Adhoc vote count started by bob123 on Sep 4, 2022 at 8:01 AM, finished with 20 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] - Stormslayer
    [X]Master of the Storm
    [X]Master of the Storm
    [X] – Reef the Sails?
    -[X] – No. (The ship will be carried to shore faster, potentially ahead of one or both of your attackers. However, your crew will be shaken by your decision and you risk capsizing.)
    [X] - Close the Gunwales?
    -[X] – Yes. (The Drowned zombies will be unable to enter through the lower decks, but the cannons will not be able to attack the kraken.)
    [X] – Order all hands below when the attack comes?
    -[X] – No. (The ship needs to be controlled during a storm. They'll have to deal with the enemy swarming; there will be more casualties but the ship will be better controlled.)
    [X] – Focus on the zombies or the kraken (If both of these things hit you at the same time you'll have to choose what to prioritize. Note that Sun-Sin will not abandon either entirely.)
    -[X] – Kraken (If the kraken gets to the ship and cracks it open, it won't matter what was on it. They'll all die.)
    [X] - Stormslayer
    [X] – Reef the Sails?
    -[X] – Yes. (You'll roll up your sails; what sailors are supposed to do to avoid capsizing. However, the attack will come at the time and place the enemy chose, and you'll have to fight them off.)
    [X] - Close the Gunwales?
    -[X] – No. (The cannons will be able to attack the kraken, but this also leaves an opening for the drowned to attack.)
    [X] – Order all hands below when the attack comes?
    -[X] – Yes. (Going below will force the enemy's attack into narrow corridors to get at your crew. Crew casualties will be reduced but the ship will be at the whim of the storm.)
    [X] – Focus on the zombies or the kraken (If both of these things hit you at the same time you'll have to choose what to prioritize. Note that Sun-Sin will not abandon either entirely.)
    -[X] – Kraken (If the kraken gets to the ship and cracks it open, it won't matter what was on it. They'll all die.)

So, 9 votes for Stormslayer and 7 for Master of the Storm
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Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Sep 8, 2022 at 5:54 PM, finished with 45 posts and 32 votes.
Four categories
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Sep 17, 2022 at 5:13 PM, finished with 15 posts and 11 votes.
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Sep 21, 2022 at 8:10 PM, finished with 50 posts and 33 votes.
Ask about Fan (also Aeldari)
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Sep 30, 2022 at 8:48 PM, finished with 37 posts and 25 votes.
Dark Eldar and Prevent Ritual
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Oct 12, 2022 at 11:29 AM, finished with 51 posts and 28 votes.
Dracon Escapes
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Nov 4, 2022 at 4:44 PM, finished with 75 posts and 42 votes.

I called the lead an Archon in the vote but the more proper term here would be Dracon

My bad
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Nov 25, 2022 at 4:27 PM, finished with 101 posts and 39 votes.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Dec 15, 2022 at 2:16 PM, finished with 34 posts and 15 votes.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Jan 14, 2023 at 12:49 AM, finished with 33 posts and 26 votes.