The Knife Where Light Shines Not: Desielpunk Ganglands RP

Gang Name: The skulls

Gang Appearance:

Gang Description: The skulls are a gang of thieves and hoodlum that prefer to not make a mess. However, if someone escalates a fight, they can match it.

Gang Size

  1. Large: Twenty Made Men, 100 Lows, and 240 Tenants. You control an entire section of the city, and local politicians treat you with something approaching respect. (Costs 3)

Ruling Style:
  • Loose: You don't concern yourself with the vast majority of straight work, as long as your tenants give you a slice of their cut in return for your protection and turn a blind eye to your more criminal operations. +50 Tenants. (Costs: 0)

Gang Specialties: What's your gang famed for? These are just examples, should you wish to make one of your own, tell me and I'll add a point cost for it.
  • Honorable: You're known for sticking to a consistent code of honor, setting you head and shoulders above the common street trash. You make your gang follow this code to, to varying degrees of success. +10% to all positive reputation gain. (Cost: 1)
  • Weapons Cache: Your Gang has a high occurrence of professional weapons. Perhaps you discovered a cache of old weapons. Perhaps they fell of a truck. But what matters is that you have high quality death spitters. All Made Men start with Professional Weaponry. (Cost 2)
  • Brutal Defenders: To mount an attack on this war band is to face traps, walls, decoys men firing from concealed positions... if more people had got back alive you might know what else they're using. (Cost?)
  • Well Trained: Your Made Men are former mercenaries. (Cost: 1)
Gang Territory: Name your base of operations. Puny Gangs can only control one, Small Gangs and Medium Gangs 2, Large Gangs 3, and Massive Gangs 5. These provide bonuses depending on what they are.
    • Apartment Spire: Giant interconnected towers stretching kilometers into the sky, filled with, as you may have guessed, apartments in addition to empty rooms where people have set up businesses. These are where the most people live, descending by way of elevators or sky-trams. Apartment Spires allow you to pick a free Vocation. +20 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)
    • Factory: You squat in a broken factory with some industrial tools still functioning. You have a decent amount of willing technicians, and you can perhaps, cobble some weapons together. 10 pieces of Improvised Weaponry comes free, and you may build items to sell as well as taking 5% off maintenance cost for equipment. +35 Income (Cost: 4) (Inhabitants: 60 Tenants)
Gang Vocations: Each gang has various vocations and jobs for their Lows, which earns them money and various special resources depending on the specific job you're doing. As with Specialties, these are suggestions, you may make your own should you wish.
  • Smuggling Operations: You know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who happens to push things off of boats often. Shame, that. +10 Income, requests to buy things are more likely to be fulfilled. (Cost 3) (Staff: 40 Lows)
  • Black Alchemy Lab: Drug making facilities employing alchemists making nearly every kind of drug in existence- Red Rum, Gaze, whiteglass, and much more. +20 Income, can manufacture Combat Stims, which will provide bonuses to your Made Men.(Cost 2) (Staff: 15 Lows)
  • (Free vocation):
    • Hidden Shipyard: You own a place where smugglers and other shady characters can come and have their ships repaired. +30 Income, can build ships. (Staff: 50 Lows)
Drawbacks: These are various things that can hinder your operations. Again, these are suggestions, you may create your own if you wish.
  • Decayed Weapons: Weapons periodically break, you better have a mechanic on hand to fix them, as well as the money to procure(or w/e) their services. -40% of weapon stash, -100 income per mechanic(-4)
  • Weak: Other factions see you as weak for your honorable code and will target you for that perception. -30 income(?)
Equipment: Equipment is divided into three tiers, Scraps, Improvised, and Professional. You can assume that everyone in your gang, from Made Men to Tenants have at least Scraps. Improvised may be made, but Professional can only be bought or stolen. Now,
  • Scraps: Improvised knives, clubs, and explosives.
  • Improvised: From amature gunpowder weapons, to crossbows, to pressurized rivet-guns, these are weapons that most gangs have. It's not uncommon to see Professional grade weapons such as the odd pistol here and there. (3 point = 60 Pieces starting off. More can be brought for Income in game. .5 Income maintenance for every 20 pieces
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Righty ho.
  • Guerilla Warfare: Made Men are able to think outside the box, making clever traps and ambushes when in well known territory. Defence bonus, ambush attack bonus (cost 1)
This is baisically Brutal Defenders from Jbe's sheet. Use that. And next time, don't make a Perk and assign it a point cost by yourself.
  • Veterans: Your made men were veterans of an army. They are experienced in the art of war and can pilot planes, boats and are crack shots. (Cost:?)(Should I just take the well-trained one instead?)
Just use Well Trained and this are functionally identical.
  • Airport: A place for pilots to land their planes, this could also be the start of a large-scale smuggling operation that takes place father then the eyes and scopes of hardened sailors as well as the home of any planes(civilian or otherwise) that you may have and make.(Cost:?)(Staff:?)
Erm. Not really sure how you can hide an airstrip. Besides, boats are far more economical than airplanes, and boats also run less risk of running into a storm system. No one really uses airplanes outside of airplane carriers. Change this, and you'll be more or less fine.
Righty ho.

This is baisically Brutal Defenders from Jbe's sheet. Use that. And next time, don't make a Perk and assign it a point cost by yourself.

Just use Well Trained and this are functionally identical.

