The Four Guys Who Transmigrated as the Four Main Aztec Gods... Anime Style

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Come and see the adventures of these four transmigrated Gods around the Aztec Mythology, the World and even the Multiverse!
The Birth and Transmigrators
The birth of God's and Pantheon's are a bit different than what you'd expect.

When the Original God's were born from the chaos, there existed some barriers, some stop signs around the world.

These barriers did not hold the God's, mind you, a God could freely baypass the barrier that bounded him there. These barriers did something else entirely.

When a God walked outside from the barrier, at first, only their divinity would start to feel weird, like it was warning them from something.

But as more as you walked, everywhere around you would start to cover with a thick gray fog, your divinity would slowly lock itself so you would not be able to use it. And finally, a foreign pressure would start to slow you down, testing if you can go outside from the barrier.

No God has been able to bypass those barriers. They simply do not have what it takes.

That's what has been keeping every pantheon, every different myth from interracting with each other, these barriers. That's why when one part of the world has a different belief from the other, no one is aware of it.

And there will be no passing from those barriers...



But four God's were different from the others. They knew what lay behind those barriers, and why should they actuall dive into these barriers head on.

They were the main four Gods of the Aztec mythology. They were not fearless, nor they were stupid, there was actually a very sensible answer to the question "How could they know what layed behind those barriers?".

Well, let's go back to the very start for our answer, shall we?


There was only silence at the start.


Then, a figure appeared on the middle of nothing.


It's body was made of always fighting two forces, the light and the dark, the good and the bad, the female and the male.


This figure's name was Ometeotl, and it was the first Aztec God that came to life, excluding Cipactly, the abomination that lives under the Primodial Ocean.

After a moment of nothing, the first Aztec God, Ometeotl, suddenly turned into a ball of light and divided into four. The four little lights turned into different colors from their original, from golden yellow and dark purple to white, blue, red and purple.

The four little light balls started to grew bigger and bigger until they took the shape of adult humans.

The purple ball turned into a male teen with purple hair that reached his eyes with some common black strikes on it. He wore a skirt like purple cloth with patterns of Jaguars on it, along with many different colored feathers. His face was painted with black lines that made him look a little menacing.

The red light ball extended and turned into a bald boy with fire like tattoes on him. He wore a toga like red and golden robe and his eyes shined like they had fire burning within them.

The Blue ball extended and turned into a teen with a spiky whip and a shield on his hands. The man wore a skirt like cloth that was blue and green, and wore a lion shaped hat with spiky leafs coming out of it.

And the last ball, which was white, turned into a man on his early twenties with a hair that reached his waist and had the colors of green, red and white all over. He wore a long loincloth that reached his knees, and had accesories made out of feathers on his shoulders.

After the transformation of the four light balls, everything was silent for a minute...


Until one of them realised what was going on.

"Wha- what's going on?!" The bald God suddenly exclaimed and frantically looked around. After seeing literally nothing, he started to panic. Atleast the God with the whip and the shield was good hearted enough to go and help him calm down.

"Dude, don't panic, you're hyperventing! Take deep breaths, alright? Come on, do it with me, inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale..." The man repeated the exercises he learned on medical school to calm down the man, but he couldn't help to take notice of his completely hairless head and his fire like tattoes.

After the man noticibally calmed down, he patted him on shoulder and and asked him that was bothering him since he saw the man.

"So, why do you wear a toga?" He not so humbly asked the man. After hearing the words of the man who had a whip and a shield on his hands a minute ago, and was nearly naked to the full, he couldn't help but to shout.

"What the fuck are you talking about?! Where am I?! Who are you guys?!"

"Wow, chill out man, no need to shout. You're in London right now, and I'm Arthur, nice to meet you." The newly named "Arthur" hold out an hand to him, while he just stared with his mouth open. After a moment, he slapped the hand and pointed at their surroundings.

"Does it look like we're in fucking London right now?!"

After hearing the words of the bald man, the other three looked at the pointed direction, amd saw nothing.

All three of the man had different reactions. The man named "Arthur" had a face like he understood why he nearly had a panic attack, and his eyes showed fear.

The other two...

The man with the long hair looked analytically at their surroundings and looked like he was already farmulating an idea on his mind about where they were.

The last guy with the purple hair... He was literally shaking from excitement. It was like his whole dreams just came true at a glance at the void.

After all of them realised what type of situation they were in, the long haired man calmly spoke.

"Alright, there's no need to panic. If we calmly think through things, we might get an answer about what happened to u-"

"Hell yeah! I really transmigrated! What do you say now Josh?!" The purple haired man cut the white haired one's speech and yelled at the sky, showing both of his middle fingers while doing it. After this, he started to make a little victory dance.

The other three just stared at the guy lost in his own world. Even if how much they wanted to leave the guy on his own fantasy, he seemed like he knew what was going on here, and they had no better choice...

"Can you please stop dancing?!" The bald guy yelled at the dancing man. It seemed like he realised that he was not alone and scratched the back of his head with a little grin on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you guys were here for a second." He shamelessly admitted. While the warrior like man and the bald guy had their mouths open at the guy, the long haired one just spoke without even a little hesitation.

