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This is the personal log of Aldmeri Jen, Combat Archaeologist.

As my nickname (provided...
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Author of 'Sisters of Rail'
(5 + 3 * sqrt(5)) / 8

This is the personal log of Aldmeri Jen, Combat Archaeologist.

As my nickname (provided by some tipsy colleagues) suggests, I am an Altmer archaeologist who finds herself in far too many dangerous situations on dig sites. And sometimes other places where relics may be found.

I have a deep and complex past. The path that brought me to hunt relics was not what you might expect. But there's more to me than my race and my training. The time and circumstances of my birth had a great effect on my fate.

I am a devoted worshipper of my patron god. I have heard there is a temple where I may worship and receive a great small but enduring blessing which will assist me as I search the land of Skyrim for antiquities. Now that I've established my background, I should explain my adventuring plans and my current disposition. My path has lead me to be a relic hunter. My journey begins soon.

Q: What is this?
A: The journal of Aldmeri Jen, Combat Archaeologist

Q: Combat? But none of the classes available for voting are warrior classes!
A: It's a nickname. And magical combat is still combat. I prefer mage classes for this character.

Q: So... she's an archeologist? In Skyrin?
A: Yes. But she'll also discover she's the dragonborn. When and how she learns that is up to you!

Q: About that archaeology...
A: So there's a new guild called the Explorers Guild, and you can join and be a relic hunter! You'll be tasked with collecting artifacts and relics and such to fill the Dragonborn Museum in Solitude.

Q: Sounds fun.
A: I know right? But aren't you meant to be the one asking the questions?

Q: Yeah. So... uh... how do I start?
A: Read the story posts (if there are any) to catch up, then find out what's currently being voted on, and then vote to influence how Jen goes about navigating Skyrim and hunting relics.

Q: Is there a current complete character sheet?
A: Maybe. If so, it'll be linked here, I guess. Since it isn't then the answer must be no.

Q: What's the format of this quest?
A: It exists as the written personal logs of Jen, in first person, whenever she gets a chance to stop and write. These will be posted in batches rather than individually because a once sentence post every few minutes would be messy.

Q: Are you making it all up yourself? Is there an element of chance, like maybe dice rolls? What RPG system are you using? Do the stats actually do anything? Do the choices matter? Do you have a plan? How close to Skyrim canon are you staying? Where do you get your ideas? Did you think up all this Relic Hunter Explorers' Society Dragonborn Museum Stuff yourse?
A: I wish. Actually this works by me actually playing Skyrim and writing down what happens, in character. All the events that happen, occur in game. All the items Jen finds and people she meets, interacts with, kills, buys and sells from, or recruits. It's all in game. So are all the quests she goes on and spells she casts.

Q: I don't remember most of this stuff from Skyrim.
A: My game is very heavily modded. New perks, new race bonuses, new standing stone bonuses, old classes, more variety of creatures and enemies, much tougher enemies and locations, new spells, new shouts, many new quests, new ways of starting the game, etc etc etc. Capping it all off is a mod called Legacy of the Dragonborn. That's where all this archaeology stuff comes from. And it's what inspired me to write in-character logs, and then to do this quest.

Q: What other mods are you using?
A: A lot. A major core collection of mods that gives it it's hardcore difficulty is OMEGA. Check that one out for sure. And for survival and needs I have Campfire, Frostfall, and iNeed. A large proportion of the general game changes come from the collection generally known as 'EnaiRim'.

Q: What version of Skyrim?
A: Special Edition.

Q: What timezone are you in?
A: One where it's just past midnight and I ought to be asleep but I'm trying to finish this.

Q: Post the intro and character creation already!
A: Just a minute

Q: I want more information about the mods you use, or stats and numbers, or about the possibilities available to us in the game, etc.
A: Feel free to ask and I'll try to answer if I can.

Q: Can you add a new mod to your game?
A: No

Q: Can you help me duplicate your configuration and debug mod issues?
A: Nooo.

Q: I have Skyrim on a non-PC device...
A: Ask someone else. The odds are not in your favour though.

Q: Can we talk about stuff not related to Aldmeri Jen, Combat Archaelologist?
A: You should know better than that.

Q: How about a Skyrim morality debate?
A: Take it to the Worm Morality Debate Thr... I mean, no.

Q: Speaking of Worm, when are your fics...
A: Soon(TM)

Q: Can we start out as a werewolf?
A: Only if we start in Solstheim. We don't want that.

Q: Can we start out as a member of the Dawnguard?
A: Dawnguard quests are best left for a higher level character. We could get a Dawnguard start though the random option but I doubt it has survivability and we wouldn't be succeeding in Dawnguard quests so it's better to leave joining until later.

Q: Vampire?
A: It's possible as a random option. Or there's ways we could become one...

Q: Can we be a Khajiit?
A: Uh, that would require a different thread title. We can be a skooma addict though.

Last edited:
Live Another Life (character setup)
This is the personal log of Aldmeri Jen, Combat Archaeologist.

As my nickname (provided by some tipsy colleagues) suggests, I am an Altmer archaeologist who finds herself in far too many dangerous situations on dig sites. And sometimes other places where relics may be found.


Health: 90
Magicka: 115
Stamina: 95
Health regeneration: 0.5%
Magicka regeneration: 3.75%
Stamina regeneration: 4.5%
Carry weight: 250

Elven Supremacy: Skills are more effective upon reaching skill level 100.
Gold and Glass: When low on Magicka or Stamina (below half), it regenerates faster (up to double) at the cost of reduced armor and magic resistance (max 50 points and 25% loss).
Shimmering Threads: Weapons and armor are weaker, but enchantments are stronger. (each by 15%)

Nomadic Heritage: 50% disease resistance. Unlimited stamina when out of combat.

Quest reward - Pluck 40 wings off butterflies to unlock...
Contingency: At will - Weave spells into an auto-cast trigger with specific conditions.

I have a deep and complex past. The path that brought me to hunt relics was not what you might expect.

Magic specilizations:
[][Class] Battlemage
I have been both a solider and a scholar, now I am a deadly mixture of both. But I want to give back to the world by uncovering lost history and encouraging the next generation. But ancient relics are not just lying around. Many are protected by equally ancient guardians, or home owners or... shopkeepers. My skill with a blade is supplemented by elemental damage and summoned creatures to distract my foes while I get the goods.

Major Skills | One-handed, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Alchemy
Secondary Skill | Unarmored (Armor rating is 50 when not wearing armor)
Class Ability | Kriegshexen (Spells deal 20% more damage when wielding both a spell and a One-handed weapon)

[][Class] Healer
In my younger days I swore an oath to heal the afflicted, cure the diseased, and blast the undead. But I need a hobby that pays the bills. Conveniently, many of those undead are found guarding priceless historical artifacts. And many of those relics have been stolen by bandits, whose ways run counter to everything I stand for.

Major Skills | Alchemy, Alteration, Destruction, Illusion, Restoration, Speech
Secondary Skill | Mysticism (Magicka regenerates 25% faster)
Class Ability | Médecin (50% Poison and Disease resistance)
Bonus Spell | Healing Hands

[][Class] Mage
My parents pushed me into studying magic for its intellectual rewards. However I have greatly profited from its practical application. I feel a little guilty about that. Obtaining relics to display rather than just sell seems like a way to make up for that. Plus obtaining those treasures is a challenge that I will meet with a lot of spellcasting. I love spellcasting.

Major Skills | Enchanting, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, Restoration
Secondary Skill | Unarmored (Armor rating is 50 when not wearing armor)
Class Ability | Clarity (Magicka regeneration is increased by 50%)

[][Class] Nightblade
Never mind my history, let me tell you about these relics. This one's surprisingly bright, that one's deceptively sharp, and look, this one has a secret compartment that is impossible to see into!

I have a certain set of skills. You don't need to know how I obtained them. But if you're hoarding something of great historical value, you won't see me coming. If you're lucky, you'll never know I was here.

Major Skills | One-handed, Light Armor, Illusion, Destruction, Alteration, Sneak
Secondary Skill | Acrobatics (Take 75% less falling damage, Stamina regenerates 15% faster)
Class Ability | Shadowmaster (All Illusion spells cost 25% less Magicka)

[][Class] Sorcerer
Some think spellcasting is for weaklings. They're wrong in my case. Though all my strength I prefer to leave the work up to enchantments and summoned creatures, while I focus on the prize.

Major Skills | Alchemy, Enchanting, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Heavy Armor
Secondary Skill | Mysticism (Magicka regenerates 25% faster)
Class Ability | Ley-link (Summoned creatures and reanimated undead last 50% longer)
Bonus Spell | Bound Sword

[][Class] Spellsword
I used to support Imperial troops in skirmishes. But I have grown weary of war. Now I seek adventure, fortune, and something more intellectual.

Major Skills | Heavy Armor, One-handed, Alteration, Destruction, Enchanting, Restoration
Secondary Skill | Mysticism (Magicka regenerates 25% faster)
Class Ability | Zsoldos (Spell deal 20% more damage when wielding both a spell and a One-handed weapon)

[][Class] Witchhunter
There is great evil afoot in this world, and I have devoted much of my life to uncovering it and pulling it up by the roots. Dark cults, profane sorceries, vampires, witches, warlocks, necromancers... they will feel my arrows pierce their hearts or my poisons in their veins. Or just taste fireballs and lightning bolts.