Erm. Not really sure how you can hide an airstrip. Besides, boats are far more economical than airplanes, and boats also run less risk of running into a storm system. No one really uses airplanes outside of airplane carriers. Change this, and you'll be more or less fine.
Oh woops mb on the point cost thing. Hmm, would I be able to to make the airstrip be seen as a sort of a legitimate business front?
Alright, so after talking with some people on Discord and eventually coming to the conclusion that the income disparity between Made Men and Lows are utter horseshit, I'm making some changes. Keep the amount of Income you made in the first turn though.
  • Made Men now costs 1 Income per turn.
  • Lows now costs (Total/10)
  • On each turn, roll a 1d5 for every Vocation/Territory. Multiply this by 10 and add 50. This will be the percent of Income form the territory/vocation you earn that turn.
  • MM have to be paid a bonus after a Raid, or they might decide to revolt/turn traitor/etc.
These are just a preliminary. Talk to me if any of this seems particularly brain dead.
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Hey, @JbeJ275 , did you see the new economy rules?
Alright, so after talking with some people on Discord and eventually coming to the conclusion that the income disparity between Made Men and Lows are utter horseshit, I'm making some changes. Keep the amount of Income you made in the first turn though.
  • Made Men now costs 1 Income per turn.
  • Lows now costs (Total/10)
  • On each turn, roll a 1d5 for every Vocation/Territory. Multiply this by 10 and add 50. This will be the percent of Income form the territory/vocation you earn that turn.
  • MM have to be paid a bonus after a Raid, or they might decide to revolt/turn traitor/etc.
These are just a preliminary. Talk to me if any of this seems particularly brain dead.
Some people seem to be recruiting Made Men on both turns one and two? It's meant to be limited to once every three turns.
Gang Name: The skulls

Gang Appearance:

Gang Description: The skulls are a gang of thieves and hoodlum that prefer to not make a mess. However, if someone escalates a fight, they can match it.

Gang Size

  1. Large: Twenty Made Men, 100 Lows, and 240 Tenants. You control an entire section of the city, and local politicians treat you with something approaching respect. (Costs 3)

Ruling Style:
  • Loose: You don't concern yourself with the vast majority of straight work, as long as your tenants give you a slice of their cut in return for your protection and turn a blind eye to your more criminal operations. +50 Tenants. (Costs: 0)

Gang Specialties: What's your gang famed for? These are just examples, should you wish to make one of your own, tell me and I'll add a point cost for it.
  • Honorable: You're known for sticking to a consistent code of honor, setting you head and shoulders above the common street trash. You make your gang follow this code to, to varying degrees of success. +10% to all positive reputation gain. (Cost: 1)
  • Weapons Cache: Your Gang has a high occurrence of professional weapons. Perhaps you discovered a cache of old weapons. Perhaps they fell of a truck. But what matters is that you have high quality death spitters. All Made Men start with Professional Weaponry. (Cost 2)
  • Brutal Defenders: To mount an attack on this war band is to face traps, walls, decoys men firing from concealed positions... if more people had got back alive you might know what else they're using. (Cost?)
  • Well Trained: Your Made Men are former mercenaries. (Cost: 1)
Gang Territory: Name your base of operations. Puny Gangs can only control one, Small Gangs and Medium Gangs 2, Large Gangs 3, and Massive Gangs 5. These provide bonuses depending on what they are.
    • Apartment Spire: Giant interconnected towers stretching kilometers into the sky, filled with, as you may have guessed, apartments in addition to empty rooms where people have set up businesses. These are where the most people live, descending by way of elevators or sky-trams. Apartment Spires allow you to pick a free Vocation. +20 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)
    • Factory: You squat in a broken factory with some industrial tools still functioning. You have a decent amount of willing technicians, and you can perhaps, clobble some weapons together. 10 pieces of Improvised Weaponry comes free, and you may build items to sell as well as taking 5% off maintenance cost for equipment. +35 Income (Cost: 4) (Inhabitants: 60 Tenants)
Gang Vocations: Each gang has various vocations and jobs for their Lows, which earns them money and various special resources depending on the specific job you're doing. As with Specialties, these are suggestions, you may make your own should you wish.
  • Smuggling Operations: You know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who happens to push things off of boats often. Shame, that. +10 Income, requests to buy things are more likely to be fulfilled. (Cost 3) (Staff: 40 Lows)
  • Black Alchemy Lab: Drug making facilities employing alchemists making nearly every kind of drug in existence- Red Rum, Gaze, whiteglass, and much more. +20 Income, can manufacture Combat Stims, which will provide bonuses to your Made Men.(Cost 2) (Staff: 15 Lows)
  • (Free vocation):
    • Hidden Shipyard: You own a place where smugglers and other shady characters can come and have their ships repaired. +30 Income, can build ships. (Staff: 50 Lows)
Drawbacks: These are various things that can hinder your operations. Again, these are suggestions, you may create your own if you wish.
  • Hated: A faction hates you. Really hates you. Start at -3 with a faction, can only increase to 0. (-4)
  • Weak: Other factions see you as weak for your honorable code and will target you for that perception. -30 income(?)
Equipment: Equipment is divided into three tiers, Scraps, Improvised, and Professional. You can assume that everyone in your gang, from Made Men to Tenants have at least Scraps. Improvised may be made, but Professional can only be bought or stolen. Now,
  • Scraps: Improvised knives, clubs, and explosives.
  • Improvised: From amature gunpowder weapons, to crossbows, to pressurized rivet-guns, these are weapons that most gangs have. It's not uncommon to see Professional grade weapons such as the odd pistol here and there. (3 point = 60 Pieces starting off. More can be brought for Income in game. .5 Income maintenance for every 20 pieces
Right, it's a bit late, but there's really nothing egregerious that I can see. @Dust and echoes ! Ya got a new player. The Skulls will be coming in on the next turn proper.