"No offense taken. Now, you seem like you know what's going on, can you please explain for the rest of us?" He asked with a little smile. After seeing that the other three were clueless, the purple haired guy made an 'oh' sound and chuckled. Then he opened his arms and looked at the sky.

"Then sit and listen, my uncultured friends! Because Max is going to enlighten you!"

"Just get on with it!"

"Alright, alright. Party pooper." The purple haired man grumbled a little, but he quickly turned normal and started explaining.

"Alright, what happened to the four of us is actually very simple. All of us have just transmigrated into another universe!"

"..." "..." "..."

"What?" 'Arthur' smartly asked the question on their minds.

The purple headed man just smiled at them and continued explaining.

"I do not know if any of you have ever readen transmigration novels, but it basically goes like this. A guy dies, and then wakes up on another dude's body." Then the guy smiled very happily. "And it seems like my plan has worked!"

The other three just looked at each other relucantly. At last, 'Arthur' asked the inevitable question.

"Your plan?"

The purple guy just nodded. "Yeah, my plan. I threw myself infront of a truck to get transmigrated!"

After this revelation, even the long haired man's mouth was a little bit hanging.

Then the bald guy just put his hands over his eyes and swept.

"Great, we have a fucking lunatic with us."

"Hey, it worked didn't it?!"

"And what if it didn't, you idiot?!"

While the two of them bickered and 'Arthur' listened, the long haired man started to think about what the purple haired guy talked about.

"Do these 'transmigration novels' have something common in them? Like something that can help us?" The long haired man asked the purple one, which the latter nodded.

"Yeah, and they're called 'golden finger's! Usually when a guy transmigrates he has something to start him off or atleast show his current status!"

Just after saying the word 'status', a 2D blue panel appeared infront of him.

Tezcatlipoca (Smoking Mirror)
Main God (Aztecian)
The Black Tezcatlipoca, The God of the North
Night (Lvl Max), Obsidian (Lvl Max), Sorcery (Lvl Max), Conflict (Lvl Max), Jaguars (Lvl Max)

"Wow... Wait, I'm a GOD?! Heck yeah!" After seeing his ascendance to divinity, now named 'Tezcatlipoca' started to do a little victory dance.

What he did not know was that the other three could see his panel, and was a s shocked as him.

"W-What? Status!" The bald guy suddenly exclaimed.

Xipe Totec (Our Lord the Flayed One)
Main God (Aztecian)
The Red Tezcatlipoca, The God of the East
Fire (Lvl Max), Agriculture (Lvl Max), Plague (Lvl Max)

"Wow, I wonder which domains I have. Status!" 'Arthur' muttered to himself

Huitzilopochtli (Hummingbird of the South)
Main God (Aztecian)
The Blue Tezcatlipoca, The God of the South
War (Lvl Max), Human Sacrifice (Lvl Max)

"H-Human sacrifice! Why do I have something like that?!" Not 'Arthur' cried over the unfairness of his domain.

"Hmm, Status."

Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent)
Main God (Aztecian)
The White Tezcatlipoca, The God of the West
Wind (Lvl Max), Knowledge (Lvl Max), Wisdom (Lvl Max), Creativity (Lvl Max)

"Not bad. Not bad at all" The white haired man, now named Quetzalcoatl smirked a little. It seemed like he was most pleased with what he got.

"Haha! It seems like I'm the strongest out of you all, I have the most domains!" Tezcatlipoca decleared with his eyes closed and had a fist over his chest. At this Xipe Totec's eye started to twitch.

"Just because you have the most domains doesn't mean that you're the strongest, you idiot!"

"Yes it does! I can even make Jaguars! Jaguars dude, how cool is that?!"

And to prove his point, Tezcatlipoca created a black jaguar at the middle of them.

"See! Can you do t-"


All four looked down and saw that the Jaguar fell down by the gravity, right into an Ocean...

"How did we not saw that before?..." Huitzilopochtli thought out loud.

"Jaguar, no!" Tezcatlipoca cried and flew over to the black jaguar.

Suddenly, Quetzalcoatl's eyes widened like he remembered something and shouted at Tezcatlipoca


Tezcatlipoca turned and raised an eyebrow at Quetzalcoatl.

"But the jaguar is about to dro-" But before he could finish his sentence, he felt the ocean under him shake for a second.


Then suddenly a gigantic crocodile mouth rose up from the water and ate away the jaguar at one bite. Then returned under the Ocean like nothing happened.

"..." "..." "..." "..."

The four gods just stared at the point where the monstrosity came out for a minute...

Until Tezcatlipoca broke the silence.



After finally calming down the manic God, Quetzalcoatl started to explain what was going on.

"-In the Aztec Mythology, the creation myth and the legend of the five suns are the most known ones. As far as I see, right now we're at the starting point of Aztec myths, the creation myth." Quetzalcoatl gestured to the wast nothingness over them.

"At the start, there was a god who was representing the always fighting two forces, like the yin and yang in Taoism. The light and the dark, the good and the bad, the female and the male, all of these were in the first god."

"Then what happened to... them?" Huitzilopochtli asked with a little bit relucance.

Quetzalcoatl nodded at the question and pointed at them.

