The Knife Where Light Shines Not: Desielpunk Ganglands RP

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As written by the Scholar, Akkim Vem​

Welcome to Pyatine! Center of the Thousand Mirror Sea. From a diaspora of peoples fleeing the Sundering of Akkar, we have grown strong off of our fortunate position and the smattering of the mighty Kalim industrial forges. Our perspicacious leaders, the High Consulate, has guided our Polis away from fierce storms to happy waters!

However, as man grows satisfied, there arises in his breast a gnawing discontent, a burrowing worm. A singular hunger grew in our secret heart. A hunger for red slaughter. A hunger to steal. A hunger to lay low our fellows.

This tale, my friends, is a true record about my time among the Right People of Pyatine. They were the wickedest of men. They were the most honorable. They murdered and cheated, they healed and wept.

Judge them not by their names, but by their actions.

And may Pyatine stand on Thylassa ten thousand years!

Alright, for real now, welcome to my GSRP. @Dust and echoes helped me a lot with this, so hats off to him. As you might have guessed, this Grand Strategy RP is well, not as grand as most others. Instead of some sort of system spanning army with armadas of spaceships, you'll be stuck with a single gang numbering in the 100's. Copious violence will not help you here- the police do not like disorder. Stick to the shadows and the city narrows, where brief, personal skirmishes are your bread and butter. Pray to the gods for bonuses. Mount desperate expeditions for a Kalim weapon that can turn the tide. Do the dirty work of politicians and corporations for money. Raid the banks for valuables and ransom them back.

1. Don't be an ass.
2. Notify me when your sheet has original Specialties, Drawbacks, or Vocations.
3. No God-modding. Don't ignore a GM verdict when it's been handed down.
4. Please try to stay up to date. Post within a reasonable amount of time in the IC to prevent stalling. Tell me if you need to take a haitus or something.
5. I'll only be taking in 5 players. I will take more characters if there are people willing to Co-GM with me. Not first come first serve, so take your time.
6. Have Fun.


Now, you'll want to have a gang. I'm using a point buy system, which hopefully you'll be familiar with. If not, it's fairly simple. To construct your gang, I'll give you 15 points. With these points, you'll determine your gang's size, strength, Vocations, and territory. Of course, you'll also have drawbacks, which will provide you with more points at the expense of weaker areas.

In addition, the members of your gang will be ranked. There will be the Made Men, which are 5-20 people, battle hardened and willing to fight. They are your only source of offense, so guard them well. There are the Lows, which are people that are working for you for a steady paycheck and benefits. Don't expect them to be skilled, or willing to fight on other people's turf barring major invasion from them. You can recruit Made Men from them if you wish. Then, there are your Tenants, which are merely the people living on your turf. If your gang runs your turf well, the Tenants will willingly provide Lows to you.

Both your vocations and your territories will provide you with Income. Income is used to do a variety of things- bribe people to look the other way, purchase information in heists or raids, buy weapons, and much more. In addition, Income is needed to pay your Made Men and Lows. Hazard pay, after all. Made Men have a 3 Income per turn cost. To caculate the Income cost of your Lows, divide the total by 20.

Combat is as thus: When you wish to fight anyone, be it NPC or PC, you declare that you wish to fight them in your Strategic post. Detail a strategy and send them to me in a PM. I'll decide whether or not your action will be successful, taking into account your equipment, Specialties, and how kunnin' your stratagy is. This also accounts for things like heists or raids. In addition, you should know that merely attacking them without information on their general location would be a stupid idea that would likely lead to you're dudes dying. To mitigate this, do things such as scout out their territory, bribe officials to let you in, or purchase information in the previous turn. PM me this also, and I'll tell you the results.

Remember, morale is important! Your rule depends on the consent of the governed. Should you falter and cause damage to your gang and show weakness, they might start wondering if it's not too late to do a change in leadership...

Gang Name:

IC post: Write a brief snippet taking place in your gang's territory.

Finances: Write down your total amount of Income and the amount you gained loss as such: Total +/- Last Turn's Results

Market: Sell your stuff or services here. I will PM you with offers from NPC's to buy things from you or hire you in PMs before every turn.

Heists/Raids: Plan heists or declare your intention to attack other players here.

Building: Construct more Vocations, build weapons, ships, brew drugs or any Black Science related stuff here.

Recruit: Recruit more Lows from your Tenants, or Made Men from your Lows. The amount varies. Roll a 1d10 for recruiting Lows, or a 1d3 for Made Men. You may recruit more Lows once per turn, and Made Men once every three turns. Use the same format as Finances: Total +/- Last Turn's Results.


NPC Relations: Put down any NPC's you've pissed off or any NPC's that like you here. For example, Ultor Coporation, +3.
Raid turns can be structured however you like. As long as you tell me what your Made Men are doing, that would be fine. However, I'd prefer it if it went something like this:

IC Post

There will be roughly four kinds of NPC factions you'll interact with- NPC criminals, actual gods and their priesthoods, buisnesses ranging from dinky one store shops to Polis-spanning megacorps, and the Civic Authorites, ranging for the fifteen High Consulate Members to Watch Sergeants to local Neighborhood Representatives.

Your relations with them will be measured on a scale from -3 to +3, where -3 is when the faction will try to kill you and bring down your operations, from allying with enemy PC/NPC factions to hiring assassins to go after you. +3 is friendly- enough so that the faction in question won't look askance at handing out little favours. Note that reputation can be forcibly lost should an enemy faction decide to frame you, such as defiling a shrine to cause you to lose rep with your god.

Corporations/NPC Gangs
-3: Send assassins and hitmen/Launch Made Men raids into your territory
-2: Ask Civic Authorities to bring the boot on you/Every turn, they have a chance of starting a border scuffle, making you loose 1-2 Lows or 3-6 Tenants
-1: Won't hire or sell to you.
0: Nuetral
1: Will do buisness with you at a -5% discount.
2. -10% Discount / Tenous Alliance
3: Buisness will sell you discounted professional weaponry/Formal Alliance

Civic Authorities
-3: Frequent Special Constabulary Raids, and occasionally, there'll be a mole.
-2: Heavier Constable presence in your territory. -10% all income made.
-1: Civic Authorities more likely to raid you after a Heist.
0: Nuetral
1: Authorities look the other way during Heists.
2: Lighter Constable Presence: +5% to all Income made.
3: Police Free: +10% to all Income

-3: A Malicious Entity is now living in your territory. This can be banished or killed.
-2: Occasionally, Priest Hiteams raid your territory.
-1: Your gang is barred from Temples and all Symbols are now defunct.
0: Nuetral
1: Receive free vocation: Temples. 0 Income, can build Symbols of Faith, which grants bonuses depending on the God.
2: May recruit special Made Men: Priests
3: The God Blesses your gang to have a bonus to certain actions.


In Pyatine, and the larger world, there are many things that seem like magic or gods. From hyperadvanced Kalim Technology to extraterrestial beings to psychic powers, there are many esoteric things in Thylassa.

The most obvious are the Gods. The gods of Thylassa are usually extremly powerful extraplanar beings that have a passing intrest in humanity. They all have a set of edicts or mandates that they expect their priesthoods to follow completely, and the lay worshippers to at least pay lip service and worship at the temples and shrines occasionally.

There are three gods that you, as criminals, will worship for bonuses. You won't start worshipping them. You'll have to draw their attention first.

You don't need to follow all the Edicts and Mandates to the letter. Following all of them will help you gain rep with the god faster, but just fufilling one or two and keep going at it is also valid. In addition, if your temple to a god is destroyed, you instantly drop to -1 with the god. You can only regain this by rebuilding the temple and launching a retaliation strike against the offender, which will bump you back to 0, taking away your Symbols and Priests. Faliure to do so will lead to even more loss of reputation.

Priests are a special type of Made Men and Lows. They are split into High Priests, which are baisically Made Men, and Priests, which are your Lows. They can only work in places that relate to their religion, such as Cat Theives for Kurisukku Lant. High Priests can only work in Temples, and can participate in raids or heists.

