[X] Your escorts, the comrades of your vessel, now doomed to follow you once again down into destruction.
Any 40k tech is usually overkill on WHF so I want as much as possible but the less chance the other factions like Chaos Dwarves or Skaven to study our stuff the better.

[X] The southern continent, attached to a larger mass you perceive scattered signs of civilisation amidst hostile terrain like deserts and a single massive mountain range running down from the north.
I dislike this option the least so I'm picking that.

[X] Astra Militarum
I have a soft-spot for our flashlight boys and I am very interest in comparing the similarities between Empire and Imperial.

AdMech and Astartes are meh and would likely do their own thing and not interact at all with the locals, they are also not very interesting characters.

Ecclesiarchy is my 2nd choice but they might clash too badly with the multiple religions on Mallus.

Administratum is good to have in developing a colony world where the Imperium is the only power, but since Mallus is occupied we more firepower that I don't think the Admin can provide.

Not even going to touch the Inquisition.
True, but much rather have tanks and lasguns that can recharge for free than promethium and bolters that are really expensive to fire when cut of from Forge Worlds or Promethium deposits.
If you're leading an admech fleet you'll have sufficiently advanced manufacturing for pretty good resupply:
An Ark Mechanicus is also outfitted with industrial capabilities rivaling that of many hive cities, with kilometre upon kilometre of manufactoria, refineries, crackling Plasma Reactors and laboratories, test ranges, chemical vats and gene-bays.
If you're leading an admech fleet you'll have sufficiently advanced manufacturing for pretty good resupply:
An Ark Mechanicus is also outfitted with industrial capabilities rivaling that of many hive cities, with kilometre upon kilometre of manufactoria, refineries, crackling Plasma Reactors and laboratories, test ranges, chemical vats and gene-bays.
That would be great but I am more interested in the social component of 40k and fantasy interacting with one another and AdMech would most likely ignore Mallus and just do their own thing. IG most likely have Tech priests too so there is some Admechs
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That would be great but I am more interested in the social component of 40k and fantasy interacting with one another and AdMech would most likely ignore Mallus and just do their own thing.
You definitely haven't played a tech adept inqusitor.

If you're leading an admech fleet you'll have sufficiently advanced manufacturing for pretty good resupply:
An Ark Mechanicus is also outfitted with industrial capabilities rivaling that of many hive cities, with kilometre upon kilometre of manufactoria, refineries, crackling Plasma Reactors and laboratories, test ranges, chemical vats and gene-bays.
They're going to be like the necrons to the locals.

Maybe it'll be a bit like sanctus reach.

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I only changed my location vote. Still astartes.

I voted in SB but you said only one vote so I deleted it.
Ah ok, that makes sense. It looks like the counting system is only counting your most recent location change vote. That's interesting and I suppose logical. In any case, I'll close it now. Though the vote below reads as 10-9 Admech/Astartes, Astartes actually wins because of SB and rx915's uncounted vote.

Battlefleet also won, as did Southlands.

Given the very near result, I will be acknowledging the Admech preference to an extent so wait for the next chapter and you can choose some admech assets to bring along.

Adhoc vote count started by FractiousDay on Jul 27, 2021 at 7:54 AM, finished with 110 posts and 29 votes.
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Yes, but then again the Dark Lands was winning before the Southlands popped up, it's often the way of things really.
I feel a bit guilty not letting them play tech priests. Maybe if I finish martyr with tech adept I might actually try out this quest business so an ex tech priest inquisitor accompanies a mechanicus fleet and ends up marooned on Mallus.

@FractiousDay you think inqusitor can be interesting on what retinue they bring along like sanctioned eldar? Or an ork freebooter?
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I feel a bit guilty not letting them play tech priests. Maybe if I finish martyr with tech adept I might actually try out this quest business so an ex tech priest inquisitor accompanies a mechanicus fleet and ends up marooned on Mallus.

@FractiousDay you think inqusitor can be interesting on what retinue they bring along like sanctioned eldar?
I'd certainly encourage you to start a quest, it can be quite fun. As for retinue, you can consider it mechanically and narratively. What advantages would X (such as an Eldar) bring? They could go bug the elves I suppose, or they could do some other thing, but there's a danger they'd just become sort of window dressing.

Also rolls.

Ship handling 83
Fleet handling 38
FractiousDay threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: D100s Total: 121
83 83 38 38
I'd certainly encourage you to start a quest, it can be quite fun. As for retinue, you can consider it mechanically and narratively. What advantages would X (such as an Eldar) bring? They could go bug the elves I suppose, or they could do some other thing, but there's a danger they'd just become sort of window dressing.
I have to decide on a lot of things but.... I'd have to do it and decide. Like one other thing I'd try with a sanctioned xeno is to pair the tech priest with a mekboy as pairing opposites together that came to an understanding over dakka and the fact they were surrounded by nurglites who'd make a mess of eroding technology.

Eldar's a harder sell because I'd have to add early narrative flavor text like in your one if there's psykers you now have to debate what to do with them when the question of how psykers are affected by the winds of magic. Plus Eldar are Eldar so.... they can be unpredictable... even when as an ally to the inquisitor for now.
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Personally I will vote for the Iron hands and push for as much technology as we can.

Talking about them, they are probably the most misrepresented original chapter in the lore. They technically have more stories than the White Scars, but that is mostly due to the chaos subversion plot that crippled them. That was written in the nineties, so they spent the majority of the setting lifetime while being at their weakest. They are also one of the least used chapters in other quests.
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Personally I will vote for the Iron hands and push for as much technology as we can.

Talking about them, they are probably the most misrepresented original chapter in the lore. They technically have more stories than the White Scars, but that is mostly due to the chaos subversion plot that crippled them. That was written in the nineties, so they spent the majority of the setting lifetime while being at their weakest. They are also one of the least used chapters in other quests.

These Guys were known for being brutal even among the original leigons, and were known to ha They've made war on the Diasporex for as far as I can tell simply having alien allies . They've also killed a lot of loyalist imperials from what I can gather which appeals to me even less. They've also been known for murdering prisoners, including recaptured loyalist prisoners. How could I trust them not to be a hammer here?

So we are in Fantasy!Asia. White Scars anyone?
I think you mean Fantasy Africa, Southlands clearly won so I can only hope we don't end up with the Salamanders causing massive wildfires. Still, that would be miles and miles above dealing with the Iron Hands.
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