You pull forth the minds of these supposed, "scientists" and make a fragment of knowledge that slides ever so nicely into their psyche.
Just a tidbit about how there is really nothing else here, a bit about a strange force responding to them there, and there should figure out there really is a god.
Just a very bored one.
Yes, these people you directly affected ran around, spreading this info, yet apparently, others are really upset that there is a god.
Does nothing please these people?
Leaders had begun getting replaced with more religious people, claiming you to be a
"God-King of Humanity".
As if they are the only things that you'd pay attention to.
Getting frustrated by these people that can't appreciate a little gift, you turn from the planet to try something new.
You did like those "Space explorers", so why not make a little something for them to actually explore.
You pull your energy and impress upon it with your will, forging something for those peculiar individuals to really sink their teeth into.
What are teeth?
Ugh, so many questions for the Figure.
Why must they revolve around so many questions?
Anyways, you have something to focus on, which is…?
(Write in.)