Edicts and Mandates:
  • Must construct or have Cat Theif Vocation
  • When buying and selling items, you must buy items at a cheaper rate and sell items at a higher cost than they are actually rated.
  • Must keep worship of Kurisukku Lant a secret.
  • Must raid, scam, or otherwise steal money from Civic Authorities or large Companies frequently. (Every 5 turns.)
Priests: The Priests of Kurisukku Lant have two things going for them: good luck and a quality to them that allows them to slip under the attention of people. They are excellent infiltrators, saboteurs, and conmen, ill suited to a stand up fight. High Priests can create Symbols that can allow a person to blend in with everyone and everything around them.

Construction of a temple makes all Civic Authorities or Company Guards less alert, allowing for a +5 for all Income made from all Vocations in that territory.

  • Add a +10% to all Income made from all Vocations.
  • Have a free Cat Theif Vocation.
Edicts and Mandates
  • Eventually, all neighboring gangs must be conqured, assimilated, or otherwise taken over.
  • Must have or eventually occupy either the Market Street or Buisness Park Territories.
  • None of your Made Men may take Combat Stims.
  • Income must always be at +20 or higher.
Priesthood: The Priests of Dantha Satar are superhumanly charismatic, as well as trained in administrative matters such as finance and bookkeeping. The Priests are excellent administrators, recruiters, and negotiators. Their Symbols, made by High Priests, make the wearer more likable and glib.

Temple gives the Territory it is constructed on a 5% bonus to the Teirrtory's income.

  • -5% to maintaining Territories, Vocations, Weapons, and Vehicles.
  • Gain positive repuation faster with other factions.
Edicts and Mandates
  • Must have or construct Fighting Ring Vocation. (Have a chance to loose 1-2 Lows per turn.)
  • Must have negative relations with at least two factions.
  • Must conduct any kind of raid that involves bloodshed every eight turns.
  • Must have at least 10 peices of Professional Weaponry
Priesthood: The 'Priests' of Ara Khull are collected, disciplined berserkers who are many times stronger than a normal human, exhaustivly trained in combat. However, they are still just as fragile as a human being. To alliviate this, each High Priest can create a Symbol of Faith that can harden the bearer's body to ignore most small arms and shotguns.

Every two Turns, you may recuruit 5 Lows to serve as Made Men.

  • Roll a 1d6 to recruit Made Men
  • Made Men have a maintainer cost of 3 income for every 2 Made Men.
Of course, if you're not intrested in DEUS VULTING for pagan gods, there's one other option for you. You have Dark Science, which is the unsanctioned study of Kalim hypertechnology. Note that these are not mutually exclusive- you can worship Dantha Satar while stiching up combat revenants. Dark Science is baisically every Mad Scientist flipping a switch and screaming 'I'LL SHOW THEM ALL!' ever. Of course, not every Dark Scientist is mad, but it sure helps!

If you wish to have a Dark Scientist, you have to lure them in. Dark Scientists are notoriously rare, insular, and prideful. They require either a Black Alchemy Lab, factory, or something similar to function, and when they move in, income from that Vocation is halved. You can still produce drugs, Improvised weapons and suchlike. Every turn, you may ask your Dark Scientist to build something. Of course, since most Dark Scientists are extremly prideful, they have a chance to take your idea and expand on it. Ask them for something that might give them an edge? You might be expenting something like Power Armor, but instead, your Dark Scientist gives you a remote controlled xenomorph. Dark Scientists may produce a Kalim Weapon each turn.

Gang Name:

Gang Appearence:
Your emblem. Also describe or your Gang's appearence or uniforms.

Gang Description:
Add small things here, such as history, temperament, location, etc.

Gang Size
  1. Puny: Four Made Men, 20 Lows, and 60 Tenants. Why would you choose this? Do you want to die? (Costs -1. You poor sod, you'll need it.)
  2. Small: Five Made Men, 40 Lows, and 100 Tenants. A fair amount, and fierce enough to control one or two streets, and perhaps an arcade. (Costs 0.)
  3. Medium: Fifteen Made Men, 60 Lows, and 150 Tenants. The average gang is about this side, controlling a neighborhood, or perhaps a section of a hab-spire. (Costs 1)
  4. Large: Twenty Made Men, 100 Lows, and 240 Tenants. You control an entire section of the city, and local politicans treat you with something approaching respect. (Costs 3)
  5. Massive: Twenty five Made Men, 120 Lows, and 300 Tenants. You're a big man. Secretly or not, you are the king of neighborhoods, hab-spires, industries, and docks. (Costs 5)

Ruling Style:
  • Loose: You don't concern yourself with the vast majority of straight work, as long as your tenants give you a slice of their cut in return for your protection and turn a blind eye to your more criminal operations. +50 Tenants. (Costs: 0)
  • Pillar: You actively involve yourself in your Tenants lives, using your gang muscle to force local businesses to employ your Tenants. +20 Lows. (Cost: 1)
  • Brutal: You are a regular iron fisted tyrant. Your protection is from your own toughs roughing up merchants. +2 Made Men. (Cost: 1)

