The Enemy Within (WHF Witch Hunter Quest)

[X] Investigate the copper ring
Speak with the local metalworkers guild and see if you can identify who commissioned a copper ring for use in the ritual, and perhaps where it was delivered.
Neat. On a similar note. While Max was most likely paying more attention to his cups, cards and coins, and was in no position to talk to us in the evening. Did he pick up anything interesting while walking the town?

Nothing immediately relevant, no. Well, he picked up that the Teamsters Guild and the Stevedores Guild really hate each other and something brawl with and/or knife each other in various taverns and streets, but that sort of thing happens all the time and probably isn't relevant.
ooofff, that was cold, using their pay for their healing.

all the law student and the merchant got for their injuries was a lesson on not answering the call to adventure.

well. if they live with dysentery

very WFRP, but very very cold
[X] Investigate the Silk Handkerchief
[X] Visit the Magistrates
[X] Plan: Sigmar's Hunting Hound
-[X] 5 advances in Lore (Chaos) (50xp)
-[X] 5 advances in Intuition (100xp)
-[X] 5 advances in Perception (100xp)
-[X] Strong Minded (100xp)
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ooofff, that was cold, using their pay for their healing.

all the law student and the merchant got for their injuries was a lesson on not answering the call to adventure.

well. if they live with dysentery

very WFRP, but very very cold
Hopefully, he will not resent us so much that he will not be willing to work with us again. I feel that his services will be handy now that we're among merchants and we've found hard proof that some among their class have been conspiring with Chaos in the form of the handkerchief.
[X] Plan name
-[x] Increase Fellowship by 5 (125xp)
-[x] Melee (Basic) (from +10 to +15) (100xp)
-[x] 5 advances in Lore (Chaos) (50 xp)
-[x] 5 advances in Endurance (50xp)

[x] Visit the High Temple
[x] Investigate the Silk Handkerchief
So to either kick in an open door or make a bit of a leap depending on how you look at it.

We are concerned about the merchant guild right?

Bogenhaven has been pointed out as a merchant town. So lots of trade, but that also typically means that the merchant guild pretty much runs the place. We're here to investigate a secretive order within the guild that has the local priesthood concerned. We've also just found a demon in someone's hidden basement. A basement in which we've found a handkerchief that can only belong to someone part of the town's upperclass.
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[X] Visit the High Temple
[X] Investigate the copper ring

Would it be possible to purchase Advances in Lore (Chaos) multiple times?
The Heldenhammer obliges, and with a final roar of effort you sink your sword into the creature's centre of mass and put all your weight behind pushing it home. Smoke swirls and water boils, and for one fleeting moment nine eyes meet your two, each seething with immortal rage.

"Sheru'tar Gee'taru will tear out your heart," the daemon hisses, and a moment later it is gone, falling apart into nothingness as the unholy magic holding it together gives way before your sword. With a brittle crack, the equine skull at the centre of the ritual circle cracks neatly into two pieces.
... Huh. I know there's mid-level encounters, but the Cultists actually set this up as "anchor Daemon" and got a "works only partway and nerfs Daemon".

Yeah, there's a big conspiracy to manipulate the Empire, but these yokels? They're just the local branch office, and they're not all that good. Didn't have the decency to booby trap the ritual focus.

EDIT: And apparently that name has significance. It's a True Name. And I think something we can run down.
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[X] Plan: Daemonslayer (250xp)
-[X] Lore (Chaos) (50xp)
-[X] Melee (Basic) (100xp)
-[X] Strong Minded (100xp)

[X] Investigate the copper ring
[x] Investigate the Silk Handkerchief
ooofff, that was cold, using their pay for their healing.

all the law student and the merchant got for their injuries was a lesson on not answering the call to adventure.

well. if they live with dysentery

very WFRP, but very very cold

The intent is that Adhema and Ozzy are owed a total of four crowns between them, of which two were donated to the Shallyans on their behalf... but yes Markus did in fact deduct their medical expenses from their wages rather than paying for it himself.

Fiscal responsibility and such.

... Huh. I know there's mid-level encounters, but the Cultists actually set this up as "anchor Daemon" and got a "works only partway and nerfs Daemon".

Yeah, there's a big conspiracy to manipulate the Empire, but these yokels? They're just the local branch office, and they're not all that good. Didn't have the decency to booby trap the ritual focus.

Mechanically the Guardian Daemon was a mildly beefed-up Horror template (principally by applying the large size buff), as opposed to the Herald a lot of people in thread were assuming it was. It had a few more tricks up its sleeves, like throwing Pink Fire at people, but as it turns out Markus and co killed it in one round anyway, and at the cost of only two people crippled and/or doomed to a slow and painful death. A good trade, really.

