While resentful, Sylvania is firmly under Imperial control now, both as in they're paying taxes to the Emperor of the Empire, but also as in they're being policed by the Astartes of Kabor's company. This means there are no big threats like vampires openly ruling, but there's still plenty of spooky ghosts or random bands of undead around which are obviously problematic. There are indeed other groups operating secretly though yes.
That makes another fun omake.

Stirland must be more than happy to offload that burden onto Kabor to manage Sylvania.
Just a hunch but I think the Ancients are not waking up due to maybe the magic in the air of Mallus. Maybe they need something like Amra using himself as a beacon to the Emperor to jumpstart them waking up. This way, I propose doing [ ] Soulbinding first so Amra learns how to channel his connection to the Emperor towards others.
Hmmm ok fair.
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Rested for a bit... thanks for the reminders about the lizardmen, my senses must be dulled by the 30 years of not seeing them doing anything actively. Mostly what I'd want with spycraft expansion would be increased information-gathering capabilities. I know we already have that but is it really stretching to it's full capacity, as far as I know places like ulthuan or even the moot are still very low resolution data zones for the Lions.
In short I figure this is from a lack of infiltration abilities which might in time be made up for?

@Zeitgeist Blue I admit I had assumed the problem was just a lack of knowledge of ancient Dreadnaught tech from much younger marines being involved, If it is a Mallus Based ProblemTM then indeed finally working towards would binding might be a great idea.

I'm taking it onboard as suggestion for V3 Astartes Augmentation.
Rested for a bit... thanks for the reminders about the lizardmen, my senses must be dulled by the 30 years of not seeing them doing anything actively. Mostly what I'd want with spycraft expansion would be increased information-gathering capabilities. I know we already have that but is it really stretching to it's full capacity, as far as I know places like ulthuan or even the moot are still very low resolution data zones for the Lions.
In short I figure this is from a lack of infiltration abilities which might in time be made up for?
If we want to know about Ulthuan we just need to survey them with thunderhawks but....

As the Peregin is up, it can be much more inconspicuous for the auger arrays to check much of the world without being noticed. It can easily be a free passive action.

In fact that maybe what we need. A ship with special sensors for the planet.
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[X] Intrigue Write In: Peregin's Auspex

The Peregin as a vanguard light cruiser is optimised for ship-to-ship combat, planetary exploration, reconnaissance and boarding operations. There fore it's auger arrays should be more than able to monitor the planet's movements saving scouts and thunderhawks precious time, lives and fuel with a low risk scan the locals wouldn't be able to detect unless their heretical sorcery can detect it.

@FractiousDay how about this one?
Stirland must be more than happy to offload that burden onto Kabor to manage Sylvania.
To an extent, but lots of the Provinces are very concerned at the centralisation. You're fine with the Golden Sons till they start ordering you around. For peasants this is fine bceause they're used to being ordered around, but if you're a noble you dont like it.
In short I figure this is from a lack of infiltration abilities which might in time be made up for?
It's a mix of things really. The Watchers started as various Arabyan mercahnts being made to report stuff they heard baout on their travels. You might hear 'Lord so and so is raising and army to do this', but you owulnd't get detailed policy stuff. Subsequently you've infiltrated the Arabyan nobility, refugee disapora, and then expanded out to other merchants, inkeepers and other stuff. If an inkeeper heard something interesting they could go to a secret compartment in a draw, pull out a radio disguised as a Aquila or something, and report what they've heard. This goes to Nassor and he compiles it etc.

As such, the problem would be what and how you act on those things. For exmaple, if you watned to destabalise a country, or assassinate a leader, or just push back cult activity etc, you can do that, but those are different capabilities. Similarly, Ulthuan is closed to humans at this point in the timeline, and Dwarves, while being willing to take human visitors, probably aren't letting them wander their karaks without supervision.

The same merchants that are travelling about aren't the people who know criminal gangs, or who would be able or willing ot go about assassinating people, so I'd suggest for example what you might do would be to infiltrate the criminal enterprises across the Old World, that owuld give you access to such people. Then, if you wanted in another action, you could equip those criminals with bombs, guns or poison to enable them to do stuff.
As the Peregin is up, it can be much more inconspicuous for the auger arrays to check much of the world without being noticed. It can easily be a free passive action.
Can be modified, none of your ships are specced for planetary surveillance.

A ship with special sensors for the planet.
Or devoting an entire one to it I suppose. You've got the Torch, which could probably be stripped and outfitted like that.

There fore it's auger arrays should be more than able to monitor the planet's movements saving scouts and thunderhawks precious time, lives and fuel with a low risk scan the locals wouldn't be able to detect unless their heretical sorcery can detect it.