Major Skills | Archery, Destruction, Enchanting, Conjuration, Alchemy, Lockpicking
Secondary Skill | Mysticism (Magicka regenerates 25% faster)
Class Ability | Jäger (Deal 30% more damage vs. Vampires, Werewolves, Undead)

Stealth Specializations
[][Class] Pilgrim
I travel the roads seeking truth and enlightenment. Sometimes the truth is buried deep.

Major Skills | Block, One-handed, Smithing, Restoration, Light Armor, Speech
Secondary Skill | Mysticism (Magicka regenerates 25% faster)
Class Ability | Road Scholar (Gain 5 Health, Stamina and Magicka for every 10 Skill Books read)

[][Class] Monk
I have long studied ancient martial arts for self defence. But the ancients had other kinds of arts and deeper kinds of knowledge. I feel confident that I can remain undetected as I seek out relics of bygone eras, or solve ownership disputes via fist or arrow.

Major Skills | Archery, Alteration, Alchemy, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Sneak
Secondary Skill | Unarmored (Armor rating is 50 when not wearing armor)
Class Ability | Martial Arts (Hand to Hand bonus damage increases with character level)

[][Class] Bard
I am a master of lore and teller of tales, as was my mother before me. I seek the wisdom and insight that comes through adventure, and am ready to depend on sword, shield, spell, and enchantment to protect me as I seek to educate both myself and the world. Get in the way of knowledge and I'll give you something to sing about!

Major Skills | One-handed, Enchanting, Illusion, Alchemy, Light Armor, Speech
Secondary Skill | Mysticism (Magicka regenerates 25% faster)
Class Ability | Charmer (Calm spells work on people +5 levels higher than my current level)

[][Class] Assassin
No, I'm no ruthless murderer. I have strict principles and a noble cause. Also, wealthy patrons with goals I'm happy to align myself to. Surely you've heard someone say "I'd kill to have that hanging on my wall?" Some people really mean it. But they don't have the means to do it themselves. Short blades, arrows, poisons...

Major Skills | Archery, One-handed, Alchemy, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Sneak
Secondary Skill | Acrobatics (Take 75% less falling damage, Stamina regenerates 15% faster)
Class Ability | Toxicant (Poisons you make are 25% more effective)

[][Class] Agent
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Perhaps the next thing I say will be too much. The longer I keep talking... Just hand over the urn and nobody gets hurt.

Major Skills | Archery, Illusion, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Sneak, Speech
Secondary Skill | Unarmored (Armor rating is 50 when not wearing armor)
Class Ability | Silver Tongue (Persuasion attempts are 20% easier)

[][Class] Acrobat
You see a rich person's dining hall, lounge, or bedroom. I see a circus of value! All those trinkets they use to impress guests belong in... well, a place that can entertain everyone who wishes to visit. If you have a problem with that... well you'll have to catch me first.

Major Skills | Archery, One-handed, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Sneak, Speech
Secondary Skill | Acrobatics (Take 75% less falling damage, Stamina regenerates 15% faster)
Class Ability | Evasion (Take 10% less magic and elemental damage)

No specialization:
[][Class] Adventurer
I've lived a fairly bland life, but now I feel a change. I seek adventure! It's time to better myself. I'm not expecially good or bad at anything, and am ready to learn. Seeking ancient treasure seems like a great way to do that.
The default 15 points in every skill before racial bonuses (listed in the notes, or just look on the elderscrolls wikia), with no special bonuses or abilities.

Or your custom build:
[][Class] Customname
- [] Give a little bit of backstory explaining this class. If you want votes, be sure to roleplay it up. The example below is not a good example of that.
- [] Major Skills: List seven (7) not just six, because you don't get a Class Ability
Skills are Archery, Block, Heavy Armor, One-handed, Smithing, Two-handed, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Illusion, Restoration, Alchemy, Light Armor, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Sneak, Speech
- [] Secondary Skill: Choose Mysticism, Acrobatics, Unarmored, Acrobatics, Athletics (Move 15% faster, Stamina regenerates 15% faster), or Hand to Hand (+10 Unarmed Combat Damage)
- [] Specialization: Choose Health, Magicka, or Stamina to get +20

[x][Class] Punchmage
- [x] I am the punchiest mage, trained in the arts of punchmagic! Light Armor has the Iron Fist perk branch, Sneak has Dynamic Entry, Alteration and Restoration to stay alive, Destruction to help kill things we don't want to get close to, and Enchanting and Smithing to make the strongest possible Pugilist's Gloves.
- [x] Major Skills: Light Armor, Sneak, Alteration, Restoration, Destruction, Enchanting, Smithing
- [x] Secondary Skill: Hand to Hand
- [x] Specialization: Stamina

(Someone please let me know if that format won't work the way I want it to work. The NetTally instructions need more examples to really show how tasks and blocks interact.)

Major Skills will be at 25 and all others at 5.
Except for racial bonuses: Altmer get +10 to Illusion and +5 to Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Altertion, and Enchanting
Jen has no default healing or flames spells.
Don't worry too much about lockpicking. Jen can use her Alteration and Destruction skill (but not a lighting spell) to deal with a lock. Or smash it with a two-handed weapon, but that skill is likely not to be her forte.
Jen's spellcasting has grown... rusty. She'll need to put a perk in a spell's school of magic to use even novice spells, and a second point and at least 25 skill if she wants to use apprentice level magic. Higher levels of magic will need 50, 75, and 100 skill to cast. Otherwise the magicka cost will be too darn high. A notable exception to this is any effect that reduces magicka costs to 0, or any alternate way of casting spells without spending magicka.
Alchemy will require clean flasks. And good luck recycling anything that's been used to hold poisons.
Full perk trees for all skills at Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim

But there's more to me than my race and my training. The time and circumstances of my birth had a great effect on my fate.

[][Fate] Unknown
The Wanderer
I know little about the circumstances of my birth and feel free to choose my own fate. (Jen may choose a 4th era birthsign later from a standing stone.)
I still celebrate my birth on a day of my choosing.
[][Fate] 3rd Era
I feel a deep and unshakeable connection to a bygone era, yet I live in this one.
(Jen starts with a 3rd era birthsign bonus based on her birth month. It cannot be changed or removed. She may also receive a 4th era bonus from a standing stone that she discovers.)
[][Fate] 4th Era
I was born in Skyrim within the last two hundred years, and feel a deep connection to that land, no matter how distant from it I may be.
(Jen starts with a 4th era birthsign bonus based on her birth month, though may change it later at a standing stone.)

[][Birth] Rejected
The Serpent - There are no strings on me!
(Birthday will be assigned at random.)
3rd Era:
Once per day, potent poison on touch. Cast Cure Poison on Self.
4th Era:
Slither: Sneaking now costs 10 Magicka per second but you move 25% faster while sneaking.
Striking Cobra: If you have Magicka remaining, sneaking and sneak attacks are 40% more effective (20% for projectiles).

[][Birth] Morning Star
The Ritual (M)
3rd Era:
Once per day, heal yourself for 200 Health. Once per day, cast Mass Turn Undead
4th Era:
Mara's Mercy: Approach a violently slain corpse to gather its memories, summoning it as a vengeful spirit in your next battle.
Mara's Tears: Periodically relive the death of an ally or enemy whose memories you gathered before, creating a corpse. (The corpse has loot.)

[][Birth] Sun's Dawn
The Lover (T)
3rd Era:
Once per day, you can paralyze a foe for 10 seconds
4th Era:
Secret Admirer: The Lover periodically gifts you a random enchanted weapon or armor.
Undying Love: Cheat death when slain, returning to life with full Health. This effect has a 15 minute cooldown.

[][Birth] First Seed
The Lord (W)
3rd Era:
Restore 60 Health over 15 seconds for 100 Magicka, take 25% more damage from fire
4th Era:
Crown of Autumn: Stamina does not regenerate in combat, but power attacks deal 20% more damage and stagger.
Old Stone: The Lord graciously allows you to power attack when out of Stamina, dealing 30% less damage and stagger.

[][Birth] Rain's Hand
The Mage (M)
3rd Era:
4th Era:
Power of the Arcane: Spells are 10% more effective. Scrolls are 20% more effective.
Mage's Path: Learn two Mage skills of your choice 20% faster. Sleep to change your choice.

[][Birth] Second Seed
The Shadow (T)
3rd Era:
Once per day, turn invisible for 60 seconds
4th Era:
Blur: The Shadow increases movement speed by 20% in combat.
Hide in Shadows: When near a wall or obstacle, sneaking and sneak attacks are 20% more effective.

[][Birth] Mid Year
The Steed (W)
3rd Era:
4th Era:
Explorer: The Steed increases carry weight by 50 points and adds random nearby landmarks to the map.
Gallop: When out of combat, the Steed increases movement speed by 40% and you regenerate Stamina 50% faster.

