THE KETHERIC-HIVE AFFAIR (Balder's Gate 3 in Space! Quest)

NAME: Karlach Cliffgate
RACE: Tiefling
XP: 0 | LEVEL: 2

16 (+3)​
16 (+3)​
13 (+1)​
8 (-1)​
10 (+0)​
12 (+1)​
Save: +5​
Save: +5​
Save: +3​
Save: +1​
Save: +2​
Save: +3​

Darkvision: Can see 100 feet in darkness without colors. Born this way, ma called it 20/Evil vision.
Light Sleeper: Only needs four hours of sleep for a long rest. Learned this in CapFor - nap when you got it.
Energy Resistance [Fire]: Take 1/2 damage from fire. This is why we got the cheap apartments, near the radiators.
Speed Malus: -1 meter of movement per round. Gorby Jr. is a pain in the ass.
Hider: Can hide when even only lightly obscure. Learned to duck pretty fast in the military.
Action Surge (1/rest): Can take an extra action, refreshes on a short rest.
Reckless attack: Can gain advantage on Str based attacks while giving enemies advantage to hit you.
Rage (2/day): can go into a rage for 1 minute, gaining advantage on str checks and saves, +2 to str damage, reistance to B, P and S damage. Can't cast spells while raging.
Fighting Styles: Defensive (+1 to AC while wearing armor), Ranged (+2 to hit with ranged weapons), Blind Fighting (gain blindsight to 10 ft)
Second Wind (1/rest): Can use a bonus action to get 1d10+Level HP.
Natural Explorer: Ensure that the group has enough vac-suits and full tanks unless enemies take specific actions to negate it. When trapped with limited resources, double what the GM says you have. Create 3 shifts as a crew, rather than 2. Can patch suit as a free action. once per session, you can declare one thing to be true about a space station, habitat or spaceship - if the GM refuses, you're given a Luck Point.
Favored Enemy (Fascists): Get advantage on Wisdom (Survival) to track them and Intelligence rolls to know about their tactics.
Broad Proficiency: Martial Weapons, Heavy Weapons
Single Proficiency: Vac-Suits, Light, Medium, Heavy
Tool Proficiency: Repair, Shuttles, Armored Fighting Vehicle
Fighter's Luck: Get x3 LP per level.
Skills [8]: Skilled in Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, Perception, Persuasion, Performance, Intimidation, Insight
Expertise [2]: Expertise in Athletics and Stealth (double proff bonus.)​


Armored Vac Suit (AC 19, 7 Bulletproof)
Bulletproof: AC applies to gunfire. If an enemy rolls 8-17, remove 1 bulletproof.)​
M-Gloves: Can create two mage hands as a free action, controlled by focused

Collapsable Knife: +5 to hit, 1d12+3 damage
Concealable: Advantage to hiding, -1 intimidation
Sharp: Deals 3 damage on a miss.​

MP-5: The Solar System's sexiest SMG
Effective Range: 0-25 Meters | 25-50 Meters
Damage: 1d4+3| Caliber: Medium | Recoil: 4 | ROF: 8 | Magazine: 30+1 | Intimidation: +3
Special: Tacti-Cool (comes with a built in, infinite use wand of Ray of Frost, which can be fired from the weapon whenever you want.)
Underslung DC8-ROFW: 60 foot range, 1d8 frost damage, reduces enemy movement speed by 10 feet on a hit.​

Arachne 9mm
Effective Range: 0-50 Meters
Damage: 1d4+3 | Caliber: Medium | Recoil: 7 | ROF: 3 | Magazine: 15+1 | Intimidation: +2
Special: Frangible - you can buy Small Caliber rounds for this to reduce the recoil to 4.​

23 magazines fully stocked of 9mm rounds

Standard patch kit
Effect: It can patch any hole of about palm size or smaller. Unfortunately, since they're designed to be 'slap and forget' patches, they can't really patch bigger holes effectively. Fortunately, you can apply them as a free action.

Computer Tool Kit
Effect: The computer tool kit is the collection of various lengths of wire, soldering gun, screwdriver (magnetized) and other nibbly little bits you need to do repair work on a computer, physically speaking. This won't do anything to debug it, unless you're being really literal about debugging here.

Effect: A plastic set of restraints. Good for dissidents, bounties and, until the Supreme Court's decision re Staton V Solarium Primary School, unruly children.