Gang Specialties: What's your gang famed for? These are just examples, should you wish to make one of your own, tell me and I'll add a point cost for it.
  • Honorable: You're known for sticking to a consistent code of honor, setting you head and shoulders above the common street trash. You make your gang follow this code to, to varying degrees of success. +10% to all positive reputation gain. (Cost: 1)
  • Well Trained: Your Made Men are former military, mercenary, or merely experienced. (Cost: 1)
  • Weapons Cache: Your Gang has a high occurence of professional weapons. Perhaps you discovered a cache of old weapons. Perhaps they fell of a truck. But what matters is that you have high quality death spitters. All Made Men start with Professional Weaponry. (Cost 2)
Gang Territory: Name your base of operations. Puny Gangs can only control one, Small Gangs and Medium Gangs 2, Large Gangs 3, and Massive Gangs 5. These provide bonuses depending on what they are.
  • Slum: Giant quarters of the city full of the poor and the destitute. These are areas where even the hint of being rich will lead to desperate, hungry hordes descending on the offender and picking their corpses for cash. Recruitment is made easier here, and the twisty narrows favor the defender. +1 when recruiting Lows, +3 when recruiting Tenants. +10 Income (Cost: 0) (Inhabitants: 40 Tenants)
  • Quarantined Zone: Somehow even worse than the slums. Twenty years ago, the Weeping Flu swept through Pyatine, and the infected were all shoved into distant hab-spires designated for this purpose. Similar to the Slum territory, with the added caveat that all people inside this are either slowly dying of the Weeping Flu or is immune to it to some degree. Recruitment is indeed easier, but have fun getting people out past the cordon filled with troops with top-of-the-line weapons. Luckily, if people can't get out, people can't get in. +8 Income (Cost: 0) (Inhabitants: 30 Tenants)
  • Junkpit: The Junkpits are giant cylindrical holes filled with the rotting refuse of Pyatine. From decaying flesh and bone to old appliances and weapons, the Junkpit contains many things for the intrepid prospector to dig up. +12 Income. 10 free pieces of Improvised weaponry. (Cost: 2) (Inhabitants: 40 Tenants)
  • Apartment Spire: Giant interconnected towers stretching kilometers into the sky, filled with, as you may have guessed, apartments in addition to empty rooms where people have set up buisnesses. These are where the most people live, descending by way of elevators or sky-trams. Apartment Spires allow you to pick a free Vocation. +20 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)
  • Business Park: Rich men with company suits congregate here. Sometimes, words such as 'insider trading' and 'fraud' is bandied about here, which occasionally cause the Right People to wonder if they should give the merchants here a free membership card. Choosing Buisness Park grants you and added 5% bonus to Income. +50 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 60 Tenants)
  • Market Street: A congregation of merchants, hawkers, and street vendors. Ripe grounds for racketing, as well as opportunities for you to sell your own stuff, and even purchase things from foreign criminal syndicates. Add 3% Bonus to Income, and has a chance each day to turn up something ranging from a crate of strange fruits to Kalim artifacts. +40 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)
  • Factory: You squat in a broken factory with some industrial tools still functioning. You have a decent amount of willing technicians, and you can perhaps, clobble some weapons together. 10 pieces of Improvised Weaponry comes free, and you may build items to sell as well as taking 5% off maintenance cost for equipment. +35 Income (Cost: 4) (Inhabitants: 60 Tenants)
  • Docks and Warehouses: The waterfront of Pyatine is home to a variety of merchant ships, from legitimate to the not-so-legit. You can smuggle supplies in easier. All purchases recieve -15%. +30 Income(Cost: 4) (Inhabitants: 70 Tenants)
Gang Vocations: Each gang has various vocations and jobs for their Lows, which earns them money and various special resources depending on the specific job you're doing. As with Specialties, these are suggestions, you may make your own should you wish.
  • Protection Rackets: +20 Income. There are various shopkeepers in your territory that hand you a cut of their pay for protection. From what, it is to be decided. (Cost 1) (Staff: 30 Lows)
  • Business Fronts: Small shops, resteraunts, and the like where the owner happens to be you. +30 Income. (Cost 1) (Staff: 60 Lows)
  • Fighting Rings: Shady, but legal Leitai stages where people come to knock the teeth out of other people to the general amusement of the crowd. +10 Income. (Cost 1) (Staff: 10 Lows)
  • Black Alchemy Labs: Drug making facilities employing alchemists making nearly every kind of drug in existence- Red Rum, Gaze, whiteglass, and much more. +20 Income, can manufacture Combat Stims, which will provide bonuses to your Made Men.(Cost 2) (Staff: 15 Lows)
  • Smuggling Operations: You know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who happens to push things off of boats often. Shame, that. +10 Income, requests to buy things are more likely to be fulfilled. (Cost 3) (Sraff: 40 Lows)
  • Cat Thieves: A crew of sneak thieves are in your area, breaking and stealing from the richer. Have a chance for 0-15 Income per turn, can ask them to do jobs in other people's territory. (Cost 2) (Staff: 10 Lows)
  • Hidden Shipyard: You own a place where smugglers and other shady characters can come and have their ships repaired. +30 Income, can build ships. (Staff: 50 Lows)
  • Back Alley Doctors: You have some former doctors hanging out on your turf. +2 Doctors, +20 Income (Cost 3) (Staff: 2 Doctors)
Drawbacks: These are various things that can hinder your operations. Again, these are suggestions, you may create your own if you wish.
  • Avenger: You've pissed off someone. You probably killed their parents and now they're dressing up like a bat and beating up your guys at night like an absolute madman. (-2)
  • Hostile Fleshform Infestion: One of your territories is infested by some sort of meat-moss, that spawns monsters that come and fuck up your life. (-3)
  • Gas Leak: One of your territories is near a place where noxious air leaks through, occasionally causing people in your gang to sicken and sometimes die. (-1)
  • Decaying Structures: Your territory is on shaky ground. Literally. Occasionally, quakes travel through your territory, casuing a -15% loss of income on that turn. (-2)
  • Notorious: You're known by the general populace of Pyatine to be fearsome and murderous. -50% to all reputation gain other than Gods. (-3)
  • Hated: A faction hates you. Really hates you. Start at -3 with a faction, can only increase to 0. (-4)
  • Strange Idol: Your Tenants worship a disquieting idol, performing rituals that probably have human sacrifice in there somewhere. Start with -1 in all relations. (-3)
  • Malicious Entity: There's some extraplanar thing stalking your turf. It follows an arcane set of rules, and brutally murders anything that doesn't follow it. (-4)

Equipment: Equipment is divided into three tiers, Scraps, Improvised, and Professional. You can assume that everyone in your gang, from Made Men to Tenants have at least Scraps. Improvised may be made, but Professional can only be brought or stole. Now,
  • Scraps: Improvised knives, clubs, and explosives.
  • Improvised: From amature gunpowder weapons, to crossbows, to pressurized rivet-guns, these are weapons that most gangs have. It's not uncommon to see Professional grade weapons such as the odd pistol here and there. (1 point = 20 Pieces starting off. More can be brought for Income in game. .5 Income maintainace for every 20 pieces)
  • Professional: High quality factory made weapons and munitions. (1 point = 5 Pieces. 1 Income maintainace for every 10 Pieces. More can be brought in game.)
  • Kalim Weaponry: These are the vanishingly rare items that the dead Kalim civilization left behind. You'll need to mount an expedition for these, and more often than not the expeditions will fail. And people will die. (2 Income for every Authentic Piece. 1 income for every Piece made by a Dark Scientist.)
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The Bullets and Blades
Can I just say that this looks awesome, I wanted one of these territory control type things for a while! Anyway I'm applying with a faction loosely based off a mordheim war band I'm running.

Gang Name: The Bullets and Blades

Gang Appearence:
Emblem is the silhouette of a bloody machete and an assault rifle laid across a grey shield.

Gang Description: Headed by one Elrik Michelson, with the help of the Rennex brothers both of whom where crack shots, since he took power some time ago he is mostly content to build up and fortify his own territory, but what he can do with work and time is slowing down, as of such he's reached out once more searching for contacts that would aid him in expanding the area he controls and renovating it further. (Will Add to later)

Gang Size

: Fifteen Made Men, 60 Lows, and 150 Tenants. The average gang is about this side, controlling a neighbourhood, or perhaps a section of a hab-spire. (Costs 1)

Ruling Style:
  • Pillar: You actively involve yourself in your Tenants lives, using your gang muscle to force local businesses to employ your Tenants. +20 Lows. (Cost: 1)

Gang Specialties: What's your gang famed for? These are just examples, should you wish to make one of your own, tell me and I'll add a point cost for it.
  • Brutal Defenders: To mount an attack on this war band is to face traps, walls, decoys men firing from concealed positions... if more people had got back alive you might know what else they're using. (Cost 2)
  • Well Trained: Your Made Men are former mercenaries. (Cost: 1)
Gang Territory: Name your base of operations. Puny Gangs can only control one, Small Gangs and Medium Gangs 2, Large Gangs 3, and Massive Gangs 5. These provide bonuses depending on what they are.
  • Slum: Giant quarters of the city full of the poor and the destitute. These are areas where even the hint of being rich will lead to desperate, hungry hordes descending on the offender and picking their corpses for cash. Recruitment is made easier here, and the twisty narrows favour the defender. +10 Income (Cost: 0) (Inhabitants: 40 Tenants)
  • Apartment Spire: Giant interconnected towers stretching kilometres into the sky, filled with, as you may have guessed, apartments in addition to empty rooms where people have set up businesses. These are where the most people live, descending by way of elevators or sky-trams. Apartment Spires allow you to pick a free Vocation. +20 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)
Gang Vocations: Each gang has various vocations and jobs for their Lows, which earns them money and various special resources depending on the specific job you're doing. As with Specialties, these are suggestions, you may make your own should you wish.
  • Protection Rackets: +20 Income. There are various shopkeepers in your territory that hand you a cut of their pay for protection. From what, it is to be decided. (Cost 1) (Staff: 30 Lows)
  • Business Fronts: Small shops, resteraunts, and the like where the owner happens to be you. +30 Income. (Cost 1) (Staff: 60 Lows)
  • Smuggling Operations: You know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who happens to push things off of boats often. Shame, that. +10 Income, requests to buy things are more likely to be fulfilled. (Cost 3) (Sraff: 40 Lows)
  • Back Alley Doctors: You have some former doctors hanging out on your turf. +2 Doctors, +20 Income (Cost Free From Apartment Spire) (Staff: 2 Doctors)

Equipment: Equipment is divided into three tiers, Scraps, Improvised, and Professional. You can assume that everyone in your gang, from Made Men to Tenants have at least Scraps. Improvised may be made, but Professional can only be brought or stole. Now,
  • Scraps: Improvised knives, clubs, and explosives.
  • 20 Improvised: From amature gunpowder weapons, to crossbows, to pressurized rivet-guns, these are weapons that most gangs have. It's not uncommon to see Professional grade weapons such as the odd pistol here and there. (1 point = 20 Pieces starting off. More can be brought for Income in game. .5 Income maintainace for every 20 pieces)
  • 5 Professional: High quality factory made weapons and munitions. (1 point = 5 Pieces. 1 Income maintainace for every 10 Pieces. More can be brought in game.)


