not those parasites they only go for either insecure people (looking at you Horous, Fulgrim) Bitter people (Morty, Perty) whatever the fuck Konrad is, people who make over complicated plans (alpharuis/ Omegon) overly violent people (Angron) I would say overly arragont but they never tried to get mr are we sure his not a dark eldar russ so naive people like magnus /sSun-Sin could still fallDelai's right there with a nice big hug for you~
[X] – The Archon speeds away
No clue if we're gonna run far enough to actually meet Big E and the rest of the Great Crusade but if we do an Archon sounds like a more interesting thorn in our side than a bunch of cultists.
not those parasites they only go for either insecure people (looking at you Horous, Fulgrim) Bitter people (Morty, Perty) whatever the fuck Konrad is, people who make over complicated plans (alpharuis/ Omegon) overly violent people (Angron) I would say overly arragont but they never tried to get mr are we sure his not a dark eldar russ so naive people like magnus /s
but in more seriousness I feel the chaos created from both escaping cause then it can be like the team rocket of our enemies oh great its them again
This is fair and true but this still popped into my head:[x] The Archon speeds away
every pirate needs a good rival, and there's no better rival to a pirate than the Dark Eldar
What are we thinking so far fellas? Someone to go hand in hand with our boy here or a rival to die back to back with while fighting the savages from Fenris? Either way we're liable to not be friends with the king of the Vlka Fenryka for long (No atter how much Leman would like us on a personal level).Then I'll take a break before starting on the other missing primarch.
We'll have to see how his character pans outWhat are we thinking so far fellas? Someone to go hand in hand with our boy here or a rival to die back to back with while fighting the savages from Fenris? Either way we're liable to not be friends with the king of the Vlka Fenryka for long (No atter how much Leman would like us on a personal level).
Entire rest of 40k: "Noooooooo this is grimdark you must compromise on moral principles and/or have shitty ones!"
[X] – The cult's leadership scatters
I kinda want to see a more Eldar friendly primarch.
I mean if theirs one thing most eldar and humans agree on is fuck the dark eldar
I mean if theirs one thing most eldar and humans agree on is fuck the dark eldar
[X] - The Archon speeds away
You don't let chaos cultists live to spread their corruption
[X] – The Archon speeds away
I am convinced, we need a Pirate Rival, and a Drukari is as good as any other.
wait they are worse even Kor phorran did that/sWell, to be fair, as far as Sun-Sin knows these guys are child sacrificing slavers whose sole reason for existing is desperation in a storm.