@FractiousDay how about this one?
Possibly, but I'd say you'd have to give up parts of the ship to do that. It's a small ship, there's not much space, so you'd potentially have to remove some of the bits to fit more power generation in or to have space for a bigger auger array. I'd also probably not say that a Vanguard has especially good sensors. For example, the Cobra Widowmakers have more advanced sensors than a normal Cobra, but I would probably say that the best sensors are in bigger vessels.

So for now, no, not unless you want to lose some of the ship's capabilities etc. Maybe more efficient to use another ship instead for that.
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Can be modified, none of your ships are specced for planetary surveillance.
It can still do a basic scan right?

Considering the reason for this expedition the ships would have scanners that can at least do that.
Possibly, but I'd say you'd have to give up parts of the ship to do that. It's a small ship, there's not much space, so you'd potentially have to remove some of the bits to fit more power generation in or to have space for a bigger auger array. I'd also probably not say that a Vanguard has especially good sensors. For example, the Cobra Widowmakers have more advanced sensors than a normal Cobra, but I would probably say that the best sensors are in bigger vessels.

So for now, no, not unless you want to lose some of the ship's capabilities etc. Maybe more efficient to use another ship instead for that.
Shouldn't it?

It's said to be a scout vessel.

Vanguard Cruiser

A Vanguard Cruiser, also called a Vanguard-class Light Cruiser, is a variant of the standard Adeptus Astartes Strike Cruiser that has been refit for long-range operations without the benefit of Escorts or other naval support. This is a variant that is primarily used by fleet-based Chapters of...

A Vanguard Cruiser, also called a Vanguard-class Light Cruiser, is a variant of the standard Adeptus Astartes Strike Cruiser that has been refit for long-range operations without the benefit of Escorts or other naval support.

This is a variant that is primarily used by fleet-based Chapters of Space Marines that often need to send detachments of Astartes on long-duration missions far from the main Chapter fleet.

They have improved thrusters and defensive turrets, but this comes at the expense of weaker offensive weaponry.

As a result, Vanguard Light Cruisers are less capable of undertaking planetary assaults like normal Strike Cruisers because their weapons profile has been optimised for ship-to-ship combat, planetary exploration, reconnaissance and boarding operations.

Vanguards are thus used as scouting vessels operating independently or as heavy escorts as part of a large Space Marine fleet.
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It can still do a basic scan right?
Yes, but that scan won't be as detailed as one from a larger vessel. You can certainly still use it though, that's fine, you just wouldn't get as detailed info. For example, if it scans a castle it can see tha thtere is indeed a castle etc. Wheras, if you used a more precise or advanced scanner, you might be able to see that actually there's a secret tunnel over there which leads into the castle that you might use.

It's a scout vessel yes, but that also means it's relatively light, enduring and having larger ranges of utility, versus it being really good at seeing things.
Yes, but that scan won't be as detailed as one from a larger vessel. You can certainly still use it though, that's fine, you just wouldn't get as detailed info. For example, if it scans a castle it can see tha thtere is indeed a castle etc. Wheras, if you used a more precise or advanced scanner, you might be able to see that actually there's a secret tunnel over there which leads into the castle that you might use.

It's a scout vessel yes, but that also means it's relatively light, enduring and having larger ranges of utility, versus it being really good at seeing things.
That's fine really. This is more in line to get the geography of the whole world. Let's say the chapter is curious about the other places it could've landed on. The basic scans can provide basic information and geographic data for the chapter's own transportation to one day take them there.

Something more advanced will require a bigger one from a larger vessel or something more specialised. Totally understandable.

We could like peek on that elf island just to see what it looks like or Cathay or other places. Maybe foliage or other environmental things will be picked up. Organic troop movement? Maybe if they're massed together enough to notice.
That's fine really. This is more in line to get the geography of the whole world. Let's say the chapter is curious about the other places it could've landed on. The basic scans can provide basic information and geographic data for the chapter's own transportation to one day take them there.
Yea that's basically fine, not a problem. 'here is a mountain' etc.
Won't be awake for the vote start so here's my plan just in case. Grow larger Imperium-on-Mallus!

