alright here are the tie breakers
-trait: 1 overwhelming power
-form: 2 student
and the normal winners are the blunder buss and wooden tower shield!
now for the random crossover related accessory, since the reason the deal was given over the riot shield was not because it was RIOT gear, it was because it was a shield, which i classify as weapons normally, not armor, since you don't wear it, you wield it.
accessory origin: 2 - pokemon
accessory: charcoal
after a long moment of indecision on your avatar items you make your first 2 choices and blindly pick a 3rd.
[alrighty than! seems were all done with that! now to just teach you the basics, and i'll be on my way to help other newborn dungeons]
and so for the next 2 hours you learn how to enter edit mode where you look over the entire area you can build your floor in, including the premade boss-room and stairwell down. you learn how to build new hallways and rooms as she guides you in building another 15by15 room to the east, and subsequently learn how to move your CORE and pedestal. you even learned how to access your dungeon and avatar sheets as your guide called them.
eventually the lessens ended and before your guide left you asked "what is your name?" to which they respond [oh im just a small part of Gaia, spirit of the world, tata!]. after that they went silent, presumably not paying attention to you right now.
what do you do?
MANA: 150/150
[]expand dungeon (costs 5MANA per 5ftby5ft square)
-[]write in how
[]summon Mob
-[]write in which and where
[]build trap
-[]write in where
[]buy a gacha roll
-[]write in which
[]write in
AN: okay, the map for the current floor and the stat sheets will be in a google sheet since i have the pic downloaded, and SV wont let me upload a picture strait from my laptop.
also if anyone has a recomendation for map making softwear thats better than a pixilart site that imcurrently using called pixilart, thats free, please link it.