Ah your right of course, without direct evidence, or accurate dating or what have you the imperium probably would guess that things like the polar gates and vortex were made by golden age humanity and abandoned.

Which would still be funny but in a very different sort of way.

Hmm on the notes of global oddities now that they know of the ogres missing the Great Maw at least would be hard so we can hopefully give that mouth some severe cavities and gumrot by turn 35.
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Or maybe this whole thing is an elaborate simulation that amra is experiencing himself alone as the inquisition cuts up his brain while hunting for the other lions?
Having librarians do all psycher-related functions for the whole planet is possible but extremely impractical, so much so that asking the chapter master to be involved really does look saner. Also the sheer number of enemy mages(globally( is something we had best maximize our counters for ASAP I feel.
There are organisations in the Imperium which manage to get by with the minimisation of psykers, notably people like the AdMech. The Black Templars or the Soroitas get on fine by fighting pyskers without their own counter-psykers.

Similarly, other capacities like intra-planetary comms can be done by, i dont know a radio or a telegraph. Inter-planet is more difficult, but radio does indeed work in space, so would tightbeam lasers, astropaths are an important and relatively efficient part of the Imperium, but they're not impossible to replace, especially on such a small scale like a single planet. Recall that you yourself are communicating with me over the power of the internet, satalites and fibreoptic cables.

But yea, having psykers would indeed be so much easier, that is indeed true.
EDIT: Fourth place should go to making his shroud in my estimation.
It's fine if you want to do that, but keep in mind that without it he can't really talk to normal people beacuse he's a spooky angel. If you accept that he's just like that, that's ok, but I don't think it would be in character for that not to be concealed. The Dark Angels for example even attack other chapters to conceal the Fallen, even if they're not actually that big of a deal (given everyone has traitors etc). I think therefore an in character Amra would still conceal himself, rather than even permitting suspicion.
Of course the really big question this raises for me is wether this will be the capstone for Arc 2 or not. If Arc 1 was birthing the imperium, and Arc 2 has mostly been about stabilizing the imperium... I feel that arc looks to at least be coming to a close. With arc three probablh y being about going from a reigonal power to a global or at least hemispheric power?
One of the issues is also that quests (and indeed my planning) don't necessarily have the same plans etc as other stuff. This arc is probably more toward stuff like subverting or conquering the Old World human kingdoms, then perhaps teh next one will be Grimgor turning up or something with some Iron Orks or whatever.
So did the librarian get the runes?
Nope, well, the Librarius will at least be aware of them and how the basics work, but the runes/other enchanted items and the native magic stuff was
[ ] Psysmiths
Set Hath-Horeb to investigation, experimentation, and production of various psycho-conductive artefacts for a variety of purposes, and equip a facility for such work in future, enabling more precise and efficient operation in time.

[ ] Warpcrafters
In addition to items, there are whole traditions to study of the Mallusian psychic arts. Hath-Horeb intends to investigate the native traditions, using his formidable intellect to master them, if he can, and to integrate useful elements into his own arts. Additionally, the Spiritwalker has proposed a horrific idea, a project to actually induce the psyker gene in matured Marines, instead of it manifesting supposedly randomly.

I'm not sure if it was his finest work, where do the Primarchs and the Custodes and the Assassin Temeples fit next to it?
Not many of them. The Imperium is absolutely fine with making one-off wonders, they're a lot less good at consistently successful projects or replicable stuff. There's supposedly 1m space marines and 10k Custodes, but I suspect the Custodes are far far more difficult to produce than Space Marines. Arkhan Land is known for the Land Raider and Speeder, not for the special concrete jhe made to patch up the Saturnine Wall during the Seige of Terra for example because that's a one off thing.
I wonder what happened with that Numas roll I thought would be made, did they have a failure of existence or some such?
Meh, yea they're dead during the Storm of Magic etc etc.
Speaking of this games invisible tech trees, where are we on the dwarfen tree compared to say our terraforming stuff for relevant expmples? Like halfway to maxing out the first one? Two nodes on the second?
Keep in mind that tech trees, unlike for exmaple in Civ, can't necessarily be predicted. As mentioned, there are both 'plot' trees and 'tech' trees. At the end of the Runes tech tree there might be stuff like Waystones, or a way to 'turn off' morrsleib, by combining Imperial tech and Dwarf psycraft. It's up to you to investigate this stuff though, and tell me what sort of things you want to do, you can come up with ideas for stuff, and that increases participation from questers anyway.

