[ ] Make them pride themselves in their own divisions bu dividing them into different groups focusing on different aspects (speed, stealth, attack, etc) and handing out the best bedding, food, etc to those who do the best in challenges and so on and those who refuse or do the worst are put in.... The hood of shame (modified falconers hood with big googly eyes, bright clown colors, bells, and a ton of glitter). Carrot and stick at it's best and makes use of their own pride to control them.

Good idea for using the birds?
You'll find out.
[ ]Alter them in the likeness of Hippogryphs, to make Hippogryph Cavalry!

I like the idea of hippogryph cavalry better. When we end up creating jagermonsters, they can ride hippogryphs into battle.
well that is extremely unhelpful.
Look, you want insight into the results of your choices, get Jaune precognition or something.
As it is, you're blind to the future like everyone else. Other than the usual speculation and reasoning.

Anyway, for the rest of you guys, remember to put your votes into plan format.
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Look, you want insight into the results of your choices, get Jaune precognition or something.
As it is, you're blind to the future like everyone else. Other than the usual speculation and reasoning.

Anyway, for the rest of you guys, remember to put your votes into plan format.
I was hoping for more of a spark's insight into his creations and how their mentality (Which he built) may react.

With that spark of his he should be able to (in theory) build just about anything. I was hoping this would extend to theories and such.
Um, @THatWhichWillBe? you forgot to threadmark the latest story post.
Oh! Sorry!
I was hoping for more of a spark's insight into his creations and how their mentality (Which he built) may react.

With that spark of his he should be able to (in theory) build just about anything. I was hoping this would extend to theories and such.
Jaune does not nearly yet have the experience to have that kind of insight. He's not quite that talented, not yet anyway.
[X] Plan "Rolling Thunder".
Training the Falcons and thier riders to function similar to bombers. Give a bag of fire bombs (dust?) To the riders then have them drop the bombs on enemy fortifications. (Similar in the practice of napalm). At the same time train them in long rang reconnaissance, with them being animals the can operate for long periods of time without refueling like transport ships. They can hunt while on the move to "refuel" with their riders, therefore forming a bond where each relies on the other to survive creating a bond where each takes care of the other.
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[ ]Change the Falcons into humanoid Supersoldiers

I want this, if only so we can have a character called Captain Falcon who is an actual falcon.

[ ] Make them pride themselves in their own divisions bu dividing them into different groups focusing on different aspects (speed, stealth, attack, etc) and handing out the best bedding, food, etc to those who do the best in challenges and so on and those who refuse or do the worst are put in.... The hood of shame (modified falconers hood with big googly eyes, bright clown colors, bells, and a ton of glitter). Carrot and stick at it's best and makes use of their own pride to control them.

Good idea for using the birds?

[ ]Alter them in the likeness of Hippogryphs, to make Hippogryph Cavalry!

I like the idea of hippogryph cavalry better. When we end up creating jagermonsters, they can ride hippogryphs into battle.
Could you guys change your votes to a better readable format? as is it's kinda hard to tell.

I'm also giving it another day so we have more votes.
[X] Plan Diggy Diggy Hole and Flighty Flighty Cavalry
[X]Sap the walls, digging tunnels underneath them and collapsing them. (Ren Exclusive Option)
-[X]Spend 2 Treasury
[X]Alter them in the likeness of Hippogryphs, to make Hippogryph Cavalry!
-[ ]Riders will be equipped with carbines, droppable bombs and light lances.
-[X]Spend 4 Treasury

Winchester's guards are used to our raiders hitting the walls or the gatehouses and then going all loud and heavy, and the result of Nora's raid specifically stated they've reinforced the gatehouse even more heavily. We've got a good idea where they are so we can catch them out of position.

As far as the bird option, turning them into sentient soldiers seems rather unsavoury, especially with so many Faunus in our lands (seriously, in a Remnant with Sparks running around, does anyone doubt that the first Faunus were actually the creation of a Spark ?) I prefer the airborne cavalry route, especially considering the Winchester forces haven't shown any airmobile forces or defences against attack from above. Also they could be useful against airborne Grimm.

As far as the equipment of the riders, I'm thinking of their role as being harasser troops. We know rifles are available (units of gunners with semi-automatic rifles are a troop recruitment option) so I'd suggest carbines that would be less unwieldy than standard rifles, small bombs which can be dropped on targets to either do damage or just cause disruption by exploding with light and noise like a flash-bang. Basically they would be harasser units - falcons are pretty lightweight base stock for a flying mount so they'd probably be pretty fragile.

