The Lost Logia RP IC (MGLN RP)

Sigh, it seems I was right. She didn't understand the meaning of death...not that's not really correct. She's simply not aware enough to even know it. For now, I will leave this to others, since my way of handling a situation like this is not...pretty especially when involving somewhat intelligently self-aware creation like her.

And so, I copied all of the data inside, including the video. I take a glance on data and it seems about this..slime girl, no, Mercury? Hmm, these data will be quite useful and giving me insight about her, into my and Ene's storage. Next and not wasting any time, I opened the video to see what I predict as the last video from Mercury's father.

@PillowcaseMuffin @Henryboy003

There appeared to be quite a few videos. Most of them showing Mercury at various stages of development.
Lilith Espada/ToED

I looked to ...Lilith. "So you're the comms officer?"
Lilith stopped her scanning of the bridge and swiveled without breaking stance to face the owner of the voice before speaking.
"Correct, this one is acting comms officer and translator for Gatekeeper Enna should there be a need to facilitate communications with an unknown language. This one hopes to serve valiantly in this
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There appeared to be quite a few videos. Most of them showing Mercury at various stages of development.
These...I see. I quickly separated these to their own folder and make a note to give them to Mercury. She might not be understand much but nevertheless, it's the right thing to do....correc%t=? Still, now what? ..Hmm

<Athena, you are experienced with children correct? Perhaps you might be able to do something?>

@Terran Imperium
Enna Tan, Enterprise
Belkan Hangar
More of them soon

I hummed as I thought. "Enna. Sorry if I'm repeating myself, but what's the situation outside right now?" I need more info.

I looked to ...Lilith. "So your the comms officer?"
@UbeOne @Zeroth Jupi

A look around me, using my cameras and sensors, gives me the info I need.

"There are evacuating TSAB people on their way here," I answer, "And the ones outside have found a hidden room. I don't know what's in there though."

Improve Klein Field efficiency (1d40): 186 + 31 = 217/350
UbeOne threw 1 40-faced dice. Reason: Reparo Total: 31
31 31
Enna Tan, Enterprise
Belkan Hangar
More of them soon

A look around me, using my cameras and sensors, gives me the info I need.

"There are evacuating TSAB people on their way here," I answer, "And the ones outside have found a hidden room. I don't know what's in there though."

Improve Klein Field efficiency (1d40): 186 + 31 = 217/350
I nodd. "The TSAB better be reasonable...."
After some time group of 10 humans entered the hangar, mostly injured and generally skittish. All wearing some variation of the TSAB uniform.
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In bote

I waved to the others as well- "Hi" -noticing how many of us were here. Hopefully it would be alright. Though..huh, where is Mercury..
Mercury squeaks happily as she is patted on the head before turning to the two. "C-Coowm. Fi-fiind Faaaaw-therr!"

Mercury announces as she continues up into the hangar control room just as the secret door opens revealing a small and somewhat dusty lab, though it appears to still be cleaner than the rest of the facility. The equipment within appears to mostly be terminals and various obviously modified workbenches. sitting on a chair and leaning down on one of the workbenches as if sleeping was a skeleton with somewhat rotted clothing.
Death was..not foreign to me. Never up close, but....
Looking at the tv, at nothing like this. Not even my extra set of new old memories helped...
Not with this. How long.....?
"Now that you've found your father... What do you want to do?" she said softly and soothingly as she slowly patted the little cute glob.
"..Is that your Father, child?" I said toward the slime, my voice soft tinged with a little bit sympathy. She most likely doesn't understand the frailty of life, especially that of humans just like other AI I met in the past "Apologies..he's no longer with us anymore. He's...gone to hopefully a better place, leaving his body behind"

Meanwhile, I try to access the terminal for finding any information or more importantly a will or diary. Humans tend to write those, especially for those that barricaded themselves here for some reason.
I kept quiet even if I hesistantly held out a hand towards the slimy goop girl. My voice as soft with sorrow as well. "Mercu-"
"Auuuuu....Faw-theeer" Mercury hums out and approaches the skeleton, hugging it. "Low-ve yuuu....." the liquid metal automaton burbles, not seeming to comprehend that the man is dead.

The terminal's connection to the main server was non existant due to the system being destroyed, however there were files on the computer itself. Most of it were simply project notes on Mercury and different experimental models. Buried among all the test data however was a file filled with videos.
More memories. Mine now, of so long ago.
She a child wasn't she. She didn't...
I may not be human anymore, a act I hadn't truly acknowledeged yet, not really I couldn't afford to yet but-
But this was a terrible time for rain. This poor kid...