As to your actual question though, it depends what you want to do really. I suppose at teh highest end of the Dwarf tech tree you have the rune guardians or the other rune-robots, or you have the ancient godly master runes like those on the Axe of Grimnir, which is as powerful as the Widowmakerr which can cleave multiple greater daemons in half etc. At the moment, the Chapter has a vault full of enchanted stuff which they've labelled and then put in boxes. The Librarius are aware of runes, stories about runes, they've got an encyclopedia of what runes look like, how they're used, and some stories about how they're made, and Hath-Horeb in partiuclar has some vaguely heretical ideas about how he might mess about with magic anad put it into stuff. The Imperium already has psycho-conductive stuff, the Black Sword for example aparently made Sigismund hear voices, whcih maybe the Lions know about. However, you didn't take the runes option in the learning stuff so you don't know much about them really.

As for terraforming. Again what do you want to do? The Admech you have could probably design and build an atmosphere plant to like change the air or something, the Biologius magi could mess about with plants or the sea and so on, maybe the Artisans could design a device to cause earthquakes or change the weather, it's all within their capacities as you've got that 'Exotic' tech capacity. However, you don't have an atmosphere plant in a box somewhere because you didn't pick the colonisation mission in the chargen.

But yea let me know what you want to do, the Great Desert would be the main one, but an atmo plant isn't going to solve that because the land itself is cursed and there's Dhar all over teh place Dharring it up.
If those efforts fail to create the ecological crashes needed to hike through it, we could try chemical defoliants. Trying viruses is probably a very very bad idea given red-finned skinks and exposure to clan pestilens.
Yea, depends how serious Mazdamuni wants to get really, the Slann can certainly create a storm and just make the defoliant go away if they wanted to, so it'll depends on how they respond. Also, keep in mind that like other races like Skaven, if you're shooting at the king, don't miss, they might throw a moon at you.
Given we finally have good information on the Elves I also can scarcely wait to see what the imperial reaction is to the nonsense that is The Vortex.

I mean imperials loathe having to maintain good relations with heretics, but having to acknowledge that possibly Xeno-created abhumans are collectively keeping them alive? That squirming will rich as dark chocolate it will be.

It's more like the more wonkey things look the more some experiment took place equivalent to the DAOT but far more ancient.

Ah your right of course, without direct evidence, or accurate dating or what have you the imperium probably would guess that things like the polar gates and vortex were made by golden age humanity and abandoned.
So I'll answer this in general terms, yes, the stuff like the Vortex will be attested to in lore, stories, etc. The Dwarves will have stories about the Great Catastophe, there'll be some elf books that teh Chapter's been able to get their hands on to read, that sort of thing. Of course, none of this potentialyl matters to the Chapter. Hath-Horeb and the Librarius will be able to sense some stuff about magic, but when he's looking at some stories, that doesn't necessarily mean he believes them. The Chapter are operating under the assumption that something ancient was messing about ages ago, they dont know if thats some unknown xenos race, the Eldar, or just some random thing. If the abhumans claim that they managed to drive away teh daemons, the Chapter might just think that's a story rather than something that actually happened.
Great Maw at least would be hard so we can hopefully give that mouth some severe cavities and gumrot by turn 35.
As far as I'm aware if you destroyed it it would also kil the planet, that's what I heard from some lore person a while ago anyway, we'll see I suppose.
Or maybe this whole thing is an elaborate simulation that amra is experiencing himself alone as the inquisition cuts up his brain while hunting for the other lions?
Actually quite amusing as a bad end.
Oh, I'm not saying Amra wouldn't work to conceal himself, it is just hard for me not to see all these other things threatening him and the chapter even more. Maybe it should be second or third place, but certainly not 6th or first. It's been hard for me to chose how prioritize that one, no other option has left me so conflicted in a long time.

Yikes, I hope poisoning the maw wouldn't kill the planet, I never heard claims of that nature before, but if it would then I'm certainly willing to compromise and merely feed the maw vast amounts of sedatives to keep its influence contained.