[][Birth] Sun's Height
The Apprentice (M)
3rd Era:
50 bonus Magicka, 50% weakness to magic
4th Era:
Prodigy: Novice spells cost no Magicka and all other spells cost 15% less Magicka. (NOTE: Remember the note above about novice spells, perks and mana costs?)
Sorcerer's Apprentice: Spells you cast are either 50% more effective or 50% less effective than intended. (The former is more likely.)

[][Birth] Last Seed
The Warrior (W)
3rd Era:
Deal 20% increased damage with weapons
4th Era:
Fierce Spirit: Power attacks do 15% more damage, and ranged weapons do up to 15% more damage based on distance.
Warrior's Path: Learn two Warrior skills of your choice 20% faster. Sleep to change your choice.

[][Birth] Hearthfire
The Lady (W)
3rd Era:
Fortify Health 20 pts and Magicka regenerates 25% faster
4th Era:
Lunar Familiar: When entering combat, summons a Lunar Familiar under your control for 60 seconds.
Premonition: Pale light marks enemies who can kill you with their next strike, slowing them and reducing armor by 500 points.

[][Birth] Frost Fall
The Tower (T)
3rd Era:
4th Era:
Royal Treasury: A quest leads to a hidden cache in Skyrim containing fabulous loot. Looting it indicates the next cache.
Tower Key: Open locked doors up to Adept level. Once a day, open any lock of up to Expert level.

[][Birth] Sun's Dusk
The Atronach (M)
3rd Era:
100 bonus Magicka, Magicka does not regenerate, 50% chance to absorb spells
4th Era:
Corrupted Arcana: Magicka does not regenerate. Each death within 50 feet restores Magicka equal to 25 times their level.
Oblivion Bound: If you have Magicka remaining, spells are 25% more effective and cost 50% less Magicka.

[][Birth] Evening Star
The Thief (T)
3rd Era:
40 additional Armor Rating
4th Era:
Ambush: Sneaking and sneak attacks are 10% more effective.
Thief's Path: Learn two Thief skills of your choice 20% faster. Sleep to change your choice.

Note: if Jen discovers all 13 standing stones (which she will want to do eventually for museum display purposes) she will unlock a bonus ability for each of the 4th era birthsigns.
These can be seen here: Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim (warning: annoying video ads if you don't have an adblocker (I have it unblocked to support the site), and likely mature content if you look at other mods)

I am a devoted worshipper of my patron god. I have heard there is a temple where I may worship and receive a great small but enduring blessing which will assist me as I search the land of Skyrim for antiquities.

[][Patron] Julianos
Julinos strengthens my enchantments by 10%.

[][Patron] Shrine of Reflection: "I believe only in my own strength."
Inner Strength - Deal 5% extra damage. Take 5% less.

[][Patron] Shrine of Reflection: "I believe only in my own guile."
Guile and Wit - 10% bonus to Sneak and critical damage.

[][Patron] Shrine of Reflection: "I believe only in my own mind."
Mind's Eye - 5% bonus to spell damage. Spells cost 5% less to cast.


Akatosh - 15% damage bonus against dragons.
Arkay - 15% damage bonus against all types of undead.
Dibella - Take 15% less damage from the opposite gender.
Julianos - All enchantments are 10% stronger.
Kynareth - Shout cooldown is improved by 10%.
Mara - Disease immunity.
Stendarr - 15% damage bonus against daedra, vampires, and werewolves.
Zenithar - Weapons and armor are 10% stronger when improved.
Talos - All shouts are 15% more powerful (15% extra magnitude on all effects)


Azura - Gain 50 health, magicka, and stamina during the hours of twilight (6:00-8:00PM, 4:00-6:00AM)
Boethia - Movement muffled by 75%.
Clavicus Vile - Prices are 10% better.
Hermaeus Mora - Gain experience 10% faster.
Hircine - Predators (bears, wolves, sabre cats) become allies.
Jyggalag - Deal 15% extra damage against unlawful enemies (bandits).
Malacath - Take 10% less damage from all sources.
Mehrunes Dagon - Deal 20% extra damage, but take 20% extra in return.
Meridia - 25 extra health, magicka, and stamina during the day.
Mephala - 20% extra critical damage. Spiders become allies.
Molag Bal - Deal 10% extra damage against all enemies.
Namira - Poison immunity.
Nocturnal - 20% bonus to Sneak.
Peryite - Created potions are 10% stronger; an extra ingredient can be gathered when harvesting.
Vaermina - 50 extra stamina at the cost of being unable to gain sleeping bonuses.
Sanguine - All alcohol heals the player for 25 health, magicka, and stamina. The player is immune to negative effects of alcohol.
Sheogorath - One of 8 random effects. Effects change every 12 hours.
- Animal Madness - Take 20% extra damage from animals.
- Weak Mind - Take 10% extra damage from all sources.
- Madgod's Shield -Frost, and Shock damage resistance are increased by 25%.
- Boon of the Madgod - Health, Stamina, and Magicka are increased by 25 points each.
- Mad Gluttony - Sweetrolls restore 100 points of health.
- Mania - 10% extra weapon damage.
- Dimentia - 25% weakness to Fire, Frost, and Shock damage.
- A Pit of Clouds - Immunity to fall damage.
- The Fish Stick - It's a very delicate state of mind! (Water breathing)

Auriel - Shine with light that deals damage to nearby hostile vampires while in combat.
Sithis - 25 extra health, magicka, and stamina during the night.
Alduin - Deal 15% extra damage to all enemies except dragons, and deal half damage to dragons.

(Choices will affect Jen's characterization too. The blessing won't come into effect until Jen actually worships at the temple, but voting can start now. The choice can be altered later if Jen is in the area and you have compelling character reasons to do so.)

My family name is
[][Name] Write-in

Now that I've established my background, I should explain my adventuring plans and my current disposition. My path has lead me to be a relic hunter. Specifically...

[][Start] Sailing to Solitude
- [] Unbidden
It's been a long time since I set foot in Skyrim, and no one is expecting me. I don't really know what I find, but I hope to find treasure! And history. And a good meal.
I have the clothes on my back and a good stack of septims, but I'll have to figure out my own way from there.
(Simple but flexible.)

- [] Invited
My old friend and colleague Auryen Morellus invited me to join him in Solitude. It's been a few years since we crossed paths. He's promised me a time of great adventure. Doing what? Why, hunting down relics for his museum, which is dedicated to the legend of the Dragonborn. I'm sure I remember reading something about that one. This is an oppotunity I cannot resist. Especially since he's promised he'll have some extra funds and armour fit for a relic hunter waiting for me at the dock. I wonder how things are going in Skyrim. I think I've missed it there.
(More established, right into the action, less initial choice. Free light armour!)

[][Start] Guild Master for the Explorers' Society
I'm working at a dig site as the Guild Master for the Explorers' Society. That's what I'm told, and my previous journal entries seem to agree. I'm also told that I hit my head. I don't remember that part, which is rather the point.
(Even more established, thrown into the middle of the relic-hunting action, with some recruits already recruited. More starting xp and variety of weapons and armour available, but also at a remote and likely hostile location.)

[][Start] Inn Patron
- [] Bannered Mare, Whiterun
- [] Sleeping Giant, Riverwood
- [] Dead Man's Drink, Falkreath
- [] Bee & Barb, Riten
This relic hunting hasn't been going so well. Perhaps I'll feel better with a few drinks in me. I might even pick up some rumours. Maybe one that actually leads me to adventure, rather than disappointment.
(An even humbler beginning.)

[][Start] Beggar
- [] Beggar's Row, Riften
- [] The Warrens, Markarth
Relic hunting went... poorly. But the only way to go is up, right?

[][Start] Addict in Skooma Den
It can get worse.

[][Start] Jail
I only picked it up to examine it, honest!
(Jail chosen randomly.)

[][Start] Vigilant of Stendarr
They've accepted me as one of their own. I even get my own bed! Time to start hunting down abominations and the fools who worship or unleash them. And collect powerful artifacts to keep them away from careless hands.
It's rather cold and remote though.
(We start with a bed in the Hall of the Vigilant, and have some heavy armour and restoration robes. Fitting for a Witchhunter. Survival might be troublesome.)

[][Start] Camping in the woods
I've set up a comfortable little camp outside the little town of Helgen. I wonder if Velod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in...
(Sadly we don't get to take the tent with us. But there's a cooking pot and all the firewood we can chop. And 100% chance of dragon sighting.)
[][Start] Surprise me
(Completely random... filtered a bit by what's feasibly survivable. We won't be starting in Solstheim, for instance.)

My journey begins soon. I'll set out in...
[][Month] Second Seed
Or your choice of month (see the months listed in the Birth section above).
Season matters!

Example Vote:
[x] Plan DejaVu
[x][Class] Nightblade
[x][Fate] 4th Era
[x][Birth] Sun's Height
[x][Patron] Julianos
[x][Name] McElfface
[x][Start] Sailing to Solitude
- [x] Invited
[X][Month] Second Seed

Further notes:
Skills gain from use, but level xp comes from discoveries, quests, clearing areas, and kills. Followers reduce xp from kills.
Skill cap is 135, but also dynamically capped to 20 + (player level x 1.25).
Skills can be boosted as far as 160 by buffs.
Skill training NPCs offer 5 training sessions per levelup. These are banked until they are used.
Skills can't be learned through practice at skill levels 24, 49, and 99. Training or skill books will be required to progress.
Weapons and armour wear out with use and damage, but improve (temper) as our legend grows with the kills we make.
We need to sleep to receive gains to skills from practice.
Reading (non-skill) books gives experience towards speech.
Learing spells requires sleep. We'll have to choose spell learning priorities and take time to discuss magical theory with NPCs.

