[X] [Start the conversation with some small-talk to see where he lands on gifted issues]

Maybe it isn't the best idea to just say we have powers without trying to see our limits yet… hmmm oh well
Anyways after securing a bit of a name for ourselves, as a stuntwoman, we might start thinking how our powers can make a difference.
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You take a deep breath, dry your hands on your pants, and step into the office. Behind the desk sits an angry looking older man that is unusually muscular for his age, his suit straining at the seams as if it might tear at any moment.

You try to start with some small-talk.

"Those anti-gifted marches sure are getting more common these days hun?"

Graves glares at you, annoyed at your comment. "I've got better things to do than talk about activist bullshit, girl!" he snaps.

"Yeah of course" you quickly respond, noting that he's clearly not some kind of zealot. Confident now, you decide to cut straight to the point.

"I have powers, sir. Really useful powers," you say, standing a little taller. "I want to be the best stuntwoman there is, and that's why I'm here.."

Graves leans forward, his anger replaced by curiosity. His voice drops to a quieter tone. "What kind of powers?"
"Oh, right, of course,"
you stammer, realizing you hadn't quite explained yet. "I can make things look different than they are. And just the other day, I recovered from a broken leg in minutes."

Now you've got his full attention. He nods, leaning back in his chair. "Alright, show me what you can do, and if it's good enough, we'll sign a contract today."

You start to get nervous you don't really know how your powers work yet.. they were all triggered by an accident. You think to to yourself C'mon Val, you got this! You've faced bigger challenges when you were twelve.

You focus hard on your hand, trying to make it look bent out of shape. But nothing's happening. The pressure mounts as Graves' eyes narrow in impatience. He's looking more confused by the second, and you can feel hot red from embarrassment.

Desperate not to blow your chance, you take a drastic step. Your grap your left index finger with all your strength and pull it until it breaks. Pain floods through you, while you muffle your cries as much as you can and then grind your teeth until the finger finally takes its original position and the pain dissipates.

As you clear the tears from your eyes you see Graves with a mix of awe and disgust.
"Well... you've got the job, girl," he mutters, shaking his head. "The color trick was enough you didn't need to do the whole finger-breaking thing."

Only then do you realize that your skin has turned an unnatural shade of red.

"Thank you, Mr. Graves," you say, straightening yourself, still shaking from the experience. "You won't regret this."

For the next few months, you land several high-paying stunt jobs, enough to finally afford your own place in the city. The money is great, but your powers still feel like a double-edged sword. Your illusion skills remain underdeveloped you're only able to make small alterations to your appearance, like changing your hair color or simulating bruises. It saves makeup artists hours of work, but it's not enough to really set you apart.

Your regeneration, on the other hand, you've used plenty. But with higher pay comes higher pain. You feel you'll go crazy at this pace of breaking something every other week.

As you sit on your couch, watching the news, a story about the New York Webs (a vigilante group of Spider-Man wannabes) catches your eye. They just stopped a mugging downtown, and something about it makes you think: Maybe it's time for a change.

You decide it's time to..
(Pick one or multiple)

[Practice your illusions so you don't have to rely on your regeneration]
[Try to become a famous action actress's stunt double]
[Leverage your growing social media following to become an influencer]
[Go for the B.L.A.Z.E. tryouts]
[Find others with similar powers who can teach you]
[Something else - Please describe]

Each person roll 3d20 (I'll use the highest total score of the first three replies)
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[X] [Practice your illusions so you don't have to rely on your regeneration]

I want us to not risk a villain simply deciding to destroy our head or heart to kill us

Edit: pain
SeaTheTree threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Dice time Total: 2
2 2
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[X] [Practice your illusions so you don't have to rely on your regeneration]

I want us to not risk a villain simply deciding to destroy our head or heart to kill us

Edit: pain

Sorry if I wasn't clear, each person is supposed to roll 3 d20s.