ANy idea on the cost to start with some sort of ogre-like tough as an old boot made of nails coated in diamond calculus humanoid monster would cost?
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  • Brutal Defenders: To mount an attack on this war band is to face traps, walls, decoys men firing from concealed positions... if more people had got back alive you might know what else they're using. (Cost?)
Hmmm. Let's put this as a 2 point cost.

ANy idea on the cost to start with some sort of ogre-like tough as an old boot made of nails coated in diamond calculus humanoid monster would cost?
Well, they're lumped into Kalim Weapons, since Kalim Weapons also include robots, genetically modified monsters, and things like that. So... um. Hmmm. Lets say, 3 points. And that goes for anyone else who wants to have a Kalim weapon starting off.
The Magnificent Bastards
Gang Name: The Magnificent Bastards
Gang Appearance:
Gang Description: What started as a small neighborhood watch group quickly spiraled out of control into a group that existed to make money and take names. The Made men Of the Bastards are typically the ones armed with the group's improvised weapons
Gang Size:

Medium: Fifteen Made Men, 60 Lows, and 150 Tenants. The average gang is on this side, controlling a neighborhood, or perhaps a section of a hab-spire. (Costs 1)

Ruling Style:

Pillar: You actively involve yourself in your Tenants lives, using your gang muscle to force local businesses to employ your Tenants. +20 Lows. (Cost: 1)

Gang Specialties:

Smash and Grab: this war band excels in the fine art of getting in and out as fast and as brutally as they possibly can. (Cost:2)

Gang Territory: Name your base of operations. Puny Gangs can only control one, Small Gangs and Medium Gangs 2, Large Gangs 3, and Massive Gangs 5. These provide bonuses depending on what they are.

Junkpit: The Junkpits are giant cylindrical holes filled with the rotting refuse of Pyatine. From decaying flesh and bone to old appliances and weapons, the Junkpit contains many things for the intrepid prospector to dig up. +12 Income. Ten free pieces of Improvised weaponry. (Cost: 2) (Inhabitants: 40 Tenants)

Apartment Spire: Giant interconnected towers stretching kilometers into the sky, filled with, as you may have guessed, apartments in addition to empty rooms where people have set up businesses. These are where the most people live, descending by way of elevators or sky-trams. Apartment Spires allow you to pick a free Vocation. +20 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)

Gang Vocations: Each gang has various vocations and jobs for their Lows, which earns them money and various special resources depending on the specific job you're doing. As with Specialties, these are suggestions; you may make your own should you wish.

Fighting Rings: Shady, but legal Leitai stages where people come to knock the teeth out of other people to the general amusement of the crowd. +10 Income. (Cost 1) (Staff: 10 Lows)

Black Alchemy Labs: Drug making facilities employing alchemists making nearly every kind of drug in existence- Red Rum, Gaze, whiteglass, and much more. +20 Income can manufacture Combat Stims, which will provide bonuses to your Made Men.(Cost 2) (Staff: 15 Lows)

Back Alley Doctors: You have some former doctors hanging out on your turf. +2 Doctors, +20 Income (Cost 3) (Staff: 2 Doctors)

Free Vocation due to apartment spire: Hidden Shipyard: You own a place where smugglers and other shadycharacters can come and have their ships repaired. +30 Income, can build ships. (Staff: 50 Lows)

Drawbacks: These are various things that can hinder your operations. Again, these are suggestions; you may create your own if you wish.
Gas Leak: One of your territories is near a place where noxious air leaks through, occasionally causing people in your gang to sicken and sometimes die. (-1)

Decaying Structures: Your territory is on shaky ground. Literally. Occasionally, quakes travel through your territory, causing a -15% loss of income on that turn. (-2)

  • Scraps: Improvised knives, clubs, and explosives.
  • 40 Improvised +10 from Junkpits: From amateur gunpowder weapons to crossbows, to pressurized rivet-guns, these are weapons that most gangs have. It's not uncommon to see Professional grade weapons such as the odd pistol here and there. (1 point = 20 Pieces starting off. More can be brought for Income in game. .5 Income maintenance for every 20 pieces)
Left over: 1

How's this Look? @Laplace
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The Buisness
Gang Name: The Business

Gang Appearence:
The emblem is a small brass pin shaped like a Cat's eye. The gang, being consummate professionals, all wear suits with the emblem on their lapels. The colour of the suit tells of a gang members ranks: Partners (Made men) wear black suits, Associates (Lows) wear dark Navy, while the Top Three all wear customised suits: Kay wears a pure white suit with a black tie; Baam wears the normal black suit with a yellow tie and a navy shirt; She wears a white long coat over her suit.

Being Professionals, they know that not all environments are suited for suits, however.

Gang Description: There is one constant, and that is money. Money runs the world. There is nothing money cannot buy, should you find a seller. And the Business sells all things. Come down to the business park. Enter our glass fronted building. Make an appointment. And we shall sell you secrets. We shall sell you death.

Gang Size
: Fifteen Made Men, 60 Lows, and 150 Tenants. The average gang is about this side, controlling a neighbourhood, or perhaps a section of a hab-spire. (Costs 1)

Ruling Style:
  • Loose
Gang Specialties: What's your gang famed for? These are just examples, should you wish to make one of your own, tell me and I'll add a point cost for it.
  • Well Trained: Your Made Men are former mercenaries. (Cost: 1)
  • Professional: No street scum join this gang, only Businessmen who specialise in unlawful means. Civic authorities appreciate the lack of graffiti and random violence. (Cost 1)
  • Weapons Cache (Cost 2)
  • Hail to the Cat Queen - start with +1 for Kurissuku Lance, and 5 symbols.
Gang Territory:
  • Apartment Spire: Giant interconnected towers stretching kilometres into the sky, filled with, as you may have guessed, apartments in addition to empty rooms where people have set up businesses. These are where the most people live, descending by way of elevators or sky-trams. Apartment Spires allow you to pick a free Vocation. +20 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)
  • Business Park: Rich men with company suits congregate here. Sometimes, words such as 'insider trading' and 'fraud' is bandied about here, which occasionally cause the Right People to wonder if they should give the merchants here a free membership card. Choosing Buisness Park grants you and added 5% bonus to Income. +50 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 60 Tenants)
Gang Vocations:
  • Cat Burglars. (Cost: Free Due to Temple)
  • Contract killers - People will pay to have certain people removed. Permanently. (Cost: Free Due to apartment spires)
  • Industrial Espionage Some people need documentation that happens to be in the possession of other people. (Cost: -1)
  • Temple of Kurrisuku Lance
  • Scraps: Improvised knives, clubs, and explosives.
  • 60 Improvised (Cost: 3)
  • 15 Professional (Weapon Cache)
  • 5 Symbols of Kurrisuku Lance

The Business has opened its doors.
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  • Professional: No street scum join this gang, only Businessmen who specialise in unlawful means. Civic authorities appreciate the lack of graffiti and random violence.
This costs one Point.

  • Contract killers - People will pay to have certain people removed. Permanently. (Cost: ???)
  • Industrial Espionage Some people need documentation that happens to be in the possession of other people. (Cost: ???)
Contract Killers nets you 10 Income per turn. Industrial Espionage gives you 20. You'll also get job offers for this, which lets you gain lump sums of cash. Contract Killers costs you 2 points, Industrial Espionage gives you 1.

EDIT: shit, forgot Low costs. Industrial Espoinage is 25 Lows, and Contract Killers are 20 Lows.
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The Black
Gang Name: The Black

Gang Appearance:
Black masked-with personal accents-, muscled men, the Made Men are. Known as hard to kill, fast movers, undetectable, and able to bust down walls with their bare hands. If you find them, you're about to see your God. Usually wearing a cloak, a bladed weapon, or otherwise, always on person, they rarely show themselves purposefully. When they do, there's usually a body bag ready and no leads to who did it. Silent in approach, loud in memory, they're the countermeasure to their targets heartbeat. A storm may disrupt signals, ruin plans, or make a day worse; however, a blade never loses reception.