I gently approached her, trying to keep my voice even, mayhaps a bit cheerful.
"H-hey Mercury. really love your father don't you...
A-anyway, he seems very tired, a-and he..he needs his...r-rest. Come on let's not disturb him okay...?" My tone was gentle, even as I laid my hand softly on what she had for a shoulder.
This...this was too much, the poor kid she didn't even...
I could understand as well once. I just hope when she finally could understand...I hope it wouldn't hurt her too much...
<Athena, you are experienced with children correct? Perhaps you might be able to do something?>
Athena nodded, she'll take it the way she always did when she had to explain death to children. She kneeled beside Mercury as she patted her globulous form soothingly.

"I have some sad news for you Mercury. Your father is not among us anymore." she paused, letting Mercury take in her words for a seconds before continuing.

"When people die their body stop working, they can't eat, walk or play anymore. You won't be able to see them anymore. What you see in front of you are only his remains. I'm sure he loved you as much as you loved him and he is hopefully in a better place." she said just as warmly as she could. She needed to be honest and concrete without much euphemisms that would confuse the child. Before Mercury could even ask the question 'Can his body be fixed?' that she had to deal with an uncountable amount of times.

"Once a human's body stops working, it can never start again. That's how they are. Do not blame yourself, no one caused your father's death and we can't bring him back. Death is something that is natural for humans, they come and go leaving their imprint on the world. Like your father did when he created you. I am sure where ever he is. He is proud of you and the work that you did here in this facility for hundreds of years." finished Athena as she kept patting Mercury.

She'll try to see if there was any nearby Belkan unit like her apart from Spinaria and Mercury. Possibly Ene but she didn't have the time to check on her yet.

@Henryboy003 @kinigget @TheFanficAddict
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In bote

I waved to the others as well- "Hi" -noticing how many of us were here. Hopefully it would be alright. Though..huh, where is Mercury..

Death was..not foreign to me. Never up close, but....
Looking at the tv, at nothing like this. Not even my extra set of new old memories helped...
Not with this. How long.....?

I kept quiet even if I hesistantly held out a hand towards the slimy goop girl. My voice as soft with sorrow as well. "Mercu-"

More memories. Mine now, of so long ago.
She a child wasn't she. She didn't...
I may not be human anymore, a act I hadn't truly acknowledeged yet, not really I couldn't afford to yet but-
But this was a terrible time for rain. This poor kid...

I gently approached her, trying to keep my voice even, mayhaps a bit cheerful.
"H-hey Mercury. really love your father don't you...
A-anyway, he seems very tired, a-and he..he needs his...r-rest. Come on let's not disturb him okay...?" My tone was gentle, even as I laid my hand softly on what she had for a shoulder.
This...this was too much, the poor kid she didn't even...
I could understand as well once. I just hope when she finally could understand...I hope it wouldn't hurt her too much...

Athena nodded, she'll take it the way she always did when she had to explain death to children. She kneeled beside Mercury as she patted her globulous form soothingly.

"I have some sad news for you Mercury. Your father is not among us anymore." she paused, letting Mercury take in her words for a seconds before continuing.

"When people die their body stop working, they can't eat, walk or play anymore. You won't be able to see them anymore. What you see in front of you are only his remains. I'm sure he loved you as much as you loved him and he is hopefully in a better place." she said just as warmly as she could. She needed to be honest and concrete without much euphemisms that would confuse the child. Before Mercury could even ask the question 'Can his body be fixed?' that she had to deal with an uncountable amount of times.

"Once a human's body stops working, it can never start again. That's how they are. Do not blame yourself, no one caused your father's death and we can't bring him back. Death is something that is natural for humans, they come and go leaving their imprint on the world. Like your father did when he created you. I am sure where ever he is. He is proud of you and the work that you did here in this facility for hundreds of years." finished Athena as she kept patting Mercury.

She'll try to see if there was any nearby Belkan unit like her apart from Spinaria and Mercury. Possibly Ene but she didn't have the time to check on her yet.

@Henryboy003 @kinigget @TheFanficAddict

Mercury looked up at the armoured avatar with a tilted head. "Faw-ther slee-py. Ohhh-kaaaaay." Mercury tried to whisper as she gently released the skeleton and moved to clean the room, using her excess mass to repair the surfact machinery and clear away dust.

Before she could get to work however Athena spoke causing the liquid girl to give her full attention to the device's avatar. "Auuuuu.....?" Mercury gave a sad burble, her entire fluid form shuddering and undulating unsteadily.
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After some time group of 10 humans entered the hangar, mostly injured and generally skittish. All wearing some variation of the TSAB uniform.
"Alright, settle down," I say as I enter the hanger behind the group, then mutter "If I had more of my functionality I could take care of those wounds far more efficiently..." I turn back to the nervous young man, "As I was saying, my last activation was in a Belkan hospital an indeterminate amount of time ago. Shall we board our exploration vessel shaped ally?"
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"Alright, settle down," I say as I enter the hanger behind the group, then mutter "If I had more of my functionality I could take care of those wounds far more efficiently..." I turn back to the nervous young man, "As I was saying, my last activation was in a Belkan hospital an indeterminate amount of time ago. Shall we board our exploration vessel shaped ally?"
"H-huh? O-oh right!" The young man reached for his device, his nervousness causing his hands to slip leading to him hastily having to grab it again from mid air.