On stories, Settra and his undead army turned out not to be a mere story, so I'm sure if that's the attitude now it won't last permanently being conservative isn't the same as being stupid being why.

On bringing coalitions against us I'm trying not to if we can work diplomacy I try to push for it, if not I try when possible to decapitate our enemies as swiftly as possible.
The trouble is made by the Imperium whose operations cannot always move swiftly and who are more often than not dismissive of diplomacy.

If say even a Skaven clan( what with so many being little more than slaves) or even a previously recalcitrant dwarf polity(what with their xenophobia) wanted to negotiate I would be open to such as a player.

On Terraforming yeah, I eventually want to work on integrating runic/ divine/ other knowledge towards draining away more Dhar, ghur, or shyish from areas mostly. In the meantime bringing more moisture to the badlands would be great, I could eventually see them looking like the wet parts of Mordor near the lake...nurnin or whatever it was called.
If say even a Skaven clan( what with so many being little more than slaves) or even a previously recalcitrant dwarf polity(what with their xenophobia) wanted to negotiate I would be open to such as a player.

View: https://youtu.be/L5tWDoUX8YQ

Man thing you and me friend friend yes yes.

It's fine if you want to do that, but keep in mind that without it he can't really talk to normal people beacuse he's a spooky angel.

Nope, well, the Librarius will at least be aware of them and how the basics work, but the runes/other enchanted items and the native magic stuff was
[ ] Psysmiths
Set Hath-Horeb to investigation, experimentation, and production of various psycho-conductive artefacts for a variety of purposes, and equip a facility for such work in future, enabling more precise and efficient operation in time.

[ ] Warpcrafters
In addition to items, there are whole traditions to study of the Mallusian psychic arts. Hath-Horeb intends to investigate the native traditions, using his formidable intellect to master them, if he can, and to integrate useful elements into his own arts. Additionally, the Spiritwalker has proposed a horrific idea, a project to actually induce the psyker gene in matured Marines, instead of it manifesting supposedly randomly.
It should help when it's time to get to business in the process of making their own.
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So, now that we are expanding our interactions with the giants I am wondering if you might look towards Age of sigmar for informing how they view things? I know culture isn't your main focus of course, I do have something approaching a memory. That said it would be nice to see them doing things based on something unique to them going forward.

I say this because I think even the Fimir and the Dragon ogres who aren't like major races still have more documentation than Giants do.
I find the idea of them(AOS Giants) having a monodominant (is that the right world?) religion centered on a god who was killed and who they desire to resurrect(sort of) to be an interesting contrast many other groups in Warhammer.

I'm not saying you should copy these things wholesale just hoping we might have something more to lean on than the void that is Old World canon.
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So, now that we are expanding our interactions with the giants I am wondering if you might look towaSigmare of sigmar for informing how they view things? I know culture isn't your main focus of course I do have something approaching a memory. That said it would be nice to see them doing things based on something unique to them going forward.
I have a rather more positive view of AoS than I once did, it does indeed reveal somewhat regarding various characters' motivations, so that's cool, but yea it's not great and I would have prefered the Old World to not be blown up. Not great for the brand etc but oh well. I'll be drawing some of it, for example I think the Ogriods are cool, especially their art, so I can draw from that in perhaps them being pressured by the Lions and turning to Chaos etc.

But yea, keep in mind that this is about the compliance more generally. I'm not really sure how writing about giants contributes to teh wider story. Yes, it might be interesting to some, and I'm not ruling it out, but yea not sure about it really.
it is just hard for me not to see all these other things threatening him and the chapter even more.
Sure, but that's a choice. You therefore choose to not give him a disguise, so eventually his status will be found out and you'd have to deal with the consequences of that.
When the Empire gets military aid does the original three get their original wargear back?
Sure, I'll be doing a post. One of them got a new peice of wargear which is in the relics section on the 'forces' infopost actually
Sure, I'll be doing a post. One of them got a new peice of wargear which is in the relics section on the 'forces' infopost actually
Elector count of Solland indeed. I do expect the aid has them getting their power armor for the two and scout armor for the hunter besides the specialised equipment they want.
Sure, but that's a choice. You therefore choose to not give him a disguise, so eventually his status will be found out and you'd have to deal with the consequences of that.
Has the armor choice been waived?
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Has the armor choice been waived?