On an unrelated note, what do people think of my spending on those options? Spending too much? Too little?
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[X] Plan Diggy Diggy Hole and Flighty Flighty Cavalry

Diggy flighty hole diggy calvary flighty
[X] Plan Diggy Diggy Hole and Flighty Flighty Cavalry
[X]Sap the walls, digging tunnels underneath them and collapsing them. (Ren Exclusive Option)
-[X]Spend 2 Treasury
[X]Alter them in the likeness of Hippogryphs, to make Hippogryph Cavalry!
-[ ]Riders will be equipped with carbines, droppable bombs and light lances.
-[X]Spend 4 Treasury
And this plan has won! Doing rolls now!
Update will be delayed for... a while, honestly. Five days, max. I'll be heading on vacation soon and I have to pack.
THatWhichWillBe threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sapping! Total: 59
59 59
THatWhichWillBe threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Sky Knights! Total: 21
21 21
Turn 9 - Results
[X] Plan Diggy Diggy Hole and Flighty Flighty Cavalry
[X]Sap the walls, digging tunnels underneath them and collapsing them. (Ren Exclusive Option)
-[X]Spend 2 Treasury
[X]Alter them in the likeness of Hippogryphs, to make Hippogryph Cavalry!
-[ ]Riders will be equipped with carbines, droppable bombs and light lances.
-[X]Spend 4 Treasury
The Sapping
Dig tunnel. Collapse tunnel. Simple, right? Dead wrong. Almost immediately, counter-sapping ensures, as the Winchesters dig their own tunnels to intercept yours, and where they meet vicious tunnel fighting ensues, men scrabbling for blades and guns in the dark. With the chaotic melee in the tunnels causing blood to seep into the soil, the fight attracts Underground Grimm. You manage to make steady progress by using your funds to reinforce your tunnel walls, and Lie Ren helps organize a pattern of self-reinforcing tunnels that act less as a single underground assault, and more akin to an entire underground campaign, with underground command centers and clinics being set up.

The Winchesters, however, still have the home field advantage, and progress, while steady, is slow. Time is of the essence, and you may wish to find a way to quicken the pace of your advance… or not.

The Arc Skyhawks
It takes a great deal of sleepless nights and almost-catastrophic genetic experimentation before the falcons become great ridable beasts, with form of hippogryphs. They emerge from the vats roaring in victory, and speaking for the first time. They take to the skies to test their flight, and in the midst of one particular scuffle, they even display the ability to use Aura. With the help of team CFVY, they eventually manage to use Aura about as well as an elite human soldier, bolstered by their enhanced intelligence. Of course, they're no trainee hunters, but still fine combatants.

The difficult part comes when explaining to them that they will be ridden. By small, weak, squishy, humans. They squawk in protest, and attempts at placating and bribing them with cuts of prime beef do not work, much to your chagrin. When you are at a loss, a man steps forward from your ranks. Vermillion Jones. A small, unassuming man, who looks more like an accountant than a swordsman. He meets the largest Hippogryph in the training field, the beast in question being named Lily, and gives her a small smile.

Then he wrestles the Hippogryph into the ground and has it begrudgingly admitting its inferiority and agreeing to be ridden into combat by its superior, and thus the first of the Skyhawks were born.

Arc Skyhawks: A unit of Hippogryphs ridden by elite soldiers, they carry carbines, lances, and bombs to serve as an aerial superiority force. Upkeep: 3

New Recruitable Unit:
Arc Skyhawks: A unit of Hippogryphs ridden by elite soldiers, they carry carbines, lances, and bombs to serve as an aerial superiority force. Upkeep: 3

Arc Hippogryphs: A unit of Hippogryphs with no riders. Fast, Strong, and terrifying to battle against, but rather undisciplined. Upkeep: 2

New Holding Gained:
Arc Biolabs: the Birthplace of Arc gene-engineered beasts, within Arcdon Manor. +5 Income.
AN: Other stuff coming soon. On vacation.
Turn 9 - Dilemmas
The Siege of Winchesterton, Continued: (Choose 3)
The siege continues, with sapping and counter-sapping occurring below the walls.
[ ]Assault from the air to distract them!
[ ]Use explosives to improve the speed of excavation (Requires 2 Treasury)
[ ]Use the aerial unit to scout out the city before launching further assaults.
[ ]Launch a diversionary assault on the walls!
[ ]Build a siege weapon yourself! What could go wrong! (Sparky Option) (Takes up Personal Action)
[ ]Improve work-team morale with PANCAKES! That'll make them work faster! (Nora Option)
[ ]Have the sappers work double-time. (Ren Option)
[ ]Write-In

Free/Personal Action:​
[ ]Assist one of the above options
[ ]Write-In

Treasury: 5

11[Holdings] - 6[Units] = 5

Nora Valkyrie
Traits: [Brave] [Fierce] [Raider]
Weapon: Sledgehammer

Lie Ren
Traits: [Diligent]
Weapon: Simple Knives