I'll then use the highest total score of the first three posts

1, 2, 3 = 6
1,20,10 = 31
20,1,11 = 32

In this case I would pick 20,1,11
And then write the story accordingly

20 - Something goes incredibly well, then
1 - Critical fail, then
11 - Something goes slightly above average
Sorry if I wasn't clear, each person is supposed to roll 3 d20s.

I'll then use the highest total score of the first three posts

1, 2, 3 = 6
1,20,10 = 31
20,1,11 = 32

In this case I would pick 20,1,11
And then write the story accordingly

20 - Something goes incredibly well, then
1 - Critical fail, then
11 - Something goes slightly above average
Got it I will try rolling again
SeaTheTree threw 3 20-faced dice. Total: 37
15 15 9 9 13 13
[X] [Practice your illusions so you don't have to rely on your regeneration]

But finding someone to help us better use our powers isn't a bad idea.
SeaTheTree threw 3 20-faced dice. Total: 37
15 9 13


You push your furniture aside, creating a small practice area in your apartment. You start slow, basic falls onto your yoga mat. After you got a clear idea of the movement, you try to conjure an illusion of you doing the same thing. At first you only see a ghostly silhouette but with time it starts to take a rough human-like shape.

You're not quite there yet, but you know you will be with enough practice. Determined, you establish a routine. Every morning, you stand in front of your mirror, trying to cast an illusion of your face as it reflects back at you. Afterward, you hit the gym, where you meticulously study your movements in the mirrors, so much so that some people start giving you curious looks, probably assuming you're a bit narcissistic.

Your evenings are spent recording yourself performing basic stunt maneuvers. You analyze the footage carefully, getting an outsider's perspective on your movements. The same stunts over and over. Rolls, jumps, and falls, each time seeing how the illusion matches up. After a month of dedicated practice, you're finally able to conjure a copy of yourself doing stunts for about 10 minutes at a time before a nasty headache.


With the progress you've made, you decide to push your powers even further. You try to take on the likeness of someone else, imagining yourself in different forms. But no matter how much you try, the best you can do is change colors.. Your eyes, hair, skin, or even your clothes can shift hues. Altering shapes or full appearances, though? That remains frustratingly out of reach. At least for now.

To strengthen your endurance, you start applying illusionary makeup every morning, testing how long you can maintain it before it fades away. It's a subtle trick, but it helps with practice, and you start finding ways to extend the duration little by little.


With your newfound ability to create an illusionary copy of yourself, the job becomes ten times easier. No longer needing to rely on your physical presence for every take, you breeze through some of the more repetitive or dangerous stunts. The illusion handles the groundwork while you save your energy for the more complicated scenes.

After a few months of consistent work, your life changes. You finally have the stability you've dreamed of for years. A home of your own, decorated exactly the way you want it, new dresses and outfits that you actually like instead of just buying what you could afford, and still, a nice amount of savings in the bank.

It's more than you ever expected. Growing up with so little, you never allowed yourself to think this far ahead. Now that you've made it, you start to wonder: What do I really want next?

After some introspection you decide you want to..

[Get some friends, your constant moving left you pretty isolated]
[Find some higher purpose in life]
[Get a vacation, make up for lost time]
[Focus on your career. Good is not enough for you, you will be the best!]
[Something else - Please describe]

Roll 2d20 (I'll pick the highest total from the first 3 rolls)
[X][Do something good with your earnings]

Basically donate the income we don't need to charities.

This is also kind of my overall plan. Use our abilities to keep getting more and more money legally. And then donate most of that money to charities.

It would allow us to help the maximum number of people.

EDIT: The first two are my original roll. I actually clicked one too many times.
Silvis threw 4 20-faced dice. Total: 61
20 20 15 15 9 9 17 17
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[X] [Find someone with similar powers to help you understand your powers better, and your place as a gifted]

I really like the idea of charity, but I feel like we're neglecting our powers and our gifted "status". We could do more than be a stuntwoman with a flair, I feel.