Fuck I hope not because I was indeed voting with the thought being we could do it during the very next vote. It's definitely to late to change my vote I would think on that which would be fair. *sigh*
I was only trying to delay it not deny it because I didn't expect Amra to be acting too publically but that was almost certainly me being stupid.
If its still available next turn I promise y'all barring amra ceasing to exist or something it would have my vote.

Re Giants:
I was thinking just little things like if we got two groups of them we could start calling them ''stomps'' and stuff, them being coverted by showing them how ''big'' the emperors presence has grown since they care about size and power so much. Basically I mention it so when they come up the flavoring can be less generic.

Unless you mean how I could imagine our group being used? Because those possibilities seem quite wide to me starting with learning from them about say the badlands which feel like a near future target to me.
Fuck I hope not because I was indeed voting with the thought being we could do it during the very next vote. It's definitely to late to change my vote I would think on that which would be fair. *sigh*
I was only trying to delay it not deny it because I didn't expect Amra to be acting too publically but that was almost certainly me being stupid.
If its still available next turn I promise y'all barring amra ceasing to exist or something it would have my vote.

Re Giants:
I was thinking just little things like if we got two groups of them we could start calling them ''stomps'' and stuff, them being coverted by showing them how ''big'' the emperors presence has grown since they care about size and power so much. Basically I mention it so when they come up the flavoring can be less generic.

Unless you mean how I could imagine our group being used? Because those possibilities seem quite wide to me starting with learning from them about say the badlands which feel like a near future target to me.
It's the voter's choices and your write in won.

Take it in with the bad and the good.

As I remember the special armor is in low priority just before reorganising. Perhaps with the rolls it meant the time to focus attention on it failed.
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It's the voter's choices and your write in won.

Take it in with the bad and the good.

As I remember the special armor is in low priority just before reorganizing. Perhaps with the rolls it meant the time to focus attention on it failed.

I am doing just that, I don't appreciate this idea that you think, that I think that any vote should be perfect or consequence-free or whatever your trying to imply.***
It shouldn't or else the game would be be far more dull.
As I said it would be fair to keep things as is if they are as presented. Such is not what I take issue with.

The point is bad that I should take *shouldn't include options that are one time that aren't marked as such. I do in fact feel I made the right decision with the information I had, However, If this scenario is far different from how appears to be or information is **witheld that's directly interconnected with such choices that would be in fact immensely frustrating.

If such becomes unviable because say magnus or more likey Kairos, or someone shows up and through warp stuff tells everyone who and what amra is, or similar that's fine.
Thats fallout from taking that risk in a risk-prone universe.
If it just happens unrelated to any story events because it was aways meant as a sort of ticking clock linked to something neither the players or characters could ever see that would feel cheap and unrewarding.

I'm probably overly annoyed and overreacting to what at the moment is a mere hypothetical.
But TLDR: It's about (limited)agency and the ability to make informed choices with the info we have.

*All this being predicated on say not some sort of weird roll event drastically changing the availability of an option overnight.
**Unless such information was impossible for the in game characters to have, see the discussion on our options with The Skaven.
***Unless I'm being an overly emotional idiot right now and misunderstanding the message presented to me which is perfectly possible.
I am doing just that, I don't appreciate this idea that you think, that I think that any vote should be perfect or consequence-free or whatever your trying to imply.***
It shouldn't or else the game would be be far more dull.
As I said it would be fair to keep things as is if they are as presented. Such is not what I take issue with.
I didn't imply what you thought I implied.

In response to your reaction I simply said your vote won so let's roll with it. You and I don't know time limits until it's really obvious.

I am a bit unhappy if the write in delayed the armor but that's the way people thought the plan was ok and voted for it. Getting psykers out of it too possibly.

Even if my one won the armor may not be a success. The abhuman diplomacy failed for instance.
Has the armor choice been waived?

Fuck I hope not because I was indeed voting with the thought being we could do it during the very next vote. It's definitely to late to change my vote I would think on that which would be fair. *sigh*
I was only trying to delay it not deny it because I didn't expect Amra to be acting too publically but that was almost certainly me being stupid.
If its still available next turn I promise y'all barring amra ceasing to exist or something it would have my vote.
A few points on this

Firstly, Amra is indeed being quite sneaky now. The captains know, some of the veterans and specialists do too, and the 3rd company but no one else does.