"R-right....this was the channel I think...H-hello? This is Jerald, a-a TSAB archeologist. W-we have a group of t-ten plus a u-unison device, permission to board v-vessel Enterprise?"

"R-right....this was the channel I think...H-hello? This is Jerald, a-a TSAB archeologist. W-we have a group of t-ten plus a u-unison device, permission to board v-vessel Enterprise?"
I look at the young man who I have started to view as a potential partner, and remark "Unison device? Is that the current terminology for a Companion Artifice? I'll need to update my databanks, especially in regards to diseases and injuries, those files are woefully incomplete, and new diseases appear every day. As such I must remain vigilant and ready to treat the ills of the body, and once I find the missing parts for my more potent forms, the ills of the mind. I vaguely recall being used to cure a case of psychosis once..." It's at this point that I begin wondering how I could have lost so much functionality, and how difficult it would be to regain it.
She'll try to see if there was any nearby Belkan unit like her apart from Spinaria and Mercury. Possibly Ene but she didn't have the time to check on her yet.
Before she could get to work however Athena spoke causing the liquid girl to give her full attention to the device's avatar. "Auuuuu.....?" Mercury gave a sad burble, her entire fluid form shuddering and undulating unsteadily.
Fiona goes over to new friend and gives her a not-at-all-awkward hug. "You hab me an geiz now, an all the peoples comin' here. You nawt alone ennymore"
"..You can come with us Mercury and leave this place. This unit is confident your father would prefer for you to experience new things rather than trapped here forever"

I waved to the others as well- "Hi" -noticing how many of us were here. Hopefully it would be alright. Though..huh, where is Mercury..
I noted the sudden presence of the Armoured the watch. The Armour is an empty suit, the main body is the watch transformed into the armour. Perhaps will function better with human partner? It doesn't seem to be hostile so I simply filed that away as 'Another one to be preserved'
Beat up the sad

Fiona goes over to new friend and gives her a not-at-all-awkward hug. "You hab me an geiz now, an all the peoples comin' here. You nawt alone ennymore"
"..You can come with us Mercury and leave this place. This unit is confident your father would prefer for you to experience new things rather than trapped here forever"

I noted the sudden presence of the Armoured the watch. The Armour is an empty suit, the main body is the watch transformed into the armour. Perhaps will function better with human partner? It doesn't seem to be hostile so I simply filed that away as 'Another one to be preserved'

The metallic girl hugged Fiona, her cold mass churning sadly as she simply let out a sad muffled keening.

I look at the young man who I have started to view as a potential partner, and remark "Unison device? Is that the current terminology for a Companion Artifice? I'll need to update my databanks, especially in regards to diseases and injuries, those files are woefully incomplete, and new diseases appear every day. As such I must remain vigilant and ready to treat the ills of the body, and once I find the missing parts for my more potent forms, the ills of the mind. I vaguely recall being used to cure a case of psychosis once..." It's at this point that I begin wondering how I could have lost so much functionality, and how difficult it would be to regain it.

"H-huh? Oh...Y-yeah, unison devices are ones made to m-merge or encase their users."
"H-huh? Oh...Y-yeah, unison devices are ones made to m-merge or encase their users."
"I see, I do need to find a partner to be at peak efficiency in my line of work, which is quite literally my purpose for existing. Would you be willing to consider the position? If you already have such a device I can attempt to integrate functions between myself and your device, in such a way that I can be held in a pocket dimension and still communicate with you, and you can access my basic functions that determine whether my aid is required." I may as well offer the young man the position of partner, whether he accepts is up to him.
"Once a human's body stops working, it can never start again. That's how they are. Do not blame yourself, no one caused your father's death and we can't bring him back. Death is something that is natural for humans, they come and go leaving their imprint on the world. Like your father did when he created you. I am sure where ever he is. He is proud of you and the work that you did here in this facility for hundreds of years."

"..You can come with us Mercury and leave this place. This unit is confident your father would prefer for you to experience new things rather than trapped here forever"

Ene Listened to the explanation, and frowned, She wished she knew who made her... But that's a sad thought, and currently there is too much sad, so happy thoughts.

"Yeah! We could wander around the universe and take a bunch of pictures!" Ene almost shouted.


The metallic girl hugged Fiona, her cold mass churning sadly as she simply let out a sad muffled keening.
Fiona simply continues holding Mercury for a bit. She's not really sure what she's doing, but it seems to be helping, so...

