Do You Guys Want to Worry About Skills and Such, or Just Money and Knowledge?

  • I want this to be as extreme as possible with like a dozen dice rolls per post

    Votes: 42 37.5%
  • I want this to be more of a narrative quest, focusing less on mechanics, and more on the story

    Votes: 70 62.5%

  • Total voters
[X] For the Greater Good
Self Explanatory. Think Grindelwald.

I think this is not exclude muggleborn form our position.As long as you have magic then you are cool.
[X] For the Greater Good

Most have some bleed over into the other options, but I personally like this one.

Rip up the statute of secrecy, stop hiding who we really are!
In my opinion.The old way represent isolationist and the greater good represent interventionist.

Old way should be easier to achieve and other country will content to let us do that.

But Greater Good is kind of ww3 scenario that tear every thing down to accomplish it.

Amusing enough that if only Dumbledore don't born at the same time period then The Greater good probably success.
[X] With Truth fades Sanity
Seeking the darker truths, the places where minds fear to tread, the source of magic.
[X] Knowledge
Care not for Politics. But care for knowledge, how does magic work? Why does magic work? And many more questions to be answered

Pretty much not give a fuck + SCIENCE!
I don't know man muggles sure do love to burn witches

Any witch or wizard can learn any of the many trivial methods to deal with something like that.


Can there even be war if the opening move is devastating enough? Any conflict would devolve into the long clean up rather than any serious affair.

Insurgents are a pest, but they are one that can ultimately be ignored at the global scale.
Guys, For the Greater Good requires the extermination of muggles. Only the darkest of houses will follow you there. Most wizards don't encounter muggles at all in their lifetimes, so this would not be something that most follow. It also makes it REALLY EASY for Dumbledore to make you into the second coming of Grindelwald. It will not end well, no matter how many plans you make, for all Dumbledore has to do is go "Remember the last time we had this happen?" and both pure bloods and muggleborns are uniting against you because the pure bloods remember the war, and the mugleborns remember the Second World War. This is essentially Impossible plus Ironman mode in XCOM, with mods to makke the game harder. You will eventually lose. I only included the option because it is the players' choice, but I feel as if you guys should be aware of the consequences if you tread this path.
[X] Path of the Old Ways

Well,Gm spoken change my vote now.

I just think the position of Grindelwald is not extreme as Voldemort.

He seem pretty cool if Credence actually had magic.Also can said as political point that we try to save muggleborn that abuse by their muggle parent.
Can there even be war if the opening move is devastating enough? Any conflict would devolve into the long clean up rather than any serious affair.

Insurgents are a pest, but they are one that can ultimately be ignored at the global scale.
Mathematics for numbers of muggles versus number of wizards.

My suburban city has 60,000 people living in it, and of those, about 4,500 are in high school, and 1,000 are in middle school (essentially years one through seven)

That's 5,500 of the population (9% of the population)

At Hogwarts, according to visuals from the movies, because all we have is a number that J.K pulled out of her arse. At each table, there are approximately 4 people per bench, and about 30 benches per side of table. In total, there are 320 benches. So there are 1,280 students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Use that to find the total population of Magical Britain.

There are 12,940 or so wizards and witches in Magical Britain, which makes sense. There is only one school in ALL of Britain in canon, and that means a lot, because even my suburban city has three different high schools and three different middle schools.

Now let's look at the population of Muggle Britain in 1981


Not thousand, not hundreds of thousand, but million

The Wizarding world's population is 0.00022900763% of the total population of Britain

The size of the uk's military in 1981 was 333,800 personnel.

If the path of Grindelwald is followed, the extermination and enslavement of Muggles must follow, for that is what the Greater Good was. It was unifying the magical beings against the tyrannical muggles who outnumber the Wizards by so much that even the Russians of WWII would be jealous of how many bodies they can throw at you. I shall not even continue on and mention technology. The more in detail I go, the more impossible it becomes.

Edit: Again, I'm just clearing up some things I noticed. You can't just have the "Magic is Magic" part of Grindelwald. You also get the "Muggles are evil" part of him.

If you want a philosophy simply based on "All magicals are equal" go for the Old Ways. That's the path where you'll be able to unify all magicals without declaring war on the muggles. Really, it's more of a Greater Good than the actual Greater Good philosophy.
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we are wizard our existence is almost unknown we are an out of context problem imperius magical plague and other indirect way to fight and just cause collapse of modern society sure in a straigth figth death is almost guaranteed but we dont need a strait fight to win

but it is true that wizard society will not follow total extermination or enslavement not with grindwald in recent memories
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[X] Knowledge
Care not for Politics. But care for knowledge, how does magic work? Why does magic work? And many more questions to be answered

Pretty much not give a fuck + SCIENCE!
Your vote is just a pale copy of my vote with a worse name. My knowledge vote is, essentially, 'let's become cultists'
Your vote is just a pale copy of my vote with a worse name. My knowledge vote is, essentially, 'let's become cultists'

I'm sorry, I think the methology might differ with wording. But still, I'm sorry
Also change vote,
[X] Path of the Old Ways
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Trailer of the crime of Grindelwald is up on youtube now.

...Man,I really really want play greater good path but everyone and their mother will come after us if we do that.
The size of the uk's military in 1981 was 33,380,000 personnel.

This number is completely ridiculously wrong. You are saying that the UK has a population of 56 million and more than half of them are in the military? That is crazy. Especially when just a few years later (1989) there were less than 315,000 personnel in the British military. Please do try to get the numbers to be more accurate if you are going to be using them to argue why the muggles would win any war.

and for my vote:
[X] Path of the Old Ways