Oh and that thousand sons dude too actually.

Otherwise as far as anyone is aware Amra is still a normal guy, because they don't see him that much, there might be rumours that he's been injured etc and is recovering because he's not making speeches anymore, but Astartes have never been known to be personable anyway.

So no, Amra isn't going to walk down to the canteen and get lunch and spook everyone by being weird and glowy.

On point two, while the action wasn't Specified as time limited, actions (and conversely, inactions) have consequences. Yes there's the possibility some enemy reveals it, but for example let's say the ulricans tell the marines that it's war unless Amra appears in person to talk, either he appears or he doesn't, by either way now for example he's a spooky shiny angel, to some he's magnificent, but to others he'll look too much like a daemon for them to not attack immediately.

it's ok to choose to prioritise certain things, don't feel bad about that, but yes not taking certain actions means the world still moves on without you and you have to deal with the consequences of that.

For now, there isn't a specific timer counting down until Amra is revealed, like a 'do It by then 7 or else', but the risk does now exist, I might throw a dice or something and if that rolls poorly then perhaps someone discovers Amra and something bad happens. for now you don't need to worry much, but for example various powerful people are going to want to meet Amra at some point, eg the elector courts, and you might want to get his disguise before that.

Or then again you might not. If you play up the psyker angle then maybe seers in the empire would start dreaming about Amra etc and that might be cool in various ways

I could work in the bigness thing perhaps, but
it's ok to choose to prioritise certain things, don't feel bad about that, but yes not taking certain actions means the world still moves on without you and you have to deal with the consequences of that.
I feel bad about lots of things but I find it's better to just accept it and move on.

We got the results let's roll with it and see what to do next.
Oh and that thousand sons dude too actually.
Ah ha. Hint to another plot point possibly.
On point two, while the action wasn't Specified as time limited, actions (and conversely, inactions) have consequences. Yes there's the possibility some enemy reveals it, but for example let's say the ulricans tell the marines that it's war unless Amra appears in person to talk, either he appears or he doesn't, by either way now for example he's a spooky shiny angel, to some he's magnificent, but to others he'll look too much like a daemon for them to not attack immediately
The Kraka drak dwarves took to him rather well but beggars can't be choosers.
for example he's a spooky shiny angel
Diablo's idea of an angel fits so well.
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I didn't imply what you thought I implied.

In response to your reaction, I simply said your vote won so let's roll with it. You and I don't know time limits until it's really obvious.

Even if my one won the armor may not be a success. The abhuman diplomacy failed for instance.

My apologies for overreacting... I don't think the abhuman diplomacy vote actually failed per say, I think diplomacy with the halfings failed to the point we don't know they exist, went very mediocre with ogres but went decently well with what are probably old world elven communites.

Oh drat, I mixed up learning with diplomacy vote that does suck, although now I am surprised that it wasn't like a different roll for dwarves, elves, and ogres. Thank goodness we don't know skaven and halfings exist so at least they didn't end up antagonized?

At least it sounds like most of that failure can be chalked up to say geography, elves do tend have magical barriers, ogres and dwarves live in like mountain holds, only ones you could reasonably walk too would be halflings and or giants.

I could work in the bigness thing perhaps, but

My apologies if I am being annoying...but did your post cut off or some such accident?
My apologies for overreacting... I don't think the abhuman diplomacy vote actually failed per say, I think diplomacy with the halfings failed to the point we don't know they exist, went very mediocre with ogres but went decently well with what are probably old world elven communites.

Oh drat, I mixed up learning with diplomacy vote that does suck, although now I am surprised that it wasn't like a different roll for dwarves, elves, and ogres. Thank goodness we don't know skaven and halfings exist so at least they didn't end up antagonized?

At least it sounds like most of that failure can be chalked up to say geography, elves do tend have magical barriers, ogres and dwarves live in like mountain holds, only ones you could reasonably walk too would be halflings and or giants.
It's not the first time I get into another case like this. Apology accepted so we're cool although it's no biggie. I'm really past that phase to be really frequently passive aggressive about a quest.