Gang Description: Born from a preposterous idea from an esoteric world, these men grew, powerful, towering. Their belief blossomed, a sun throw a magnifying glass, and created a power within them. No one knows where this power reared it's head; the only lead is it's granter, the mysterious head of The Black gang.

Gang Size
  1. Large: Twenty Made Men, 100 Lows, and 240 Tenants. You control an entire section of the city, and local politicians treat you with something approaching respect. (Costs 3)
Ruling Style:
  • Brutal: You are a regular iron fisted tyrant. Your protection is from your own toughs roughing up merchants. +2 Made Men. (Cost: 1)

Gang Specialties:
  • Well Trained: The Black Made Men are former military and mercenaries, able to handle themselves against much tougher enemies than normal. They are experts in Hand to Hand combat and weapons combat. Made Men sometimes train Lows. The Lows aren't riff raft, as they usually are. They're tough and ready for a fight. (Cost: 1)
  • Stealth, Assassination and Espionage Monopoly: Anything clandestine in nature, we're the best to go to. Although, the Made Men are top notch in said field, Lows are able to do such in a lesser degree. This carries over to most outside factions knowing very little on how we operate and about The Black in general. (Cost:3)
  • Mastery In Stealth: Made Men are the pinnacle of stealth. Trained from a young age to stay away from the spotlight, pickpocketing, stealing, they've channeled that talent into a profession, even mentoring the Low. (Cost: 1)
  • Hard Work and Tiring, Body Wrecking Training: Routines scrounged together and haphazardly tossed into a regiment that all Made Men must endure has proved fruitful. Made Men are 1.8X as strong and durable as a regular gym going human. Able to do fearsome shit-jump from building to with ease, compete with Olympians with ease and even easily survive falls from building dependant on the height-they are brutes veiled in darkness. (Cost: 3)
Gang Territory:
  • Quarantined Zone: Somehow even worse than the slums. Twenty years ago, the Weeping Flu swept through Pyatine, and the infected were all shoved into distant hab-spires designated for this purpose. Similar to the Slum territory, with the added caveat that all people inside this are either slowly dying of the Weeping Flu or is immune to it to some degree. Recruitment is indeed easier, but have fun getting people out past the cordon filled with troops with top-of-the-line weapons. Luckily, if people can't get out, people can't get in. +8 Income (Cost: 0) (Inhabitants: 30 Tenants)
  • Market Street: A congregation of merchants, hawkers, and street vendors. Ripe grounds for racketing, as well as opportunities for you to sell your own stuff, and even purchase things from foreign criminal syndicates. Add 3% Bonus to Income, and has a chance each day to turn up something ranging from a crate of strange fruits to Kalim artifacts. +40 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)
  • Docks and Warehouses: The waterfront of Pyatine is home to a variety of merchant ships, from legitimate to the not-so-legit. You can smuggle supplies in easier. All purchases recieve -15%. +30 Income(Cost: 4) (Inhabitants: 70 Tenants)
Gang Vocations:
  • Contract Killing: Things didn't go your way, so you want someone dead. Who are we to judge? +10 Income (Cost: 1)
  • Cat Thieves: A crew of sneak thieves are in your area, breaking and stealing from the richer. Have a chance for 0-15 Income per turn, can ask them to do jobs in other people's territory. (Cost 2) (Staff: 10 Lows)
  • Hidden Shipyard: You own a place where smugglers and other shady characters can come and have their ships repaired. +30 Income, can build ships. (Staff: 50 Lows)
  • Back Alley Doctors: You have some former doctors hanging out on your turf. +2 Doctors, +20 Income (Cost 3) (Staff: 2 Doctors)
  • Need a Bodyguard?: Lows can be hired to protect. For a bigger fee, Made Men will be dispatched. +20 (or 60) income (Staff: 30 Lows) (Cost: 2)
  • Smuggling Operations: You know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who happens to push things off of boats often. Shame, that. +10 Income, requests to buy things are more likely to be fulfilled. (Cost 3) (Staff: 40 Lows)
Drawbacks: These are various things that can hinder your operations. Again, these are suggestions, you may create your own if you wish.
  • Decaying Structures: Your territory is on shaky ground. Literally. Occasionally, quakes travel through your territory, casuing a -15% loss of income on that turn. (-2)
  • Notorious: You're known by the general populace of Pyatine to be fearsome and murderous. -50% to all reputation gain other than Gods. (-3)
  • Hidden, Never Seen: Made Men of The Black are feared by the majority population. -10% rep gain to Civic Auth. (-1)
  • Picky Eaters: Your Made Men and Lows are picky on the jobs they take. You actively discourage them, but what can you do? -10 income every 4 turns. (-3)
  • Religion? Is that some exotic food?: The Black don't bother reading into religion often. -1 rep with Gods. (-2)
  • Cruel? Me? Perish the thought!: Since you're brutal, Lows don't wanna work witcha. -10% recruitment on Lows. -10% income for on the turn you recruit Lows (-3)
  • Avenger: You've pissed off someone. You probably killed their parents and now they're dressing up like a bat and beating up your guys at night like an absolute madman. (-2)
Professional 5
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  • Mastery In Stealth: Made Men are the pinnacle of stealth. Trained from a young age to stay away from the spotlight, pickpocketing, stealing, they've channeled that talent into a profession, even mentoring the Low. (Cost: ?)
This would cost 1.
  • Stealth, Assassination and Espionage Monopoly: Anything clandestine in nature, we're the best to go to. Although, the Made Men are top notch in said field, Lows are able to do such in a lesser degree. This carries over to most outside factions knowing very little on how we operate and about The Black in general. (Cost:?)
This costs 3.
  • Info Gathering: Any kind of surveillance, stealing of documents, etc.
Costs 2 points, +10 Income. 20 Low cost.
  • Hidden, Never Seen: Made Men of The Black are feared by the majority population. -10% rep gain to Civic Auth. (-?)
1 Point gain.
  • Picky Eaters: Your Made Men and Lows are picky on the jobs they take. You actively discourage them, but what can you do? -10 income every 4 turns. (-?)
3 Point gain.
  • Religion? Is that some exotic food?: The Black don't bother reading into religion often. -1 rep with Gods. (-?)
2 Point gain.
  • Empowered: Chemicals scrounged together and haphazardly tossed into a vat has proved fruitful. Although, the big wig companies should never know the were chemicals taken from their wastes; "One man's trash is another man's powerful henchmen." Made Men are 3x as strong and durable as a regular human. Able to do fearsome feats-jump from building to with ease, catch up to vehicles, dodge bullets, and stop vehicles with their hands-they are brutes veiled in darkness. (Cost:?)
Costs 10. You want to be a superhuman, pay the price.
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The Eelstone Gassers
Gang Name: The Eelstone Gassers

Gang Tag: A cheap Gas mask, an Eel crawling through the eye holes. Often simplified to three circles with a line bisecting the top two

Gang Size: Medium (cost 1)

Gang Description:
"We don't go to gas town." Thats the only directions one will receive if asking for the lair of the Eelstone Gassers. With the rupturing of the Eelstone chemical refinery, a good portion of the slums fell to the disease quarantine, trapping a good number of people inside it, most of whom are long dead.

But the Gassers remained. Enduring or evolving past the toxic fumes that wreath the district, they have made a living smuggling illegal goods, and using the copious amount of chemicals lying around to make black market medicines, illegal drugs, and deadly weapons.

Clad in the rags of padded Plant Worker uniforms, they rule their domain with an iron fist. If the poisonous fumes in the air do not tip off outsiders that they are not welcome, the silent, bulky men in gas masks, wielding chemical-soaked industrial tools will.