Will generally not be recorded (unless we get a sometimes-cheat-death effect of course) but repeated deaths will lead to failure, retreat, and change of plans. We'll see how it works.

Will try to update most days. Depends on what's happening. To start with I can't do much without voting results, but as we go I aim to have the voting more on future plans, priorities, and dispositions, rather than needing to outright stop and wait for a result.

Have fun reading the journal as it unfolds, and don't forget to vote!
Remember you don't have to vote for every option. Info about writing votes is at Kinematics/NetTally
Please give gentle corrections if I'm using the tally system wrong. I've never done this before.
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Standing Stone bonuses, followers
We get both of the 4th era bonuses for Standing Stones? Or do we pick? Personally leaning towards any class that has Restoration and Sneak. Though I'd also like Archery. This is Skyrim after all, so I'll probably want to be a sneaky archer who can heal herself.
Yeah, the 4th era standing stones get two bonuses, plus an unlockable third power if we find all the stones. You can read about that on the linked mod page (or just search the interwebs for "andromeda standing stones of skyim").

The 3rd era bonuses are not so strong in general but they do stack with a 4th era bonus (if you can survive long enough to find a standing stone and convincingly roleplay and vote into accepting the blessing).

By the way, you can collect multiple followers, but they'll each want food and drink and money for supplies.
Character Creation Tally, World Setup Vote
Vote Tally : The Journal of Aldmeri Jen, Combat Archaeologist (Skyrim) - Fantasy | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 4-13]
##### NetTally 1.9.10

Task: Class

[X][Class] Nightblade
No. of Votes: 4

Dark as Silver

[X][Class] Acrobat
No. of Votes: 1
Tempest Warden

Task: Fate

[X][Fate] 3rd Era
No. of Votes: 4
Dark as Silver

[X][Fate] 4th Era
No. of Votes: 1
Tempest Warden

Task: Birth

[X][Birth] Mid Year
No. of Votes: 4
Dark as Silver

[X][Birth] Sun's Dawn
No. of Votes: 1
Tempest Warden

Task: Patron

[X][Patron] Shrine of Reflection: "I believe only in my own guile."
No. of Votes: 4
Dark as Silver

[X][Patron] Hircine
No. of Votes: 1
Tempest Warden

Task: Name

[X][Name] Greygift
No. of Votes: 5
Dark as Silver
Tempest Warden

Task: Start

[X][Start] Sailing to Solitude
-[X] Invited
No. of Votes: 5
Dark as Silver
Tempest Warden

Task: Month

[X][Month] Second Seed
No. of Votes: 5
Dark as Silver
Tempest Warden

Total No. of Voters: 5
Thanks everyone who voted. You earned +25cwu, for a total of +25cwu!
I'm calling it there, but there's still a chance to change Jen's class if enough people put in a new vote for [x][Class]. Though respeccing will incur -10cwu.

This is the personal log of Aldmeri Jen, Combat Archaeologist.

As my nickname (provided by some tipsy colleagues) suggests, I am an Altmer archaeologist who finds herself in far too many dangerous situations on dig sites. And sometimes other places where relics may be found.


Health: 90
Magicka: 115
Stamina: 95
Health regeneration: 0.5%
Magicka regeneration: 3.75%
Stamina regeneration: 4.5%
Carry weight: 250

Elven Supremacy: Skills are more effective upon reaching skill level 100.
Gold and Glass: When low on Magicka or Stamina (below half), it regenerates faster (up to double) at the cost of reduced armor and magic resistance (max 50 points and 25% loss).
Shimmering Threads: Weapons and armor are weaker, but enchantments are stronger. (each by 15%)

Nomadic Heritage: 50% disease resistance. Unlimited stamina when out of combat.

Quest reward - Pluck 40 wings off butterflies to unlock...
Contingency: At will - Weave spells into an auto-cast trigger with specific conditions.

I have a deep and complex past. The path that brought me to hunt relics was not what you might expect... But never mind my history, let me tell you about these relics. This one's surprisingly bright, that one's deceptively sharp, and look, this one has a secret compartment that is impossible to see into! If you must know about me, let's just say that I have a certain set of skills. You don't need to know how I obtained them. But if you're hoarding something of great historical value, you won't see me coming. If you're lucky, you'll never know I was here.
Major Skills | One-handed, Light Armor, Illusion, Destruction, Alteration, Sneak
Secondary Skill | Acrobatics (Take 75% less falling damage, Stamina regenerates 15% faster)
Class Ability | Shadowmaster (All Illusion spells cost 25% less Magicka)
But there's more to me than my race and my training. The time and circumstances of my birth had a great effect on my fate. I was born during the month of Mid Year, under the Steed sigh. Though I live in the 4th era, I feel a deep and unshakeable connection to the stars of a bygone era, which allows me to move about faster than I otherwise could. Very useful for getting where I need to go, or away from where I don't wish to be. This connection has persisted even though I have not lived in Skyrim since the earliest days of my youth. My parents were posted to that frozen land for a few years, and were summoned back before I put down many roots.

I do not worship any of the divines, not in a deep dedicated way. I only truly believe in my own guile, and meditate on ways to be more stealthy, and to strike harder at critical moments. I will need to find a fitting place to ponder that. I have heard of a temple where all can worship any, even themselves.

Have you heard of my family, House Greygift? No, you wouldn't have. You don't need to have.

Now that I've established my background, I should explain my adventuring plans and my current disposition. My path has lead me to be a relic hunter. Specifically, I am sailing to Solitude, intending to arrive during Second Seed. The weather should be fairly warm, and even better in the next few months. {-18cwu}

Why return to the forgotten land of my birth now? My old friend and colleague Auryen Morellus recently became curator of a museum in Solitude, and invited me to join him there. It's been a few years since we crossed paths. He's promised me a time of great adventure. Doing what? Why, hunting down relics for his museum, which is dedicated to the legend of the Dragonborn. I'm sure I remember reading something about that one, put paid it little mind. I think it's time to learn, and reconnect with my past. This is an opportunity I cannot resist. Especially since he's promised he'll have some extra funds and armour fit for a relic hunter waiting for me at the dock. I wonder how things are going in Skyrim. I think I've almost... missed it there.

Sometimes plans work out, sometimes they go wrong from the start.

[][Start] Solitude
- [x] Everything went according to plan, and Auryen's courier met me at the dock.
Default, change nothing.
- [] {+30cwu} Missed Connection
The courier never showed. Looks like no one is expecting me after all. So here I am on the Solitude dock with the clothes on my back and a good stack of septims. I'll have to figure out my own way from here. I don't really know what I find, but I hope to find treasure! And history. And a good meal.
- [] {-50cwu} Timeskip
I met up with Auryen and got directly to work. Now I'm working at a dig site as the Guild Master for the Explorers' Society. Or at least that's what I'm told, and my previous journal entries seem to agree. I'm also told that there was some kind of structural collapse and I hit my head rather hard. I don't remember that part, which is rather the point.
[][Start] Inn Patron
I decided to forge my own path, and that path involves drinking! Instead of meeting the courier I went on my own travels and ended up at:
- [] Bannered Mare, Whiterun
- [] Sleeping Giant, Riverwood
- [] {+40cwu} Dead Man's Drink, Falkreath
- [] {+50cwu} Bee & Barb, Riten
[][Start] Beggar
How did everything go so wrong? Lost my way, lost my money, lost everything. Now I'm begging for scraps at:
- [] {+80cwu} Beggar's Row, Riften
- [] {+90cwu} The Warrens, Markarth
[][Start] {+100cwu} Addict in Skooma Den
That cat said it was a free sample.
[][Start] {+60cwu} Jail
I did a bit of freelancing before meeting Auryen, and...
Look, I only picked it up to examine it, honest!
Auryen won't cover my bail. Actually, he's pretending to never have heard of me.
(Jail chosen randomly.)
[][Start] {+50cwu} Camping in the woods
Decided to stretch my legs and let the lay of the land. I've set up a comfortable little camp outside the little town of Helgen. I wonder if Velod is still making that mead with juniper berries mixed in...
My mother never let me try any.
[][Start] {+120cwu} Adventurer in Dwemer Ruin
I decided I'm woman enough to jump in the deep end.

I really shouldn't have touched that...
[][Start] {+??cwu} Random
I don't understand how it came to this.

The land of Skyrim is far harsher than I realised, and everything is more difficult than I anticipated.

(Choose any number of options.
Permanent = cannot alter choice later.
No Remove = can add later.
Only Remove = cannot add later.

Taking Hardships earn you more cwu and taking Luxuries spend it.
You will be able to earn (or lose) and spend more cwu as the quest progresses.