"It eventually could not stop it's own conflict, and divided into the four main Gods of the Aztec mythology. The feathered serpent of the west "Quetzalcoatl", the hummingbird of the south "Huitzilopochtli", the flayed God of the east "Xipe Totec", and the smoking mirror of the north "Tezcatlipoca"."

After the exclamation, there was silence, which Quetzalcoatl did not mind and continued to explain.

"After these four brother God's were born, they talked with each other, learned that all of them were the first Gods and started to make what their powers allowed. However, all of their creations fell into the Primodial Ocean under them, which the eldritch abomination Cipactli resided in. Cipactly ate everything that fell into the Ocean and made the efforts of the four brothers futile. At last, the four Gods made a plan to kill the Cipactly. The Tezcatlipoca would bait the eldritch abomination and fly away before it could catch up, and the other three would kill it with their powers. They managed to kill the Cipactly at the cost of Tezcatlipoca's leg-"


"-and used it's body to shape the earth, make mountains, plateaus and caves. However, the Cipactly was not fully dead, and had to be calmed down before it started to eat away their creations again. So the God's promised Cipactly continuous blood, which Cipactly happily agreed to. This is the creation myth and the reason many Mesoamerican tribes do human sacrifices to the Gods."

After another moment of silence, Xipe Totec spoke up.

"So basically you're telling me that, we're all made up from a messed up God, all of our creations are useless until we kill this overgrown lizard under our feet, even if we manage to kill it one of us will not be able to get away from it without any lasting injuries and after we manage all that, we still have to give it food to keep it calm? Did I get it all right?"

"Yes, that's basically the oversimplified version." Quetzalcoatl confirmed him.

"What the fuck is wrong with Aztecs?!" Xipe Totec shouted at the non-present sky, cursing the whole Aztec mythology in his heart.

"I also don't want to lose my leg, you know? Don't we have any other choices?" Tezcatlipoca asked with a little worry on his face. It seemed like he really did not want to lose his leg, who would want something like that anyways?

"Well, I actually don't know any other ways, but I have an idea." Quetzalcoatl told them. At this, Tezcatlipoca's eyes shined and looked at him with hope.

This made Quetzalcoatl chuckle a little and shake his head.

"Don't get your hopes up, just as I said, it's just an idea. I was thinking that we might find something usefull in the 'store' that our status page has showed us"

After hearing the words of Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli opened up his status page and clicked on the store.

The store opened up and Huitzilopochtli saw that there three main options, the 'reccommandations', the 'search bar' and the 'achievements' options were present. However, after a second another page opened up infront of Huitzilopochtli.

"The 'Novice Packet of Huitzilopochtli'?" The Warrior God muttered while the other three was watching him. Finally, Huitzilopochtli clicked on the 'open' option.

Gained Mythical Creature Form: Giant Lion
Gained Item: The Divine Spiked Club
The Item "Divine Spiked Club" bowed down to the might of Huitzilopochtli and changed it's name to "Huitzilopochtli's Spiked Club".
The Item "Huitzilopochtli's Spiked Club" gained the skills "Intimidating Aura", "Power of the Lion's Roar" and "Blood for the Mighty God"
Gained Faith: 1000

New panels appeared one after another, making Huitzilopochtli's eyes widen. He read through all the new notifications and felt his heart beat quickly. After finishing reading, he closed the panels and shouted.

"Divine Club! Come to me!"

Suddenly, a light appeared in Huitzilopochtli's hand and started take the form of a club with spikes on it. After the light stopped transforming, Huitzilopochtli take a good look at the weapon on his hand. Then his eyes shined like he got a christmas present and he made the club dissapear.

"Mythical creature form!" Afte shouting these words, Huitzilopochtli turned into a blue light and started to expand...

and expand...

and continue to expand...

Finally, the expansion of the light stopped, and started to take shape. The shape of a giant lion that was as big as four lions.

This was Huitzilopochtli's mythical creature form, the king of the forests. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the form was the weird paintings on it. There were paintings of Aztec styled lions, hearts and weapons on the giant lion.

After seeing the state of Huitzilopochtli, Xipe Totec brought up up his own status page and opened his Novice Packed.

Gained Mythical Creature Form: The Scorched Lizard
Gained Item: The Divine Spear
The Item "Divine Spear" bowed down to the might of Xipe Totec and changed it's name to "Xipe Totec's Spear".
The Item "Xipe Totec's Spear" gained the skills "Scorch of the Fire", "The Burning Poison" and "Summon Scorched Lizards"
Gained Faith: 1000

"A spear? Well, I would have prefered an axe, but it could've been worse." Xipe Totec shrugged and called down his spear.

The spear looked like it was literally made from fire. It's colors wavered like it was fire itself, and produced an unexplainable warmth.

After taking a look at his new weapon, Xipe Totec made the spear dissapear by turning it into ashes and cinders.

"Then, Mythical Creature Form!"

After shouting out, the body of Xipe Totec lit on with fire and started to expand as much as the Huitzilopochtli's lion.

After the fire calmed down, in the place of Xipe Totec was standing a lizard made from burning rocks and lava.