[X] Plan Expanding Empire
- [ ] Southern Realms
- [ ] Mark IX 'Mallus' Armour (1 of 2)
- [ ] Mechanicus Expansion
- [ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
- [ ] Serf Training
- [ ] Destabalise the Chivalrous
- [ ] Identify the Roots
- [ ] Genewright x2
- [ ] Soulbinding

Let's see.
Increasing Chapter capabilities: [ ] Mark IX 'Mallus' Armour (1 of 2), [ ] Genewright x2

Expanding the Imperium-on-Mallus' lands/influence: [ ] Southern Realms, [ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands, [ ] Destabalise the Chivalrous, [ ] Identify the Roots, [ ] Mechanicus Expansion

Bettering the Imperium-on-Mallus: [ ] Serf Training, [ ] Soulbinding

Expanding through the Southlands, establishing ourselves in the Badlands, gaining vassals through [ ] Southern Realms, and continuing our influence actions in the Empire would mean we probably have 75% of the lands west of the World's Edge Mountains under our thumb. And the Chapter is deliberately choosing to grow that influence, so maybe some synergy there?

Now a Turn widening our empire isn't a bad thing. Conquering the world is the goal of this quest afterall. More land means more resources to extract, more cities and kingdoms to spread our influence from, more recruits for our Serf armies and Astartes and various Imperium organizations, and more trade to get richer. Basically more of everything. Then you have [ ] Destabalise the Chivalrous which sets us up for weakening Bretonnia and Estalia.

[ ] Southern Realms
While Estalia seems closed for the moment due to Bretonnian machinations, Tilea and the Border Princes lie ripe for persuasion. Guarantee their safety in return for fealty and dispatch a diplomatic mission.
[ ] Mark IX 'Mallus' Armour (1 of 2)
With a reasonably supply of Gromril from the mines of the Sour Sea, and the learnings of Kraka Drak in it's forging, Khotan proposes the creation of Gromril suits of Power Armour. Hath-Horeb has enthusiastically supported this project, calling for runecraft too, while the Deathspeaks, not wanting to be left out, wish to inscribe the suits with their wardings. The proposed armour will be exceptional, perhaps even to the standards of Terminator Armour, and will be highly resistant to warp phenomena. However, the resources used in material and manpower will be extensive, and only a single squad of such armour can be produced at first.

[ ] Mechanicus Expansion
The Cult Mechanicus have exploited all the sites previously available to them, and now beg leave to expand across the Southlands, opening new mines and constructing new roads. This expansion must be carefully coordinated given the Astartes recruiting areas in that continent, but once resolved will significantly increase the Mallusian Mechanicus' ability to support the Chapter.
[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.

[ ] Serf Training
The Serf-Militarum have vehicles and equipment now, but ones they're relatively inexperienced in. Through education by Astartes officers, this can be remedied, building the capacity of the Serfs.
[ ] Identify the Roots
Anti-Imperial sentiment seems to be growing in Sigmar's Holy Empire. The Chapter isn't entirely sure why at present, but if possible this sentiment should be cut off at the root.

[ ] Destabalise the Chivalrous
The Bretonnian-Estalian alliance has continued strongly these last few years, with the twin kingdoms assisting each other in internal matters and administration. While the Chapter presently have no need to fear this polity, it might be well to try to begin to destabalise the pact sooner rather than later.
[ ] Genewright x2
While tithing for Aspirants is easy enough, without the requisite gene-seed, recruits cannot become Astartes. Thalis proposes a bold project, using all the secret arts and knowledge he has to accelerate the maturation of Progenoids, implanting many Aspirants with the limited gene-seed available. If successful, this project could furnish the Chapter with at least a hundred Astartes, and provide the potential for significantly expanded recruitment in future.
[ ] Soulbinding
With the assistance of his officers, Amra intends to attempt to soulbind several psykers to himself, as a proxy for the Emperor of Mankind, and by this safeguard their souls.

[X] Plan Maximizing Equipment Production
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In case of conversion Imperial's follow guidebook of Christianity where local Gods are converted to imperial saints and assimilated wholesale as long they are not linked with Chaos. Is it same here? I mean if Verona or Sigmar considered as Saint of Emperor rather than A God by most of population will they change accordingly to comply with their worshippers belief?
Good for me to learn that investigating the Nehekaran bodies is the quicker and easier way to start making genetic progress, I just don't feel I have the AP to work it in yet, I actually fell asleeep this time so I am sorry if the response delay felt odd.

That is I believe the model in play yes, weather it will at all work as intended when these gods are as real as the gods of chaos, unsure, they may change their aspcts if all their or even most of their worshipers change but they would still be distinct intelligence's that could cause trouble I suspect.

If we want to know about Ulthuan we just need to survey them with thunderhawks but....

As the Peregin is up, it can be much more inconspicuous for the auger arrays to check much of the world without being noticed. It can easily be a free passive action.

In fact that maybe what we need. A ship with special sensors for the planet.

