Name: Valma
Lost Logia Name: Seeker 999999
Lost Logia Purpose: Monitoring and Tracking of Lost Logia
Powers and Abilities:
-Tracking: Valma is capable of finding the planet of any Lost Logia it searches for, and can gain further detail on their location the closer it gets. Alternatively, this can simply be used to locate the nearest Lost Logia. Specific tracking can only be done on Lost Logia that Valma knows the name and function of.
-Communication: Valma can discretely contact and communicate with any Lost Logia at any distance, so long as the Lost Logia's name or function is known. This is normally used to check on the status of Lost Logia, though Lost Logia are in no way compelled to obey Valma. Additionally, this can be used in "Broadcast Mode", which sends the message to all Lost Logia on the planet and in nearby space, though Valma is unable receive replies in this mode.
-Databank: Stored within Valma is an archive of all Lost Logia names, functions, general appearances, and capabilities compiled and encrypted just before the fall of Ancient Belka. Unfortunately, the data was so heavily encrypted that even Valma itself cannot access it directly. Thus, Valma is not consciously aware of it's vast knowledge. Instead, Valma only "remembers" flashes of knowledge whenever it hears a certain "keywords" in a context relating to a specific Lost Logia. Often times this is either their name, function, or a descriptor of their appearance. However, this only works when Valma knows that the keyword in question relates to a Lost Logia. Simply hearing the word "book" is not enough, Valma must hear something more along the lines of "Lost Logia Book that shoots laser beams" in order to recall anything. Additionally, Valma does not know anything of the advancements, changes, and damage a Lost Logia has accrued since before the fall.
-Advanced Dimensional Transport: Valma is capable transporting itself and others via dimensional shift. Unfortunately, this function has been damaged, and can only activated by another dimensional shift. Thus, Valma is incapable of dimension shifting by itself.
-Self-Propulsion: Capable of medium-speed flight.
-Self-Destruction: Can detonate self in a medium sized explosion.
-Advanced Dimensional Transport damaged, cannot Shift unless in proximity to another Dimensional Shift in progress.
-Self-Propulsion damaged, cannot move under own power.
-Avatar Module Missing, Seeker 999999 was not fully completed at the time of the Fall, and is thus lacking an Avatar.
Personal Goals:
-Find friends in the form of other Lost Logia
-Recover it's apparently missing memories (Decrypt it's databanks)
-Locate it's Creator, as it never received it's first directive.
Name: Lilith Espada Gamma
Lost Logia name: Tome of Eternal Darkness
Lost Logia purpose: Containment of forbidden knowledge, Breaching of the Between of dimensions, and Communications
Origin: R'lyeh

Main form

Incognito form

Her avatar when using her primary power systems
Her hair is white, her eyes are purple, and her mask is tied on to her waist

Her avatar when using her secondary power systems

The Tome of Eternal Darkness was Created by a mad state-sponsored R'lyehan scientist to store their knowledge and power to channel a hole through dimensions in an attempt to commune with the Great Old Ones. The scientist's creation and experiment was a success for all of ten minutes before the power draw cut off mid dimensional transfer poking those who were not meant to awaken. The contact with [Redacted] corrupted the data inside the Tome and forcibly shut it down for millennia.

Killing Field: Scatters 'Runic mines' in a cone in the air and on the ground that can be set off all at once by hostile presences or by the user's command

Chattur'gha's Wrath: Lilith's shooter spell takes the form of forks of red lightning

Mantorok's Grasp: Lilith's bind spell forms encapturing rings that appear to be made from the bones of ancient skeletons

Xel'lotath's Whisper: Lilith's communication spell that touches the mind of a target to speak or if used while being the tome twists perception of those nearby to cause words and runes to appear upon her pages

Ulyaoth's Sight: A beam spell that fires a pinpoint blue beam of light that bisects all in its path when it is set to lethal
Equalizer: The Tome allows non-mages to cast spells by instead drawing on the tome's own magical power.

Elder Tongue: The Tome is able to precast spells as 'runes' for later use or to be triggered by outside stimuli as mines.