Having a build that results in negative cwu is possible, but there will be costs to balance it out.
The Hardships and Luxuries are separate so they are tallies separately and the winning entries can be from different plans.
(That could have happened with birth era/month, resulting in an unexpected blessing :p ))

[x][Hardships] Life is tough but I will endure.
- [] {+40cwu} Lost Instincts (Only Remove)
I can't use my instincts to quickly spot tinder items and flora, hear animals, or smell dead.
- [] {+80cwu} Got No Soul (No Remove)
I have to relinquish twice as many dragon souls to gain permanent bonuses.
- [] {+60cwu} Forgotten Forgotten Magic
Forgotten Magic spells can only be levelled up 3 times (rather than 5). (Permanent Choice)
- [] {+20cwu} Vengeance Served Cold
Avenging Wraiths are weaker than their previous killer. (equal stats otherwise)
- [] {+80cwu} Double Rations
My followers use food and drinks at double the rate I do.
- [] {+120cwu} Empty Calories
Nutrition of food is halved.
- [] {+50cwu} Mad Salty
Many meat cooking recipes require salt. (Permament Choice)
- [] {+200cwu} Food Shortage
Far less food lying around, much of it replaced by salt. (Permament Choice)
- [] {+250cwu} Food Degradation
Food degrades over time, depending on its weight and if it is cooked, giving less benefit. (Permament Choice)
- [] {+200cwu} Follower KO
Followers who fall in battle remain unconscious until the fight is over.
- [] {+200cwu} Poor Student
Do not earn any synergy skill points from followers in combat based on the skills they use.
- [] {+200cwu} Unfriendly Fire
Followers can take friendly fire damage from me.
- [] {+200cwu} Slippery Souls
Soul trapping requires conjuration skill based on soul size. (No Remove)
- [] {+200cwu} Additional Bandit Spawns
Three more bandits in bandit groups.
- [] {+100cwu} Pajama Fight
When attacked during my sleep, my attckers give me no time to prepare myself.
- [] {+100cwu} Bad Samaritans
I can die of exposure. No one will find me and drag me to an inn or campfire.
- [] {+300cwu} Term Time
Enable Judgement Wenches

But I do what I must to get what I can.

[x][Luxuries] This should make my life easier.
- [] {-200cwu} Trash or Treasure
Residents do not claim ownership of Unique Treasures. (Permament Choice)
- [] {-50cwu} Vengeance Served Hot
Avenging Wraiths are stronger than their previous killer. (Avenging Wraith is a Conjuration spell)
- [] {-60cwu} Remembered Forgotten Magic
Forgotten Magic Spells can be levelled up 1 extra time. (No Remove)
- [] {-200cwu} More Remembered Forgotten Magic
Forgotten Magic Spells can be levelled up 1 extra time. (No Remove)
- [] {-100cwu} Gleaning
Crops can be taken without needing to pay or rob the owner. (Permanent Choice)
- [] Grocery Pickup
Automatically harvest nearby crops (requires Gleaning)
- [] {-50cwu} Ingredient Grab
Automatically harvest nearby flora
- [] {-50cwu} Botany Study
Gain a little alchemy experience from manual harvesting of flora (No Remove)
- [] {-100cwu} Half Rations
My followers use food and drinks at half the rate I do.
- [] {-200cwu} Rich Rations
Nutrition of food is raised by 50%.
- [] {-150cwu} Iron Stomach
Raw food is not harmful.
- [] {-200cwu} Iron Kidney
Alchohol does not cause subsequent dehydration.
- [] {-150cwu} Combat Chef
Combat increases needs half as much.
- [] {-100cwu} Water Balloon Juggling
Waterskins cannot be destroyed in combat.
- [] {-200cwu} Apple a Day
Stats will not randomly degrade every hour until death after about two days without water or three without sleep.
- [] {-100cwu} No Boiling Required
Water gathered from fresh bodies of water do not require purification at a cooking pot to be safe.
- [] {-100cwu} Leverage
Can use one-handed weapons to force open locks. (Otherwise, requires two-handed. Lock level gated by weapon skill level.)
- [] Houdini
Can magically open locks (based on relevant skill level) with:
-- [] {-50cwu} Only Alteration Magic
-- [] {-75cwu} Also Destruction Spells (no shock)
-- [] {-100cwu} Also Destruction Spells
-- [] {-150cwu} Any spells.

- [] {-100cwu} Weird Salty
Can grind certain ingredients to make Atronach salts at a mill (No Remove)
- [] Follower chance of dying in bleedout:
-- [] 20%
-- [] 10% {-50cwu}
-- [] 5% {-100cwu}
-- [] 2% {-150cwu}
-- [] 1% {-200cwu}
-- [] 0% {-300cwu}

- [] {-100cwu} Bravery
Followers never flee combat
- [] {-200cwu} Packed Down
Increase followers' carry weight by 100
Default is 300. (No Remove)
- [] {-200cwu} Warm Welcome
Lower Difficulty of Extra Creature Spawns
- [] {-300cwu} No Fury
Lower Difficulty of Dungeon Wench Spawns
- [] {-400cwu} Ladies' Night
Vastly Fewer Dungeon Wench Spawns
- [] {-250cwu} Couples Counselling
No Surface Regretful Wench Spawns
- [] {-250cwu} Therapy
No Surface Insane Wench Spawns
- [] Dragon Difficulty
-- [] Nightmare
-- [] {-50cwu} Super
-- [] {-150cwu} Mighty
-- [] {-250cwu} Slighty
-- [] {-500cwu} Vanilla Weak

- [] Lumberjacked
-- [] {-100cwu} Earn two-handed skill for chopping firewood
Only if using a woodcutter's axe.
-- [] {-100cwu} Earn two-handed skill for loading sawmill
-- [] {-150cwu} Get paid 10 septims for sawing logs at sawmill
(These choices are independent.)

- [] {-300cwu} Point the Way
Can fast travel to a discovered location from a roadsign naming it. (There are extra roadsigns.)
- [] {-500cwu} My Legend Grows
Increased rate of temper of my equipped weapons and armour from kills.
- [] {-200cwu} Astral Balance
No teleport fatigue from using wayshrines to fast travel
- [] {-250cwu} Polite Ambushers
When attacked during my sleep, my attackers wait for me to be completely awake. (Cannot have at the same time as Pajama Fight as it does the opposite.)
- [] {-200cwu} Midnight Oil
Oil lanterns do not consume oil
- [] {-100cwu} Flower Power
Torchbug lanterns do not consume flowers.
- [] {-500cwu} Adept
Lower the difficulty setting. (Affects damage input/output multlipliers)
- [] {-100cwu} Imagine
Lower the chance of injuries... for everyone.

Edit: fixed some text, removed a duplicate, increased the reward on Food Degradation, made Slippery Souls a No Remove
Added Bad Samaritans
Several options had long names: have them labels and made the long name a description.
(That's important because I'm making us a spreadsheet)

Re-ordered Lumberjacked, clarified its choices are not exclusive.
Added Term Time :D
Made Weird Salty a No Remove
Removed duplicate No Boiling Required
Last edited:
CWU Spreadsheet
I made us a spreadsheet!

It tabulates and calculates your total CWU.
I think you can make a copy for your own editing?
Then you can change the 0 to a 1 in the Taken? column for the Hardships and Luxuries that you want and it will calculate the total CWU for you.
Still vote, of course. But that can help you balance the gains and losses or at least know how imbalanced they are and which way.

CWU will be awarded or removed for various outcomes and actions, and be gained or spent by changing hardships/luxuries later (those that allow changes).

Thanks for the votes! I shall read them once I get some (late!) lunch.
Solitude Arrival, Open Voting Round 3
I doubt this is going to change, and I'm out all tomorrow, so let's get this trip started!

Vote Tally : The Journal of Aldmeri Jen, Combat Archaeologist (Skyrim) - Currently in World/Difficulty Config - Fantasy | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 19-30]
##### NetTally 1.9.10

Task: Start

[x][Start] Solitude
-[x] Everything went according to plan, and Auryen's courier met me at the dock.
No. of Votes: 4
Dark as Silver

Task: Hardships

[x][Hardships] Life is tough but I will endure.
-[x] {+20cwu} Vengeance Served Cold
-[x] {+120cwu} Empty Calories
-[x] {+200cwu} Additional Bandit Spawns
-[x] {+200cwu} Follower KO
No. of Votes: 4
Dark as Silver

Task: Luxuries

[x][Luxuries] This should make my life easier.
-[x] {-200cwu} Trash or Treasure
-[x] {-100cwu} Gleaning
-[x] {-50cwu} Botany Study
-[x] Follower chance of dying in bleedout:
--[x] 1% {-200cwu}
No. of Votes: 4
Dark as Silver

Total No. of Voters: 4


9:41 AM, Sundas, 17th Second Seed, 4E 201

At last I have arrived! It is a relief to be back on solid land again. It took me a few minutes to find my legs, during which time the courier arrived. I was so overwhelmed that I barely even saw him, but I have the money and gear Auryen Morellus promised me, as well as instructions for how to find the Gallery. I wonder whether I should get started right away, or look around first.

I don't have to look around much to notice a few things. For one, the East Empire Company Has a warehouse right ahead. Also the wind (which is rather colder than I am accustomed to for this time of year - good thing it ought to get warmer in the coming months) carries the scent of a nearby farm. The wind also carries some trash. Out of habit, I picked up a crumpled note I found on the ground.