It could be that or they just aren't friendly to visitors at the moment.
Mallusian Sapient Races by Imperial Classification.
(And reasons to investigate them and or convert them.)

A somewhat speculative list.

If any other readers here think I missed any salient details please let me know.
I made this to pass the time between updates and for fun, and for my own future reference, don't take it too too seriously.

Sapient creatures who's origins lay outside of humanity and outside of the warp.

Dragons: Investigating how dragons interact with the warp and the winds if replicable could allow for huge boons potentially in all our industries.
Zoats: Seemingly ''innate'' magical skills should always be investigated for potential applicaility should the roots of such be discovered.

Skinks: Spawning pools for lizardmen in general should be investigated.

Dragon Ogres: The ability to absorb power from lightning could perhaps with time be used against these creatures, maybe they could be induced to explode under the right artificial circumstances?

Slan: Adressed in story, Alpha and Beta level psychics are rare rare encounters that must be planned for carefully.

Fimir: Replicating ''inherent'' magics always has value etc.

Kroxigor: Same Potential as skinks and Saurus, with perhaps the exception of possibly being controllable by a skilled librarian?

Saurus: Same Potential as skinks and Kroxigor.

Chameleon skinks: Finding out what triggered the production of these could be very useful if we ever come to command lizardmen in some unlikely scenario of mass sanctioning from perhaps a controlled spawning pool. Maybe there are other varients of skink that stopped being produced after all the daemonic wars?

Trolls: Perhaps troll cells could be weaponized, if the growth of a full troll could be retarded or made terminal than troll flesh could easily be made weaponizeable. Rapid growth tumors for everyone opposing our emperors perfect vision ;-)


This is too my understanding the category for warp modified unstable/infertile creatures who were once human or abhuman.
I think for better or worse most of the time the Imperium including our Imperium would probably just kill them on sight and burn the bodies too.

Doppelgangers: The understructure resembles a human too closely to be derived from anything else I'd think. They certainly are unnatural.
A capture could reveal perhaps a native version of polymorphine, or at least a warp signiture that could be searched for I guess?

Rat Ogres: The amount of mental malleability on display amongs high-grade specimens could have use for servitor creation if this Imperium grew a shade more heretical.
Gorgers: Their population numbers are unknown and that might be worth knowing at some point? I admit to being dubious on this entry.
Beastfiends: These could make for good target practice/ live fire training for space marine recruits in the future perhaps?
Lammasu: If we could learn how their mental complusions worked we could have an advantage in breaking those of many other creatures in the future.

Unknown Classification
Creatures uncategorizable without further knowledge were unavailable to this poor imperial scholar.
Chasm Spawns

Ghosts and other phantasmal undead: Learning what binds these souls to the mortal world might lead to further spiritual protections for our own soul.

Harpies: If the dark elves can tame/ cow/ enslave them paying them in something might work even better for us if they count as abhumans but I genuinely do not know if they do or should.

Medusas: There might be industrial applicability to being able to petrify biological materials if the process could be fully understood.

Vampires: The vampires probably have the most familiarity with creating flesh constructs compared to any other faction barring clan moulder.

Sirens/ Naiads: These could be synonymous with merpeople or they could be warp enetities resembling such, or (my own theory here) they could be magical projections used by merpeople to communicate with

Abhumans: Abhumanis meaning from humanity, as in derived ultimately from humans at some point simple as.
These are some of the few peoples on the world that the Imperium would appear to be okay with becoming full citizens.

Dwarves: We mostly understand these guys and seemingly are about to start benefiting from such immensely.

Elves: They probably have keener eyesight and longer lives than any of other sapient. Knowing them might not be useless if we have not keyholed that storyline.

I guess finding out how any of these guys can even walk with their nervous systems and how those nerves grow could be good for making marines harder to kill via brain damage? Too bad the imperium is terrible with actual innovation.***

Ghouls: Three paths of value I can see coming from ghouls.

Firstly, their brains, they have keen senses of smell and probably some sort of deeply seated instinct to please and serve given how many of them roll over pretty much just to let vampires drink from them. Good traits fro servitor minds.

