First off getting into Arcadia ( a private school not public because public cant deny a student on grades) the best school of the city based off grades only is like getting into U of M or an elitist privet school off grades only you have to be very very smart to do so not just smart to do so. Also 16 is not skipping high school graduating at 16 means you skipped 1 year only, my brother was out at 17 because of his birthday and he did not skip a year.
You outright said Taylor was smart enough to be done with highschool, thus that means skipping highschool and I told you that you were wrong on that.
In all Spidermans i have seen/read he started out a POOR BULLED Teen and was Heroing at 17/18 so only 1 grade higher then her after he did his high school college/workplace tour. Some of these Spiderman's are not even that smart (Kids' WB) but have taken shop class and knows a thing or two about electronics also has one of the best high school Chemistry teacher ever Dr. Connors aka the Lizard. Also he made the Genius stuff after he was bitten. Taylor will make her stuff after she is given a Ghost. Also Ghost to me is kind of like JARVIS a super AI. After Spiderman got his Grandpa killed we did not see him run off to Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters only 75 miles away from his hometown.
Like I said before, Taylor is not spiderman. Taylor is not batman. Taylor is Taylor. Taylor is not the tinker either, ghost is. Taylor is just the person that is like a low level brute/ mover that uses the things Ghost creates. Taylor was also bullied worse than spider man ever was. She has no self-esteem, is depressed, and is prone to make stupid decisions. She is also a completely newbie that was given a loaded gun.
Taylor is also a run away with no resources, no contacts, no protection, no nothing. Being alone also lead to her indirectly killing someone because she was not good enough. She seems to be emotionally drained from being alone and that reason. So she sought Ghost out for advice on what she could do. And Ghost suggested the best option she could take and that he felt was the best way to guaranteed Taylor's safety. Meaning Ghost considered all the other options, it's own capability and Taylor's when coming up with a decision. Which was going to the Wards to receive backup, resources, and more importantly for Taylor's mental health, friends.
Ghost also is not a super advance AI but is the SI. Meaning ghost is a transcendent meat-bag that can make mistakes, and will make mistakes.
Brockton Bay is also shitty, really really shitty. Taylor is likely to die or get pressed ganged by the various gangs there in a month.
A month, that is the average life expectancy of an independent.