Having librarians do all psycher-related functions for the whole planet is possible but extremely impractical, so much so that asking the chapter master to be involved really does look saner. Also the sheer number of enemy mages(globally( is something we had best maximize our counters for ASAP I feel.
There are organisations in the Imperium which manage to get by with the minimisation of psykers, notably people like the AdMech. The Black Templars or the Soroitas get on fine by fighting pyskers without their own counter-psykers.
Similarly, other capacities like intra-planetary comms can be done by, i dont know a radio or a telegraph. Inter-planet is more difficult, but radio does indeed work in space, so would tightbeam lasers, astropaths are an important and relatively efficient part of the Imperium, but they're not impossible to replace, especially on such a small scale like a single planet. Recall that you yourself are communicating with me over the power of the internet, satalites and fibreoptic cables.
But yea, having psykers would indeed be so much easier, that is indeed true.
EDIT: Fourth place should go to making his shroud in my estimation.
It's fine if you want to do that, but keep in mind that without it he can't really talk to normal people beacuse he's a spooky angel. If you accept that he's just like that, that's ok, but I don't think it would be in character for that not to be concealed. The Dark Angels for example even attack other chapters to conceal the Fallen, even if they're not actually that big of a deal (given everyone has traitors etc). I think therefore an in character Amra would still conceal himself, rather than even permitting suspicion.
Of course the really big question this raises for me is wether this will be the capstone for Arc 2 or not. If Arc 1 was birthing the imperium, and Arc 2 has mostly been about stabilizing the imperium... I feel that arc looks to at least be coming to a close. With arc three probablh y being about going from a reigonal power to a global or at least hemispheric power?
One of the issues is also that quests (and indeed my planning) don't necessarily have the same plans etc as other stuff. This arc is probably more toward stuff like subverting or conquering the Old World human kingdoms, then perhaps teh next one will be Grimgor turning up or something with some Iron Orks or whatever.
So did the librarian get the runes?
Nope, well, the Librarius will at least be aware of them and how the basics work, but the runes/other enchanted items and the native magic stuff was
[ ] Psysmiths
Set Hath-Horeb to investigation, experimentation, and production of various psycho-conductive artefacts for a variety of purposes, and equip a facility for such work in future, enabling more precise and efficient operation in time.
[ ] Warpcrafters
In addition to items, there are whole traditions to study of the Mallusian psychic arts. Hath-Horeb intends to investigate the native traditions, using his formidable intellect to master them, if he can, and to integrate useful elements into his own arts. Additionally, the Spiritwalker has proposed a horrific idea, a project to actually induce the psyker gene in matured Marines, instead of it manifesting supposedly randomly.
I'm not sure if it was his finest work, where do the Primarchs and the Custodes and the Assassin Temeples fit next to it?
Not many of them. The Imperium is absolutely fine with making one-off wonders, they're a lot less good at consistently successful projects or replicable stuff. There's supposedly 1m space marines and 10k Custodes, but I suspect the Custodes are far far more difficult to produce than Space Marines. Arkhan Land is known for the Land Raider and Speeder, not for the special concrete jhe made to patch up the Saturnine Wall during the Seige of Terra for example because that's a one off thing.
I wonder what happened with that Numas roll I thought would be made, did they have a failure of existence or some such?
Meh, yea they're dead during the Storm of Magic etc etc.
Speaking of this games invisible tech trees, where are we on the dwarfen tree compared to say our terraforming stuff for relevant expmples? Like halfway to maxing out the first one? Two nodes on the second?
Keep in mind that tech trees, unlike for exmaple in Civ, can't necessarily be predicted. As mentioned, there are both 'plot' trees and 'tech' trees. At the end of the Runes tech tree there might be stuff like Waystones, or a way to 'turn off' morrsleib, by combining Imperial tech and Dwarf psycraft. It's up to you to investigate this stuff though, and tell me what sort of things you want to do, you can come up with ideas for stuff, and that increases participation from questers anyway.
As to your actual question though, it depends what you want to do really. I suppose at teh highest end of the Dwarf tech tree you have the rune guardians or the other rune-robots, or you have the ancient godly master runes like those on the Axe of Grimnir, which is as powerful as the Widowmakerr which can cleave multiple greater daemons in half etc. At the moment, the Chapter has a vault full of enchanted stuff which they've labelled and then put in boxes. The Librarius are aware of runes, stories about runes, they've got an encyclopedia of what runes look like, how they're used, and some stories about how they're made, and Hath-Horeb in partiuclar has some vaguely heretical ideas about how he might mess about with magic anad put it into stuff. The Imperium already has psycho-conductive stuff, the Black Sword for example aparently made Sigismund hear voices, whcih maybe the Lions know about. However, you didn't take the runes option in the learning stuff so you don't know much about them really.
As for terraforming. Again what do you want to do? The Admech you have could probably design and build an atmosphere plant to like change the air or something, the Biologius magi could mess about with plants or the sea and so on, maybe the Artisans could design a device to cause earthquakes or change the weather, it's all within their capacities as you've got that 'Exotic' tech capacity. However, you don't have an atmosphere plant in a box somewhere because you didn't pick the colonisation mission in the chargen.
But yea let me know what you want to do, the Great Desert would be the main one, but an atmo plant isn't going to solve that because the land itself is cursed and there's Dhar all over teh place Dharring it up.
If those efforts fail to create the ecological crashes needed to hike through it, we could try chemical defoliants. Trying viruses is probably a very very bad idea given red-finned skinks and exposure to clan pestilens.
Yea, depends how serious Mazdamuni wants to get really, the Slann can certainly create a storm and just make the defoliant go away if they wanted to, so it'll depends on how they respond. Also, keep in mind that like other races like Skaven, if you're shooting at the king, don't miss, they might throw a moon at you.
Given we finally have good information on the Elves I also can scarcely wait to see what the imperial reaction is to the nonsense that is The Vortex.
I mean imperials loathe having to maintain good relations with heretics, but having to acknowledge that possibly Xeno-created abhumans are collectively keeping them alive? That squirming will rich as dark chocolate it will be.
It's more like the more wonkey things look the more some experiment took place equivalent to the DAOT but far more ancient.
Ah your right of course, without direct evidence, or accurate dating or what have you the imperium probably would guess that things like the polar gates and vortex were made by golden age humanity and abandoned.
So I'll answer this in general terms, yes, the stuff like the Vortex will be attested to in lore, stories, etc. The Dwarves will have stories about the Great Catastophe, there'll be some elf books that teh Chapter's been able to get their hands on to read, that sort of thing. Of course, none of this potentialyl matters to the Chapter. Hath-Horeb and the Librarius will be able to sense some stuff about magic, but when he's looking at some stories, that doesn't necessarily mean he believes them. The Chapter are operating under the assumption that something ancient was messing about ages ago, they dont know if thats some unknown xenos race, the Eldar, or just some random thing. If the abhumans claim that they managed to drive away teh daemons, the Chapter might just think that's a story rather than something that actually happened.
Great Maw at least would be hard so we can hopefully give that mouth some severe cavities and gumrot by turn 35.
As far as I'm aware if you destroyed it it would also kil the planet, that's what I heard from some lore person a while ago anyway, we'll see I suppose.
Or maybe this whole thing is an elaborate simulation that amra is experiencing himself alone as the inquisition cuts up his brain while hunting for the other lions?
Actually quite amusing as a bad end.