Q-Card: +0
Specie: 1 Gold

Current Hab Legality: Not in Hab
Intimidation: Not in Hab
Total Criminality: Not in hab

STARSHIP - USAF-SGF Short Sword (Drizzit Class)
Acceleration Max: 3Gs | Handling: +4
Sensors: 5 Locks, 2 Jams

Thrusters (10): 25 [10 Armor]
Externalities (9-4): 85 [0 Armor]​
Weapons: 72​
2 Fore, 2 Starboard, 2 Port, 2 Aft, 2 Dorsal, 2 Ventral S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 40mm PDCs
1 Dorsal Multipurpose 32cm Launch Tube​
EW/COM: 5​
D98 Panopticon Installation​
Cargo: 6 Tons​
Life Support (3): 39 [10 Armor]​
Radiators: 10
Water Recycling & Air Filtering: 15
Cabins: 10 (6 Bunk Rooms, 3 Cabins, 1 Officer's Cabin)
Sickbay: 5
Mess Hall: 5​
Command, Control & Communication (2): 5 [10 Armor]
Engines (1): 90 [10 Armor]
S&R Draconic Limited PDCs
Range: 0 | Damage: 1 Damage
ROF: 4d10 | Special: +5 to hit Torpedoes

32cm Launch Tube
Range: N/A | Damage: Per torpedo
ROF: 3 per round | Capacity: 17 Torpedoes

MD-82b Armor Piercing Chemical Torpedoes (12)
Special Note: These use high density hydrogen fuel bricks and have an extremely short duration
Acceleration: 20G | Handling: +4
Structure: 3​
Thrusters: -
Externalities (9-4): 1 [Armor 1]​
Weapon: 1​
High Yield Armor Piercing Warhead: 30 damage​
Life Support: -
Command, Control & Communication: -
Engine: 1​

T2-9 Tactical Nuclear Interplanetary Ballistic Missiles (5) [INOPERABLE]
Special Note: These use Zevar drives and have infinite range.
Acceleration: 10G | Handling: +4
Structure: 3​
Thrusters: -
Externalities (9-4): 2​
Weapon: 2​
Tactical Nuclear Warhead: 300 Damage (5km radius)​
Life Support: -
Command, Control & Communication: -
Engine: 1​
Description: A 300 ton warship, the Short Sword comes armed with 12 point defense cannons capable of covering every angle of attack and a 3 tube dorsal mounted torpedo bay, with 20 torpedoes, currently stocked with 15 MD82b antiarmor torpedoes that burn high density hydrogen fuel (making them high speed, short range), and 5 IPBMs with 30 kiloton tactical nuclear warheads. These have Zevar drives. They do not have "range" limitations.
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Are there other asshole vampires who survived the fall? Or is everyone just mean about it because of legends or something?

I mean, people know a lot about vampires in our world and they're not even real

EDIT: Also, Karlach isn't bullying Astarion cause he's a vampire, she's bullying him cause he's saying they should abandon a bunch of people including a kid with cancer to fend for themselves
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"Weird fucking elf."

Something that amuses me about Lae'zel being constantly confused for an elf is the fact that she simultaneously has a lower expected lifespan and a higher one, the lower because Gith aren't counted among the long-lived races, but higher because their species lives in the Astral Plane where time doesn't advance, meaning you can potentially have people from when Mother Gith was still running around 156 Vlaakiths ago.

Edit: Looks at the illegality. Considers pressing reload and pick the "Offer Chris extra guns option"
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Question: since an Elephant is "huge" rather than simply "large", does that mean an Elephant can tank shots from the Bird-Eater?
[X] Try and find a black market buyer

Given the cops are both incompetent and corrupt, I doubt our TOTALLY INNOCENT looking party is going to get a great result there if we walk up and be like "Heyyyy, so walked in with all these extra guns that we hid from the security station. Ooops, we forgot they were there."
[X] Try and find a black market buyer

Our giant pile of guns is rather inconvenient. You know what might be very helpful in the immediate term? Cold, hard, cash.
I think we should sell the guns, preferably to someone who's not awful.

[X] Try and find a black market buyer

I don't think going to the authorities will help us much: if the authorities were good then there wouldn't be a massive advert for a brothel that uses slave labour in the centre of the city.

Let's try and find some revolutionaries or a gun-shop that's willing to buy our stock, then maybe we can upgrade our gear or even hire some mercs.
[X] Go to the cops

If the cops are at least semi-decent then this is the better option.
How much this screws us over is also a pretty good gauge for how corrupted the authorities are.
[x] Try and find a black market buyer

We can likely keep just enough to kit ourselves out and Laz as well then. MP5 and Pistol for each, Shotgun for the truck, and the Gun Mod just to be mean.
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Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Apr 18, 2024 at 9:54 AM, finished with 18 posts and 10 votes.

Funnily enough, I don't know if ammo actually has illegality. It probably should...

Still, roll me a...


