The Principality of Reikland is home to Emperor Ludwig and the Grand Theogonist. Your Father elected to skip their election in protest against being passed over and in the twenty years since you've not heard a good word about the Province. But you cannot deny its wealth, strength or newly born institutions of engineering.
Relationship: -65
The Amnesty of the Witchhunters has been couched in language that keeps a distinct separation between the Order of the Silver Hammer in Wissenland and the Order of the Silver Hammer at large. Rumours suggest that it was Nulner Great Cannons that brought down the gates at Carroburg. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire. The Grand Prince of the Reikland is determined to win the next Election, and to do so by being seen as Hero of the Empire.
Across the Reik from Nuln is the Grand County of Stirland. A shared appreciation of fine wine means that there's something of a healthy trade network bringing Wissenlander products through Nuln and into Stirland and Stirlander products down through Nuln into the Province. Stirland also chose not to attend the Last Election.
Relationship: -8
A Cult of Slaanesh in Stirland sponsored a failed Cult in Nuln. Your investigation into the Cult of Slaanesh in Wurtbad has revealed a government riddled with corruption, some less mundane than others. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire. Grand Prince Lutz is fiercely against your seizure of the Imperial Crown and has publicly denounced you.
Hochland is far away in the Northern Empire, as such it is home to barbarians. Unfortunately, they are barbarians who know how to make a gun and are your main rival in the field of firearms. They favour the Cult of Taal and the Ottilian Empress.
Relationship: -15
There's a Hochlander who arrived a month after Father passed and has stood before the gates of the Imperial Palace every day, all day, with a polished Hochland Long Rifle on a pillow. You're told it happens every time there's a new Elector for the last two hundred years as a condemnation that Nuln still hasn't produced anything so accurate. You got along well with the Elector at his wedding. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire.
Across the Reik lies the Grand Duchy of Averland. Relations between the two Provinces have never been particularly complex, there aren't many good crossings of the river on your shared stretch and in the south you're both quite busy with mountain problems to start any problems with one another.
Relationship: +29
Some bother about cattle rustlers last year ended with three men hanging from a tree on the Averlander side of the Reik. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire.
The Grand Duchy of Talabecland is home to the Ottilian Empress, the Cult of Taal and the Great Forest. By not attending the Last Election Father quite scuppered the Grand Theogonist's plans which always pleases the Empress.
Relationship: -7
Wissenland is a traditionally Sigmarite Province and has never particularly favoured the Ottilian claim. For now, that is enough to produce some level of suspicion in Talabheim. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire. The Ottilian Empress has declared her new Imperial Candidacy and stands in opposition to the Emperor in Nuln.
The Ostermark was devastated by a meteor made of Warpstone. Now the nobility is battling it out over who should rule and the commonfolk are fleeing into the province. This sort of unrest is a worry for the other Provinces, unrest has a habit of spilling across borders.
Relationship: +95
You have recently warned Erwin Hertwig, the apparent Elector of Ostermark, of a possible Sylvanian invasion plan. Mariele Althaus has delivered to Ostermark a shipment of weapons and training sergeants in their time of need, as the Ungol tribes begin their siege of Bechafen. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire.
The Grand Barony of Nordland is caught between Middenheim and Marienburg, carefully balancing the favour and displeasure of both. And by all accounts doing quite poorly out of it.
Relationship: -5
Besieged, beset and yet still happy to voice its displeasure at the Myrmidian Proclamation. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire.
The Grand Principality of Ostland is far away. There there are barbarians, savages and creatures akin to Chaos; or so the fairytales of the Wissenland say. The official records say that they are the first line of defence against Chaos and have been calling out to the Provinces for aid for decades.
Relationship: +71
Ostland celebrates your part in their recent victory. The Ostland campaign has been won in some part due to Nulner blackpowder. You and the Elector of Ostland have declared a brotherhood between your two provinces that amounts to a mutual defence pact. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire.
The Wolf Emperor has taken control of Nordland and severely weakened Reikland, his reign so far has been based on military prowess and a tentative alliance with Sylvania.
Relationship: +62
You attended the Wolf Emperor's Wedding, but came away dissapointed. The Wolf Emperor is unwilling to sever ties with Sylvania so long as von Carstein seems to still be acting in the interest of the Wolf Emperor's candidacy. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire.
The Grand County of Mootland is the home of the Halflings, it is a staunch defender of Halfling rights throughout the Empire and keeps an eye on Halfling communities beyond its own borders.
Relationship: 7
The recent visit to Mootland by your Ambassador-At-Large has pleased the Grand Council and their Elder, they genuinely believe that Wissenland is an ally in the battle for Halfling rights at least. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire. You have recently finished the expansion of Sauerapfel Port.
Empress Magritta of Marienburg has passed of an illness. She is succeeded by a new Grand Baron of the Westerland who is maintaining the political fiction that Magritta was a true Empress.
Relationship: +22
The Grand Baron has agreed to follow the lead of the Wissenland, until the Second Conference at least. Some students of Imperial Politics are even calling it the start of a new imperial faction. The Crossing of the Talabec, the Second Conference, both have done something great to heal the fractures in the Empire.
The von Draks of the County of Sylvania passed away two centuries ago at the start of a long series of plagues and epidemics. You understand the last of the von Draks, one Isabella passed from the plague in her fifties after which the title of Elector Count of Sylvania passed on to her von Carstein children. With the Province still suffering from regular bouts of illness its rarely clear which von Carstein is currently the Elector, and it isn't helped by the fact no-one wants to visit that dreary Province and no von Carstein has attended an Election since Vlad von Carstein failed to rally enough support to have his beloved Isabella von Drak named Empress two hundred years ago.
Relationship: -77
It appears the von Carsteins have been stealing your weapons and sabotaging your industrial districts. Naturally this has caused a realisation that relations were not what they had seemed. Your investigation into the Cult of Slaanesh in Wurtbad has revealed a government riddled with corruption, some less mundane than others.