The God's Plaything

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So begins the story of a newborn god, in a universe entirely at their whims.
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The Start of a New Era.
Where angels fear to tread.
You awake to find yourself in a room that is not quite black, and not quite white.

You shudder, feeling a creeping cold crawling over your skin.

Your skin?

You look down and notice that you have two "arms" and two "legs".

How do you know this?

Your thoughts are interrupted by a soft voice, deep with age,

"Come here, Child. Let me see your face."

Unsteady, you walk to the source, yet you feel no floor beneath you.

You walk for what feels like a while, and a figure slowly comes into focus in front of you.

The figure is old. More so than even their withered frame would suggest. They have blindingly luminescent skin, with no coverings, though they have no need of them.

The figure turns its head to face you.

The figure's eyes are blacker than a mere absence of light, but rather the presence of the Void, yet that is almost contradictory, as that would imply the Void has substance.

The figure's mouth opens, "There you are. Now, you are surely confused, but I can't answer any questions, for lack of time. Now, let me ask you something,"

The figure holds up their left hand, with a ball of something hovering over it. The something is not a single thing, but rather everything at once.

"Do you seek to be a great maker of reality? To forge stars from naught but dust? To build up a being's emotions? To hold a speck of creation itself?"

The figure holds up his right hand, over which a ball of nothing is hovering. The nothing is even deeper than Void, as it… deletes, for lack of a better word, the very essence of existence.

"Or do you wish to chisel out a legacy as a master carver? To have everything in existence at once, and make precision cuts to carve into reality. To obliterate the excess, leaving only the prime product. To trim the leaves of the tree of life?"

The figure drops their hands, the balls disappearing,

"Now, make your choice, for there isn't much time left."
The First step.
The corners of the figure mouth tugs upwards, "Very well then. Let's make it so."

They bring their hands up, and place one on each side of your face.

"Don't flinch, this might be a little much for you."

Suddenly flashes of images blaze through your mind.

Scenes of a barren planet, with a dying star making its last sunset.

Pictures of a bustling forge, hammers falling on metal plates, forging a weapon to pierce the heavens.

Images of a person, just like you, smiling a forlorn grin, waving farewell, stars falling from their eyes.

The figure takes their hands off, looking significantly dimmer than before.

"There. Now, let me explain what little I can in what little time I have left. You are my successor, even if that is not the right word, it's the closest there is. I have made a beautiful universe, but I no longer wish to continue any of this. So I have reset it to its base state. It is yours to do with as you see fit. And please, don't break anything."

The figure turns around, casting a smile back towards you, and simply…


You shiver and look around, seeing that you are still in the room.

You flex your fingers, feeling an innate power in them, just as the rest of you is infused.

You turn to nowhere in particular and decide to try out your new gift, creating a something.

What did you make?

(Write in.)
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The First Creation.
From the nowhere in particular, sprung forth everything.

Considering that everything had to cover everywhere, it was spread pretty thin.

Occasionally, another beat of something is thrown into, what is now, the Universe.

Again, not much, but something now existed, rather than nothing.

You can't help but notice that with the new matter thrown into the room, it seems to darken,

You're not really worried about that, and turn back to your growing universe.

Yes, you could sense it growing. Odd.

You feel the boundaries of your realm stretch a little bit more for every bit of time that goes by.

Some of the something gathers at a few spots, mostly close to, what you have dubbed, the Heart.

What was a heart?

Another question you needed to ask.

You feel that your rather small universe needs to mature a bit before anything really happens.

You examine the Heart. It would seem like a bright spot to anyone but you, for you see it's true nature.

It is a funnel, from which, all matter is being pulled from. Every time it "beats", another wave of something emerges.That something quickly dissipates into a fine dust, much like the rest of this universe.

You stretch your hands out, and try making something again, since it worked so well the last time.

Guided by instinct you summon forth…

(Write in,)
The Odd Little Planet.
… A planet filled with a menagerie of life.

You can't remember how or where this came from, yet here it is.

You lean in, watching some of the squabbles for territory between the odd creatures.

Some stand on four legs, with four arms, and fiercely guard their homes and traps.