"My turn! My turn!" Tezcatlipoca jumped on his place and opened up his "Novice Packet"

Gained Mythical Creature Form: The Black Jaguar
Gained Item: Divine Hunting Knife
The Item "Divine Hunting Knife" bowed down to the might of Tezcatlipoca and changed it's name to "Tezcatlipoca's Hunting Knife"
The Item "Tezcatlipoca's Hunting Knife" gained the skills "Call of the Jaguars", "The Silent Night" and "Defense of the Obsidian"
Gained Faith: 1000

"Woo! I got a black Jaguar and a hunting knife!" Tezcatlipoca exclaimed. The hold out his hand to call his new weapon.

Black smoke got out of Tezcatlipoca's hand and formed a sharp knife made from obsidian. Tezcatlipoca took a few strikes with he knife and nodded at his weapon. After that, he made it dissappear with his divine power, which made the knife turn into smoke again and returned into Tezcatlipoca's body.

"Alright! Mythical Creature Form!" After shouting out, the body of Tezcatlipoca turned into a thick black smoke and started to expand as much as the two before him.

After the black smoke got into the correct size and shape, it started to thicken until you could make out a solid jaguar out of it. The black jaguar had star like lights inside him, shining very faintly. It's green eyes were like two emeralds looking at your very soul.

At last, only Quetzalcoatl was left. He gave a little smile at the others like he knew his Mythical form would be much better than theirs.

He opened up the store page and clicked on his "Novice Packet"

Gained Mythical Creature Form: The Feathered Serpent
Gained Item: Divine Macuahuitl
The Item "Divine Macuahuitl" bowed down to the might of Quetzalcoatl and changed it's name to "Quetzalcoatl's Macuahuitl"
The Item "Quetzalcoatl's Macuahuitl" gained the skills "Light as Feathers, Sharp as Winds", "Call of the Storms" and "Mind Zero Blows"
Gained Faith: 1000

Quetzalcoatl raised his sole eyebrow with a little smirk, the summoned his Divine weapon.

Just like Huitzilopochtli's, his weapon also came to him with a ray of light. It was a Macuahuitl just like the system said, and it also had some paintings of a long feathered serpent. The weapon literally did not weight at all. But when you swinged it, you could feel the wind blowing on your face like it was 100kg's.

Quetzalcoatl just nodded and made his weapon dissapear with a ray of light, then showed a smug glance at his three companions who were watching him and calmly said:

"Mythical Creature Form."

At the voice of Quetzalcoatl, non existent dust suddenly appeared and started to swirl around him, completely blocking any outside eyes from looking.

For a moment, nothing happened.

But after that moment of nothing, an enormous serpent with wings rose up from the dust. It towered over the three other beasts and looked down to them.

At the size of the Quetzalcoatl, the other three looked with fear and awe. Then, Quetzalcoatl slowly spoke.

"Now, we have a chance of winning without any casualities..."
Very interesting choice of mythology! I know basically nothing about American myths, so I'll be googling everything and (hopefully) learning a bit.

Also I gotta confess that I immediately assumed they'd look like the pillarmen or something 😅
Very interesting choice of mythology! I know basically nothing about American myths, so I'll be googling everything and (hopefully) learning a bit.

Also I gotta confess that I immediately assumed they'd look like the pillarmen or something 😅
Thank you! Aztec Mythology is my favorite pantheon even if we have little to none known about it. They just seem cool to me.

Also, pillarman? :rofl2:
The death of Cipactly and the first human
After the little show, everyone turned back to their human forms and started to make a plan.

"Alright, how about this-" Xipe Totec spoke "-we use Tezcatlipoca's jaguars to lure him out of water, then Quetzalcoatl will entangle it with his Creature form and the rest of us will get rid of the Cipactly or whatever it's name is."

"In case you don't know, Cipactly has mouths all over his body. How do you expect me to entangle it?" Quetzalcoatl asked with a little irk.

"And you have scales around you to protect you, so stop being a coward and do what I say. Any other questions?"

Tezcatlipoca furiously raised his hand "Yeah! Why do we have to use jaguars to lure it?!"

"Because it's either your jaguars or your leg that's we have to use. Any other meaningful questions?" Xipe Totec looked around and saw that everyone was ready to fulfil their roles. He nodded at this shouted.

"Alright then, let's do this!"

The whole Ocean was quiet...

Cipactly was sleeping at the moment before it happened...

His noses started to take scents of food...

Cipactly's eyes slowly opened and looked at it's surroundings. Where was this smell coming from?

Suddenly, something fell into the Ocean. A black creature that Cipactly has seen- has eaten before.

The eyes of the Eldritch abomination turned blood shot and with unexplainable speed of swimming it reached under it's prey.

His whole body rose up from the water to swallow the little black food. However, right after it's ascencion from the Ocean, he heard a voice.

"Quetzalcoatl, now!"

Just after these words, Cipactly felt his body being entangled and rose up from the water. As a monster with minimal intelligence, Cipactly felt danger at being taken away from it's home, and started to attack with all of his mouths to free himself.

He found out that he could not. Whatever was on the body of it's attacker, it was protecting him from his bites.

Just as he was going to try again, he felt pain coming from one of it's mouths. Or to be precise, one of the mouths was not where it supposed to be, on his body.

