The Federation Dialogue [Warhammer 40k/Star Trek Crossover]

This is the Imperium during the Great Crusade. They are very much not the religious nutjobs of M42.

Also there's a point where no matter your cunning, your technology, your tactics, strategy and diplomacy, you will always lose to sheer numbers.

That's not winning though. All their main population and industrial centers would be with the Imperium and they'd be a few dozen ships at most, carrying what, a few thousand people? Eh.
IoM with Emprah is IoM when Emprah could do science, and not many persons more.In Fed any scientist is doing science.And Emprah must lost just like in canon - so IoM would get another problems to deal with.Fed must survive to that moment,not win.
And even if they lost and have dozen ships, after Heresy they would still have more scientific potential then entire IoM.few dozen ships after 10.000 years would become millions,including battleships capable of destroing entire IoM fleets.
So - IoM to win must destroy/capture all Fed ships, Fed to survive - even one ship with replicators and enough population could be enough to came back with venegance.
IoM with Emprah is IoM when Emprah could do science, and not many persons more.In Fed any scientist is doing science.And Emprah must lost just like in canon - so IoM would get another problems to deal with.Fed must survive to that moment,not win.
And even if they lost and have dozen ships, after Heresy they would still have more scientific potential then entire IoM.few dozen ships after 10.000 years would become millions,including battleships capable of destroing entire IoM fleets.
So - IoM to win must destroy/capture all Fed ships, Fed to survive - even one ship with replicators and enough population could be enough to came back with venegance.
Lol what. No. Pre-Heresy as the Great Crusade started coming to a close, Terra was a Tech-World to rival Mars. Not production-wise but it had a LOT of research labs and the like. Same for Luna - the gene-labs. The Siege of Terra and the Traitor massacres killed off that tech-base (the scientists and the like).

For every scientist the Federation has, Mars or Terra alone have at least 2.

Idk why you keep going on about the Heresy when clearly the Heresy is nowhere close.

A few dozen ships after 10,000 years becoming few million is unlikely. Because that assumes they get to run off and remain hidden for 10,000 years just building up. Lol. 1 word: Chaos. And it would never be a million ships because they could never build up the population base to crew that.

Also replicators can't magically beam a ship into existence. In Star Trek ships have to be built by hand. Replicators work on the small scale for food and on the industrial scale for parts and the like, but the product still has to be assembled. If a few ships escape, they are unlikely to retain a technical base. And even if they did....a million ships is honestly nothing in 40k lol. The Tyranids have millions of ships. Their Hive Fleets still get shattered. Granted it takes a massive investment by the IOM, but even the diseased carcass of the Emperor's dream still has millions of ships and quadrillions of soldiers.
IoM even before Heresy was mainly trying to retake old technology,Federation tried to invent one. That is like making better crossbow or inventing musket. in short run crossbows would be better, but in long term musket users win.
there is psychology,too - in IoM scientists are small caste who do what Emprah allow them. In Fed practically anybody could invent things, and nobody say what should be invented.
IoM main problem is turning people into caste society - and they never invented anything.
Science in long turn need free society,or cease to exist.
which mean nothing,if IoM/Chaos murder/ enslave all. But one surviving fleet capable of counter Chaos - and in 10.000 years they would come back with fleets of Dahak style ships.