Which, as an aside, is a point I want to stress for future reference - if you ever find yourself going "oh it must be a Tzeentch daemon and as we all know there's only like five different kinds of those", you're making a mistake.
[X] Visit the High Temple
[X] Investigate the copper ring

[X] Plan: Sigmar's Hunting Hound
-[X] 5 advances in Lore (Chaos) (50xp)
-[X] 5 advances in Intuition (100xp)
-[X] 5 advances in Perception (100xp)
-[X] Strong Minded (100xp)

Markus is really good at combat, but he's historically had trouble finding leads because he keeps on missing his perception rolls (Altdorf stalkers). This is fatal since we're investigating a secret society of very well-off merchants who by their very nature will be hiding things from us.

If this secret order of merchants is really related to the demon in the basement, then we need several things.

We need to know what to look for with Lore (Chaos). That means studying up on cults and their practices. Cults don't practice openly, and they do have a serial killer on the loose so we must be able to notice the signs they've hidden and any agents that may be stalking us since any Cult would be alarmed by the presence of a Witch Hunter (Perception). Finally, once we actually meet with the Merchants themselves or their suppliers, we need to be able to know when they're lying to us or witholding information (Intuit). That way, we know there's something to look for even if we fail the social check.

With these set of skills, we will know what to look for, and will have the tools to find both suspects and evidence.

Lastly, Strong Minded is just too good to pass up on. Immune to Psychology for a turn or removing status effects when we have a ton of Resolve Points left unused? Yes please!
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[X] Visit the High Temple
[X] Investigate the copper ring

[X] Plan: Sigmar's Hunting Hound
-[X] 5 advances in Lore (Chaos) (50xp)
-[X] 5 advances in Intuition (100xp)
-[X] 5 advances in Perception (100xp)
-[X] Strong Minded (100xp)
[X] Visit the High Temple
[X] Investigate the copper ring

[X] Plan: Sigmar's Hunting Hound
-[X] 5 advances in Lore (Chaos) (50xp)
-[X] 5 advances in Intuition (100xp)
-[X] 5 advances in Perception (100xp)
-[X] Strong Minded (100xp)
Which, as an aside, is a point I want to stress for future reference - if you ever find yourself going "oh it must be a Tzeentch daemon and as we all know there's only like five different kinds of those", you're making a mistake.
Sure, every Chaos God has the fluff of "legions of servants, their variation uncountable, their countenance too horrible to describe", not just the Burning Bird-Squid. The RPG had a few Daemons the tabletop didn't, but the real thrust is what you said: It started as a Horror, then got tweaked.

Whether in form or function, it usually starts with some frame of reference. Going so far off the templates it's hard to make a comparison is... uncommon, maybe a bit difficult.

Certainly a way to test how smart a really player is.
I'm pretty familiar with WFRP 4e and can get into the nitty-gritty of xp allocations, so I'm taking advantage of that write-in option to make a more bespoke plan.

[X] Plan: Leader, Warrior, Scholar
-[X] 2 advances in Weapon Skill (80xp)
-[X] 4 advances in Fellowship (100xp)
-[X] 10 advances in Lore (Chaos) (125xp)
-[X] 2 advances in Ranged (Blackpowder) (40xp)

2 advances in Weapon Skill means that both Melee (Basic) and Melee (Brawling) hit 60, which is an important breakpoint. It essentially gives us an extra SL for those Skills, making successes stronger and failures less severe. It costs just as much as increasing both those Skills up to 60 individually.

4 advances in Fellowship also gets us to a good breakpoint. Charm, Gossip, and Leadership all hit 55. Since 55 is a double, that means we'd be turning a Fumble into a Critical. Less importantly, it gets Bribery up over 50 (which gives +1 SL) and Haggle to 45 (which also turns a Fumble into a Critical).

10 advances in Lore (Chaos) to get it up to 40. At merely 35, we'd benefit from 1 less SL. It's also a very good skill to have in the long term for pretty obvious reasons.

Advances in Ranged (Blackpowder) to hit 60 for that extra +1 SL. We use our gun a lot, so only sensible.

Strong-minded isn't a priority right now. We have 3 Resolve already and don't really use it often. Meanwhile, we do a lot of fighting and a good amount of talking.
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[X] Plan: Leader, Warrior, Scholar

We have led people in a fight against a demon, getting better at fighting, leading and knowing stuff about demons and mutations feels appropriate.

I'll take your word for it on the breakpoints.
Yeah, I agree. This plan seems really cool and hits everything (especially the Lore (Chaos)) that I'm interested in.

[X] Visit the High Temple
[X] Investigate the copper ring
[X] Plan: Leader, Warrior, Scholar
I do want to get better at noticing things more than I want to get better at talking to people, but it's not that bad a tradeoff, and the rest of the plan is pretty cool.

[X] Investigate the copper ring
[X] Plan: Leader, Warrior, Scholar