What should I do, how should I do it and in what order?
Can pick multiple options and suboptions so long as they don't conflict (e.g. can't sprint while being stealthy).

[] Go to the Gallery
- [] Stop for nothing
- [] Take my time taking in the sights
- [] Be stealthy
- [] Spring
- [] Take the arch stairway
or pick some number of things to do first (not exclusive):
[] Look around the EEC warehouse
- [] Brief look
- [] Close look
[] Look around the farm
- [] Brief look
- [] Close look
[] Explore Solitude
- [] Briefly
- [] Closely
[] Examine myself
- [] Briefly
- [] Closely
[] Explore under the archway and beyond

Can write in details of what to look for, etc.
But only choose one of the close/closely options (but any number of brief).

I wonder if I should add some decoration to my relic hunter outfit. I do have some jewellery in my bag, which I didn't wear during the trip.

[][Bling] Necklace
- [] Gold
- [] Silver
[][Bling] Ring
- [] Yellow
- [] Purple
- [] Plain

Note: because I'm generous, the Hardships and Luxuries marked Only Remove can still be added until Jen next sleeps, so voting for adding [Hardships] and [Luxuries] is still open. (Those that have been switched on cannot be altered today, but you will be able to reconsider those that are removable, in the future.)

Happy voting!

Pics or it didn't happen?
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Into and around Solitude, peeking in the Dragonborn Gallery, voting round 4 open
(Technical issue: for reasons I cannot figure out I had to restart with a new game. (Otherwise, several HUD elements were missing, and other weirdnesses.)
New Jen's inventory happens to have less bling in it, but luckily for me it still has the item you voted to wear. (Technically it was 2 to 2 on wearing the silver necklace vs no vote which means wear none, but I'm deciding that action wins over inaction.) Unluckily for you there's nothing special about the silver necklace :p
Anyhow since there's 3 out of 4 votes for a particular sequence of actions it's pretty clear what Jen must do...)

10:00 AM, Sundas, 17th Second Seed, 4E 201
I quickly noticed my hunger - I had not been able to eat in the excitement of my arrival - and sated it with some roasted goat leg and cooked beef. With that out of the way, I slipped on my silver necklace and started the ascent to Solitude. Out of ingrained habit from years of training, I found myself moving as stealthily as possible. I soon spotted the farm - Katla's farm, in fact - and was inordinately pleased that my deduction had been correct. I decided to take a look around later, once I had met with Auryen.

10:10 AM
I passed a horse-drawn carriage. The owner is offering to take travellers to a variety of cities and towns, for a price. I realise that I'm starting to feel a little thirsty. My waterskin is empty, but I do have two bottles of ale and a fancy bottle of village red wine.

10:20 AM
I caught a butterfly. Almost to the Solitude gate.

10:40 AMT
The Blue Palace is directly ahead. I'm nearly there. I passed some sort of commotion or event by the city gate, but did not stop to watch. As I write this, a bard is playing a flute. Not bad.

10:53 AM
I found the gallery! I hope Auryen isn't out.

11:00 AM were some butterflies near the fountain. Rather pushing their luck, in my opinion. Also, a someone left a handfull of septims in the water. Their loss.

11:33 AM
Auryen was ready to welcome me inside. He's as friendly as I remember. Gave me the 'ten septim tour'. The gallery used to be the site of a temple to Talos! Not so much use for that now, of course. The gallery look quite nice, even devoid of display pieces. I'll soon fix that, if all goes well. He's prepared a lot of cases and racks and plaques. This museum will be quite the testament to my accomplishments as a relic hunter! And to the ancient Nordic legend of the Dragonborn, which is something I should probably study up on, as it's bound to be important. Auryen theorised that many of the great historical magical artifacts have gravitated towards Skyrim, sensing 'the coming crisis'. I hope whatever that is doesn't get in the way of my work.

Auryen said to have a look around and then report back to him to find out what my next steps should be, but I think I'll have a look around outside first. It's worth knowing what local facilities are available, and what potential sources for trouble are around.

12:46 PM
Getting thirsty. Not much to see at the EEC. A guard says the warehouse is off limits, and also the EEC is having some difficulties. I don't ask. Yawning a little. Didn't sleep well on the voyage. Not to look at that farm...

1:06 PM
Lunch time. Ate a slice of cheese. The farm looks... like a farm. Washed the cheese down with a bottle of ale.

1:47 PM
Found some wheat, cabbaged, and potatoes which looked ripe. Not sure why no one had harvested them. Helped myself. There's a woman with a sword standing around. Odd. She looks adventurous. I don't speak to her and she doesn't speak to me. I think I'll look around the city now.

2:03 PM
Still a bit peckish. I have some apples but saved them for later. Ate a potato. Almost back to Solitude.

2:57 PM
So much to see! Mostly shops, and people moving between them. There's a missive board where locals have posted jobs, and a notice board with jobs from futher afield. There's also a creepy Argonian who whispers that he has work for me when I get bored.

Nothing sticks out to me, and I'm not sure what my priorities should be.

[x][Priorities] What to do next?
- [] Buy food
-- [] From the Winking Skeever inn
-- [] From Cake O'Clock
- [] Obtain drink
-- [] Buy another waterskin from Bits and Pieces
-- [] Buy water at the inn
-- [] Buy more beverages
--- [] From the Winking Skeever
--- [] From The Honey Spirit
-- [] Find a source of free water
--- [] In the city
--- [] Outside the city
- [] Buy fancy clothes from Radiant Raiment
-- [] Details?
- [] Look at what jobs are available
-- [] From the missive board
-- [] From the notice board
-- [] From Auryen
- [] Talk with someone
-- [] The woman with the sword at the farm
-- [] The creepy Argonian
-- [] The guard by the EEC warehouse
-- [] Auryen

Choose up to three, can change the order.

[x][Priorities] What to do next?
- [x] Talk with someone
--[x] The guard by the EEC warehouse
[x] Obtain drink
-- [x] Buy more beverages
--- [x] From the Honey Spirit
- [x] Look at what jobs are available
-- [x] From the notice board

also e.g.

[x][Priorities] What to do next?
- [x] Talk with someone
-- [x] Auryen
-- [x] The woman with the sword at the farm
- [x] Buy food
-- [x] From Cake O'Clock

I should be wise with my spending:

[x][Budget] I have 1198 septims
- [] Maximum to spend
- [] Can food/drink/clothes separately
Solitude, Gallery, Warehouse and Farm pics
Now that I've eaten IRL, here's the pics:

Remember you can still vote to add more [Hardships] and [Luxuries], some only available until Jen first sleeps.
Also have +8 cwu for your votes, for a total of 16.
Jen earned some xp for discovering the farm, the city, the gallery, and the warehouse.
Walking around Solitude, voting round 5 open
10:00 AM, Sundas, 17th Second Seed, 4E 201
I quickly noticed my hunger - I had not been able to eat in the excitement of my arrival - and sated it with some roasted goat leg and cooked beef. With that out of the way, I slipped on my silver necklace and started the ascent to Solitude. Out of ingrained habit from years of training, I found myself moving as stealthily as possible. I soon spotted the farm - Katla's farm, in fact - and was inordinately pleased that my deduction had been correct. I decided to take a look around later, once I had met with Auryen.

10:10 AM
I passed a horse-drawn carriage. The owner is offering to take travellers to a variety of cities and towns, for a price. I realise that I'm starting to feel a little thirsty. My waterskin is empty, but I do have two bottles of ale and a fancy bottle of village red wine.

10:20 AM
I caught a butterfly. Almost to the Solitude gate.

10:40 AMT
The Blue Palace is directly ahead. I'm nearly there. I passed some sort of commotion or event by the city gate, but did not stop to watch. As I write this, a bard is playing a flute. Not bad.

10:53 AM
I found the gallery! I hope Auryen isn't out.

11:00 AM were some butterflies near the fountain. Rather pushing their luck, in my opinion. Also, a someone left a handfull of septims in the water. Their loss.

11:33 AM
Auryen was ready to welcome me inside. He's as friendly as I remember. Gave me the 'ten septim tour'. The gallery used to be the site of a temple to Talos! Not so much use for that now, of course. The gallery look quite nice, even devoid of display pieces. I'll soon fix that, if all goes well. He's prepared a lot of cases and racks and plaques. This museum will be quite the testament to my accomplishments as a relic hunter! And to the ancient Nordic legend of the Dragonborn, which is something I should probably study up on, as it's bound to be important. Auryen theorised that many of the great historical magical artifacts have gravitated towards Skyrim, sensing 'the coming crisis'. I hope whatever that is doesn't get in the way of my work.

Auryen said to have a look around and then report back to him to find out what my next steps should be, but I think I'll have a look around outside first. It's worth knowing what local facilities are available, and what potential sources for trouble are around.

12:46 PM
Getting thirsty. Not much to see at the EEC. A guard says the warehouse is off limits, and also the EEC is having some difficulties. I don't ask. Yawning a little. Didn't sleep well on the voyage. Not to look at that farm...