"We got rid one of the mouths, only seven left! Tezcatlipoca, summon some Jaguars!" The voice before talked again. Then, a horde of black food appeared on him from smoke. However, this time it was the black food who was eating him. They tore apart his his eyes and ate away his flesh, enjacting their revenge.

"Six left!"

"Five left!"

"Only four to go!"

After every shout of the voice, Cipactly felt his strength dimnish, and his body feel pain. He struggled to escape and return to the sea, but the thing on him won't let it.

"Only the main mouth left! We can do this!"

After hearing this voice, his soon to be killers came into his sight.

Just like the thing holding him, they radiated strength of the divine. One black, one red and one blue. Also counting the one all around him, which was white, these four were the ones causing this pain.

Cipactly took a deep breath...

And unleashed a murderous scream that could bleed ears of normal people. Sadly, these four were not normal, not even close.

The blue soul took out a weird weapon and raised it against him, them unleashed his own warcry.

"Power of the Lion's Cry!!!"

A lion's roaring could be heard throught the void, suppressing the scream of Cipactly. At this, Cipactly closed it's eyes and waited for the killing blow, understanding that it can not either win or escape.

"This is for all the jaguars you ate, Cipa!"

With these words that he cannot understand being the last words he heard, Cipactly gave away his soul to the endless void, only leaving his half dead body behind...


"Wohoo! We did it guys, we avanged the jaguars!" Tezcatlipoca celebrated their victory as he took out his hunting knife from Cipactly's corpse.

Quetzalcoatl released his body grip and slid away from Cipactly, making it's body fall to the Primodial Ocean.

"So-" Huitzilopochtli spoke up "What are we supposed to d-"

Because you have killed and ate away the soul of Cipactly, you have gained the "Eldritch Hunter" Achievement!
10000 / 4 = 2500 Faith gained!

"-o now... Well, atleast it could've let me finish." Huitzilopochtly grumbled.

The four gods opened up their stores and looked at what they could get.

"Hmm, I suppose we never looked at our reccommandation page, did we?" Quetzalcoatl said. He opened up his recommandation page and saw three domains that were present.

"Hmm? Snake, parrot and earth domains, huh? But all of them are out of my reach right now..." The white haired god muttered to himself.

"Well, atleast they gave you cool recommandations, I got crop domain!" Xipe Totec complained.

"Well, that makes sense. You already have the Agriculture domain right?" Huitzilopochtli informed Xipe Totec, whose face darkened more over the mentioning of his useless domain.

"Hey, it says that I should also get the war domain! But doesn't Huitzilopochtli already has it?" Tezcatlipoca asked with a confused face.

"Hmm, weird... I suppose we have to learn what will happen when you buy that domain, aren't we?" Quetzalcoatl looks at the Tezcatlipoca, who just nods frantically.

Quetzalcoatl claps his hands and gathers the attention on himself.

"Alright then. Now that we took care of Cipactly, the next thing we have to do is to use it's body to shape earth."

"Umm, don't we have any other choice? One that will not require to give blood sacrifices to the land we live on continuously?" Huitzilopochtli asks with a little disgust in his voice. Even if he's the God of human sacrifices, it seems like he doesn't like them that much.

Quetzalcoatl shakes his head and opens his panel.

"Sadly, none of us has the Earth domain, and neither enough faith to make the whole Mesoamerica again. So for now, this is our only choice. Tezcatlipoca, summon some jaguars to help us. Xipe Totec, use your salamenders to help Tezcatlipoca. Huitzilopochtli, you come with me, I have an idea that I wanna try." With that, he sended off the two Gods to their way, and lead the Huitzilopchtli to the Ocean.

"Take off your helmet and gather as much as water you can with it." Quetzalcoatl ordered Huitzilopochtli, which the latter only nodded at.

After taking a helmet-full of water, the two gods returned back to the newly shaped land by jaguars and lizardsland and put the water full helmet tı the ground.

"I hope this works..." Quetzalcoatl murmurs under his breath and closes his eyes. He directs his divinity directly to the water...

Are you sure you want to use your faith to create a new God?
Yes / No

"Yes" Quetzalcoatl tells the panel.

What type of God you want to create?
High God
Mid God
Low God

"High God" Quetzalcoatl replies, while Huitzilopochtli watches him like he's doing magic tricks.

Because you're using a material that has existed beforehand, the cost of the creation of new God (Water Domain) has been reduced by %75.
Cost: 2500 Faith
Do you wanna create the new God?
Yes / No

"Wow, that's a lot of faith... you sure you wanna do this now? We can all divide the cost between us if we all try together." Huitzilopochtli asked Quetzalcoatl.

At this, Quetzalcoatl stopped and considered his choices. At one hand, he could save even more faith, and has not to deal with Tezcatlipoca's naggings because he did something 'cool' without him. Goddamnit, he was not here even for 3 hours and he already got a clear understanding about how the mind of Tezcatlipoca worked.

On the other hand... nothing. Seriously, why did he even considered to do this alone again?

Quetzalcoatl nodded at the blue spirited god and told him to carry the water, which who just groaned but complied anyways.

(Unknown time later)

As the Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli were playing chess while waiting the other two, three colored dots appeared on the horizon. One purple and two reds.