Hmm maybe ship equipment isn't the only way to do that though? Before you even commented another method had reached my mind.
These should be straightforward enough that I think the plan name would explain them all?
@rx915 I think this plan solves or at least works towards solving the greatest number of problems your last list had on it. Which were '' Need more resources. Need more of everything really.'' The one below it works on the lack of marines problem or so I at least hope.

I don't mind seeing these more generalized plans, and will probably throw a vote behind one but I really do think spending a couple turns trying to solve specific problems well rather than all the problems in a mediocre fashion will aide the chapter more.

[]Maximizing Equipment Production V1

[]Lion Forge
Amra might not be a tech-marine but having worked with them for centuries surely he ought to at least know where building foundations go and could be a decent morale booster for beginning such a project.

[]Data Vaults: Write In: Orbital satellites with Ground Penetrating Radar
Our librarians are among our rarest and most valuable assests IMO, if we focus on improving how much equipment we have and it's quality we cannot neglect them in the process, only our knights and dreadnaughts could possibly call for higher aattention now that the chapter masters needs are adressed,

[]Lionforge (1 of 12)
[ ] Mechanicus Expansion
I was originally tempted to dump two actions into mallus armor but the Lionforge sounds worth it even as a huge long-term action sink. Mechanicus expansion does little in the now(other than avoiding degrading relations with our closest allies heh) but probably opens up new options for equipment production as soon as the turn after this.

[] Nagashizzar
In character I'm sure the chapter must suspect that this Nagash guy must be hiding more psy-tech, one doesn't just build a floating pyramid of death without some working knowledge on that front. Though OOC I can prematurely confirm he arguably knows almost as much about warpstone use as the skaven do which is to say a lot.

[] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Quite a lot to loot in the Badlands in terms of stuff from ancient human civilizations.
If well rolled probably synergizes well with looting. If not scarcely leaves us worse off for the attempt.

I finally feel confident enough in this one to put a proper vote on it.
[] Astartes Augmentation V3


[] Southern Realms
Our genetic surveys never reached the area so it may be more compatible.

[] Specialist Upgrades (1 of 3)
Ought to increase the survival chances of remaining marines.
[] Genetic restructuring
Yes a long term goal, but another chance at starting this early can only help at this rate and the benefits I pry should be obvious for creating marines.

[] Militia Liaison X2
While focusing on rebuilding numbers having more mortals doing most of our defense work seeems valuable, of course the marines aiding them are still in some danger but not nearly the usual when lacking meat shields.

[] Further Afield X2
The more we learn of the world the more chances we have at encountering either hidden threats or hidden oppurtunites, which for such a diminished chapter feels vital.

[] Genewrights X2
A need for an increased stock of geneseed is vital even if the quality has somewhat degraded, a future with a death company full of mutants is far better than no future.

[] The Ancients
I have discussed the benefits of reviving the tomb brothers before, my thoughts largely remain the same
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i reall want the new power armor as I should make death and injury less likely
Is there any chance that when you do vote it might be for my production related plan? Quite a lot of oppurtunities for creating new power armor are in that one.
EDIT: @FractiousDay If I made the write in for spy network expansion focused on infiltrating criminal organizations would that be specific enough to pass muster?
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In case of conversion Imperial's follow guidebook of Christianity where local Gods are converted to imperial saints and assimilated wholesale as long they are not linked with Chaos. Is it same here? I mean if Verona or Sigmar considered as Saint of Emperor rather than A God by most of population will they change accordingly to comply with their worshippers belief?
This is a complex matter. The Ministorum is fairly flexible in many instances, but they do have certain conditions. For example there are elements of all the Cults which would have to be excised. They all use what the Imperium would consider as psykers, they all have some parts which are unpalatable. Verena has a heresey that says you cant destroy any knowledge but should understand it, which includes spooky chaos books etc. Ulric has the no ranged weapons rule, which would be inconvenient for lasguns, Ranald has a general rebellion sort of feel so that again wouldn't be allowed. There's also teh consideration that adapted gods have to fit in with Imperial cosmology, the Emperor is the only god, end of story, anyone else claiming to be a god isn't allowed. Morr would probably be fine, he can be said to be a saint who helps the Emperor get souls to the golden throne, similarly Sigmar is an excellent saint. But again, it depends lots. The Sigmarites are pretty close to accepting the Emperor because they already had a heresy and theological debate as to whether Sigmar was actually a god, for example. As such it might just be that the Arch Lectors and Grand Theogonist accept that maybe Sigmar was a saint of the Emperor, and that they've just been interpreting things wrong for a while or something.

As such, basically yes, but it's quite complicated.