1:06 PM
Lunch time. Ate a slice of cheese. The farm looks... like a farm. Washed the cheese down with a bottle of ale.

1:47 PM
Found some wheat, cabbaged, and potatoes which looked ripe. Not sure why no one had harvested them. Helped myself. There's a woman with a sword standing around. Odd. She looks adventurous. I don't speak to her and she doesn't speak to me. I think I'll look around the city now.

2:03 PM
Still a bit peckish. I have some apples but saved them for later. Ate a potato. Almost back to Solitude.

2:57 PM
So much to see! Mostly shops, and people moving between them. There's a missive board where locals have posted jobs, and a notice board with jobs from futher afield. There's also a creepy Argonian who whispers that he has work for me when I get bored.

Nothing sticks out to me, and I'm not sure what my priorities should be.

[x][Priorities] What to do next?
- [] Buy food
-- [] From the Winking Skeever inn
-- [] From Cake O'Clock
- [] Obtain drink
-- [] Buy another waterskin from Bits and Pieces
-- [] Buy water at the inn
-- [] Buy more beverages
--- [] From the Winking Skeever
--- [] From The Honey Spirit
-- [] Find a source of free water
--- [] In the city
--- [] Outside the city
- [] Buy fancy clothes from Radiant Raiment
-- [] Details?
- [] Look at what jobs are available
-- [] From the missive board
-- [] From the notice board
-- [] From Auryen
- [] Talk with someone
-- [] The woman with the sword at the farm
-- [] The creepy Argonian
-- [] The guard by the EEC warehouse
-- [] Auryen

Choose up to three, can change the order.

[x][Priorities] What to do next?
- [x] Talk with someone
--[x] The guard by the EEC warehouse
[x] Obtain drink
-- [x] Buy more beverages
--- [x] From the Honey Spirit
- [x] Look at what jobs are available
-- [x] From the notice board

also e.g.

[x][Priorities] What to do next?
- [x] Talk with someone
-- [x] Auryen
-- [x] The woman with the sword at the farm
- [x] Buy food
-- [x] From Cake O'Clock

I should be wise with my spending:

[x][Budget] I have 1198 septims
- [] Maximum to spend
- [] Can food/drink/clothes separately

3:17 PM, Sundas, 17th Second Seed, 4E 201
Growing thirsty and looking for water that isn't dirty or overpriced, I wanndered into the Hall of the Dead, hoping to find a generous priest. I found a priest, but he wasn't helpful. He was asleep when I found him, and went back to sleep as soon as we were done talking, even though it is mid-afternoon. If I was petty I would be tempted to rob him.

3:45 PM
There's a strange woman sitting downstairs, opposite the shrine of Arkay. She didn't have much edible to sell. How is mushroom tea so expensive? However she did point me in the direction of the Temple of the Divines. I should have thought of that.

4:07 PM
A newly married woman asked me for any miscellaneous junk I might have that could help her set up housekeeping in her new home. I obliged but after a quick look in my bag I found that I had nothing to give away. I packed light for the voyage. She was politely 'thankful' for my time. There's also a rather odd man rambling around ranting about methods, madness and melodies. He seeemed hopeful I could help him but I ignored him. Too thirsty.

4:41 PM
The dirctions to the temple were unclear. Found some carrots, apples, and salt in untended barrels. I don't think anyone will miss these.

5:01 PM
Maybe it's this way? Ate a potato.

5:03 PM
Yes it was that way.

5:51 PM
The priestess was no help. The temple looks alright though, and it has shrines to all the divines, where devotees can ask for blessings. There's a lot of stuff lying around, though the real treasure is in a securely locked chest. I do have plenty of money though, so I'm not about to stoop to robbing a temple. I am however drinking my other ale.

6:16 PM
Decided to look at the general noticeboards to see what work is available. There's quite a selection of different jobs people want done. Since the noticeboard is right outside the Winking Skeever, I might as well go inside and fill my waterskin.

6:41 PM
The inn isn't so bad, and water was only 5 septims. I should talk to Auryen now.

7:20 PM
Auryen was waiting right inside the front door of the gallery again. He gave me the key to the safehouse upstairs, and directions. There's a secret passage, or I can take the stairs outside. Exciting!

He recommended that I start out south of here, due to the prevelance of dangers such as sabercats and frost trolls in this region. He gives me a note with details on three places to begin the hunt for relics, though the only one he went into detail on is more of a pickup (of urns) than a hunt. That one sounds simple enough, and he says it should be a priority as the seller is only holding the items for a short time.

The urns are at the Finest Wares Imporium in Helgen. I remember that the carriageman does not stop at Helgen, but it isn't far from Riverwood. One of the other places of interest is also near Riverwood, or there's a Nordic ruin (possibly occupied by bandits) near Whiterun, which is in the general vicinity.

I had another raw potato, and I've already drunk 2/3 of my waterskin. I'm also starting to get rather sleepy, so I think I should turn in for the night.

8:31 PM
I found my way up to the safehouse, after spending a little while looking around the gallery library. There's a lot to see, in spite of how empty it is of actual relics.

The safehouse is impressive. It has a dining area, a workspace that I didn't dare enter or else I'd never get to sleep, storage for weapons and armour and clothes, and of course a comfortable bedroom. Time to get some rest. Tomorrow my journey truly begins! I should make plans so I don't waste the day sleeping.

[x][Wake] When should Jen wake?
- [] 5:30 AM
- [] 7:30 AM
- [] 9:30 AM

[x][Hours] How many hours should Jen spend on errands?
- [] 1 hour
- [] 2 hours
- [] 4 hours
- [] 6 hours

[x][Errands] What should Jen try to get done before leaving?
- [1] Buy another waterskin
- [2] Top up water
- [3] Purchase up to 100 septims of baked goods
- [4] Purchase up to 100 septims of cooked meat
- [5] Purchase up to 100 septims of soups
- [5] Purchase up to 100 septims of alcohol
- [5] Purchase up to 300 septims of nice clothes
- [6] Purchase or find something very cheap for the recently married woman
- [7] Talk to the man ranting about madness
- [8] Talk to the warehouse guard
- [9] Talk to the woman at the farm
- [10] Rob the Hall of the Dead {-2cwu}
- [11] Rob the Temple of the Divines {-2cwu}
- [12] Look more around the gallery for half an hour
- [13] Look more around the safehouse for half an hour
- [14] Read (don't steal) books for an hour
- [16] Explore the arch stairway
- [15] Write-in {-5cwu}
Number as many or few as you want in order. Jen will work through the list until she runs out of time.

- [][Notes] List any notices from the noticeboards (see screenshots) that you want Jen to look at.
(Should take negligible time, will do in passing)

Just from arriving in Skyrim and exploring a little, I feel myself growing stronger in various ways.
[x][Stats] In particular:
- [] I feel I can fight harder without tiring
- [] I feel healthier
- [] I feel closer to the magic of this land.
(Pick two to increase by 20 each, or one to increase by 40. Stamina, Health, and Magicka, that is.)

I'm having trouble getting my spells to work. I can remember how to cast Candlelight, Oakflesh, Fury, Calm, Lightning Rune, and Sparks, but I can't get a handle on the magicka. However...
[x][Perks] I remembered some of my old training:
- [] I figured out how to make Candlelight and Oakflesh work
- [] I figured out Fury
-- [] And Calm
-- [] And can dual cast it
- [] I figured out Sparks
-- [] And Lightning Rune
-- [] And can dual cast it
- [] I know how to be more indimidating and get 10% better prices
- [] I remember how to sneak 15% more effectively
- [] I can get 20% more protection from light armour and can learn to use it better if fighting at least two pieces.
- [] I can do 25% more damage with one-handed weapons
-- [] And perform 15% more powerful power attacks (plus more based on stamina) and can decapitate enemies
-- [] And can power attack with one-handed weapons for 15 points less stamina
-- [] And hitting an enemy with my sword reduces their attack damage briefly
Choose two. Sub-items require their parent item.
So you can choose two top level items or one top level item and a sub-item under it.
Dual casting is more powerful but costs more magicka.
(Jen is wearing 3 pieces of light armour)

For full perk trees and details, look up the Skyrim Special Edition mod "Ordinator: Perks of Skyrim"
Feel free to ask about perks and spells.

[x][Travel] I plan to leave Solitude
- [] and walk to Whiterun by road
- [] and take a carriage to Whiterun (-60 septims)
- [] and take a carriage to Riverwood (-80 septims)

Any of Auryen's quests can be attempted regardless, and Jen can shop for camping/adventuring/fighting supplies in either location or both.

Some sample votes:
[x][Wake] When should Jen wake?
- [x] 5:30 AM

[x][Hours] How many hours should Jen spend on errands?
- [x] 1 hour

[x][Errands] What should Jen try to get done before leaving?
- [1] Top up water
- [2] Purchase up to 100 septims of baked goods
- [3] Get the blessing of Arkay from the shrine at the hall of the dead. {-5cwu}

- [x][Notes] Read ALL of the notes!

[x][Stats] In particular:
- [x] I feel closer to the magic of this land.