Second Path replicating their secretions for use in poisons for all sorts of projects.
Third path, they could be good mobile disposal systems for objects and or people we need removed, crypt horrors would be even better for such but getting a hold of those strikes me as unlikely.

Giants: Are their bones super light but super strong? Are their guts filled with lifting gasses? Do they have a magical field that partially reverses gravity inside of their bodies? Finding out how they keep themselves from collapsing under their own weight could be immensley useful.

Halfings: The little dudes are very resistant to chaos magics so perhaps that could be of good use to us in the long term?

Mermaids: Learning if these creatures know of the galleons graveyard, or ways into the Sea Of Dream or of underwater mineral deposits

Ogres: Endless opportunities organize themselves organically for ogres.

Skaven: No race is quite as physically flexible or virile as the Skaven are, this as always strikes me as noteworthy.
They are also intellectual and engineering heavyweights by this worlds standards.

Yheetees: As always investigating allegedly intrinsic magics are worth investigating. May make high quality scouts in mountainous regions if converted or recruited through suitable payments, they run as fast as horses which is the fastest I know of for any abhumans. Being able to manipulate snow and ice is probably how they get away with hiding under snowdrifts without harming themselves and would be a great thing to have on our side.

The Neverborn/ Deamons/Warpspawns.
Beings from the immaterium, hostile filth that eats away at the souls of man ;-)
Genuinely not a lot of investigating can be done with these dudes I would think.

Deamons of chaos: Banishing these is mostly known by the imperium?
Branchwraiths and Dryads
Nippers: May lead to discovering miniaturized rituals? I'm doubtful though.

*Greenskins are mostly understood by imperials, still attempts to exploit waagh fields to their detriment may be at some point useful
**I originally had these listed as mutants but they seem capable of independent life and reproduction. The strain seems somewhat stable despite obvious warp origins.
The wiki marks them as mutants and notes how they sometimes from hammerlike hands, but also only notes that as happening near the north pole so...I veer on the side of most of them being genetically stable but very weird because they were artifical creations rather than having evolved, like the Skaven.

*** I know innovation can happen but its not something that is *merely* attempted in the Imperium.
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I got an omake plan for the elector's aid.

What happens is one thunderhawk transports a teleporter relay like in retribution to make troop requisition easy so the Lion Guard with marine elements make their debut in Solland but as marine elements are smaller it functions more like dawn of war 2 but with more guard units while the leader gets the position of force commander for the duration of his stay there as the three switch out to proper wargear.

Although looking here he has got a promotion. Those new battle brothaz must be the graduates of this world.
8th Reserve Assault Company, Kabor Brighthand, Master of the Marches, commanding.
  • Captain, Apothecary, Standard Bearer, Chaplain, Techmarine, Codicier Dargo Dragonkiller
  • 72 Battle Brothers
  • 2 Razorbacks, 2 Whirlwinds, 2 Predators, 1 Land Speeder, 4 Rhinos, 2 Thunderhawks, 2 Thunderhawk Transporters
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I was actually basically going to write this as the diplo/learning update as an 'Index Mallus' type thing, so perhaps I'll draw from it.
Thank you it was meant to be a tiny post, barely a commentary on just how many options our investigations and interactions could have in the long term even with limited sucesses. However, It grew a bit larger than originally planned and can be expanded(on the exploitation front) if anyone would find such useful.

There probably are individual points I could make on Orkoids but I figured that would be out of character of the Imperium?
There definitely were more being that could have made the list too, but I know you don't count say the gnomes as canon due to their slipshod implementation into the world.

Trogloglobs, Menfish, Sea Giants and Mermaids have little written on them to the point that only the last would I consider canon and only because of newer sources, but I can give ideas for them if ever desired.
I got an omake plan for the elector's aid.

What happens is one thunderhawk transports a teleporter relay like in retribution to make troop requisition easy so the Lion Guard with marine elements make their debut in Solland but as marine elements are smaller it functions more like dawn of war 2 but with more guard units while the leader gets the position of force commander for the duration of his stay there as the three switch out to proper wargear.

Although looking here he has got a promotion. Those new battle brothaz must be the graduates of this world.

I'm all for more omakes, even including the very slow progress I'm making on my next one...but I am afraid I don't understand what is intended with this one. Exploring the dynamics from the warcamp expanding or more like empire politics?