The Faith Was Conceived...
"Is your life a mess?" The professionally flirtatious female voice announced, "Corpo tax collectors battering down your door?" A note of carefully measured concern entered her voice. "Do you want a better life, free of fear from repossession men? The Aastha Debt Forgiveness Cult is for you. Mistress Aastha's talented Faith Accountants will find hidden funds owed to you-"

You snapped the ad barrier closed, cutting off the damnable voice. You heard the words so many times they were in your nightmares. "'By the America Reconstruction Fund and the Trade War Survivors' Fund.' Using the funds you forced the people to pay into as a trick to get them to follow your phony faiths. Pah!" You, Eustace Tuck, spat as you turned back to your tiny chapel filled with half-remembered symbols and half-understood prayers. These small fragments of a long forgotten faith were worth far more to you than any perfect smile or unique marketing ploy. They were real, not manufactured, not pretty lies.

You stepped away from the window, pausing as you saw the golden circuitry which danced over your skin. Your sudden gift, which elevated you above your flock and which had appeared without warning or fanfare, was the cause of this latest sermon. For now, however, you willed the circuits to fade away, leaving you with nothing more than your fellow man had. Speech first, then you would elevate your flock.

Your attendance was never great, usually less than a handful, but with good words and the promise of a warm bowl of nutri-soup, you were graced by nine others this day. Eight were newcomers: junkies coming down from Paradijs' pills cut by unscrupulous dealers, workers from the Paradijs whore house two doors down, homeless workers who hadn't had a decent meal in months. Whether to get out of the rain, to find a quiet place, or to get a hot meal, these people came to you. You would raise them up, just like your great-grandfather had done before the Serene took over.

The eight were scattered around the pews, but the ninth met you at the door. The ninth was not a newcomer like the others. The ninth was a regular, your only remaining one.

[] Carter Mathews used to be a Stockholder, part of the 5% of the population who have the right to vote due to owning stock in a Corp. Unfortunately for him, the General Ford Corporation was merged into Eno, and his stock became worthless in nanoseconds. Left in a strange land after his attempts to keep his high lifestyle failed, Carter bounced from tele-faith to pleasure cult to dervish dance club, before finally collapsing on your doorstep. After seeing Com-Faith so closely, you could still see the shock on his face when you showed him actual faith. He met you at the door, "Mr Tuck, they're ready for you."
[] You're still not sure what her real name is, but Chiba has proven herself to be privately faithful. She was a throwback, someone who missed the days of the Chiba Cowboys and skies the color of tele-static. From what you could gather, she used your chapel as a hideout after digitally defrauding a Multi-Level Missionary organization, and decided she liked your message. "Hey Friar. Gonna start this soon?" Chiba said, flicking a projection out of her augmented eyes.
[] Well, technically your ninth member was two people. Two, small people who added up to slightly more than one. Giara and Bara had shown up on your doorstep as little more than babes and, following a vague recollection of tradition, you took the two girls in. They have since grown into young girls, though not yet on the path to become women. They were shy, and though you cared deeply for them, you could not deny they had few brilliant moments. However, they seemed to believe in your words far more than you did even on your best days. Such a pure faith was something to live up to. "Father Tuck, we're ready for your sermon!" The young girls said in unison.

"Would you please have everyone seated while I take the pulpit? Today is going to be a very important for us all." You walked up the center aisle, listening as your current flock took their seats on the pews. As you did, you tried not to look at the empty book holders or the knee rests whose meaning eluded you just as it had eluded your father. You did not need to pay heed to a reminder of your inability to find your great-grandfather's faith. Not now, especially with your gift which could come from no where else but the divine. You had found your own faith.

You took your place behind the pulpit, one hand gently grasping the old wood while you brushed the faint outline of a book on its surface. Every sermon you spoke, you had always touched the shadow of the book for luck. This time, however, what you needed luck for was not a sermon, but a homily. This would not be a stumbling delivery pulled from scraps of uncensored scritta paper, but an elevation of the spirit.

