Character 1 Part 7
Authors Note: I am giving the Character [Climbing], as they spent a year going up mountains and such. I have also added the skill to the athletics skill tree.
You go back to the break room, and grab the folding table to bring back to the Warehouse. It takes a bit to transport it over, but it should be worth it.
Rolling [Intelligence 49 + Workplace Safety 20 = 69] (roll = 6) Pass!
Stacking stuff on the table will not be stable enough to be safer than just climbing the bracketing of the pallet racks. The table can be used to break your fall, should that happen, so at least it wasn't a waste of time. Going for the lowest pallet, you begin your ascent.
Rolling [Strength 43 + Climbing 20 = 63] (roll = 8) Pass!
Making your way up turned out to be easy, despite having never free climbed before. The boxes are a bit difficult to open without a knife, but you manage it.
Rolling loot (lower = better) (roll = 23 out of 24)
Rolling [Intuition = 56] (roll = 46) Pass!
Rolling [Composure 47 + 20 got a bad feeling = 67] (roll = 14) Pass!
Rolling [Reaction 43 + 20 got a bad feeling + 10 kept composure = 73] (roll = 64) Pass!
As you begin opening the box, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach that gives you pause. You opt to peak inside the box, and see a sickly yellow spider looking back at you, poised to jump. Managing to keep your head, and acting quickly, you close the box back down. Picking up a second box from the pallet, you place the first box back on the pallet, but the second box on top of it to prevent the spiders escape, and climb back down the racking. Putting the table on the cart, you start a brisk walk away from the pallet from hell. What is your reaction to this?
[] Nope... nope, nope, nope, nope, nope
[] You need to find fire, and then burn that pallet to the ground.
[] Spiders are cool, maybe you could get something to capture it with?
[] Write in (pending QM approval)
Making your way to a different, further aisle, you try again.
Rolling [Strength 43 + Climbing 20 = 63] (roll = 91) Fail
That close encounter with the arachnid must have shaken you up more than you thought. You close your eyes, and take a deep breath.
Rolling [Composure 47 + passed previous composure check 20 = 67] (roll = 69) Fail
Nope, you are going to wait a bit for your nerves to calm down, and then you'll try again.
Time Passes
Rolling Rolling [Strength 43 + Climbing 20 = 63] (roll = 49) Pass!
After resting a bit, you successfully climb up the racking, and get to another pallet on the third level.
Rolling loot (lower = better) (roll = 10 out of 24)
This pallet actually has something useful! Inside each box are 16 cutlery packs containing 4 knives each. Given the pallet has 45 boxes total, that's 720 boxes of knives! How much do you take?
[] A single pack of four knives
[] 2 packs of knives
[] Might as well take an entire box
[] Take multiple boxes (specify amount)
Current stats and inventory:
[Strength] = 43
[Reaction] = 43
[Intelligence] = 49
[Intuition] = 56
[Perception] = 45
[Composure] = 47
[Stamina] = 43
[Workplace Safety Technician]
[First Aid]
[Archery: Bow]
[Head and Neck]
[Right Arm + Hand] Bruised Shoulder
[Left Arm + Hand] Bruised Forearm
[Hips + Glutes]
[Right Leg + Foot]
[Left Leg + Foot]
|Personal Inventory|
12 AA Batteries
1 black plastic cart, 40" X 17"
6 light bulbs: standard
4 [Snacks]
2 [Soda]
You go back to the break room, and grab the folding table to bring back to the Warehouse. It takes a bit to transport it over, but it should be worth it.
Rolling [Intelligence 49 + Workplace Safety 20 = 69] (roll = 6) Pass!
Stacking stuff on the table will not be stable enough to be safer than just climbing the bracketing of the pallet racks. The table can be used to break your fall, should that happen, so at least it wasn't a waste of time. Going for the lowest pallet, you begin your ascent.
Rolling [Strength 43 + Climbing 20 = 63] (roll = 8) Pass!
Making your way up turned out to be easy, despite having never free climbed before. The boxes are a bit difficult to open without a knife, but you manage it.
Rolling loot (lower = better) (roll = 23 out of 24)
Rolling [Intuition = 56] (roll = 46) Pass!
Rolling [Composure 47 + 20 got a bad feeling = 67] (roll = 14) Pass!
Rolling [Reaction 43 + 20 got a bad feeling + 10 kept composure = 73] (roll = 64) Pass!
As you begin opening the box, you get a sinking feeling in your stomach that gives you pause. You opt to peak inside the box, and see a sickly yellow spider looking back at you, poised to jump. Managing to keep your head, and acting quickly, you close the box back down. Picking up a second box from the pallet, you place the first box back on the pallet, but the second box on top of it to prevent the spiders escape, and climb back down the racking. Putting the table on the cart, you start a brisk walk away from the pallet from hell. What is your reaction to this?
[] Nope... nope, nope, nope, nope, nope
[] You need to find fire, and then burn that pallet to the ground.
[] Spiders are cool, maybe you could get something to capture it with?
[] Write in (pending QM approval)
Making your way to a different, further aisle, you try again.
Rolling [Strength 43 + Climbing 20 = 63] (roll = 91) Fail
That close encounter with the arachnid must have shaken you up more than you thought. You close your eyes, and take a deep breath.
Rolling [Composure 47 + passed previous composure check 20 = 67] (roll = 69) Fail
Nope, you are going to wait a bit for your nerves to calm down, and then you'll try again.
Time Passes
Rolling Rolling [Strength 43 + Climbing 20 = 63] (roll = 49) Pass!
After resting a bit, you successfully climb up the racking, and get to another pallet on the third level.
Rolling loot (lower = better) (roll = 10 out of 24)
This pallet actually has something useful! Inside each box are 16 cutlery packs containing 4 knives each. Given the pallet has 45 boxes total, that's 720 boxes of knives! How much do you take?
[] A single pack of four knives
[] 2 packs of knives
[] Might as well take an entire box
[] Take multiple boxes (specify amount)
Current stats and inventory:
[Strength] = 43
[Reaction] = 43
[Intelligence] = 49
[Intuition] = 56
[Perception] = 45
[Composure] = 47
[Stamina] = 43
[Workplace Safety Technician]
[First Aid]
[Archery: Bow]
[Head and Neck]
[Right Arm + Hand] Bruised Shoulder
[Left Arm + Hand] Bruised Forearm
[Hips + Glutes]
[Right Leg + Foot]
[Left Leg + Foot]
|Personal Inventory|
12 AA Batteries
1 black plastic cart, 40" X 17"
6 light bulbs: standard
4 [Snacks]
2 [Soda]
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