Ruling Style:
  • Brutal: You are a regular iron fisted tyrant. Your protection is from your own toughs roughing up merchants. +2 Made Men. (Cost: 1)

Gang Specialties:
  • We Don't Go To Gas Town: The Gassers ruin nearly everything they come in contact with, until a once habitable tenement is nothing but a haze-choked scrap heap, fit only for other Gassers: Bonus to defense actions, increased penalty to enemy morale when Gassers seize territory (Cost: 2)
  • Adapt or Die: Gassers must have immune systems of a higher caliber than the average citizen. Those that don't are quickly killed by the choking fog that permeates their turf: Resistance to disease, and poison. (Cost: 3)

Gang Territory:
  • Quarantined Zone: Somehow even worse than the slums. Twenty years ago, the Weeping Flu swept through Pyatine, and the infected were all shoved into distant hab-spires designated for this purpose. Similar to the Slum territory, with the added caveat that all people inside this are either slowly dying of the Weeping Flu or is immune to it to some degree. Recruitment is indeed easier, but have fun getting people out past the cordon filled with troops with top-of-the-line weapons. +3 to home field advantage. +8 Income (Cost: 0)
  • Chemical Plant: The Gassers make the area around an old chemical plant, abandoned to the flu, their home. Using it, they have the ability to construct poisonous bombs and weapons, as well as drugs and medicine, should the need arise. The fumes it gives off have permeated Gasser Turf, and are nearly fatal to those not wearing gas masks. +25 income (Cost:3)

Gang Vocations: Each gang has various vocations and jobs for their Lows, which earns them money and various special resources depending on the specific job you're doing. As with Specialties, these are suggestions, you may make your own should you wish.
  • Black Alchemy Labs: Drug making facilities employing alchemists making nearly every kind of drug in existence- Red Rum, Gaze, whiteglass, and much more. +20 Income, can manufacture Combat Stims, which will provide bonuses to your Made Men.(Cost 2)
  • Smuggling Operations: You know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who happens to push things off of boats often. Shame, that. +10 Income, requests to buy things are more likely to be fulfilled. (Cost 3)
  • Back Alley Doctors: You have some former doctors hanging out on your turf. +2 Doctors, +20 Income (Cost 3)

Drawbacks: These are various things that can hinder your operations. Again, these are suggestions, you may create your own if you wish.
  • Malicious Entity: There's some extraplanar thing stalking your turf. It follows an arcane set of rules, and brutally murders anything that doesn't follow it. (-4)

    The Tepid Midwife: Gasser Turf is already plagued by lukewarm clouds of miscellaneous gasses and miasma that come and go in intensity and thickness. Where the clouds thickens the greatest, the Tepid Midwife roams. People who mistakenly stride into these clouds are bound to disappear, and reappear a few days later, a desiccated corpse hunched in a back alley, or gutter, Their body a host to nests of corpse insects, gardens of diseased fungi, and clusters of plagued tumors and cysts. Sometimes they are even dead.

Equipment: Equipment is divided into three tiers, Scraps, Improvised, and Professional. You can assume that everyone in your gang, from Made Men to Tenants have at least Scraps. Improvised may be made, but Professional can only be brought or stole. Now,
Scraps: Improvised knives, clubs, and explosives.
  • 20 Improvised weapons (poisoned) (1 point)
The Sunset Cartel
Gang Name: The Sunset Cartel; Pyatine Divsion

Gang Tag: A sun setting over the horizon; generally speaking, the sun is shown setting over the sea. If rushed the symbol often drawn as a wavy line with a half circle that has lines radiating out of it on top.

Gang Uniform: Their outfits are colored to resemble a sunset. A general rule of thumb for determining how high someone is in the Sunset Cartel is to look at the quality of the colors in their outfit. Lows tend to keep around blues, Made Men have light shadings of orange, and higher ups tend to wear more red.

The number and intricacy of the sashes worn also represent ones social status in The Cartel with more sashes indicating a higher position and increased intricacy telling of greater wealth.

Gang Description: The come from overseas, bringing strange items, eccentric medicines, and all kinds of unknown good. At first it was thought that they were to be a new guild looking to expand their trade network, but doubts started to stir when whispers of the vast emporium of illegal goods in their position began to spread.

The Sunset Cartel is making the transition to a higher stage of operations. Before they were a big fish in a little pond, now they're realizing just how small their pond was and how high the stakes are. Pyatine represents a high-risk high-opportunity investment: If they can turn the city into a safe harbor, then they're bound to be on the up and up.

Gang Size
  1. Small: Five Made Men, 40 Lows, and 100 Tenants. A fair amount, and fierce enough to control one or two streets, and perhaps an arcade. (Costs 0.)

Ruling Style:
  • Pillar: You actively involve yourself in your Tenants lives, using your gang muscle to force local businesses to employ your Tenants. +20 Lows. (Cost: 1)

Gang Specialties: What's your gang famed for? These are just examples, should you wish to make one of your own, tell me and I'll add a point cost for it.
  • Honorable: You're known for sticking to a consistent code of honor, setting you head and shoulders above the common street trash. You make your gang follow this code to, to varying degrees of success. +10% to all positive reputation gain. (Cost: 1)
  • Oversea Contacts: Rarity is of no concern, for all can be secured. Bulk orders are norm, for much is wanted. Legality is a suggestion, for the right price can make everything okay. Rare goods and unique specialists are available for purchase. (Cost: 2)
Gang Territory: Name your base of operations. Puny Gangs can only control one, Small Gangs and Medium Gangs 2, Large Gangs 3, and Massive Gangs 5. These provide bonuses depending on what they are.
  • Market Street: A congregation of merchants, hawkers, and street vendors. Ripe grounds for racketing, as well as opportunities for you to sell your own stuff, and even purchase things from foreign criminal syndicates. Add 3% Bonus to Income, and has a chance each day to turn up something ranging from a crate of strange fruits to Kalim artifacts. +40 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)
  • Docks and Warehouses: The waterfront of Pyatine is home to a variety of merchant ships, from legitimate to the not-so-legit. You can smuggle supplies in easier. All purchases recieve -15%. +30 Income(Cost: 4) (Inhabitants: 70 Tenants)
Gang Vocations: Each gang has various vocations and jobs for their Lows, which earns them money and various special resources depending on the specific job you're doing. As with Specialties, these are suggestions, you may make your own should you wish.
  • Protection Rackets: +20 Income. There are various shopkeepers in your territory that hand you a cut of their pay for protection. From what, it is to be decided. (Cost 1) (Staff: 30 Lows)
  • Black Alchemy Labs: Drug making facilities employing alchemists making nearly every kind of drug in existence- Red Rum, Gaze, whiteglass, and much more. +20 Income, can manufacture Combat Stims, which will provide bonuses to your Made Men.(Cost 2) (Staff: 15 Lows)
  • Smuggling Operations: You know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who happens to push things off of boats often. Shame, that. +10 Income, requests to buy things are more likely to be fulfilled. (Cost 3) (Sraff: 40 Lows)
  • Hidden Shipyard: You own a place where smugglers and other shady characters can come and have their ships repaired. +30 Income, can build ships. (Staff: 50 Lows)
Drawbacks: These are various things that can hinder your operations. Again, these are suggestions, you may create your own if you wish.
  • Hostile Fleshform Infestion: One of your territories is infested by some sort of meat-moss, that spawns monsters that come and fuck up your life. (-3)
  • Middle Management: The location of Pyatine makes it of great importance to many factions, Joyous Profiteers included; thusly the High Captains will be want steady updates on progress and may feel the need to set quotas. (-2)

Equipment: Equipment is divided into three tiers, Scraps, Improvised, and Professional. You can assume that everyone in your gang, from Made Men to Tenants have at least Scraps. Improvised may be made, but Professional can only be brought or stolen. Now,
  • Scraps: Improvised knives, clubs, and explosives.

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Red & Jacks
Interesting. Might play. Anyways here is a sheet.

Gang Name: Red & Jack's

Gang Appearence: Members usually wear red checkered clothing with the emblem (attached, sewn or otherwise) shown. Badges are optional, used as a status symbol by powerful or influential members of the gang.

Gang Description:
Add small things here, such as history, temperament, location, etc.