You looked up towards your audience. Many were still standing, some gazing at the door. No matter, you thought, this will do. "Thank you all for coming this evening. I hope the food was not too disagreeable, as it was the best I could do. My dinners for the rest of this month will be smaller, but that is no matter. I do not have subscriptions or mandatory dues like the so called faiths in this city, nor do I beg for donations. All I ask is for you to listen."

You paused, looking over your audience and making eye contact with every one. You could see the interest in their eyes, the moment of attention you have received. You had them, at least for the moment. They could hear your lesson. They would learn.

[] "Today, I shall talk about The Serene and their fall."
[] "Today, I shall talk about The Path and our home."
[] "Today, I shall talk about The People and a tower."
The Aastha Debt Forgiveness Cult
:rofl: Pfffffffft! :rofl:
[X] Carter Mathews used to be a Stockholder, part of the 5% of the population who have the right to vote due to owning stock in a Corp. Unfortunately for him, the General Ford Corporation was merged into Eno, and his stock became worthless in nanoseconds. Left in a strange land after his attempts to keep his high lifestyle failed, Carter bounced from tele-faith to pleasure cult to dervish dance club, before finally collapsing on your doorstep. After seeing Com-Faith so closely, you could still see the shock on his face when you showed him actual faith. He met you at the door, "Mr Tuck, they're ready for you."
[X] "Today, I shall talk about The People and a tower."

This man has fallen, but can be raised up, too!
His experiences and travels, as well as perseverance will do well!

Also, you can't have a cult without talking about the people. I'm guessing the tower symbolizes our elevation?
[X] Well, technically your ninth member was two people. Two, small people who added up to slightly more than one. Giara and Bara had shown up on your doorstep as little more than babes and, following a vague recollection of tradition, you took the two girls in. They have since grown into young girls, though not yet on the path to become women. They were shy, and though you cared deeply for them, you could not deny they had few brilliant moments. However, they seemed to believe in your words far more than you did even on your best days. Such a pure faith was something to live up to. "Father Tuck, we're ready for your sermon!" The young girls said in unison.
[X] "Today, I shall talk about The Path and our home."
[X] Carter Mathews used to be a Stockholder, part of the 5% of the population who have the right to vote due to owning stock in a Corp. Unfortunately for him, the General Ford Corporation was merged into Eno, and his stock became worthless in nanoseconds. Left in a strange land after his attempts to keep his high lifestyle failed, Carter bounced from tele-faith to pleasure cult to dervish dance club, before finally collapsing on your doorstep. After seeing Com-Faith so closely, you could still see the shock on his face when you showed him actual faith. He met you at the door, "Mr Tuck, they're ready for you."
[X] "Today, I shall talk about The People and a tower."
[X] Well, technically your ninth member was two people. Two, small people who added up to slightly more than one. Giara and Bara had shown up on your doorstep as little more than babes and, following a vague recollection of tradition, you took the two girls in. They have since grown into young girls, though not yet on the path to become women. They were shy, and though you cared deeply for them, you could not deny they had few brilliant moments. However, they seemed to believe in your words far more than you did even on your best days. Such a pure faith was something to live up to. "Father Tuck, we're ready for your sermon!" The young girls said in unison.
[X] "Today, I shall talk about The Path and our home."
[X] Carter Mathews used to be a Stockholder, part of the 5% of the population who have the right to vote due to owning stock in a Corp. Unfortunately for him, the General Ford Corporation was merged into Eno, and his stock became worthless in nanoseconds. Left in a strange land after his attempts to keep his high lifestyle failed, Carter bounced from tele-faith to pleasure cult to dervish dance club, before finally collapsing on your doorstep. After seeing Com-Faith so closely, you could still see the shock on his face when you showed him actual faith. He met you at the door, "Mr Tuck, they're ready for you."
[X] "Today, I shall talk about The People and a tower."
Each of the "Regular" options determine who you first Lieutenant (as Mente terms it) or Leaders will be. Each leader has their own statblock with strengths and weaknesses, but each of them have special rules attached to them based off of their history. If you want to know more about each option, then write about a popular product, a failed business venture, or a marketing ploy done by either one of the Serene or a minor corp.

