It is a sight to behold as the primary station comes online, the human race's most powerful fusion generator humming as it contains a newborn star, the skeletal structure is cast in shadows as armoured plates pass between it and the Relay, for now it was unfinished over ten thousand turrets, launch bays, and rails needed to be finished back on earth the whole thing was a piece of art, it was the first thing any aliens would see, close enough to the relay that even short range weapons could unload into the helpless enemies.
While the wall is a sign for all those who would wish harm on humanity, the Armstrong Facility was a sign to humanity herself, it stood as a gleaming facility. It could host a million people with ease, and still have room in its labs for almost anything found on the surface of the planet. It was less of a Facility and more city, and even before it could be finished the engineers have to contend with the glasses from the Ministry of Progress who moved in as soon as the first section was habitable, luckly for your teams the scientists seem to not be the mad kind.
Action 1: Build the Wall (50k)
While e builders and engineers may find the dimond structure an amazing feat of engineering your people don't like it yet, with only its hyper cannon, and no shield emitters the whole structure is less of a work of art and more of a very big target for practice and even the one kilometer long rail gun couldn't defend it yet, the presence of the first fleet is helpful in that regard.
Action 2: Continue scouting nearby star systems, starting with those that reamin within the 10 lighyear bubble and then moving on to those in a 15 light year bubble.
The stars are still average, and the minerals low, with the exception of a previously unnamed red dwarf that hosts a vast amount of E Zero, it remains only numbered, but your people have taken to calling it jackpot.
Research the following projects this turn:
Advanced Educational Systems (2k) (4 -> 5/5? Turns)
[X] Advance a research with a science team on it
-[X] Advanced Educational Systems
The testing is finally getting good results, you are still not quite there but you can almost be sure that next year you will have the project finalized.
Armstrongic Life (5k) (0 -> 1/? Turns)
Armstrong has a very close nit biosphere, with every few pathogenic microorganisms. The majority of macroscopic life is plantiod, and insectiod. The plants are similar to earth, and the bug like creatures are almost earth like baring their massive size, with a athopodic creature that was found in the oceans being almost the size of an African Elephant. The A-01 station is very useful for the reseach providing a nearby base to study some of the lifeforms.
Krogan Systems (5k) (2 -> 3/2? Turns) (research options)
The Krogan computers are broken, you can't get anything more from them, the few files you have examined gives you a few more pieces of information that you didn't know before. The Citidel was at war with the Rachni Swarm, the Krogan had been allied with the citadel, until something that part of the files are damaged, the Krogan are at war with all other races.
[X] Poll
-[X] Local Cluster: Humanity (Contested/Hostile) 0.5k
It seems that mos of humanity supports the Ministries of Progress, Defense, and Plenty. There is support although lesser for Security and Relations. Most people support the UNE, their is very little unrest.
The journey is eventful as the Polo class HCS Marko is able to manoeuvre past Krogan forces on the way to the Citadel, they found a grand Mega structure, home to many races bound together against the Krogan hoard. The talks were friendly, ths Council showing sympathy for humanity's plight. Though they can not offer military support, being spread out defending their colonies against the more numerous Krogan, however they do give you a set of map data, as well as cultural and historical information as par of an exchange. The Batarians a race that is part of the Council have been willing to work together to help both of your races survive the Krogan. The Hanar another race have sent back a science team to help you with your technologies, and tell you of their ways.