Recompense: The Tome is capable of extracting the linker cores of others and implanting them within the user to give them more magical power.

Translator: Designed in part to communicate with the Great Old Ones the Tome of Eternal Darkness was given an extensive translation suite on the chance that R'lyehan was insufficient a medium

The Gaze of Elders: The Tomes sensors were finely attuned to look through dimensional tears and other abnormalities this has the side effect of allowing the Tome to detect dimensional jumps and the general target location of said jumps

Unison Device

Dimensional Rupture: An absurdly overcharged dimensional shift that rather than moving the user simply stabs a hole in dimensions to a usually unreachable plane of the multiverse

Status: Warning: Error detected: Corrupted data in the forbidden section, data unable to be expunged due to Tome's primary function, restoration recommended for full access

Contact with that beyond comprehension has corrupted crucial data inside The Tome's databanks necessitating restoration for full functionality


  • Survive

  • Don't summon Elder Gods from beyond without reason

  • Get a shoggoth maid

  • Restore corrupted data

  • Explore
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Name: Fiona
Lost Logia Name: F-00
Lost Logia Purpose: experimental bio-weapon
Powers and Abilities: assimilation and mimicry
Status: Fiona was made in the very early days of Project F, largely as a proof of concept. Has been kept in stasis due to both the danger she poses and lack of any need for her. Since she was never activated formally, she only has access to a very basic "disguise"
Goals: Grow, Evolve, Explore. Find other remnants of Project F, or any other discarded expirements. side-mission: cause Fate to bluescreen
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Was I supposed to put in the name, my username? Ah! My bad. I apologize, I didn't think that would necessary since well our username is there right next to our posts.
I thought that would be the name of our character. Or what she'll call herself, anyway. Should I correct that?
Oh no that's not an issue, I merely done that for ease of readers who wish to know who's playing. Actually naming the character after you is totally optional!
Ok, I think I may need to opt out of this. The posts are going too fast and I can't keep up, and I'll just slow everyone down.
Player: Hyvelic
Name: Black Library

Appearance: A plain-looking book that has a gear and the words "Ipsa scientia potestas est.*" written on the cover around it. Nothing seems to stand out about it excluding the words on the cover and the gear.

Librarian Sprite:


Knowledge Retainment, Ability to retain all knowledge in the Omniverse. In times of Desperation, the Spirit may use the book as its user rather than keeper and assistant. This allows the spirit to use feats unseen in this day and age to defend itself, but at a cost.

Guardian Spirit, The book does not rely on its user to defend them, in times of need a Spirit may be summoned from the depths of the Book's imagination, as long as they know how the guardian's abilities work, the possibilities are endless.

Primary Guardian Sprite:

Πανδώρα*, Should in the worse case, the User not be enough to keep the knowledge inside safe from impending harm, a final ability to act as a safeguard. The Spirit will use all the knowledge in the library to crack the foundations of the reality it is in, to open the door realm of possibilities to fuel legendary feats of magic. The current user of the book will die from the strain, however.

Purpose: To Hold all knowledge in the omniverse, of all culture and civilizations to allow for peaceful co-existence

Status: Disorganized, due to going against the rules of the book, the library is now out of sorts! Enjoy sorting for the rest of existence. Now, where did you put those Request forms you need to fix this? [Shows information that is technically correct, or rarely sends outright wrong information]

Goals: Get Organized, Find a good User, Read books, Troll TSAB

Background: This book was created for the sole reason to gather all knowledge in existence to allow the understanding of all civilizations and culture, but such things are rarely used for it's intended use. The creator killed, and restricted access to the world around it, the Black Library has no power here amongst the reality, stuck in its sub-dimension linked to the book. In a recent time of danger, the Library risked destruction and broke the restrictions placed upon it. The Knowledge inside is scattered and lost, only truly accessible by an accepted User. Inside lies hope, however, should the user take control it can release the book from it's suffering and in so gaining access to things lost and unknown through space an time.

Space-Time Magics are Locked for all Users

*Knowledge is Power Itself.
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