Seriously, the Serene own 99.7% of the world's economy and compete constantly between each other, while the remaining 0.3% is squabbled over by countless minor corps. There's a ton of omake potential there. The story about the videogame war between Mente Solutions' high tech consoles and Kosmos' "Play Anywhere" alone would be great to read, the same as Aastha's strange Indian Soul food restaurants, or the Redoubt Index used by anti-corpos when it comes to natural disasters.

As for the lesson options, these actually directly lead into the type of cult you will run. They also have a boon and a bane. All of these can be learned in the same way as the lieutenants, but I don't have any more writing prompts to add at the moment.

But seriously, I'd love to see your writing.
Each of the "Regular" options determine who you first Lieutenant (as Mente terms it) or Leaders will be. Each leader has their own statblock with strengths and weaknesses, but each of them have special rules attached to them based off of their history. If you want to know more about each option, then write about a popular product, a failed business venture, or a marketing ploy done by either one of the Serene or a minor corp.

Seriously, the Serene own 99.7% of the world's economy and compete constantly between each other, while the remaining 0.3% is squabbled over by countless minor corps. There's a ton of omake potential there. The story about the videogame war between Mente Solutions' high tech consoles and Kosmos' "Play Anywhere" alone would be great to read, the same as Aastha's strange Indian Soul food restaurants, or the Redoubt Index used by anti-corpos when it comes to natural disasters.

As for the lesson options, these actually directly lead into the type of cult you will run. They also have a boon and a bane. All of these can be learned in the same way as the lieutenants, but I don't have any more writing prompts to add at the moment.

But seriously, I'd love to see your writing.
Nice try guy.
You see, I have no muse for I am not a writer! You can't trick me into writing for your nefarious schemes!
As much as I'd love to write, my powers lie in making jokes with context.

I can see Waffle House still existing in this post-apocalyptic NA.
[X] Well, technically your ninth member was two people. Two, small people who added up to slightly more than one. Giara and Bara had shown up on your doorstep as little more than babes and, following a vague recollection of tradition, you took the two girls in. They have since grown into young girls, though not yet on the path to become women. They were shy, and though you cared deeply for them, you could not deny they had few brilliant moments. However, they seemed to believe in your words far more than you did even on your best days. Such a pure faith was something to live up to. "Father Tuck, we're ready for your sermon!" The young girls said in unison.
[] "Today, I shall talk about The Path and our home."
[] "Today, I shall talk about The People and a tower."

Still debating which Sermon to tell.
[X] Carter Mathews used to be a Stockholder, part of the 5% of the population who have the right to vote due to owning stock in a Corp. Unfortunately for him, the General Ford Corporation was merged into Eno, and his stock became worthless in nanoseconds. Left in a strange land after his attempts to keep his high lifestyle failed, Carter bounced from tele-faith to pleasure cult to dervish dance club, before finally collapsing on your doorstep. After seeing Com-Faith so closely, you could still see the shock on his face when you showed him actual faith. He met you at the door, "Mr Tuck, they're ready for you."
[X] "Today, I shall talk about The People and a tower."
[X] Well, technically your ninth member was two people. Two, small people who added up to slightly more than one. Giara and Bara had shown up on your doorstep as little more than babes and, following a vague recollection of tradition, you took the two girls in. They have since grown into young girls, though not yet on the path to become women. They were shy, and though you cared deeply for them, you could not deny they had few brilliant moments. However, they seemed to believe in your words far more than you did even on your best days. Such a pure faith was something to live up to. "Father Tuck, we're ready for your sermon!" The young girls said in unison.
[X] Well, technically your ninth member was two people. Two, small people who added up to slightly more than one. Giara and Bara had shown up on your doorstep as little more than babes and, following a vague recollection of tradition, you took the two girls in. They have since grown into young girls, though not yet on the path to become women. They were shy, and though you cared deeply for them, you could not deny they had few brilliant moments. However, they seemed to believe in your words far more than you did even on your best days. Such a pure faith was something to live up to. "Father Tuck, we're ready for your sermon!" The young girls said in unison.
[X] "Today, I shall talk about The People and a tower."
[X] Carter Mathews used to be a Stockholder, part of the 5% of the population who have the right to vote due to owning stock in a Corp. Unfortunately for him, the General Ford Corporation was merged into Eno, and his stock became worthless in nanoseconds. Left in a strange land after his attempts to keep his high lifestyle failed, Carter bounced from tele-faith to pleasure cult to dervish dance club, before finally collapsing on your doorstep. After seeing Com-Faith so closely, you could still see the shock on his face when you showed him actual faith. He met you at the door, "Mr Tuck, they're ready for you."