Gang Size
  1. Large: Twenty Made Men, 100 Lows, and 240 Tenants. You control an entire section of the city, and local politicans treat you with something approaching respect. (Costs 3)

Ruling Style:
  • Loose: You don't concern yourself with the vast majority of straight work, as long as your tenants give you a slice of their cut in return for your protection and turn a blind eye to your more criminal operations. +50 Tenants. (Costs: 0)

Gang Specialties: What's your gang famed for? These are just examples, should you wish to make one of your own, tell me and I'll add a point cost for it.
  • Honorable: You're known for sticking to a consistent code of honor, setting you head and shoulders above the common street trash. You make your gang follow this code to, to varying degrees of success. +10% to all positive reputation gain. (Cost: 1)
Gang Territory: Name your base of operations. Puny Gangs can only control one, Small Gangs and Medium Gangs 2, Large Gangs 3, and Massive Gangs 5. These provide bonuses depending on what they are.
  • Market Street: A congregation of merchants, hawkers, and street vendors. Ripe grounds for racketing, as well as opportunities for you to sell your own stuff, and even purchase things from foreign criminal syndicates. Add 3% Bonus to Income, and has a chance each day to turn up something ranging from a crate of strange fruits to Kalim artifacts. +40 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)
  • Factory: You squat in a broken factory with some industrial tools still functioning. You have a decent amount of willing technicians, and you can perhaps, clobble some weapons together. 10 pieces of Improvised Weaponry comes free, and you may build items to sell as well as taking 5% off maintenance cost for equipment. +35 Income (Cost: 4) (Inhabitants: 60 Tenants)
Gang Vocations: Each gang has various vocations and jobs for their Lows, which earns them money and various special resources depending on the specific job you're doing. As with Specialties, these are suggestions, you may make your own should you wish.
  • Business Fronts: Small shops, resteraunts, and the like where the owner happens to be you. +30 Income. (Cost 1) (Staff: 60 Lows)
  • Black Alchemy Labs: Drug making facilities employing alchemists making nearly every kind of drug in existence- Red Rum, Gaze, whiteglass, and much more. +20 Income, can manufacture Combat Stims, which will provide bonuses to your Made Men.(Cost 2) (Staff: 15 Lows)
  • Back Alley Doctors: You have some former doctors hanging out on your turf. +2 Doctors, +20 Income (Cost 3) (Staff: 2 Doctors)
Drawbacks: These are various things that can hinder your operations. Again, these are suggestions, you may create your own if you wish.
  • Hostile Fleshform Infestion: One of your territories is infested by some sort of meat-moss, that spawns monsters that come and fuck up your life. (-3)
  • Gas Leak: One of your territories is near a place where noxious air leaks through, occasionally causing people in your gang to sicken and sometimes die. (-1)

Equipment: Equipment is divided into three tiers, Scraps, Improvised, and Professional. You can assume that everyone in your gang, from Made Men to Tenants have at least Scraps. Improvised may be made, but Professional can only be brought or stole. Now,
  • Scraps: Improvised knives, clubs, and explosives.
  • Improvised: From amature gunpowder weapons, to crossbows, to pressurized rivet-guns, these are weapons that most gangs have. It's not uncommon to see Professional grade weapons such as the odd pistol here and there. (1 point = 20 Pieces starting off. More can be brought for Income in game. .5 Income maintainace for every 20 pieces)
How does this look?
Interesting. Might play. Anyways here is a sheet.

Gang Name: Red & Jack's

Gang Appearence: Members usually wear red checkered clothing with the emblem (attached, sewn or otherwise) shown. Badges are optional, used as a status symbol by powerful or influential members of the gang.

Gang Description:
Add small things here, such as history, temperament, location, etc.

Gang Size
  1. Large: Twenty Made Men, 100 Lows, and 240 Tenants. You control an entire section of the city, and local politicans treat you with something approaching respect. (Costs 3)

Ruling Style:
  • Loose: You don't concern yourself with the vast majority of straight work, as long as your tenants give you a slice of their cut in return for your protection and turn a blind eye to your more criminal operations. +50 Tenants. (Costs: 0)

Gang Specialties: What's your gang famed for? These are just examples, should you wish to make one of your own, tell me and I'll add a point cost for it.
  • Honorable: You're known for sticking to a consistent code of honor, setting you head and shoulders above the common street trash. You make your gang follow this code to, to varying degrees of success. +10% to all positive reputation gain. (Cost: 1)
Gang Territory: Name your base of operations. Puny Gangs can only control one, Small Gangs and Medium Gangs 2, Large Gangs 3, and Massive Gangs 5. These provide bonuses depending on what they are.
  • Market Street: A congregation of merchants, hawkers, and street vendors. Ripe grounds for racketing, as well as opportunities for you to sell your own stuff, and even purchase things from foreign criminal syndicates. Add 3% Bonus to Income, and has a chance each day to turn up something ranging from a crate of strange fruits to Kalim artifacts. +40 Income (Cost: 3) (Inhabitants: 50 Tenants)
  • Factory: You squat in a broken factory with some industrial tools still functioning. You have a decent amount of willing technicians, and you can perhaps, clobble some weapons together. 10 pieces of Improvised Weaponry comes free, and you may build items to sell as well as taking 5% off maintenance cost for equipment. +35 Income (Cost: 4) (Inhabitants: 60 Tenants)
Gang Vocations: Each gang has various vocations and jobs for their Lows, which earns them money and various special resources depending on the specific job you're doing. As with Specialties, these are suggestions, you may make your own should you wish.
  • Business Fronts: Small shops, resteraunts, and the like where the owner happens to be you. +30 Income. (Cost 1) (Staff: 60 Lows)
  • Black Alchemy Labs: Drug making facilities employing alchemists making nearly every kind of drug in existence- Red Rum, Gaze, whiteglass, and much more. +20 Income, can manufacture Combat Stims, which will provide bonuses to your Made Men.(Cost 2) (Staff: 15 Lows)
  • Back Alley Doctors: You have some former doctors hanging out on your turf. +2 Doctors, +20 Income (Cost 3) (Staff: 2 Doctors)
Drawbacks: These are various things that can hinder your operations. Again, these are suggestions, you may create your own if you wish.
  • Hostile Fleshform Infestion: One of your territories is infested by some sort of meat-moss, that spawns monsters that come and fuck up your life. (-3)
  • Gas Leak: One of your territories is near a place where noxious air leaks through, occasionally causing people in your gang to sicken and sometimes die. (-1)

Equipment: Equipment is divided into three tiers, Scraps, Improvised, and Professional. You can assume that everyone in your gang, from Made Men to Tenants have at least Scraps. Improvised may be made, but Professional can only be brought or stole. Now,
  • Scraps: Improvised knives, clubs, and explosives.
  • Improvised: From amature gunpowder weapons, to crossbows, to pressurized rivet-guns, these are weapons that most gangs have. It's not uncommon to see Professional grade weapons such as the odd pistol here and there. (1 point = 20 Pieces starting off. More can be brought for Income in game. .5 Income maintainace for every 20 pieces)
How does this look?
This is pretty good.

  • Oversea Contacts: Rarity is of no concern, for all can be secured. Bulk orders are norm, for much is wanted. Legality is a suggestion, for the right price can make everything okay. Rare goods and unique specialists are available for purchase. (Cost: ?)
This would cost, lets say 2 points.
  • Middle Management: The location of Pyatine makes it of great importance to many factions, Joyous Profiteers included; thusly the High Captains will be want steady updates on progress and may feel the need to set quotas. (-?)
Hmm. This would cost -2.
Reflavored the gang into The Sunset Cartel; also, a point cost for Hidden Shipyard is needed.
Crap, sorry about being late. School's just started, so I'm a bit disorganized and stuff. Alright, Hidden Shipyard costs 3 points.

Also, to everyone else, I'll try to have a final player list up by tomorrow. I'll only be taking in five. Should you want more, one of you has to step up and become a co-GM. Probably Dust, when he gets his school stuff done or something.
Crap, sorry about being late. School's just started, so I'm a bit disorganized and stuff. Alright, Hidden Shipyard costs 3 points.