"You Fahther may be gonne, but you take him wif you in mem'ry. Ken tell us sto-rees 'bout him an' 'member good times. An' also you go 'splore. Am sure he wood want dat fr you"

Fionna looks over at the bones and a thought strikes her

"You want berry him here? Or bring bones wifi us?"
Ene Listened to the explanation, and frowned, She wished she knew who made her... But that's a sad thought, and currently there is too much sad, so happy thoughts.

"Yeah! We could wander around the universe and take a bunch of pictures!" Ene almost shouted.


Fiona simply continues holding Mercury for a bit. She's not really sure what she's doing, but it seems to be helping, so...

"You Fahther may be gonne, but you take him wif you in mem'ry. Ken tell us sto-rees 'bout him an' 'member good times. An' also you go 'splore. Am sure he wood want dat fr you"

Fionna looks over at the bones and a thought strikes her

"You want berry him here? Or bring bones wifi us?"

The fluid automaton sniffled and looked up at Fiona, her face all melty. "A-auu...I w-waan breeng wif...." she mumbles softly. The voice of Ene draws her attention as the girl listens to the digital entity's words.

"Ee-eexp-looor?" she sniffles.
"I see, I do need to find a partner to be at peak efficiency in my line of work, which is quite literally my purpose for existing. Would you be willing to consider the position? If you already have such a device I can attempt to integrate functions between myself and your device, in such a way that I can be held in a pocket dimension and still communicate with you, and you can access my basic functions that determine whether my aid is required." I may as well offer the young man the position of partner, whether he accepts is up to him.
"H-huh? M-me? I-i'm just an archeologist...I don't really k-know anything about doctoring! S-surely someone else would be better right?" The young man asks shocked.
Enna Tan, Enterprise
Belkan Hangar
Welcome aboard

"H-huh? O-oh right!" The young man reached for his device, his nervousness causing his hands to slip leading to him hastily having to grab it again from mid air.

"R-right....this was the channel I think...H-hello? This is Jerald, a-a TSAB archeologist. W-we have a group of t-ten plus a u-unison device, permission to board v-vessel Enterprise?"


<Permission granted,> I answer. I could ask more, but that can be for later. Poor guy though. All that stuttering...

Improve Klein Field efficiency (1d40): 249 + 26 = 275/350
UbeOne threw 1 40-faced dice. Reason: Reparo Total: 26
26 26
This is already a stage-3 friendship

The fluid automaton sniffled and looked up at Fiona, her face all melty. "A-auu...I w-waan breeng wif...." she mumbles softly.
Fiona squeezes the slime girl tight. "Weull get him abored"

The voice of Ene draws her attention as the girl listens to the digital entity's words.

"Ee-eexp-looor?" she sniffles.
Fiona nods, then looks aside a bit, struggling to speak clearly.

"I was...locked up, just after I was made. My creators made me purely to show that they could. I was put in a box, then locked away and forgotten. I intend to go as far as I can now, Find others like me. The discarded prototypes."

She looks hesitant here, emotions passing rapidly over her face. Hope, determination, spite, sadness. She composes herself and continues.

" at least had this whole facility, even if all you had for company were the drones. But now you have a way out, new companions, and an entire universe to explore. I...could never forgive myself if I left you here"
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The Door to the Castle
Location: Ruined Hanger --> Enna Tan's Hangar
Status: Out of breath(?)

After some time group of 10 humans entered the hangar, mostly injured and generally skittish. All wearing some variation of the TSAB uniform.
And following them, and a certain Doctor Bot, the young woman came running. She needed to spend a moment catching her breath, her hands on her knees, before she could speak.

"Gah... Note to self... Improve cardio regimen... and unlock a gym or something..."

Once she had recovered, she looked up at the ship. "Uh... hello? Is this the ship out of here? Requesting permission to board as well!"

"Also, Doc," she continued, "you wouldn't happen to know anything about exercise regiments, do you?"

Enna Tan, Enterprise
Belkan Hangar
Welcome aboard 2

The Door to the Castle
Location: Ruined Hanger --> Enna Tan's Hangar
Status: Out of breath(?)

And following them, and a certain Doctor Bot, the young woman came running. She needed to spend a moment catching her breath, her hands on her knees, before she could speak.

"Gah... Note to self... Improve cardio regimen... and unlock a gym or something..."

Once she had recovered, she looked up at the ship. "Uh... hello? Is this the ship out of here? Requesting permission to board as well!"

"Also, Doc," she continued, "you wouldn't happen to know anything about exercise regiments, do you?"


<Permission granted,> I reply to the woman.

Looking at the TSAB guys, however, they don't seem to be well, nursing their injuries. As such, I send a message to the Doctorbot. <Doc, can you take them to sickbay? I'll send you the directions.>


Improve Klein Field efficiency (1d40): 275 + 15 = 290/350
UbeOne threw 1 40-faced dice. Reason: Reparo Total: 15
15 15