There's no Streetwise skill in 5e

Fuck it, I'll add it myself, it's a Charisma skill, go roll it you mooks!
Any of These are Perfect for Home Defense (2.0)
You rubbed your hand along your face. "Okay," you said. "...I got an idea."

Shadowheart grabbed your arm before you walked into the corner store, tugging you to a stop. "By...I...the...gods, Karlach, your idea is to just walk into a gunstore and sell them?" She whispered, her voice pitched low and soft as the rest of the party sheltered from the rain under an awning. You grinned at her.

"Look again, squire!" you said, nodding to the neon of gunshop's sign.

Shadowheart frowned. "No waiting period?" she asked.

"No, under that," you said. "There's a range out back."

"And?" she asked.

You grinned at her.

"Ohhh, it's an MP-5!" The gangly elf who'd been plinking away with a .38 revolver said, holding up the sleek black submachine gun. He looked it up and down, then grinned. "You know how hard it is to keep the ray of frost from interfering with the barrel assembly? There's some serious temperature tolerance issues that Magelock really fucking nailed with this thing. And the sight!" he peered down it. "Damn, that's a quick adjuster - think it can fit something better than this? I've got some optics that fit an At-At...nah, it's too small." He grinned at you. "Where'd you get it?"

"I got one cheap at a reseller," you said, smiling at him. "BUt, uh, it's not exactly fit for purpose out on Mardok - too short ranged, I need a long rifle for my home defense."

He nodded. "You live out in the boonies?"

"Yeah," you said, shrugging one shoulder.

The elf tugged at his scraggly beard. "Hmm, I could buy it..." He said, hesitantly.

"What I really need is someone who can resell it and maybe a fewww other guns?" you asked, grinning slightly.

"How many?" he asked.

You glanced left, then muttered. "About twelve."

He frowned, slowly. "how'd you get twelve guns?"

"Well, I was a real good shot with the first one and live out in the boonies, you know?" You asked, nodding. He snorted, quietly.

"Zeeze..." he rubbed the back of his neck. "I dunno, this shit sounds hot."

"Listen, I sell them to you cheap, you resell them higher, and you can keep one," you said, nodding. "That's a free MP-5, basically."

He regarded you, narrowing his eyes, then looked down at the MP-5, then back over his shoulder, then he rubbed his chin. "...fuck it, it's not like these got maker marks on them. And the cops don't really nose around here too much." He grinned. "You want Q-card or specie?"

"Specie, please," you said.

He sighed. "Figured."

You walked out of the gunstore with three glittering gold coins in your pocket and no more illegal guns to worry about. Well, you had the one SMG back in the car and enough ammo to make a dragon sick, but who was counting. As you and the party started down the street, Gale said: "...three coin?"

"Yeah," you said.

"In my day, that'd be worth hundreds, maybe even thousands," he said.

"Gold's too important to use on money, except for really important money," you said, nodding. "Most people use Q-cards. Which, uh..." You patted your pockets, then pulled out one of the stolen wallets. You found that there were a few Q-cards in them, but they were to banks you didn't know and involved pin numbers you didn't have. You made a face. "Shit, we're going to need to open a bank account at some point."

"I do not plan to spend this much time with any of you," Astarion said, frowning. "I do not want to open an independent bank account."

"Do you got one, though?" you asked.

"Yes, with Aztata and Sons Credit Union," Asterion said.

"Cause, uh, my Q-card's tied to my force pension," you said. "Shadowheart doesn't remember her own name." You jerked your thumb at her. "Gale's from six centuries ago, Wyll-"

"My...father would literally kill me," Wyll said, wryly.

"-and Lae'zel's from a different fucking universe. Do you even use money in the astral plane?"

"What kind of an absurd question is that?" Lae'zel snapped. "Of course we use money. We use real money."

"Oh?" you asked. "Gold?"

"Souls," she said.

You weren't sure if she was joking so you just coughed and turned back to Asterion. "Listen, I bet there's a banking institution in this city somewhere. We can get you a new card issued, then at least we can spend-"

"My money!" Astarion exclaimed.

"Our money, buddy! We're gonna make some more money, and if we have a Q-card, we can put it on the card, right?" you asked.

"And what will my employer say when he learns that I've started making illicit money in a third sphere shithole an AU and a half away from where I was clocking into work less than a week ago?" Astarion asked.

Okay, he had a point there.

You get 3 gold! This is a lot of money in this setting!

[ ] Get a Q-Card using Astarion's bank
[ ] Investigate Auntie Ethel
[ ] Write In
[X] Spending spree time.

I'm sure there's somewhere we can go to turn that money into better gear, a bath, extra clothes. Maybe a down payment on some mercenaries. If I recall we came to Nuke to gear up and get help anyways. that I think of it, that might end up being Auntie Ethel's depending on how small this place is.