"I suppose they finished molding the earth. Let's go and greet them, you will lose in five moves by the way." Quetzalcoatl tells Huitzilopochtli, who's busy with not being able to decide which move to play.

At last, he concedes defeat and bows his head down in shame.

The two Gods collect the chess pieces made from Cipactly's corpse (earth) and went over to where Xipe Totec and Tezcatlipoca was landing.

"Quetzalcoatl! Dude, we just found some weird things while we were shaping the Cipa! You have to come and see them!" Tezcatlipoca was talking while jumping on his spot. Xipe Totec knocked a fist on top of Tezcatlipoca's head to stop him, which worked marvelously, and explained it more clearly.

"We just saw a fog like barrier at the end of the West and the East. Tezcatlipoca's jaguars and my lizards also gave the same report to us about the North and the South. We're basically trapped here." Xipe Totec tells the two God's.

Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli just look at each other as if to ask if they should inform them about the new God they were planning to make. At last, Quetzalcoatl just shrugs and turns to the two immortals waiting for an answer.

"We should deal with this... set back at a later time, since I and Huitzilopochtli just found something we can do."

At the curious look of Tezcatlipoca and the rise at the sole eyebrow of Xipe Totec, Quetzalcoatl just brought the helmet full of water to the middle of them and gestured to it.

"Alright, all of you send some divine power to the water after me" Quetzalcoatl told them, which they complied.

Are you sure you want to use your faith to create a new God?
Yes / No

"Wow~ So we can make other God's then ourselves? That's so cool!" Tezcatlipoca shouted.

'It seems like he really want's to meet with new people.' Quetzalcoatl thought in his head

"Hmm, it's cool, but I don't think we should be doing this right now. We still have a lot to do, like building a sacred realm for the God's and creating humans as a source of faith. If we're gonna make more God's that are at a lower realm than us, then we have to show that we can do things without their help too." Xipe Totec reminded Quetzalcoatl, who just nodded at the other God.

"I know, but this might help us with both of those problems. We cannot build a Sacred palace just by ourselves and we need a whole Pantheon of Gods if we wanna make the Earth a livable place."

"We can make the Sacred Palace with our divine powers easily, and the Earth is a relatively easy thing to take care of. I have the fire dominion, along with scientific knowledge from the future. We can just heat the Ocean water and direct the steam with your wind, creating an endless water cycle." Xipe Totec was not going to get back on this matter. He knews that if the God's they create see them as helpless, they can overthrow them easily, just like in the Greek Mythology with Titans. He also want's the faith points to only himself and his not biological brothers. He would be lying if he told that he was not starting to like those three, they killed an eldritch abomination together after all, but of course he would not say it loudly.

Before the disagreement got out of hand, Huitzilopochtli decided to interverne.

"I have an idea!" The God exclaimed "How about we create the humans by ourselves, gather some more faith, then create some God's to build the Sacred Palace for us? This can both give us more faith to use and much less labor to do!"

After a moment of consideration, both Quetzalcoatl and Xipe Totec nodded at this. It seemed like the most profitable choice at the moment.

"So~" Tezcatlipoca started "-how do we make humans?"

At this the three others stopped. How does someone make a human? Xipe Totec turned towards Quetzalcoatl and asked.

"Quetzalcoatl, do you know how Aztec Gods made the humans in the stories?"

Quetzalcoatl shakes his head and shows a solemm look.

"No, I only knew about the Creation and Five Suns Myts about Aztecs. I do not know how the rest of the Aztec's mythology works." He admitted. The other three just looked crest fallen at this, but suddenly Tezcatlipoca seemed to have an idea.

"How about we make them from Cipactly's body? If we try to give divinity to them, they would turn into gods, but if we make their bodies from an already alive thing, then insert souls into them it might just work!" Tezcatlipoca exclaims.

"And where are we supposed to find the souls without using any faith or having any God to produce them?" Huitzilopochtli asks. Tezcatlipoca thinks for some time, and then his eyes shine with an idea. He summons a baby leopard and holds it to them.

"I know it's not a human soul, but it should be able to work if we mess around with it a bit, right?" Tezcatlipoca gestures to the baby leopard.

At the crazy idea of Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl just rubs the bridge of his nose with a sigh.

"It feels like we're bastardising the whole concept of human creation, but we have no other choices. Tezcatlipoca, summon a leopard soul for us."

"Alright captain!"

What Tezcatlipoca just said will either work in a bizarre fashion, or it will create an abomination that even the Gods will not be able to look at. In theory it should work, just like in the reincarnation religions. But the differance between those religions and theirs was that, they were not trying to find loopholes through the rules and did what they should normally.

"I just hope this will not blow on us" Huitzilopochtli thought out loud, which Tezcatlipoca just waved his concerns off.

"Come on, what can possibly go wrong?" Tezcatlipoca assures.

"Did you just tempt the fate?" Xipe Totec asks with a mouth open, how can someone be so dumb?

"Fate doesn't even exist yet, how can I tempt it!" Tezcatlipoca imforms him. Xipe Totec just shakes his head and waits for to Tezcatlipoca to summon a jaguar's soul.

The soul appears right in the middle of the four Gods, shining brightly without any lights.