[X] "Today, I shall talk about The Path and our home."
I'm going to keep this open for a bit, mostly to give omakers a chance to claim topics, and also to give myself a chance to make my short summaries of the Serene a little bit more informative. You'll be getting an info-post on the Serene which will include a few omake writing plots, so look forward to that.
I'm just trying to regain my previous ability to think on an intelligent level. Beyond that, I can say I like where we've started, but not much else.
Things have been slowed on my side due to spotty or nonexistent internet connections, batteries not meant for heat, and other work taking priority. However, I am working on this, if a little delayed.
Things have been slowed on my side due to spotty or nonexistent internet connections, batteries not meant for heat, and other work taking priority. However, I am working on this, if a little delayed.
It's okay, take your time
Your omakes will come soon
Good things take a while to make!
Ah, it's great to be home. Nothing like having family plans suddenly make things go very wonky.

So, fun fact everyone, there's currently a tie going on. It's not for what our faith's core tenant will be, because the People have already spread far and wide with five votes; two over the Community's three. Barring any passionate pleas to have a say in the cult's starting playstyle, I'm going to declare the Sermon side of the vote closed.

I'm going to move the vote between Carter Mathews and the twins Giara and Bara to the lightning round. So long Chiba and your Cowboy Hacking special rule. We'll recruit or train someone with something similar later. It won't be as good, but that's how life goes. (So long all the Neuromancer references I could make, too.)

I may as well reveal the special rules for our two choices.

Carter Mathews has the special rule Ex-Stockholder, which is a combination of a network of contacts he has yet to burn as well as knowing exactly how to deal with the wealthy of society. When interacting with people of status, he treats his die size as one larger, and can call in occasional favors (usually not involving money). However, when working with the working class (around the 80% of people who fall short of the middle class), he treats his die size as one smaller, as he still smells like Corpo money.

Giara and Bara have, obviously, the rule Tuck's Twins. This one is rather simple: they can either work together on an action and use their usual statblock or take on two separate actions at -1 die size each. As they count as one "Lieutenant", any Divine Power spent on them gets applied to both of them, and any upgrades like augments are also applied to both of them.

Now that's done, let's move onto the lightning round vote. This will be open for the next two days, and if there is a tie again it will be resolved as a coin flip.

Choose One
[] Carter Mathews
[] Giara and Bara
[X] Carter Mathews

Arise, Corpo Pig, and ascend to your new station!
Forgiveness for your sins await, the people call for your head, but you shall be our light!

I'm thinking we have him be our corporate liaison or something like that. Less interaction with the common folk, yes, but plays to his strengths.
Arise, Corpo Pig, and ascend to your new station!
Forgiveness for your sins await, the people call for your head, but you shall be our light!

I'm thinking we have him be our corporate liaison or something like that. Less interaction with the common folk, yes, but plays to his strengths.

That's actually why I chose him outside of teaching him and everyone else what true faith is. We'll eventually start being recognised as our own 'corporate' Entity sooner or later, so might as well have our first liaison ready in advance.