Two primarchs were erased from Imperial record. All that they were: their names, their deeds, even their legions, lost to time. This is the story of the 11th primarch, on the oceanic knightworld of Tabgach.
Captain Ching Sun-Sin was found by the great Reaver Queen, ruler of the greatest pirate armada in the world. He has slaughtered slavers on their own misbegotten ship slain ancient krakens, fought off a Dark Eldar raid, and destroyed a Chaos cult within an eternal storm. Now, however, the valiant captain has found his way to the Temple of Perpetual Devotion, of the enigmatic Tech Monks, and complications begin to rear their ugly head...
[X] Among the lost, wretched and forgotten - Within the hearth of a perpetual hurricane, surrounded by reefs more deadly and treacherous than on any other part of Tabgach, and smack dab in the middle of the intersecting breeding grounds for the planet's deadlines aerial and marine apex megafauna, there exist an island where humanity never intended to habitat, but through fate and ill fortune people had survived shipwrecks and getting washed out and had managed to eek out a miserable existence. There amongst the castaways and their descendants do you land...
[X] – Write in
-[X] Raised by sea creatures.
--[X] Your pod crashed into the sea with no human contact whatsoever. However, your incredible physical abilities allow you to extract what oxygen you need from the water and your Psyker abilities allow you to bond with the animals.
[X] - Write-in: Ching Sun-Sin. To go with his perpetually searching look, Ching has striking sea blue irises, which shift like the waves. They practically glow when Ching sails. Smooth skinned, with a body sleek enough that one would think it was designed to be as streamlined as possible…
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Aug 13, 2022 at 7:13 PM, finished with 48 posts and 37 votes.
[X] - Bullets and blades are to good a fate for them. Tie their hands and feet and let'em drop, one by one, slavers deserve nothing more than the cold depths of the sea. Let the captain be the last, let her watch what happens to man-catchers and flesh peddlers.
[X] Supposedly witches float in water. 'Check' that none of the crew are witches. Throw them overboard, if they float or resurface, shoot them for 'hypocrisy'.
[X] These people steal the sense of thought of children? Then steal their senses right back. Take their eyes and tongues and leave them on the life boats. Let them experience the clouding of senses they inflicted in their last moments.
[X] A form of decimation with their own hands (literally)! They were so eager to shackle children, executing adults should be no problem! Declare that they shall fight amongst themselves and the last alive shall be given freedom (by being tossed overboard to die in the storm)!
[X] Nail helmets onto their skulls like the children, stuff them in the cages (break bones to make them fit), give them no food or water and leave them to die in the hold.
[X] - Refuse! - nothing in this life comes for free, and the unspoken costs tend to be the highest of all, especially when they come from pretty mouths. Begone creature and touch my mind again at your own peril.
-[X] It is curious that Delai only appeared after you parted ways with children despite it being days since the putative sacrifice. Almost like she was blocked or afraid of one of them. Now, who could it possibly be...