"So-" Xipe Totec asks Tezcatlipoca "-what'sthe main difference between a jaguars soul and a humans soul?"

"Umm, it's sentinence, it's insticts, it's soul power, that problem that it's not actually made for a human body and it holds a part of my divinity." Tezcatlipoca informs them. Xipe Totec groans at this.

"So... just about everything is wrong with this soul, right? Well, it seems like you have lot of things to do guys, wake me up when you're finished." The Xipe Totec tries to walk away, until Huitzilopochtli catches him from the ear and drags him back again.

"You're a Main God now, just like us, and you have to suffer as much as we do, understood?"

"Oww, yes mom. Ugh, you didn't have to drag so hard, you know?"

The four starts to work on the soul to turn it into a human's one. The first thing they do was to get rid of the insticts and change them with a humans one. This one was one of the easiest one's to do, because even as God's, they still have their own senses and insticts left over from their human minds. After that, Tezcatlipoca drains all the divine power inside the soul, and Xipe Totec purifies it with fire, just in case. The adding sentinence part is easier than the others too, because Quetzalcoatl has the knowledge and wisdom domains, all he has to do was to grant the soul a sense of "self".

Then came the hard part, it's soul power. This was actually a major problem, because without enough soul power their bodies will collapse upon themselves. For a long time, the four cannot find a way to increase the soul power of the soul, but then Tezcatlipoca came with another crazy idea.

His idea was to change the core of the soul from inside and gave it the power it needed with using our divinities. It worked. The main idea was to gaze inside the soul with his own and change it's whole essence from imside out. With giving it enough potential to observe and replenish the power, the humans were supposed to not collapse.

Then, all that was left to was to put it into a human body. The real problem came when:

1) The soul was used to be in a jaguar. Even when they changed the whole essence of the soul, it was like putting the worlds tallest man into the worlds shortest man in a whim, of course the soul would need time to adjust.

2) The soul would instantly repel itself away from the body, probably because it did not have any vitality. The human body was made from a corpse after all, Cipacyly's to be exact, and since it was a corpse, it needed to be returned back to the "coma state" as Huitzilopochtli put it. Basically it needed atleast 70% of it to be alive

The second one was actually easier to find a solution to. All they needed was to return back enough cells to life with nearly no faith at all. But did it consume a lot of time? Yes, yes it did.

After putting the whole body into the "coma state", all was left to put the soul into a body.

"Well, all that's left is to push the body into the soul. Tezcatlipoca, would you like to do the honor?" Huitzilopochtli gestured towards the body.

"Ohh~ of course my lovely brother!" And with that, Tezcatlipoca slowly guided the hand made human soul to the 'corpse made' human body.

After a moment of nothing, and as the four Gods were about to curse their whole luck, the eyes of the human slowly opened. With it's newly made sentinence, he quickly felt something was wrong. He wanted to escape but found out that he could not move it's body. He was ready to scream at the the top of his lungs...

Until he felt a warm hand and a voice he did not know what language it spoke, but he could understand it either way. He felt at ease, and closed his eyes for a good deserved sleep after a scare.

At the same time, the four Gods hearts were nearly bursting out from their bodies from joy. They did it! They said a big "Fuck You" to the universe and made what's impossible to happen.

After expressing their joy with complimenting Tezcatlipoca for his crazy and genius idea, Xipe Totec took the sleeping human to his shoulder to carry him away from danger.

After a good time's work, they finally felt that they could rest.





Until an important detail came to Tezcatlipoca's mind.

"Guys, what about the female human?" He asked the others, who just looked at him dumbly.

"Tezcatlipoca... what are you talking about?"

"I mean, for them to reproduce we must also make a female, right?" Tezcatlipoca asked again, which made the realisation of this important detail come down to them.

Xipe Totec took a deep breath to calm his nerves...




Finally finished! I can rest with my mind not fretting over the next chapter of this.

Also, do you guys want me to post an informational about these four? I can make it tomorrow if you want me to.
And now it's time to make a demigod in the not so traditional way of just pumping enough faith into the new human to make him into the demigod of humanity and give him enough power to make a female human. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
This is Awesome! I like the personalities of each of the gods so far and how they interact with each other. Keep up the good work!

I have always been a fan of Self-insets with more than one person so I'm really excited about it. Not to mention how unique the idea of having a God SI start from the VERY beginning. I don't think I have ever read about that before. What inspired you to have this idea?

An informational about them may be helpful. I would certainly like it.
This is Awesome! I like the personalities of each of the gods so far and how they interact with each other. Keep up the good work!

I have always been a fan of Self-insets with more than one person so I'm really excited about it. Not to mention how unique the idea of having a God SI start from the VERY beginning. I don't think I have ever read about that before. What inspired you to have this idea?

An informational about them may be helpful. I would certainly like it.
Thank you so much for the compliment! I personally like gods and myths, but the real reason I got inspired to write this is because of 3 different things actually. 1) fate stay night 2) danmachi 3) a YouTube channel I found

PS: I Will write the info tomorrow!
I liked the first chapter, and this next one delivers!