Some walk around with but only one foot, blissfully unaware of their surroundings.

Some have even started domesticating the earth itself. Those ones are a bit boring to watch.

All they do is argue amongst themselves, kill those that get in their way, and poison the planet.

That's no fun.

They have no opponents besides themselves, not even the species that have the obvious upper hand.

This planet is not much fun to watch for now. Not to mention slow.

They are killing the planet, but they are doing so slowly. Some fix it up, just for some others come around and ruin it in some other place. Most of the time they don't even do anything.

The only interesting things to watch is their attempt to get out of their festering home.

There isn't much out in the universe right now for them, but they're more interesting than anything else.

You guess you could make something else for them, hopefully they like it.

You bring your powers forth and make…

(Write in.)
Hopefully They Like This.
… A bunch of beasts, each individually tailored to their environment.

They could act as a barrier between the two leggers, as well as heal their respective lands.

You're not sure how, but you know they can.

The two leggers were terrified of the new threats, saying something like,

"These abominations are pushing down the economic value of the nearby cities."

As well as,

"They are returning previously extinct species to life. Scientists are baffled."

They're strange.

Whatsmore, they're rude.

They've already killed a third of the beasts you've placed.

Do they not know how to appreciate a gift?

Ah, well. To use one of their expressions, plenty more fish in the sea.

You still think the little ships they send out are cute, however, so you still hold out a little hope for them.

Maybe something they can't just kill so easily.

Really, those metal spitter things of theirs are just so unfair to your creations.

Focusing back to the task at hand, you pull forth your powers yet again.

You are glad you went with maker rather than whatever a carver is supposed to be.

(Write in.)
The Peeling Back of The Curtain.
You pull forth the minds of these supposed, "scientists" and make a fragment of knowledge that slides ever so nicely into their psyche.

Just a tidbit about how there is really nothing else here, a bit about a strange force responding to them there, and there should figure out there really is a god.

Just a very bored one.

Yes, these people you directly affected ran around, spreading this info, yet apparently, others are really upset that there is a god.

Does nothing please these people?

Leaders had begun getting replaced with more religious people, claiming you to be a
"God-King of Humanity".

As if they are the only things that you'd pay attention to.

Getting frustrated by these people that can't appreciate a little gift, you turn from the planet to try something new.

You did like those "Space explorers", so why not make a little something for them to actually explore.

You pull your energy and impress upon it with your will, forging something for those peculiar individuals to really sink their teeth into.

What are teeth?

Ugh, so many questions for the Figure.

Why must they revolve around so many questions?

Anyways, you have something to focus on, which is…?

(Write in.)
The Birth of a New Galaxy.
… A bunch of planets, safe for the two leggers to stumble across.

As an added bonus, you noticed the two leggers seem to really value this weird shiny stuff they've been digging up.

Maybe you could make some for those that aren't sprouting on about your "greatness".

Yes, they seemed to enjoy that.

Oh, they're so cute when they faint.

What? Oh, yes, the planets. The planets for the explorers, the explorer's planets, the planets made specifically for the explorers.

They're all right.


They haven't been ransacked and desiccated yet?

Well, this seems odd.

Let's look at what happened.

First, astrologists were delighted that something finally showed up.

Then, they sent some not-people up there.

What a cute little hunk of metal!

Wha… it even sings?! So cute…

Anyways, it landed then sent back some data.

Then the space explorers finally went up.

They even found your little present for this occasion.

Hopefully they like trans-dimensional quantum computers powered by a mini Heart contained within a two legger sized box.

If not we are going to have some words.

Ah, they don't understand it.

Well… this is awkward.

Moving on!

They "flew" to the other few planets you made, each holding something pretty similar to the first one, just without the possibility of it being used aggressively.

Maybe now they have something to bond over.

Or maybe not.

Not even 3 decades had gone by before a bunch of the two leggers fought to own the "precursor artifacts" you left for them.

Can they not just… get along? At this rate you'll need to find amusement somewhere else.

Actually, not not do just that?

Hopefully this time they aren't so aggressive or destructive.

You float over to another open space, a little further away from the Heart, then make…

(Write in.)