The Great Swarm

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Turn 3 Results
Try to gather the fruits - 5 votes
Hunt animals - 2 votes
Gather biomass - 2 votes

As ever, the first priority of the Swarm is to gather the biomass they need. Stockpiles have run low as their numbers grow, and more effort will be required to fill them. But the Queen has made her desires clear, and her loyal children obey with great enthusiasm. They will gather those fruits that hover so high above the ground, taunting them with the delicious scents they emit...

The first attempts don't work. The workers attempt to leap up. Their muscles are powerful for their size, dense with stored energy, but they cannot jump high enough. One worker, inspired by elements of the Song it can only dimly recall, grabs a rock in between one of its forelimbs and tries to throw it up, but it only succeeds in mildly injuring one of its siblings and making the monkeys above screech in shock. (One that falls is absently impaled by a forelimb of another worker.)

Finally, they resort to standing atop each other. The first leans itself against a tree, the second lifts it up, and they continue this process until they can reach high enough to touch the branches. From there, the unsteady tower totters back and forth, the uppermost worker sweeping fruits down with abandon.

Soon enough they fall, but the team of workers has knocked dozens of fruits down, which they bring back to the Nest in a triumphant parade.

Meanwhile, other workers are focused on simpler methods, continuing to tear up the soil for grasses and insects or hunting larger animals. Large areas around the Nest have been utterly denuded by the rapacious hunger of the Swarm, leaving bare earth and silent fields behind. But the Swarm is fed, and so this is deemed an acceptable cost.

Construct farms - 4 votes

These bare patches of soil are the first priority for the construction of farms. The dirt is raked systematically, rocks and clumps are broken up and removed, and large quantities of certain waste products are distributed across the fields to introduce vital elements. The soil is turned over again and again, and it is found to be somewhat dry, although not unacceptably so.

With the farms prepared, the Queen takes her part in it. She crawls out of the nest, escorted by the watchful eyes of her Children, and she goes up to the fields. Then, she vomits, her neck and mouth distending as immense quantities of liquid pour forth, far more than it seems like could fit within her.

In this liquid, parasitic organisms find themselves rooted in soil rich with nutrients and important chemical compounds, and they begin to grow, sprouting fibrous roots, spreading waxy leaves to absorb sunlight, and preparing spore pods so that they may reproduce and expand.

And the Workers walk amongst these new plants, removing sections and storing them for consumption, they also watch with satisfaction as native parasites that attempt to eat them die and nourish the soil.

Dig down - 2 votes
Dig exploratory tunnels - 1 vote
Fortify upwards - 1 vote

The Swarm also continues their determined construction efforts. A single Worker keeps digging down as fast as it can, blunting its mandibles and cracking its exoskeleton in frantic, futile efforts to break the increasingly frequent rocky barriers it encounters. Better tools or stronger bodies will be required for the tunnel to go deeper...

Meanwhile, more tunnels are dug in the direction of distant hills.

And every bit of used dirt is dragged up to the surface, past crumbling tunnels as determined workers seek to make the entrance to the Nest even more fortified.

Tend the Queen - 1 vote

After the Queen's exertions, she is led back into the nest, offered meals of delicious fruits and freshly grown plants.

Mediate on the Song -2 votes
Meditate on the Note of Better use - 1 vote

The Lesser Singer sits in a chamber it scratched out for itself just above the Queen's. It is not quite suitable, but it will do.

The Queen Sings, and it Sings back. They make a perfect harmony, and the Queen's mind expands. She sees further, she hears more, she understands deeper. Instinctively, she knows she will gain greater insights as her Swarm expands in numbers and variety, but she knows something else.

She was sent here, by a Swarm incomprehensibly larger than this. And it was destroyed.

Even as the Queen mediates on this terrible realization, workers Sing of tools they can use, understanding how to find wood to stone and so gain better ways to use the world around them.
Turn 4
As the Swarm labored around her, the Queen thought. She did not Sing, but kept her thoughts close to herself. The Swarms she had seen had been incomprehensibly vast and mighty. The Queens had impossible intelligence, and created enormous swarms of lethal warforms. They wielded mighty technologies and turn the Song itself into a weapon. And it had availed them not.

The conclusion she came to made her hearts tremble and ache, for it seemed a heresy against her very instincts, but she knew she could not depend wholly on what the Song told her. For others far greater and more skilled in it had used the Song's knowledge...and it had not been enough.