The interactions between the gods is really good, as is the balance of their God powers so far.
Tezcatlipoca’s Character Sheet
Name: Tezcatlipoca (Smoking Mirror)
Picture: Tezcatlipoca Pic
Race: Main God (Aztecian)
Aliases: The Black Tezcatlipoca, The God of the North
Mythical Form:
The Black Jaguar


Night (Lvl Max):
Night is as good as the day, you know? I can atleast steal things without getting cought at night! -Tezcatlipoca

Obsidian (Lvl Max): It shines at night, woo~ -Tezcatlipoca

Sorcery (Lvl Max): Feel the power of magic, you infidel! Wait, it's not magic but sorcery? What's the difference? -Tezcatlipoca

Conflict (Lvl Max): I do not like it when people scream at each other about who's right or wrong... but I always carry a bag of popcorn for when they do. -Tezcatlipoca

Jaguars (Lvl Max): Dude, jaguars! I think saying it's name is enough for you to understand how cool is that! -Tezcatlipoca

Sacred Items

Tezcatlipoca's Hunting Knife:

Call of the Jaguars (Summon as much as Jaguars as your soul allows you to),
The Silent Night (when you're holding this knife at night, your body or the things you step on will not project any sound)
Defense of the Obsidian (Allows the holder to get into the "Obsidian Mode", granting immunity to any type's of attacks for one minute)
Xipe Totec’s Character Sheet
Name: Xipe Totec (Our Lord The Flayed One)
Xipe Totec Picture
Race: Main God (Aztecian)
Aliases: The Red Tezcatlipoca, The God of the East
Mythical Form:
The Scorched Lizard


Fire (Lvl Max): The three idiots continue to insist that this domaim is like my soulmate. I can say that it has it's uses, but it's not worthy enough to be my soulmate. -Xipe Totec

Agriculture (Lvl Max): This shit is useless -Xipe Totec

Plague (Lvl Max): I still do not understand why I have both Plague and Agriculture domains at the same time, but atleast this one is better than the latter... -Xipe Totec

Sacred Items

Xipe Totec's Spear:
Scorch of Fire (The corresponding spear can burst into flames in the hands of the unworthy)
The Burning Poison (If the user manages to cut the enemy target in the first five moves, then the target will experience a fire like liquid in their veins. Can be recharged in fire)
Summon Scorched Lizards (The user can summon as much as scorched lizards as their soul allows)
Huitzilopochtli’s Character Sheet
Name: Huitzilopochtli (Hummingbird of the South)
Huitzilopochtli Picture
Race: Main God (Aztecian)
Aliases: The Blue Tezcatlipoca, The God of the South
Mythical Form:
The Giant Lion


War (Lvl Max):
To be fair, I haven't got the slightest pinch of idea about the usage of this domain. Maybe I can learn tactics or something? -Huitzilopochtli

Human Sacrifice (Lvl Max): I used to be a doctor, I cherished human life more than anyone... then why would anyone give this domain to me!? -Huitzilopochtli

Sacred Items

Huitzilopochtli's Spiked Club:
Intimidating Aura (The weak willed will collapse upon seeing this divine weapon)
Power of the Lion's Roar (The user will be able to roar at a power that will take away the fighting spirit of the enemy and empower the allies)
Blood for the Mighty God (Any creature killed with this divine weapon will return to the mighty God as faith)
Quetzalcoatl’s Character Sheet
Name: Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent)
Quetzalcoatl picture
Race: Main God (Aztecian)
Aliases: The White Tezcatlipoca, The God of the West
Mythical Form:
The Feathered Serpent


Wind (Lvl Max):
A good domain for offense, and I have some ideas for closing the defence part. All in all a good choice for me. -Quetzalcoatl

Knowledge (Lvl Max):
This domain let's me see much more options that I didn't ever consider doing. It might have been the best domain for me, but wisdom takes that place -Quetzalcoatl

Wisdom (Lvl Max): It let's me calmly think things through and choose the best choice. I might be in love...-Quetzalcoatl

Creativity (Lvl Max): A good domain for gathering faith from civilizations and tribes. However, it sadly will not help me much at this point. -Quetzalcoatl

Sacred Items

Quetzalcoatl's Macuahuitl:
Light as Feathers, Sharp as Winds (At the hands of someone, this weapon does not weight and still gives enough force to knock somebody down)
Call of the Storms (The user can make storms and hurricanes as much as their soul allows)
Mind Zero Blows (With every blow made to the target, it will take away 1% of their maximum mind for some time)
Thank you so much for the compliment! I personally like gods and myths, but the real reason I got inspired to write this is because of 3 different things actually. 1) fate stay night 2) danmachi 3) a YouTube channel I found

PS: I Will write the info tomorrow!
Which youtube channel? Does it happen to have a Red and Blue theme?
These will be super handy. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit it but when I first read through the chapters I kept getting who was who mixed up.
It has potential but the sentence structure needs improvement though most of the grammar is decent.
Wait, I thought Aztec Gods were Kars, Wamuu, Esidisi and Santana, who are these guys?

Well, on a more serious note, good stuff.
Here's a list of Aztec deities. Aztec wiki page

I've seen some of the names there and you can check them each.
Wait, is this for me or Lovnag?
Both of you. Having ideas for the future is nice and the guy claimed he never heard of Quetzalcoatl the only god of the Aztecs I'm vaguely familiar with.
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