EDIT: @FractiousDay If I made the write in for spy network expansion focused on infiltrating criminal organizations would that be specific enough to pass muster?
Sure, Watchers expanding into criminal organisations is fine

Voting indeed open now, repost agreed plans and votes.
I was originally tempted to dump two actions into mallus armor but the Lionforge sounds worth it even as a huge long-term action sink. Mechanicus expansion does little in the now(other than avoiding degrading relations with our closest allies heh) but probably opens up new options for equipment production as soon as the turn after this.
With Mallus armor we can have enough for a couple squads to scout the Chaos wastes.
[X]Plan Militarum Morale
[X]Witch Hunters

[X] Serf-Militarum Facility Expansion
[X] Regularize Uplift

[X] Serf Training
[X]Void Training

[X] Study the Abhumans
[X] Acquire Abhuman Sample

[X]Write In: Spycraft Expansion.
Nassor's most trusted human operatives are given the resources and training to infiltrate their local criminal organizations.
[X] Nagashizaar

[X] Write In: An Governor's Triumph
Amra ,now healed, travels imperial-held territories and tribute states with a special emphasis on reassuring leaders of cities and military groupings that not only does the Imperium remain strong and able but that the empeor continues to aide them, maybe healing mutants along the way, etc


[X]Plan Maximizing Equipment Production
[X]Lion Forge
Amra might not be a tech-marine but having worked with them for centuries surely he ought to at least know where building foundations go and could be a decent morale booster for beginning such a project.

[X]Data Vaults: Write In: Lost and Found(ry) Data
The Lions search for foundry and or factory building schematics and or datasheets to assist with the creation of the Lion Forge.
Our librarians are among our rarest and most valuable assests IMO, if we focus on improving how much equipment we have and it's quality we cannot neglect them in the process, only our knights and dreadnaughts could possibly call for higher aattention now that the chapter masters needs are adressed,
[X] Mark IX 'Mallus' Armour (1 of 2)
[X] Mechanicus Expansion

[X] Nagashizzar X2

[X] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands

[X] Plan Astartes Augmentation


[X] Southern Realms
Our genetic surveys never reached the area so it may be more compatible.

[X] Specialist Upgrades (1 of 3)
Ought to increase the survival chances of remaining marines.
[X] Genetic restructuring
Yes a long term goal, but another chance at starting this early can only help at this rate and the benefits I pry should be obvious for creating marines.

[X] Militia Liaison
While focusing on rebuilding numbers having more mortals doing most of our defense work seeems valuable, of course the marines aiding them are still in some danger but not nearly the usual when lacking meat shields.
[X] Serf Training
More competent serf forces can mean fewer dead or even deployed marines.

[X] Further Afield X2
[X] Genewrights X2

[X] The Ancients

@rx915 Alright, I'm surprised you are for scouting the wastes at all given the reluctance I have seen before but if it gets you aboard not ignoring that other marines are on the planet and must be actively plotting things than it can't be for the worse. If you have a plan combining Mallus Armor and Wastes survey you have my vote for it.
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@rx915 Alright, I'm surprised you are for scouting the wastes at all given the reluctance I have seen before but if it gets you aboard not ignoring that other marines are on the planet and must be actively plotting things than it can't be for the worse. If you have a plan combining Mallus Armor and Wastes survey you have my vote for it.
I'm recognising with the armor it allows safer exploration but the Mallus armor must be completed first.
With Mallus armor we can have enough for a couple squads to scout the Chaos wastes.
tbf you can do that now, it would just be more hazardous, Mk 9 Mallus armour would be an inferior version of Aegis Armour from the Grey Knights, armour that is both incredibly well made, but also specifically for dealing with warp stuff.
[X] Militia Liaison X2
While focusing on rebuilding numbers having more mortals doing most of our defense work seeems valuable, of course the marines aiding them are still in some danger but not nearly the usual when lacking meat shields.

[X] Further Afield X2
[X] Genewrights X2
Watch out for these x2s if you would. What are they intended to do? For example further afield is a holdover from when you only had thunderhawks, so if you liked you could get full planet scans with the peregrin and then specific country/region scans with thunderhawks.

Similarly, what is militia x2 meant to acheive? Sending 2 marines instead of 1?

It makes sense for some stuff, like the admech many turn actions, that's fine, but I'm not sure it's as useful for this sort of thing
tbf you can do that now, it would just be more hazardous, Mk 9 Mallus armour would be an inferior version of Aegis Armour from the Grey Knights, armour that is both incredibly well made, but also specifically for dealing with warp stuff.
Obviously which is why I want a time to do it where two intrigue actions would be appropriate either that one or Nagash. Failure is not an option.

I'm torn the options are very free to try whatever.
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