She would have to find a different path.

As she thought of this, the plants she had introduce for her children began to farm slowly spread across the fields, choking out the native grasses as the workers consumed them for more biomass.

Turn 4
Hive Power: 12
Biomass Reserves: Low
Mineral Reserves: None
Infrastructure: Basic Farms (small)
Technology: Primitive tools
Known Forms: Worker, Basic Listener

[] Gather biomass
[] Hunt animals
[] Gather plants
[] Try to gather the fruits
[] Explore
-[] Direction
[] Excavate chamber
-[] Purpose and direction
[] Fortify the nest
[] Mediate on the Song
[] Tend the Queen
[] Construct farms
[] Experiment with tools
[] Make tools
[] Irrigate farms
[] Repair then Nest
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by notbirdofprey on Jan 14, 2022 at 11:03 PM, finished with 22 posts and 21 votes.
Turn 4 Results
Gather biomass - 3 votes
Expand the farms - 2 votes
Irrigate farms - 1 vote

While the farms provide extensive reserves of biomass, simply harvesting what they grow is deemed insufficient. Several workers patrol around the farms, tearing up the soil and devouring all the plant life they can find, or else slaughtering animal after animal. Even the fruits and the monkeys that live in their midst are not spared, as workers pile up to reach into the tops of the trees. Only a lack of useful cutting instruments spares the trees themselves.

In the freshly denuded soil, obstructions are removed and fresh specimens from the Queen's reserves are planted, rapidly growing and spreading, ensuring no native life can return. Channels are dug into the soil among the fresh-grown forests of spikey, alien life to ensure that rain will be channeled to the species most-favored by the Swarm.

All nature will be bent to the Swarm's will.

Gather materials - 1 vote
Construct gladiatorial arena - 1 vote
Spar - 1 vote
Dig exploratory tunnels - 1 vote
Dig living chambers - 1 vote

Stones and bones and fallen branches are gathered for use in construction and experimentation both as the workers answer to the demands of the Queen.

Outside the nest, a single worker draws a circle in the dirt and challenges others to spar with it. A few with no other tasks oblige, finding great entertainment as they grapple with claws and mandibles and push each other back and forth.

In addition, tunnels are expanded as workers quest for useful stones beneath the ground, and a rudimentary sleeping chamber is scratched out, although it is small and cramped.

Experiment with tools - 5 votes
Contemplate better down - 2 votes

As much as expanding the Nest is important, the workers are driven by a combination of their own wishes to burrow deeper and the Queen's request they experiment with tools. Although the Song suggests many basic designs, the workers make a conscious effort to ignore its suggestions.

It is difficult, like learning to write with your feet, but they scrape together designs nonetheless, cunningly working some of the stone axe or knife heads with sockets to help them stay onto the wooden hafts and lining a long wooden staff with razor-sharp fragments of a black stone.

However, while these tools will not serve to break the rocks that impede the way down very well, another avenue is proposed within the song...

Meditate on the Song - 2 votes

As the Queen and her Singer child contemplate the vast music that contains all the history and knowledge of their species, the Queen begins to better understand how to shape and modify her children, but they also begin to uncover another weapon, useful for shaping material and for driving away dangerous animals from a young nest.

Turn 5
The Swarm rests. They are weary from their labors and their fighting. Their bellies are full of biomass from farming, their minds are restful in the knowledge that their Queen is safe.

Outside, the farms grow ever so slightly, the aggressive species that serve the Swarm exterminating other life and using it to fuel their own growth so they can better feed the Swarm.

Meanwhile, the roof of the tunnels tremble just slightly, as trickles of dirt begin to fall...

Turn 5
Hive Power: 14
Biomass Reserves: Sufficient
Mineral Reserves: None
Infrastructure: Basic Farms (medium)
Technology: Simple tools
Known Forms: Worker, Basic Listener

[] Gather biomass
[] Hunt animals
[] Gather plants
[] Try to gather the fruits
[] Explore
-[] Direction
[] Excavate chamber
-[] Purpose and direction
[] Fortify the nest
[] Mediate on the Song
[] Tend the Queen
[] Construct farms
[] Experiment with tools
[] Make tools
[] Irrigate farms
[] Repair then Nest
Voting is open