Also, to everyone else, I'll try to have a final player list up by tomorrow. I'll only be taking in five. Should you want more, one of you has to step up and become a co-GM. Probably Dust, when he gets his school stuff done or something.

Did some minor changes to my App, mostly things like adding my free vocation from the Apartment Spire and the free improvised weapons from the Junkpits.
NPC Organizations
Conducters of Dust
A organization of fiercly nuetral tram operators, running a secret system of tunnels, rails, and underground rivers that will help smuggle any contraband and manpower throughout the city, evading detection from the Pyatine Civic Authorities. From the outermost docks to even the high towers of the Consulate Halls, the Conducters faciliate the buisness of crooked politicians, shadowy buisnessmen, Dark Scientists, and the Right People alike. However, occasionally a tram goes missing, and they refuse to say why...

Thrash Pack
You want a fierce guard dog? You go to the Thrash Pack. The Thrash Pack raise and breed all sorts of animals, from hounds, sea wolves, kravits, and more. They are noted to have a Dark Scientist, who breeds strains of genetically modified monsters. They also run several animal shelters, where they take strays off the streets and sell them as pets.

Crowned Society
Akkur was an aristocratic society before the Sundering, where a cabal of admirals booted the aristocratic class out of power and installed a military junta before the junta dissolved into an ogliarchic republic. The Crowned Society are the sad remnants of that noble class, quietly plotting their way into power once more. The Crowned Society is incredibly rich, in addition to having members in the Civic Authorities as moles. However, they don't have any criminal activities. Instead, the Crowned Society relies on 'member donations' to keep afloat.

Languid Butchers
The Languid Butchers are one of the two survivors of the Street War of 1634, where the Old Nine, the gangs controlling the Habav Sector dissolved into infighting. The Languid Butchers rode out the storm with the Scarlet Brands as allies, but as of late, the two organizations are eyeing each other with suspicion and mistrust, after a string of unexplainable murders and disapperances.

Scarlet Brands
The Scarlet Brands are the other survivors, running a complex semi-ligitament buisness encompassing construction and garbage disposal, with recent forays into fishing and organ theft. Old and respected, the Scarlet Brands often serve as mediators to gang conflicts. The stability of the city is paramount to them, and any attempts to kill the golden goose leads to the Scarlet Brands bringing themselves, their best mates, and their cousins to catapult you against a city spire.
Akalest United
Akalest United is a giant buisness congolmerate that has their fingers in nearly every pie, from machine parts, electronics, pharmacutical, transport, and even security. It's known for being fairly clean, but that is a result of their legal divison and the careful murder of any whistleblowers that even look like they'll threaten Akalest's squeaky clean image. Can't let people know that they gladly employ gang assassins. On the bright side, their dental is to die for. Akalest has ten factories and two offices in Pyatine, with upper management mostly being from their home Polis of Anderhain. They pay their workers a low wage, but their factories are clean and extremly safe.

Hasupet Shipping and Fishing
Hasupet Shipping and Fishing is a homegrown industry that employs over a thousand fishers and sailors. It gets a lot of good press about it's Pyatine First policy, where Hasupet employs mostly Pyatine citizens, buys from Pyatine manufactures, et cetera, et cetera. They are, however, known to stiff workers on hauls. They virulently oppose the up and coming Woder Agricultural, since they fear that Woder's recent forays into aquaculture might cut into Hasupet's fishing division. In addition, Hasupet has ties with the Crowned Society, which they keep a secret.

Antoin Heavy Industry
Antoin Heavy Industry is a Pyatine industry that produces tons of Thylassan Alloys, mechanical items, and refined chemicals ranging from purified whale oil to common household bleach. It has multiple contracts with the Pyatine government to produce war material from ship hulls, munitions, weapons, drones, and powered exos. Antoin also operates a quiet arms smuggling buisness with war-torn areas, such as Ashpell, as well as occasionally selling arms to the Pyatine gangs.

Merkaid Finance and Real Estate
Merkaid is a corperation built first as a stock exchange, before several sucesses lead them expanding into real estate and banking, where they changed their name from Merkaid Stocks to Merkaid Finance & Real Estate. Merkaid lends money to buisnesses they think will be sucessful, maintain a stock exchange, and rent out buildings to tenants. In the last two years, Merkaid has lent several thousand talents to Woder, a clear message to Hasupet to back the fuck off. Still, their Real Estate division does not have the best of reputations, since they have been known to forcibly evict tenants with violent force.

Woder Agricultural
Woder Agricultural was formed by a university graduate, backed a multimillionaire. Woder researches new strains of crops, as well as sucessful experiments in aquaculture. It's jointly owned by the Andon Woder and Jazin Daviz. Andon is known for his idealism and near refusal to play the assassin game, which Jazin does it behind Andon's back. Woder's a small, but rapidly growing company, known for their welcoming workplace atmosphere, built on psychology lessons Anton learned as his minor.
Divine Social Conservatives (Popularity: 41%)
Currently the apple of Pyatine's eye, the Divine Social Conservatives embrace the teachings of the Gods, using their edicts as inspiration for legislature. Among their policies is a low tax enviroment that's attractive to buisnesses, social liberalism e.g. judicial legality for all, legalization of harmless drugs such as Whiteglass and Gaze, as well as liberal sexual policies. However, the DSC run afoul over matters such as allowing unscrupulous buisnesses to exploit workers, which is a bloody shirt their political oppponents gleefully wave at nearly every election. Their social policies help them take up votes, but their grasp on power is slipping.

The Rodite Fellowship (Popularity: 29%)
Pyatine must grow larger. That is the slogan of the Rodites, who seek to expand Pyatine influence to fill the Mirror Sea and beyond. From spending government talents on great expidetions to colonize other Polisis, to sending military expiditions to 'convince' other nations, to securing a complex net of alliances, the Rodites will stop at nothing but Hedgemony. They even push to nationlize buisnesses. Social conservatives do make up a significant fraction of their base, so the Rodites will often infight on social matters, creating a schizophrenic social endgoal. The Rodites tax the rich and middle class to create social benefits, such as nationlized healthcare. However, sometimes the traditionalist Akkur Reclamation League manages to slip something in.

The Rezzara (Popularity: 10%)
Five minutes into a Rezzara speech and you will be convinced that the World-Worm Rahav has chosen to fuck Pyatine in particular. They hold that Pyatine has fallen from it's previous might, and only through severe social reforms trending to the reactionary can they establish the glory days of Pyatine once more. They push for huge public works programs, from forced conscription to fill out the army, to study more Kalim technology, establish stringent drug laws, nationalize buisnesses, remove the slums, and ban sodomy. It's a very small but vocal and dedicated platform, and it's adherents arn't adverse to using violence to promote their goals.

Akkur Reclamation League (Popularity: 20%)
The Akkur Reclamation League belives in a bastardized Akkurian social and legal framework, pushing for social safty nets as well as more traditional ways of living. They stick to old fashioned moralistic guides, such as placing elders in a position of social respect (granting elders more state benefits), restraining the power of buisnesses, and placing a great amount of emphasis on public education, and rolling back the more liberal social policies that the DSC has put into place. The ARL also claims that true superiority can be found in the smouldering ruins of Akkur. This claim is shouted down by all other parties.
Hey, @Laplace Question. Do you want us to roll here or in the IC? also what exactly do you want in the Building for Brewing Drugs. And finally what are the different kinds of drugs?

Edit: Where Would I put That I search through the Junkpits for stuff?
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Hey, @Laplace Question. Do you want us to roll here or in the IC? also what exactly do you want in the Building for Brewing Drugs. And finally what are the different kinds of drugs.
Roll in the IC. I'm not sure what your second question is, but so far, the drugs I have are these:
Whiteglass, which is baisically cocaine taken in by chewing on glass-like shards, Red Rum, a type of steriod that causes eventual agression but extreme muscle buildup, Gaze, which is LSD in eyedrop form, and Tharin, which is a type of depressant taken in joints.

EDIT: Oh, I get what you're talking about now. You declare what kind of drug you're making, and roll a 1d10 to see if your drug comes out. Anything lower than a two is a faliure, 3-5 is low quality, and five and above is high quality.
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