort in averland and most of our dices are gonna mostly be concentrated on war against Vlad in the coming turns