[x][Perks] I remembered some of my old training:
- [x] I figured out how to make Candlelight and Oakflesh work
- [x] I figured out Fury

[x][Travel] I plan to leave Solitude
- [x] and take a carriage to Whiterun (-60 septims)

[x][Hardships] Life is tough but I will endure.
- [x] {+40cwu} Lost Instincts (Only Remove)
I can't use my instincts to quickly spot tinder items and flora, hear animals, or smell dead.

[x][Wake] When should Jen wake?
- [x] 7:30 AM

[x][Hours] How many hours should Jen spend on errands?
- [x] 6 hours

[x][Errands] What should Jen try to get done before leaving?
- [6] Buy another waterskin
- [7] Top up water
- [3] Purchase up to 100 septims of baked goods
- [4] Purchase up to 100 septims of cooked meat
- [5] Purchase up to 100 septims of soups
- [5] Purchase up to 100 septims of alcohol
- [5] Purchase up to 300 septims of nice clothes
- [2] Talk to the man ranting about madness
- [8] Talk to the warehouse guard
- [9] Talk to the woman at the farm
- [12] Look more around the gallery for half an hour
- [1] Look more around the safehouse for half an hour
- [11] Read (don't steal) books for an hour
- [10] Explore the arch stairway
- [13] Pick all the flowers you can find in Solitude {-5cwu}

- [x][Notes] The "Khajiit has wares" one, deliver a missive, search for pelts

[x][Stats] In particular:
- [x] I feel I can fight harder without tiring

[x][Perks] I remembered some of my old training:
- [x] I can do 25% more damage with one-handed weapons
-- [x] And hitting an enemy with my sword reduces their attack damage briefly

[x][Travel] I plan to leave Solitude
- [x] and take a carriage to Riverwood (-80 septims)

[x][Hardships] Life is tough but I will endure.
- [x] {+200cwu} Food Shortage
Far less food lying around, much of it replaced by salt. (Permament Choice)
- [x] {+250cwu} Food Degradation
Food degrades over time, depending on its weight and if it is cooked, giving less benefit. (Permament Choice)

Last chance to get any of the handfull of Hardships that won't be available later.


All uploaded now. Imgur is terrible at putting things in the right order.
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Arrival in Whiterun, voting round 6 open
Mondas, 18 Second Seed, 4E 201
7:40 AM
It's amazing what fresh air and a solid night's sleep in a solid bed that doesn't rock with the wind and waves will do for a body. I feel stronger already. Last night I wasn't even sure I would be able to call on my magic if necessary, but this morning I'm sure I could strike a foe with sparks of lightning if the need arose. Though if the need arose, that would mean I failed to be sufficiently stealthy.

7:43 AM
All my life I have been coasting along as if I were in a dream. Suddenly, facing the prospect of collecting so many relics, I have come alive.

7:50 AM
Before turning in last night, I took a long look at Skyrim's sky. What a sight! I got to thinking about the last time I was in Skyrim, long ago in my childhood. I don't remember it feeling as cold or as dangerous. I will need to take care that the mere weather isn't the end of me. On that note, when looking through my backpack before bed, I found a Skyrim-specific survival guide which I don't remember packing. I took a look through it, and it has some useful informtion. It will be important to dress warm, cover up in the rain, take a tent when travelling in cold regions, bring kindling and firewood or at least an axe, when in cold regions, and obviously avoid frigid water. Fortunately I've arrived at the start of a stretch of warm weather, but conditions can change rapidly and without warning. I worry I may have to sometimes take shelter in caves which aren't exactly safe...

7:59 AM
Whoops, I lost track of time reading my Explorer's Guide to Skyrim. It hinted at some locations worth visiting, such as the Standing Stones of Skyrim. I also found a torn note I vaguely remember picking up. It seems to be a message between some bandits who are meeting up in an old mine to trade. I could not determine what they are trading though, and it isn't really my problem. I know how out of practice I am at any sort of combat, so I don't want to get into a fight with multiple bandits any time soon. In any case, I really need to get going... oh is that a poem about fairies?

8:27 AM
The gallery really needs signs pointing to the exit. So many doors, halls, and staircases!
It's a fine morning though. Time to shop!

8:38 AM
Lovely view down the street with clouds hugging the mountain and the tall snow-laden trees.

8:44 AM
Saw a shop named 'Books of Skyrim'. I don't remember that being there on the way in. Magic?
No, most citizens of Skyrim fear magic.

9:08 AM
Stopped in a nice little bakery called Cake O'Clock. Prices are higher then I remember! I bought myself two pices of garlic bread and two sweetrolls. At lest I've got plenty of leeks and potatos, though I really should find somewhere to roast them properly. The shop is rather cosy though, with nice display cases. I wonder whether I can display cheeses in the gallery? No, that's a silly idea.

9:19 AM
I popped into Bits and Pieces for a new waterskin. I also looked at the prices of tents and backpacks. Conveniently, my affinity for enchantments means an enchanted backpack will let me carry a bit more than most people.
I also bought a cheap tin mug in case I come across any more recently married folk needing help. I felt bad that I couldn't assist that woman yesterday.

9:31 AM
Topping off my waterskins. I'm behind schedule. Must hurry. Where did that serving wench get to? Why is it so dark in this inn?

10:16 AM
Really behind shedule. I've paid the wagonsm'n for the trip to Whiterun. Not looking forward to spending hours sitting in a cold wagon listening to him chattering about his life, but it beats walking.

12:51 PM
That trip was quicker than I feared. I spent some of the time reading the noticed that I found on the noticeboard in Solitude.
1. A court wizard named Sybille wants 5 books that are scattered all around Skyrim. I'll pick them up if I see them but I'm not going out of my way just for that. The special reward she promises has better be good.
2. A smith in the Pale hold promises smithing lessons to someone who brings him 'gold ores' he needs for a project. I don't feel any need for smithing lessons, but he certainly needs grammar or penmanship lessons.
3. An alchemist in Winterhold is offering alchemy lessons in exchange for Moon Sugar for his 'achemical experiments'. Suuuuure.
4. Avulstein Grey-Mane in Whiterun wants someone to deliver a message. Sounds simple enough.
5. Someone in the Pale wants three Dwemer artifacts. Good to know where they are, but I think I'll keep those for my self - I mean the gallery - once I'm ready to face the challenge.
6. Hunting lessons in exchange for snow sabercat pelts? I dare say anyone to collect those would already be an excellent hunter. Unless I find or purchase them.
7. Someone wants a full set of glass armour in exchange for some gold and lessons in use of heavy armour and shield blocking. Doesn't seem worthwhile for multiple reasons. Those lessons are extemely less valuable to me than a set of glass armour would be.
8. A suggestion to visit Pinemoon cave, along with its location. Good to know where a cave is.
9. Falk Firebeard offers a reward for information on two missing citizens of Solitude by order of Elisif The Fair.
10. Another reward for a missing citezen, this one for a woman kidnapped by bandits in Embershard mine. I think that's the same mine and bandit that other note mentioned.
11. Someone lost a silver garnet necklace in a ruin. Curious, as I seem to have lost my silver necklace. At least she gives a location. The ruin will be worth checking out in the future.
12. Bounty on a beast in Steepfall Barrow
13. Bounty on a powerful undead creature haunting Grimrott Grotto. Sounds tough.

Overheard some people taking about a jester in... a bunny suit? I think? Ignored them.

1:10 PM
I'm actully in Whiterun now. I shall look in the general store now that I have some idea of what I might need.

1:40 PM
Belethor has a wide range for sale. I hope he didn't really sell his sister.
I don't have a helmet. Hide helmets go for 80 septims, and give a bit more armour, coverage, and warmth. For more coverage and warmth, a linen travel cloak is 51 septims. A small tent is 127 septims and a larger one is 318, weighing three times as much.
I may not need these just yet though, and I might be able to find or even craft items that are as good or better, some day.
Belethor also has a few potions for sale, but there is a proper apothecary next door.
I'm not sure if I need as many weapons as I've brought. I could sell one or two, or visit the blacksmith I passed near the city gate.

[][buy] What should I buy?
-[] Large Tent
-[] Small Tent
-[] Backpack
-[] Linen cloak
-[] Hide helmet
-[] Potion (specify)

[][sell] Should I sell anything?
-[] Sword
-[] Axe
-[] Pick

[][shop] Should I look in another shop?
-[] Apothecary
-[] Blacksmith
-[] Bannered Mare Inn
-[] Drunken Huntsman Inn and Hunting Supply Store

[][next] Where should I go next?
-[] Explore inside Whiterun more
-[] Explore the immediate surrounds of Whiterun
-[] Look for Silent Moons Camp
-[] Walk to Riverwood
-[] Pay for a carriage ride to Riverwood

[][quest] Should I pick up that message a local wants delivered?
-[] Yes, it might be worth my time
-[] No, I have too much to do right now

(Feel free to ask questions. Oh and you earned +8cwu for that round of votes, +4 for the previous, which I forgot to aware until now, +2cwu for Jen's necklace being lost in the shuffle. And a bonus +2 because due to various mod changes Jen's only levelled up once so far rather than twice like she had before. The vote for increasing Stamina and taking the Destruction dual casting perk still counts though, we just don't have it quite yet. Total cwu is now +32)


Make sure to read the captions!
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